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Central City


Demon Girls #1 Fan
Nov 11, 2008
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Twenty years ago Central City stood as the capital of Amestris, the largest city in all the country. Though that had changed when Central was used to create a new Philosopher's Stone, in the process it was almost entirely destroyed along with all of her people that was there at the time. Now it stands as a former shadow of itself, not even half the size it once was, though still housing the countries military.

However, the military isn't what it once was. Alchemist's are now looked down upon, and even the Fuhrer holds little power since Amestris became a democratic state.

Central Command- Part military base for the countries soldier's, part school to train future soldier's. For the middle of summer the weather was remarkably cool, some thought it odd though for the most part the soldier's and the population of Amestris just saw it as a weather abnormality. However, that didn't stop the soldiers from coming up with some ludicrous theories of their own, each more farfetched than the last. And it was during lunchtime, like it is now that most of the theories could be heard.

((Okay, take it away. You're all currently in the mess hall, what with it being lunch time. Or not, up to you to decide where you are at the moment, however Max isn't there yet.))
Re: Central City

Jonathan was eating lunch calmly, paying little attention to the conversations around him. He was known for his carefree behaviour, and the strange weather didn't seem to bother him at all. Joules wasn't bothered by anything, which was both an advantage (never angry or visibly suprised) and a disadvantage (never cares about his work enough). Right now, it seemed to be an advantage - he went on with his duty without worrying about the weather.
Re: Central City

A man in a standard military uniform sits at a table by his lonesome, his curly white hair hanging down over his face as he eats his food from a tray with fingerless gloves, his skin a dark tan. If anyone could see his eyes past his sunglasses, they would see red. He merely sat, eating his meal as if the whole world was dead to him. Occasionally, he would lift his head to look around, as if he were looking for someone, but then his attention would jolt back to his meal.
Re: Central City

Miranda, in a standard Alchemist uniform, sat with a few other male alchemists. She seemed to be enjoying herself, as you could see her face light up in a grin, and she would laugh occasionally. The men around her seemed unaware as to her true gender, and they would constantly be making inappropriate jokes. She did find them funny, though she sometimes wished they would tone it down. She's choked on her food more than once, especially at some of the nastier jokes. After her most recent bout of choking she decided to change the subject, "So, about all this weather, think it's a rouge messing with the temperature?" even her voice was androgynous.
Re: Central City

On another table, Cynthia sits in her uniform as usual, eating with gusto with one hand, while her other twirls around in intricate arks, a blade sparkling between her fingers as it twists and turns, the leather of her old gloves creaking as it flexes. She isn't even concentrating on it, seemingly more interested in her food as she continues to eat. Her theories on the weather were less fantastical than others she had heard, so she rarely bothered people with them.

After she finished, she sat back, still twirling the knife around her fingers, allowing her gaze to briefly wander the mess, before turning to talk to some friends, never letting up with her knife for a minute.
Re: Central City

Harrison sits alone in a corner, eating away and staring blankly into space. He wasn't the least bit interested in the reasons for the cold weather, he simply enjoyed having a chill in the air again. Anyone who saw him regularly would notice that his spirits had been a little higher than usual over the past few weeks.
Re: Central City

Tesla sat reclined back in his chair around Miranda and some of the other males. During his time as an alchemist, he had found out it was better to just go with the flow most of the time and follow orders. Early on he found out that one thing you don't want to do in the military is stand out. He heard Miranda ask, "So, about all this weather, think it's a rouge messing with the temperature?" to which he replied, "Who knows. If it is we'll deal with it, if not no big deal. It's been 70 degrees in november and december before and its snowed in october. It's probably just the Ozone layer." He said as brought his legs down on the floor and went to eating his lunch.
Re: Central City

Miranda harrumphed and took a bit of her own food, "I suppose, but even if we are, who's to say we can stop someone who screws with the weather?"
Re: Central City

As everyone went about eating their lunch and discussing the weather a Max suddenly bursts through the cafeteria doors soot smudges on both his hands and face, and bringing in with him a smell of gunpowder and burning. As he recomposes himself most of the cafeteria stare at him, and Max merely waves to them and bids them good afternoon to which they grunt incoherently and go back to their food.

"Hey there Madge," Max says to the cafeteria woman cheerfully, as if he's looking for attention. "Say, whats good on the menu?"

"Mea'loaf," The haggard-looking cafeteria woman replies in a gruff, slow accent and sounding as if she smokes two hundred cigarettes a day.

"Well, slap a load of that on my plate then," Max replies to her, again as cheefully as possible. "And how about flashing us one of your smiles?" 'Madge' opens her mouth into what could vaguely be described as a smile, most of her teeth had fallen out and what was left was black from plaque. "Dear god," Max mutters quietly to himself whilst shuddering after paying and makes his way over to a rather crowded table.

