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Celandine - IC


Well-known member
Apr 28, 2019
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The story so far
The affliction known as Celandine has begun to spread throughout the capital city. The area's most affected at the slums, but it seems that a band of infected has been working within the Church of Winston. The party has fended off two sperate encounters with them and has gotten a valuable sample. Additionally, they acquired a few 'friends' who seemed to be a bit peculiar given the ones they have met so far.

26459 By the time they left the estate, it was already late afternoon. The sun beating down upon them, combined with the sweet smells of late afternoon stews simmering over hearths made for a pleasant mixture. Maddison awaited them smiling a little bit as they waltzed up with four more prisoners in-tow. "Seems you've found a few victims, yes?" She looked over the quartet in ropes and then to the three who brought them in, her tail lightly flicking back and forth as her coat jiggled slightly. "Come in, I'd like to hear the full report of what you found..."
Inside, Maddison had poured the three of them each a cup of tea, a platter of cookies sat in the center for them to munch on. Each would find the tea, black of course, well made and the cookies sweet! "I see," Maddie slumped back into her chair, tucking her legs up to her chest. "I'd feared we might be facing a sapient force behind all this... You've gathered a sample as well! This is monumental!" She quickly hopped over to Uria, grabbing the small packet once presented. "The early stages are usually mild. If you feel your desires growing, then you may well have contracted it..." She cautioned. Palming the small paper envelope. "You've all done amazingly well, thank you for your hard work thus far," Maddie smiled returning to her chair. "We'll keep the prisoners here at least the leader Katlyn you mentioned. I think the next course of action will be the three of you taking this all the way up to my benefactor. Unless you'd like to analyze the sample that Uria so graciously got us? I might even be able to work on a cure of some kind form this!" She beamed, her ears twitching back and forth happily.
The tea was starting to cool, it was about time for them to go there separate ways. "Oh, before I forget," Maddison jostled in her coat for a few minutes, the casual clinking chimes that always followed the cat girl filling the room. "Each of you has earned this," She smiled, setting before each of them a sack of gold, counted up it would be 5000g. [You can all level up as well]

Finding some time alone she is able to go down to the basement with Katlyn. The girl has been pretty quiet since you left the manor. She sits on the floor, looking away in a little bit of a pout. "I can hear you fine," She answered, "It's already passed for the time being," It seemed that Sari's magic had worn off, and the proud girl would need a bit of convincing to co-operate once more.

Once the others had left, Uria was left on her own... She could go to sleep but that wouldn't be fun... She could feel a slight burning in her crotch, her lips anxious for something to fill them... surely it was nothing she needs to worry about right? Maybe she could find some fun with one of there captives? Maybe Gregor would like a visitor again... or maybe she'd be able to use some of that gold for some fun? The possibilities were nearly endless for the thirsty fey!

Earlier as Alice took a sip of the tea she'd feel a curious warmth between her legs. A few skips of her heart, that only seemed to get worse when she looked at their kitty cat presenter.
Once all was done, Maddie found Alice alone, She gave a soft smirk. "How are you feeling? Body feeling a little bit warm? Maybe you should come with me, I'm sure I can help, yes." The cat smiled, lightly running a finger over Alice's chest.
sample_79b515e2835f328caee31b7b6917baab44b2448e.jpg Sariphana, the Anti-Succubus

Sariphana walked through the city with the gray robe over her body, the glow having dimmed down. Even so, their little procession likely still drew interested eyes on them.

Sari eagerly drank the tea and tasted the cookies, always eager for new sensations. She took the offered gold with a graceful nod.
"Your benefactors is the king himself, right? Or at least his adjutors. I do not like interacting with rulers, but if it has to be done, I will... Hopefully your benefactors are as open-minded to my nature as you. Speaking of benefactors, I'd like to borrow your laboratory for another offering ceremony again."
Sariphana drew a colorful pattern on the floor again and unleashed a magical flame on the gold coins heaped into an alchemical brazier, first melting, then disappearing the precious metal into a flickering rainbow flame. All throughout the house a melody, like a songbird, could be heard, as Sariphana's body started to glow. She smiled and sighed in relief as she stood up. There was nothing left of the gold Maddison had given her. "Maybe to clear up any confusion, I have little need for material possessions, but dedicating my reward to my benefactors not only furthers their power, but proves I have done something good, which makes them give me back some of my power. I have done much to atone for. Until then, my power is limited, sealed away but it comes back with every step I take towards my complete redemption." She said to Maddison and whoever else was watching.

