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Chaos (Glenn;Ryu)

When Aurine approached him, Glenn hesitant in looking up at her unsure what she was going to do to him with the state he was in. Trembling a little as he sucked in a few breaths, crowded in such a way that she was the only one he could really see. He stiffened greatly when she embraced him, his memories of her still fresh in his mind. Yet after awhile he slowly loosened, the simple act of comfort melting his resolve when he realized she wasn't just going to entangle him in magic threads or try to restrain him more aggressively. Despite how ill he currently felt he did have to admit that being on the good side of a hug from the sea bishop was quite gratifying given the pressure being squished against his chest, and ever so distant smell of the sea that still lingered so lightly to her.

The comfort was not to last however. Slowly Aurine began to work up into a frenzy as she spoke to him about things both past and present. As she did so a mark of illness leaked into her, twisting her manners from normalcy into something of horror. With an ever growing feeling of fear winning out over those of sadness and comfort, he watched as her visage changed into that of someone psychotic. A trail of blood leaking from her mouth as he pupils grew incredible small and she laughed with a trembling expression of insanity. So gripped by her desire to love him it seemed that it drove her utterly mad, and a large part of it was the fault of the shard itself if she was to be believed in the state she was in.

Combined with the look of terror he must have unconsciously been giving with the mirrors around the room she could look at, she managed to gain some control back over her emotion. It was clear by then that she was falling into a delirium that could only be cured with outside help. Of which came in the form of Sona who managed to use her power combined with Aurine's own to neutralize whatever imbalance was causing the sea bishop into her estranged state. "I remember the sea shell..." He commented briefly to her, remembering how he had completely intended to use it to summon her before he had gotten sidetracked dealing with Iora and Aya. A brief ponder of what could have been had he just not been captured back then.

His eyes flicked a bit when she spoke of being a murderer, softening when it was further explained. And when she spoke of her desire to give up he shook his head at her sentiments. At the end of it he glanced at Sona's pained face as she weaved to keep Aurine's sanity in line, before looking back at the broken sea bishop. "Aurine... focusing on what you think you should have done back then isn't healthy. Take it from someone who's been through that. On the day Nadia died... I was working late. A whole shipment of machines and parts we were supposed to work on throughout next week had come in early that day, and everyone at my job broke protocol to open the whole machine shop floor to work on them all at once, just so we could have the week off with paid leave. Nadia was off that week so it would have been perfect. I would have been able to take her and my sister out anywhere we pleased before sis had to go home." He told the sea bishop with a neutral expression before his face twisted into sadness. "I drove myself nearly crazy that first year thinking... if I had just gone home early that day... then maybe I could have changed things. Maybe she'd still be alive..."

Approaching her, the man placed a hand on her shoulder. "I think I understand you a lot more now given all this. I just wish you had talked to me earlier about this... you... you should have told me about this whole mess with when we first met. Traveled with me... something other than what you did." He huffed briefly with some frustration. "Between that whole breakfast encounter and the things you said about wanting to murder and brainwash me back in the holding cell... you only made me so wary and unsympathetic. Do you even know how messed up it was to hear you talk about wanting to do that to me? For a moment I almost thought you'd try it right then and there if I attempted to even leave without you. It certainly made me very wary of ever being close to you again if you were willing to go that far. But maybe it wasn't really you talking... maybe it was whatever foul illness has taken you with that thing..."

Watching Sona strain under trying to keep Aurine's fluxing mind into check the man contemplated if there was some way he could aid her. As it seemed her weaves interacting with Aurine's were normalizing the sea bishop he surmised that he might be able to do the same. Moving closer her the man brought his other arm forward to cradle her face somewhat as he directed magic towards her. At first unsure of what to really send her way aside from soothing healing magic. He began to settle on something inspired on what the woman had said; an inward sound of waves and scent of ocean salt within Aurine's mind, along with the feeling of a warm sunlit heat crossing upon her skin. The sensations of being back on a beach with all it's calm tranquility emulated. "Maybe... maybe they'll both be there." He replied to her morbid thought with an addition of his own, deciding then to hug the sea bishop once more as her talk of returning to the tower made him realize that this was perhaps the first time since then that all three of them had actually been close together.

"Stupid red stone..." He uttered under his breath, recalling the red glow from his dreams and how the thing was the center of so much that was happening...
Aurine was silent for a time. His hand upon her face made her eyes go wide when it happened. She looked up at him, and let out a gasp near his ear when he finally embraced her. Whatever emotions she felt, Sona seemed to feel the backlash. A surge of red flashed in his third eye, as if Aurine sent a lightning bolt at Sona's soul. The shock had Sona letting go immediately and holding her head while groaning in agony. Unrestrained, Aurine immediately hugged him back. Her breathing quickly became rapid, and her hug became tight. "The ability to take in the smell from your neck is something that drives me crazy." she declares. "And... And... Finally being embraced... Makes me feel..." Her arms tightened around him further, and he could feel the stain of a few tears hit his side, followed by the wiggle of her hips moving him a bit from their contact.

