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Cave of Wishes (Cappy)


Grim Reaper
Mar 1, 2010
Reputation score
You stand before a relatively normal looking cave. No real noticeable markings on the outside, you double check your map. This is the correct place, looking around the immediate area you see some stomped grass. It's rather obvious that something else is inside this cave. Even if this cave is not the right place. You push those thoughts out of your mind, you have a wish to get and negative thoughts like that wont help you get any closer to it.

You ready yourself mind and body and prepair to enter the cave. (this is the intro post feel free to give a general discription and anything else you wanna do before entering the cave. When ready just enter the cave and I'll give you your first challange.)

Christi Mace
willpower - 18/18
Combat and HP - 10 and 20/20
Explore and Stam - 5 and 20/20
Spirit and Magic - 3 and 10/10
Naughty and Lewd - 2 and 20/20

(I assume this is who you wanna run though the dungeon. If you wanna level her up to level 1 feel free otherwise this is the stat block I'll be using)
Re: Cave of Wishes (Cappy)

Christi bit her lip and looked at the entrance, it was now or never,
As much as the worries of mistakes pained her standing around would accomplish nothing.
She made a silent prayer as she walked through the entrance looking about carefully, wary of the tracks she had found earlier on.
Re: Cave of Wishes (Cappy)

(since you didn't state otherwise I will go with your level 0 stats for challenges. Which is fine anyways here we go.)

You walk a short distance into the cave, after only ten feet you round a corner and breath a sigh of relief. You know your in the right place as you see a marble floor and pillars. Although they seem widely uncared for, as there are numerous holes in the wall. Most of them don't look dug out by anything alive, but they do look like they could go on forever and you'd never get anywhere. You push that out of your mind and look down the hallway. Sadly you see your first obstacle. There is a shimmering field in your way, and there seems to be no easy way past it. Who ever came in here first didn't want people following him...or her.

You stand at two choices, search the holes in the wall for a way past the barrier (explore); or Use magic to try to push, or simply disable the barrier (spirit)

Christi Mace
willpower - 18/18
Combat and HP - 10 and 20/20
Explore and Stam - 5 and 20/20
Spirit and Magic - 3 and 10/10
Naughty and Lewd - 2 and 20/20

(complete side thing since your combat is so high what weapon do you fight with? And or can you give a pic or description of your character and what they are wearing?)
Re: Cave of Wishes (Cappy)

Christi shook her head in frustration at a magical obstacle already, so she looked for an alternative solution, searching along the sides of the walls intent on finding a solution to her predicament.
Paying special attention to the burrows into the walls, she took time to look inside each of them.

she cursed under her breath as she continued to look around, she kept her right hand on the mace at her side at all times, in case something tried to get the jump on her.

(there's the weapon, I'll add a description to my char sheet right after this.)
Re: Cave of Wishes (Cappy)

Explore DC 14; Roll: 5 + 5 = 10 Fail by 4, 4 stamina damage

You peer into the tunnels and pick one at random. Deciding to try to find another path around the force field. After five minutes of following this one path you start to get tired as crawling in these tunnels is less then comfortable. As the tunnel gets smaller and smaller and you seem to continue to wander for what feels like an eternity. Which in reality is only about a half hour. You finally come to a point where you honestly have no idea where you are. After a sigh of frustration the ground under you gives out. Dropping you into a hallway.

Shocked at the turn of events you take stock of your area. Only to frustratingly see the portal with the force field over it. Taking another moment to look around you notice that you actually made it to the other side of the Field. Standing up and celebrating for a moment. You proceed further into the cave.

After only another five minutes of walking you come upon a chasm which seems to have once had a bridge over it. but the bridge is gone, looking into the chasm you see that there is a blackness, the blackness seems weird almost like it's moving but you push that out of your mind. You have to get across this pit, so you come to a decision you have two choices. Jump the pit, or possibly find another way past it (Explore[Naught]); or use magic to spirit yourself across (Spirit[Naughty])

Christi Mace
willpower - 18/18
Combat and HP - 10 and 20/20
Explore and Stam - 5 and 16/20
Spirit and Magic - 3 and 10/10
Naughty and Lewd - 2 and 20/20
Re: Cave of Wishes (Cappy)

Wondering briefly just how long she had been rummaging through those burrows in the walls she considered what to do next,
if she where more proficient with magic she would just float across as if being carried by a team of ghosts, but alas, she did not have that luxury.