She looked for Uria next. "Hey, I just want you to know that if you have any urges, I will gladly help you sate them. I have... some experience now with Celandine, as a sexual boon. The disease is marvelous, yet so sinister... Anyway, I don't know if maybe lovemaking makes it progress faster, but still, don't hesitate to ask me."
. . .

Sari knelt down in front of Katelyn. "Who am I speaking to? The girl, or the being possessing her? No offense." (Diplomacy: 22)

Uria tried to ignore the warmth and tingling in her groin hoping that it was not the dread disease but simply something brought on by the lewdness of the cult and the nearness of the sexy anti-succubus. She sat rather stiffly as they Maddison, taking tea and cookies and not entirely resisting the urge to squirm her round bottom against the seat and stealthily rub her silky thighs together. She tried to listen, to focus but it was difficult. Was this the disease? Was this only the early, beginning stages of the affliction? If so what would it be like later in the progression? Would Uria even be able to think coherently?

"Mild? I... ahhh..." She shook her head. "Are you sure it is... the disease? Should I... ammm... stay away from others? Is it contagious?" Uria shivered and rubbed her thighs together. "I would... I would like you to see if you can work out a cure. I don't want to see anything more about this sample, this disease." She frowned. "Do you think that they were making this powder to spread the disease then Maddison? It seems to me that we must act against any of their compatriots if it is spread so easily by the powder in the air." Uria took a deep breath, her bosom pressing against her blouse showing erect and perky nipples. "I will represent you to your benefactors." She glanced at Sari. "I can be the public face of your team if you like"

As they broke up later Uria nodded slowly to Sari. "How can the disease be a boon? Surely it is a curse that leads to madness." Already it was hard to think as her thoughts were instead drawn to the sexy succubus or the manly Gregor whose big... thick... cock... ahhhhh....
sample_79b515e2835f328caee31b7b6917baab44b2448e.jpgSariphana, the Anti-Succubus

"I would be glad if you were to represent us, allowing me to stay hidden. I... don't like authority. I detest it. I am not sure I could stop myself from making a scene..." Sari replied to Uria's offer.

Shortly after, she stepped close to the fey-elf, pressing her ample chest against hers, leaning forward until their faces were only inches apart. Sari's tail curled around Uria's thigh. She had discraded the robe as they entered the laboratory building. The reformed demoness still smelled of the sex she had with Katelyn in the estate, and beneath that were more exotic, evocative scents, inspiring images of dripping honey, leaves in the summer wind, a cold stream of clear water, a lover's kiss on a soft thigh... She breathed against Uria's face, feeling the heat in the other girl's loins.
"Pleasure is only maddening if it is denied or manipulated. I mean, you seemed pretty sensual before. Do you really feel all that different? I have shared thoughts with infected lovers. I felt the gnawing void. But it doesn't have to be that way. You can still channel that desire, that lust, into something positive. Your lover, for instance. If... love quenches the thirst, even for a bit, I can help you. I can drown you in my love, drown Celandine in it. I mean, I can try. so far I had mixed results." She blushed.

Uria smiled and nodded understandingly to Sari. "It would be my honor to represent the group as a face to the nobility and authorities so to speak."

She shivered and closed her eyes as the sensual woman shimmied up against her. "Ahhhmmmm..." Uria made to pull back but her efforts were weak and not convincing. She inhaled deeply, her pupils dilating with desire as she scented the aromas of sex and eroticism. "I don't feel any different other than a growing, aching desire for sex, for penetration and sweaty coupling." She shook her head. So... so one can submerge the mindless lust and desire from the disease through... love? What... what do you do?"
sample_79b515e2835f328caee31b7b6917baab44b2448e.jpgSariphana, the Anti-Succubus
Sari bit her lip. "I don't know. I am still experimenting myself. But It's worth a try." Her expression lit up. "I have another thing to take care of, but why don't you invite your lover, Gregory, or Gregor? Once I have finished my errands, I will lie with you two, and teach you how to reach true ecstasy." She closed the remaining distance and gave Uria a passionate kiss, her long tongue wrapping around the fey-elf's, their wet lips pressing together. She held the kiss for a long moment, then let go, her tail uncoiling from Uria's leg. "You are quite the creature, Uria. I'd love to find out about you more, but there is another mystery calling to me. Let's talk some other time. Have fun in the meantime." Sari said with a wink and a playful smile.

Uria returned the smile and shook her head. "I am willing to let you work your powers on me Sari. I do not wish to become a mindless sex-beast in thrall to this disease and my rampant desires." Despite her brave words Uria moaned and shivered, melting against Sari as the succubus kissed her deeply. Tangling her tongue with Sari's, mashing wet, full lips together she moaned into the embrace more loudly than before. "Oh! Oh! Gods..." Uria was panting and trembling in reaction.

