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Cave of Wishes (Tassadar)


Grim Reaper
Mar 1, 2010
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You stand before a normal looking cave. Confused for a moment, as you expected so much more from a cave that promised wishes, But you shrug and check your map. everything dose seem correct, after a moment of viewing your surroundings you find that there is broken twigs and crushed grass...you are not the only person here. All the markers appear fresh so you can only assume that who or whatever came to this cave is still here. Based upon a quick glance of everything you can assume that it is at least three people, one of which does not walk on feet. You ready yourself and proceed inside the cave, as prepared as you can be for what ever you may find.

(feel free to make a statement of anything else you do outside the cave, personal reactions to the lack of markers on the outside.)
Re: Cave of Wishes (Tassadar)

Character Sheet
Name: Natalie
Description and Basic Backstory: A fairly short girl at about 5'3", with long raven-black hair, Natalie was seemingly harmless young girl, and a promising young student at a small magic academy, right up until she started delving into the dark arts. Necromancy, demon summoning, evocation, black magic... Anything the young woman could get her hands on to increase her own powers, she studied relentlessly. It wasn't long until one of the instructors discovered her midnight activities, of course, and she was forced to flee. Since then, Natalie has changed, her devotion to the dark arts only increasing. Her eyes have become dark and sunken, while the little fat that had been on her figure had melted away years ago, leaving her lean, but still pleasantly curvaceous, thanks to the aid of a succubus years ago.

Desired Posting Speed: Once a day or so, maybe a little less depending on how busy I am.
Desired Posting Length: A paragraph or two is enough.

Level - 1
Willpower - 36/36
Combat and HP - 3 and 10/10
Explore and Stam - 7 and 30/30
Spirit and Magic - 11 and 20/20
Naughty and Lewd - 5 and 30/30

Natalie goes over the map of the region she'd memorized, trying to make sure that this was the correct cave. She allows her eyes to drift over the scenery, taking note in particular of the signs of recent passage. Then, shrugging, Natalie walked into the cave, her hips swaying as she walked beneath her dark, heavy cloak, beneath which she wore only her underclothes and a tight, short black skirt. Not the best cave-diving gear perhaps, but she did sometimes go for style over substance.
Re: Cave of Wishes (Tassadar)

She enters the cave, the entrance being large and easily big enough for someone twice her size. After entering the cave she finds herself in a seemingly natural cavern, until she turns the first corner. She stands in a foyer of sorts, it is obvious it has not seen anyone willing to repair the damage to the walls and floor tiles for many many years. The floor and an archway are made from white beautiful marble, stained and colored from a long period of neglect. She proceeds forward and gets five feet from the archway only to realize that a force field has been put up inside it, obviously who ever came inside before her was less then interested in people following him or her.

She notices that the field looks like it has some noticeable weaknesses in the magic used to put it up. And after scanning the room for possible alternatives she notices a few small caves dotting the walls of this room. many of their openings caused by something breaking a hole in the marble that once lined the walls. Your two options are to attempt to disable the force field or crawl your way though one of these side tunnels attempting to get to the other side.

Explore and try to navigate the caves (explore)/Use magic to attempt to dis spell or pass by the force field (spirit)
Re: Cave of Wishes (Tassadar)

Natalie doesn't even give the holes in the wall a second glance after she is certain that nothing is going to crawl out of them to attack her. She examines the force barrier for a moment, looking for its weakest point before using a spell of force of her own, attempting to break the wall so she can proceed. It was certainly going to be interesting, once she caught up with whoever had left this in her way, and gave them a little payback.
Re: Cave of Wishes (Tassadar)

Spirit DC=17; Roll of 11+11=22; Succeed by 5

While the force field is obviously put together well, your skill in magic makes it easy to pick it apart and deactivate it. You chuckle to yourself at the ease of which you disabled this particular trap, but at the same time making a note, this seems less there to stop your progression and more purposed to just slow you down. And in that regard it failed miserably. You proceed though the arch into what appears to be a rather grand hall way, the walls are still the cave but they seem to be ground down to more of a smooth surface, and there are marble pillars lining the walls. You proceed further into the cave and after only one turn the marble starts to become more cared for, cleaner with fewer chips and missing pieces.

