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Chaos (Glenn;Ryu)

Ryu Doppler

Evard's Tentacles of Forced Intrusion
Aug 22, 2011
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Chapter 0: Prologue
A veil of clouds stretched out along the vast calm ocean underneath. The luminous moon overhead casting light and a cool breeze breathing gentleness to all that dwelled there. A rather tranquil scene, whose only intrusion for a time was the roar of something quite unnatural. A sight some simplier might call a strange metal bird.

Locked away inside this strange contraption, a number of men sat toiling with various devices. Two at the front sat arguing with each other, another sat monitoring a strange pulsing device near them, while three others could be found resting further back. Two sitting, one standing. And of these three one of the sitting men in particular seemed to be troubled by some discomfort, to which the standing man couldn't help but find rather humorous.

"Are you alright Mister Glenn? You're looking rather pale..."

Glenn, the object of his own attention being a small seatside window, continued to keep his focus drawn to it. "I don't like being this far up."

The standing man smiled, "Relax Mister Glenn. I assure you we're perfectly safe."

"Oh are we now. I never would have guessed what with being crammed in a tin-can high above the sea." He retorted, sarcasm oozing from his voice.

Smiling demeanor quickly left the standing man's face. "Tin-Can? This wondrous machine? Nonsense!" His spirit rather quickly was returned. "A marvelous device such as this would be ill-regarded to be called nothing more than a 'Tin-Can' good sir."

Glenn seemed rather unconvinced, saying nothing but looking to the man skeptically.

The standing man seized upon the chance to gain the upperhand in the conversation, "There is nothing to be worried about Mister Glenn, this Aeroplane is top of the line. A masterwork of the greatest mystical and industrial science of the mainland! Just look at it!" His hands motioned around at the various inner joinings of the cabin. "That's solid bolt and steel! Strongest construction there is!"

And as a show of it's strength the standing man gave a nearby support a good thump, almost immediately causing one of the bars of it's construct to come loose and let fall a number of supplies currently resting upon it, loud clanks echoing throughout the small vehicle.

"Uh-huh. Of course it is." Glenn regarded the fallen supplies for but a moment before continuing. "I suppose that whole two week delay was also on account of this thing's 'masterwork design' as well eh?"

The other sitting man nearby suddenly stirred, his gruff voice joining them, "Oh give it a rest will ya! Those damn engines was just be' stubborn t'was all. Heat makin it seize or some other nonsense."

A scowl formed on Glenn's face. "Stubbornness doesn't explain why a perfectly fitted machine, let alone two, refuse to start for over two weeks." His head came to rest in a supported hand, while another motioned towards the men. "You saw the parts! We went over the things a dozen times. We even took both of those machines apart and put them back together with fresh oil and fuel too."

The other sitting man gave a low snort, "A waste of time if you ask me..."

Glenn's attention returned to looking out the seatside window in thought, "It doesn't make any sense. It really doesn't. The machine parts where unflawed, the engines were perfectly fine and yet it just...wouldn't...start..." He turned his attention toward the men after a small time. "You realize we wouldn't even be flying right now if it weren't for the co-pilot right?"

"And quite lucky that too!" The standing man quickly chirped. "A marvel of aeronautics like this deserves to fly it's wings! Though weren't we going to call it quits when you machinists couldn't get it to run? What ever did possess that co-pilot to try starting the plane himself in the first place?"

"The boy said something in his head told him to do it." The other sitting man shook his head in disbelief, "If you ask me he's got half the screws missing up there, and a homesick heart. Idiot was probably trying to break the plane so we'd have to call it quits and go home."

It was Glenn's turn to shake in disbelief, "I very much doubt someone so young with an aviators license is going to ruin their career by trying to sabotage their own plane." A twinkle suddenly appeared in his eye. "Or are you implying you don't think your machine work is as good as mine, after all you put the engines back together last if I recall. There'd have to be some shoddy machinework there if a simple turn of a key could ruin two whole engines right?"

Clearly flustered, the other sitting man gave a small huff in anger and turned away, while Glenn finally set back relaxed with a small smile. Even the standing man couldn't help but share a smile too.

But while the three men behind conversed, a much more serious conversation was occurring at the front with three others. The captain, the co-pilot, and a radar-man.

The radar-man shook his head, "Sir it's no good, the pulses aren't returning anything."

"What do you mean it's not returning anything!?" The Captain, a rather older looking gentleman, furrowed his brow in slight annoyance.

"I've got nothing sir, the scanners are all bugging out. If I try to fine tune it any further I'll fry half the control board back here." The radar-man quickly scanned over a number of lit bulb indicators, before looking back to the captain with a knowing but secretive gaze, "It's detecting way too much sir, far beyond calibration. I can't even get the standard height functions to work anymore either."

The young Co-pilot, listening just as intensely, looked rather worried "Captain, maybe we should just turn back, half of our instrument panels are giving false readings as well. Hell the only thing that seems to be working right now is the compass."

The Captain almost seemed about ready to smack the younger man, "We're two weeks behind schedule men, and we're already in the thick of it. It's do or die time for this mission, so you two better get me something to work with here!"

A small while passed, the men at the front developing further their anxiety. But while they worried and worked, in the back of the plane another conversation stirred.

"Do you think it's true what they say Mister Glenn? About this island continent at the edge of the world." The standing man questioned.

Glenn shifted his attention from the seat window "Hmm? What? Don't tell me you believe those stories."

"Well don't you find it a bit odd? That out of the entire time it's existence has been know to the outside world that not one civilization has been able to successfully claim it? Countries far and wide have sent ship after ship, and they all just vanish..." The standing man said while pacing slightly. Nervously, with a small gulp he continued. "They say it's a land where the most feral beings still dwell. Ancient, dark and visceral. A land of horrible monsters..."

