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Cave of Wishes (Cappy)

Re: Cave of Wishes (Cappy)


Explore DC 18-3=15; Roll 3+5=8 Fail by 7
Combat DC 21-3=18; Roll 19+10=29 Pass
(interesting idea, sadly I can't really give you a bonus for it, at least not right now. But it's a really good idea and even if you fail here it's still an inventive pran, but at the moment you need plans more then prans.)

Take seven stamina damage and seven hp damage, corresponds to 13 Will damage. (saved by that one stamina you had left, your on your last legs here, side note the idea was actually more hurtful then helpful)

Christi Mace
willpower - 1/18
Combat and HP - 10 and 0/20
Explore and Stam - 5 and 0/20
Spirit and Magic - 3 and 10/10
Naughty and Lewd - 2 and 11/20

You realize you throw the rock and it connects with the panel and something lights up on it. Your eyes shine with excitement, as you realize that you just did something foolish. You activated the trap, and your the one in the way instead of the wolf, realizing your error far too late three straps come out and wrap around your wrists and waist. The wolf wastes no time in this and delivers a swift kick to your backside releasing you from the restraints and sending you tumbling back towards the door. Where you lay there for a moment your body screaming in pain as you realize your tired and bused body wont last much longer. You put up a good fight but it looks like the fight is almost over, you have enough strength for one more push.

Looking up at the hallway you see a man sitting at the entrance next to the tentacle monster, you recognize him as the shimmering man. He waves at you and says only one thing "don't let me distract you, you've put on quite the show. I hope you can manage to make it out of this, I need a new leader of my forces." He smiles as you look over your should seeing the wolf taking stalk of his new situation, your given a few moments to rest as it decides what to do. Unfortunately for you the wolf decides to finish it's easy prey first then deal with the new arrival.

(Meet my villain, I like him but that is besides the point. He is also not the wish granter, you have a choice here, in your next post just give me a side bar saying whether or not your heroin would scream for his help as she lost to the wolf. if so then you still lose, but you go to him, if not then you lose but you go to the controller of the wolf. It's your call, and you may still win but this is your last chance. Feel free to not want to make a choice right now, I'll let you abstain if you want to have confidence you'll win. just know that win or lose you'll be coming upon a choice between the wish granter and him.)
Re: Cave of Wishes (Cappy)

Realising her folly in the excitement, she cursed her stupidity,
She looked around one last time in exasperation as blood streamed down her face, she looked briefly at the shimmering man before spitting a fresh batch of blood at the ground next to his feet, "I would rather die.",
With that said she heaved a breath and got up and turned around, her eyes shining a bright flame, she was still determined as hell, and it wasn't going to end with her pride losing out to her fear.

She briefly looked around the Wolf charging towards her in an attempt to find something to take him out with,
her brief look yielded nothing, but she realized with the wolf charging her and the shimmering man behind her the only thing stopping their direct confrontation is her own body, she stood still preparing for a leap to the side as the wolf bounded and leaped one step after the other towards her, and as it seemed the wolf had her in his grasp, flying through the air towards her,
she yelled out in pain as she jumped pulling her own body to the side with all her strength, hoping that the collision with the wall and shimmering man would end it's God Damned life.

This was her last stand.
Re: Cave of Wishes (Cappy)

(now there is an idea worthy of calling a plan instead of a pran. Or at least a pran well executed.)


Not even going to give the math on it you pass both.

She stands waiting for the wolf to charge her she leaps at what she hopes is the last second. Leaving the wolf in the air moving towards the shimmering man. As it hangs in the air she notices him snap his fingers, and the mass of tentacles flies out at the Wolf. And it connects squarely with it's face, sending both careening backwards. the shimmering man chuckles "that was a good idea missy. i give you props, I am not here for a wish but I suspect you are. feel free to go though the door and collect your prize. I'll deal with the wolf, and I will be following you. I give only this one warning, don't expect the wish to go as planned, all wishes always tend to back fire of the wisher." With this he stands up and moves towards the wolf which is now barely able to stand up. The mass of tentacles appears to be dead from either her bashing earlier or the connection with the wolf she didn't care. She was off to get her wish, or at least ask for her wish, she was litterally on her last legs if this wish was not what it seemed things would go from bad to well she didn't want to think about it.

