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Celestial Wings (Tentanari X)

Re: Celestial Wings (Tentanari X)

"Hmhm, thanks love. Such kind words for ones so unworthy as us," Penny replied with a giggle. "And it isn't so much that it's our customs. It's just that... it's generally seen as a bit... wrong to use Cum Leeches in such a way," she added.

After Giselle arrived and took her seat, the angel nodded to Claudine and listened to her speak, before sighing softly. "Well like Penny said, it isn't so much that it's disallowed here. It's just generally looked down upon for the risk of the affliction carrying over to one's offspring. However... I can give you some potions that... temporarily grant the same effects, if you'd like. And I can teach you how to make them too, as most of the ingredients are common every day ones that you can find in most regions," Giselle replied, patting Claudine on the shoulder gently.
Re: Celestial Wings (Tentanari X)

"Hmmm~ My pleasure, Penny. I have thus far had nothing but pleasant encounters and have been pampered by suxcubi. I have nothing but good feelings for then..." she said before she would hear hers and Giselles explanation of the banning of cum leeches. "That would be greatly appreciated of you Giselle. It would also be something I can pass along to others without having to worry about any undesired side effects." She said as took Giselles hand gently in her own at pat and held it tenderly to her face in an affectionate manner before she would continue sipping her tea. By the time she had finished she was feeling quite relaxed as she stretched out good and long before feeling drowsy and subconsciously laying her head on Giselles shoulder, nuzzling her a little before waking herself up and making a cute embarrased 'o' face, covering her mouth and blushing a bit, covering her mouth "Oh! E-excuse me! I guess I drifted off a little. I believe i am ready for the removal ritual now."
Re: Celestial Wings (Tentanari X)

"Of course, I wouldn't mind showing you how to make the potions after we finish the removal. But remember, Cum Leeches aren't an overly uncommon species, and can sometimes be found in most any waters. So just be careful out there that you don't end up getting afflicted again," Giselle said with a smile as she sipped her tea, letting Claudine hold her hand without any resistance.

As they sat there drinking their tea, Giselle glanced over at Claudine, as the other angel began nodding off slowly but surely, her head drifting down to lie on Giselle's shoulder. Giselle didn't seem to mind much and just let Claudine rest a little before the other angel woke with a start. "It's fine dear. I mind not in the slightest. If you desired it, I'd give you a lap pillow for the entire day. But you're right, we Do need to conduct the removal since you're so relaxed from the tea and everything," Giselle replied with a nod, before she stood and offered a hand to Claudine, helping her up to her feet and heading to a room behind the main altar room, where there was a small shrine and a ritual table. "Come, it technically is a ritual, rather than a procedure. Now, this will be intense. There will be pleasure, and a bit of pain as well, for I must... well, at one point of the ritual, I must strike the leeches with magical energy, which because they're fused to you, you'll feel it too. I can overcharge the magic to induce intense pleasure for you though, however it'll be so intense that it could hurt, or at least leave you... Quite sore afterwards," Giselle explained as she led Claudine along by her hand, while the others followed behind.
Re: Celestial Wings (Tentanari X)

"Y-Yes, I will be sure to be more careful when I bathe in the future, Giselle thank you." Claudine said as she awoke from her little nap, blushing and smiling brightly at the priestess words, "Ahm... I believe I will take you up on your generous offer of lap pillow after the ritual Giselle. From the way that you describe it, I have a feeling I will need a good nap afterwards, and somebody to see to my cock and balls. I think I would very much like to lie down on your lap and have Penny and the others see to soothing my sore cock and balls before I head out." She said blushing hotly as her hand would dip down into her dress to touch her genitals. " I am ready to begin the ritual whenever you are..." the angel would say before disrobing for the priestess and laying down on the ritual table on her back awaiting for them to begin the ritual of removing the cum leeches.
Re: Celestial Wings (Tentanari X)

"Good girl. Now come along, let's get started shall we," Giselle said with a smile as she took Claudine to the ritual room. "And yes, you likely will need a bit of a nap. I'll also bet that you'll be quite sore afterwards and May not want any sex tonight from your... lovely beauties here. So I suggest you take it easy tonight, okay," she added.