Glenn gave a cynical hmph sound. "Horrible monsters you say...isn't that what they say about every dark corner of the world. I swear you're something..."

A sudden shudder and the popping of instrument bulbs would suddenly catch everyone's attention. From time to time the entire vehicle shook rather violently causing a few smaller objects to suddenly bounce about. Weariness was suddenly replaced by a surge of alertness.

"What the heck?" The Captain announced in a rather strange but drowsy tone.

The radar-man alarmingly scanned from panel to panel, "Sir! Everything's blowing out! I...I don't know why! It's not supposed to..."

"Of course it's not supposed to you dummy!" The Co-pilot shouted rather abruptly. "Captain, we have to turn back now, we've got no other choice but to do so. It's too dangerous to..." He suddenly stopped as a horrible realization came to him.

There was a metal support bar sticking straight out the Captain's chest.

Before any note could be made of it, more vicious shaking rocked the small air bound vessel followed by a rather discerning booming sound. And from where Glenn sat he watched as one of the the rotors of the plane spun to a stop.

The next moments were nearly a blur, a rapid descent, the yells of panicked men. Through it all Glenn heard the call to belt up and hang on, rapidly doing so despite the panic. And as the moment went the last thing Glenn would recall before blacking out was his own incoherent terror...

Chapter 1: Flight of Fancy

Everything was dark. Glenn's mind was dark, and his world was dark. But slowly, it all began to come back and fill with a gentle light. 'I...I was...I'm...I'm!?' Forcing his eyes open with a groan, he bore witness to a rather gruesome sight. Of the five other souls he shared the flight with not one of them had survived the crash. Before Glenn could mull on their untimely Deaths his senses realized something rather important. His feet were soaking wet and the air smelled deep of salt of the sea.

"We crashed in the Ocean!" he said with small cry. Indeed it was true, as the remains of the flying machine, though still intact somehow with a number of holes, now rocked with the current of the ocean. Unlike a boat, this vessel was quickly proving not to be as sea worthy. "I've got to get out of here before I sink into the Abyss!"

Looking around, Glenn noticed his backpack satchel was still intact. A quick check revealed a few rather tasteless but edible rations, some rope and a net. A small flask with some rather strong drinking alcohol was stuffed there too, and a waterskin hooked into a side mount. The last thing he found on it was a Flint and Steel. A small frown formed, 'I don't see my spade, cooking tools or climbing tools anywhere...' A check nearby netted him his shortsword and longsword, his dagger having already been stored away on his person.

A dipping motion sent Glenn suddenly tumbling forward, falling face first onto the corpse of one of the other crew mates. A wave of revulsion spent through him as he scrambled to his feet against sudden rocking of the plane as the waves bounced it around. Water was really pouring into the cabin now, and in less than a minute would be rapidly descending into the sea. 'Ok, NOW it's really time to go.'

Attempting to open the door was surprisingly harder than he had thought it would be. Initially believing it to be merely stuck, he realized as the water began reaching waist height that it was probably because the plane was now underwater. Before Glenn knew it, the entire plane had filled up practically to the brim. Gulping one last pocket of air, he gave one more attempt to force the door. With a muffled squeal, it opened with success.

In the quickly darkening void of the ocean he could barely make out glinting moonlight from the surface. Pushing himself with more than he knew he had, he struggled with every little bit of strength to reach his way up. But his own body was betraying him. His lungs and muscles screamed for air and his mind grew foggy as it too began to suffer.

Before he would find his fate sealed like the others below, he became barely aware of a lifting sensation. Whether it was his own will or a helping hand his mind was too out of it to pick up on, but he definitely absorbed the fact of breaking the surface at long last and breathing the most beautiful breath of air he had ever experienced in a long time. And as his senses returned he couldn't help but let loose a few uneasy laughs at his thoughts.

'That was way too close for comfort...but how did I survive? I...I was certain I was going to...but I reached the surface!?'
Re: Flight of Fancy (Glenn)

Before Glenn, a light glow of white slowly rose from within the sea water. Reaching the surface, the figure of a beautiful woman with long, light blue hair broke from the surface of the water with elegance. Her long hair flowing as if the water had no effect on it at all. From the sides of her head, where her ears should be, were light green, see through fins in the shape of a fairy's wings. A pair of braids with black ribbons at the end went down to her breasts, which were held by black cups connected to a strap going around the back of her neck. Other than the strap, the entire top half of her huge chest was visible. And in mention of size, her breasts were three quarters the size of her own head. She seemed to be quite a healthy woman.

"Most would not save the man who flies a giant metal bird into their home," stated the woman as she smiled at him warmly.
Re: Flight of Fancy (Glenn)

Glenn's uneasy thoughts were quickly interrupted by the light glow that seemed to rise from beneath the sea. Panic momentarily took his mind, as he recalled certain tales of luminous Jellyfish and their paralyzing nature.

What broke the surface however was far from the pillowed and stringed mass he was expecting. Instead what could only be described as a beautiful woman took it's place. Even in the moonlight, but also due to the white glow that seemed to emanate from her, Glenn could easily make out her details. Light blue hair, two braided portions with black ribbons hanging at the ends. A strapped chest in black, holding two very notable globes. And an overall appearance that suggested great health. Of her features the biggest that would stand out however, were the translucent fins sticking out where normally mere fleshed ears would be.

