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Casey Jones (BurningGold)

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Nov 12, 2008
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Casey Jones wakes with a buzzing in her head. She rubs the back of her head as she tries to orient herself and her surroundings. She can't remember much from what happened the night before, but she does remember not being dressed in a pair of cream boyshorts and a black sportsbra; her current attire. She notices a note tied to her wrist. She examines it and sees that it reads:

"Welcome. You are now my guinea pig. I have been looking for a proper host for my devious experiments. If you can, try to make it to the top. Welcome to My Pit.

-Dr. D"

Casting the note aside, she looks around. She is in a dirty cell with a toilet, cot, and a cabinet with a sink built in. there is a cell door to her south, and it is open slightly.

Casey DEF: 3
Casey CONST: 4

Search the area
Travel S
Re: Casey Jones (BurningGold)

After casting aside the note that was tied to her wrist Casey found herself rubbing the back of her head out of confusion, looking around the scummy prison like cell she was in. She was uneasy and confused in these surroundings, with the frown on her face and look in her eyes, anyone could tell that. Maybe she was dreaming, perhaps none of this was even real. Whatever was happening, Casey figured she best get out of this "pit" and find this "Dr. D".

Before leaving the cell room Casey decided to search the small area for anything of use.
Re: Casey Jones (BurningGold)

The blond looks around her and decides to search the drawers first for anything that might be useful. Failing to find anything of use, she tires under the cot and around all the corners of her small cell. She fails to find anything.

Casey DEF: 3
Casey CONST: 4

Search again
Travel S
Re: Casey Jones (BurningGold)

' What a waste of time. '

The blond thinks to herself as she let a slightly disappointing sigh out. Seeing that there was nothing of interest in this filthy cell, Casey decided to move on. Carefully, the girl began to head south, keeping an eye out for anything or anyone.
Re: Casey Jones (BurningGold)

She cautiously opens the door and enters the hallway to her south. The hallway is extremely dark, forcing Casey to only see a few feet in front of her. The hallway appears to travel to her East. There is a also a heavy door to her south. There are a large number of black trash bags piled along the walls, many of which are already opened. She is startled to see a large man dressed as a security guard come out of the darkness. He appears to be in shape. "You, you need to get back in your cell!" He demands.

Casey DEF: 3
Casey CONST: 4
Guard HP: 4

Flee N/S/E (33%)
Re: Casey Jones (BurningGold)

When Casey walked out of the cell she wasn't surprised by what she saw, her cell had been filthy so seeing trash all around the hallway wasn't in the least a surprising to her. The girl was about to head east when she had suddenly been shouted at by a fit looking man. The older looking man, he almost seemed old enough to be the girls father. That quick observation right there gave the young blond girl an idea, one that might just work. There was a chance the man might just yell at her to get into her cell again, or attack, by Casey was going to try her idea anyways.

Quickly putting on a surprised and distressed look Casey spoke back to the man. " F-father?! What are you doing here!? "

Casey didn't want to fight or go back in her cell, perhaps confusing the man then running away from him during his confusion might work.

Re: Casey Jones (BurningGold)

"Wait, what?" The man stands there, dumbfounded. "I-I don't have children," he says, almost longingly. His imposing deminor is quickly shrink to a mere human.

Casey DEF: 4
Casey CONST: 3
Guard HP: 4

Flee N/S/E (33%)
Re: Casey Jones (BurningGold)

Casey was surprised her idea hadn't failed. Seeing that the man had fallen for it Casey decided to continue. Maybe she could actually trick this person into thinking she was his daughter. If she could, maybe he could help her get out of wherever she was, or at least give her a little information. It was a good thing Casey had some acting ability's, else she wouldn't be able to pull this off.

After the man responded, Casey quickly followed by taking a small step forward. As she spoke, her voice sounded even more emotional then before. " N-no... You have to be my father! You're the same man in the picture mother showed me! " Having her voice start to become extra hurt now, her eyes seeming to get teary , Casey continued. " Why... Why did you leave when I was born? Why do you hate me Father? " A small, fake but believable, tear then went down from Casey's right eye, rolling down her cheek.

Re: Casey Jones (BurningGold)

As the blond tried her con, the guard's head dropped downward, looking at the ground. What Casey did not notice is the man's fist balling tightly at his waste. Interrupting Casey's acting, he yells "I'm sterile you bitch!" and with that takes a swing at her. Shocked at his attack, none the less, she is able to dodge his attack. Her eyes lock on him, looking for a second attack.