After two more turns of this rather beautiful hallway the hallway gives way to another open area. This time with a rather large ravine running down the middle of it. It has what appears to once have been a bridge spanning it but it is broken to the point that it's almost difficult to believe there was once a bridge there. Taking stalk of your surroundings you notice there appear to be no other caves aside from where the ravine runs into the wall, and peering into the ravine it looks like it extremely deep. The hallway continues on the other side so it is obvious that you need to make your way across but how you decide to go about doing this is the question at hand.

Leap the ravine, or find another less dangerous way across (Explore [Naughty]);
Use magic in some way to cross the ravine (Spirit [Naughty])

Natalie Stats
Willpower - 36/36
Combat and HP - 3 and 10/10
Explore and Stam - 7 and 30/30
Spirit and Magic - 11 and 20/20
Naughty and Lewd - 5 and 30/30

(I have a request for this challenge if your going to use it, I need you describe your spell. Good descriptions will get you a possible bonus, poor or simple descriptions will not be penalized. Good description might get you a bonus, but a spell needs to be cast and describing it, even if it is a three word description is required.)
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Re: Cave of Wishes (Tassadar)

"Looks like the right place, at least;" Natalie mutters to herself as she proceeds through the cave, her remark having been directed at the architecture. She kept her eyes on the path, only giving the marble pillars a glance each before ignoring them once more. She does note that the pillars deeper inside seemed to have been cared for, suggesting that perhaps this place wasn't completely abandoned after all.

Natalie continues walking, her feet stepping onto the remains of the ruined bridge as she stared down into the ravine. Not wanting to take the time to try and find an alternate route across, and unwilling to attempt to simply leap the chasm, Natalie paused for a moment, her dark eyes going out of focus as she stared down into the ravine. She thought of all the magics she'd learned in school, and all those she'd learned since then, and wondered what might be most suitable to her current purpose without draining her too heavily. After a moment, her eyes came back into focus, and she turned her head up too look at the ceiling of the cave.

Natalie first worked a simple enchantment on her eyes to give her the ability to see clearly in even perfect darkness, reciting a short chant that caused her index fingers to glow red, before touching them to her opened eyes. The magic transferred into her eyes, turning them bright red in their entirety. Then, she looked on the ceiling of the cave for any convenient nearby stalactites. They weren't necessary, but they would certainly make things easier. Then, the young warlock dropped into a crouch, closing her enchanted eyes to better facilitate her concentration. She began a slow, melodic muttering, her voice nearly silent as she muttered the words of a simple bit of black magic, one that would give her power over the darkness itself, and allow her to summon a construct of tactile shadows. Having used such a spell numerous times before, and generally under much more stressful conditions, Natalie had little trouble in completing it properly. As she completed her spell, a tentacle of black substance appeared from her shoulder, whipping around her head blindly for a moment before she took control of it with her will. Per her instructions, the tentacle shot itself up into the ceiling, taking a stable anchor there. Being made of the substance of the netherworld itself, Natalies makeshift rope would have little trouble supporting her lean frame, but she wasn't sure about the ceiling of the cave, so she gave it a few experimental tugs before trying anything else. Then, wrapping her hands around it, Natalie takes a few steps back before taking a running start and jumping, using the rope of darkness to swing across the ravine.

She could have done something more elaborate with it, of course. One of her favorite forms with this spell was to give herself weightless black wings. Once, she'd even made a dragon out of it, fire breathing and all, though using so much power at once had very nearly killed her. The benefit of so simple an approach, however, was that it cost her very little of her magical strength, which Natalie suspected she'd be needing later on in this venture.

