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Challenging Roar (Genis94)

: HP = 72/78, PP = 34/34, EP = 54/54, Status = Blinded, Armor at 35/60 TP
Smidgen: Fine, taken 3 damage Blinded.

Will have Leona's attack occur after Smidgen's, since finishing off a downed opponent shouldn't take the full turn.

Smidgen commits bonk again.
Attack: 25 vs 47, miss, 50 for the shield hits tho.
Damage: 16 damage, down he goes~

Leona's Attack: 80 despite the blind, she'd have hit if it was still alive.

Gain 2 XP!

"Right!? Fuckin' dumb ass stalkers," Smidgen remarked in turn, and while Leona put the brutalized demon out of its misery, she heard Smidgen swing - and miss - only to connect with a crunch of bone with her shield, followed by a thump and a pained, inhuman roar from the monster. Leona, following the sound, could bring her sword down and cut into the prone demon's body, cutting off its pained shout for a gurgling growl that quickly tapered off, leaving the blinded lion-warrior standing in relative quiet as the combat seemingly came to an end.

"Damn... Can you see anything? I'm seeing spots still... Ehhh, give it a minute," Smidgen grumbled, followed by the sound of her rubbing her eyes.
Leona withdrew her blade and swung off the blood before sheathing it and rubbing her own eyes. "Ugh... No, not yet. Just sit tight a second. Once we can see again, let's get to Acheron. Sick of these assholes delaying us..." Leona complained as she blinked away the spots in her vision.

Once she could see again, Leona would offer a fist for Smidgen to bump. "Good work taking that one down. You're alright." She complimented with a smirk. She'd then wave for the goblin to follow. "Let’s get into the city, get my gear repaired, a meal and a bath, then figure out getting admitted into the tournament."
: HP = 78/78, PP = 34/34, EP = 54/54, Status = Fine, Armor at 35/60 TP
Smidgen: Fine

"Aright... Feh...." She heard Smidgen plop down, and as her vision returned, Leona would see the goblin sitting down with her shield and club on her lap. She was waving one hand irregularly in front of her face and blinking, and when finally their vision returned she looked up at Leona, got up, and returned the fistbump gladly. "Yeah! Heheh, I can fight good!" she said brightly, waving her club. "I'mma be the strongest goblin ever! Someday... But I gotta meet strong people and learn tah fight even better first! Right?"

She would fall into step beside Leona as she started moving to get on down the road, skipping a little at first before eventually falling into her older rhythm of alternating between walking and jogging to keep pace with the longer legged Leona. "Yeah! Heeheehee... I can show ya around a bit, but we might wanna ask a guard about good places to get your stuff repaired. I made alla mine myself, y'see! There are guides at the city entrance, but most'a them are scammers lookin to get visitors into the back alleys, either to mug 'em or worse!" She explained as she skipped along.

Soon enough, the city itself was in sight. It was an... Odd looking place, to say the least. The buildings making up the city were in dozens of different styles, some of them like nothing that Leona had ever seen, some ruined to the point that they looked nearly demolished, some so alien and impossible that they could only have been built and maintained by magic. White marble, golden brick, oaken longhouses with thatched roofs... Crolia, Badaria, Amazonia, and Anudor were all evident in the architecture, even from this far away, and among them were structures the like of which Leona had never seen. The outer walls themselves were akin, in a way; There were sections made of wood, others of stone, others of brick, and others seemingly of metal. Some of the stone and metal looked to have been dragged from the earth itself, showing no signs at all of artificial toolwork.

They reached the gates in short order, their crossing by way of a suspension bridge that clacked and clattered under their feet, the wide slats swaying and rattling. Four people could have walked abreast comfortably on it, but sided only by the rope keeping the bridge itself suspended. The gate itself was open, and guarded only by a handful of humanoid figures clad in black armor with blue and white trim, all of them with full helmets that concealed their features. Leona would easily notice a mix of "modern" and archaic in their armor, chain mesh alongside layers of more bullet resistant material. Each carried a rifle of some sort, and a set of non-standardized melee armaments, and each bore the same coat of arms; A loop of fire surrounding a workman's hammer.

