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Chaos (Glenn;Ryu)

The man quickly became confused at Shiva's advice as what he said seemed to conflict with what she actually meant. "That... was the plan..." He commented, not understanding how she could confuse it for anything else. "You really think that Aurine might be hanging around at Penguin's place? If we head there first to check it would certainly save me a trip later." At the merc girl's comments about taming the cockatrice the man furrowed his brow and crossed his arms. He partially had captured the thing to satisfy Shiva, and to remove it as variable when dealing with Anubis. Keeping it around in the role of a servant or ally wasn't high on his priorities. Given how mighty it's scent could be it seemed more the liability to have around anywhere important. "I'll... keep that in mind..." He replied soon after, briefly pondering the possibility of how such eggs could benefit his own situation, especially in terms of getting some actual currency to use other than his body, despite how he still felt when first going after the bird.
Shiva shrugged. "I'm willing to bet that they're all hanging out together. Or most of them. Though if Jill and Sona are near each other, I can only imagine a blood bath." she commented grimly. Then, they departed.

After a while of travel, going through the busy streets of the Magi, filled with tension and talk of doom and war given recent events, as well as the constant carting of cargo relating to heavy parts for golems and other unknown weapons carried upon their floating or even rolling wooden wagons like the one he rode. He saw a mixture of technology employed for seemingly no other reason than convenience, until he reached a rather crowded circle of Magi citizens dressed in their mixture of sleek and appealing attire all centered around and making a commotion over a scene before them. Someone was joining the scene as Glenn and Shiva arrived, a brown haired woman with white skin whose hair was tied into a ponytail rushed up to a similar girl with her hair done into a bun. "What's going on?" she asked her accomplice. "If you can believe it, Sphinx of all people is walking amidst our town." she replied. "People are feeding her and petting her, she was frightening at first but it seems she's just like a cat and loves the attention."

Looking through the crowd, Glenn would see Sphinx sitting at a table decorated with a purple umbrella in front of a cake and coffee shop, being smothered by facinated people who were petting her head and scratching her ears as she seemed to welcome it. "Myes~! Don't be scared, come pay respects to The Sphinx~" she cooed egotistically. "I'd like a strawberry shortcake next please~" she then requested. "And another glass of milk~!" she held up an empty glass, her lips decorated with frosting, as the crowd was more than happy to feed her.

"It's because you let the situation get out of control!" Glenn then heard Jill's voice. Then he heard Sona's, "She didn't want to wear the black robe anymore! Of course it'd get hot." she argued. Following their voices, they were off to the side, witnesses to the chaos sphinx happily formed as Jill folded her arms and gave Sona an annoyed looked while the latter also had her arms folded angrily. "Everything goes wrong when you take matters into your own hands, so stop it." Jill said simply. "I don't want to hear that from you! Miss: let's spare Glenn the trouble!" Sona retorted, waving her arms in mockery. "It would have worked if you weren't an idiot and let Sphinx off the leash out of pity." Jill retorted back. "We should have left her with Glenn like I said in the first place!" Sona flared her arms out wide as if throwing wind at Jill. "I'd never leave Glenn at the mercy of that thing. He needed his beauty sleep." Jill said calmly. "All she'd do is fuck him at worst! You're being way too paranoid!" Sona criticized Jill. Then, Jill just frowned. "Unlike you, I'm not alright with letting everything hump my master."

They bantered on, with Glenn able to inturrupt or just hear more if he wished, or simply pass them all on in favor of Penguin's house.
The busy streets of the Magi were filled with a various number of things being carted about as the man and his companion traveled. Much of which Glenn noted were weaponized supplies or spare mechanized parts. Talk of coming troubles came from the crowds he passed, talk of which turned into whispers in his ear from the surrounding noise that acted to drown it out as they passed. People were much more on edge now than last he traveled, and this despite the various ease of use the technology around them seemed to grant their lives. He supposed the thought of losing all this to the threats that await were certainly enough to put anyone on edge. What did they say about who they were worried over when even with everything they had the talk of doom was still high in peoples thoughts?

