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Cave of Wishes (Tassadar)

Re: Cave of Wishes (Tassadar)

"Unlimited magical power you say? Well you already made a pact with dark forces, I'm surprised you didn't find that enough magical power. Unfortunately there is no such think as limitless magical power. I can increase it but in all honesty the only thing I would be doing is pointing you in a direction to increase your power. There is one thing I can do in that regard but unfortunately the price to me for casting that wish is extremely high. I would need something of equal value from you, and this wish would leave me completely defenseless and almost comatose for five days. Do you think you have something you can give me that would equal that level of risk to my virtue and freedom?" She asks a smirk spreading across her lips as she descends the last of the stairs to look over your rather voluptuous form.
Re: Cave of Wishes (Tassadar)

"I thought as much. Still, always worth a shot. Theoretically though, if you were to cast such a wish, if it were worth it, I would be willing to guard you for those five days, and anything you might ask of me that I could truly grant would be yours for the taking. Anything...." Natalie replies, her pose shifting to accentuate her curves. Generally speaking, this tactic didn't work very well with women, but the Genie seemed to be interested in such from the way she was looking up and down her body, so Natalie figured that it would be worth a shot.
Re: Cave of Wishes (Tassadar)

"ohh now, your offering to stay here with me while I set this up? Unfortunately I inform you this wish will do two things, the first of which is give you some power. The second one is teleport us to another location, this is the place where you will get that magical power upgrade. The downside is this place is extremely dangerous. But the thing to keep in mind the magic change over is going to remove the spells you have right now. The shadow magic you got from the succubus will leave you and be replaced....with Genie magic...with me." She says looking you up and down now directly in front of you. "Are you willing to undertake this merger? It will give you great power but no guarantee you'll be able to get out of the place we go for the merger, or even last until the wish is cast." She looks into your eyes looking for your thought on this "So then do you want to this or not?"
Re: Cave of Wishes (Tassadar)

"Merge with you? Hmmm...... I must know more first. Would I become a genie myself? And if so, would I have the same restrictions as I've heard Genies possess? In other words, would I be limited to granting the wishes of others? Also, if I lost my demon magic, would I keep my own natural magical abilities, or would I lose those as well?"
Re: Cave of Wishes (Tassadar)

"Your natural magic would remain but it would no longer be tainted by the demon's but instead altered by Genie magic. And no you would not really have the limitations that I have, because you have a body. I do not have a physical body per say, my body is composed entirely of magic which is a huge limitation. Of course the magic would not be as strong as myself but you would be on the same level as two other men born on this plane. they had such massive natural magic they could honestly do anything if they trained hard enough. Luckily only one did. Either way the Spell would be extremely long, around five days to cast, and the location it can be cast at is not the most hospitable place ever. You would need to stand against the denizens there for the duration of the cast, but once you held out the change would be complete and permanent. WE both get what we want, I get a body not composed of only magic, and you get a massive power boost. So then darling...are you in?" She says raising one eyebrow, and awaiting your response.
Re: Cave of Wishes (Tassadar)

Natalie considers for a moment, and then says; "Very well. I agree. What kind of creatures would I have to deal with exactly?"
Re: Cave of Wishes (Tassadar)

"of that I'm not sure, I've only ever been there once and it was not someplace I hung around. One of them will be similar to the goo monsters in this cave, which are there as much to hinder you as keep me in. And probably a tentacle monster of some kind, but beyond that I have little idea." She shrugs and moves to her pedestal. "All I can tell you is that this will test your abilities, even as you gain new Genie infused abilities. Hopefully your up to the task because once I start I can't stop, it is not that I lose the ground I gained it is more this is a process that once started it finishes, there is no stopping it early. I wish you the best of luck and hopefully we will be successful come up here to my pedestal so we can go and get this started. Assuming you don't need time to rest and prepare yourself. I have a room back there you could spend the night in, or we could spend some time here. What ever you wish to do before we begin." Shifting her weight again, showing off her curves and rather attractive body. She is waiting on your approval to begin, what ever you need to do she is obviously willing to let you do.
Re: Cave of Wishes (Tassadar)