"Yes... yes... I will find Gregor and... and... " Uria shook her head again. "We will be in our room. Please... please come find us."

Uria watched as Sari sauntered away and then turned back. She took a deep breath and then went off to find Gregor, to slip into their room and apply mouth, tongue and lips to his body, to savor and ravish and be ravished, to slake her burning lusts at least for now!
Maddie.jpg The scientist's eyes raised a bit at Uria's sudden hesitation. "I don't know if it's the disease, no. It is not transmitted through carriers, that much I am sure. This powder you gave me is likely means of transmission I've been looking for..." She smiled softly. "I will get to work on a cure as soon as I can, from your description it seems I might be working with something that goes beyond simple alchemy, so it may take time. For now, satisfy your urges as you need. We have a very helpful Sari around, yes. You also seem well versed in finding other partners," she opened her mouth as though she might continue, but her eyes wandered over to the vixen and she just finished, "yes..."
At the mention of Uria representing them to her Benefactors, the cat's tail started to whip playfully back and forth. "That may be for the best, you seem the most... posh... yes.." Maddie smiled, "In truth, I'd hoped you'd go as well Sari, though, selfishly only so the court would be upset at the revelation they are paying for a Celestabus. The complaints I'd receive would be quiet funny, yet." She giggled, holding her hand up to her mouth. "Though, I'll not press the issue. Best to let those confident in such things take to them, no?" ... "You may use my equipment again, thank you for asking, yes. That is good to know, you're quite an interesting creature. I've no problem paying you just like everyone else even if you don't need it, It's all paperwork and budget, and if I don't spend it, they'll cut back my funding for next year, yes." She sighs.

"You're speaking to Katelyn." She assured, meeting Sari's eyes shyly, "Mistress doesn't dain to fill our empty vessels that often." Her casual tone made it seem she might be feeling a bit more talkative now. "So what did you want to talk about? You have me, hostage, I doubt you just wanted to make sport of me again..." The girls red curls where laying haphazardly against her shoulders, plump lips drawn into a soft pout. The scent of sex and sweat still clinging to the girl.


Gregor.jpg The evening is young, Uria had the whole city as her oyster, but she'd have only one thing on her mind, the hunk of man meat Gregor, surely he'd be able to sate that burning between her legs... Where did he say he'd be again? The bar where they'd met, of course! Brushing past the odd guard and even traveler Uria could make her way to the bar, sure enough, there sat Gregor at the bar, his mug full of beer and laughing heartily at something the keeper had said.
"Uria!" He grinned, downing his drink, slamming to the bar and stepping over to her. "Couldn't bear being without me, eh?" He smiled, wrapping his arm around her, hand finding it's way to her chest, and giving her breast a playful squeeze. "Ah.... so where shall we be off to my lady?"
sample_79b515e2835f328caee31b7b6917baab44b2448e.jpgSariphana, the Anti-Succubus
"The leader all but told me that powder such as this is used to infect victims. I am inclined to believe it, though I cannot be sure that this particular substance is indeed the right one." Sari replied to Maddison.
She laughed. "Yes, it would be fun, showing myself off to the nobles, maybe I will accompany Uria... Usually I would think twice about drawing so much attention, but maybe that's a good thing. Whoever spoke to me through Katelyn knows about me. Maybe by showing off I can lure her out."
She looked at Maddison.
"I've been thinking. If there is some planar being involved, who called it here? Does your king maybe have a royal summoner or court mage who could be in league with whoever is behind Celandine? Maybe snooping around in the court will yield more clues..."
Sari pointed to her backpack. "You wouldn't happen to have a more elegant dress lying around I could wear to court? I have a set of clothes, but they are rather... revealing."

. . .

Sariphana sat down in front of the cultist girl. "You would like that, wouldn't you?" She stroked all over Katelyn's shapely body with her glowing fingers.
Sari brushed over the girl's nipples and leaned in, whispering: "Maybe if you're a good girl, I'll reward you with my love again. You remember, don't you? How it felt to be one with me. No secrets, no negative feelings, no distrust between us. Just ecstasy, and love, and trust. Remember. Remember my love." Her warmth and heady scent making Katelyn gasp as the feelings flooded over her again.
(Sariphana casts Build Trust! +2 on all Cha checks and Cha-based skill checks and can reroll those checks once each!)