"Horny~?" inquired the interloper in the room, the tanned beauty appearing with a cat's grin and with a wiggling tail of interest. "If you two are done being drama llamas, then let's get started already~!" she mewled with haste. "Even the animatron is getting impatient." she pointed at Jill, who was standing with her arms folded in a seeming constant state of displeasure. "Oh, and untie me! I can't get to fucking if I'm still all wrapped up in my own threads." she pleaded.

Meanwhile, Aurine was coaxing him to the bed, almost throwing him onto it while she mounted him. "There's no going back now, Glenn~ Just that embrace has gotten me feeling so insanely happy that my nipples are rock solid!" She declared, rather vibrant peaks poking out from her merc uniform, which she quickly threw off. Then, she was licking her lips as she started disrobing Glenn, while Shiva checked on Sona and Jill stepped forth to glare at Glenn and the Sphinx still smiled at him, purring and rubbing her cheek on his arm to let her free.
Things proceeded rather fast soon after the man gave Aurine the embrace she so ever desired. Glenn felt the sea bishop lose herself to whatever feelings his presence inspired in her. The tight hug she gave almost coming close to crushing the man enough that he couldn't breathe. Whatever magic he had instilled hadn't seemed to have any effect, as whatever struck the woman quickly surged and took Sona with a large bolt of power instead of soothing it. And he was completely at the mercy of the sea bishop then. So when Sphinx chimed in and directed a course of actions, given the state Aurine was in, it was clear where things were quickly going to head.

Glenn's breathing became rapid itself as he was coaxed towards the bed by the group, and Aurine mounted him and began to fumble his clothing aside. "Ah... w-well ah..." He stumbled out as he glanced between the three that were imposing on him now. Sphinx desperately rubbing against him in a bid to get him to release her, and Jill looking quite displeased and judgemental where she stood. Of course, Aurine looked only slightly less possessed than she had only a few moments before where she straddled him, clearly intent on being first. "I guess releasing you now wouldn't really hurt..." He directed towards Sphinx, inspecting the weaves that currently binded her and looking for a way to release them. Which he would do once he found the method he needed to, freeing her from her bonds to do as she saw fit.

As his body began to betray him once more a small groan came from him as he sought to get more comfortable. Another hint of dizziness falling over him. "You don't have to just stand there looking angry you know." He told Jill with an offer to come closer in the space next to him that was available on his free side. Which he assumed she might take up, and leave him with her just being angry but closer to him. With the way he was placed it seemed in all likelihood that he would be triple teamed by them if things kept up. A thought that incited further betrayal as his body began to shift back into lust. He just hoped he would be up to it; the session with Shiva had really taken it out on him. And he really did feel like he might just pass out in short notice.
"Yay!" the sphinx cheered happily, wiggling to show him where and how to get her loose. "Here... And there... Just pull there... Now cut that..." she motioned with his weaves to get him to do the right thing. He wouldn't know what he was plucking at or why, the complexity of the weave was so in depth that it seemed like it had years of methodical design that left one day's examination impossible to reach an apt conclusion. Either way, Sphinx suddenly burst free with a meow of excitement. "I'm free! Now to do that thing I was gonna do if I won~" she declared while licking her lips and moving in, sliding her bare breasts along his chest and putting her paws on his sides, leaving only his head to be seen amidst the mass of women around him... Soon to become hidden entirely, as Jill's eyes turned red at his words.

"Angry?" Jill inquired, before moving forward, and placing her hands down on either side of his head, her weight and power pushing the bed in so deep that his face got pushed up closer to hers as she leaned over him, looking him directly into his eyes with those red bulbs. "Master, do I look angry? I assure you, I am not angry. I'm not angry at all. Definitely not." she affirmed thrice. "I was just thinking that I should stay away because of the issue you have with my weight, but clearly this is not an issue, since I have been invited to this scene." she declared, before assertively climbing into the bed, outright throwing her pants off to mount over his face, knees on either side of him. Before he could offer much, she would place her crotch against his face, her eyes still blazing red. "I'm glad you do not have an issue with my weight, master. If you did, you would voice them now, right?" she inquired, while making sure her pussy was kissing his mouth, as he saw Jill change a bit... Adopting a sadistic smile. "No complaints...? Then I shall proceed. I rather do like where your mouth is right now, master. It's far better than where it was before. Remember to speak up when you want me to stop~" she declared, ensuring he couldn't speak. She didn't look angry anymore, it seemed. Rather, she was starting to look happy.

Meanwhile, he heard a crazy happy Aurine moan as his cock became prisoner to an air tight prison of flesh and his crotch felt the impact of a wide ass. Aurine no doubt getting started indeed, before he felt the intense friction no human woman could ever provide that almost felt deadly as Aurine bounced with glee. His hand was gripped and directed to the crotch of the sphinx, before he felt a slimy tongue tickle his nipple, all three of them seeking pleasure while Aurine's pussy squeezed his cock and Glenn's face became prisoner to Jill's heavy thighs and her crotch pushing down on him just enough to keep him still.
With an arm pinned as Sphinx nestled herself close to him the man shivered from the touch of her bare skin sliding up against his own. Her tan body, bust, and paws gripping him as well as her mew of excitement furthering along his growing lust. Where before when they had met he had been entirely wary of her predatory presence now she gave off a far more happy and enticing aura that drew him in. Though perhaps that might be to any purring the girl might make, similar to those Aya had once made towards him in their own encounters with him. Whatever temptations Sphinx might have held to act upon in her position were stopped in her tracks however, as Jill at his summon made it very known her feelings about his recent comment.