Glenn's eyes widened at the sight, his mind alight in quick though. 'A...is she some sort of...fish?' Truthfully, Glenn had heard tales of people of the sea. Usually really evil ones from ages past about mountain dwellers corralling them into farms to be harvested for their parts. Or otherwise the random tale of tricks at sea between sailors and supposed merpeople. But they were all just myths and folktales, stories told for fun and to keep spirits up like many other such tales...weren't they?

His thoughts stopped again when he heard her speak and then smile warmly at him. He stared at her for a moment before letting out another uneasy laugh with a light smile and decided to speak himself. "I'm glad I'm an exception then. Breathing water rarely works well for my kind." He stopped a moment to settle himself with a bit more air to his lungs. "That was you wasn't it? Lifting me I mean. Another few moments under and...um...well" Glenn trailed off, the context of what he was saying certainly not lost to the creature that had just saved him from a murky grave.
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Re: Flight of Fancy (Glenn)

She nodded, eyes squinting as her smile got wider. "Indeed it was I who saved you. And I shall save you again if you'll have me." she offered, turning around, showing her back to him. "Grab onto my shoulders, I'll swim you to land. It's not safe out here in the open, someone is liable to grab you~" she giggled.
Re: Flight of Fancy (Glenn)

Glenn looked around momentarily to survey the scene around them. He could only spot but a few floating remains of the aeroplane. A bit of wing and side paneling here and there, and the occasional small item breaching up from below. Nothing large enough to support himself or keep him afloat for long could be seen. And being so far out he'd probably tire out from treading water at the pace he was going too.

'I can't just float here forever. I need to get somewhere safe.' Looking back to the woman he gave her a nod. "Alright then. Get me someplace a bit more dry." Treading over to her, he'd indeed grab onto her shoulders firmly, as well as get close enough as he was able to hang on for the trip they were about to go through. For a moment he would ponder the last thing she said before raising it in question. "Someone might grab me? There are others about then? More people like you?"
Re: Flight of Fancy (Glenn)

She turned back to look at him with a knowing smile, "If they were like me, then you would be in danger right now, so snug on my back~" she giggled, before suddenly leaning forward, and bursting at a very fast speed, forcing Glenn to truly get 'snug' on her back lest he fall off. She seemed to swim in an odd motion, as if using her legs like fins while her arms did absolutely nothing. It seemed impossible for a human being to do this, meaning the half of her Glenn couldn't see likely was as inhuman as her 'ears.'

What would have been over half an hour of swimming became a few minute ride as Glenn began to be able to make out a beach belonging to none other than the infamous island itself, where it's said none are able to return from. And approaching the beach, the woman suddenly came to a stop. Glenn's body in the water, no longer being pulled, slowly descended until he felt his boots touch the bottom. And proceeding slowly from there, she took Glenn up to the shallow part of the beach, but not up to the sand as she stopped when the water got too shallow. Just below her waist where she was in the beach water, Glenn could see green, glistening fish scales under her very religious looking garb.

"Though I am restricted to water, I will be looking after you, Glenn. I believe it is fate that brought you to me... Because now I have nowhere to go since my home is destroyed," she said calmly, as if that fact didn't bother her at all. "And in appreciation for my assistance to you, could you grant me a favor?" she asked of him. "Could you... Sit down in the water?" she asked with a suggested blush and smile.
Re: Flight of Fancy (Glenn)

Glenn shifted himself upon her as the woman spoke of the others. Before he could get a chance to ponder upon her words more clearly, she suddenly shot forward with a tremendous amount of speed. Far faster than any mere person should be able to travel normally. Surprised at the sudden acceleration, he let out a small gasp, his limbs tightening around her as he hung on. His hands, which initially had just been griping her shoulders soon found themselves on opposite sides, as he wrapped his arms around her neck to hold on. 'Great Bella that's fast!'

As he calmed down from the sudden rush, Glenn began to truly gauge how fast the two of them were traveling. As if the rippled trend of the passing water wasn't enough, he soon found himself watching an ever increasing shoreline move closer and closer. 'That must be it then. That place. Damn, I couldn't even see it being so shook up before.' The stories of the land were numerous, as one would expect from tales of the terra incognita. And as the beach came further and further into view, he couldn't help but wonder just how much truth would be in those stories when he got there.

The woman's sudden halt jerked Glenn a bit where he snugged against her. His mind would delight at the feel of his boots touching the bottom. 'FINALLY LAND' In great honesty he had been quite anxious ever since getting on board of the aeroplane. Finally being back on solid ground put him that much more at ease. He let himself be guided up onto the shore until reaching a shallow section where the woman proceeded to stop. Glenn marched forward only a little onto a portion of sand before dropping to his knees, a laugh of delight escaping as he toyed with sand between gloves for a time.

Turning back to the woman, where she rest in the shallow spot, Glenn made out the details of her once hidden form. Glistening green scales beneath a garb of some kind. If there was ever any doubt about her being a merperson there was none now. Hearing her speak to him, Glenn's focus would come back to her as he listened. He'd ponder for a moment of just how calm she was about her home being destroyed, before she raised the question of a favor. To sit with her in the shallow water. All the while, something rather strange about what she just said slipping his recovering mind.