Coming upon a large crowd of people, Shiva's prediction from earlier appeared to have come true. The two golems had gotten themselves into some trouble involving Sphinx, who was now happy to be at the center of attention in the crowd. A great many hands dedicated to spoiling the mamono with pets and treats, while the arguing between Jill and Sona were practically ignored. "We must have arrived just in the nick of time. The only blood I see are the remains of murdered cakes and pastries." Glenn commented to Shiva, before making his way past a few outliers in the crowd to walk toward Sona and Jill. "There you guys are. Are you two alright? I wondered where everyone went off to when I woke up. Have either of you seen Aurine?" He asked eyeing both of them, mostly for confirmation that the sea bishop might be towards Penguin's place. Though the man pondered whether she might be found elsewhere now instead given Sona's presence.
Jill was the first to speak. "Master, we are well. I departed with Sona to see Penguin about adjustments to our bodies to better serve you, when Sona led us on this series of undesirable events." She said as Sona would roll her eyes. She looked like she had something to say, but in the presence of Glenn after all that had happened, she seemed to distantly just look away and be silent. "Aurine seemed to not bother herself with these events and went on ahead of us. What shall we do about the Sphinx, Master?" she pointed to the tanned feline who was given vanilla ice cream with hot fudge creamed over it. "This is one of your simpler dishes? How can this be? It should be only for the elite~!" Sphinx cooed as the nervous dessert shop owners declared it was popular, for both price and taste. "Could it be that the servants of this land are treated better than the elite? What a backwards place this is." she hummed, as her comment made everyone even more nervous.
So Aurine had gone ahead of both of them, but as to where to she didn't say. He really hoped they were off towards Penguin's before splitting up. Tracking down Aurine in a city like this would be quite the pain otherwise. If he couldn't find her he'd just have to assume she went ahead to Isabel instead. Given the question of what to do with Sphinx, the man watched the commotion she caused with a scratch of his head. More bemused at her reaction to eating a simple bowl of ice cream than nervous. "Let me think of something..." He told Jill, pondering a few moments before something came to him that might pull the royal mamono's attention. "It's not as backwards as you might think. More resources and wealth means even regular people can have it good. But that also means that the elite can have it really good. Depending on where you go you might actually think it too decadent if you can believe that. I'm almost afraid to see how you'll react then." He told Sphinx, choosing polite conversation to engage with here. "I'm sure Isabel will have something gourmet to sate your appetite during the meeting. Will you come with us? I'd like to keep things amiable between Anubis when we meet her again."
Sphinx chuckled from her seat that she was treating and lounging in like a throne. "Don't you worry about Anubis. She's got leadership, but emotionally she's a big fluffy pushover~ You should have heard her after she met you." She put her paw to her face in a slightly mocking way. "~I hope I can impress upon him~! Myeh!" She ate another bite of sweets. After hearing that, the crowd began to whisper. The fact that Sphinx revealed that Anubis held some kind of favor for the brown clothed man seemed to be immediately spreading. "I tried to do her a favor, and catch the bird first while stopping you. Oh well, a shame to be sure~ I'll console her after you give her the bad news~" She purred.

"But, I know a sly negotiator when I see one. I know you're playing me, but I accept, the condition that if there are no treats, you will be the treat for the night. And no mere bite this time. I will devour you whole~" She cooed with a regal blush. The crowd then became loud with talk that this seemingly average and normal man was somehow in bed with Anubis and Sphinx.

'Dunno if I should envy him or pity him, probably both.' Said a male bystander.

'I bet he's under the covers with all those girls around him.' Said a female bystander.

Hearing them, Sona suddenly looked sad. And Jill looked happy because Sona was sad.
Glenn remained skeptical about Anubis' character despite the reassurance he got. I'd be nice if she wasn't as tough as her initial appearance but he wasn't quite ready to completely trust her servant's words on it just yet. The same couldn't be said for the crowd around him though. He could hear the gossip spreading among them like fire at Sphinx's words, which only managed to get worse the more she spoke. By the end of it the man couldn't help but think that he should've brought the netgun with him and just captured her again. He'd remember next time. "Y-yeah yeah, of course. Now come on. You don't want to spoil your appetite and all that." Glenn hurried her, more than ready to escape the forum that was forming around them at all this to be on their way.
Sphinx hummed at Ryu. "... Alright, sounds good to me. Also..." She walked forth, moving up to Glenn and moving with him. She seemed to choose to wait to speak just a little bit, before they all gathered together and started walking as one unit. Shiva spoke up first, looking a bit shocked. "I'm... Genuinely shocked that this situation went so smoothly for you, Glenn. I'm used to all kinds of shit going wrong around you." She declared with a chuckle. Jill took up the mantle next. "That is thanks to the master's logical mind, and my presence helping to stabilize the Chaos you create around him." Jill declared. That sentence earned a glance from Sona, but she seemed to remain quiet.