(Magic my way across the ravine, if that's not clear.)
Re: Cave of Wishes (Tassadar)

(indeed it was thank you that was a very good description. As such you get a +2 bonus)

Spirit DC = 18 / Roll = 9 + 11 + 2 = 22 pass

As she stands at the remains of the bridge casting spells she fails to noticed the area in the ravine. It is black with apparent darkness, while standing very calmly casting her spells she finishes her dark-vision spell. Glancing around the room she see's that the roof has a few points that seem stable enough for her rope idea. As she begins casting it her eyes take a moment to focus on the chasm, noticing that it is black as of ten feet down even with her dark vision, and the blackness appears to be rising!

Taking only a moment to steady herself she notices it begin to seep down again, what ever the goo is it appears to be attracted to Magic. Hoping to cast her spell quickly and leave this room before the goo has any options to attack her, she begins her spell. To her discomfort due to the increase in magic used for this spell the goo seems to react more quickly and more violently. As she finishes her spell and tests it hold on the roof the tendrils of the goo rise up and start to get close, still she is out of reach but the movement across might be made interesting by them if she does not hurry. Taking no more time to test her spell she leaps into the air.

The trip across is a short one yet exciting. As she jumped the goo tendrils came up and swiped at her twice, Both swipes were close and caused her heart to skip a beat each time but both were well off the mark in regards to hitting her or grabbing her. after she got to the other side she quickly dispelled her rope, and took two steps back to see the tendrils return to their place inside the ravine. breathing a sigh of relief and taking a mental note of it, both for possible further study and to hopefully avoid another instance like this, she took a step towards the entrance to the next area. Feeling a breeze waft from the new cave she felt chilled down to the skin. Thinking for a moment that the wind was cold she reached down to find that the two swipes against her had apparently been closer then she realized, as they had damaged her clothing, no major damage just a hole here and a tear there.

She cursed her luck, and proceeded deeper into the cave, knowing she didn't have time to play seamstress right here. Contemplating using magic to fix her clothing for a moment only to remember the goo behind her and she for a moment pondered using it quickly and moving onwards. (this is a choice for you, if you want to fix it or have a plan, feel free to say so. More then likely nothing negative will happen, unless you decide to go jump into the goo which seems silly.)

going back into another cave much like the one she left before the ravine, she got only a short distance farther before she began to hear a pained growling, or maybe a moaning. It was difficult to tell and the more important question needed asking, what in the world was making it? As she rounded the next corner she found her answer a monster of some kind. It appeared to be a golem made from similar goo as the stuff in the ravine. And it appeared wounded, badly wounded, in fact it looked like it would probably not make it another fifteen minutes. But she couldn't sit and wait the fifteen minutes as it noticed her and moved forwards, groaning again as each time it moved more noticeable scars from it's last encounter became apparent. She was now at decision time, it was made from goo so magic upon it would probably be a bad idea, she could fight it off or maybe find some way to bide her time. But from the looks of it biding her time would probably mean entertaining it for it's last few moments of life. The upside to this was it would probably not try to injury her while doing this.

Natalie Stats
Willpower - 36/36
Combat and HP - 3 and 10/10
Explore and Stam - 7 and 30/30
Spirit and Magic - 11 and 20/20
Naughty and Lewd - 5 and 30/30

Fight the dying monster until it collapses and die's (Combat) or
Give the monster a pleasurable send off (Naughty)
Re: Cave of Wishes (Tassadar)

(Crap. Both of my lowest stats.)

Natalie grimaces angrily as she realizes that the strange goo had left tears in her cloak, though she couldn't exactly do anything about it now. Still, it could have been much worse, and she now knew that she'd have to be careful when using magic in here, as that strange black goo seemed attracted to it. If she hadn't discovered that now, it might have proven catastrophic later. If it could be avoided, she'd much rather not find out what that stuff would do to her if it touched her. Wrapping her now slightly damaged cloak around her, Natalie continued on, now keeping her eyes peeled for threats.