"Here, drink this," Marsha said, offering a small cup with a single gulp's worth of a clear liquid in it. "It'll help keep you from fainting, as that would make it tougher to get the leeches out," she added.

With that, Giselle gently lay her right hand over Claudine's chest, where the angel felt a surge of magical energies beginning to flow gently over and through her body, spreading all around. Two small bulges of magical energy flowed into her balls and settled there, as if preparing for something shortly, and it was clear that was meant for the leeches. "This will be... intense, Claudine. So do prepare yourself," Giselle warned after a few moments, giving Claudine time to mentally and physically prepare herself before going further.
Re: Celestial Wings (Tentanari X)

"Mmmm... O-Okay, Giselle. I-I'll take it easy when i g-get back to the c-caravan..." Claudine said as she would take the clear liquid and gulp it down before lying down on the ritual table, "F-fainting... Wi-Will it actually be that s-strong, Marsha? I-I've never dealt with th-this sort of th-thing, before..." Claudine said nervously as she laid back down on her back. As Giselle would lay her hand down on her chest Claudine would moan and shudder as she would feel the magic flow through her body before settling down on her balls, feeling like two vibartor eggs nestled inside her testicles on low strength. "O-o-okay... d-do you h-have something for me t-to hold onto and b-bite... bite down on, Giselle? I... may need it... other than that I... I am r-ready..." Claudine said through strained breaths and clenched teeth, bracing herself the upcoming surge...
Re: Celestial Wings (Tentanari X)

"Good, don't over stress yourself, else you may pull a muscle. We may be angels, but we are still vulnerable to that sort of thing," Giselle replied with a smile and a nod.

"It... can be very strong for those that have never experienced it before. So just... be mindful of it okay, and prepared," Marsha replied, nodding knowingly down at Claudine. "Giselle there has had to have leeches removed three times in her life thus far, so she knows just how intense it can be," she added.

"Of course, here. Bite down on this thing here hon, it should help keep you from breaking your teeth," Giselle said, holding a soft sponge looking object in her hand and putting it between Claudine's teeth to bite down on.

Claudine found the sponge thing tasted faintly of red wine, and after she had it firmly in her mouth, and had grabbed hold of the sides of the ritual table, Claudine saw Giselle smile gently down at her. Then, it happened. A surge of a mixture of pain and pleasure shot down through Claudine's testicles, as if Maria and Sonja had just reared both hands back and slapped them as hard as they could. However, for some reason, Claudine felt immense pleasure coupled in with the feeling, which minimized the pain that she felt. Jenna reached down along with Penny, where they both took a firm hold of Claudine's cock and began stroking it hard and fast, while Marsha brought out another device of some sort that resembled an onahole with something inside of it.

"Now's where it gets intense. Because this thing, while it can sheath your entire cock, uses magic to reach down inside, to pry those little buggers loose. And as soon as they are loose, it induces orgasm at that point to force them out," Giselle explained.
Re: Celestial Wings (Tentanari X)

"Or bite my tongue off for that matter... heehee..." she giggled nervously as Giselle placed the sponge like object in between her teeth. Three times... that must have been excruciating... she thought to herself as she heard Marshas words, a moment after Giselle smiled at her, it hit her...

"RRRRRRRRGGGGGNNNNNYYYYAAAAAAAHAAAAAAAHAAAAAAAAHAAAAAAA-HAAA-HAAAAA!" she cried out at the incredible mixture of pain and pleasure hit her testicles, her eyes almost going back into her head as she bit down as hard as she could onto the sponge, the red wine leaking into her mouth. She felt she might coukd start foaming at the mouth from the sensation even.