Glenn took a moment to compose himself, wiping some excess sand off of his gloves. "I just got out of the water, but I guess staying wet for a little while longer won't hurt any." Walking over, he'd find a spot close to her in the water and settle in. Not before laying a few of his harder supplies on the shore nearby however. Turning to her he'd shake his head slightly before speaking once again. "Hey, I want to thank you for helping me. If you hadn't come along I don't think I could have tracked my way here myself. Not being so shook up at least." Glenn paused, looking away before continuing. "That whole...crash. I don't understand what happened...how I got out of it with barely a scratch. I mean the others...they're dead. They're all dead..." The woman would see Glenn adjust his armor a bit, reflexively trying to comfort himself against the thoughts that troubled him.
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Re: Flight of Fancy (Glenn)

The woman settled herself against his side when he sat down, and explained his feelings on the situation, listening earnestly, while giving him an unending, kind smile. Wrapping her arm around his arm closest to her, she pointed out to the sea, and upwards, seemingly at the stars. "There is a barrier that surrounds the island. It's strength is extremely powerful, to such a degree that not even the most powerful we've come to know were able to even weaken it. It acts like a vacuum, sucking anything in that comes near. Humans who get too close get sucked in, and no matter how hard they've tried, they can never get back out. Even powerful lords failed to breach it. It is a force that was woven by all of Heaven's angels, over a hundred years ago, when they sensed danger coming from this island, and were forced to close it up to prevent that danger from escaping."

Turning to look at him from where she had been looking at the sky, her chest turned with her, causing her heavy chest to squish against Glenn's arm. "But, I am not entirely a saint. You will repay me for my broken home, yes?" she asked him with a smile. "You may enjoy the method of repayment as much as I~ So don't feel too discouraged," she announced, before her fins flapped in the water's surface as she rolled her body over, directly onto his, flattening her breasts against his chest as her arms wrapped tight around his body, holding his arms to his sides.

"I can pray to Poseidon for power, but I would like to try this method at least once," she giggled, "Please don't struggle~ I am not violent."
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Re: Flight of Fancy (Glenn)

Glenn turned his focus back to the woman when he felt her settle and wrap her arm around his. He appreciated the small comfort, following her arm with his eyes as she pointed towards the stars and listening well when she spoke of the barrier. Of how it sucks people inside, entrapping them on the island. That people who get pulled in can never get back out, and how even the most powerful of beings of this world seemingly can't escape it. Considering it's purported origins, of being the construct of Angels, it wasn't a far stretch to imagine it's power, even amongst his own beliefs. 'Bellasaur and the other beings of Heaven are said to be so powerful for such a barrier. It's still hard to believe that there is absolutely no way to get off this island though. Perhaps if...'

His thoughts were interrupted by the sudden feeling of the merwomans chest pressing into his arm. Turning his gaze from the stars to her, that warm smile of hers ever present, he again listened as she spoke of repayment. A spark of confusion crossed his face as she spoke on. 'I...may enjoy this method of repayment...don't feel discouraged? What is she...' The answer to these thoughts came quickly when within the span of an instant he suddenly found her body resting on his, her chest pressed into his own and her arms wrapped securely around him.

Glenn felt his face flush from the contact. Despite being of the sea, the woman certainly was quite the catch. He couldn't help but note just how beautiful she was as he found himself looking closely at her, their faces but inches away from each other. Glenn's body was also starting to respond as well, his member slowly awakening from the feeling of her body resting on it. He squirmed a bit under her, but more so to relieve a pressure than to earnestly escape. Donning a smile, he let out a weak laugh before voicing a simple observation, "Well sweetheart, you certainly are quite friendly for someone I just met..."

The moment the words left his mouth a change came over him. His mind, having had time to recover and catch up would suddenly bring forth something that only moments before had escaped his attention. Ushered in by a simple phrase and a simple realization. 'Someone I just met...and haven't introduced myself to...knows my...NAME!' Inwardly Glenn was kicking himself, for something as simple as that should never have slipped past him. 'Dammit. Such a novice mistake! This might have cost me my life If I were back on the mainland. That crash really shook me up!'

Still in her grasp, he let out in involuntary shiver as he composed himself. Looking away for a moment before turning back, his eyes visually more small and holding a look of suspicion. He let out a sigh as he observed her, smile having faded away and spoke. "You know...it's funny. I could've swore...you spoke my name a few moments ago. I don't remember giving mine or learning yours." His gaze softened a bit, but remained wary. "Just who are you exactly? Furthermore...your home. You said it was destroyed, how...and why are you so calm about it. And when we...ah...first met..." He shifted again, his own body below still being influenced by the feeling of her own. "Ah...when we first met...you said most wouldn't save someone...who crashed...a metal bird...you said it in such a familiar way...I'm not...I don't...understand..."

Despite the recent suspicion, Glenn remained compliant in her grasp. His own body rapidly showing it's interest in the beautiful woman influencing it. Glenn's light flush now brighter, a mixture of arousal and embarrassment and his lips slightly parted as he continued to look at her in confusion, waiting for what she would do next.
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Re: Flight of Fancy (Glenn)

"Please understand, Glenn," the mermaid announced, before, despite Glenn's compliance, he felt his body solidify as if paralyzed. Faintly, and just faintly, he could see the slight shimmer of what appeared to be thin wires of green stretching from her, and completely wrapping around him, seizing him. "I am not a woman of malice. I will not bring the end of your life. I only want that which gives your life it's vigor. The energy that drives you. I know that by doing this, you will expand your suspicions wide, but it is a precaution I must take, so that you do not escape," she announced bluntly.

Resting a hand on his shoulder, confident Glenn could not resist her, she glided her other hand down to his trousers, undoing them, and taking his length firm in her hand, the waves of the beach lightly stimulating his manhood. "I am going to drain your energy, and make it my own. The process is delightful, even on your end. Try to relax, and do not resist the pleasure. Let me suck everything inside," she instructed him, before adjusting herself, pushing her body onto his as he'd find her warm lower mouth swallow his exposed genital inside of herself.