As soon as Leona and Smidgen had passed through the archway marking the entrance into Acheron, Leona found herself essentially under siege. No less then three dozen different individuals, having been lurking around the open air, stall laden market featuring a mix of odd foods and weird trinkets, came storming out directly at her upon her stepping through the gate.

"Hey sweetie, you want a tour?"

"Heh, ignore her! I'll show ya 'round!"

"You oughta know where the important places armor - I'm the one to tell ya!"

"Hello kitty~ I know a good milk bar! Just a few coins if you wanna know where..."

Those were only a few of the offers that she was suddenly presented with, forcing Leona to divide her attention or ignore all of them as a cavalcade of colorful figures approached her. Some were at least apparently human, perhaps with some sort of animalistic ears, while others were monstrous to the point of barely being personlike, include several who resembled the monsters who had attacked her on the road into town...
Leona smirked as Smidgen declared her intent to become the strongest goblin ever. "Ha! Keep on fighting like that and it won't be long." She complimented. As the two made their way across the large bridge into Acheron, she eyed the guards in passing. Their armaments were fairly standard and their armor looked good against bullets. Still, she wondered if they got complacent fighting using weapons such as those. Leona much preferred the rush of melee combat and being able to break her foes with raw power. Such thoughts were quickly pushed from her head as she entered the streets and was almost immediately assaulted by a barrage of the aforementioned scammers that Smidgen mentioned.

"Alright, enough!" She shouted to quiet the damned leeches. "Okay... I'm looking for a smith to repair my armor, and for an inn. Okay? First person to give me actual directions gets 5 denarii." She declared, intending to intimidate away the scalpers with her roar and entice those that remained with coin to give her accurate directions for what she needed.
: HP = 78/78, PP = 34/34, EP = 54/54, Status = Fine, Armor at 35/60 TP
Smidgen: Fine

Leona's shout managed to quiet the initial crowd of would-be guides, though it would also earn her a fair bit more attention. A loud bout of arrogant laughter sounded from somewhere in the background, somehow still audible over the din of the crowd, though she couldn't see the source of it through the dense crowd. Some of them looked annoyed and turned to wander off immediately, further formenting the chaotic motions of the crowd. Others looked sly and thoughtful, as if pondering an answer, but eventually stepped away as well. That left only a handful - less than a quarter of her would-be suitors - who were left stepping forward.

"I can show ya a decent smith," said a stocky blue figure with two pairs of horns, one set curving over their head from their brow and the other shorter and curling forwards from their temples, "and a decent inn. It'll cost ya seven for that much of my time though, not just five!"

The next, a serpentine woman with pale skin, white hair, and was wearing a suit of armor not unlike what the guards wore, albeit without their signature markings, said; "I'll do it for the five, and if you're looking for a decent shop for all your random wares, or a decent place to sell loot, head on down to Asp's! It's downtown, right down the main road! Can't miss it!"

The last, a grumpy looking goblin, simply grumbled; "Y'can find a smith just by walkin' down the street. Ferlies Ironworks, four blocks down th'main and then three blocks over t'the left is yer best bet for a smith, n'the best inn fer strangers to Acheron is the Wet Witch, 'specially if yer lookin' for work, or a bath with companionship. It's at 76 Altruria Street. halfway down the road then turn right a ways."
Seeing the myriad options now laid before her, Leona decided to investigate all of them. Since the serpent woman and goblin gave their answers verbally, she tossed them 5 denarii each. She then handed 4 to the blue demonic man before her. "You get the rest once I see the places you're talking about. Come on, Smidgen." She gestured to the goblin that had joined her.

"Just no funny business. Last six guys that tried that today are dead." She added, reinforcing the idea that she was not to be fucked with.
: HP = 78/78, PP = 34/34, EP = 54/54, Status = Fine, Armor at 35/60 TP
Smidgen: Fine

The goblin and naga caught the offered coin, the former simply turning and wandering back into a position at which he could watch the gate, and the latter glowering slightly but then nodding before doing much the same. The stocky blue demon took the coins and then shrugged. "If I was gonna get ya ambushed, that wouldn't do anything to stop me," he said matter-of-factly, "it'd just mean whoever my accomplices are'd be doing some not nice shit to ya to start, instead of just trying to subdue you... Don't matter though, s'long as I get my coin I've got no reason to try to fuck with ya." Smidgen growled and glowered, hopping from foot to foot, but looked to Leona for a moment before falling into hasty steps beside the much taller lion-warrior.