"Tell me about your mistress. Everything you know. Start at the beginning. How and why did she choose you? Leave nothing out." Sari had rocked closer and was now holding Katelyn, hugging her against her ample breasts, stroking the girl's head and hair as she cooed into her ear, gently beckoning her to let go of her resistance and trust her. If the girl was forthcoming, she'd even let her hands wander down to encourage her further by stroking her nethers...
(Diplomacy to get her talking: 25, Reroll: 24)
(Sense Motive to notice if she tries to mislead or withhold information: 27 [Nat 20!])
(Charisma in case you want to make a competing Cha check: 23, Reroll: 11)

Uria nodded slowly. She glanced over at Sari and then back to Maddie. "I will definitely let Sari guide and help me in the ways of... satisfying... my urges and desires." She took a deep breath and then smiled. "And I will be glad to represent our group and take Sari with us. Maybe we can go out and buy you a beautiful dress and outfit if there is nothing acceptable here." She took Sari by the hands and kissed her on the cheek. "I would be glad to help you look even more ravishing."


A bit later Uria was hurrying through the streets of the town to find her lover. She'd enjoyed Gregor both for his confident intelligence as well as his good looks and prowess in combat and between her thighs. Thinking of his activities between her thighs Uria moaned a bit and hurried even faster. When she reached the inn Uria felt a surge of heat between her loins at the sight of him. Her loins grew heavier and wet, she felt a shifting and relaxing, opening and easing as her body juiced in readiness for intense, pounding sex.

"Gregor!" she smiled broadly and melted against his chest, her hand slipping down to cup his hard buttock. Squeezing him she looked up into his eyes, her face flushed with arousal. "I've been thinking about you since we parted last." Her breasts were sensitive and aching, the nipples hard under his touch speaking volumes of her arousal. She giggled. "Let's get a room with a big bed."
26821 Maddie's eyes lit up at the mention of a summoner, "I've not spent much time in the court, but there have been a few suspicious characters floating about, yes. A court mage who always struck me as off, an ambassador who seems to strut about like she owns the place, old blood who doesn't seem to understand that human supremacy was done away with... I'd not like to jump to conclusions though, it might be best for you to make your own opinions, yes. Just make your report, stir interest in our party, and maybe our true enemy will make themselves known. Yes... I have a few dresses for formal occasions, I'm a bit of a different build though, yes..." She was a good bit shorter then Sari, though, on the plus side, all her clothes did have a slot for her tail already... "Maybe it would be best for you to find an appropriate dress, I'd be willing to fund what you need, within reason, yes..."

The redhaired captive made an audible gulp as Sari started to play with her once more. "I... I'm not so base as to f-fetishize being disrespected b-by a d-demon like y-you... even one as p, pure as you..." As Sari drew her glowing delicate fingers over the captive's sensitive skin she let out soft moans, her breath growing ragged. The scent of her arousal already rising in the air. Her face was bright red, but she looked into Sari's eyes with an unbridled desire. "Y-yes ma'am..." She nuzzled her head closer to Sari, won over by the girl's charms.

"I, g-guess I'd start at the beginning... You already knew we've mostly come from the church of Winston... I am, well, I was the head priestess. Of that temple, I and a few contracted Celandine... before it was given that name... I, I hidden my urges, trying to stay pure and, well..." She sighed and ground her nethers closer to Sari's loving fingers. "We were the first of our mistress's converts... I'm sure you hear of the infected disappearing? They are spirited away to meet our mistress, to give themselves to her body and soul, just like I've done..."


26823 "Is that so," He laughed, squeezing her tightly again. "Glad to know I left such an impression on a striking lass like yourself!" He grinned, hints of a lust pride striking in his eyes. "One big, well-used bed, coming right up." The duo left the pub, Gregor's hand slipping down the fey's shirt as he swept her through the streets, hands roughly groping her succulent flesh, twisting her needy cap, helping her to moan, and nuzzle into him like a desperate slut. "You're pretty into this, eh?" He chuckled, pinching Uria's nipple again as they entered the residential district, the lights of candles flickering in the windows, crickets chirping in the distance, and soft smells over the night filling the air.
"Here we are my love," He whispered, drawing her towards a small house. In a blurred flash, Uria was swept up, Gregor pulling her head toward his planting a passionate kiss on her supple lips, hand slipping to her rump, roughly petting it. She'd was lifted up, still in a passionate kiss, and next thing she'd know he'd laid her on a soft down bed. Roughly he stripped away her top, not letting up on his kiss until her mounds where free. He left her mouth for the sweet pleasure of her pillowy breasts, burying his face between them, kissing each roughly, making his way to her hardened tip, roughly biting down on her tet. "You like that, don't you?" He cooed between play bites, "It's ok, we'll have plenty of time together tonight."
sample_79b515e2835f328caee31b7b6917baab44b2448e.jpgSariphana, the Anti-Succubus

