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Central City

Re: Central City

"What I would like to know is if you are going to send us with someone higher up as the leader of the mission or not, Sir?" Jin asked in a questioning tone. He had not problem following order from anyone was questioning the soldiers' willingness to follower orders from an alchemist.

"If someone in this group will act as the commander for the mission... I would like to know now as not to have listen to any arguments later... Sir." He added quickly.
Re: Central City

"Those are all valid points," Mustang says after allowing the group to discuss everything amongst themselves. "However, I've already discussed all those theories with the Prime Minister, and he said that in order reduce the chances of the public breaking into a frenzy we have to publicly file these attacks as done by bandits."

Mustang pauses as Riza collects a file on a previous case and pins several pages from it on a board. "There was a case thirteen years ago that was never made public. A group of individuals ambushed and captured travellers at night, and then killed them to feed off of them. It was only by luck that a patrol was stationed their hideout when one of their prisoners escaped otherwise they may still be at large today without our knowledge." Hawkeye explains to the group.

"This is the reason why the Prime Minister only wants the public to know its bandits. If they got wind of this the military would be in trouble. And thats the last thing we want so soon."

"You had one of the highest grades out of all the new Alchemists," Mustang says as he turns to address Miranda. "And all of our other medics are either centered elsewhere or are needed here. Sure, if you want to drop out then by all means go ahead, I'll have to send out another medic then, but like I said to Mr. Sincol, it'll go on your record."

"No, there's no free senior officers as I've already said," Mustang now turns to Jin to answer him. "I was going to either make Max or Mr. Sincol the temporary leader for the group, however Max has proven yet again he's too immature to handle the responsibility and Mr. Sincol seem's too distrustful of Alchemist's to make an effective leader for a group of mostly Alchemists." Mustang pauses for a moment as he thinks who he should make the leader. "I know," He says after a couple of minutes thinking. "Seeing as you asked, how about you be the leader for this mission?" Mustang says, a small smirk spreading across his features.
Re: Central City

Jin listened as Hawkeye spoke about the case from thirteen years ago. Knowing luck was the only thing that caused this first group to be found was not a good sign. But unlike now they never attacked a village so with it having go unnoticed was not beyond belief. Cannibalism on such a level was deplorable but was nothing to what was happening now.

Jin nodded as he heard Max might have become the leader but was pleased at hearing Mustang believed him too immature. He was only pleased as he slightly feared what his friend might have done if he was in control of anything. Knowing nothing of this Mr. Sincol, Jin just had to trust Mustang's thinking.

When Mustang said "I know" something in the back of Jin mind said "You just had to ask...". Jin's eyes widened hearing that Mustang offered him the job. His mind tried to think of what he should say or how to say it to make sure he didn't look like a complete fool.

"...If it's only...temporary... and no one else is willing or you think not up to... I'll have no problem with it. So long as it's only temporary. Jin said after a minute of thinking. He didn't really know much of the others so if he did end up as the leader he'd have to learn more about all of them.
Re: Central City

Miranda nodded, inwardly preening at his notice of her scores. "Thank you sir." Then she settled back to watch her companions again.
Re: Central City

"Right, well if none of you have any problems with Mr. Connor here being this mission's leader are you all ready to leave? The train will take you to the station though it's not in the village itself. You'll have to walk there, which if you don't take your time you should arrive there from the station in an hour. The journey on the train will take about three hours so you should arrive well before nightfall." Mustang says and sighs, he rests his head agains the palm of his hand as he rests his elbow on his desk. "We don't know when the village will be attacked, but if whoever it is continues with their pattern they should be attacking either tonight or tomorrow night."
Re: Central City

((this is just to move things along))

"Right, I have no problems with that and by the looks of it neither do the rest," Max says as he waits to see if anyone was going to speak up. "We'll leave right away..sir." Max adds at the end, as if trying to make a point to Mustang. Picking up the radio's Max passes one to each of the group.

As the group leave the office and the door closes behind them Max stops next to Jin.

"Oh boy am I glad I weren't picked to be the leader," He says to him, almost gleefully. "You do realise that any failings or deaths fall on your head and your head alone, right? Anyway, I'll meet you all at the train station, gotta grab some stuff for the road trip." With that Max rushes back to his dorm to get some of his gear.
Re: Central City

Jonathan took his radio and left the office with other members of the group. He seemed to be thinking about the mission, and in fact he was thinking about it. This wasn't a regular job, Joules could tell that much. However, he was an alchemist. He was someone who deals with things most commoners wouldn't understand. So why did he have such a bad feeling about this? "Huh... Interesting way of expressing joy..." Jonathan spoke that loud enough for everyone to hear. Max certainly was one odd nineball. Afterwards, Joules turned towards Jin. "Boss... Would you mind if I went to my room and took a few things as well?" Usually, Joules didn't carry all of his stuff with him. In fact, most of his important stuff was in his room right now.
Re: Central City

Jacob simply sighs as he takes his radio and exits the Fuhrer's office, heading off to.......wherever it was he was going.
Re: Central City

"Yes sir. I will need to go to my dorm and pick up my equipment before I head out." Tesla saids to Mustang before he turns to Miranda saying, "Man. I hate it when I'm right sometimes. I just hope this doesn't turn into another fiasco like 20 years ago. It's a good thing you're coming with us. We might end up damn well needing a medic." He saids as he heads off towards his dorm to retrieve his gear.
Re: Central City

Jin looked at the radio as he exited the office. Jin was cut of whatever thought he had a Max decided to say anything that went wrong was on Jin's head as the leader. Even with max already walking away Jin decided to reply to it even if he didn't hear.