She moves into the next room leaving the shimmering man behind, and enters a room with nothing but a pedestal which sitting upon it is a Jennie. She is beautiful beyond words and she smiles at Christi. Well well well it seems you completed the trials, and even used my would be captor against me. Very well done my dear. You come seeking a wish? And I would be happy to grant it, I just have one thing to ask of you. Side with me and help me ex-spell that man from my cave. He angers me and seeks to capture me, both things I don't like. She leaves her pedestal floating to the ground her perfect body moving closer to you as you stand there staring, she wears almost nothing and the swaying of her hips is almost hypnotic.

(based upon our last discussion it's decision time. Side with her, side with Shimmer, side with no one. those are your choices and I give them to you. I have class early tomorrow so I have to go to sleep now but I'll conclude this dungeon tomorrow. Also feel free to PM me your thoughts on what you want have happen to her, if you want her captured by someone for the next heroin to be saving? Or what ever you want, you've won so unless you want her captured by a villain I wont do it.)
Re: Cave of Wishes (Cappy)

Christi still not believing her own eyes at what had happened and the beautiful woman in front of her, briefly pushes the temptation away to wish for a hot bath
or bottle of aspirin.
Her eyes previously full of fire and determination had somewhat died down to a light excitement, she was too tired for anything else.

She thought out to herself exactly what she should do, or what she should wish for, a million ideas all reeled through her head at once, then she re-thought the words of the shimmering man, "don't expect the wish to go as planned, all wishes always tend to back fire of the wisher."
She suddenly seemed more alert, her eyes giving a cautious spark of wariness once more as she slowly but surely regained her composure.

She looked directly at the temptress in front of her, and wondered briefly what she could possibly wish for that wouldn't backfire easily, thinking long and hard silently staring at the woman across from her, she remembered all the harshness and difficulties of the dungeon, the close calls and the pains she had gone through, not to mention she was saved at the last moment, though she had worked hard for it. And that same man was going to be coming through the door in just a few moments, and she would have to decide what to do when that happened.

Then with her eyes slight kindle turning once again into an inferno of determination, she wished the following;
"I wish I was the same, but stronger, and healthy."

(level-up, plus regain all vitality in general.(hit points, stamina, lewd, etc...))
(Also, she was going to take the side of the shimmering man during the upcoming fight, as he looks stronger, plus the beautiful woman pissed her off more in the course of the dungeon with her mutt and tentacles xD)
Re: Cave of Wishes (Cappy)

The temptress stood before her swaying as she did. Watching Christi with interest she could see the fire in her eye's slowly dieing down. She knew what she would wish for, it would be something simple and something she could use. After a moment of staring into her eyes her expression begins to shift slightly, this women isn't easily giving into the temptations in front of her, not only that her wish is something that if granted by an honest person could not back fire. Unfortunately for her she was not exactly an honest wish granter, and as she moved forward to her weary traveler, she began to make her move. Rubbing her hand up your leg, "But to help you with your weariness you must help me with my problems. And I have two of them." She says now face to face with Christi her hands begin to move in two directions, one to her chest cupping one of her exposed breasts, the other to her ass rubbing it. Christi is shocked as her body is still sore and hard to command as she has trouble fighting off the Jennies advances. "the second is that man, he comes to capture me. And if I am captured I can not grant you your wish, so you must help me fight him." She says her words working into your mind, wearing what little will you have left.