The golem's clothing was tossed aside and her position on him mounted far faster than Glenn protest against. Which was entirely the point he caught, as his face was quickly buried in the thick folds of the construct's ass. His mouth silenced with her genitals, sealing them from doing little more than pleasuring her. He managed a moan or two of protest as she settled herself, his breath growing heavy through his nose as his lips were held by hers. And then another moan as he felt his length become engulfed by Aurine. The sea bishop trapping it and that all too familiar feeling of her pulsating waves sending him into a frenzy of sensations as she began to bounce fervently.

He clenched his eyes as his vision swirled with clouds and his body was hit with jolts and building pressure. Each stretching of the sea bishop's fleshy grip on his member driving a spike of pleasure up his spine. And the gentle feeling of the android's folds against his lips inspiring the man to kiss back at them. A hand raising with some difficulty due to the sensations to seek out the golem's thigh and grip it thoroughly. That or to seek her sides of one of her hands to grip it. His other hand he found to become preoccupied rather quick by Sphinx, guided down to the girl's own nethers and inspired to explore, which he began to do soon after. Dipping his fingers into the tan girl and trying to squirm somewhat when he felt her tongue attack him. The wet feeling of the girl exploring his chest making him suddenly subconscious about the fact that his somewhat scarred body was on display.

'I... I'm not gonna last if Aurine keeps this pace...' He realized as the treasonous desire to erupt within the sea bishop grew closer and closer to fruition. Her never ending bounces squeezing on him like a vice and sending his body to respond most readily with a draw of wetness from his member. As well as moans and increasing attempts to fidget for relief. Between the three currently indulging themselves with him it was no use however. The man was trapped between their grips. Glenn's kissing becoming more desperate as he felt that rushing pressure start, his tongue delving against and into the golem's folds. His fingers grew erratic where they acted to massage Sphinx. And soon it felt as if his whole body had begun to burn which, if the man didn't know any better, despite his face being in between the android's legs he could swear that all to familiar sensation of pheromones were permeating everywhere again.

A sudden fervent squirming of his own and a low moan would be one of the only few signs of the man's rapid approaching release. A release that hit with a small initial bubble that pumped into the sea bishop before a larger score followed. His member pulsing and getting caught in a cycle with her own pulses as he was very quickly milked. A feeling of intense weakness falling over him as he felt his energy syphon in multiple directions as his pleasure spiked and his mind relished in the lust of it all.
Indeed, she was starting to look very happy. So much so that her eyes became a harder and brighter shade of red. Whatever was going on was activating something within her that was seemingly overheating and breaking, removing her cold demeanor and replacing it with perhaps her more truer self. "I'm rather fond of how you look from up here, master~" she said with an increasingly erotic grin. She raised her hands, putting them behind her head as she began to rock her hips against his face, moaning while staring at him with deep seeded intent while enjoying the motions of his mouth and the grind of her pussy flesh against his face.

Meanwhile, Aurine was ecstatic about what was about to happen. "Yes! Cum inside me Glenn! Give me a baby!" she declared like a fanatic, keeping her thrusts deep, low, and short to milk his cock rapidly for the seed she sought after. When he did cum, his energy release in a large blast inside of Aurine, filling her soul with his essence as she let out a roar or a moan, he wouldn't be able to tell which as her pussy squeezed out his seed that was swallowed right into her womb, his cumming matched with pulses and waves flowing into her pussy as if she were 'swallowing' his cock. A seeming norm for the unusual mamono, whose bodies seemed built to almost literally devour male genitalia.

"Time to switch!" Sphinx declared, and Jill grimaced, regretfully rising off of his face as Aurine leaped from his soaking wet cock that was sucked of all it's seed that it offered and crawled up to his face, planting rapid fire kisses against his mouth, and using her tongue to lick the traces of Jill from his face. "I'll clean you~" she cooed, as if her madness turned to happiness while dutifully removing Jill's traces from his face. Sphinx was the next patron to ride the Glenn express. "I like power bottoms, so do me a favor and move a little~" she ushered at Glenn, bucking her hips a bit to encourage him, before rising and sinking down upon his length. Meanwhile, Jill decided to lay on the opposite side of Aurine, and simply took a relaxed side resting pose while staring at him. Her eyes became blue, as if calm, while she stared at him with a blank face as Aurine was in the middle of currently eating said face, sucking on his cheek and pulling it with her lips and making a happy giggle while wiggling her ass in the air like a cat.
Still overwhelmed by his release Glenn breathed heavily as his partners switched. Jill rising off of his face and giving him room to actually breathe while Aurine rose as well. His length exposed to the air briefly before Sphinx took to engulfing in her folds, causing the man to gasp at the renewed vigor placed upon it. He nodded absentmindedly at Sphinx's request, and his hands gingerly reached to grasp at the girl's hips, using them to steady himself as he began to pump intermittently into her. Struggling at first to find a rhythm but eventually managing it despite how spent he felt. All the while Jill and Aurine had snuggled up to him on either side, with the latter planting kisses against him in her effort to 'clean' him.