Once that moment had passed, Sphinx continued. "That look in your eye when you pulled me from my joyous relaxation, it reminded me of Anubis in a way... The Pharoah as well. It's a tired, exalted expression, and I know it well. Be careful, young man. I've seen great people go astray who wore that expression." She cautioned Glenn. This made Shiva chuckle. "Oh, ha-ha, yeah. He goes astray alright. He'll reach right up and grab the handlebars and throw you right into old grandma cat's lap." She declared. The Sphinx looked a bit annoyed with Shiva. "My youth is eternal. Silence, albino." She hissed at Shiva, who merely cocked an eyebrow and silently let the conversation end.

Then, they arrived at Penguin's miserable looking house...

( )​

Inside, there seemed to be the sound of people talking. Two recognizable voices. One, Aurine. The other, Penguin. The discussion seemed peaceful yet methodical. As if they were talking about something serious. Shiva seemed to hum. "I sense a somewhat... Unapproachable atmosphere coming from the sounds of their voices. I wonder if Aurine wanted to speak with Penguin alone about something?" She pondered openly. They didn't have much chance to knock. Both inside were capable of weaving and would sense the group approaching. As such, the door opened to show Penguin pulling the door in while Aurine was sipping from a white mug with her eyes fixated on the contents as if in deep thought, before looking up and glancing at Glenn. After meeting his eyes, she seemed a bit bothered and looked away.

"Oh... Hi, Glenn..." Penguin greeted in her usual pathetic and tame voice. She sounded a bit louder a moment ago, outside. "I was speaking with... Aurine..." She glanced backwards, then at the floor. "Did... Did you want to talk... As well? I'm not... I'm not really used to getting so many visitors so often... Uh... I can't..." She shuffled a bit, looking like she was suddenly having a very complicated and bothersome time. "... I can't accomodate this many people..." She admitted. Indeed, Glenn's company started to make it seem like he was going to throw a compact party inside of Penguin's meager dwelling.
"I'll keep that in mind." Glenn muttered briefly in regards to Sphinx's words. Returning to silence in the walk with the group right after. It was nice to have things work so smoothly for once. If Sphinx wasn't willing to come with them he may very well have had to leave her there at that shop. If he had well... he didn't want to know what kind of a bill she might have totaled up, or better yet who might have to pay for it in the end. Assuming there was a bill of course, or that one might eventually hit the table with her gluttony. No matter now though, so he put it out of his mind and settled on more current things to worry about.

They were all at Penguin's place in no time flat, and it was then that the misery of it really hit the man. He hadn't noticed it before during his rush to check in on Sona but now it stood out like a light display. It made him ponder how his old apartment loft might compare? Decaying brick, wood and rusted metal versus this? 'I at least had more furniture and knick knacks about.' The man heard both voices as he approached, nodding at Shiva's comment with a small hum. What could Aurine be asking about? Especially something that as Shiva put it created an 'unapproachable atmosphere'? Perhaps something involving her troubles asked in private?

He briefly met the sea bishop's eyes when the door was opened, before focusing on Penguin. Her quiet greeting much softer than the louder muffed conversing from her he could make out before. "No need to be bothered about that Penguin. I don't intend to stay long." He assured her about having to accommodate guests before continuing, "I actually came to gather Aurine. I've got business today, and I want Isabel to take a look at her before it if she can. I figure if anyone knows how to alleviate some of the... substance effects... that she is going through it'll be Izzy." Pausing a moment, Glenn glanced back at Sona, before adding quietly, "And maybe you could look at Sona as well? She might have... taken a bit of nasty feedback from those effects too. S-sorry..."
Penguin blinked, before looking at Sona. "I'm fine." Sona confessed, but said nothing else. It seemed like all the things going through her mind were written on her face, and the writing was from fifty different authors writing in the same place to turn it into an unreadable cacophony. "Are you sure...?" Penguin inquired sheepishly. Sona nodded. "Yes... Something else is bothering me. I-I'll get over it!" Sona declared with a bit of minor laughter and a very small smile. Jill seemed to speak up in her favor. "The model you created is still suffering from it's defective behavior, Emperor." Jill said to Penguin. "I have already taken the liberty of scanning her. She is fine, for what she is." She declared not with a tone condescending, but very obvious meaning.