"That is quite enough of that slutty Genie." Christi hears as and Jennie's face twists in anger. Her mind feels stronger, and her body slightly more able to fight back. Which she does quickly and deftly slapping and Genie across the face and pushing her back. Realizing what she was trying to do, and cursing herself that even her well thought out wish could back fire. "don't feel bad my lovely lady she was never going to grant the wish you made. You were weak and vulnerable and she needs a defender from me. But I bring this to you, You can help me, you can help her, you can help no one. Choose which ever you wish, help me I'll make it worth your while, help her if you trust her words, and help no one if you trust no one. Either way, things in here are about to get interesting." She notices the shimmering man's words and takes a moment to reflect upon them. She can feel the Genie trying to invade her mind but the Shimmering man keeping her out. Why is he helping her? And what could he do to make helping him worth her while?

These were two questions she needed to decide if she wanted answered right now as she could tell in a moment the two of them were going to start throwing what ever attacks they had at each other in a moment.

(Moment of truth, also the moment of no turning back, here you make your choice you have three. But you do feel stronger and more full of fire. Luckily you don't need stats for this part)
Re: Cave of Wishes (Cappy)

Fortunately with all the feeling going from her wounds and the adrenaline pumping into her veins, she was starting to like the idea of where this was going.
The seemingly unarmed temptress who had caused her so many problems and whom had just tried to outright molest her, was right in front of her and within reach of her own bloodied hands, taking a slight moment to recover from her physical pleasure earlier, she makes her decision.

The shimmering man hasn't lied in the course of her quest, nor has he tried to slide a tentacle or hand into her pants. (without her permission, that's what pisses her off!) she quite simply gathered the last of her remaining physical strength, smiled (seemingly) sweetly at the temptress before moving her head back sharply, and in a quick movement she hammered her head straight forward in a clear attempt to crush this "Jennies" skull with her own.
Despite her feelings of increased strength, she still had been through a large ordeal, and just two minutes ago she was convinced that she was in the clear, so each movement drained her energy like no tomorrow.

Whether or not she hits or misses, which she is clearly too tired to tell, is disregarded as she then follows up in a flurry of enraged punches in the space before her, she hoped she did at least some damage as she grunted out "There." to the shimmering man just before she fell to the floor unconscious from all the excursion.

In her dreams she met a slobbering beast dog trying to sexually penetrate a giant head supporting itself on tentacles, it was the worst nightmare she had seen in days. (thought I would end it off on a little joke there, tell me what your take of this is in PMs :p)
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Re: Cave of Wishes (Cappy)

The Genie standing there for a moment, trying to get into her head to turn her against her new adversary. Suddenly Christi surges forward and headbutts the Genie, losing what little will she had left she falls unconscious. But still awake enough to see the last moments of the Genie, as a small gem shoots past her and lodges into her chest. She see's as the women atomizes being slowly sucked into the Gem. As she connects with the floor and consciousness fades from her she hears the shimmering man make a single comment. "Men I need clothing, and some food, were gonna make camp here for a bit."

After some well deserved sleep Christi awakens to find the shimmering man sitting next to her. He's a good five feet away, possibly for his own safety, or because there is clothing between him and you. you see him look over to you, nodding his head at the clothing. "that is for you my dear. Very good strike on her gave me all the opening I needed to lock her away. Can't have a being that does not like me around, especially when it can grant wishes." He sighs, as he does you move realizing your covered by his jacket. Thus keeping your decency from the remaining workers he brought in intact. He stands up and yells for them to leave, and turns his back to you. "feel free to dress yourself, I said I would make it worth your while and I will, I can given you one of two things. The first i would prefer just because it means I'm able to use your skills, join me, I'm trying to get power over my country. I don't use good means for it sometimes but the ends justify the means, at least when toppling corrupt monarchies it does. Either way I'll equip you, supply you, send you on missions, give you all the men...or women you want. If you don't wanna join me, which I can understand it's not going to be easy or glamorous working for me, I can give you a wish, She may be trapped but some of her power has leaked out just enough for me to give a weak wish. Nothing major like power of everything, but a port home with money is easy enough. Take your time and dress yourself We are collecting samples of the things here, that black goo especially since it reacts very violently to magic." He shudders, "either way I will await your answer and when you decent you can leave this room as it is the least ventilated of them."
Re: Cave of Wishes (Cappy)

Christi grabbed her head, she appeared to have a battle hangover of sorts,
but she understood the situation well enough. She spoke out loud, "So, do these men and women, I assume they will do anything I ask?"
The shimmering man nodded in answer, "As long as it's within reason, and doesn't go against my orders."
Christi made a slightly "naughty" grin of approval, "Very well then, I shall join your forces, you sound better than a dictator, at least you're honest about it when you try screw some-one over."