She decided it was better to risk jumping past the pit with a decent run up than trying her luck with more "spelunky".

She walked back to the end of the hall where the forcefield was active, prayed then ran forward in an all out sprint, her boots thumped against the ground as she ran towards her goal, as she reached the edge she leaped forward with all her might, hoping to clasp the other side of the pit ledge.

Re: Cave of Wishes (Cappy)

(the dice just hate you tonight)

Explore DC 18; Roll 4 + 5 = 9 Fail
Christi takes 9 Stamina Damage and 9 Lewd damage

Running at full tilt was great and all, but unfortuently for her the point she decided to jump at was less then optimal. The ground right at the edge she was leaping from crumbled just enough to throw off her footing. launching her forward but no where near as far as she hoped. Or she needed, she landed in the pit, but it was far shorter then she expected, and as she connected with the blackness she realized it was more liquid then anything else. At which point the slime in the chasm began to envelop her much as quick sand would. She is plunged underneath it's surface where she gets just enough time to see a bubble of some white liquid rushing towards her face.

pushing up with all her might she managed to grab onto the wall of the chasm and begin to pull herself up. Hoping to out pace the slime, but it was well prepared as a hazard of this cave for her. Two tendrils of the slime pushed up after her and one wrapped around her waist the other went straight for her crotch. Given the choice prevent the goo from penetrating her for a moment or keep pulling herself up. She didn't stop to think she just kept climbing. The second tendril pushed for her hard but couldn't keep up it managed to hit her pussy but could only tease the opening and push it's payload out. The white liquid washed over her as she pulled herself out of the chasm. While on solid ground she realized she was getting really hot, and her clothing was less then together any more. Her pussy burned for release, almost too much to bear. She flipped onto her back and began to passionately rub her clit, to her surprise the white liquid acted as not only a lubricant, but also as a aphrodisiac. After only a few seconds of pleasuring herself she found herself climaxing harder then she had ever before. As she screamed with pleasure as the climax rocked her body.

Luckily for her after the climax which left her weakened, the goo returned to his chasm home. She laid on the floor and took stock of her situation, things didn't look good. And after that challenge she really could not do anything but push forward. Standing up she found that of her clothing, that which was not mostly dissolved was torn to shreds. removing what was left of her outfit. She picked up her Mace and moved onwards. Hoping the rest of the challenges might go a little better.

After another period of walking this time substantially more. She came upon another arch much like the opening to the cave, only this time instead of a force field she is greeted by a golem of the black sludge. Realizing what it did to her last time she has a couple of options, looking at it she notices the thing is barely holding itself together. She could fight it and it would probably go down easy enough...at least she hoped, she had confidence in her fighting but still, luck so far was not on her side.

She had to decide what to do fast as the monster had just noticed her and based upon it's double reaction she had choices here. Fight the thing hopefully killing it (Combat); or let this thing run itself out, probably get some pleasure out of it too. I mean fucking to death is certainly the best way to go (Naughty).

Christi Mace
willpower - 18/18
Combat and HP - 10 and 20/20
Explore and Stam - 5 and 7/20
Spirit and Magic - 3 and 10/10
Naughty and Lewd - 2 and 11/20
Re: Cave of Wishes (Cappy)

Christi remembering what the slime had did to her left her in a bitter fit of rage,
Her eyes shone red like the flames of an inferno as she rushed forward.

Screaming her outrage as she ran,outlining her attack in her mind
She sprinted right in front of the slime using the momentum from the sprint to her advantage, she raised the mace upwards aiming to slam it full-force into the face of the gooey beast,
her muscles clenched in anticipation of the recoil of her attack, hoping for a swift and satisfying revenge.
Re: Cave of Wishes (Cappy)

(the dice do not love you)

Combat DC 15; Roll 4 + 10 = 14 Fail
1 HP damage

Taking a moment and letting some pent up anger at the situation thus far out at the golem. Striking with her mace once she rang true, unfortunately she did not ring true enough. As she landed the blow to the beasts temple it took it's last instant of life to swing at our naked beauty. Landing a blow to her stomach, it was weak and honestly pathetic but still it hurt. It might leave a bruise but more likely it would just be uncomfortable for a minute or two.

