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Cave of Wishes (Skull Man)


Grim Reaper
Mar 1, 2010
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You stand before a simple cave deep in the moutains your mind wonders how such a simple cave could be the place. You check your map and look over your shoulder at the last landmark, you are in fact at the right place. All that remains now is to enter, they said it would be guarded your mind wanders wondering by what you push it out of your mind and press on. This cave isn't going to explore itself.

(Please give me a post of your characters sheet then I'll keep track of it from then on. Feel free to give me a synopsis of anything your characters does before entering the cave, and lets get this party started.)
Re: Cave of Wishes (Skull Man)

Ana, holds her staff out in front of her, steadying her breath.

In her mind she wound through the spells she had prepared, a little of everything, hopefully it would be enough. she watched for footprints, if she could find any it might give her clues to previous explorers, an abrupt end to the trail is usually a bad sign.

Still, in the end it would be up to her to do this. She steeled herself and moved into the entrance.

Name: Ana Oqite
Description and basic back story: Granddaughter of a small time adventurer (her grandfather) she has set off into the world in an effort to prove herself worthy of the family name. her hair is long and loose and her small white dress affords her maximum maneuverability when casting spells. She expects to manage with just her magic, and doesn't carry any weapons but her staff.
She is of middling height and curvy, being one of the more popular girls in town (though somewhat of a prude).
(Charpic concept: )

Desired Posting Speed: I can post quickly on weekdays but i will slow down on weekends, so i would think about 3 or more on weekdays to 1 or two on weekends.
Desired Posting Length: No issue giving lengthy posts.

Level - 0
Willpower - 24/24
Combat and HP - 1 and 0/0
Explore and Stam - 2 and 10/10
Spirit and Magic - 15 and 20/20
Naughty and Lewd -2 and 30/30

(Ana has a great magic talent for one so inexperienced, what she lacks is any real skill in hand to hand combat. She is fit (has to maintain that figure) and no stranger to sex, but enjoys equal partner sex, or at least thats what she tells herself.)

Skills - She specializes in illusion magic, both auditory and visual, but knows a few other spells, for offense and defense, a fiery bolts spell and a shielding spell mostly. She has done a little exploring around the hills of her hometown so isn't totally lost in the wilderness

Fetishes - She has only had sex with a couple of her few boyfriends, but as a young girl she was almost raped by a drunk male adventurer, this is something she's mostly forgotten but unconsciously it arouses her.
Re: Cave of Wishes (Skull Man)

You enter the room to find it less then what you had hoped for, the thought of an easy passage to your wish granter was still lingering in your mind but here it is dashed upon the ground. The room is littered with broken columns and pieces of the wall, it seems this place has seen far better days. There is a huge man corridor ahead of her obviously the way out, but magic exists brimming all around it obviously there is a barrier there and breaking it down would only inform who ever put it there that she had arrived. There are also small caves all around the room it seems looking past the barrier that she could try to navigate them and make her way around it. It really boiled down to how she wanted to enter the cave, with stealth or with action?

(Option 1 - Explore) Transverse the caves.

(Option 2 - Spirit) Break the barrier.

Willpower - 24/24
Combat and HP - 1 and 0/0
Explore and Stam - 2 and 10/10
Spirit and Magic - 15 and 20/20
Naughty and Lewd -2 and 30/30
Re: Cave of Wishes (Skull Man)

Ana smiles, she had more than enough power to deal with this, as it stands if this room was so ruined, likely there was little alive left here, and why should she be scared of alerting some traps and barriers? Her training would serve her well, as would the stories she heard on her grandfathers knee. she studies the room in detail, looking for footprints or markings of passage. she scanns the roof for holes and the floor for unsteasdy fractures. finally she kneels, placing her hand upon the ground and stopping her breathing so she can listen in silence. nothing.

when finally satisfied that she had learned everything she could from this room, she straightened out her dress, and readied her staff. Breathing in the stale air around and savoring the dusty scent she plucked one of her spells from the back of her memories. Drawing its draconic words to her mind she finished the ritual with the final phrase to slash through the alien magic ahead of her.