Aurine rose when she heard Glenn's intent, quietly leaving the house and giving more than just a glance to Penguin as she walked by, who locked eyes with her. The stare they aimed at each other in silence seemed to carry something heavy based on the length of it, and the general uncomfortable feeling emanating out and weighing heavy on the atmosphere. Penguin spoke soon after Aurine left her house and joined with Glenn. "Aurine... I'll see you when you're better." Penguin said with a small, gentle smile and a soft tone. To which Aurine seemed to react harshly, turning to Penguin with wide eyes that shot at her like daggers. "... Yeah. I deserve it, don't I?" She seemingly asked directly to Penguin. "I'm... Sure that things will work out for you. I'm rooting for you~" Penguin said with a smile, before raising a hand at Glenn. "Glenn... I just... Wanted to, uh... Thank you, for taking care...-" She stepped forth, taking one of his hands into her own as he felt paper brush his palm. "-of Sona. Please, treat her kindly, as I'm sure you have been." She said with a small bow, her words causing yet another reaction, this time from Sona, who seemed to suffer from a bit of despair.

( )​

Meanwhile, Shiva was staring at Aurine. Hard. As Penguin went to hide back inside of her house, bidding them farewell unless Glenn stopped her, Aurine took note of this and looked back at Shiva. "Stop staring at me. I'm in a bad mood." She said to Shiva. Shiva's left eye twitched. "Uh-huh. Bad mood, is what you call it. I'd like to know what kind of 'bad mood' was going on with you talking to Penguin and looking like you're ready to hit someone."

To that, Aurine looked to light up with fury. "It was a private conversation-"

Shiva cut her off. "-With someone you don't know-"

Aurine launched her arm out in a flash, to which Shiva didn't react in time, a bit shocked at how Aurine too, seemed like a capable fighter. Her fingers squeezed around Shiva's thin neck, leaving imprints. "You don't know when to shut the fuck up, do you!?" Aurine yelled. "Stop!" Sona begged, while the others remained as on-lookers. Before causing any harm, and upon any protest that Glenn might or might not add, Aurine would relent. Shiva would have more air for it if Glenn intervened. "Respect people's privacy, you glorified Witch." Aurine concluded, while Shiva adjusted her head and rubbed her neck, seeming mostly undaunted given her tough nature. Shiva merely looked at Glenn, before shaking her head and moving on. Aurine seemed to already know where to go for Isabelle, leading the way. The others all followed, even Sona who followed closely behind Aurine. Sphinx and Jill remained with Glenn. The latter cast her cold gaze to Glenn.

"Logically speaking, master. You'd do well to cast aside troublemakers and instead focus on true progress. Though, I trust that is what you need Aurine for." She stated, folding her arms behind her back. "While I serve the Magi, I am second most loyal to you, master. Feel free to only rely upon me. Relying on the other members of the company you keep would be unwise, and dangerous. No matter your decision, I will protect you from them should they turn against you."

Sphinx mewled while putting a paw to her mouth. "Oh-ho? She utters such loyalty right after putting you second. Don't worry, Glenn. I'll be truly honest with you. I won't pretend to care about you at all~" She cooed with a smile.
Glenn frowned at Sona's behaviour. He really hoped that she would let Penguin take a look at her in case she picked up something ill from the night before, but clearly that wasn't going to happen. Given how she had been acting it was obvious she was quite bothered with how things were between the both of them. She was like a dejected puppy now, slinking around down in the dumps over his disinterest in certain activities with her. He couldn't understand it. Just because he couldn't give her some things didn't mean he wouldn't give her other things. Glenn raised an eye at Aurine's long glance and outburst toward Penguin, and then turned his attention to the shy girl when she approached him more fully. Surprised at her forwardness and the clarity that she spoke with. It was still mired with her breaking and gentle soft tone but there was less of a stutter or shyness to it like she normally had.

Not to mention she showed no problem with contact between them now. The feeling of her hand grabbing his making him recall her rather intense reaction at his mere touch when they had first met. Though perhaps the difference now was because it had some kind of purpose? He felt the odd feeling of paper grace his palm and instinctively he grasped, ensuring that if she were trying to pass something to him in secret he would have it. Though another part reveled in the simple act of it for it's sake alone. Though between the renewed doubt he then felt about actually being the best option for Sona at Penguin's kind words, and another doubling of despair coming from the former mimic at them too there wasn't much of opportunity to enjoy it.

Once they were off from Penguin's abode, things escalated quickly with Shiva's prodding. And when Aurine lashed out and began to choke her Glenn quickly spoke up. "Aurine! Control yourself! Just hang in there a little while longer okay?" He told the sea bishop, shifting to a softer tone after his shouts. Getting Isabel's help with this problem couldn't come quick enough. After he made sure that Shiva was fine he fell in line with group as he traveled. Caught between both Jill and Sphinx in the rear as they both gave their quips to him. "I'd feel much better if I could rely on myself first but... thanks I guess? I don't think that will be necessary though." He responded to Jill, before turning to the mewling Sphinx. "Gee... aren't I blessed. I'll remember that the next time you get caught up in something." He told her with a roll of his eyes after catching enough of an eyeful of her curvy form. A flash of the session before a reminder of what might await him.
Aurine gasped when Glenn let out an outburst, her hand immediately relaxing its grip. She seemed a bit beset with regret at having lost control. But the events proceeded as normal.