The golem slumped to the ground, spent what ever came first took most of the fight out of it but it was pretty obvious that with even a little luck she could easily beat that thing solo. Thus far she wasn't having much in the way of luck so she hoped things would improve. moving past the beast she again moves forward. Again coming to a room that appears to be a dead end. Except for more of those holes in the wall, realizing that she was pretty much stuck navigating these stupid tunnels she preped for the adventure.

She had two options here, explore the tunnels using some logic and hopefully a little luck (Explore[combat]); or use magic to help direct her though the caverns (Spirit[spirit]) hopefully this would end better then the other challenges but for each challenge she would get a sweet reward come the end, or so she hoped.

Christi Mace
willpower - 18/18
Combat and HP - 10 and 19/20
Explore and Stam - 5 and 7/20
Spirit and Magic - 3 and 10/10
Naughty and Lewd - 2 and 11/20
Re: Cave of Wishes (Cappy)

She took a deep breath as she looked down at her felled foe, at the very least she got to blow off some steam, she looked about, contemplating her next move.
Unfortunately what she saw did not strike well with her, a complete maze of tunnels, she took her unarmed hand and held her forehead in slight frustration, before erasing such thoughts from her mind and deciding her next move,
she wasn't going to take chances with magic unless she absolutely had to,so she decided she would go for another round with the tunnels.

As she gathered her wits, she slipped her mace back into the rags she was using as a pathetic excuse for clothing as a make-shift sheath(?), she looked over the tunnels and took the one that seemed the most well-used as her path, hoping that she would cover some distance between her position and goal.

She walked forward into her next battle with fate....
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Re: Cave of Wishes (Cappy)

(there we go)

Explore DC 19; Roll 19, the math at this point is irrelevant but, +5=24 PASS
Huzzah you pass

As you pick a tunnel you get a weird feeling something is watching you. As you turn in the tunnels the feeling lessens and lessens until you don't even feel it anymore. At this point you notice a light at the end of the tunnel, could it be that fate has finally shone it's luck upon you? It seems so as you emerge from the tunnel no worse for wear. That weird feeling actually helping you navigate. Moving forward with new confidence it's time to get this party started...or in this case get a little further into it.

Moving forward you hear a voice, taking to the shadows you hide yourself. And peeking around a corner you see a man, shimmering it seems to be a projection and he's talking to a floating head. You only hear his last sentence "And you had better keep anyone from passing you Man, or I may just find myself needing new help" at that moment the figure vaporizes. The head floats there a second and grumbles to itself nothing coherent. Your given two choices, as the beast has yet to notice you and seems distracted.

Strike it down where it stands (Combat); or try to sneak past it (Explore[Naught}) choices choices.

Christi Mace
willpower - 18/18
Combat and HP - 10 and 19/20
Explore and Stam - 5 and 7/20
Spirit and Magic - 3 and 10/10
Naughty and Lewd - 2 and 11/20
Re: Cave of Wishes (Cappy)

Looking calmly upon the scene, she knew by instinct that if this pathway is worth guarding, then something shiny must be up ahead, a small smile appeared upon her lips as her Emblazoned eyes looked from the shadows, still battle hungry from the last scene she gripped against her maces shaft, and planned out her attack.

She decided that a surprise attack would be the best approach, he would never expect an attack right after the goons boss left, she built up her excitement breathing her heart rate rising, and finally as she was unable to contain herself any more, she burst from her hiding spot in the shadows and ripped the mace from her straps of clothing, she charged towards the man taking the mace in both hands and practically launching her swing with all her body weight right towards him, her eyes suddenly obvious to his sight.

Her eyes shone in the dark as her face curved it's expression into that of pure fury, she kept her stare upon him each step towards him during her charge, her entire body seemed to be on fire with her steady attack in motion....
Re: Cave of Wishes (Cappy)

(hmm seems the luck just isn't with you tonight. Man you might be lucky this is my last post cause I'm gonna go crash after this)

Combat DC 20; Roll 3 + 10 = 13 Fail
Takes 7 HP damage

She charges the beast and leaps landing a good clean hit to the beasts head. unfortunately for her it was not quite good enough. As it turns around and easily swipes one of it's arms into her stomach knocking the wind out of her. collapsing back for a moment as she tries to catch her breath, only to have two new tentacles stab at her. These two both seems to be stingers, probably to inject something into her body. Try to knock her out or worse. She dodges one and parries the other spinning and landing another good blow to the beasts head. She's a talented combatant, but luck is just not with her tonight as she looks at her two strikes, both of which missed her mark. By a decent margin. She shakes her head, at least she managed to down the thing easily enough.