Casey DEF: 4
Casey CONST: 3
Guard HP: 4

Flee N/S/E (33%)
Re: Casey Jones (BurningGold)

As Casey dodged the attack she almost felt bad for what she had did. The man was sterile and he must of hated the fact. Then again, he was apart of the force that had brought the blond girl here against her will. Why feel bad for some scum bag that was trying to keep her in some dirty cell? Casey figured she's hurt his feelings whilst hurting him physically, he deserved it right?

" Lies! Stop lying, you just hate me! "

Casey shouted that out after the dodge then suddenly began crying furiously as she threw a punch some baseball player who she played with frequently taught her. The crying was all fake of course, although it looked real enough.

Re: Casey Jones (BurningGold)

The crying seems to at least thrown the guard of slightly, because he hesitates his assault enough to be sucker punched by his foe. Casey's punch lands right in his gut, causing him to double over in pain, clutching his stomach. He backs a couple steps away, his eyes locked on Casey.

(Crit hit)

Casey DEF: 4
Casey CONST: 3
Guard HP: 2

Flee N/S/E (67%)
Re: Casey Jones (BurningGold)

Seeing the man double over in in pain Casey felt confident that she would win this fight. Seeing that her crying and almost insane talking was confusing him Casey kept the tears up as she cried out more words and she launched another attack." Why won't you love me?! Why do you hate me?! " As Casey said those words she went to attack again, although she went for a kick this time, hoping to catch the man off guard with a different attack.

Re: Casey Jones (BurningGold)

Casey presses her attack, aiming her kick at the man's hunched form. She lands hard on the side of his head and he drops to the floor. With a thud, he comes to a rest and doesn't get back up. The young blond stares at him for what seems like minutes, just to make sure he is down. She can't tell if he is dead or just knocked out, but he is down for the count.

(Crit Hit)

Casey DEF: 4
Casey CONST: 3
Guard HP: 0

Search the guard
Search the area
Travel N/S/E
Re: Casey Jones (BurningGold)

As the man fell down and kept down Casey wiped the fake tears from her eyes. She was surprised she had actually pulled it off and took down the big man. Casey was in fairly good shape and had been in a scrape or two in her time, maybe she was a better fighter then she thought. As the girl pondered the thoughts of her fighting ability she looked down at the knocked out man who she had physically and mentally abused, then her thoughts went on him.

' I wonder if he had anything useful on him. Would his uniform fit me? Hmm... '

Casey decided to search the guard. She kinda wanted to strip him of his uniform and wear it herself. The small bit of clothing she had on now wasn't really enough to her, she actually felt a bit cold.

(Action:Search the guard.)
Re: Casey Jones (BurningGold)

Casey searches the guard, hoping that his clothes will fit her. To her dismay, his uniform is much to large for her frame. She sighs at the large size of his pants and tosses them aside. His black button-down shirt, however, is large, but will still fit. She buttons it up, at least covering her upper body. Standing back up, she looks around the hallway, wondering where to go from here.

(Search successful)

Casey DEF: 4
Casey CONST: 3

Search the area
Travel N/S/E
Re: Casey Jones (BurningGold)

Casey was slightly annoyed that the pants wouldn't fit, but was satisfied that she the mans shirt managed to fit her. Now she wasn't as cold as she had been and wouldn't be rubbing her arms every minute. Happy that she got a shirt to wear Casey decided to move on, leaving this fight scene behind her. The knocked out man was history now and wouldn't be bothering her any time soon. Casey thought about where to head for a moment, and decided to go north.

(Action: Travel south.)
Re: Casey Jones (BurningGold)

(You do know that's the cell you just came out of right?)
Re: Casey Jones (BurningGold)

Casey travels southward through the door and finds herself in another cell nearly identical to the one she woke in. Scanning the room she doesn't see anything that catches her eye, but the room is dark. Entering it cautiously, she peers into the dark, dirty room.

Casey DEF: 4
Casey CONST: 3

Search the area
Travel N
Re: Casey Jones (BurningGold)

Casey felt like hitting herself for stupidly walking into another cell. She quickly went north, that way she could head east or west and make some actual progress.

( Action: North.)
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