Yet, Sphinx would cackle a bit at Glenn revealing a driving force behind his want for the shard of fate. "Even Anubis relies upon others, and not only does she possess her ancient power, but a shard of fate lingers within her as well, delivered from the one who awakened her. Take heed of those more successful than you, boy. That thought process is one that isolates you, as it did the Pharoah of old, who said the Exact... Same... Thing~... Before we betrayed and killed her for the good of the people. But I've lived long enough to know how true it is that history repeats itself. Maybe, you're the new Pharoah of your time? I predict that you will get everything you desire... And so much more that you can never expect~" She cooed.

(Music Used - )​

Jill seemed to truly not care about Sphinx's old wisdom. "If you serve the Magi, master, Isabell Queen will give you the guidance you need. Do not fear the words of old timers. To stand above and alone over others has a name, and it is not doom. It is called Success." Jill said with cold confidence granted by her artificial form, which eeked with just a bit of emotion under an icy stare and almost monotone voice, encouraging Glenn to proceed on his path, but also trying to veer him towards the Magi's interests. "You built me, master. That is all the proof that I need that you belong here. You will be successful here. Don't lament the trials that those..." Jill's eyes shifted a bit, seemed she had a word, then decided against it. "... That those 'others' inflict upon you. Once you have what you seek, you won't need them anymore. They will need you."

After hearing that, Glenn would suddenly notice that not just Shiva, but Sona as well were glaring backwards. Jill wasn't exactly being quiet or whispering, but if they were paying attention, they'd hear her voice distant behind them. And based on how their eyes were staring back at the trio, they were listening intently. Aurine did not seem to focus on it though. Her eyes were forward. Rather, she walked like she wasn't apart of the group. Unfocused, and not unified. Her mind seemed somewhere else. As they looked back, Shiva wore a sneer, and Sona a face of concern. When their eyes met, they both almost in unison, turned to look forward. Only one thing changed after that.

Shiva's fists clenched.

And then, they found their way to Queen's building, four stories tall and possessed with a notable cannon on top. It seemed to be yet another one of her offices and facilities. Each one seemed designed for a different purpose. The one she attempted to seduce him in before, a golem plant that the former Fortmaster Cleska made her immortality machine from. A machine Queen made very clear she was going to use for herself. Now... This building's purpose was clear.

"Weapon R&D"​

"Are you familiar with it, master?" Jill inquired, her eyes flashing red. "That cannon atop the building a prototype for the Halo Breaker. The actual cannon is the giant one you likely saw flying around the city, facing the ocean. It was positioned there as that compass direction is where the angels often pour through, making it the likely candidate for where the cannon will have to fire one day." She declared, before her eyes went blue. "Once you see its power... I feel like you will discard any doubts about where you belong." She said with confidence. But Sphinx noticed it, with a glance, how it sounded oddly menacing, her wording.

They went into the building. A golem like the one Glenn saw before was at the counter to greet them. She looked a great deal like the last, mind she had blond hair. "Welcome, Mister Glenn, and Shiva." She greeted, giving a certain look at Sona, before seeming to share a nod with Jill. Shiva folded her arms. "Queen. We're on business." She declared. The host nodded. "Isabell Queen has permitted Glenn, his assistant Golem, and no others into her office. If you'd like, we have free coffee and-" She was cut off by Shiva getting angry. "I'm not playing that regal cunt's game! Inform your almighty MASTER that the Chaotic Shiva is gonna raise hell if she jerks us around and plays fucking favorites!" She cursed. Calm, but looking at Shiva with an obvious frown, the golem put two fingers to her temple for a minute or so, looking down... Before raising her head. "Fortmaster Queen has permitted all of you entry, and she wishes you to know one thing, Shiva."

Shiva was already walking ahead, knowing where to go it seems as she went for the elevator behind the desk. "You're on your last strike."