Rather than just penetration, sex with this religious mermaid seemed to entail being 'sucked' on, even by her lower organ. The muscles that made up her genitals tightened, and pulled on Glenn as he found himself trapped within her. And to further credit this sensation, the tightness that would normally hurt a normal female human, seemed nothing at all to the mermaid. Rather, instead of her body being built to receive a man inside her, the way it felt, squeezed, and sucked on him, it seemed obvious that it was built to 'take' men inside her, without regard to how willing the man was. Even as she did not move, he felt her inner walls flex, and squeeze him. Her vagina felt like a trap that had captured him, and would not release him until it milked him dry.

"Of course, this must be your first time experiencing a monster's genitals," she noted with a smile. "There is no comparison. I can squeeze you, suck on you, and bully you, having full control of my pussy. No matter what kind of woman you have slept with in the world outside, a monster's pussy is far more stimulating. We are genetically made to make men cum as fast as possible. Even like this, holding you in my arms, unmoving, I can make you cum inside me." Which she demonstrates by simply smiling at him, while her inner walls suddenly flex as Glenn could feel his cock being pumped by her vaginal walls. Squeezing, sucking, milking, his manhood was nourishment to her.

"Unable to move, leaning back like this while a pretty girl bullies you~" she giggles at him, leaning in to lightly lick Glenn along his neck. "Is it unbearable?" she whispers softly into his ear.
Re: Flight of Fancy (Glenn)

Glenn's eyes grew wide as he felt a stiffness overtake him. It only took a moment to realize, when he attempted to shift again, that his body was now being held by a force. Only but barely was he able to spot the faint shimmer of thin green lines reaching out and ensnaring him, binding him to that spot and position. 'My...Mysticism?! I'm being bound by a mystic art!' He listened intently as she began to reassure him that he was in no real danger. He was quite skeptical though, as with being bound as he was made it rather hard to defend himself should she take a vicious incentive. And yet...she really did seem to have no intent towards actually harming him. If anything, the fact that she actually saved him before from drowning was a big indicator of it...

Glenn let out a frown from the confusion, though it didn't last long against the ever upkeep of the mermaid's own smile. It especially couldn't last when he felt her hand trail down the line of buttons on his jacket and then reach and undo his trousers, his manhood exposed to her as she lightly stroked it. Glenn took a sharp intake of breath, unsure of the event but at least certain to continue listening. She told him briefly to relax as she was going to drain him of his energy. That it would be quite delightful and not to resist. Before he could mull on this, his body was shocked by the feel of his member suddenly being engulfed by the mermaid's folds, as she adjusted her body onto his.

"Guh...ah!" His gasp exited rather quickly as her body came down and went to work. Even as she merely rested there, the feel of her folds was...incredible. If he hadn't know better he could have mistaken the feeling for someone's mouth pleasuring him. Perhaps not quite as simple as that though, as it was a feeling of much more depth than that. Her very insides seemed to squeeze and conform as they continuously pulled and sucked at his length. As if they were built more to take rather than receive. A tightness that absolutely would not relent until it had snared it's sought after milky prize. Closing his eyes, he let out a shiver and a sigh, the feeling of it all running through him. Accelerating him towards the release soon to come. 'Damn...this feeling...she's so tight...I'm not going to...last for very long...'

Opening his eyes and looking half-lidded at her, he caught himself blushing again as he focused his ears to her. Listening to her explain her 'goods' to him. She was very right in what she said, for as many women that he had come to enjoy as time had come and passed back on the mainland, he couldn't recall one that could naturally stimulate him like this! At least not while seeming to do nothing more than just hold him and smile, as this mermaid was doing. Having full control of her lower mouth, and being able to work him as she liked. It was a bit odd though, that she wasn't more into the act herself. Perhaps she was very good at enjoying the feeling of herself around someone without outburst?

Glenn felt himself flush with embarrassment as the mermaid then began to tease him. Her inner motions continuing to draw effect as she giggled, leaning in to lick his neck, soft words whispered gently after. He suppressed a low whine at her teases, the feeling of his throbbing member, beginning to leak pre-cum, echoing through his senses. Thinking of her words for a moment, Glenn grasped at his former thoughts as he finally spoke, lusted breath drawn between each separation. "You...you...could at least...tell me...your name if...you're going to...treat me...like this...beautiful" The last part slipped out weakly, and Glenn felt himself relax somewhat, his head leaning barely into the side of the mermaid's own as their heads remained side to side for a time. And when she pulled away to look at him, he began again with embarrassment "...and...let me...move...a little" He struggled his arms a bit in frustration, but that's all he tried to move. For a moment his drooped eyes came to focus to her own, before returning their gaze back to her ever present smile. "...I...wasn't going to...run...away..."
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Re: Flight of Fancy (Glenn)

"You may call me Aurine, Glenn," she answered with a serene tone, before suddenly looking down, focusing on where they were joined. "Oh my~" she giggled, "We've nary been like this a minute and you're already leaking. I did not think you'd find my teasing so enjoyable," she makes fun of Glenn once more. "Do I dare start moving my hips, I wonder?" she said to Glenn with a smile. "You might just cum immediately. That would be a shame; however, I would like to enjoy myself as well. So you must restrain yourself, Glenn," she instructed him, before gripping his arms, using them as support as she lifted her hips, her inner walls tugging on his length, nearly lifting him from where he sat if it weren't for her magic, before she descended back down.

Taking a rhythm, every instinct in Glenn's body beckoned his climax as Aurine began her gentle thrusts onto him. An unseen force gripped at Glenn's mouth, pulling his lips apart, before Aurine leaned forward, and invaded his mouth with her tongue. Rather than rub, and dance with his tongue, she seized it, and pulled on it until she captured Glenn's tongue between her lips, sucking on it. Diving back in, Glenn felt her weight lay on him as her tongue danced around his. There was little way to interact with Aurine's kiss. Even if he wanted to make the kiss mutual, she was in complete control. Even her oral movements gave the silent message to Glenn that told him to do nothing, and simply endure her bullying.