When she spotted the damaged golem made of the black goo from the chasm, Natalie paused and tried to fade into the background. She studied the damaged construct intently, wondering how it could have been animated if the goo it was made of was so captivated by magic. She is snapped out of her thoughts when it starts coming toward her, however, the creatures purposeful gait keying her in to the fact that it had noticed her. 'Crap..... What now?' She thinks to herself. She could try to fight the thing, but she didn't doubt that magic would only make it all the more persistent. And Natalie certainly didn't like the odds of fighting the thing without magic.

Suddenly, however, an idea came to her. She casually pulled her cloak off, as well as her bra, and set them aside, leaving her top half naked. She then pulls her panties down beneath her skirt, but left her skirt on. Finally, she walks out of her hiding place, her thin nubile body nude except for her short black skirt. She approached the slime golem, her hands going up to play with her c-cup breasts. She wasn't sure what the creature would do once it got hold of her, or what the slime would do to her body when it touched her, but it was too late to back out now. Once the slime had gotten hold of her, Natalie would be completely submissive to it, doing her best to fulfill whatever desires the creature had, and hoping to outlast it.
Re: Cave of Wishes (Tassadar)

(well played man...well played, and by that I mean congrats on criting it's face.)

Naughty DC 18; Roll 20 + 5 = 25; pass
(Your getting really lucky in here, I was expecting this one to at least put a few points of damage onto you.)

The golem seeing her body moves forward, as she shows herself to not be a threat and it moves forwards to her body. She can tell it is attracted to her body, not because it has instincts to breed, more because it feels the magic inside of her. Luckily for her drawing magic out of someone not using it is extremely difficult.

She proceeds up to it noticing that it stands a good three feet taller than her, despite the numerous scars and scratches that litter it's body it still seems able to put up a fight. picking her up off the ground she feels the slime made hand wrapping around her naked body, it is cold and she can feel it starting to draw her magic from inside of her. It isn't getting any yet but and so long as she keeps her cool it wont. As it holds her up in the air it seems like it expected her to struggle, as she does not it decides to take advantage of this. Bringing it's second hand up to her, it draws her towards it's chest, where she see's a bubble of sorts begin to form. In a swift and powerful motion it shoves her inside of it, disoriented and confused she shifts for a second only to realize that her hands and feet are now stuck in goo, and it is slowly sliding down her arms. Inside her bubble she see's three tendrils of goo move forwards one from above her and two from below her. She could guess what these were for.

As the three tendrils move closer, the first one begins to tease her flower mouth and ass, while the one above her slides against her face. The tendrils are cool and slimy, yet not completely unappealing. The first tendril pushes it's way into her pussy, filling her insides up completely then continuing to flex and shift inside her giving her more pleasure then she thought possible. A long and powerful moan escapes her lips and leaves her mouth open and slightly wanting, to which the tendril in her face takes advantage. Pushing itself down her throat, the feeling of it filling her insides almost overwhelming. What would feel unpleasant and gross is instead nothing but pure pleasure, the tendril at her ass pushes it's way in. She can feel the pleasure of the experience overwhelming her. But she easily keeps her mind centered, and merely enjoys the pleasure the thing gives in it's final moments.

The experience continues for about two minutes, the pleasure is extremely but Natalie easily keeps her composure, being brought to three different orgasms. After the third the beasts time seems to be up as it turns to sludge the goo it was composed of completely inert now. she brushes herself off retrieves her clothing and proceeds down the tunnel. Knowing stealth is probably in her best interest as what ever managed to beat that thing is probably still alive and further down this tunnel.

Natalie proceeds down the path for what a while until she comes to a circular room. With at least ten different paths for her to take. Knowing full well that this is probably a way simply to confuse and tire out people coming this way. She would prefer to not waste more time wandering these tunnels aimlessly, she sits for a moment and takes stock of her options. Try her best to navigate the tunnels using her best maze tackling tricks. Or try casting a spell to or two that might help navigate her though the tunnels.

