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RPG [ Chaos Gate ] サキュバスネスト / Succubus Nests (RE103523, RJ103523)

Re: Succubus Nests

Ouch... better don't touch the data.pak If you break it its pretty hard to fix it.
Re: Succubus Nests

Noted. I actually made a copy before I did, so I'm working on an untouched version of the game now (I'm nosy and always trying to see what's inside these games to make them work). Turns out I had screwed up the updates too, so I redid all of that from scratch.

Still not getting a data selection screen though. You're saying that if you simply copy and rename the 'sample' folder (let's call it 'custom') and put the copy in the userdata folder, it should work, right?

Edit: Ignore everything else I said. I missed the part where you have to have beaten the game to use custom userdata. All is well now. I would say I'd have a quick and dirty (typical of my usual ones) translation up, but it's a bit unlikely this time. But the proof of concept works, so anyone who want to take a swing at a translation, this could be a good chance to prove yourself.
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Re: Succubus Nests

Rename the mod in the basic txt to something English if possible so you will recognize it in the game. When you chose to start a new game, (clicking on one of the empty spots) a Select Userdata screen should come up with three choices. The basic game. The sample data and your mod.

edit: Nevermind then.
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Re: Succubus Nests


Because I don't know what is Right Procedure to activate the Debug Mode of this game, Could I ask How to activate the Debug Mode ?:confused::confused::confused::confused:
Re: Succubus Nests


Because I don't know what is Right Procedure to activate the Debug Mode of this game, Could I ask How to activate the Debug Mode ?:confused::confused::confused::confused:

No idea. I know you have to change the config so that the debug option is 1 (enabled) instead of 0, and it involves hitting the D key while playing. Not sure what it does or anything though. The developer recommends not using it unless you have a specific reason to do so, which leads me to believe it's not the kind of thing you can use to cheat your way through the game in case you're wondering.
Re: Succubus Nests

Hmmm 2.05 patcher isn't working well for mine. I downloaded the 2.02 version, replaced the readme.txt from a person that uploaded his, downloaded the patches I needed off the official website or blog, ran it, and once it started patching to 2.04 it stops at 13.4 percent and it won't go further. The cancel button changes into a kanji and the 'ru' hiragana which I'm guessing it stopped patching for some reason. Anyone know how to fix?
Re: Succubus Nests

Hmmm 2.05 patcher isn't working well for mine. I downloaded the 2.02 version, replaced the readme.txt from a person that uploaded his, downloaded the patches I needed off the official website or blog, ran it, and once it started patching to 2.04 it stops at 13.4 percent and it won't go further. The cancel button changes into a kanji and the 'ru' hiragana which I'm guessing it stopped patching for some reason. Anyone know how to fix?

I encountered that problem as well. The only thing I do was, let the patch run itself no, app, browser or windows open. Only the patch and I finish it without problem.
Re: Succubus Nests

This time it's stuck at 2.03... At 70 percent. Going to reset my laptop and try again. I tried to update without anything on as well.

EDiT: Should have known... disk space problem...
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Translate Succubus Nests to English


Although the Title of Succubus Nests is English but the In-Game content is not English, Would someone please translates Succubus Nests of Chaos Gate to 100% English.

Re: Translate Succubus Nests to English

There are only few members that know Japanese.And they are extremely valuable to us.If they like the game,they'll probably translate it.But please do not rush into conclusions,as I'm just guessing that someone will actually translate this.Until then,enjoy the Japanese version,and if you don't know how to play it,there should be a walkthrough here.If not,there's probably one on Hongfire and Ryonani.
Edit:300th post.I'm a tentacle monster now. *wiggles tentacles*
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Re: Translate Succubus Nests to English

Well, just as a note: I actually did look at doing this - considering that the game actually doesn't have much text, and has a functioning mod system.

Unfortunately, there's a few problems with character limits. Specifically, there's one of about 8-10 characters of names, and a 16 character/line limit on dialog. And whilst I know how to dismantle RPGMaker games for translation, the Succubus Nests engine is out of my field of knowledge.

So yeah.. Without someone who knows how to modify the game engine, not happening.
Re: Translate Succubus Nests to English

I'm not sure where to start on this, without saying a lot of things that most people here already know.

1) There's already a thread for this game, and I already brought up translation there. There's a difference between letting people know that there is demand for a translation (good) and demanding it (bad), and this falls in the latter category. It's a very polite demand for the most part, but having started a new thread for it means earning a lot of people's ire right away.