"Please be patient, I won't release you until I'm done," she answered his request to move. "I find your helplessness enticing~ Please squirm as much as you'd like~" she cooed to him, her thrusting speeding up the more Glenn seemed to excite her, simply by being her victim. Thrusting to the point that her sex was thumping against him hard enough to shake him where he sat. "Three minutes, Glenn, I've been counting~" she spoke softly into his ear, "Are you reaching your limit? There's no shame in giving up like this. Even the most experienced of men seem immature compared to mamono."
Re: Flight of Fancy (Glenn)

Another flush of embarrassment ran through Glenn as the mermaid began to tease him again. Having revealed her name, Aurine, moments before, she playfully began to reveal her intent to the man. It seemed her earlier lack of motion was just a prelude for what was to come, and she now intended to become more involved. Instructing him to refrain from losing himself just yet, he felt her hands slip from his shoulders to grip his arms, before his mind caught sense of a great feeling. The feeling of her lower self lifting off of him, tugging relentlessly on his length with nearly enough force to carry him with it, if not for the binds that tied him. All followed by her lower self pressing back down into him.

'This is...so much...' Glenn's mind dazed by the amount of stimulation her thrusts were inflicting. Every hump of hers upon himself, a tease on his mind to give in. As he went to clench his mouth for a moment, the force of something opening it caught his attention. Aurine soon leaned after and seized upon him, her mouth to his, her tongue wrapping around his own. But like the rest of her moves, it was more to bully him, as she barely left a kiss before drawing his tongue out to suck her lips on. Then after that, laying back against him, her tongue moving to dance and tease around his without relent. Glenn couldn't help but let out a small whine at the oral torture. He was quite willing to return a kiss to her, but she certainly made it quite clear that she wanted merely to toy with him like this instead!

Aurine's instruction of patience forced another squirm out of Glenn as he listened. Oh how he wanted to move, if only just a tiny bit to relieve the tension in his arms. His squirms against not being able to move seemed to excite her, as she sweetly cooed to him and began to speed her thrusts in response. The humps were intense now, and he could feel the mermaid's body smack into himself where they were joined. As Aurine spoke of how long they had been going at it, Glenn was surprised. He hadn't expected to last 1, let alone 3 minutes, and yet somehow he held on. Somehow he was enduring against it all. It was not without effort though, as every moment that passed was like a trial for his member as it twitched from where it was constantly engulfed. More and more pre-cum dribbling out with every pleasure filled squish of her hips upon him. His manhood at the brink of melting inside her.

Inwardly, in a moment of clarity, Glenn cursed himself for his own oversight. He realized now that those 2 weeks spent constantly trying to fix those strangely non-working engines could have been better used to take care of himself. At the rate she was going, he was only moments away from releasing all of that pent up frustration. But he...didn't want to displease her by cumming too soon though, even if she seemed rather understanding of it. But how could he hold off when it already felt like he was about to burst? 'Arggh...I can't...give up just...yet...there has to be something...I can do...to last a bit longer...but how can I do anything...if I can't move...?' In a flash, it occurred to him. The binds that held him! If he tensed himself against them, his focus on the tightness and pain there might just give him a small reprieve from the tightness and pleasure elsewhere! He wouldn't be able to hold against it forever, but maybe it might just let him last a bit longer, long enough for Aurine to enjoy herself a bit more. Responding back to her, for the first time since they started came a smile of his own against his half-lidded eyes, "You'll know...ah...when I get there...Aurine...please...gah...take your time..." Moving, though not actually moving, to action himself, he tightened his body outwards against the bind, hoping it would have the desired effect and allow him to endure her for just a while longer, at least for another minute or two before he could endure it no more.
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Re: Flight of Fancy (Glenn)

"That's no good, Glenn," Aurine told Glenn as she witnessed him trying to use his struggling as a means of resisting orgasm. "Resistance is useless~" she giggled, placing her hands on his shoulders, her palms glowing slightly green from where she had touched him as the magic she summoned seemed to course into his muscles, and weaken him. Meanwhile, to take advantage of his now feeble state, she leaned down, before Glenn would feel something touch his nipple under his shirt, before her tongue gave it a gentle flick. "There's nothing wrong with giving in to temptation~" she preached to him, before toying with his chest some more.

Pulling back, she wrapped her arms around his neck, face flushed as she looked down at him, "I won't tease any more. Are you ready?" she asked him, and without waiting for an answer, used him as support as she started thrusting at an incredible speed, about as fast as her fin could wiggle underwater. Several times a second, she humped Glenn. "Give in, Glenn~" she panted into his ear, moaning slightly, "I can tell you're suffering. Let it all out~"
Re: Flight of Fancy (Glenn)

All hope of Glenn slowing his forthcoming orgasm came to an abrupt end when Aurine quickly caught on. The magic summoned forth by her made quick work of his muscles, urging them into a great lethargy. Forcing them to relax, easing the tension off and making him all the more aware of the actions occurring in a certain spot below. 'Da...Damn...and I...thought for certain...I could...hold on with that...' During his thoughts he saw and watched the mermaid lean down, and felt as he was again toyed with. A nipple being the object of her teasing this time. He felt himself shiver from the act and attempted to squirm, only for his weakened muscles simply to ignore him.

He watched her intently as she pulled back from her teases, wrapping her arms around him. Seeing her flushed face put some relief in the man, as it seemed to mirror his own. At least he was sure now she was enjoying herself quite well. When she spoke of stopping her teases, it brought Glenn to attention, before her rapid thrusts quickly sullied his clarity. Her humps were incredibly intense now, drawing out more and more rapid gasps from the man the harder she seemed to pound upon him. When Aurine urged him to relent, to let it all out, he felt himself let out a small whine.