"You know what, Uria? Let us go into town tomorrow morning to find something for our trip to court in the afternoon. Alice can come along as well, of course. And who knows? In a city like that, there will surely be craftsmen and tailors with problems we can solve in return for a discount!" Sari yelled out enthusiastically. As comfortable as she was naked, there was a sliver of vanity left in her that became excited at the thought of dressing herself up. For a moment, Sariphana dreamed of elegant, flowing dresses that accentuated her curves and revealed her most sensitive areas, that spoke of power and taste and confidence...
Then, the selfish urge was tempered by her "new" desire to do good, to help people. Unlike the pompous crusaders of the heavens, the lords of the benevolent chaos saw now problem with indulging in desires and vices... provided they were balanced by genuine efforts to make the realms a better place.

. . .

Sariphana smiled as Katelyn started to share her knowledge, stroking her face and through her hair with one hand, while the other went between the girl's legs, stroking over her already wet slit, before running a finger along Katelyn's loins, leaving warm wet trails behind as the words and the juices freely flowed from the cultist.

Sari rewarded Katelyn with a passionate but teasing kiss, pulling back instead of transferring energy, not sure if the girl could take it. She didn't like teasing her partners, or even enemies, at all, to use their pleasure, to cultivate their arousal for her own ends, but Katelyn had proven resilient. Sari knew from her past live that the sweet torture of denied release was a potent tool to loosen lips, so she swallowed her reservations and spurred Katelyn on with feathery touches and teasing caresses. She'd make it up to her later. If Katelyn was cooperative, she'd show her ecstasy again.

"Go on, my dear. How did this Mistress find you? What did she say? What are her plans? Tell me everything. Let it all flow out. You know what reward awaits you..." She cooed into the panting girl's ear.

Uria smiled and gave Sari a friendly kiss on the cheek. "We'll find some nice dresses and outfits, at least three each that we can wear while negotiating and maybe to some parties or balls in town!"


Later, with Gregor Uria felt the new, powerful arousal surging forward as she touched and was touched by this strong man. She took a deep breath and then relaxed, letting go her disciplined approach and let her sexual urges rule her behavior. "Ahhhh... Gregor, yes... yes..." she moaned as he touched her, fondled her breasts and tweaked her nipples. "You're a handsome stud. What woman wouldn't want more of you everywhere in her body that counts?" Uria actually giggled and squeezed his bum even as she shifted to allow him better access to her breasts. When they reached the house she gladly let him sweep her into his arms and snuggled against him, kissing his chest as she wiggled her ass into his touch.

She arched her back up from the bed as he laid her down, pulling him down and onto her with strong arms. "Come to me stud, rip off my clothing and ravish me like you want. I'm all yours!"
26985 "Ah, s-stop t, t, teasing me!" Katelyn bit her lip as Sari started stroking her sex. Though her eager purple eyes staring deep into Sari's told a much different story. As Sari leaned in to kiss the redhead, the girl began softly chewing her lip, wrapping an arm around the playful purified succubus. Making sure the kiss was held for several seconds before breaking for air, gasping and moaning she listened to the next set of questions. "Mistress didn't need to find us... we went to her... I remember falling asleep at the church, dreaming of the most indescribably beautiful creature... when I awoke I was at her feet, her hand just gently stroking my hair... telling me it was ok, I was her pet now... it... it was so good. So satisfying like I really belonged. I stayed like that, for I don't know how long, her just stroking me, and soaking up all the wonderful affection Mistress had to give! But... she said I could help her, that I could feel even better if I did... I needed to spread her love, to make others feel the burning desires, and I would guide her new church that I could lead a mass of unbridled desires in her name... she just needed more followers..." Katelyn's eyes looked away from as she drew a heavy sigh. "She sent me and my followers back out, we knew how to make more of the powder, but were only commanded to spread Celandine to others. I don't know much more than that... The plan to capture and infect that cat-alchemist was ours. The powder loses it's effectiveness if deluded, so we wanted her to help us find a way to spread it through the water. That's everything I know... now can I please have a reward? My pussy is aching!" She lunged back into Sari's arms desperately grinding her chest melons and tender clam against Sari!