"Hmmm... That doesn't sound too difficult, even without my demon-given magics. I suppose I could use a shower, but that can wait until later, especially since it's likely that I'm just going to get dirty again anyway. It's too bad though.... I would have loved to have seen if Genie are as skilled as succubi. We might as well get going." Natalie replies, and gives the genie a wink and a nod toward where she'd said her bedroom was.
Re: Cave of Wishes (Tassadar)

she quickly gets ahead of you and leads you into the bed room, it is a rather empty room with mostly just the bed in it but the bed is quite large. THe other odd thing about this room is that it seems to have perfectly smooth walls. Very unlike the rest of the cave, which looks for the most part like a cave. Taking your hand she leads you closer to the bed "Was that a challenge I just heard you speak? Because if so I can assure you Genie's are quite skilled and I am always interested in unwinding some." She says letting herself get extremely close to you, her breasts rubbing against yours, as her hand slides across your cheek softly.

"There is no rush to get to the joining, after all it will be a five day event for you and I. Maybe some time spent loosening up would be beneficial to both of us." She speaks in a low whisper as her face gets closer and closer to yours, not more then an inch from your face you can feel each others breath upon your faces. She pauses there waiting for you to pull away or push in.
Re: Cave of Wishes (Tassadar)

"Well then.... Why don't you show me?" Natalie whispers, and moves her face forward to gently kiss the Genie on the lips. While she does so, her hands begin moving, one swiftly pulling her bra off and letting it drop to the ground, revealing her stiff pink nipples, while the other wraps around the genies waist, pulling her closer.
Re: Cave of Wishes (Tassadar)

after the first peck on the lips the Genie moved forward herself her body pressing up against Natalie. Her lips seek to meet with hers, which they do joining, after a moment their tongues being to dance together as the Genie passionately Makes out with our young mage. Feeling the bra fall to the ground the Genie lets her hands begin to go to work, she snaps her finds behind Natalie and the remainder of her clothing falls to the ground as well as the single piece garment she was wearing. After that her hands more up and down Natalie spine one hand ending it's trip at her head wrapping around the back of her head to hold her in the kiss the other finding her ample backside which she runs her hand over squeezing once. The embrace continues for about five minutes, Natalie is not keeping track, when the Genie breaks the kiss off only to begin kissing Natalie's neck, slowly working her way down the mage's shoulder. the hand runs it's way down the back of her head rubbing down her neck until it reaches her chest where it wraps itself around one of her breast. Taking the time to tweak the nipple of it with her thumb. A light moan escapes the Genie's lips in between her kissing of Natalie's body.
Re: Cave of Wishes (Tassadar)

Natalie smiles as the genie disrobes her in an instant, and deepens the kiss, setting her tongue to swirl with her partners. The necromancer lets out a soft gasp as the genie breaks the kiss and begins working her way down, closing her eyes and enjoying the sensations that the woman was giving to her. She moans audibly as the woman tweaks her nipple, and a shiver of pleasure runs up her spine at the attention given to her sensitive breast. Her own hands reach up to cup the genies impressive bust, rubbing her palm against the womans nipples as she cups the genies breasts.
Re: Cave of Wishes (Tassadar)

Feeling Natalie's hands moving over her body the Genie lets out a moan of her own. But it does not distract her from the task she has set herself upon, your body needs exploring and the explorer is her lips. She continues kissing your heck and down to your shoulder, moving finally to your exposed breasts. Kissing around your nipple until finally resting up on, moving her tongue across its surface then swirling it around the area. She takes her time making sure the pleasure wracking your body is intense and memorable. After a minute of her lips teasing one nipple and her fingers the other she releases your breasts, only to stand straight up and plant another deep kiss on your lips. As she kisses you deeply again she pulls you towards her and falls backwards onto the bed.

