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Central City

Re: Central City

Miranda grimaced as her name was called. "At least my name isn't Sue*." she tried to joke before also dumping her try and walking briskly behind the others.

((( * )))
Re: Central City

When Jin heard Max's name over the PA system he was about to ask what the hell he did. That was until he heard his name follow. Jin look about and saw a small group of both Alchemists and non-Alchemists. He had already gotten rid of he tray before Max had even entered the mess so he had nothing to clean.

Walking with the group he listened to every one until he had a chance to ask Max something.

"What the hell did you get me in too?" Jin asked in a joking tone as they all walk toward the Fuhrer's office.
Re: Central City

Harrison finishes off his meal and joins the others on their way to the office.
Re: Central City

"Nothing!" Max proclaims, perhaps a bit to hastily. "Well, okay, maybe a few things but nothing to get me sent up in front of Mustang for."
Re: Central City

Jin only places his palm on his face and shakes he's head as he kept pace with Max. Knowing Max, Jin didn't want to know what it was he did do from time to time. This happened to be one of the time he just wasn't going to question it.

"I swear if I somehow get blamed for something you did, I'll take those damn gloves of yours." He said an a more serious and threatening tone.
Re: Central City

Jacob sighs as he follows behind, looking at the two alchemists arguing "If I were you two, I'd cut the chattering." he says, growling as he bares his teeth. If anyone looked closely, they would see his arm and legs bulge slightly. "As for why we were called, he must have need for a soldier, seeing as how he called me. Don't know why they called you people though."
Re: Central City

"And I'll just go and blow your dorm room to bits," Max replies with a smile, Jin would most likely be unsure whether he was joking or not.

The group eventually makes their way to the Fuhrer's office, Max walks up to the door and gives it a quick knock.

"One minute," A masculine voice calls out, the sound of talking and shuffling of papers can be heard from behind the door before the voice calls out again. "You may enter."

Walking in the group would see two people; Fuhrer President Roy Mustang sitting behind his desk and his Aide and bodyguard Riza Hawkeye. Whilst over the past twenty years Roy had maintained much of his youthful good looks his face did show signs of age with the odd wrinkle here and there and his hair had streaks of grey, the only other noticable feature about Roy would be his milky white eyes, a result of the Homunculi forcing him into using Human Alchemy.

Hawkeye had also fared well over the last twenty years, much like Roy she had retained most of her beauty, but showed similar small signs of age as Mustang however her hair had streaks of white.

"I assume you're all wondering why I summoned you here?" Mustang asks the group at large, his hands folded together.
Re: Central City

A smile... from Max.... not good. Jin though as he saw the simple almost innocent smile. Luck for him he had moved everything of any really value into a safe place in the city so hearing the counter threat didn't phase him much.

As Jin entered he walked to right side giving the others space to spread out. He turned to face the Fuhrer and he give a salute out of respect for Mustang.After lowering his hand he loosened up a bit and relaxed.

"...I know I would, Sir." Jin answered in a very respectful manner for himself.
Re: Central City

Miranda likewise saluted before she relaxed a little and said, "Yes sir. Meaning no disrespect sir, but we seem a motley crew."
Re: Central City

"I will address that soon enough, soldier. The Prime Minister has ordered me to assemble a group of soldiers for a mission up north, I wouldn't normally call upon so many Alchemist's but I managed to 'convince' the Prime Minister otherwise." The way Mustang pronounced 'convince' sounded as if he had said or done something but his expression remained business-like. "Anyway, there have been reports of bandits attacking small villages up north. These villages aren't big enough to warrant a place of the map, but many of them have been attacked in such a short amount of time that it has gotten our attention. The odd thing about each attack is not the fact that whoever it is strikes at night, its that every villager, from the young to the elderly disappear without a trace. Blood and the like has been found at the locations, but there have been no bodies. We've had the area surrounding the villages dug up but there's no evidence that the bodies were buried."

As Mustang briefed the group on their mission Hawkeye had gone over to a map on the wall and marked down where each of the villages were. The trail leads from near the Briggs Fortress to about half way down the frozen lands.

"Normally we'd let Briggs and her men take care of this," Hawkeye went on to explain as she turned to face the group. "But they've had their hands full with Drachma."