As Jenna and Penny woukd begin milking her cock, Claudine would strain against the table, bucking and thrashing wildly as her back arched greatly, her loins burned, her toes curled, her breathing grew heavier, her balls and cock began to tremble and throb horribly and her vision started going pink...

As Marsha brought out the Onahole looking instrument and Giselle ecplained what would happen next, Claudine's eyes would bulge out big and wide as saucers, she would nearly bite the sponge in half and shake her head furiously though she knew she wouldnt be able to do anything to stop it and she needed the buggers outof her balls... OOOOOH-HOOOOH GAAAAAAWWWWWDSSSS! I... I D-DONT KNOW H-HOW MUCH MORE I C-CAN POSSIBLY EN-ENSUUUUURRRRRE....!!!! she thought to herself as Marsha would place the device around her entire member before she would feel the magic flowing through her dick and into her balls "MMMMMMMPH-HNNNNNGH-GGGGGGAAAAAH-AAAAARGH-OOOOOOOO-FWAAAAAAA-HAAAAAAAAAA-GUUUUUUUUUYH!!!!" she cried out in muffked screams through the sponge....
Re: Celestial Wings (Tentanari X)

"Shh shh, I know it's intense dear, but please try and remain calm," Giselle said gently to Claudine, before Sonja and Maria both took either of Claudine's hands in their own and held them tightly.

"We're here hon, just squeeze as hard as you need to. We don't mind," Maria cooed softly, trying to soothe Claudine's pains and relax her body.

"Here, calm yourself Claudine. Shh... there you go," Giselle said soothingly, another burst of magic flowing out of her hands, but this time it went through the entirety of Claudine's body and she did indeed feel her body beginning to relax ever so slightly, little by little it was soothed by the gentle and loving touch of another angel.

The onahole looking device was gently eased down over Claudine's cock by Marsha, and the magical feeling intensified around Claudine's cock, until it was fully down, with a large bubble like bit swelled up like a container for the leeches. Then, she felt a magical tendril of sorts from the back of the onahole, start pushing its way down her cock, where it quickly made its way into Claudine's balls and she felt it attaching to both of her testicles. "Now, squeeze their hands and hold on tight sweetie. This is gonna be Really intense, and may knock you out," Giselle said, before Claudine felt an incredibly intense burst of magic shock her testicles, where the leeches that were partially fused to them fall free from them, as if they were dazed.

The magical tendril immediately retreated from Claudine's cock, and the young angel felt her balls churning hard, and the moment the magical tendril was out of her cock, she exploded. Her orgasm was so intense that her vision went white, similarly to when Maria first had sex with her. But she didn't fully lose consciousness though, and the pleasure didn't stop either. She felt the leeches dazed forms surging out and up through her cock along with her seed as it gushed out of her cock, filling the bubble slowly but surely as her cum spurted out of her. It was really more like a condom than anything, and after filling up enough, with the leeches forced into it as well, Claudine saw the now cum filled bubble sag over to one side as her vision returned a minute or so later, even as her orgasm continued, though it was starting to slow and ease up a bit, so now instead of a constant stream of cum, it was more like a normal orgasm with large spurts of cum.
Re: Celestial Wings (Tentanari X)