Taking on a moment she quickly shifts so your on your back on the bed and releasing you lips again beings to more south this time far more quickly. Passing your breasts and nipples with a kiss each, she continues down our stomach kissing your body ever two inches. eventually coming to the place she was looking for, your womanhood. Kissing the outside for just a moment she quickly gets working on your clit, sucking it and inserting two of her fingers into your pussy. Her body being composed of magic she easily shifts the shape of her fingers to easily reach your places of highest pleasure. And she begins working you over, sending wave of mind washing pleasure over you, as she works she can feel your body convulsing and shifting, squirming and shuddering. The pleasure wracking your body over and over until it brings you to a massive orgasm.

Your body releases it's juices in the orgasm and she laps them up letting not a drop go to waste. "mmm, I hope you enjoyed that because we are just getting started. But I am a woman as much as you, and need my own release. But I think you'll find pleasing me to be almost as much fun as what I just did to you." She says as she slowly crawls back up to being over you, she lets her breasts hang down and rub against your body as she moves up onto the bed.
Re: Cave of Wishes (Tassadar)

Natalie moans and lies back as the genie pleasures her womanhood, lifting her legs up to give the woman a better angle. She throws back her head issues a gasp that turns into a scream of ecstasy as the genie drives her into one of the greatest orgasms she'd ever had. Her back arches as her eyes open wide, though they are completely unfocused, and her entire body quakes in orgasmic bliss as her womanhood issues a gush of her juices. Natalie lies on the soft bed, panting as she recovers from the pleasure that the genie had sent coursing through her body.

As the genie rises up over her, Natalie smiles, and reaches her head up to place her mouth over the genies right nipple. She sucks gently on it before swirling her tongue around it, licking the genies nipple in a steady slow rhythm. After a moment the young sorcerer pulls her mouth off of the womans nipple and says; "Oh? And why is that? What you just did was incredible."
Re: Cave of Wishes (Tassadar)

As Natalie stares up at the Genie she feels a hang begin to stroke her left thigh. In her peripheral vision she see's both the Genies hands. Confused for a moment she looks down to see another hang obviously from the Genie growing out of the bed.

"You see I can make make extra extensions of my limbs materialize out of things, it is a talent with few uses. But giving pleasure to the one giving me pleasure is one such use." She smiles as the hand moves between her legs and begins to rub her already wet loins. "On the same note your quite good at pleasing women. Do you do this often? Or only with women who promise you great power?"

She says smiling as she shifts her weight onto her back allowing you to get on top of her.
Re: Cave of Wishes (Tassadar)

"Interesting..... I don't suppose you could make something you wouldn't normally have? Just out of curiosity." Natalie replies, as she pushes the genie onto her back. Natalie gets between the genies legs, her head resting on the womans taught stomach for a moment, as she says; "On occasion.... It's been too long though. I was almost getting sick of all the tentacles I was getting stuffed inside me."

Then, she lowers herself to the genies sex, and begins to lick the lips of the genies sex, before her tongue dives past her lips into the genies womanhood. She swirls her tongue around within the genies pussy slowly for a little while before she pulls out and begins sucking on her clit, rubbing it with her tongue while slowly sliding two fingers into the genies pussy. She sucks on her clit gently as she speeds up the movement of her fingers, increasing the pace and pressure until the genie climaxes.
Re: Cave of Wishes (Tassadar)

As Natalie beings to lick her, the Genie looks down at her longingly and replies. "Sadly no, I can give them any part of my body, but not parts of my body I don't normally have. Sign, but I can create a golem, which would.....have.....the proper...oh god....parts....." She says her sentence slowly dissolving into nothing but moans of pleasure. Her body beginning to buck and shiver as the pleasure works it's way though her. After a moment Natalie feels two hands grip her breasts, and a third move between her legs. As each of them grow mouths.