Natalie Stats
Willpower - 36/36
Combat and HP - 3 and 10/10
Explore and Stam - 7 and 30/30
Spirit and Magic - 11 and 20/20
Naughty and Lewd - 5 and 30/30

Explore the caves and try to simply navigate her way out (Explore[Combat]); Or Use magic to lead her though the tunnels correctly (Spirit[Spirit])
Re: Cave of Wishes (Tassadar)

(Lol. I'm having good luck for this one, apparently.)

Natalie was totally submissive to the creature, taking note that it hungered for magic just before it engulfed her in its body, the sensation being fairly familiar to her from her dealings with demons. Once within it, she lets her body take charge, closing her eyes and gladly opening her mouth for the tendril at her face, and sucking on it hungrily once it penetrates her even as the other tendrils slide into her flower and ass. Her eyes snap open once more as the tendrils slide into her holes, and she emits a loud, animalistic moan of pleasure. Her hips gyrated in time with its movements inside her, heightening the already mind-blowing pleasure, and the creature sends her over the edge of orgasm almost immediately. Her juices, already flowing, squirt out of her pussy, and her holes clench around the intruding tendrils of goo.

By the time the golem falls apart, Natalie is barely lucid, well on the way to her fourth orgasm despite having had her third only moments before. As such, she doesn't move for a moment as the construct dissolves around her, covering her in its remains as she breathes deeply and waits to recover her strength. After a moment, Natalie regains her feet, moving somewhat shakily and still covered in the black goo of the golem. Despite being filthy, the necromancer smiles, and says aloud; "Even after I get fucked senseless, I still end up covered in death." Then, she begins giggling, the sound carrying through the caves a little eerily. She tries her best to shake the slime off, re-dons her clothes, and continues on.

When she comes to the ten way intersection, Natalie smiles at how smoothly things were going. "Please. A maze with a nexus in the center?" She proceeds immediately to the middle of the room, kneeling to scratch a summoning circle into the ground, ensuring that the circle was centered perfectly before continuing. Setting to work, she began a simple summoning ritual, one she'd done hundreds of times, by bowing her head and closing her eyes, willing the circle closed so that it could contain what she summoned. Her target wasn't even of the slightest threat to her, of course, but it was a good practice to keep up with. She worked her magic, summoning a ghost, and trapping the lesser undead within the circle.

Then, using her will to hold the spirit in this plane, and the circle to keep it from fleeing, she gave it a command; "Guide me, spirit, to my destination, and I will return thee to thy rest. I seek the heart of this complex, where its greatest treasures dwell. Do not attempt to cheat me, or lead me into unnecessary danger, or I will bind you to this world forevermore. No, go." And then, she broke the circle, holding the ghost with her magical power and force of will, but allowing it to move freely, and lead her down the correct passage.
Re: Cave of Wishes (Tassadar)

Spirit 18 DC; Roll of 8 + 11 = 19 Pass;

Releasing the ghost from his binding in the circle, it spins around the room twice. Apparently getting it's bearings, after which it leads you down a series of corridors. Each one more of a natural cave then before, After an hour of walking though these caves Natalie begins to think maybe the spirit is lost. After which it leads her back into the main chamber of the room. It seems her previous assessment was correct, before she can question it it darts down a new path, this time much faster. Natalie runs at almost full tilt though the caves and manages to keep up but after only two minutes of this is getting tired. As she slows to rest she notices something dart out of a cave behind her. It is a black thing, for lack of the time and energy to spend analyzing what it is that has taken up chase on her.