She pushed herself up so she was leaning against a wall, and proceeded to ask,
"Well then I guess there are only a couple of other matters I need to question,
First, where's your nearest quarter master?
Second, where do I start?"
Re: Cave of Wishes (Cappy)

"The Shimmering man smiles, glad to hear it, The nearest quarter master is in my base. Which is a simple teleport away, come this way and we can head there now I believe my servants are just about done." He motions towards them, and as they enter the room that once held the wolf she notices one of them drawing a circle on the floor. "OK then lets get back home and get you set up. I also need to clean out your new room, my last lieutenant was well...that mess of tentacles you so easily killed. Hopefully you'll do better leading your forces then he did." After a simple spell cast she finds herself in a courtyard of a castle "Understandably it's rather small at the moment but I hope to be growing soon. I'll show you around and if you have need of company or food feel free to ask any of the servants they all wear collars. Also just so your aware each of them is a convicted offender of some kind, in the town surrounding here if you are found guilty of a crime above petty theft you lose the right to your mind. Please keep that in mind, as many of them are skilled at pleasing, and some of them are not. In regards to be punished int his way you shouldn't fear I doubt you'll ever get bored enough with the servants here to need it." Motioning out the courtyard "either way we have some setting up for you, I may already have a task that needs your attention but feel free to have a week to yourself. I will need you on top of your game for this."

(from here your able to get set up how ever you want, if you wanna rp an encounter with anything feel free to PM me about it. it's a nice way to keep interest while I finish up the next leg of Christi's adventure.)
Re: Cave of Wishes (Cappy)

"Well first things first, I'm going to get myself some equipment, I never go to sleep without a weapon next to my bed." And with that said, she started heading towards the quarter master, she looked around as she walked, the courtyard was quite a charming field of grass with the occasional statue about,
She almost regretted having to leave it as she entered the castle, however once
inside she did not, a rather royal luxurious amount of furniture and other items where placed in various parts of just about every room she walked to.

As she turned into a hallway not really thinking about where she was going,
she realised she hadn't asked where the quartermaster actually was,
so she looked around for a nearby collar servant to tell her exact directions...
Re: Cave of Wishes (Cappy)

Finding a man who appeared to be quite athletic and wearing a collar. "Um...excuse me?" not sure how to get the servants attention. To which the servant quickly turned his gaze to her and bowed his head not making eye contact. "Mistress, what is it you desire?" His head still bowed, she smiled she liked this subservience. "The quartermaster please." She said, knowing he would understand her, which he did. "He is near the main entrance, follow this hall way to it's end and he is third door on the left after the turn." She followed the servants directions and easily found the Quartermaster. Who turned out to be a rather, interesting looking man. He wore a purple suit the with a pink scarf tied around his neck. His stance seemed quite feminine and well she stopped at the door for a moment, wondering how best to speak with him.
Re: Cave of Wishes (Cappy)

She chuckled quietly to herself as she saw the outrageously flamboyant suit,
never in all her life had she seen one like it,
not knowing how to address this she tried to hold back her laughter and gain composure before walking up to him,
Her bare feet pitter-pattered against the floor as she walked over,

"So, what's on the menu...Ehm...Mister?"
She said for lack of any better ideas, she hoped that she was addressing him properly, for as far as she knew only noblemen wore purple clothing as such,
as the dye was rather difficult to get.
Re: Cave of Wishes (Cappy)

The man turns to address the new comer and after seeing her for a moment. Screams putting his hands on his cheeks (if you watch anime and scene that came to mind is what he does). "So your the new lieutenant Matty brought back with him. Ohhhhh your so adorable! BUt you look is so drab, I can fix that with some tailor made clothing." A servant comes out with a pad and paper. "Of course Matty probably has a job or two for you quickly too so I'll get the measurements for some armor as well. I am the chief blacksmith, quartermaster, and tailor of this fine establishment." He says taking an extremely elegant bow. "I do apologize I'm getting ahead of myself, my name is Licy (pronounced Lucy), could I get your name and if you don't mind moving over to this box so I can start getting measurements." He says motioning to a box next to which the servant stands.