The hands begin to suck on your breast and lick your pussy, copying your motions on the Genie. Although the Genie is extremely easy to please, after only a moment or two more you feel the Genie's body shiver as an orgasm rocks her body. Followed by the hands with mouths continuing their assault on her private area's. Sending wave after wave of pleasure though Natalie's body. Only a few moments after the Genie's first orgasm it seems that Natalie's resistance to the Genie's mouths are not very high, or maybe the last orgasm left her more prone to pleasure. What ever it may be Natalie had no time to truly muse over this question as the orgasm rocked her body, feeling the Genie's juices flow out of her and onto Natalie a small portion got into her mouth. It tasted sweet, and addictive, and highly magical, in fact it revitalized some of Natalie's magic just by drinking it.

The Genie lay there the hands receded, panting looking down at Natalie smiling. "Oh God, you are very good with that mouth, I find it hard to believe you don't spend more time with woman partners." She lays back letting her muscles unwind, moaning then cooing softly. "You said you wanted a none tentacle cock to penetrate you? Would you like me to make that happen, since your going to help me so much the least I can do is make this night as memorable as possible." She says smiling awaiting your response, you notice from her posture and her eyes that you are in control of this situation, your wish is her command you pleasure is her goal.
Re: Cave of Wishes (Tassadar)

"Natalie smiles into her work as the genie loses coherence, increasing her efforts. She falters slightly as she feels the mouths begin working on her own pussy and breasts, her pale face flushing as pleasure surges through her body. She barely concentrates as the genies extra limbs work her even as she works the genie, but manages to keep up her efforts until the genie orgasms. Natalies own release follows only seconds after, but she still manages to take some of the genies sweet cum into her mouth. She keeps it in her mouth for a moment, enjoying the wonderful taste and feeling of invigoration, before swallowing. The young sorcerer immediately begins lapping up as much of the genies cum as she can get, her eyes closed at the euphoric taste and feeling of her magic regenerating.

Natalie actually blushes at the genies question, closing her eyes and responding; "Mmm..... I'd love that, if you can. The main reason I lay with women so rarely is that I like being with men so much. You wouldn't have to worry about pulling out, if it's even possible for a genie to breed with a human. I'd much rather bare your spawn, than that of any of the tentacled beasts that I've been with today."
Re: Cave of Wishes (Tassadar)

The Genie lay's panting, taking a moment to recover from her experience. She stops and looks up at her ceiling wondering for a moment. "You know I've never actually tried growing that through a wish, hmmm I wonder if it'll work? Either way how many men do you enjoy laying with at once? The golems are great but a hassle, since they are mindless I have to order them to do everything. And it is quite a hassle when your trying to have them please you." She says rolling her eyes, closing them she puts her hands together and you see the glow of magic concentrate in her hands. moving them down to her crotch, she rubs herself for a moment. Removing her hand you watch in amazement as her pussy seems to seal up and from the area grow a full cock and balls. The cock stretches out to a full seven inches, and the genie rubs her stomach out of breath.

"I wish using that wishing magic was less draining. Hopefully this is to your liking, I normally don't cave to such requrest but the pleasure you gave me is more then payment. Do you have a prefernce to how many, cocks you want thrusting into you? one, two, or three?"

She says smiling as from the walls two stone golem's emerge. Each in turn, their bodies shift from stone to flesh, their eyes are empty but their cocks are large and erect.

"On a side note, these are the types of powers you can expect after the joining. I'm not sure how they will react to coming from a person with a body, but either way we both you, you get power and I get the ability to leave here for long periods of time." She states to you as she sits up on her bed and the two golems move closer to the edge awaiting your response.
Re: Cave of Wishes (Tassadar)

Natalies eyes widen at the appearance of the genies cock, a delighted coo escaping form her before she could contain it. As she summons the golems, her eagerness only grows, the genies incredible skill and magical abilities having gotten the necromancer incredibly worked up. "Why don't we start with one, and move up to three?" Natalie replies, as she gets into doggy position, her pussy presented toward the genie, while the golems cocks were right in her face. She makes a show of grabbing one of their dicks, and licking up the underside of it as she stares directly at the genie behind her, ready for the woman to get started whenever she wanted.