He groaned at it at first but eventually the gentle kisses wore him down, and he began to kiss back. His lips joining into deeper presses with the sea bishop's own as they became more passionate and his mind was further consumed by lust. A lust that compelled him to try to pump harder into Sphinx as he felt her hump back where they connected, her body grasping onto him and squeezing him torturously. "Ah... take it e-easy...!" He squeezed out past a kiss towards Sphinx as she became a little too rough. The look on her face imposing in a way, and in another inspiring thoughts of pulling the girl closer to him so he could wrap his arms around her properly.

Breaking away from Aurine the man turned to the golem where she lay next to him. Merely laying calm with her blank demeanor where she lay next to him, with a relaxed look on her face. Taking the initiative, Glenn closed the distance between them and joined his lips to her own. Kissing Jill with passion and loosing himself to the act. His tongue meeting with hers just as it had with Aurine's, possibly delivering as much delight to the golem as it had to the sea bishop as well. All the while desire pushed the instinct of his body forward, wishing to burst forth and fill the ravaging Sphinx with his ever building release. Which was now only starting to revive again with the inking of pre that welled up and was almost instantly snatched by Sphinx's body.
"Take it easy?" the Sphinx seemed amused at his request, before simply ignoring it and continuing just as hard, bouncing against his thrusts while delivering a painful prick with her claws to his sides if he ever got tired or stopped moving. "Don't say something so weak. It makes me angry just remembering how close I came to raping you on the spot before Snow White interrupted us."

Shiva, who was in the middle of the room doing something with Sona, offered her rebuttal. "Get riggity wrecked, house cat." she retorted. "And I hate animals." she added, treating the conversation almost seriously enough to make one think that in this part of the world, Snow White was an actual person in history. Though considering fantasy or not has traces of reality from Glenn's knowledge, that possibility was likely.

This was all overshadowed by the constant love making. The thick brown rump of the Sphinx bouncing merrily, ironically crushing his strength with her draining and pushes against his thrusts while demanding he keep going. Greedily demolishing his sexual stamina while Glenn could see her sizable breasts, with a soft pink color on the nipples, bounced so slightly and so merrily, as if suggesting that the pace were casual for her. Such was not the truth at all, as each thrust he made, met with her pussy and ass crashing down on him, felt like it'd be the last he'd withstand. A battle for him, and a casual sexual execution for her. A creature of many years. "You're weak, boy~" she cooed, her feline mouth curling into that familiar cat smile. "And the taste of your soul is sweet, yet average. What a vanilla flavor. I guess 'normal' every now and again is fine too~" she said, almost mockingly at Glenn.

The tension grew, and Glenn had his facial expression observed by the Sphinx. "At your limit already? That's cute~" she cooed. Then, Glenn threw a fit and kissed Jill, who at first didn't move, his lips moving against total stillness. Only brushing against cold and distant observal, as her cold blue eyes just stared into his own. "When you do it, it feels wrong, master." Jill confessed, before gripping his shoulders, putting him back where he was... And almost slamming her face right over his own. Her tongue lashed out, diving into his mouth and swirling around his tongue, almost going down his throat as he felt as if she were trying to suffocate him. She seemed to lick every corner of his mouth as the final moment came. His vision went a little dark as Sphinx took his length out and began sliding it between her ass cheeks such that it was perfectly gripped around her ass flesh. She jerked her ass slowly up and down as he hit his peak, squirting his second ropes of love juices all over her tanned behind.

Glenn's vision began to get blurry. Sex with mamono was draining, and he didn't see a single girl in his company that looked satisfied. Aurine looked like she wished her fifth turn happened twenty minutes ago, Sphinx looked mildly entertained, and Jill... Was actively swapping out for Sphinx, who got off boredly to lay on his legs for a pillow. "It is my turn, master..." Jill declared. Before Glenn felt his consciousness start to fade. "Wait, master?" Jill called out, but it was too late... Glenn was going on a journey. "Are you kidding me!?" The world went back, and he barely heard the last thing she said. "This... Annoys me...!"

He could have sworn her eyes flashed red as well.


Sleep... And Glenn would awaken to a similar scene he left off with. Shiva was passed out on the couch, Sona was in Jill's pod. Sphinx and Aurine were cuddling up next to him. The room was dark, dimly lit with moonlight, and his head throbbed from a likelihood of excessive sex as he saw that Jill hadn't moved since when he fell asleep. In fact, his hips were numb from her sitting there. When he acknowledged her, she leaned forward slowly, her eyes burning bright red, so much so that her eyes were all he could make out in the darkness. Her hands planted on either side of his head as she looked down at him, while her crotch moved to stimulate a very sore cock.