"----" Claudine blanked out as she released a silent scream at first before she felt the tendril slide into her balls and send a powerful shock of magic through her tentacles WHOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!! GIIIIIYAAAAAAAAAAAARRRRRRRRRRRRGUUUUUUUUUH-HOOOOOOO-OOOOOOOOH-AAAAAAAAAH!" She belted out loudly, lewdly, powerfully, primaly and unrestrained as she gripped onto Maria and Sonjas hands so hard she feared she might break them off. As the tendril retreated from her cock her balls began to churn harder than she had ever imagined before HOO! HOE! HUH! HAH! HEEEE!
Claudine cried out as she began to buck, thrash, gyrate, and spasm wildly as if a women possessed by some sort of malicious spirit. Then as the tendril passed out of her through piss slit, it happened ".......
She screamed out as she had what she felt had to be the most unbelievable powerful mind shattering orgasm she had ever experienced as her cock unleashed a tsunami of semen into the onahole, expelling the leeches along with it "HOO HAH HOO HOO HEE HEE HAH HOE HOOOOO! OOOOH GAWWWDS SOME ONE HELP MEEEE! OOOOH!" She pleaded as she whited out but remained conscious "Oh...
For fucks sake... H-how... How the fuck am i still fucking conscious!? And... and i-I'm still fucking cumming!"
Even though her orgasm had receded back to normal she was still cumming and she was beginning to lose coherence and sense, her mind rocked and nearly obliterated from the experience Oooh.... Ooooh focking gawds.... I... I-I hope...
H-hope I never h-have to g-go through a-anything like th-that ever... ever a-again..."
she whimpered out praying to all gods to just let her pass out...
Re: Celestial Wings (Tentanari X)

Claudine's orgasm continued on, though at the pace of a regular orgasm now at least thankfully. Marsha and Jenna were gently stroking her cock with the onahole, coaxing her orgasm on further though, and the sensation showed no signs of slowing down, nor stopping. "Shh shh, I have you Claudine. Cling to me, and I will keep you safe," Giselle whispered softly to Claudine, her magical energies embracing Claudine's very soul in a protective aura now that she wasn't needing to focus on forcing the leeches off and out of Claudine.

Giselle's actions eased Claudine's suffering almost completely, but her orgasm didn't stop just yet. "We need to coax all of the cum from your balls to ensure no parasitic venom is left in them, or any eggs. If there are any eggs left over, you'll need to go through this yet again unfortunately. Worry not, I will endure it with you, Claudine," Giselle then said, and Claudine felt Giselle's soul gently pressing against her own, and suddenly the intense pleasure of the orgasm, and all of the pain seemed to lessen by a huge amount, and when her vision came back to her, she'd see Giselle's face hovering mere inches above her own, and Giselle had a pained look on her face, and she could hear the faint sounds of a liquid splattering on the floor and against the ritual table, and she'd also see the condom like bubble still filling with her own cum as it sloshed heavily over to the side.

"Just... keep cumming, Claudine, it'll be over soon. O-Okay?" Giselle said, her voice sounding pained as she spoke, though Claudine's pain was all but gone now, save for the dull aching in her balls, while the pleasure was still there as well, though it was lessened quite a bit now too, but still orgasmic to say the least.
Re: Celestial Wings (Tentanari X)

As Claudine came to from the unbelievable orgasm she was still experiencing, she would see Giselle's face hovering mere inches from her face, with a pained byt somehow serene and just as giving and caring face. As she felt Giselles soul press into hers and the protective bubble form around her Claudine felt her soul become filled with joy and relief and in the heat of the moment she would almost involuntarily grab a hold of the angel and begin to try to suck her tongue right out of her mouth. "Mmmm~ Ooooh... G-Giselle... Y-you're... you're so giving... caring... Mmmm~
Hah... I feel like a baby in a womb... so safe... secure... peitected and nourished... Aaaah~"
she mewled out running her hands over her Giselle's back and ass, and through her hair before resting on her face as she would continue to ride out her orgasm. "Aaaah... Th-th-thank ghe g-gods...
That the wo-worst of it all is all over n-now... M-my b-balls are still s-s-sore... b-but thats n-nothing compared to wh-what I've already gone th-th-through... I d-dont see h-how you could have p-possibly gone through th-this three t-times without being reduced to a babbling c-cum dump from it all, Gi-Giselle..."
she said as she held her fellow angel close to her giving her face sweet innocent chaste pecks as she was nearing the end of her trying experience...
Re: Celestial Wings (Tentanari X)

"O-Only doing what a... p-priestess should," Giselle said softly, not seeming to mind any pain she was experiencing, so long as Claudine wasn't experiencing any herself.