(ok here if you wanted to give specifics of measurements that is cool, pretty much he's sizing you for armor, and clothing. and yes he is gay, so you feel that he would be far more interested in The Shimmering man's less then clothed appearance then yours.)
Re: Cave of Wishes (Cappy)

Not wanting to offend the strange man she simply said,"Christi."
Before walking over to the box, she quickly mentioned her size and measurements, (too lazy to make them up, sorry :p) The man who she was guessing by now is some form of space monster, or possessed demon that had been tamed by the shimmering man himself with the help another Genie earlier,
Walked over and confirmed the measurements, not to mention asking about armour of choice, which she responded to with, "Steel, or Silver if you're feeling like throwing money on it."

She left the clothes for underneath the armour to the mans decision,
She knew she was going to regret it later if she ended up with a bright purple suit trying to sneak past some Orcs in a dungeon.
Not that She wasn't grateful or anything, she was quite thankful for somebody so interested in clothing her for once, she'd had enough of tentacles, wolves, and oddly shaped giant heads for about a day (completely serious, for a day) , and abit of a break before moving on was greatly appreciated, and this was a form of getting her back on her feet.

She waited for the man to finish whatever it was he does, and stood patiently.
Re: Cave of Wishes (Cappy)

Taking a moment after she stands upon the box he takes out his tape measure and begins to measure her up. Taking waist hip, bust, thigh, knee, leg, honestly if there was a part of her body he measured it. After a moment he turned and began to look her up and down. Screaming again with sheer delight, "It's been so long since I last got to actually dress of of Matties followers...well the none brain dead ones." Notcing she is not aware of who he was talking about "Oh he has not introduced himself did he. That man, oh I do so very much enjoy his company but he's always thinking about ten things at once. If only one of them was me, but he does not swing the way I do. Anyways I'm off topic Christi Matthew is your new leader. Mister fancy pants controler of this hall. Anyways just have him introduce himself next time you see him." After a moment you glance at the servant and realize it's just another one of the men in the colar, this one tho seems like he used to be a body builder of some kind. As his arms are about as big around as her waist is.

"Ok for combat stuff I'm thinking simple is better, but considering the men in this world we want it to not be to difficult to remove if the need arises. Don't want you getting ripped apart by a monster because you couldn't get out of your metal 'bra'." he uses air quotes around that word. "bringing out a simple breast plate, he moves it against your body and begins to push upon it. To your surpirse it begins to take your shape. As he works a smile crosses his face. "do you like this trick, I think it's amazing really useful too. it's why he picked me up, I honestly annoy him more then he will ever say but I keep him honest and I'm useful to have around." He winks at you slyly like he knows something you may not.

"either way, he's going to take over an area, have parties and what not. be a lord of this area when he out's the king. As such your going to need party cloths. I'm thinking something black, silky one piece backless. Leaving just enough to the imagination to keep the men drooling over you. What do you think Christi? Also if you want some casual clothing I would love to know your style, since I assume your clothing was removed by less then wonderful creatures where ever it was you met Matty."
Re: Cave of Wishes (Cappy)

Somewhat encouraged by his casual and friendly nature, for some reason she felt rather comfortable,"Well as for casual clothing, I used to be Town Guard so I was always wearing leather, I don't know about formal party wear, so I guess I'll leave that one up to you." She said rather happily, she chuckled as she looked down on the breast plate,"You might be right about the battle-wear, maybe something easy to shift to the side would be better, as long as it won't break in five seconds like my last wardrobe did,
also nice trick you have there, It's no wonder Sir Shiny-Stuff keeps you around." she replied jokingly, as she looked over herself.

