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Carlita (Archer)


Dec 6, 2009
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Carlita arrived at the door of a massive and ominous looking castle. It was hundreds of feet tall, built of obsidian black stone, with no windows anywhere to be seen to let light into it's halls less they had torches or candles to light the path; and to any and all observers, even if they didn't have any magical affinity or attunement, would feel an aura of overwhelming evil coming from it, it was not a place where many would wander off to on their accord. However this was where all leads from the people she had talked to lead to the kidnapped women being, so this had to be the right place. Even odder though, was the strange fact that there was NO security on outside proximity or perimeter. And she seriously had to wonder why? If she ventured forth to test the door, even more alarmin she would find it unlocked, meaning that they either forgot or were expecting her....... When she would finally head into the castle she would find herself in a medium sized room with a door on the south and east side.
Re: Carlita (Archer)

"Hrm....obviously this place is probably teeming with monsters inside. This should serve my purposes well enough." Carlita adjusted her eyewear as she walked into the black doorway, carefully considering the two paths she decided to choose the one to the east.
Re: Carlita (Archer)

As Carlita would crack open the eastern, door she would see a short wide hall way that would go down a little ways before curving off to the south shortly and the continue off to the east. It was dimly lit by crude made torches adorning the stone walls. Down at the end of the hall, Natalia would see what looked like a tiger-woman hybrid, She had a skimpy two piece Outfit, blue hair, a blue tiger striped tail and ears, she had athletic tape wrapped around her ankles, feet and forearms, and her fingers were tipped with nasty looking claws. She would have to walk slowly and quietly if she wanted to get by without accident.

((Sneak Attempt?))
Re: Carlita (Archer)

"Hmm....a weretiger. They don't use magic so I'm probably better off trying to avoid a fight, nothing to gain from her." Carlita held her cape around herself and tried to sneak by the cat patrolling the halls.
Re: Carlita (Archer)

Sneak Attempt Roll(1d20)+0: 16,+0 Total:16 vs TN 12 Success

Carlita would manage to walk slowly and softly enough that she did not alert the tiger to her presence. She managed to hide herself in a corner when the tigress would turn around and slip past her and get to the end of the hall. At the end of the second eastern batch she would find a pair of iron double doors leading into a medium sized 3x7 room. If she tested the doors she would find them unlocked and could head into the room itself.
Re: Carlita (Archer)

Carlita gave a sigh of relief thinking to herself after she was out of sight, "Good, I don't need to wear myself down with unessicary battles this early." Upon encountering the doors she decided to go inside, not trying to sneak assuming anything inside would easily see the door open anyways.
Re: Carlita (Archer)

Encounter Roll: Roll(1d100)+0: 83,+0 Total:83 1-50 equals monsters, 51-100 equals no monsters

Carlita would find the room empty, with no monsters or any threats inside the room. It was completely empty save for a few torches on the walls for lighting, and a brown wooden chest in middle of the room. If she looked around she would find the room empty further and another set of doors on the southern end leading out of the room.
Re: Carlita (Archer)

Carlita shook her head, apparently this fortress wasn't as teeming with monsters as the paniced townspeople though. Either way she decided to check the chest and then exit out the south doors afterwards.
Re: Carlita (Archer)

In the chest Carlita would find a small ornate bottle filled with a blood red glowing substance inside.

Carlita has found a minor life potion.
 She can drink this to restore 2HP.

Once she chose to pocket the bottle she would be free to head out the southern doors. Once she did she would be presented with a short southern leading hallway that forked off to the left and the right. The left fork would widen up a bit a little down the ways before branching off itself into yet another fork that seemed to wrap around another room. The right would go down a bit further south before also branching off into two easter facing paths.
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Re: Carlita (Archer)

Carlita decided to take the westward fork and check the small room that the hallway encircled, perhaps she would find more helpful items inside it.
Re: Carlita (Archer)

Encounter Roll: Roll(1d100)+0: 99,+0 Total:99 1-50=monsters, 51-100 equals no monsters

Carlita would find the trek to encircled room rather quiet and uneventful through the west fork, both bends circling the room would be rather quiet and still with no activity, but along the walls she would scan she would not find the door inside. As she continued around the room she would run across another long south running hallway with another set of iron doors at the northern end, and if she circled around the room further she would find the door to the room at the western wall of the room on the other side of the long hallway. She could then press her ear to the door to check for activity inside, and juggle and test the door for any locks.
Re: Carlita (Archer)

Carlita decided to test the door to see if it was locked, if not to simply head inside, the longer she lingered in the hall the easier she could be spotted by a patrol. If the door was locked she would continue to the south.
Re: Carlita (Archer)

Encounter Roll(1d100)+0: 49,+0 Total:49 1-50=Monsters 51-100=No Monsters

As Carlita would find the door to be unlocked, and slowly creak it open, the noise would alert the tigress who was lying in wait inside the room, "Well,well...... It looks like we have a snoopy little intruder!~ What do you say cutie~ Are you looking for some fun?~" She said as got into into a ready postion with her vicious looking claws extended from her paws and ready to pounce the mage.
Re: Carlita (Archer)

Carlita adjusted her mask as the tiger spoke to her, "Normally I'd avoid conflict with monsters that can't teach me any magic, though if you insist on fighting I'll defend myself. I have little interest in being some sort of hero, I'm here to make myself stronger that is all." The blue mage readied her hands near her body prepared to cast her magic if the tiger attacked her.