26986 As Uria moaned out Gregor looked up from her nipple giving a lewd, knowing smirk to her. "Is that soo" he purred. Reaching for the band of her bottoms. Roughly stripping her so her swollen aching sex was on full display. "Mmmm, such an eager slut. If you wanna strong owner then I'll happily oblige," he pushed her hard onto the bed, lustfully biting her tender mounds, his fingers plunging into the depths for her snatch. Foraging and twisting around, exploring the soaping space before pulling out... only to pinch hard on her clit rolling it between his thumb and forefinger. "That's it, moan for me, this luscious little body will be all mine. Mmmh" He encouraged, bitting down on her tet once more.
He stopped suddenly, reaching over into a near-by chest he produced a small leather strip with a buckle on one end. With delicate precision, he wrapped it around Uria's slender neck, sinching it tight. "There, now you'll have some reminder of who's you are while we play... now, why don't you show me some thanks, my cute Uria," He grinned, pulling her head towards his massive throbbing cock, glistening with sweet precum.
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sample_79b515e2835f328caee31b7b6917baab44b2448e.jpgSariphana, the Anti-Succubus

"Good girl." Sari whispered into Katelyn's ear, carefully lowering the girl unto the ground, the anti-succubus lying above her, their sweaty tits rubbing against each other's. Sari herself was as hot and wet as Katelyn was, it was in her nature, and her body was surging with desire and heat and energy at the thought of rewarding Katelyn for her help, even though she had not provided many answers. It was clear to Sariphana that they were dealing with a puppetmaster, maybe even someone like her...
She banished the thought and leaned in to kiss Katelyn, her tongue flicking over the cultist's parted lips, her tail swishing over the girl's snatch, stroking it feathery softly. "Relax. Open yourself to the pleasure." Sari breathed, before invading Katelyn's mouth with a passionate kiss, their hearts beating faster and their bodies grinding harder against each other. Sariphana's tail set the rhythm, the planar's heartbeat and tongue movements and gyrations starting to become synchronized with the strokes, and soon Katelyn would follow suit.
The two writhed in synchronized lovemaking, kissing and rubbing and petting and licking, becoming more and more focused on the sensations with every second, their surroundings all but forgotten as they fanned the flames lust burning in each of them, slowly merging the fires into a single inferno. Sari sped up her ministrations, and Katelyn followed suit, both of them locked in the rhythm, their steaming bodies grinding against one another, the rising pleasure only intensifying the burning arousal. Finally, Sari's tail entered Katelyn's wet and puffy snatch, thrusting in and out according to their rhythm. Their minds blanked with pleasure and became one, each feeling the other's every touch and sensation, each breath, each shiver, reverberated in their mind. Lost in the white-hot pleasure coursing through them, they forgot all about everything around them. Nothing mattered except their love. They both increased their movements, humping each other, their sweaty, flushed mess of a body writhing and snaking over itself, each of them wanting to go higher, knowing that every bit of pleasure would be shared, reflected, become stronger as it coursed through their minds, empowered by their mutual desire. Ecstasy blanketed their senses, only the twin sensations of burning need and soothing love remaining. Thus they continued, cumming over and over, rising to higher crests of pleasure every time, as hours flew past and they reveled in each other's lust, their lust, as they were one in the blazing white ecstasy...

. . .

Sari held Katelyn's sweaty, limp body against hers. She didn't lose any time after their minds disentangled. Now, with the cultist girl once again at her mercy, she whispered into her ear while holding her close:
"Did you enjoy that, Katelyn? You can have more of that. But not unless you redeem yourself. Celandine could be a gift, but it is a scourge, an instrument of sexual slavery. Your Mistress has to be stopped. You have fallen in serving her, but you can still do the right thing, even while chained to your lusts. Help us stop the Mistress. Help Maddison find a cure. You are not lost. You've already betrayed your Mistress by answering me. Renounce her, and pledge yourself to the light. If you do, I will take care of your urges. Who has given you the greater pleasure, my dear, me, or her? Renounce her mindless lust and embrace my loving ecstasy. Help us save this realm from Celandine."

(Sari Diplomacy for convincing Katelyn: 23, reroll: 32)
(Sari Charisma for convincing Katelyn: 15, reroll: 21)
(Sari Sense Motive for judging Katelyn's sincerity: 24)
Uria wriggled happily to aid Gregor as he stripped her heated body of the burden of her clothing. She giggled as he pushed her onto the bed, pressing her hands to her breasts to push the heavy, aching mounds into his teeth. "I want you to take me hard, cum in me and own me. I want to be fucked until you have to gag me to keep the whole world from hearing." Uria cried out, moaning with pleasure as Gregor ravished her like she desired.