"Afternoon, fellas," Max greets the men as he sits dow. The men glare at him briefly, as if mentally cursing him for choosing to sit with him before getting up and going over to another table. "Bunch of jerk offs," Max mutters to himself again as he watches the men go to another table.
Re: Central City

Jin watched a Max entered the mess hall as only Max could. He only shook his as the soldiers got up and walked away already knowing that most it not all the soldiers had very little if any for alchemists. Will... it was that or they question the idea of being near an alchemist known as "Mad Bomber".

Jin walked across the mess sidestepping an number of soldiers and other alchemists. As he neared he took of the gloves and pocket them.

"I see you are making friends alike always, Max." Jin says as he sits down across from the Mad Bomber Alchemist.
Re: Central City

Joules, of course, noticed Max. It was hard not to notice the man, considering the unmistakeable scent of gunpowder. Jonathan didn't mind staying in the bomber's company, but he didn't actively seek it either. He decided to join the Max and Jin after finishing his meal - he was about to end it anyway, and he had some time to spare.
Re: Central City

"Well, we've got to try and bridge this gap that's been placed between us and the rest of the country and I figured that actively trying to make conversation and group up with them would be the best way about it," Max explains through a mouthful of meatloaf all the while swinging his fork around, which also had a chunk of meatloaf on the end which threatened to fly off with each swing. "But as you saw it's not working as well as I hoped. Probably doesn't help coming in here in the state I'm in."
Re: Central City

"I know what you mean. We have to close the gap for the best of everyone. It also don't help your called the "Mad Bomber" Alchemist. Jin answered as he watched Max's fork. In the back of him mind he saw food flying off hitting some hot head who may cause problems.

"You really shouldn't swing your fork about like that Max... You never know what a few hot heads might start due to a little food.
Re: Central City

The large man sitting by his lonesome merely watched the exchange, his left hand clutched into a fist as he speaks quietly "Damned Alchemists." he says, before shoving a large chunk of meatloaf into his mouth and watching the fork flail about.
Re: Central City

Max twitches at the sound of his title.

"I am not a mad bomber. I just, er...have an affinity for explosions and the like. That doesn't necessarily make me crazy. Goddamn Mustang giving me that title." Max says in reply to his title being used, annoyance in his voice.

"Would the following personnel please report to the Fuhrer's office; Harrison Anders, Michael Tesla, Jacob Sincol, Cynthia North, Maxwell Collins, Jin Connor, Jonathon Joules and Miranda Whitten." A soft female voice rings out over the entire military complex through the PA system.

"Well, looks like we're being summoned for some reason," Max says before getting up. "Dunno why they want us Alchemists though, we're hardly ever needed." Grabbing his tray he takes it over to the cleaning area before heading out of the cafeteria and towards the Fuhrer's office.
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Re: Central City

Jonathan quickly finished the remains of his meal and left the cafeteria, heading towards the Fuhrer's office. He couldn't help but notice that the woman made a mistake when she said his name, but he didn't really care about that. One letter wouldn't kill him, after all. His duty was more important at the moment. The Fuhrer wasn't someone who should be left waiting for too long, but Joules was still fairly relaxed. Alchemists weren't liked these days, and very rarely required to do anything of critical importance. Still, Jonathan was curious - what was going on?
Re: Central City

Jacob hears the announcement over the PA system, then stands and grasps his tray, taking it over to the cleaning area as well and then exiting the cafeteria, taking his time to walk towards the Fuhrer's office.
Re: Central City

Turning to face the speaker, Cynthia shakes her head with a grimace, and twirling her knife around to land the handle in her palm, she sheathed it. "Guess that's my cue guys, though aren't that lot all those Alchemists? Ah, not my place to argue eh? I'll be seeing y'all later."

Picking up her tray, she too carries it over to the cleaning area, walking rather quicker than Jacob as she walks out of the cafeteria, heading to the Fuhrer's Office.
Re: Central City

Tesla quickly chugged down the rest of his beverage before slamming it down on the plate. He let a sigh before saying, "Well, I'll bet you money that probably has something to the do with the weather change. Even if it's not it looks like its time to get moving." He said as picked up his tray and headed to the cleaning station before dumping his tray and its contents in the bucket, and headed out to the Fuhrer's office.
Re: Central City

Max sighs. "You want an explanation for this weather? How about maybe Drachma's just having a bad blizzard, and we're recieving the tail end of it? That's more plausible than some Alchemist going out to give us all an even worse name." Max explains, sounding perhaps a little irritated.