Giselle simply smiled and returned Claudine's kiss, letting Claudine's hands roam over her body all she desired, and when Claudine mentioned Giselle going through this whole thing three times in the past, Giselle smiled. "Aye, it was... intense the first time. The second time it was just as hard as the first, as was the third. It felt incredible, too incredible really. But I managed, somehow," Giselle said with a smile, gently caressing Claudine's cheek as she returned the kiss.

A couple of minutes later, Claudine felt the faint feeling of orgasm to slowly fade, and she saw the condom bubble was incredibly full, and more than stretched to its limits. "My goodness, so full. I've never seen quite this much cum before in the condom," Penny said with a bit of surprise in her voice as she reached down and gently massaged life back into Claudine's balls.
Re: Celestial Wings (Tentanari X)

A-Ah... Y-You do it v-very... veru w-w-well, Giselle... I-I'll have to r-remember to c-come back here... one d-day... wh-when I dont have these d-damned parasites in my b-b-balls... So I can enjoy you and your lovely succubi... n-n-normally..." Claudine replied to Giselle as she would lock lips and tongues with the priestess, holding her face to hers gently yet firmly before finally breaking the kiss. As she felt the orgasm finally begin to fade for good amd Penny massaging her aching balls back to life she would smile and giggle out, "Hmm hmm hmm~ oooo~ Th-that f-feels s-sooo good, P-penny... oooo~ P-please... Would you p-please... s-suck on my b-balls too? Ah... You and some one else... P-please take one in your mouths and suckle on them. Help me drain them completely and coast down on the crashing waves... Mmmm~" she pleaded to Penny and anyone else nearby who was listening and would be willing to comply, alternating between kissing and making out with Giselle and nuzzling Maria and Sonjas hands, as she would continue riding out her orgasm till she was finally finished and ready to be released where she could continue her journey...
Re: Celestial Wings (Tentanari X)

"Well, if you'll be in town until tomorrow when the aching has died down a little, then perhaps we could entertain you for a time," Giselle suggested, smirking a bit as she spoke.

Penny meanwhile smiled softly at Claudine and nodded, before she and Maria both knelt down between Claudine's legs, where the young angel felt two pairs of lips wrapping around her incredibly overly sensitive testicles. Maria and Penny proceeded to gently suck on the two sensitive orbs, and together, their tongues and lips coaxing the last dregs of her cum out of her balls and into the condom like bubble in the onahole.

Finally, she was empty, or at least felt like it anyway, and the succubi sucking on her balls let them go, where the sensitive things bounced and jiggled back into their original positions. "There you go dear. Now rest for as long as you need. I... n-need to get cleaned up myself," Giselle said softly, kissing Claudine on the lips with a chaste little peck, before she started to rise back to her feet, as she'd been sitting since protectively holding Claudine.

However, Giselle's legs buckled and she collapsed, with Marsha and Jenna rushing to her side to catch her, however it was Sonja that caught Giselle, a firm hand grasping Giselle's left arm to hold her up. "I've got you hon. Just tell me where you need to go, high priestess, and I shall carry you," Sonja said gently, where Giselle nodded and smiled up at her before telling her to the baths, where Marsha and Jenna showed Sonja the way as she carried the angelic priestess, leaving Claudine with Maria and Penny, who were gently wiping her body with wet washcloths to at least get her somewhat cleaned.
Re: Celestial Wings (Tentanari X)