When he clipped the collar around her neck Uria orgasmed, screaming and crying out loudly as the feel of the leather and ownership touched something that the disease had awakened in her mind and body. "Yes, yes master!" She cupped his balls with her hands, ticking the heavy orbs with her fingertips. Teasing his testicles Uria licked with little flicks of her tongue along the underside of the cock before taking the head entirely in her mouth. "Mmmmm..." she hummed, her tongue laving his length as she sucked deeply on the heavy head.
Katelyn shuttered at hearing the lush whisper, 'good girl'. Her tender slit aching all the more as Sari began her passioned swaying, moaning as her nipples glided against Sari's perfected planar skin. Her confused, but hopeful eyes remained locked on Sari's glowing sapphires. Not a hint of the void she'd seen before. "YES!" she moaned as Sari closed in on her, pressing there bodies together like two halves of one whole. "Open myself, be a good girl" She panted happily, excitedly thrusting her head up to meet Sari's kiss with her own. Taking the tongue, but also giving in equal measure. Her muffled moans making a sweet chorus as Sari's tail began to work it's magic, teasing the girl into perfect rhythmic submission. Slowly the stone walls of Maddison's basement started to fade. Sari the extra-planar, and Katelyn the misguided cultists faded. In their place was one being. Moving to some etherial unheard beat, adding impassioned moans and gasps to make a symphony of lust. One which surely would have drawn in others had they not been alone.
Seconds, minutes, hours? Neither could tell how long they had been like that, but however long it was, Katelyn would say it was not long enough as she desperately clung and cuddled with her lover in the now humid cellar, the sweet smell of feminity hanging thick in the air. "Yes," she panted again, "So much, please, more" she weakly begged. Quietly, with sudden focus, she listened to each word Sari spoke. Of freedom and betrayal. "Yes!~ My honor as a priestess is in tatters... I'll do anything to assist you, even helping Maddison or betraying my goddess..." Her words were honest, at least so far as Sari could gleen. Burring herself yet farther into Sari's body she asked, "What should I do, mistress... please give you adoring acolyte guidance."


With delight, Gregor's savaging of her breasts only grew in intensity. Holding nothing back he bit down on her, moaning with tainted desirer along with her. "Why would... mmmm... I ever want to.... mmm... gag that sweet, seductive voice," he asked between smothering himself between her chest. Gliding himself up against her body, his full member knocking on her womanhood, so close, but only parking at the entrance. "I'll fuck you, take you until your supple body is shaped perfectly for my desire, but I want to cry, to moan, to let everyone know what a loving slut you are for your master."

"Wow," He cooed, running a finger up her drenched pussy, "You really are desperate" He chuckled as she enthusiastically agrees, tending to his manhood. His shaft flexing and bobbing as she began working his massive orbs, filled with masculine cream. "That's it, good..." He approved petting her lightly as she began licking his long salty girth. The light pet soon turned to forceful guidance, as Uria's mouth became a willing hole for her master. Her head pressed hard down on his dick, taking in the length reaching into her throat. "Huff, ya, g-good slave" He moaned letting her deep throat his cock for a few wonderful seconds. "Ha... cumming... you got to drink it all..." He moaned. His shaft wincing with sweet pleasure, before white-hot ropes of musky nectar began filling Uria's mouth and throat. He held her head until she suckled every drop off his ever hard rod.
Finally, he grabbed her by the collar, pulling her up to his level. With hungry, loving eyes he looked over her face. A glint of approval flashed in his eyes before he suddenly lunged forward drawing her into yet another passionate kiss, his teeth biting down on her lower lip, drawing her near. After his tongue swirling into hers as the taste of his seed was still thick in her mouth. Her hands wandered to her breast, tweaking her nipples, kneading her breasts, still so wonderfully tender form hir savaging. "Enough playing around," he whispered sudenly pushing her hardback. He lined up his cock with her soaking snatch. Diving into her the same moment he pierced her. Deep, long, and hard. His cock had rocket into her innermost parts in a single stroke.
sample_79b515e2835f328caee31b7b6917baab44b2448e.jpgSariphana, the Anti-Succubus

Sari embraced the redeemed Katelyn. Part of her was sure that this mistress had a few more tricks ready, but for now, she breathed a sigh of relief. There still were many questions, but tomorrow they would search for answers again, and sooner or later they would find them. Sari banished her worries and passionately kissed Katelyn, their bodies glowing a faint blue as the anti-succubus shared some of her energy with Katelyn, the girl rocking and thrashing as a wave of pleasure accompanied the rush and heat of passion. (Katelyn receives 9 temporary HP and needs to make a will save of 22 or be charmed, though I don't think that would change anything) "Mmmmh, you'll have plenty of opportunity to help us. Tonight, let's have some fun! There is someone I want to meet with, why don't you come along? You can show me the fun parts of the city!" She suggested enthusiastically. "Let's see if we can find some clothes to blend in for you..."