Darting after the spirit and keeping pace the spirit eventually leads you down a corridor that leads into a tunnel which as Natalie peers past the spirit leads into at least ten of the things that are beginning to amass behind her. Just as it is about twenty feet form them it darts into the ground. Leaving Natalie in a precarious position. Or at least she wold be, but as she darts to where the spirit dropped the ground beings to crumble and she falls though a newly formed hole in the tunnel. Landing squarely in the center of another hall way, it seems that the spirit did it's job, it just had trouble navigating the tunnels.

Picking herself up she moves forward towards the next turn int eh cave/hallway it was getting harder to tell the difference. Peering around the corner she noticed a beasts floating above the ground talking with someone. She only caught the last sentence before the humanoid figure dissipated. "Make sure nobody get's past you BeeGee, Someone broke the force field on the entrance to this place and if I don't get to the prize first I can't guarantee what it will be used for." To this comment the monster seems to nod it's body...which appears to be entirely it's head. Except for the fact that it has more tentacles coming off of it's body then Natalie could count, possibly even if she tried. It was another monster of some kind standing between her and her goal, it didn't look noticeably resistant to magic but she knew if she tried to cast something that would give away her position. And while she thought she could take one, it was very likely he had back up just around the corner.

Natalie Stats
Willpower - 36/36
Combat and HP - 3 and 10/10
Explore and Stam - 7 and 30/30
Spirit and Magic - 11 and 20/20
Naughty and Lewd - 5 and 30/30

Natalie weighed her options sneak past the monster, but if it caught her lord only knows what it would do. (Explore[Naught]); or Fight the monster straight up, yeah it would be risky but the thing didn't look that strong (combat)
Re: Cave of Wishes (Tassadar)

Natalie rages inwardly at the uncooperative spirit, berating herself for rushing an encounter with a being she was unfamiliar with while simultaneously swearing that she'd tie this spirit to a shoe and bury it for all eternity. Her thoughts are interrupted, however, when she falls down a hole in the ground. She at least manages to keep from screaming, until she landed in a heap on the ground. Not graceful, but at least she hadn't broken anything. She wasn't much of a healer, after all.

Getting back to her feet and moving a bit forward, she pauses when she hears a voice up ahead. Natalie cautiously peaks around the corner, spotting the disappearing person just as they fade from view, meaning she has no chance of identifying them. She also spots the strange, tentacled creature in the center of the room, allegedly named "BeeGee."

Natalie silently fades back into the hallway from whence she'd come, and prepares to enact a silent bit of magic. She concentrates for a moment, and once more summons the power of living shadows. This time, however, she uses them to cover herself in a cloak of shadow, effectively making her much harder to see. Then, she'd try to sneak by the creature, staying out of its line of sight as much as possible, not wanting to test her luck if she could help it.

(Sneak past it.)
Re: Cave of Wishes (Tassadar)

(well your luck was bound to run out eventually, fortunately for you I think it's probably too late for you to have any fear of losing this particular dungeon.)
Explore DC 19; Roll 5 + 7 = 12 fail by 7
7 stamina damage and 7 lewd damage

Seeing the thing seems to be distracted in another area you decide now would be the time to sneak by. Using the pillars as hiding spots along your path you manage to get three closer to it. It is at this point you notice what it is, the beast appears to be just a mass of tentacles with an eye and a mouth. and it is not so much floating as standing on a couple of it's tentacles. Your mind reasons you probably noticed it's tracks outside the cave. While your mind is musing over this fact you shift your weight to your other foot not realizing it is not stable. As you shift your weight the rock that it was on crumbles not only making a sound but also you begin to fall backwards out of your hiding place. The first and only thought into your mind is, Fuck my luck was bound to run out eventually.

With no time lost towards your untimely mistake the mass of tentacles shoots three out at your grabbing your arms legs and waist easily. Pulling you off the ground and over to it, at which time it looks you over. "well your quite the looker there Missy, you must be the one that broke that barrier down at the entrance. I'm gonna have fun softening you up for Master Matt." At which point it smiles a big and very toothy smile. Oddly enough it seems it's teeth are those of an herbivore, so at least you don't have to worry about it eating you. But the tentacles shifting all over your body and removing what little clothing you had left on, that is something to worry about.