She wondered what it was this Matt had in mind for her next mission, all she knew was that after this she was going to have a nice meal, with extra meat well done.

She continued,"So why does Matt glow the way he does? Is he human?"
Re: Cave of Wishes (Cappy)

he chuckles at the question. Not because it's silly but because he had never really thought about it. "Ya know he always does that, I think it's his mental powers keep him that way. Not because it's a curse, but more..." he trails off as he things for a moment. "kinda like being naturally good at magic, for him he's naturally good at mental magic. So he uses his magic to make him glow so he does not accidentally manipulate someone. Or accidentally blow up a room." He chuckles again.

"Hmm, I wonder how many guys you picked up with that get up? Admittedly I never went that way but then again I wore dresses...and tucked. Sigh if only my body was that of a women then my life would be perfect." He sighs and drifts off. As he removes the breast plate now perfectly fitted to your body. After a swift running of it across the sides of your chest he opens it up and splits it into two pieces. "ok that is how this is going to work Christi, it'll seal itself shut when you push them together, and if you rub them like so." Showing you the motion required "they will split right off. Also it's made from Mythril, light and strong. The rest of your get up is far more just style stuff. Do you want a skirt to go with it or would you prefer pants? Both will have the same armor just one is more feminine."

"anyways back to your first question. Matt is a sorcerer, meaning his magic is natural because he has draconian blood. You probably saw a projection which amp's up his shininess. But honestly I guess I've never noticed...he does not go into dark places with me." The man sheds a single tear, jokingly as it is apparent when they first met He came onto Matt heavily. "Besides that for common wear I'm thinking something bright, no need to be wearing just leather all over town. This place is growing besides your one of his faces to the people who come here. So you need to be the gorgeous woman I can see just hiding behind all that muscle and tom boyishness."
Re: Cave of Wishes (Cappy)

She snickered a little at the last comment, "I think it would be hilarious for a petite looking woman in a dress to be leading half a dozen warriors into battle,
but then again, in safety who am I fighting, so why not."

"heh, you could always ask Matt to give you that wish, I'm sure there's enough magic left to turn you into a woman, might sting a little though, and you would have to remake your entire wardrobe, not to mention get used to having err,"
She paused for a moment to think of a way to describe what she was thinking,
"Womenly moments, they can be quite messy, especially during certain times of each month."

She looked at his suit rather curiously,"Where do you get that dye, I thought purple dye could only be made from some sort of clam or something?"
She said as she had heard that royal dye is made from strange things, purple in particular being made from shellfish on the dashed rocks of the nearby sea.

She quickly tested out rubbing the armour off and clipping it back on, to test it out, worked like a charm.
She admired such a mechanism in armour, it normally isn't designed for easy accessibility, but rather made simple and crude..
Re: Cave of Wishes (Cappy)

He laughs out loud at that "I could, but in all honesty I like being a man. And as per leading troops into battle, really not my thing." After the clothing comment he takes a moment and shifts back, waves his hands in front of him. Doing that shifts his clothing from purple to sky blue. "I can understand the confusion. Needless to say the dyes for it would be really hard to get, but with the magic I use to shape metal to bodies, I can also use to change the color of clothing. Pretty nifty talent if I do say so myself" He says winking.

"anyways if you have a preference for common clothing? Like do you want something that will turn male heads while your wandering the castle, or do you want just something fashionable and leaving more to the imagination. Pretty much how much of your lovely body do you want men guessing what it looks like?"
Re: Cave of Wishes (Cappy)

She gave a slight giggle at this, "Maybe a little of both, something rather tight fitting but still covers everything for the most part."
She laughed as she thought outloud, "With that magic you could pull the clothes off of just about anyone."
She turned back to business quickly, "So should I be wearing my casual clothing underneath my armour, or is it padded underneath?"
She said as the armour she was wearing was actually quite comfy by itself.