Taking a moment to catch her breath and fix her body she moves forward. Ready for what ever comes next. Hoping it's not gonna be as painful as this was. Unfortunately her prayers go unanswered. As she enters what appears to be the last room, she finds another guardian, this time it's a wolf. And it is far bigger and meaner then she thought possible. From her place at the door where she goes unnoticed for the moment, she can see it noticeably foaming at the mouth. Taking a moment to take in the room she sees a couple of options open to her.

BOSS encounter both challenges must be passed to win
She can charge into the thing and fight it straight up, or search around for something to help her deal with the beast (Combat or Explore [Combat]); After that she will either need to position the wolf in the proper place or simply finish fighting it off. (Combat or Spirit)

Christi Mace
willpower - 18/18
Combat and HP - 10 and 12/20
Explore and Stam - 5 and 7/20
Spirit and Magic - 3 and 10/10
Naughty and Lewd - 2 and 11/20
Re: Cave of Wishes (Cappy)

(alright man, I'll cya tomorrow night probably, Let's hope I get a good roll or two in then xD)

Still battered from her last encounter, she tried to move as stealthily as possible to the nearest cover to look for an alternative attack, she wasn't going to take risks with this one, it was one huge ass puppy.

She cursed to herself in her mind as she quickly dived hoping the hellhoundish beast wouldn't direct its attention towards her.

She surveyed the room hoping to find some sort of weakness in the beasts defence, or perhaps even an indirect weapon to attack her foe with.

After a brief looking around, still not knowing if the hound was in persuit, she spotted a bottle directly behind the beast, it seemed to be completely green in complexion, she peered towards it as closely as she could, it seemed to have a label marking a skull and crossbones upon it, she made a silent prayer and tried her luck at stealthing her way towards the bottle of unknown substance, she hoped to hell that it was something that would give her an edge in the fight, cause she sure as hell needed it.

(Explore [combat])

(I'm not too sure if I'm allowed to determine what is or isn't in the room, if I'm not I can write an alternative attempt, just send me a PM next time you're in the thread :p)
Re: Cave of Wishes (Cappy)


Explore to find the trap DC 18; Roll 8 + 5 = 13 Fail By 5
Combat to position the Wolf/buy time DC 21; Roll 13 + 10 = 23 Pass

Boss encounter both chalanges must be passed in order to move forward.
5 stam damage and 5 hp damage

Looking around the room quickly as the wolf was easily catching himself up to you. You see nothing int he room that could help you take down this beast there is something on the wall but you never have the time to really look at it, realizing that you turn and Decide it's time to put it in it's place. But that does not go as well as hoped. you strike the wolf and find yourself attacking it and while you are buying yourself time and leading it around the room, each time you strike it you feel that all your doing is making the beast more angry. And that could be detrimental to your health.

(Feel free to give an expansion of what you wanna do as the challenges are the same until you pass. Side note your rolls are continuing to be less then epic, But certainly improving from your inability to get above five last night. If you have any creative idea's feel free to bring them up in your post, they might give you bonuses.)

Christi Mace
willpower - 18/18
Combat and HP - 10 and 7/20
Explore and Stam - 5 and 2/20
Spirit and Magic - 3 and 10/10
Naughty and Lewd - 2 and 11/20
Re: Cave of Wishes (Cappy)

She knew that attacking the beast head on was only scratching him at most,
and her frustration only grew as she tried to find something to help her, like some sort of weapon or attack plan,

As she continued to run on her legs started feeling heavy and her face was damp with dirt and sweat, she hoped that she would find something soon,
or her fate was sealed.

She barely dodges the foaming mouth as fangs crunched against one another,
She could see the Hellhounds eyes staring in wild rage, she knew that it would not tire out before she did, it was going to have to end this on her own terms,
and soon......

(Explore + Combat)
Re: Cave of Wishes (Cappy)

(things do not look like they are going well atm.)