(Option 2 - Spirit) Break the barrier.
Re: Cave of Wishes (Skull Man)

(Spirit Roll of 5 + 15 = 20 DC = 17 PASS)

You call the spell and push it forward into the barrier and it crumbles before you, you see eight strings of magic shoot down the corridor ahead of you. It seems it did alert something but what and what could possibly be dangerous here. She readies herself and proceeds down the hallway towards her next obstacle, after a rather boring hallway she comes upon the next room. It again seems broken down and in an amazing amount of disrepair, and there appears to be a massive chasm broken across the floor. There is no way to climb past it without going into it but it looks just wide enough to jump with a good head of steam. Although with magic involved sometimes jumping was not even required.

(Option 1 Explore [Naughty]) Jump the chasm or find a way around it.

(Option 2 Spirit [Naughty]) Use a spell of some kind to make it across.

Willpower - 24/24
Combat and HP - 1 and 0/0
Explore and Stam - 2 and 10/10
Spirit and Magic - 15 and 20/20
Naughty and Lewd -2 and 30/30
Re: Cave of Wishes (Skull Man)

Ana gazes about, a simple enough task in concept, but the actual execution of magic is a difficult prospect. She breaths deep, none of her illusion spells would help, no matter how hard she believed it none of those spells would stop her from plummeting down the fissure. still she had a small levitation spell that could do it, it wasn't designed for carrying a person but she thought it just might work (as long as she hadn't put on any weight recently)

She gave a quiet chant and spread her arms in an second effort to stable the pulsing waves of magic that passed through her. The flow of magic condensed around her, she felt it tug and press against her... energy. slowly her feet lifted slightly from the floor, if she could maintain her concentration she would be fine...

(Option 2 Spirit [Naughty]) Use a spell of some kind to make it across.
Re: Cave of Wishes (Skull Man)

(Spirit challenge secondary Naughty roll 15 + 15 = 30 DC 18 Pass...with gusto)

She holds her concentration easily enough as she begins to hover above the floor, she slowly moves towards the chasm. Feeling odd, as if something is watching her hungrily. She gets closer to the edge and see's inside the chasm and instead of just a pit as she expected she sees a river of flowing black ooze. Not sure what it is she keeps her concentration knowing full well she can investigate if she wants to when she's on the other side. As she gets half way over the river she sees five tendrils of the ooze shoot out of it and surge towards her, her spell gives her little to no ability to dodge in mid air, not to stop her from trying.

The Tentacles rip into her clothing making short work of her top and bottom leaving only her unmentionables left upon her body. She see's another surge coming towards her and decides now is a good time to get across surging the mana through her body she propels herself forward across the river and to the exit to the room. The tentacles move in her direction but stop at the chasms edge and recede back into the river. She looks down to see her self in nothing but her underwear and with no obvious replacements about it seems she's going to be naked pretty quickly. The question of the ooze returns to her mind, why did it want magic? She could stay but chooses better of it. (IF you want to stay it counts as taking a one on this particular hazard and the event will play out. You can take the one on it easily so that's not a big deal I'm just having her move on so you also know the next challenge if you want to just move onwards.)

She proceeds forward coming to a corner and she hears something large moving around the corner. She peeks herself around the corner and see's a large monster like thing. It has no noticeable face and seems to be rather heavily battle scared. It seems someone is ahead of her all she can hope is that she makes it to the end first. But the beast still looks like it's alive, assuming it is alive to begin with, but she'll need to find a way past it. Although it looks like it's on it's last legs she could probably wait it out. Or distract it with something until it's eventual demise, she looks down at herself she's never used her famine wilds in that way before...but there is a first time for everything.

(Option 1 - Combat) Fight the monster

(Option 2 - Naughty) Distract the monster...with your body...sexily.

Willpower - 24/24
Combat and HP - 1 and 0/0
Explore and Stam - 2 and 10/10
Spirit and Magic - 15 and 20/20
Naughty and Lewd -2 and 30/30
Re: Cave of Wishes (Skull Man)

She thought to herself of a way past. as she had been told, no fight is better than a one sided fight. She wreathed an illusion around her, peeking back around she used the monsters body as a guide creating another of its "species". She hoped it was not a one of a kind creature.

Still she ensured she was a little different and exhaled in a moment to calm her nerves. She had no idea or reason to think this would work, but it had too, who knows what the beast would do if it caught her.