"It's. My. Turn."
The man let out a start, fidgeting at the small pinch Sphinx gave him with his claws as he got her message. Meeting her rough bounces with renewed vigor despite his interest in something a little more softer. What he wouldn't give for someone to do just that. Having to deal with rough partners seemed to be his lot in life for the time being, so he supposed he might as well get used to it. Still, it was hard to fulfill the Sphinx's request when her efforts would draining so much out of him. Her form hazy in the man's eyes, leaving him hypothesized at her movements. "Ughh..." He groaned in response to her calling him weak. As if she didn't know how difficult it was to be managing with not one but three different sources nearby and potentially draining him.

It wasn't until Jill took charge and forced him back, sealing her lips across his own forcefully and kissing him passionately that any sense of unconscious resolve the man's body kept was unbound. Darkness crept into his vision, and he moaned a cry of protest as he was held down and as he felt Sphinx release him and sandwich his length between her cheeks instead. Moment's of disappointment passing quickly as his peak was struck anew. A softer moan quietly muffled between the golem's lips as he spilled himself across the tan girl's back, her ass more than capable of coaxing him to an end.

As his vision stirred into an even more hazy focus than before he had barely a time to acknowledge Jill mounting him before everything around him dimmed and went completely dark.


Glenn awoke from a sleep that imparted no dreams. Nothing like the vision he had seen before at least. It was much later than he could recall; the room very dark and the forms of his compatriots lulling about. "Oooh god my head..." He whispered in a soft complaint, his eyes mostly shut until they managed to peel themselves open. It was then that he became very much aware of how stiff and numb his lower body was... and the source of this stiffness became very obvious by the pair of red glowing eyes that began to stare down at him. Jill hadn't moved a single muscle since he had passed out, and it was very obvious what course of action she intended to fulfill on.

"Y-yeah... of course... s-salve though!" He quickly urged, glancing down at where both of their hips were joined, mixed signals of sorness and pleasure sent as her crafted genitals sought to engage with his own. "You can make a salve that'll be soothing right? Oh please tell me you can make a soothing draft..." He continued, words dipping into a some despair that he was about to be roughly crushed under Jill's weight. A prospect that he was not finding nearly as absurd in his mind as he probably should have been given how actually heavy the golem was. Something about her glowing red eyes seemed to sway his thoughts, leading to a betraying curiosity as to whether he could actually support that weight if she didn't herself. That or the taste that lingered in his mouth from earlier.

"Sorry I'm so weak... if I were stronger I'd have so much more to give. Maybe I wouldn't be so sore or worry about being... injured... or passing out..." Glenn said ending with a sigh as his eyes glanced down as the golem's hold began to increase in fervour as she prepared herself. Teasing him with a few glides and intense pressure all while maintaining that heavy red glowing gaze on him.
His quick urge was met with a surprised face from Jill herself. She showed hesitation as he asked for a salve. Then she started to look happy. "... Is that... A request, master? Is that an actual request!?" she suddenly looked bouncy. Her red eyes turning blue and calm. She lifted her hands to begin weaving, moving so quickly it was as if it was instinct to create an olive colored goo that she draped her hands with, before taking it down to his loins to coat them. He felt an odd and sudden warmth at his crotch before the soreness seemed to burn away. She used it on his shoulders and neck as well, which seemed to drain the headache and various other aches as well. "Leave being strong to me. I am your guardian." she declared. The gooey salve was also invigorating. Revitalizing his loins so that she could adjust, and gently let him settle inside of her. "Though I still must do this. I do not know why, but I must do this after all those other interlopers did the same." she confessed. Then, she leaned forward, laying herself on top of him. Her hands and legs pressed down upon the bed, lifting some of the weight from his body such that he only felt like he couldn't move while her attractive frame rubbed against him.

She moved, but slowly. What felt like sex also felt like a gentle internal massage from Jill. Indeed, normally tight folds crushed his cock to the point that too much led to pain, but as gentle as Jill was, happy to be fulfilling requests, she seemed content to give him a gentle rape as it were. Her firm butt slowly rose and lowered in tune, massaging his sore length and bleeding the pain away and turning it into pleasure. Her now gooey front caressed his body. The salve enveloping his frame in a rejuvenating heat that made him feel comfortable. The only thing stopping him from passing out was his hormones reacting to being inside of her gently squeezing pussy. All he could see was the gentle slow rise and fall of Jill as her breasts squished against his chest and her face gazed at his, looking for his satisfaction.
The man looked on with some awe as the previous intensity of Jill's stare melted away at his request and the golem began to radiate the same happiness he had briefly out of her before. Both the first time they were together, and then again when they spoke during her spat with Sona. Her hands traced patterns intricately as she formed a goo of sorts in a floating ball, that she then took hold of and applied to him thoroughly. Almost immediately he felt the strange heat of it and true to his request the soothing feeling of his loins melting from the stingy pain they felt before. It came upon him so quick in fact that he was soon there after breathing a rather audible sigh of relief as the muscles of his body loosed at once from the relief.