Three tentacles shoot out of his body each one moving to a key location on your body, the first moved to your lower lip, the second to your ass, and the third hovered in front of your face. "Lets see if we can't get you ready for the master shall we?" At this point he thrusts the first of his three tentacles into your pussy. As it enters you it feels amazing but you keep your teeth clenched knowing this mass of tentacles is waiting for a change to penetrate more holes. You know it's waiting to penetrate your ass, hoping to have you lulled into a lust educed haze by then. But it's plans seem to be going slowly, as you hold out at least for a while, your pussy begins to feel hot and the mass begins to get impatient. Two new tentacles move from his mass, these two move to your breasts and begin to tease the nipples there. A third tentacle moves down to your pussy and begins to use smaller tentacles to play with your clit. Finally giving enough pleasure to push you near a climax, causing you to lose control for a moment and gasp for air. This is all the monster needs as he pushes his phallic tentacle into your mouth as you open it for even a second. The pleasure starting to wash over you, you being to notice the monster is also getting off to this, and it seems to be tiring him out. A plan formulates in your mind, well I can't beat him right now but I might be able to out last him.

The third and tentacle continues to rub itself between your ass checks as you ride his tentacles. After a moment the one in your mouth pulls itself free, as it shoots three shots of cum from it's tip each onto your face. You grimace as the sticky unpleasant smelling liquid contacts your face, the tentacle then moves down to your ass. Using your own saliva as lube it pushes it's way up inside you. Causing another gasp which again the beast uses to push the tentacle that was rubbing your ass checks into your mouth. Triple penetrating you, the tentacles being to pump inside of you faster and faster. You quickly begin to lose focus on how long you've been in the air getting fucked by this thing. As the pleasure builds inside you, bringing yourself to a blissful and overwhelming climax. One shared by the mass of tentacles, as each tentacle blows it's load, each one shooting two shots of it's sticky cum inside of you only to pull to for the last three shots to cover your body it it's sticky love juice. The beast overwhelmed by the experience sinks to the floor, apparently unconscious, as you lay there on the floor no longer bound, your mind still whole and conscious. You won the encounter....sort of, and there are places to go and things to do.

Not knowing where to begin cleaning yourself up, you manage and move onwards. Recovering from the tentacle educed orgy you just finished, you see the room ahead. There appears to be a wolf in the next room, and it seems to be as tall as you, while it stands on all fours. Scanning the room you see a panel on the wall, that could hold a trap or some other device inside of it. You also know that the beast is going to stand in your way no matter what you do. It is time to remove this threat and hopefully finally get your wish.

Boss encounter both challenges must be bested to continue.
First - You can fight the wolf straight up, or you can examine that panel on the wall (Explore or combat[combat]);
Second - The beast is tenacious, you need to deal with him either finishing him in combat, or positioning him for something more useful to do the job. (Combat or Spirit)

Natalie Stats
Willpower - 36/36
Combat and HP - 3 and 10/10
Explore and Stam - 7 and 23/30
Spirit and Magic - 11 and 20/20
Naughty and Lewd - 5 and 23/30
Re: Cave of Wishes (Tassadar)

Natalie almost screams as the tentacled creature grabs hold of her. She struggles wildly in an attempt to get free and hopefully fight the creature off, to no avail. She ends up moaning like a whore as the monster fucks all her holes, her mouth sucking hungrily on the tentacle in her mouth. Eventually, she finds that she'd managed to outlast the thing, her body covered and filled with its sticky seed. Her tongue licks her lips, lapping up some of the monsters cum and bringing it into her mouth. She plays with it in her mouth, enjoying the foul taste, before swallowing it down.