"I-I'm afraid we must head back out not too long after I've recovered, sadly. We'll be headed back out in the direction of the kitsune marches tomorrow, and from there I personally have some more travelling I would like to d-do... But someday I will take you up on that offer. Or... do you have a memory stone, Giselle? If so, I can just send you updates on my travels like I plan to do with Maria and the others, if you'd wish?" She said in a husky tone as Maria and Penny would finish off sucking her balls and emptying her the rest of the way. As the other angel collapsed on wobbly knees, her hands would go out for her too before she saw Sonja catch, "Oh my gracious! Giselle! A-are you alright!?" She would ask waiting for her to answer. Afterwards, she would slowly relax and lie back down and gently hold and stroke Maria and Pennys hands as the succubi would wipe her down. After a while when she and Giselle woukd have fully recovered, she would redon her clothes and part with Giselle and her succubi giving each a big hug and slow lingering kiss on the mouth goodbye, befire returning to the Inn that Maria and the others had gotten them rooms at for the evening...
Re: Celestial Wings (Tentanari X)

"Ah, that is too bad. Though perhaps we may meet again one day soon, and can enjoy each others company then," Giselle said softly before preparing to get up. "Aye, I do have a memory stone or two. I would indeed love to keep in touch with you, Claudine. For now though let us both rest, for I'm sure you're in sore need of some," she added just as she started to collapse, where Sonja caught her.

"Y-Yes, that just took a considerable effort to do, to keep you from suffering so much. It's... taxing, to say the least," Giselle said softly, looking more than a little exhausted.

After that, Claudine was able to rest for a few minutes until she could get back to her feet, with Sonja's and Maria's help of course, and when she prepared to leave, Giselle and all three of her succubi would return Claudine's kisses before the parted ways. "Good luck in your adventures Claudine. Oh and here, before you go. A memory stone, linked to mine here. Be careful out there, and Always remember to check for Cum Leeches in the waters you're bathing in. Though in hot springs you shouldn't need to worry, as they can't survive in hotter waters," Giselle told Claudine at the temple's front doors, flashing Claudine a smile as she left.

Once back at the inn, with Sonja and Maria helping her to make her way there, Claudine would find herself still quite tired, but she could manage until after dinner if she really tried.
Re: Celestial Wings (Tentanari X)

"Ill be sure to check the waters more carefully and set up wards in the future, Giselle as well come back by here as well as the Succubi Guild once I feel my wanderlust has been truly sated and I am ready to settle" she replied before taking the memory stone from Giselle "I truly will miss all four of you wonderful ladies, and will be sure to send you memories of my travels during and after my time with the caravan. Thank you once again for everything Giselle, and take care~" she sang out as she, Maria and Sonja returned to the inn. She was truly quite exhausted from the experience of having the cum leeches removed, but felt she could last through dinner as it actually did make her quite hungry... "What are we having for dinner, ladies? I have some spirits I bought from the market place if you would like..." she offered graciously looking forward to their meal...
Re: Celestial Wings (Tentanari X)

"Good. Best to always be careful hon," Giselle said with a smile. "And of course. I hope to see you again someday, Claudine," she added with a smile.

After they arrived at the inn, and Claudine asked what was for dinner, Maria grinned. "Well if you weren't sore, I'd say you were, or that you would for dessert," Maria giggled softly before kissing Claudine on the lips. "But anything you'd like sweetie, we'll get for you to eat," she added with a smile, as the other three succubi from their group came in to check on Claudine.

"Are you feeling okay now hon?" Theresa asked gently, lying on the bed next to the angel and pecking her on the cheek.
Re: Celestial Wings (Tentanari X)

"Oh... Gods, Maria... I feel like i could eat this whole fucking town out of house and home right now... I never experienced anything nearly so intense as those fucking cum leeches and the extraction ritual... seriously the cure was almost as bad if not worse than the ailment! But if i bad to pick I guess I would like some ribs... and a baked sweet potato... and a salad... and some some jamabalaya... and garlic bread... and a bowl of golden consomeine soup..." she said blushing brightly and fidgeting.

"For fucks sake, Im famished... And Uhm... Y-yes... Yes, I am Theresa, or rather I will be after a big meal, hot bath and a good nights rest..." she said returning the kiss but only in her mouth and holding Her head close to her own and running her fingers through the succubus' hair...