He frowned at the thought of leaving everything up to others to take care of him, not wanting to be dead weight compared to them. Last thing he wanted was to be powerless to help any of them if things truly got bad, yet given the difference of strength between him and others all things pointed at that being the way of things. Such troubled thoughts raged for awhile before the continuous application of Jill's soothing draft upon his shoulders became enough to chase them away. Though another part was the sudden feeling of him slipping back into her with ease thanks to the draft applied to him, and the feeling her walls edge along him combined with her body.

There was no roughness now, unlike before. Instead she merely gentle caressed him in her hold, normal tightness replaced with an extremely gentle yet forceful massaging wave.. "Jill... this is... amazing..." He whispered with some disbelief, his mind quickly finding itself failing to pull more together as it went on. The draft she applied becoming like oil that helped their bodies move sensually across each other with greater ease. There was no longer any pain but that similar aura of mindless pleasure that consumed him. His strength in a constant state of being sapped by Jill as she kept her grip on him, just like their first encounter. "Ah... ah..." He let out in quiet breaths, eyes gazing downward briefly towards the vision of her body's movements and the sound of her lightly smacking against him, before they returned upward towards her observant and happy turned face.

Even in lust he wasn't satisfied to merely lay back however, and though nearly mindless as he was there was still enough of a drive to move him to act. Which he did firstly by reaching up to pull the golem girl much closer to him, into a deep hug that threatened to have her full weight press down upon him. Yet despite the threat he no longer seemed to care. Quite the opposite, as even as a hand drove southward to lay a grip upon one of her cheeks and act as a guide for what little thrusts he could manage with her poised as she was, he whispered almost unintelligible words at Jill as he kissed at the side of her neck and face. Words that for all intents seemed to be asking the golem to lay closer to him and hold him closer.
His words of disbelief seemed to flatter the golem and boost her ego, as she smiled. "Thank you, master~" she cooed. Then, his motions seemed to make her quiet, as she embraced Glenn with her heavy frame. Her presence was heavy but not overbearing. It would be uncomfortable eventually to have her on him, but at the moment he was smothered by the golem he constructed as their hips both moved to meet one another. Then, suddenly Jill began to move slightly faster, sounds of sex starting to echo through the room. Jill seemed to know he was enjoying himself, and kept up the 'massage' as it were, each motion draining the pain and fatigue away from the rampant use of his genitals. And she would keep up with this, before she suddenly slowed down, to address Glenn directly. "Master, if I continue, you might hurt again. Shall I stop? I have accomplished my task of soothing you, but..." she trailed off, seeming interested in bringing Glenn to climax despite how worn he was. Her arms were wrapped around his upper back, and her face was almost against his. She looked at him for reply.
As if in response to the golem's suggestion to stop the man let out a small grunt of displeasure, giving his answer to it in the form of a renewed effort. His motions reaching a fevered pitch. When clarity returned for a moment the man managed to squeak out, "I want... to give... my energy..." before losing himself again. The golem's body wrapped so tightly around him in her massage that he practically was being crushed in all senses of the word. Moving in pitch with Jill, it wasn't long before start of his peak began. The first few heavy twitches starting up signally what was to come. Fidget as he might then, he was so wrapped up that any squirms he gave had nowhere to go then. And as quickly as it started the end came. His peak hitting him rather hard as his manhood melted inside Jill's folds. Ropes coating her walls as threads of his own energy were drawn into her core just the same.
His words made Jill react as if she were about to snap, like a beast before fresh meat as her eyes turned red. Her expression looked dangerous a moment, her grip around him feeling like it was locking him in... Before she looked off to the side, seemingly at nothing before her eyes turned blue. "I will only take a little bit." she said, showing what seemed to be self control as she matched his lust with her hip paces with ease. Though eventually she seemed to need to answer his building lust. She released him to lean back, placing her hands upon her heels and arching her back to display her torso and breasts like mountains over a grand scape, the angle her hips made like this taking his cock such that his tip was being scraped harshly against her soft but tight folds, applying such pressure in unusual places to stimulate him further into action as her body made lewd gestures with her hips over his crotch, squirming around to wiggle his cock around inside her pussy.

From this view, he'd feel himself squirt inside Jill's artificial pussy while her pussy worked him throughout his entire climax, until he saw squirts of cum erupt from her folds. Jill gasped as his energy filled her, her face tensing to resist the inborn desire to suck him dry, her face actually going read as her head heated up from the intense inner machinations. She suddenly lifted off of him during this, as his last few ropes hit her bare golem pussy. "Master, if this continues you will die." she iterated, while Glenn felt nothing but bliss and light headed on the bed. "Please revoke that command..." she said, but in their passion, Glenn was already a bit too far gone. Moments passed, and Jill's eyes turned red, as she leaned forth casually, and put her lips to the side of his face next to his ear. "I don't enjoy doing this... Master." she declared, her breasts squishing against his chest. Her body felt very hot in a soothing way. "Why do you force me to disobey? You're only repeating what happened before, and what bothers me most is how alike you and her are." she seemed to speak from the heart, before her hands placed upon his eyelids, closing them. "Sleep. Master."