A few seconds and fast humps later, despite the magic that weakened him, Glenn found his body suddenly tense, something that wouldn't be lost on Aurine. For a moment he managed to get off a squirm somehow before settling, words quickly leaving him. "Aurine...I...I!" And before even another word could leave him it was replaced by an unmistakable small cry, the cry of a man who could endure no more. In an instant the frustration of over 2 weeks released into her as Glenn finally felt himself melt inside, his member rapidly coating her insides. Just as the sex had been, the orgasm was just as intense, the feeling washing over him bringing ecstasy to his mind. And yet there was something else to it that he couldn't place, something unfamiliar yet strangely satisfying.

As he sat in the aftermath of it all he said nothing, merely panting for a short while. All before letting out a small grin and a few weak laughs before returning his attention to Aurine, focusing his eyes to her own.
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Re: Flight of Fancy (Glenn)

The moment Glenn relented, and orgasmed inside of her, Aurine laughed while clinging to him, holding him deep inside of herself as she seemed more thrilled than satisfied over his giving in to weakness. "So thick~" she giggled, before looking at his grinning expression, "Are you pleased with only lasting five minutes inside me?" she asked him with a smile. "Or are you so selfish as to be happy for your own sake? Shame, Glenn~" she shunned him playfully. Meanwhile, he could feel her pussy still sucking on his length, perhaps to actually absorb his semen.

"But truly, you were quite potent. I feel quite refreshed. Thank you for the meal~" she thanked him politely.
Re: Flight of Fancy (Glenn)

5 minutes? Had it only really been 5 minutes? Glenn could hardly believe he had been witness to such a pleasurable experience within the last 5 minutes. Then again, he could hardly believe he had been flying peacefully with 5 others a while ago, or that he was in a crash that nearly took him to a watery grave too. Being rescued shortly after by a beautiful woman and then being taken by her right there on the beach! It all almost seemed like a dream, and for a moment Glenn feared he might actually have died during the crash, and that this all was just the delusions of a dead or dying consciousness. It was all real though, ever bit of it. Something his mind could astute merely by the stare and words of his lovely sea-bound savior, who still cracked teases at his expense.

As she teased his selfishness, Glenn felt a sense of actual shame come over him. He knew she was just playing with him, teasing as she loved to do, that he shouldn't take it personally. At the same time though, the morals of his own culture echoed through him. She had satisfied him sure, but had he really satisfied her? The thought that he wasn't able to satisfy her as much as she did for him in such an act greatly disheartened him. Those feelings reflected on his face as his grin quickly vanished, replaced by a discouraged look and a flush of embarrassment, his head drooping a little. Even as her body continued to suck at him below, trying still to drain him of his seed, the feeling didn't seem to alleviate the discouragement he now felt.

Glenn sat for a moment, letting a little confidence return, and allowing himself to enjoy her motions a little longer as was able, even if they were no longer as intense as they had been. Still unable to move, and body considerably weaker still due to the magic, he looked back to her with a grin still hinting his discouragement, "Not a problem...I guess. Though if you had wanted me to last longer, you could have helped a little. I was trying to last for you so that you could...reach your own heights...but you had to go and make things...difficult, binding me up and...teasing me." He paused for a moment, letting out a small sigh. "It was...different though...very different..." Again he stopped, focusing lustfully for a moment where the two of them were still joined, where she was still pulling on his member, eliciting a wayward twitch from it from time to time. 'It certainly was different...I wouldn't mind this again sometime...without being so bound up though...'

Returning to normal sense, he looked to her with interest, "You surprised me you know...I wasn't expecting you to be so friendly. I certainly wasn't...expecting this. People during my travels are usually so prudish, that I haven't really met anyone this uninhibited since...I left my homeland on the isles. They're especially prudish when it comes to some of the churches and institutions." He eyed her religious garbs briefly, his mind wondering just what kind of belief she followed. A rather open one he imagined, if sex was not an issue, even among strangers. "Pardon me if I'm wrong but you're some kind of clergywoman aren't you Miss Aurine? I can't help but notice that garment of yours..." Forgetfully, Glenn tried to point to the clothing before realizing with a small struggle, some of his energy having returned to him, that he was still bound by magic holding him down. Settling for a small groan instead when he couldn't yet move.
Re: Flight of Fancy (Glenn)

Aurine suddenly began laughing as Glenn complained about their session, "Were you really trying that hard? How adorable~" she said with great amusement. But then, she hummed at Glenn, "I am uninhibited, you say...? Well, I see no reason why I would not be. After all, I am of a special faith," she told Glenn, and continued as he seemed interested in that bit of information. "I am a Sea Bishop. Whenever human and monster wish to be married, I am the one who hears their vows of love."