"At first we did assume it to simply be attacks from Drachma, but the Major General told us firmly that there was no way any Drachman troops could have broken through the mountains, so we've had to assume its bandits." Mustang paused, as if something had gotten his attention, but it soon passed and he went back to explaining. "The village you'll be stationed at is the one that we assume will be attacked next. Your mission is to stop and capture any and all involved, though try and refrain from extreme measures unless they prove difficult to handle. At the very least keep their leader from being killed. Your train tickets and accomodation have already been paid for, but make sure you Alchemist's keep your powers hidden until it's absolutely necessary. And yes Max, I mean it." Mustang adds, obviously he's had more than a few run-ins with Max and his powers.

Hawkeye opened a drawer and took out enough radio communication devices for each member of the group. "These are for you all to stay in contact with each other in case you get separated. The village isn't big but if you need to get in contact with each other these will be easier than running around trying to find each other."

"So, any questions before you leave?" Mustang asked the group at large. "A word of warning, make sure you wrap up warm. If this cool period we're having is any indication the weather up north will be particularly bad."
Re: Central City

Jacob had stood at firm attention during the whole briefing, his right arm in a salute. "If I may ask, sir. Why did you ask for me on this mission? I'm just a soldier. These are Alchemists. So why would you need a soldier on this mission?"
Re: Central City

"As I said, I had to pull some strings to even get Alchemist's into this mission. And we don't have many senior officers available at the moment so I had to assign those who were not in active duty." Mustang replies to Jacob.

"Which left you two," Hawkeye finishes and signals to Jacob and Cynthia.
Re: Central City

Jacob nods, his arm still up in a salute "With all due respect, sir, I'm nothing like some of the other officers. I just follow orders." he says, his gaze drifting to Max "And I certainly don't like working with people who like causing collateral damage."
Re: Central City

"Well, if you want to drop out of this mission, thats up to you. But remember, it'll go on your record," Mustang says coolly to Jacob. "Like I said, you are one of the few people who is available for this mission. And what with your talents I assumed you'd be perfect for this." While Mustang doesn't give anything away in his expression Jacob may pick up that Mustang knows more about him than he's letting on.

"Wait, what? I don't go out of my way to cause damage, you know!" Max bursts at Jacob. "It's just that working with explosives tends to have that effect."

"Drop it, you two. This isn't the place for petty arguments." Mustang butts in, annoyance in his voice. "If you have a problem with Alchemist's then file a complaint after the mission is over. But at the moment you two are a part of the same team, so start acting like it."
Re: Central City

Jacob looks at Mustang with a puzzled look, then nods once as he butts in "Yes, Sir!" he says, his mouth shutting as he stands perfectly still. His eyes would dart to Max, then back to the fuhrer "I will not back down from this. I won't let anyone get hurt."
Re: Central City

"Good, I'm glad to hear that. Now, does anyone else have any questions or are you ready to go?"
Re: Central City

Jonathan remained silent so far, but his serious expression and eyes betrayed that he had something to say. Seeing how the discussion between Max and Jacob was getting a bit too hot, Joules decided to interrupt. "Sir, if I may voice my opinion... I do not believe that the term bandits fits our unknown enemy. I can't imagine why someone would attack villages and take all bodies with them, especially if they were bandits. Both the wounded and the dead would be a large burden to the victors, and I don't see a reason to act this way, considering that nothing can be gained from this... Unless the targets were people themselves. In that case, we aren't dealing with anything regular." Jonathan watched Mustang carefully. He threw the bait, and now wanted to see what kind of reaction it would cause.
Re: Central City

Tesla remained silent listening to the details and opinons of the other soliders back and forth, his eyes quirking up when Jonathan gave his opinion. "Yeah. Bandits taking bodies of their victims rather their alive or dead don't add up. Which in my humble opinion sir makes it out to be one of three things...... Either Chimeras or beasts running amok or someone is wanting to play Frankenstein. And I can't speak for the rest of the team, but as a survivor of when the blast went off in this city 20 years ago and being ousted for it, I can tell you any experiments with human bodies is nothing we need again. But in any case, I have to agree with Jonathan, normal crooks would not take their victims bodies as well."
Re: Central City

Harrison speaks for the first time, though addressing his teammates rather than Mustang.

"I think they already know that much. You don't send a team of Alchemists to deal with normal bandits."
Re: Central City

Miranda stood with a contemplative expression on her face, listening to her companions and darting her eyes around to each of their faces in turn, "We certainly are a diverse group aren't we..." she muttered to herself and then spoke up, "Sir, my talents with healing are limited, is there someone else with more experience in non alchemy related healing that you could send with us to help in case of a major emergency?"