The blue demon then turned on the stop and started walking at a steady pace down Acheron's main street, letting Leona - and Smidgen beside her - follow or not as Leona preferred. "Ferlies is a bit off the beaten track, but it's a pretty good place," he explained as they walked, "and the Wet Witch is pretty good. Run by some girl from Crolia now, mage turned succubus, to my understanding. She started putting boys on the roster too, if you're not turned bi yet. I'll take you to those two, since ya've already got directions to 'em."

He did just that, going down the road and then turning left, ultimately taking Leona down a side street lined with various craftsmen. He stopped in front of a covered smithy, and the lioness could feel the heat emanating from the trio of active forges. The street was mostly populated by those who looked to share her profession, going into various shops to do their business, but after a moment of letting her gawk, her guide grunted; "You want a smith, here it is." The sign over the smithy, written in gigantic cursive, read; "Ferlies Metalworking." It seemed that the six people working there were all busy doing something, and the counter up front was unmanned at first glance.
As Leona was led through the city and provided the brief explanation by her guide, she raised a brow. "Huh? I just want an inn with a bath. The fuck do you mean 'if I'm not turned bi'?" She asked, clearly not understanding it was likely a brothel of some sort. Upon arriving at the forge, Leona fished the other 3 denarii out of her pocket and handed it to the blue demon. "Your pay. Now then, I've got armor that needs repair."

Stepping to the nearest smith that wasn't absorbed in their work, Leona presented herself. "I need repairs done to my armor. I can pay for the full thing, but not sure if you want me to wait here or come back when it's done." She said, pointing out the dents from her earlier scuffles.
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: HP = 78/78, PP = 34/34, EP = 54/54, Status = Fine, Armor at 35/60 TP
Smidgen: Fine

"Seems that bein' into both sexes or a mix of 'em is a lot more common among you mortals than any of ya like to admit when ya first come 'round here, an' the workers there are pretty hot I've heard. Some'of'em are pretty sly, too, so say the rumours," her guide explained casually along the way.

However Leona reacted to that, soon enough she'd be at the smithy, and the one who seemed least engrossed in what they were doing turned out to be a... Very strange person. They seemed to have been split down the middle in coloration. Overall, their skin was relatively olivine, which seemed to be a common complexion among Badarians, but one half - split literally in the middle down their face - was distinctly paler than the other. That trend followed to their hair, which on the left was an earthy auburn and clean kept, while on the right it turned a much more noticeable shade of crimson and was considerably more unruly in spite of their efforts to keep it contained. When they looked to Leona from the shaped plate they'd been examining, their eyes were gold on their left and red on their right, and they appeared mildly annoyed by her boisterous intrusion into their workplace.

"You could have... You know, nevermind. Strip. Looks like acid damage and some denting, will need a few plates replaced. You can wait, but it's gonna be a few hours. I'd rather not," the smith replied quickly, looking Leona's damaged armor up and down. Smidgen, peeking out over the counter that came up almost past her nose - when she wasn't standing on tiptoes - giggled in amusement.
Leona sighed and undid the buckles on her armor, removing it all and leaving her clad in her normal clothes, a pair of shorts and a black crop top along with stockings and boots. "Right, I get it. Don't want me looking over your shoulder while you work. I'll come back tomorrow if that works. Do you want payment up front or just when it's done?" She asked, trying to remain professional with this business. Once he confirmed when payment was due, she would turn to Smidgen.