Shiva and the others began to cramp into the elevator as Shiva chuckled. "A new strike seems to grow every time I take a step. Bite me, you hollow bitch." She retorted rudely, sliding her back against the wall and folding her arms, resting a moment as the doors would shut and the elevator would hum... Until the top floor was reached, to behold a large, sprawling room with half circles of curved desks upholding Magi interfaces. It was currently only a quarter full with men and women in white coats moving their fingers with practiced speed across solid panels, while one desk at the front, facing right at the window, held the one and only, also working her own unique interface that was different from the others, and just as confusing and vague as what the others were touching. "There seems to be an issue with rotor C-3, Fortmaster." Said a man distantly. After a moment, Isabell worked her hands and replied. "Weather damage. You should know better." She said harshly. The room went silent at the man seemed to go red in the face and act incredibly nervous, as if Queen's words cut him like a knife.

"OI." Shiva called out from the elevator opening. Queen went silent and still, before turning... Her seat turning with her as she went full circle to face Shiva. "It's difficult dealing with you, Shiva. Why can't you take a hint?" She inquired. Then, her eyes looked to Glenn. "And, the man I hope to hear good news from one day. But that day is not today, I wager?" She inquired. "Feels like just moments ago I was talking to security about the Chaos. Have you come to surprise me with progress? Inventions? Or do I dare expect you to ask me to do even more for you?" she inquired, making the other coats in the room look at Glenn nervously. They seemed to also wear upset expressions, as a child would look at someone getting better treatment than them by the authority figure. They looked stressed and pressured, and it seemed to them that Glenn wasn't being treated anywhere near as harshly. Sphinx giggled, before putting her lips close to his ear, and speaking in a voice not her own. It sounded like the two scientists speaking together very hushed beside each other's desk. "That's him. The *favorite*. He's associated with that criminal, and caused all kinds of issues. All he did was make a golem as well, not even the artificial soul. He's not worth the Magi's time." Sphinx whispered another's voice. "I wish I knew what he was doing to not get in trouble with Queen..." Said the mumbled voice of the man who recently got lectured.

Jill spoke on Glenn's behalf to start. "We have made progress, Fortmaster. The beginnings of my master's endeavors have been streamlined. Long before the week is over, we expect to be underway with construction and training of my master. Your patience will be rewarded very soon, Fortmaster." Jill said with a polite bow.

But, Queen didn't look amused. "I hope so. But I want to hear it from him. Know your place." She lectured Jill, who made a bow of respect and retreated behind Glenn respectfully and calmly. "Your golem has become enthusiastic. Have you been encouraging it to act out?" Queen inquired. "I'd advise you not to do that. Have her restrict her emotions, otherwise she will be blithely performing actions you do not want her to. It's very irresponsible to let your golem behave like a person. It never ends well, you understand?" She instructed him.
Glenn gave another roll of his eyes at Sphinx's words of wisdom, adjusting his hat in the process. "Yeah sure... I'm gonna be a king like out of some kind of tall tale. With riches and power beyond my wildest dreams. My every whim taken care of by countless legions of loyal servants all at my disposal. And my days will be eterally fulfilled and my nights never boring nor empty. All while ruling a great and prosperous land of loyal subjects that shall be the envy of all the world." He joked bombastically while exclaiming into the air with his hands before settling down, shaking his head at the absurdity of it. "I could have had something like that once you know? One of my old dreams was to go into business for myself but... I lived a different life."

He grew silent at Jill's words, moving only to fidget at the word of success when she uttered it, and continuing to listen on in silence. His eyes slightly unfocused himself, catching the other's look back only partially as it ended as his gaze was headed elsewhere. Clearly they didn't approve of Jill's words. And when she emphasized the power of that weapon the Magi were creating with a tone of menace disapproval stirred within the man as well. "I suppose one way or another it will. If the Magi even get a chance to fire it. After all, grandstanding your great big weapon is quite the attention getter compared to if you kept it a secret. If I had to make a prediction... there are sure to be saboteurs already in the ranks just waiting for the most inopportune moment for that thing to go boom in the worst way possible." He stressed gravely as he gave the prototype a final gaze before the group moved fully inside.

Inwardly he cursed as Shiva took the reigns of talking to the desk golem, halfway ready to speak to her before being cut off my Shiva's outburst. Things would have been much easier if she just let him handle talking to the desk golem. Instead she just had to go and make things more difficult for herself and invite potentially more punishment so soon after her last episode. A part of him wondered if Jill's talk had inspired such an outburst too, on top of her wild nature. He couldn't ponder on it long before the elevator they had entered reached it's destination, and they were deposited into Isabel's large sprawling office. With the person of interest herself situated far along the back at her own desk. Barking orders and corrections to the others she shared it with it seemed, speaking much more harsh and no nonsense than what Glenn was used to. Save for the time down in her labs that was.