Explore DC 18-1; Roll 11 + 5 = 16 Fail by 1
Combat DC 21-1; Roll 5 + 10 = 15 fail by 5
Takes 1 stam damage and 6 HP damage

managing to dodge the next barrage of fangs and claws the wolf put out at her. She has a moment in the combat where it is repositioning herself using this time she looks around the room again, finding a panel on the wall that looks like it could activate something. But she would need to buy time to get over there and mess with it. Hopefully it was something to help her get this wolf out of her face and hopefully out of her hair. She was so close she could tell it was the last room or almost the last room, she had to steel herself and ready for the next offensive from it. Unfortunately she took too long looking around the room and the wolf launched himself at her when she wasn't expecting it. It's jaws come dangerously close to landing into her arms but instead simply get deflected by her mace. Unfortunately for her her mace was also deflected away from her in this exchange. The wolf not stunned as much as she was by this exchange charged forward again and head butted her squarely in the stomach. The wind now easily knocked out of her she staggered back, her legs and stomach screaming in pain. She knew this battle was slowly turning her way, but was it turning her way fast enough for her to manage to beat the beast. Only time would tell, for now she stood ready to react to the wolfs next lunge, no weapon and no clothing or armor to protect her she had to get by entirely by her agility, and she was less then sure that would be enough.

(things are starting to get desperate, good luck on your next set of rolls hopefully they end better then this one did.)

Christi Mace
willpower - 18/18
Combat and HP - 10 and 1/20
Explore and Stam - 5 and 1/20
Spirit and Magic - 3 and 10/10
Naughty and Lewd - 2 and 11/20
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Re: Cave of Wishes (Cappy)

Christi grunted with exasperation as she continued losing her energy to fight, her legs felt like butter, and even worse in her moment of weakness the wolf took a blow at her with it's snout, hammering it into her flew against the ground like a ragdoll,
things where looking bleak, she was running on her last bit of fuel now.

She wasn't going to give up,Christi was quite frankly, pooped, but that didn't stop her from trying her best, she grunted with effort as she forced herself up again, and continued to evade the monsters strikes and attempts on her life,
She knew that the panel did SOMETHING,
and it was her best bet, she gave a brief chuckle as she ran for her life, at the thought of a boulder trap suddenly squishing the giant mother fucker.

Her thought although not serious, gave her a new refreshing fill of determination,
She flew forward jumping over bits of debris hoping to slow the damned thing, she was going to move in an arch to that dial on the wall, one way or another, whether she would have time to use it the first time was a different question altogether.

(Exploration + Combat) (what else does she have xD)
Re: Cave of Wishes (Cappy)

(It seems as one roll goes your way the other does not.

Explore DC 18-2=16; Roll 11+5=16 Tie, (not really sure if thats a pass but the other is a fail so it's kinda irrelivant)
Combat DC 21-2= 19; Roll 4+10=14 Fail by five
1 Hp damage 4 Will damage

Christi Mace
willpower - 14/18
Combat and HP - 10 and 0/20
Explore and Stam - 5 and 1/20
Spirit and Magic - 3 and 10/10
Naughty and Lewd - 2 and 11/20

The wolf stops and prepares itself for another lunge, while it stops you take stock of the room again, this time noticing your standing on a trap. And that panel probably activates the trap. This is exciting to you as you realize you have a way to win, unfortunately it is too exciting. And you once again fail to notice the wolf lunge at you, this time missing so badly you can barely dodge it's claws and teeth. As it pushes it's weight onto you and forces you onto the ground. There it simply falls on you letting it's weight do the work. You lay there as it begins to crush you and you realize it's not trying to kill you just keep you off balance and wear you down. And it's doing a damn good job of both. It lets up on it's weight for a second which you use to scamper out from under it, again prepping yourself for the next attack. You'll need to get away from it long enough to get to the panel and then hopefully get the trap activated while the wolf is in the range of it. You only wish you had any idea what the trap did.

(Here's hoping you can get at least one round where you get two rolls of above 10.)
Re: Cave of Wishes (Cappy)

Christi still full of fight turned around and gave a sharp punch to the beasts eye,
her own shining violet with fire, as soon as she had her attack down she spun round sprinting for the dial, with sudden inspiration she picked up a rock and threw it with all her might towards the damned dial after running abit of distance,
She looked towards it as it flew forward, she made a prayer in her head as she kept running towards the dial.

She hoped she had slowed down the beast with her punch, she was barely running on her own willpower now, her legs didn't even feel like butter or jelly anymore, more like sticky dust clumped together with sweat.
She gave out a grin as she realized, that even if she didn't win, she still put up a good fight, she hoped with all her might as she clumsily took one step after the other.