"You've been here before. Have you heard anything about this Wet Witch place? I'm just looking for an inn with a good bath after having to deal with those assholes on the road."
: HP = 78/78, PP = 34/34, EP = 54/54, Status = Fine, Armor at 35/60 TP
Smidgen: Fine
Smith at Ferlies Ironworks

"Half up front, for materials. The other half on completion," the smith explained dispassionately, looking over the damage. "Looks like... About thirteen coin worth of materials that needs fixing. That'll be eighteen to repair all this. There are no protective contingency enchantments that I have to worry about? It'll be done by tomorrow morning."

With that bit of business done with, Leona was free to turn to Smidgen, and the goblin nodded and stood on tippy toes to watch Leona walk around the counter, settling again only when the cat-warrior had come back out into the street. "Ehhh, I heard of it, yeah. Never been there meself, it's a bit of an upper class place... Sort of. I mean, they definitely don't turn goblins away, heheh! Rumors are, the owner, uhhh, has a taste for greens~ Lots of greens... Big bowls of it, y'know?" Smidgen said, waggling her eyebrows suggestively on the last bit. "They say the baths are good though, and ya can get company for 'em if ya want someone't wash yer back!"
The subtleties of the innuendo were unfortunately lost on Leona as she fished out the 9 denarii needed for the first half of the job and handed it to the smith before turning to her small friend. "They can eat all the greens they want for all I care. I stick to meat anyway." She said, clearly thinking the conversation was about food. With a small wave to the smith, she walked out to the streets, now clad in just her clothes and with Lionshead strapped to her hip.

"You know the way, Smidgen? Still getting used to this place..." Leona asks, still a bit spun around by the city.
: HP = 78/78, PP = 34/34, EP = 54/54, Status = Fine, Armor at 35/60 TP being repaired
Smidgen: Fine
Smith at Ferlies Ironworks - still owes 9 denarii

Smidgen's navigation: -1 success. The goblin done got lost.

Smidgen, on Leona's apparent misunderstanding, giggled as she fell into step beside Leona. "Hehehehhh, you'd have a similar preference on diet, then..." She remarked dryly, before answering; "I can probably find the way. Got a vague idea about where it's at anyhow... C'mon! It's this way!" The goblin had had trouble keeping up with Leona's longer strides before, but now that Leona was out of her bulky armor and thus more limber, Smidgen had to jog to keep ahead of her. She kept up gamely anyway, her pot-helmet bouncing slightly on her head and necessitating that she regularly put a hand on it to keep it steady.

"Yeah, Acheron's real messy... But most of us like it that way!" She said as she scuttled along in front of Leona, glancing back occasionally to make sure that the lioness hadn't fallen behind. The streets of Acheron passed by, colorful and dirty as they were, and soon enough they were back on one of the main drags running through the city, one populated both by colorful locals and gawking tourists. Leona herself got a few curious looks, from locals and otherwise, but there were simply so many things to see - the city's demonic inhabitants were rarely alike in color and shape even when they followed the stereotypical lines of their race - that she could walk about without the usual looks she received given her race in the otherwise still fairly xenophobic Badaria.

After walking a few more blocks through the crowded streets, Smidgen stopped, looked around, nodded, and pointed to their left. "This is the right street... I'm pretty sure it's this way!" She said, pointing down the street. Leona would see the black spires of Acheron's palace in the distance, as well as the ivory marble cylinder of the city's grand coliseum a fair bit closer, and the goblin would promptly start trotting down that way. It proved to be a smaller, less populated street, particularly as they headed further from the main drag running through the city's trade lane. The buildings began to lose color and quality, some looking like barely held together relics after a few blocks, and soon enough there were far few folk about who looked like they weren't from the demon city itself.

Gangs of goblins, trios of stalkers, and demons with their pets - mutated mortals and more monstrous things alike - began to glare at them - particularly Leona - in distinctly predatory ways. They looked from alleyways, dilapidated houses, ruined shops, and dingy cafes and bars, but didn't approach... Not yet. Smidgen began to look less and less certain the further along they went, keeping closer to Leona as the looks grew more common. "I uhh... Think I had the wrong direction... Y-yeah, uhhh... It's supposed to be down near the docks," she said, stopping. It was then that a deep, gravely voice drew Leona's attention to the alleyway to their left, an indistinct figure shrouded in shadow growling; "You lost, little cat? You look lost." Their silhouette was too difficult for Leona to figure out what they were like, but she saw two sets of eyes, strangely not directly next to one another; One was much higher than the other, and the lower one seemed slightly closer, but both glowed a sinister red.
The eyes lingering on her annoyed Leona more than it actually caused concern. She was no stranger to long walks, but it became increasingly obvious that Smidgen had gotten them completely and utterly lost. "Oh for... Next time you feel list, just pipe up, alright?" She chastised, although more annoyed than outright angry.