She stepped out into the monsters sight and calmly walked to make her way past him, to his eyes looking like another one of it. As long as it doesn't touch me the illusion will hold.

(Option 2 - Naughty) Distract the monster...with your body...sexily.(Kind of)

(I would love to stop and "do battle" with the slime tentacles, but it seems a little too out of character, I'll move on, for now)
Re: Cave of Wishes (Skull Man)

(distract the monster with your body, Naughty Roll of 4 +2 = 6 DC 18
Suffers 12 Lewd Damage.)

She steps out and begins her strut past the monster, as she nears it she see's it twist and charge her. It quickly swings into her illusionary form, dissipating the illusion upon hitting it. He quickly twists and shifts in front of her as she reals back from the beast, she quickly realizes it's not what she was expecting. It is a golem made to look like a monster, and apparently capture people she screams as she is enveloped the strangely gelatinous center of the beast.

She finds herself in a circular bubble clear and unable to break, not that she had the hands to try to break out of it. Her hands glued above her head as more tentacles then she can count work over her body melting what little of her clothing remains leaving her naked and exposed inside the bubble. Two tentacles move forward and quickly envelop her breasts as they begin sucking and squeezing her breasts, sending a wave of pleasure through her body. as three more tentacles emerge and move to her pussy and ass, the final one towards her mouth. Her body becoming so aroused by the breast play she moans and quickly takes the tentacles into her body. Each one sending wave after wave of pleasure into her form. They thrust in but twice before her mind becomes afire as a massive orgasm overwhelms her body.

It does not stop there for the next five minutes she finds her form used and penetrated as the tentacles do their work on her body. Her mind almost lost as the fourth of her many orgasms hits, right as the tentacles seem like they wish to begin again, the wither and fall away as the beast falls down releasing her from it's prison. She lays upon the ground collecting herself, the orgasms still fresh in her mind as her body slowly recovers from it, allowing her to continue onwards.

She comes upon a room filled with many tunnels, it's obvious there was no other way forward so all that remains is finding a way to navigate these tunnels. A simple task, at least she hoped so the time she spend with the last monster really let her have it.

Option 1 - Explore the caves yourself Explore [Combat]

Option 2 - Use a spell to navigate the caves. Spirit [Spirit]

Willpower - 24/24
Combat and HP - 1 and 0/0
Explore and Stam - 2 and 10/10
Spirit and Magic - 15 and 20/20
Naughty and Lewd -2 and 18/30
Re: Cave of Wishes (Skull Man)

She shakes the cobwebs from her head, the monster had worked wonders on her, she focused, he body tingled all over, her hand worked its way to her crotch, slowly it slide down her stomach, but she steadied herself. She couldn't do that, not here, not now.

how could she be so aroused? the thing had ravaged her, she should be disgusted and sickened, but she didn't feel any of those things, no it was just the shock she told herself, its why she was like this.

She shivered at the chill in the caves, the dankness did not help her situation, her nipple had hardened to rock and she was sure it was just the cold.



Searching through the spells that had not been jangled. A simple divination, she cast the spell and hoped it would lead down the right tunnel. hopefully she could avoid anymore naughty business.

Option 2 - Use a spell to navigate the caves. Spirit [Spirit]
Re: Cave of Wishes (Skull Man)

(Spirit challenge roll of 5 + 15 = 20 DC 18 pass)

She steadies herself as she casts her spell, quickly finding her mind's focus waining, her body still wants more but she pushes it aside. She casts her spell and a spirit appears and smiles at her, slowly beginning to guide her through the caves.

After the fifth turn she knew if this spirit got interupted she would be lost forever, she has no sense of what direction she's going or where in these tunnels she came from or needs to go. The spirit guides her for another half hour, slowly she's getting tired and her body is yearing more and more. But she and the spirit eventually come to the exit a pathway down, she looks down and see's nothing down there to worry about when she leaves. At the last instant she is in the caves she see's something move out of hte corner of her eye, she turns to look at it.