A bit later, Sari and Katelyn left the laboratory, Sari cloaked in the plain gray robe again. She walked through the streets, heading towards the bar they had met Uria and Gregor and Sam.

"Shape me to your desires master, mark and brand and change me," Uria moaned as she lost herself in the sudden swirl of desire brought on by the onset of the disease. Perhaps in a more calculated and less passionate mood she might regret her pleading submission and the collar firmly clasped around her neck but right now surrendering herself to master Gregor seemed truly right and proper.

Uria shivered as Gregor gripped her head and thrust her onto his cock. She was overwhelmed by the pleasure of the taste and texture of the cock in her mouth as well as the burning heat that radiated from her belly to every part of her body. Uria felt intensely sensuous as well as an powerful, yielding femininity that craved a hard, dominant male. She attended his lordly rod with dedication and surprising skill bringing great pleasure to him even as she frantically worked her free hand along her wet channel and aching clit. Uria took the first blast of semen directly down her throat before she pulled back to suckle the very tip to give her more room to take the rich, potent bursts of semen into her mouth.

"Master, yes," she moaned as he pulled her up on teh bed. Uria eagerly spread her thighs as another wave of arousal unlike anything she had ever experienced swept through her at the sight of his still erect cock. Raising her knees until she was bent nearly double Uria opened herself for the powerful thrust. "Aiiieeee! Master! Fuck your slave Master!" She screamed loudly as he hilted her sopping pussy with one savage thrust. Wet, slick and tight her sex gripped his shaft. Uria brought her legs around and locked her ankles behind Gregor's back, pulling him into her more deeply as she arched her pelvis up off the bed and into his rough, muscular groin. "Fuck me! Fuck me hard!" Uria again screamed letting the whole floor of the inn know of her pleasure.
Katelyn.jpg Joy beamed from the girl's face as she looked up at Sari, her redeemer. Giving her a path to strike back at the shadowy force behind the plague that gripped her and so many of her compatriots. With a soft twist she accepted Sari's kiss, moaning as their lips played gently off of each other, tounges playfully exploring. Katelyn gently wrapped her arms around Sari's waist pulling her close, the radiant energy flowing from one to the other was pure heaven, a feeling hse never wanted to stop and that reflected in her desperate, yet contented red eyes. "Mmm, yes..." She sighed breaking the kiss with Sari, her mouth hanging lazily opened still stunned as she looked at the cutie before her. "Y-yes... I'll j-join you" She nodded. The duo cleaning up a bit, letting the scent of sex still clean to them as they swaddled themselves in robes.

The cloaked duo approached the bar, the lights still on, dim laughter could be heard from the inside. As they walked in the barkeeper, tall, build, quite. Nodded with a hint of recognition to Sari. "Be with you in just a sec!" The familiar voice of the waitress called from one corner, where she was placing pints of beer before a couple of roughnecks. She hastily scurried over to Sari, ignoring one of the men grabbing her toosh as she left. "Ah... miss... Well, you left with Miss Uria before right? What can I get you and your friend?" She smiled looking from one cloaked figure to the other.


Gregor.jpg "Mmmm, that's it, that's right. Use those cute slave lips to tell everyone what a happy little slave you are for me" He grunted. Burying another hard trust into her womanly hole. Gripping her breasts once more he sighed as he slid in and out a few more times. "Ya, mmm, my good little slut-slave" He whispered slipping another hand through her collar. "Your cunt is so tight, mmmm." He panted pulling her up to a sloppy wet kiss, silencing both for a moment, but only for a moment. As he shoved himself down her once more, knocking on the door of her womb. "D-damn, t, time to stuff you with some of m-masters cream..." He moaned. Hot steamy stuffing pouring out of his rod, filling Uria's most sacred place. Satisfying the inch that the plague had left her so wonderfully.
Gregor held Uria for a long moment. The two just quietly cuddling in the afterglow of sex. Before a soft, tempting whisper tickled Uria's ears. "You caught me a bit off guard my pet... All I had was a collar, but if you wear it with pride. Master my have some more toys for us to play with next time, a few to make sure you never forget who your master is..." He kissed her on the forehead, "If that's what you want," His cocky smile said he was pretty sure he knew she wanted it...