In her current attire, most of Leona's muscles were on display, along with the shape of her bust and ass thanks to her top and shorts. At the rather condescending comment, Leona narrowed her eyes and put a hand on her sword. "Smidgen. We're going back to the main street. Now." She instructed. Her posture made it clear that she'd kill any of these demons without hesitation if they tried anything funny. And it certainly felt like that was close to happening.
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: HP = 78/78, PP = 34/34, EP = 54/54, Status = Grappled, Pinned, Excited, Armor at 35/60 TP being repaired
Smidgen: Taken 27 damage.
Smith at Ferlies Ironworks - still owes 9 denarii

Demon - unharmed, grappling and pinning Leona
Hellhound - taken 48 damage

Demon uses Stunning Gaze, X = 2, for a total of 8 EP.
Attack: 54 vs 35, hits.
Resistance: 32 vs 18, Leona is stunned for 2 rounds.
Because she is stunned, auto-grapple from Brawler Attack: 79, hits. Leona is grappled.

Smidgen tries to come into the shadows and hit him with a club. She meets a hellhound instead.
Attack: 76 vs 48, hits.
Damage: 8 + 2 + 15 + 6 - 10 = 21 damage.

The hellhound responds by trying to maul Smidgen.
Attack: 87 vs 64, hit.
Damage: 12 + 13 + 10 - 8 = 27 damage.

Leona is stunned and misses a turn, the demon grappling her will attempt to pin her.
Grapple: 77 vs 44, Leona is Pinned.

Smidgen tries to bonk more ferociously, using Shield Slam.
Attack: 73 vs 40, hits.
Damage: 8 + 2 + 15 + 6 + 2 - 10 = 25 damage.
Resistance: 4 + 5 + 15 = 24 vs 28 = 8 + 20, failed.

The hellhound mauls again.
Attack: 80 vs 86, miss.

"Yeah... That's prolly a good idea," Smidgen agreed, her tone carrying a nervous edge to it. The eyes from the alley looked over Leona's barely concealed body hungrily, the two sets of crimson glows intensifying and seeming to darken all other light around them. "Tsk... Leaving so soon? No... I think not," the figure in the alley replied, and Leona suddenly found herself unable to look away, unable to blink. Something had seized her mind, taking a firm grip upon her psyche and momentarily scrambling her thoughts. Tendrils of shadow reached out from the alley, coiling around her limbs and dragging Leona into the alleyway as the figure there chuckled.

"Oi! None'a that! Keep yer slimy appendages to yerself!" Smidgen said angrily, advancing upon the alley after Leona only for something that dwarfed her to come bounding out of it. The beast was as tall as Leona at the shoulder, its canine form distorted and covered in chitinous shadowy armor. It towered over Smidgen, but she bashed it in the chin with her club all the same. Its head turned from the blow, but it snarled and turned back upon her while the figure dragging Leona into the alleyway laughed. "Aaaaaaahahahahahahahahahahhh! Aaaahhhh... Brave, but... Very stupid," he said, and Leona found herself being manhandled by a wolf-headed man who stood a full foot taller than she, and her next inhaled breath left Leona's body heating up as a wave of masculine pheromones hit her lungs. Between the psychic hit, the heavy scent, and the domineering manner in which she was summarily pressed against the nearby wall.