What she see's flushes her face and heats up her body, another woman probably another adventurer getting gang banged by small creatures. Her mind tells her to just leave but her eyes lock on the woman's face...lost in pleasure. At least a layer of cum already dried on her body, she does not care the pleasure is all that matters to her. Her hand slowly moves towards her crotch. Her eyes close as she concentrates all her will power to avoid giving in to the need her body is telling here right now. (Again your call, if you go this path you'll take some more naughty damage, but not enough to start draining your will power. Or you can move on as based I'll have her move one but anything you say in posts is what she actually does.)

She drops from the tunnels her body aching for something shoved hard inside her. She moves to the end of the hallway, and peeks around the corner what she see's does not help her growing lust. What looks like a mass of tentacles with an eye standing guard at the next door way. A illusion of a man appears before him, and speaks to it but is too far away for you to hear. You shift back behind the wall and ready yourself for dealing with this threat.

Option 1 - Fight the monster (Combat)

Option 2 - Sneak past the monster (Explore[Naughty])

Willpower - 24/24
Combat and HP - 1 and 0/0
Explore and Stam - 2 and 10/10
Spirit and Magic - 15 and 20/20
Naughty and Lewd -2 and 18/30
Re: Cave of Wishes (Skull Man)

What she see's flushes her face and heats up her body, another woman probably another adventurer getting gang banged by small creatures. Her mind tells her to just leave but her eyes lock on the woman's face...lost in pleasure. At least a layer of cum already dried on her body, she does not care the pleasure is all that matters to her. Her hand slowly moves towards her crotch. Her eyes close as she concentrates all her will power to avoid giving in to the need her body is telling here right now. (Again your call, if you go this path you'll take some more naughty damage, but not enough to start draining your will power. Or you can move on as based I'll have her move one but anything you say in posts is what she actually does.)

((I'm gonna back up a bit to here if that's alright and take this option))

Her eyes can't be torn away from the bound woman, she suddenly have flashes of arousal pump through her body and a wet feeling develop between her legs. Why was she so obsessed? She wasn't she just wanted to rescue that poor soul. She chided herself on thinking it was anything else.

Slowly she slowed her breath and prepared to get ready, the creatures were small, but surprisingly well hung...


In an area like this they would likely try to avoid the larger scarier creature, so she swept up a simple visual auditory illusion to make her seem frightening. great horns sprouted from her head and her skin became leathery and torn, her hands looked like vicious claws and her teeth massive, sharp and barred.

looking more like a beast of violence than a naked girl she stepped towards and unleashed the second part of the spell, a loud monstrous roar, hopefully it would be enough, because the illusion would fail if one of them touched her.

((I'll let you take it from here, hehehe))

Option 3 - confront little monsters
Re: Cave of Wishes (Skull Man)

(here I'm gonna go with spirit as your stat to determine damage...and it's so little it's not really worth hitting ya with it, and besides your stats are gonna make the final battle hard enough without extra damage coming to ya.)

She shifts her illusion attempting to scare off the monster from it's mating experience on the woman. And as the roar subsided she realized it was less then effective, and more dangerous then she expected. As a rather small looking creature leaped from the shadows of a tunnel and wrapped itself around her face. Before she could react to even grab it she felt something slip down her throat, and begin releasing something.

Her body light up with passion as she was forced to swallow the fluids of this creature. Her hands running all over it trying to find someplace she can grab it to try to remove it from her face. She feels it shudder and release her head as it falls to the ground apparently dead, she gasps for breath as she can finally breath. sitting up she finds herself surrounded by three small creatures all of then naked all of them without eyes. The sockets are not gaping holes it seems these creatures just evolved to not need eyes...which makes illusions almost impossible to effect them.

The biggest moved forward and grabbed her tits, she quickly wanted to scream in pain but instead a moan of pleasure escaped her. She felt his fingers working over her large shapely breasts as another moved closer the larger one swept his hands and motioned them away. They vanished into the tunnels, he spoke into her mind it was calm and cold.

"Your a powerful mage you found the exit it is best to leave here. The woman behind me is without a mind, the same state you will find yourself in soon. A slave to pleasure for not I'm going to enjoy myself and let you on your way." His large cock fully erect now as he takes her breasts and pushes them around it, he begins to thrust into her ample cleavage. She watches dumb founded, her body not responding the way she wants it to, he's not even touching her pussy and she feels like she's going to orgasm. SHe feels her body reach up towards the peak of pleasure as she watches the cock bob up and down between her bust. Her mouth moves forwards and she begins to lick the tip as he leaves her cleavage, her mind giving in to the pleasure washing over her body.