2) Translations are time-consuming and require a great deal of both effort and attention to detail. The former is why I personally don't do more of them, because while I think this is a wonderful community and want to contribute when I can, I just can't spare enough time to do everything I would like to. And it's not just me, all translators need motivation to work, because it's a tedious task. Money talks, but as we saw with Girl Vs Girl, commissioning a translation is expensive (that game was about $2000 to translate IIRC) and therefore beyond the means of the average forum poster. Donations can work for gathering a small amount from a lot of members, adding up so that the translator gets a decent sum, but they're not reliable. Some of you might argue that you shouldn't have to pay for a translation, but then, a number of people here are also not paying for the very games they want translated. That's pirating, people. I won't call you out on it more than that, but I will remind you that no one wants to do something for nothing.

3) In regard to Succubus Nests specifically, I did some basic tests to see if a translation was possible, and didn't have any particular trouble with it. That said, I can't promise that it would be easy, because I didn't do a 100% translation. There are tons of games I would love to work on translating, and the time involved isn't the only reason I end up not being able to do them. Another big problem I run into is making a translation actually work. Translation in a nutshell means finding the original strings, and replacing them with English equivalents (the translation for RyonaRPG is much more direct and literal in its approach, as it is a program which literally does what I just described). That means you first have to be able to get to the strings, which are almost always encrypted in a type of data archive, most of which prove difficult to open without incredibly specific tools. Even if you can extract the data, you still have to be able to find the strings in it. There are times where the original text is not simply written out in a text document (though sometimes it actually is, and it's awesome), but actually hidden within several layers of code somewhere else entirely. In these cases you have to have skills not just in translating, but with coding and programming as well. And regardless of skill level, the way the original code was written may prevent translation without a full rewrite of the entire game's program, which is not realistic option by any means.

Succubus Nests has a built in feature that allows people to write their own scenario, and it even includes a sample template that is almost identical to the game's main story (I think, at least, I never checked it that thoroughly). Hypothetically, someone with a basic understanding of Japanese could go in and just translate the strings found in the text documents there, and the result would be a somewhat complete translation, though I'm pretty sure there are a number of things that are locked within the game's own basic code. The translation would have to be treated as an extra scenario, for instance, and the 'core' game would not be translated. The Event and animation galleries form the main screen would not be translated, and I'm not sure if the ones on the bottom right while on the world map can be translated or not.

In addition to what I have already said (which is, wow, a lot), I do want to point out that we DO have a number of active translators around on this site. And I may be getting ahead of myself in saying this, but I think most of them would agree with me that requests like these just don't really help.

A person can only translate a game when they are A) willing to work on the game, B) have the ability to do so, and C) have the time to do so. Most only work on games they are personally fans of, or at least games that don't contain content they object to (don't expect someone who hates guro to translate splatter school, etc). A good request for translation would be something like "I really enjoyed this game, but I would totally play through it again in English," posted in the game's ongoing discussion. If a fan of the game who can translate sees that in its discussion, they may be inspired to translate it. They also may not, but that's how it goes. In the end, if you really want something done, and no one else is currently doing it, there's always the option of doing it yourself. Most of us are too busy to do things for others (sometimes because we're already doing other things for you), and most of us are too busy to teach you how to do it, but we can point you toward materials you can use to teach yourself. It will take a lot of time and effort, but you would be a much more productive member of the group as a whole.

Can we get a post on translations (and why you shouldn't request them) stickied or something?
Re: Translate Succubus Nests to English

Yeah,a thread dedicated to translations would be awesome,and should be stickied.
Re: Translate Succubus Nests to English

Yeah,a thread dedicated to translations would be awesome,and should be stickied.

i think the translations themselves should stay in the threads for the appropriate games, but a far as translation news itself, like some suggestions for how to handle/request them (and how not to), advice, etc. to avoid problems from arising, that i could get behind.
Re: Succubus Nests

Hmm i am sure there's a thread for this game before....i remember that's where i got my fullsave
Re: Succubus Nests

anyone get all animated scenes?
Re: Succubus Nests

I got all of them except the one above the tribalism scene.
Re: Succubus Nests

I'd like a full gallery save too, please. Or almost, whatever. I really like the animations, but I can't muster up the will to go through now just to get the ton I missed.
Re: Succubus Nests

As i already said:

And here's the complete save (to find it you have to highlight the whole page; since it's "hidden"): kwt.web2.jp/download/succubus_nests/cleardata.zip (copy,paste & enjoy =3)


P.S:It's the new "system save" : unlocks everything in the gallery/CG scene.