Smidgen, in the meantime, was squaring off with a beast several times her size, and she... Did not come off the better for it. The hellhound - for the beast was much too big and too sleek to be a dire wolf - lunged at her, grabbing her shield arm in its jaws and lifting her bodily as she cried out in pain. The beast thrashed with Smidgen in its grip for a moment before throwing her aside, where she lay for a moment while Leona's attacker took the last few moments of her stunned state to fully pin her. "Go crawl off somewhere and die, goblin..." He grunted dismissively as he turned the whole of his attention towards Leona.

The leonine warrior was promptly left bent over, her legs spread and arms pressed against the wall, with tendrils around her ankles, wrists, waist, and neck. A moment later and she felt something hard pressing against her backside... Something hard and intimidatingly large. "Heheheheh... You must have worked hard for that body," the wolf-man growled behind her, putting his mouth by her ear so that he could speak in a lower tone at her; "I'm going to see how you taste... And make that tight belly swell..."

Smidgen, however, did not do as the man had suggested. While the hellhound was snarling at her and backing into the alley, a too-long tail waving behind it tipped with a scythe-like blade, she got up, her shoulder bloodied, but turned and sprinted at the hellhound. It snapped at her, but she bashed it in the head with her shield, causing the demon manhandling her to pause in his molestations and glance over, growling in annoyance alongside the hellhound that was trying to fend off the persistent goblin.
As Leona turned with Smidgen to leave, she suddenly locks up in place as she feels some manner of mystic force invade her mind. "What... the...?" She manages to mutter in her immobilized state. As the demon drags her away, she's completely helpless to resist. All she can do is watch and growl as she's suddenly pinned against the wall and Smidgen attempts to fight off the hellhound.

But worse still, she suddenly feels her cheeks flush as some musky pheromones fill the air and assault her, her heightened sense of smell not doing her any favors. Her body instinctively grows excited and she gets slightly nervous as the massive cock rrsts against her ass. "Damned honorless... Let me go, asshole!" She demands, attempting to free herself from the pin so she can unleash her destructive powers on him.
: HP = 78/78, PP = 34/34, EP = 54/54, Status = Grappled, Pinned, Excited, Armor at 35/60 TP being repaired
Smidgen: Taken 27 damage.
Smith at Ferlies Ironworks - still owes 9 denarii

Demon - unharmed, grappling and pinning Leona
Hellhound - taken 69 damage

Grappling, Leona tries to escape the pin, wolfman tries to shift her clothes.
Grapple: 68 for Leona vs 76 for him, Leona's panties are moved aside.

Smidgen continues to try to bonk hellhound into submission.
Attack: 77 vs 53, hits again.
Damage: 5 + 3 + 15 + 6 + 2 - 10 = 21 damage.
Resistance: 1 + 5 + 15 = 21 vs 38 = 18 + 20, failed.

The hellhound mauls again.
Attack: 51 vs 84, miss.

The demon chuckled behind Leona as she came to her senses and admonished him, the shadowy tentacles pinning her arms and ankles in place tightening their grip. "Honorless? Pfft... You pathetic little mortals don't understand the concept~" He growled, smacking her on the rump and leaving a stinging handprint on her ass in the process. "I'm stronger than you.... That's all that matters here... All that should matter he-for fucks sake, it's a goblin! Just pin her down!" The demon's tone turned from a snide whisper to an exasperated growl as he briefly turned his attention towards the ongoing brawl between Smidgen and the massive shadowy canine beast, which snapped its jaws and lashed at her with tendrils only to get another smack on the chin from her shield for its efforts. Leona heard the clack of teeth hitting stone, and Smidgen had a smug grin... But she hadn't gotten past it yet, and that left the demon behind her turning his attention back to Leona.