She feels him shudder and blow his load all over her face, some making it into her waiting mouth as the remainder covers her breasts. She kneel's upon the ground waiting for him to play with her more, but instead she finds herself picked up and moved to the exit. Where she is dropped rather roughly through the hole and towards the next area. After five minutes she feels the effects of the smaller creature wear off and she can continue forward...The back of her mind worried about how much she enjoyed being used by that creature. It was best not to think about it, there was still more troubles to deal with in this cave.

Option 1 - Fight the monster (Combat)

Option 2 - Sneak past the monster (Explore[Naughty])

Willpower - 24/24
Combat and HP - 1 and 0/0
Explore and Stam - 2 and 10/10
Spirit and Magic - 15 and 20/20
Naughty and Lewd -2 and 18/30
Re: Cave of Wishes (Skull Man)

((well perhaps if I am defeated I'll meet that little fellow again))

She picks herself slowly off the ground, shaking the last vibrations of the pleasure from herself, she hadn't thought being an adventurer would be like this, her body shook and she licked her lips, savoring the salty taste.

He had given her a warning, but for what? a trick maybe or genuine? either way she must get past what was ahead of her. She was victory or bust.

Deciding not to ignore the creatures device, she makes her way through the room around her, spying for shadows and nooks she could perhaps sulk and dash. the eye slowly rotates and she waits for a moment that it is away from her and she makes a run for it.

Option 2 - Sneak past
Re: Cave of Wishes (Skull Man)

(Sneak past explore roll of 12 + 2 = 14 DC 19 Takes 5 Stam damage, and 5 Naughty damage.)

Using her shadow dodging as best she could she managed to get right up to the monster, everything was going well it looked like she would make it past this one with ease. And it was just as she thought this that the creature turned around to check the tunnel she turned to hide and found she was exactly half way between the two. A miss timed movement on her part and she was about to pay for it, she turned and darted back down the hall way trying to get some distance to cast. She found herself able to make it five steps before her face and the ground had a close encounter.

She quickly regained herself and struggled against the tentacle around her feet but found herself lifted off the ground by the beast easily. Suspended in the air she knew what came next, death...it was going to stab her and end her life. She closed her eyes afraid of what came next, and she was stabbed right in her pussy by the creatures rather long tentacle penis. It sent a wave of pleasure down her body, and the shock rocked her mouth and eyes wide open in time to see the tentacle move into her mouth. She felt it begin to play with her breasts, as she began to suck and shake her hips against her captors advances. Her body getting hotter and hotter, nearing her own orgasm a blessed release of this tension, which would never come.

As she neared her own climax she felt it shudder and explode inside her, shooting it's load down her pussy and throat and she felt the sticky warm substance cover her chest and stomach. She was released back to the ground and she laid there for a moment watching the creature. Apparently it got off once then fell into a deep sleep, her body ached for something inside her. But at least this guy was spent.

She got up and moved to view the next room, it was large and a rather intimidating wolf remained in the center. She would either have to fight it right out or look for a trick to defeat it.

Boss encounter
Phase 1 Explore - find something to help defeat the wolf / Combat fight the wolf right out. (Both have a secondary of Combat)

Phase 2 Combat or Spirit - Finish the fight with the wolf.

Willpower - 24/24
Combat and HP - 1 and 0/0
Explore and Stam - 2 and 5/10
Spirit and Magic - 15 and 20/20
Naughty and Lewd -2 and 13/30
Re: Cave of Wishes (Skull Man)

Ana stops to think, what should she do? As her grandfather said, there was always a weakness to the enemy. She just had to find it. She scanned the room nothing sprung to mind at first, she wanted to edge into the room and see what was what.

Perhaps she could find, quietly as she could she stepped into the room to try to find something to help her. At the same time she drew out her most powerful non illusion spell, the time for misdirection was over, she needed to do damage. The memories of the lightening spell came to mind, a bolt of electric death. She just needed a chance to use it...