"So of us take what the world throws at us Max. He as he watched Max already walk out of ear shot. The then watched the soldier, Mr. Sincol, walk off with out so much as a word. Jin shook his head wondering how he would be able to keep with group of odd balls in a single working unit.

He turned to Jonathan as he asked about getting his things.

"Don't worry about asking me about getting anything... Jonathan right?" He said as if asking if he got the man's name right.

"Get anything you need... and don't worry about calling me boss, Jin will be fine. He added with a simple smile to at least know someone might listen to him if needed.

"I'll meet up with you all at the train as I have nothing to get. He states as he walks off to the train station.
Re: Central City

"Yes, my name is Jonathan. Jonathan Joules." Joules told his superior, just in case he didn't know or remember his full name. He nodded when he recieved the permission he asked for, then moved out to his room. Upon entering, Jonathan gazed at the mess that occupied most of the space. Now was not the time to clean it, though. Joules gathered all the supplies he considered necessary, took his weapon and left, moving towards the train station, where he intended to join up with the rest of the group.
Re: Central City

Having been silent throughout the meeting with Mustang, Cynthia didn't even say much until Jin left, at which point she allowed herself to take her leave, hurriedly making her way back to her room to quickly throw things together in a large bag, mostly clothing for herself. Having packed her weapons and supplies in as well, she hefted the bag, the radio in a pocket of her coat, and left the room, thinking to herself as she made her way to the train station to meet the others.
Re: Central City

Once they all arrive at the train station they'd see Max waiting for them next to the train, which seems to have only just pulled in. Max is carrying a thick black coat under one arm with a sachel bag slung over his other arm, which no doubt housed all the belongings he was bringing with him. Max hadn't noticed any of them yet.
Re: Central City

Connor walked quick to the station to wait for the other. To his surprise he saw Max all ready to go.

Did he flat out run to get his things or what? Jin thinks to himself as he walks closer. No one else seemed to have gotten here yet which was good. He needed to talk to Max one on one. As he neared he had half a mind to give Max a good punch to the face but he kept that under control. Max's comment of everything falling on Jin still fresh in his mind.

"Max! You have to chose your words a lot more carefully from now on. I would have knocked you on you ass if I couldn't have kept my cool." He said as he came with in ten feet of Max. Jin kept his voice low to make sure no one else would able to hear him other then Max.
Re: Central City

Harrison arrives at the station next. His belongings are packed into a shoulder bag, though some would notice he had been carrying it the whole time anyway. He walks over to the others and nods at them in acknowledgement, before standing and waiting nearby.
Re: Central City

Jacob arrived as quietly as he had left the group back in the hallway. He watched the exchange between Max and Connor with relative interest, wondering if he really was working with a bunch of airheads. "You two should try to get along. After all, I'm not hauling your corpse back here when you die." he says, and, at that point, they would notice he had what looked like a small brown backpack hanging on his back "If there is one thing I've learned as a soldier, it's that teamwork is key. If you try to do everything by yourself, you're digging your own grave."
Re: Central City

Harrison chuckles quietly to himself at Jacob's statement, though he felt his stomach knot a little. He'd worked on his own pretty much his whole life, and he was doing fine. Then again, the soldier had a point. And Harrison didn't much like the idea of learning to work in a team. Much less the learning by doing method.
Re: Central City

Miranda grimaced at Tesla, "I sincerely hope I don't have to use those skills, as much as I would like to practice them." Miranda then sighed, and went off to her room to pack and grab the small backpack she usually keeps on her, stuffing the radio into it, before heading off to the station.

She milled around before rolling her eyes at Jacob, "Being aggressive towards your appointed CO isn't a good way to stay alive either." she pointed out.
Re: Central City

"Being aggressive? No, I was merely stating a fact." Jacob says, looking at Miranda and smirking "You have no idea what war is like, do you? If you've been through half the things that us soldiers have, you'd be a bit touchy, too." he says, crossing his arms and breathing deeply, then huffing out quickly "All I'm saying is, when things seem dangerous, stay behind me, and don't die."
Re: Central City

"Now, now..." Jonathan approached the group. "Now is not the best time to argue, right?" Joules was smiling - however, it was not a smile that expressed anything. He was just being polite. "I'm sure we all have went through various things in our lives. So, rather than trying to act tough or nasty towards each other... Or saying things without thinking... Shouldn't we try to communicate in a friendly, open manner?" The alchemist prefered peace. It was much better to live a peaceful life, mainly because it was easier.