Glenn suddenly awoke, as if last night were just a dream. He felt like there was scarce traces of blood left in his body to move with. A strong inclination to sleep again striking him, before a familiar white haired girl appeared overhead, holding what looked like a red fruit in her hand as she sat down on the side of the bed where he lay, casting a side view that helped Glenn appreciate her feminine features, which were often hidden behind zealous behavior. "It helps me with hangovers. It'll help you with sexovers." she declared, holding it to his mouth. "It tastes like blood. But it's full of the right stuff to get you healthy again."
Lightheaded and blissful, the man barely reacted to Jill's plea. Hearing her words and having them fly ear through ear. All he could register was the golem's frustration at his command and her sudden red eyes before she leaned over him. Her breath gracing the side of his ear and her body like a warm blanket he tried to wrap his weak arms around. Blinded by her hands over his eyes, he tensed briefly at her words to him then before the magic took hold, and once more he felt himself drifting towards a magically induced slumber. Letting out a small sound of discomfort before slipping away. No dreams came, but then the whole ordeal began to feel as if it were one big dream...

There was a cold Glenn awoke to that grasped every inch of him. Along with a grand desire to lay back and sleep further, like waking at just the wrong part of one's sleep or when one simply wants to sleep in. He glanced at Shiva when she appeared, and then turned his attention towards the fruit she held. Tasted like blood? That didn't sound exactly all that appealing even if he did enjoy a good pudding from time to time. Despite that it was strangely appealing to him, so groaning somewhat and with an adjustment of his body the man reached up weakly to take hold of the fruit offered at his lips and partake in it. Nibbling it at first before being drawn into a small frenzy of eating it as true to the girl's words it did seem to have something about it that was quick to perk him up. Eating with little shame to replenish himself after the encounters he had last night.

"T-thanks..." He said to Shiva near the end of the fruit, before trying to sit himself up to finish it off. Drawing out long breaths that left him more breathless than he should have been. Glancing around he took in his surroundings, looking to see if it was just the two of them. Though he already guessed the Cockatrice might still be cowering in a corner, his thoughts turned to both Sona and Aurine. Given what happened involving that power Sona syphoned he was immediately concerned with her first. "Last night Sona calmed Aurine. Drained her somehow. Is she... alright?" He asked turning to the merc girl. "Is that thing in Aurine really that bad to effect them both like that? How the hell do you deal with yours?" The sea bishop had been practically incensed by whatever hold the shard held on her. Her madness and words coming quickly to mind, if that was actually an effect of the thing. Perhaps it was a blessing that he no longer possessed the thing. Regardless of what power might be in it, there was no telling how it might have actually effected him.

Yet if the burden were so terrible to others... perhaps too he really should have been the one to bare it. Aurine clearly could only barely do so. The thoughts left him feeling frustrated, and pondering if perhaps there were some way to lessen the effects of the thing. Regardless of who happened to hold or weld it. Isabell might know something of it perhaps? The whole complication with his shard was something he needed to bring up with her when they next met anyhow. Question was whether he should seek her now or do so later. 'I'm here already... I should find and take Aurine to meet with Isabell about this before we go off anywhere.' He decided planning to do just that once his body started feeling like it had some blood in it.
Shiva didn't seem to know how to answer the first part, but when he asked her how she dealt with her own shard, Shiva merely grinned. And it was that grin that completely dispelled all the soft feminine charm she had when Glenn caught her in an unfocused state. She once again looked like herself.

( )
"... From what I understand, shards are given to those whom they bind with the best. Whether that means it matches their personality or changes them so that they disrupt the cycle of history isn't clear. But what is clear is that the gods view us as creatures in a fish tank, meant to repeat the same cycles over and over again until they disrupt us with their meddling. Case in point, the gods are very involved right now." She declared, folding one leg over the other where she sat and leaning back to prop herself up on one arm for support.

She waved a finger in the air for emphasis. "The thing is, how the soul works is something only very ancient weavers have come close to understanding. But what can be understood from those shards is that they're from a main soul, Fate's soul, and just a fraction of one is more powerful than any one of us. Sans some creatures that actively seek them out and have more power than a single shard and can control them, instead of the other way around. The nature of a soul is to maintain it's own identity and act as a puppet for the body we all possess. That is to say, my shard took over my body a long time ago. The nature of Fate bound itself with my soul and now I'm more a representation of Fate than anything else. Same as everyone else with a shard. Only a fraction of the old person remains. When two pieces of a soul are meshed together, they tend to try to meld together and become one. In your case, from what I gather, the actual melding never took. You weren't compatible with the shard you had, so while you could draw from it's power, it didn't do it's job." she said, looking rather pleased to have an opportunity to tell so much and look smart, before scratching her nose and glancing off. "... Or so I hear." she added. "Maybe it tried to take, and something went wrong. I haven't a clue, actually. That's what the trip to... The crow, is all about." she looked about to say something else, but stopped herself.

