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Call of Destiny (Kaila)

Re: Call of Destiny (Kaila)

Gently, and slowly, the Yuki-Onna went to slip an arm around Kaila's shoulders, "My name... Is Shiva... I'm an ice spirit, who protects those who travel here from harm..."
Re: Call of Destiny (Kaila)

Her amber eyes lit up, trying to keep from spitting her tea out on Shiva. It took a few moments for the Mithra to control herself, finally swallowing her tea and looking up at the beautiful blue woman.

"S-Shiva? Like the Goddess of Ice?" She whispered. As Shiva's arm moved around Kaila, she could still feel a light rumble from the girl as she continued to purr, even after feeling more of the Yuki-Onna's chilled skin.
Re: Call of Destiny (Kaila)

She giggled, her other arm trying to cover her blush, "Why, yes. You are quite educated, Kaila. I'm impressed." she said with admiration. "Yes... I am called the Goddess of Ice... The entire northern part of the island's snow, is of my doing. I cannot help that the land freezes wherever I go... But I try to help those that must endure my curse. It is my responsibility, as one of the elemental Goddesses, to protect the island, and it's inhabitants."
Re: Call of Destiny (Kaila)

Kaila blushed at the praise... especially from a Goddess! How lucky was she? She only leaned into the Yuki-Onna's shoulder, purring even more as her tan skin turned a slightly red tint.

"W-Well... You'rrre verrry nice forrr helping people in need," She whispered, "Especially someone as small and insignificant as I."
Re: Call of Destiny (Kaila)

As Kaila leaned forward, Shiva blushed, looking down to her hand on her lap. "Would I be too forward... To ask for your warmth?" she inquired shyly, not even looking eye to eye with Kaila.
Re: Call of Destiny (Kaila)

"Hm? What do you mean by that?" Kaila replied, resting her head on the woman's shoulder, looking up at her with a smile, "I can cuddle for a bit, if that will help."
Re: Call of Destiny (Kaila)

Shiva only smiled at Kaila, seemingly with admiration for her innocence. "Cuddling sounds nice..." she giggled lightheartedly.
Re: Call of Destiny (Kaila)

"I'll gladly cuddle with you, Shiva..." She said, nuzzling into Shiva, "Then... Then can you help me find Daisy? Please?"
Re: Call of Destiny (Kaila)

She smiled gently at Kaila, nodding, "I only had intentions of helping you find your friend, the moment I took you in my arms, and brought you to my home. If you're friend is safe, then there's only one place she could have ended up in this dreadful weather. I can take you there, but..." She adjusted herself, leaning her head closer to Kaila suggestively, her lips getting awfully close to her own, "If you wouldn't consider it improper... To lay with me..." she whispered, "... And share erotic pleasure."
Re: Call of Destiny (Kaila)

Kaila smiled brightly as she heard how helpful the goddess had planned to be, her ears standing upright - even moreso when Shiva said she'd take Kaila there... but when the ultimatum came up? That's when the Mithra's ears flattened, and a look of concern crossed her face, staring up at Shiva meekly. She wasn't a virgin; she hadn't been since... well, since she could remember. But sex with young cat men in her village was different than a Goddess. What if she wasn't good? But Daisy... What about Daisy? She might be in trouble...

"...I... We can't just... cuddle?" She asked, looking at her hopefully.
Re: Call of Destiny (Kaila)

Shiva's eyes looked down, saddened, before she slowly pulled away, to sit up straight, no longer directing her attentions to her. "... I understand... I will collect some clothing for you..."
Re: Call of Destiny (Kaila)

"W-Wait!" Kaila said, whimpering, "... I didn't want to hurt your feelings..." She covered up her breasts, trying to look somewhat shit, "Please, come back?"
Re: Call of Destiny (Kaila)

She looks to Kaila with a side glance, "I must admit to the darkness in my heart, Kaila." she whispered in the most gentle tone she could, "I... Have enough reason to control it... But the curse that affects all of us is a very real tragedy..." she turns to her fully, bowing her head a little in respect, "I am terribly sorry for disguising my intentions from your eyes... I inappropriately thought I could persuade you by hiding it until I felt you would say yes... Many apologies.." she apologized to Kaila sincerely.
Re: Call of Destiny (Kaila)

Kaila pulled her knees up to her chest, looking up at Shiva with flat ears, somewhat ashamed, somewhat afraid... "You... You were just going to have sex with me?" She asked quietly, "...Were you even planning on helping me to find Daisy?"
Re: Call of Destiny (Kaila)

Shiva lightly sighed, reaching a hand over to pet along Kaila's head, "I had no intention on betraying you... I simply thought I could earn your love, as well as your thanks. If I can only have one, then I will try to manage without the other. I apologize for the deception, but I truly meant no ill to befall you..."
Re: Call of Destiny (Kaila)

"You had both already..." Kaila said sadly, her ears going flat against her head; her body however betrayed her, leaning into the pets from Shiva. Her tail began to sway back and forth in a hypnotic motion, even though she still looked rather hurt by Shiva's admission.
Re: Call of Destiny (Kaila)

Shiva's expression continued to look sad, as she turned to Kaila with a look of doubt, "Truly, Kaila? You would have permitted my tongue to course along your breast, and my mouth to nurse on your peak? You would even have permitted me to taste, and feel the warmth between your thighs?" she was blushing terribly, just saying it seeming to drive her a little. She swallowed a lump in her throat, putting a hand to her head, trying to stop herself, while her other hand unconsciously continued to pet along Kaila's head.

"I'm sorry... I didn't mean to go into such depth... But I hope you at least understand my situation... You have no idea what it's like to suffer these lewd aspirations, while committing yourself to helping others..."
Re: Call of Destiny (Kaila)

Kaila's blushed furiously as she heard Shiva speak, her eyes darting up to look at the goddess in a wide, shocked fashion, before quickly averting again. She tried her best to listen in to what the Goddess was saying, but it wasn't long before she began to purr in a quiet, contented fashion.

"Mhmm..." She murmured in response to Shiva's question.
Re: Call of Destiny (Kaila)

Shiva gasped, looking to Kaila with a shocked expression, that rivaled Kaila's own shock. She wasn't sure if Kaila really meant it, but the possibility of it was something she did not want to consider. Kaila's head in her hand, she pet Kaila with a much more loving, more excited pace, scratching along sensitive places, getting her head to lean this way and that way. She moved in closer to her, getting nearly in front of Kaila, before leaning her face up, her hand on the Mithra's head resting on the back, pulling her close, before the Yuki-Onna's cool lips bestowed a refreshing kiss on Kaila's lips.
Re: Call of Destiny (Kaila)

Kaila purred deeply as Shiva began to pet and scritch along her ears, the cat woman closing her eyes as if in a trance. She pushed against Shiva's hand wherever it went on her head, leaning back and forth to keep up with the Goddess. When the attention to her head stopped, Kaila looked up with half-lidded eyes, looking somewhat confused. She merely a kitten as Shiva tilted her chin up, her ears perking at the cool, refreshing kiss, eagerly returned as the Mithra continued to purr...