Not bothering to redress herself, Natalie continues on, still covered in cum. When she spots the massive wolf creature up ahead, she quickly casts a spell to create a pair of illusions, looking exactly like her, monster seed and all. They had no substance, and would disappear once the creature managed to touch them, an they didn't have any scent either, but hopefully they would keep it occupied long enough for her to go and activate that panel on the wall. She just hoped that, whatever it was, it proved to be useful.
Re: Cave of Wishes (Tassadar)

(a pair of really good rolls)

Boss enoucnter both need to be passed to pass
Explore DC 18; Roll 17 + 5 = 22 Pass
Spirit DC 21; Roll 14 + 11 = 25 Pass

Victory is yours.

Using your spell to distract the Wolf is a great idea, sadly tho it does not distract him long. But it dose distract him just long enough, you find the panel and see that it is for a trap. What that trap is is not clear but it's easy enough to see where the target area for the trap is. Taking another shadow from her spells she lures the wolf into position. Which is substantially easier then she gives it credit. and when the beast is in place she pulls the trap. It springs upon the beast and it is wrapped and pinned to the ground. Oddly enough it is left alive, she counts this as a weird occurrence. But lets is slide.

You stand there musing for a moment thinking whether or not to finish off the wolf. It was somebodies guardian, maybe that shimmering man, or maybe the wish granters. Killing it could possibly have a negative effect upon the next challenge. What ever was next she knew was the thing that granted her wish, be it an actual being or simply a jewel she needed to activate she did not know. The heralds of this place had been less then forth coming with that information. What ever it was she decided it was time to find out, but before moving forward she came back to the wolf and her rather seed covered state.

(you win and the next section is the after dungeon stuff, you can't lose here unless you actively want it to happen. If you don't mind I would like heads up of what you are doing to prep before going in, as well as whether or not you spare the wolf.)
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Re: Cave of Wishes (Tassadar)

Natalie smiles at the captured wolf, and allows her illusions to dissipate. She approached the beast, still naked and covered in semen, and silently summoned the power of shadows once more. She wrapped a noose around the struggling creatures throat, and squeezed until the animal ceased its struggles, and then for another few minutes, just to be sure. She didn't want the thing coming after her, after all.

The last guardian apparently vanquished, Natalie nonetheless knew that someone else had been along before her, and was still most likely up ahead. That in mind, she did her best to try and clean herself up before putting her clothes back on, assuming she could find them, and heading forward, intent on being rid of whoever was up ahead and having her wish.
Re: Cave of Wishes (Tassadar)

You enter the next room and find yourself staring face to face with the most beautiful women you have ever seen. She stands just taller then you with silky blue skin, golden hair and wears almost nothing. She moves towards you her hips shifting from side to side seductively, She addresses you.

"well, well, well, it seems you've made it past all the tests of this cave my sexy little mage. I wonder what wish you came here for? And I wonder what price your willing to pay for it?" She laughs in amusement as she continues her slow walk towards you.
Re: Cave of Wishes (Tassadar)

Natalie stares expressionlessly at this newcomer for a moment, her gaze encompassing the womans incredible beauty before Natalies mind snaps back to her end goal. She looks the woman in the eyes, her expression shifting into a smile, and replies; "Price? I didn't hear anything about any price. Who might you be, then?"
Re: Cave of Wishes (Tassadar)

"Oh," She says a smile spreading across her face.
"I am the Genie of this cave, and I would expect someone who gave so much for power to know. There is no such thing as a free wish, there is always a cost. The question here is what is your wish? As the complexity of the wish is what will determine just how high of a cost it has." While speaking she continues her strut towards you, stopping just out of reach but at the same level as you. She appears to be your height and for the most part your measurements, except for a slightly larger bust. A smile is glued to her face as she awaits your response.
Re: Cave of Wishes (Tassadar)

'Damnit. Still, I shouldn't be surprised. Nothing's ever easy.' Natalie thinks to herself, pausing for a second after the Genie finishes her proclamation and pauses before her. Then, she replies; "Well then, theoretically, what might be the price for, say, unlimited magical power?"