Feeling Sphinx's closeness to him after he was addressed by Isabel, Glenn was confused for a moment as she giggled and he felt her breath tickle his ear and warm his face. The hushed words of the others at their workstations came from the cat girl's lips, along with their own voices carrying an upset tone to match their appearance. The man didn't much care for the one person's talk questioning his worth here, even if in a way he questioned it too. After Queen lectured Jill for talking in his stead Glenn then addressed her properly. "O-of course... I had certain hopes but..." He briefly began his thoughts of Jill's potential capacity before trailing off, shaking his head and refocusing. "I'm afraid it's more along the lines of asking more of you... but not for myself. It's for Aurine. You remember the predicament with her I assume? Well it's... effecting her badly. I can't get anything done in good conscious while knowing she's gonna be in bad straights because of it, and I was hoping maybe the Magi have something that could counteract the symptoms it's causing. If not then I'm afraid I'll have to take a flight elsewhere to fix things." He told Isabel, very conscious of the other people in the room at that moment.
Queen hummed, arms folded and a look of concentration on her face. "That is a reasonable concern." She replied at first. "But I must admit, the way that the Shards of Fate work is still somewhat of a mystery to the Magi, and myself. Other than knowing that they are fragments of a greater being, their side effects have been across the board. We do know that there are not mere sources of power, as we often use for machines. When it comes to the matter of the soul, we are still perfecting the art." She gestured at Jill. "The process is not perfect. Otherwise we could create the perfect servant. As it is, through reverse engineering we've been able to assemble false souls of our own and put them into golems. Your golem is one such example of a soul created here in our labs. As well as that maverick behind you." She gestured at Sona. "What I can promise is that I will look into it. I've been desiring to look into the matters of the shards myself for a while after all. Leave Aurine in my care for now. I will take her to my labs, and out of your hands. Is this acceptable?" She inquired. "Don't worry, she won't be harmed. And neither will we." She said firmly.

Aurine huffed a bit, not seemingly comfortable with the idea of being handed over to Queen, but she said nothing.
Upon hearing Queen admit she didn't know much about working with the shards and following her request to have Aurine turned over to her for a time, Glenn shook his head sadly, "I'm afraid it isn't. I don't doubt you'd figure something out with enough time... but I was kinda hoping you had something already to be honest." If she really didn't have something to help Aurine with then that really only left one option for the man. A trip back to Cynthia's tower to get this all resolved, and to get some answers about why this mess was all necessary in the first place. "If there's really nothing then... well... we best be off. It shouldn't take too long to deal with this I don't think, at worst we might not be back until later today though. I hope that's not gonna cause any issues with some of the commitments I'm supposed to have..." He remarked, looking with a bit of concern towards both Isabel and Sphinx about whether this might derail things with Anubis that was supposed to involve him.
Queen simply offered a neutral nod. "Indeed, time is of the essence. If you have a way to solve it, use that method. Since you'll likely be traveling, use the airship I've reconstructed for you. It should fly better than that ancient machine you used before. Just don't ask it to have an opinion." She said with a bit of scorn. "Since the thing powering it is made similarly to Jill, that is actually very possible. As one wrong opinion can mean you sailing down to your death, refrain from such desires. Please." She insisted.

Looking at Sphinx, the feline chuckled. "You should make a pit stop to drop me off with my master. You should meet with her as well. But feel free not to~" She said with a smirk.

Then, Shiva let out a sigh. "I can't believe I'm doing this..." She said under her breath.
"I'll keep that in mind." Glenn assured about not asking his ship for any opinions less it become moody. He hadn't planned to but if it was indeed a potential threat than the last thing he wanted was for it to crash under a circumstance like that. "When the circumstances are better perhaps we can look into the shards more personally? Figure out how to alleviate the effects together. I'm sure there are a few things we can learn by studying them that will benefit us both." The man offered. Though with that he would politely excuse himself as well as the others to take their leave. Returning to the elevator with the group to descend back to the lobby of the facility and then make his way back out onto the street with them to be off in stride.

Looking to Sphinx then the man gave her the lead. "Would it be wise to meet with her now? Though saying that why do I get the distinct feeling that if I don't meet her it'll ruffle her the wrong way?" He questioned at Sphinx's playful tone. He didn't exactly want to slight Anubis but he was quite focused with this whole business with Aurine. She already was teetering on the edge of control as it were. And he was weary of having Sona 'balance' her like she had done on her own before. Indecisiveness gnawed at the inside of his head, making him curse that this was all a problem to begin with. Things would have been so much simpler without this shard business...