"Fucking distractions... Now, where was I?" He grabbed the hem of her shorts and casually yanked them down, exposing her rapidly moistening sex. Shadowy tendrils dragged her top up over her bust, exposing her breasts as well, and the wolfman growled and leaned closer to grasp one of her perky orbs. The scent of his pheromones intensified as he did so, and Leona felt the fat slab of meat that he was packing throb against the curve of her rump. "Right... I was about to have a nice meal... And give your lineage a blessing..."
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Leona continues to struggle against the grip of the demon, but unfortunately to no avail. What's worse, she feels her cheeks flush red as her clothes are shifted aside, embarrassing the warrior and cementing the precarious situation she now finds herself in. "Wh-What the fuck do you think you're doing?!" She blurts, thoroughly embarrassed by the perverse nature of the demon planning to fuck her. She gulps nervously as she feels that engorged cock of his resting against her and redoubles her efforts to try and break free. In the corner of her eye, she sees Smidgen still squaring off against the hellhound and she can only hope the goblin can either prove triumphant or have the sense to flee if it looks bad. "Get... off of me, dammit!"
: HP = 72/78, PP = 18/34, EP = 46/54, Status = Grappled, Pinned, Excited, Penetrated, Armor at 35/60 TP being repaired
Smidgen: Taken 27 damage.
Smith at Ferlies Ironworks - still owes 9 denarii

Demon - unharmed, grappling and pinning Leona, taken 21 PP
Hellhound - KO'd

Grappling, Leona tries to escape the pin, wolfman tries to penetrate her.
Grapple: 54 for Leona vs 94 for him. +__+
Pleasure for her: 26 - 10 = 16, he also drains 8 EP and she takes 6 HP damage for resisting pleasure. She also takes 16 corruption.
Pleasure for him: 21

Smidgen commits possibly final bonk! It's the final bonkdown!
Attack: 64 vs 51, hits again.
Damage: It had 10 HP left, she KOs it on min damage.

"I think... That I'm claiming my prize~" The lupine demon growled back smugly at Leona, and as the shadowy tendrils containing her limbs kept them exactly where they were, in spite of her even more vigorous struggles, he grabbed her by the back of her head and forced her to tilt her head upwards. Then, he slipped his hands back, running his fat shaft through the crack of her ass, lined up with her sex, and.... Pushed. Traitorous pleasure, aided and abetted by the pheromones this demon was emitting, roared up her spine as her inner walls were spread wide, and the demon pierced to the hilt and completely filled her until his cockhead pressed into her cervix. Something strange accompanied that overwhelming surge of pleasure as well, however, a strangely euphoric and exhilarating sensation, a rush of added addicting bliss that offered small comfort as her attacker took a portion of her soul's power for himself.

"Grrrhhhh... Nhhhh... You have a bit of power... An even better catch than I'd expected," the demon mused into her ear, before rearing back and starting to pound wildly into her depths. Stroke after stroke after stroke left Leona increasingly overwhelmed, her thoroughly stretched folds singing in bliss as the demon railed her against the wall, and every mote of pleasure let him feed in turn. Over the course of a handful of seconds, he pumped into her a dozen times, and it felt like he'd been pounding her for minutes...

Crunch! The hellhound gave a low whimper after Smidgen brought her club down on the thing's head, knocking it out, and the shadowy armor it had sported quickly faded. It left a huge, black dog in its place, bleeding from its head. The goblin gave a victorious snort, kicked the unconscious beast once, and then turned on Leona and her assailant only to find her pinned and getting fucked, "Oi! Get offa her, ya mangy fuck!" The demon, pausing in his strokes, gave Smidgen an irritated look and growled; "No. Fuck off, goblin, I'm busy!"
As her head was forced to tilt back, Leona growled in defiance and glared at the demon, trying to tear an arm free so she could punch him in the face. As his obscene member shifted between her ass, her expression suddenly turned grim. "D-Don't you fucking- Hnnng!" She tried to protest, only to be silenced by the cock slamming into her. Her whole body went stiff from the sensation on reflex, including her folds that now gripped his cock like a vice. She grit her teeth as her eyes went wide from the intense pounding, trying to maintain some level of composure and reason. As she felt some of her soul sampled by the demon, she tried to muster her defiance once more. "D-Damn... you...! My soul isn't... some snack for- Augh! F-Fuck!"

Once again, the intense fucking was enough to cut her off, her eyes starting to roll back from the forced pleasure as she was fucked against the wall like a prized cocksleeve. The fiery lioness tried desperately to pull herself free, unable to focus on anything but the mind-breaking sensations and the warning signals blaring in her head of what would come next. She had to get free before this bastard broke her and made her nothing but his breeder!