She smiled at him, "On those terms, you and I have reached rather close terms rather quickly, I would say. Even letting me take your semen, that's quite open of you~" she giggled. "At this rate, you and I will be married before sunset this day," she stated, as the sun began to rise over the horizon. "But, that will have to wait. What I want you to do, Glenn, is make your way into the forest beyond this beach. When you find the lake, hold this to your heart-" she took a seashell ornament from her neck, attached to a necklace, and put it around his neck. "-and say, 'Sea Bishop Aurine, I put myself in your care,' while standing in the water, and I will come to you. Once you do this, we can talk more. Alright?" she asked him with a smile as Glenn would finally feel his restraints loosen.
Re: Flight of Fancy (Glenn)

Glenn raised an eyebrow at Aurine's explanation, and as he suspected she was a clergywoman, someone who was raised to service those who wished for their marriage vows to be heard and committed. She gave no explanation of any intricacy to it though, no referral of membership to any order, institution, or denomination. Where he had come from such membership was worn like a badge, the various organizations usually fighting each other, mostly in secret, for dominance amongst the masses. From some of the mercenary commissions he had taken, Glenn had seen first hand how truly 'clean' some of the clergy's hands could be, the greatest of the grime amongst them almost always the local head in charge. He was surprised at the lack of specific declaration here, and he considered for a moment that such work was likely more freelance than it was back home. It certainly seemed that way for as much as he could gather from...everything that had occurred, as a member of a 'normal' faith would have him spew coin rather than other things for their time.

A blush rose on Glenn at Aurine's comments, that they had become rather close so quickly. He supposed it was true, after all it wasn't like he didn't enjoy having fun with her, even if he hadn't expected this experience. His opinion certainly wasn't unfavorable, but at the same time there was much he didn't know about the woman. He had a rising suspicion that there was more to her involvement with him than she was letting on, especially since she had yet to answer about her home or the comment about metal birds. 'She's clammed up pretty tight about that right now...I'll have to see if she opens up more about it later.' Glenn's mind was suddenly racked by Aurine's declaration, of their impending marriage, and he felt all the blood quickly leave his face in surprise. Had she really said that they might be married before the day was gone? Granted they had become rather friendly real quick...but marriage? Glenn got a hold of himself and let out a nervous laugh at the idea, believing it merely another tease of hers. She couldn't possibly think that highly of him to suggest such a thing could she? Then again...

A sense of relief washed over Glenn when Aurine switched topics. Whether it was intentional or not, something told Glenn that her teases might give him some trouble in the future. As a Sea Bishop, a clergywoman of the sea who liked to say such teasing things, he could imagine the trouble that her gossip alone could bring him should it make the rounds amongst her peers. Mild interest at it's lowest, but he could already surmise that questions would be the least on their minds if they came looking for him. His face returned to normal, Glenn listened carefully to Aurine as she instructed him where to go. He was to travel through the forest to a lake, and once there hold the seashell necklace she had given him to his heart, uttering a phrase to summon her. Perhaps then she'd open up a bit more, but he'd have to wait and see.

Feeling his restraints finally loosen, he let out a sigh of relief as his arms were finally given some leeway. Falling back to his elbows on sand, he let himself relax eyes closed for a moment before acknowledging her. "Alright. Sounds simple enough. Though I take it the 'others' are just as prominent on land as they are in water aren't they? Something I'll need to stay wary of. Especially if their on par with you for strength." He noted, hinting with a slight shift of the arms to how easily he was bound and kept complacent by her magic alone. "I'd feel a bit safer if I wasn't alone though. Especially knowing what might...what is dwelling out there. I'll have to deal with that when the time comes, so no use thinking to much of it now. Yes...alright then, I should get going while the day is still young..." As Glenn went to get up he stopped for a moment, a blush reappearing, "Um...Aurine sweetheart...you can...stop anytime you like...ahaha" He commented gently, realizing their still compromised position, his length reduced but still being very lightly teased within her.

After a brief moment of awkwardness, mostly on Glenn's part, for them to separate, Glenn reequipped himself. Collecting and replacing the gear he had laid aside, he felt ready to head off into the forest in search of this lake Aurine had requested he venture to. Taking a moment, he approached the Sea Bishop sharing a hug before he set out. "Wish me luck? Something tells me I'll need it where I'm going. Oh, you wouldn't happen to know anything else you could tell me about this area could you?" And if there were no further comments to be made of it, the man would start his journey off into the island proper. Briefly taking the time to admire the beach coast against the dawn, before turning to venture off.
Re: Flight of Fancy (Glenn)

Aurine slowly shook her head, and bid Glenn farewell. "Remember, go to the lake, Glenn! Or if you get lost, any great source of water will do!" she informed him before he left on his way into the forest in the direction she pointed him in. The sandy beach quickly changed to sturdy, but still soft, dirt terrain. Grass began to shift under his feet as he made his way past the many trees that seemed to disorient any who did not use a compass or the sun for direction.

Glenn did not spend a long time on his trip, perhaps only a few minutes, before he came upon a scene. Able to observe from a bush that didn't reveal vision of him, Glenn came upon the sight of another human, but not quite human girl sitting lazily against a large green bulb. With curly, short brown hair, a pair of cat ears sticking out of her head, and a thin cat tail laying over her leg, the feline woman was without clothes to speak of. From her elbows and knees down, her human portion changed into paws, as if she were some kind of were-beast. But rather than a savage killer, she looked more like a loafer as she was reaching for various fruits that hung above her head, which the strange, large bulb was sprouting, and eating them up with a vicious hunger.

She continued to take fruit after fruit, eating with a seemingly bottomless stomach until her belly was slightly rounded from the intake of nutrition. With a sigh of relief, she closed her eyes, more than ready to fall asleep against the large bulbous plant... Before it began to move!

Petals slowly spreading apart, the plant made no noise at all, leaving the feline underneath completely unaware. Out of the center of the 'flower' that was opening, a mature looking woman with green skin, and long, brown hair appeared with an angry frown on her face. "That was for my future husband..." she announced angrily.

The feline opened her eyes, startled, before slowly looking up, and staring back at the golden eyed plant woman leering at her. Without warning, the cat girl suddenly bolted, before a vine quickly snapped, wrapping around her leg, and pulling the feline back towards her while the feline in question screeched with surprise. "You are going to pay for eating my fruits. They were not meant for you,"