After awhile of though the man let out his own long breath. "If Aurine... if you can handle it just a little while longer than lets go visit Anubis then." He decided not himself believing that he was delaying the trip ever so slightly more. "A short visit mind you, more like dropping in to drop Sphinx off and say hello. Once we're done there we'll really be off. Aurine, Jill, and I will take the airship back and get things settled. Then we'll return and see where we go from there." While he spoke of his plans Glenn looked to Sona and then Shiva, twisting in his mind an offer for them to come along too. "Sona... if you want to come along too you're more than welcome. Same to you too Shiva. But this is mainly something between Aurine, myself and Cynthia to work out..."
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Queen nodded. "With your compliance, we can bring those supposedly mysterious shards back to the world of science. Where all is understood. All things have a rational explanation, and I believe these entities are not above that." She declared.

The Sphinx seemed to think on his question. "You ask a fantastic question. I think it'd be best if the first meeting of the crow was with my mistress, rather than myself. If you could deliver me back to my lord, I'd be most pleased, my boy~" She cooed at Glenn, thinking it best if he visited the Pharaoh first. Aurine nodded. "It comes and goes in episodes. I'll be fine. I think." Aurine said with visible doubt, but mostly assured that it should be fine. "Just leave me be. I can control it when I'm left alone." She confessed. "... But not too alone... Ugh..." She put her hand to her face. "... Don't worry about it." She said at last.

Sona didn't look certain, but Shiva sighed and put her hand onto Sona's head. "If you actually believe that this only concerns you, then this whole fucked situation around you makes a whole lot more sense now. I think I already said something along these lines, but let me make this clear: We're not strangers. We were never meant to be. If you leave with only yourself and Aurine, you will not find that tower again... But you will if I'm there. Even if she does not wish to welcome us. Because I'm her fucking sister. You need me to come along with you, and I know if I don't, you'll likely turn into even more of a wreck. So there's no being welcome. There's just circumstance." She said with her usual sharp tongue.
"Last I recall I was always welcome at her tower. And now you say I'll never find it again unless you happen to come along?" Glenn asked with a hint of suspicion towards Shiva's motives. Partly thinking that like at Isabel's office before she just didn't want to be left out of the conversation. "Why wouldn't she want to welcome us. She had to know this was all a possibility... unless she isn't nearly as wise as she appeared to be. Come to think of it... she did seem genuinely surprised after we met. It was almost as if she actually didn't know what to think of me..." He pondered, his mind going back to when he first laid eyes on the crow. Those ever long moments of her presence locking him into place, and a fearful unknown of overwhelming tension that her gaze kept upon him then. There were a few moments he truly thought she might attack him then.

The man recomposed himself after a silent moment. "You know what, forget it. Let's all just get going them." He told his companions, ushering both Shiva and Sona with a come of his hand. Approaching the two of them while he did it before stopping to look at Sona. "H-hey... when all this bad business is handled and we have some free time lets go visit Penguin again eh? Just you, me, her, and a bunch of pizza if I had to guess. It'll be like a big old sleepover for the three of us... what do you say?" Glenn offered with some awkwardness, breathing out and then opening his arms to her to offer a hug with a weak smile.
When it seemed like he wished to dismiss it despite her wanting to talk more than she already did, she pursed her lips and looked away as he approached her and Sona. The latter of whom looked up at him when approached, looking like it was painful to meet his eyes. So much so that she instead looked back down. His approach seemed to call at who Sona truly was, and it made her lift her hands up to begin pushing her index and thumb together in a nervous manner. When she spoke, her voice was hesitant. "... Do you promise to..." She opened with a condition, then seemed careful how she worded it. "... I... I don't want you to be miserable anymore... Even though I was strange, and ate you, I felt like you were nicer, and accepted me. But ever since this shard thing came up..." She shifted a bit. "... I've started to feel like I can't trust you, I feel like you've become dangerous... At times I felt like you might hurt me, or someone else because you didn't like them... Especially Aurine..." She looked at the blue haired mermaid. "So I... I've been feeling like... My instincts are telling me to run away from you, because you're not safe..." Her eye were darting about, clearly shaken and her voice shaking with her. Her eyes started to tear up as she spoke, until she delivered her final line.

"I feel like I can save Aurine, but I don't think I can save you...!" She shivered, becoming upset as she spoke. "Can you please go back to the way you were before...?" She pleaded. "I don't know why, but you seemed happier... Is it something I did? Is it because I went too far?" She started to accuse herself. "Everything I did, I only did it because I like you...! But... Shiva told me that's not good enough. She said that even if you pour your heart out, Love can't trump Hatred..." She said, before looking at him as Shiva, with pursed lips, was glancing at her.

"... Is she right?"