Phase 1 Explore
Phase 2 Spirit
Re: Cave of Wishes (Skull Man)

(Phase one Explore Roll 7 + 2 = 9 DC 18; 9 stamina damage 9 HP damage, 13 Will power damage; Phase 2 Spirit Roll 19 + 15 = 34 honestly the DC on this one is irrelevant it's a pass. Although you could have used that roll for the first part, well hopefully you'll get lucky next time.)

She sneaks into the room quickly noticing the wolf move as it notices her for the first time. She has little time to look for anything in particular, but she scrambles across the room quickly cut off by the wolf. He bites down at her catching her arm, she feels the teeth dig into her arm as pain shoots through her body. Surprised by the fact that this wolf is the first thing to try to kill her instead of just fuck her. Fear begins to grow in her but she calms herself as she blasts her lightning spell into the wolf sensing it flying back.

The electricity surges through her own body as she readies herself for the wolfs next approach, she was ready for it's next coming but she was still without any way to deal with the wolf. After that first encounter she knew just two big blasts of magic would not do the job, her spell dazed him well but it seemed he was extremely resistant to magical damage,

Boss encounter
Phase 1 Explore - find something to help defeat the wolf / Combat fight the wolf right out. (Both have a secondary of Combat)

Phase 2 Combat or Spirit - Finish the fight with the wolf.

Willpower - 11/24
Combat and HP - 1 and 0/0
Explore and Stam - 2 and 0/10
Spirit and Magic - 15 and 20/20
Naughty and Lewd -2 and 13/30
Re: Cave of Wishes (Skull Man)

Ana reels back, nursing her wounded arm, this was it, if this didn't work she was this things lunch... She couldn't lose now.

Slowly she called upon the strength of all her ancestors and the gods themselves.

She holds her staff out in her good arm and looks frantically for something to use against the beast while drawing out a final blast of magic, her reserves poured into this, if it didn't work she was done for.

((I think I'm about to die in a non-sexy way... :( poor me ))

Phase 1 Explore
Phase 2 Spirit
Re: Cave of Wishes (Skull Man)

(Option 1 Explore Roll 4 + 2 = 6 DC 18; Suffers 24 Will Damage. That right there could have one shot you. Honestly your really did not get lucky rolls, your Spirit roll was a nat 20. Aside from that will power drained Game Over.)

She quickly got up and sprinted as fast as her legs would carry her towards a panel on the wall. She finally had a plan to defeat the wolf and move onwards, as she ran her body screaming in agony. She noticed the wolf was not rushing after her, against her better judgment she turned to look. She turned just in time to see the wolf connect into her with a head butt, she flew into a wall and darkness embraced her.

After what felt like an instant she awoke, she was laying in a room with stairs. Standing over here was a absolutely stunning woman, she tried to speak to thank her but no words came. Her body was heavy and not listening to her commands. After a moment she noticed her eyes were open, the wolf appeared in her vision and began licking all over her body. She felt her wounds closing as the saliva from the wolf coated her body. Slowly she felt her strength return, as the woman standing above her spoke.

"Damn, another woman not fit to be my host. Well that's fine this one has some nice tits and she'll at least make a fine addition to our breeding stock." She pet the wolf upon the neck, "Do you want her my baby?" The wolf took a moment sniffing your body taking special care with your crotch. It sat down obediently apparently indifferent towards the woman's question.

You watch weakly from your place upon the floor waiting for them to do something with you. The woman leans down towards you staring deeply into your eyes, slowly you feel her eyes begin to spiral. "You are so beautiful, you love and adore me as your mistress and will do anything I command. You are my willing slave and want nothing more then to please me in every way you can." You feel her eyes dig into your mind as you let go, your mind lost to they hypnotism.

(Ok you lost but it's not completely over. You get a choice of who exactly screws you for your final scene, and if you want you can get all of them. Do you wanna go beast with the wolf, futa with the Djinn, or gang bang with the other minions (Presently not in the room))
Re: Cave of Wishes (Skull Man)

((If only the rolls had been reversed, ah well it was fun. I choose to go out with a bang, or gangbang in this case, Did you want me to do some role playing, as a hypnotized slave I cant imagine making any choices for myself))