She unfolded her legs, and twisted her lips a bit. "... I didn't always used to be as I am now. You know?" she said to Glenn. "The crow put a shard in me, and I became this way." She turned to him, and put a hand on his chest while leaning in suggestively. "I used to be pretty meek you know~ But then one shard later and I was surging with confidence. I guess it was like growing up, but with an artificial force involved." she declared, before leaning back and grasping at his crotch to fondle it a bit. "You seem like you have more color in your face. Time to rise and shine, Glenn boy." she declared, standing up from the bed and putting her fists on her hips before him.
Shiva's words did little to comfort the man. The revelation that the shard he once possessed hadn't actually been effecting him only reinforced his belief that it was a mistake for it to be taken in the first place. These things could throw people's personalities into chaos. Change them from who they were into something far different. While he wouldn't deny that such a thing could be advantageous, it was a great danger too. A shard in the right or wrong person, with the fairest bit of brain meddling, that could work both ways. And he didn't doubt that already that wasn't being done by who knows what actors in the dark. After all, Shiva served a good example if her story held up.

"Sounds to me like you were possessed." Glenn spoke out after a small grunt at being fondled. "I don't know about you but I wouldn't be so happy about that. Say someone got to your shard... you'd just become the meek person you were before wouldn't ya? The part of your soul that really is you never learned to be confident on it's own; it's just been borrowing off of the shard. Even if a little confidence rubbed off from it... I'm willing to bet it wouldn't compare to someone who gained that confidence more naturally. Without your shard... you'd practically be starting over from the beginning." He surmised as he rose to his feet, recoupling the loose articles of his attire, and dressing himself quickly while doing his best to keep up some semblance of a good appearance. He gazed back over at Shiva while he fixed up his collar. "I hope for your sake you never find out how much you really need that thing."

Glancing over at the corner where he suspected the cockatrice might still be, he inspected to see if it actually was there. If it was... he'd leave it be. Figuring out what he was really going to do with the thing was going to be a headache all on it's own. His cramped room really wasn't the best place for such a speedy and potent smelling avian to be taking up residence in, especially given the company he held. The others were no where to be seen... Sona, Aurine, Jill, Penguin and neither Sphinx. Sphinx had probably wandered off on her own after last night, but as for Sona, Aurine, and Jill? Perhaps they had met up with Penguin after her departure. If whatever Sona did caused some kind of effect on her Glenn could imagine nothing less than her seeking out Penguin for help. It was as good a guess as any. As for Jill... well he did wish that she were still around to accompany him. Or at least so he could reassure her that she hadn't be disobeying anything with what happened last night.

Exiting the room, the man had a clear destination in mind. "I don't know where Aurine ran off to, but before we can go anywhere I need to find her. And to make a little visit to our Magi benefactor." Glenn told the Shiva if she was accompanying him. "I figure if anyone knows how to ease Aurine's current state it'll be her. Some kind of supplement to counter act it perhaps. And I'm sure she'll want to know where I might be off to considering I'm supposed to be acting as a welcoming agent for Anubis. Not entirely sure when that whole business is supposed to start honestly..."
If Glenn wished to hit a vulnerable point in Shiva's personality, he had succeeded. Mentioning how she'd transform back into her meek self seemed to strike a chord that both seemed to worry and concern her. After finishing his line about hoping about how she would never find out how much she depended on that shard, she seemed to direct a rather hostile and sour expression his way. "Glenn." She uttered. "For your sake, don't ever say shit like that to me again. You don't have a fucking clue about me, so don't act like you know anything." She said very bitterly. It seemed that instead of overwhelming rage there was a bit of distraught sadness to accompany it. A very sensitive and weak chord was struck, indeed.

The cockatrice was given what seemed to be a doggy bed. Within which she had seemingly sat into, and completely fallen asleep in with her wings wrapped around herself defensively. Her aroma seemed to be weak and hardly active in this state.

"The Anubis business is supposed to happen today. She did say tomorrow yesterday. It'd be a good idea to bring the cat and the bird to her pronto." she disclaimed. "I can only think of two places they could be, so it's best to go visit that fat woman you like to eyeball~" she said with a crude grin, nudging him with her elbow as they would eventually go outside and Shiva would point where to go.
"Let's get going then." Glenn proclaimed, the clear destination of Isabel's office in mind. "You sure we should bring the cockatrice with us? I'm almost afraid how it might react to being handled at this point." He was confused as to how he was going to gather Sphinx for the trip, so he just took to assume they might just run into her along the way. Or perhaps she might already be making her presence known to Isabel. That much would be much more convenient. Whatever preparations they needed to do Glenn would quickly attend to them before rejoining Shiva outside. Ready to follow her directions to more quickly make it to Isabel's office and attend to their current business.
Shiva looked a bit surprised that he was already headed in Isabell's direction. The white haired girl seemed geared towards Penguin. "You wanna head to Queen first? Alright, I guess." she shrugged, joining him as they headed forth. It seemed that she meant the thick one to be Penguin. Though Shiva seemed to have a quiet chuckle that Glenn's mind instead went to Isabell. "Well, depending on what you plan on doing with it, you probably want to think about taming it. A cockatrice's legs are very strong, making it good at laborous tasks, and its eggs are both a delicacy and if fertilized, very high in price." she declared. She seemed to wink when she said 'fertilized' as well.