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Chapter 1 - Introductions Are a Plus


Dec 14, 2008
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((Let's have Keylo get the first post, and most probably Chibs the second, but after that it come as you are :) ))

The room appeared to be some kind of old meeting room originally, though all the furnishings appeared to be long gone. There was no windows, and only the single door in, and carpet on the floor, a faded green colour. Several stacks of chairs covered one of the walls, maybe fifty in all, far too many for the space.
Re: Chapter 1 - Introductions Are a Plus

Luna let out a yawn as she waited in the room, her personality shifted back to her natural one... until others entered the room. It was tiring pretending to be a "normal person", especially when the actions she performed in that guise contrasted so heavily with what she would normally do. And even when they did not, the fact that she had to interact with others made her weary by itself, seeing as she was one that preferred to keep to herself when she was not on a hunt. Sitting down in a corner of the room, from behind the door, she allowed her eyes to drop as she entered a meditative state, seeming to disappear from view as she did so.

(Or in short, Luna is cloaking herself in the corner of the room that most people wouldn't look as she tries to get a feel for her abilities...)
Re: Chapter 1 - Introductions Are a Plus

As Jack shoo'd her into the room she took a look around and pulled a chair from one of the smaller stacks before sitting down and sighing. "I'm taking these shoes off..." she muttered to herself, kicking the strappy heels and digging her feet into the carpet. "Aaaah..." she sighed.
Re: Chapter 1 - Introductions Are a Plus

Luna's eyes flickered open upon hearing another enter the room, watching them closely from her corner as she remained invisible with the use of her newfound powers. There went her "break" from acting as the "bubbly" Luna, seeing as her normal personality risked revealing her background. Sighing mentally as she reassumed her other disposition so as to "mingle" with society once more, she then dispelled her invisibility, seeming to reappear out of thin air into the normal spectrum.
Re: Chapter 1 - Introductions Are a Plus

Eve caught the reappearance out of the corner of her eye and smiled a little, "Hello. They got you too hm?"
Re: Chapter 1 - Introductions Are a Plus

"Yup...Luna was bitten on her way back from work...then Luna was told to come here..."
Re: Chapter 1 - Introductions Are a Plus

Eve blinked, "Do you always talk in the third person? That's a little childish, don't you think?"
Re: Chapter 1 - Introductions Are a Plus

"Luna prefers to speak this way, as people usually let Luna read in peace when Luna talks...But if you prefer, Luna could speak a bit more normally...Miss?.."

This was a lie of course, Luna rarely read in her spare time, and her manner of speech was copied from that of her mentor's, which had been purposely childish. But as the other party had no need for this knowledge, she had fabricated an excuse and story on the spot.
Re: Chapter 1 - Introductions Are a Plus

"My name is Eve, Luna." she said, "And I'm a painter and a model, what about you, are you a student?"
Re: Chapter 1 - Introductions Are a Plus

Luna hesitated for a moment, as if reworking her alibi in her head for a moment, before smiling at Eve, using it to mask the guile behind her words.

"Why yes Eve, Luna is certainly a student... an excellent one if Luna does say so herself. Well, at least when Luna feels like it..."
Re: Chapter 1 - Introductions Are a Plus

Eve smiled sadly, "Doesn't look like we'll be doing much schooling now though... "
Re: Chapter 1 - Introductions Are a Plus

Sensing the faint trace of sadness within the statement that had just been made, the scarlet-eyed girl made an attempt to allevate that particular emotion. After all, it wouldn't do for her "comrades" in the hunt to be constantly worried about what they had lost...

"Luna doesn't know about that...there "are" night courses after all...and alternatives to day."
Re: Chapter 1 - Introductions Are a Plus

Ronny enters the room and nodding to the two women there, he waves. "Hello I'm Ronell Landry, but you can call me Ronny if you want. So I guess those Sabbat guys were pretty busy tonight, huh."
Re: Chapter 1 - Introductions Are a Plus

Eve smiled faintly at Luna, "I'm a painter and the thing I'll miss most is painting dusk and dawn." Then she turned at the sound of Ronell and stood to her tiny 4'3". "Hello Ronny, I'm Eve Vosmus, and yes... I suppose they were busy, but I sincerely hope we are the last even though I'm sure we aren't."
Re: Chapter 1 - Introductions Are a Plus

To rob the unwilling of their mortality...how distasteful... Although Luna herself, did not care much for her previous day life, she did not appreciate the fact that people who were attached to their original lives were being forced into the world of the night, a place she had already resided for a long time. Should she find the "Sabbat", there would be hell to pay for their sins, that was for certain. Eager to learn more about what she determined to be a secondary quarry, the scarlet-eyed girl momentarily forgot to use her "alter personality" as her eyes narrowed and took on a far more serious look, barely recovering into the image of a "scatter-minded" girl who worked at the library.

"This...Sabbat...tell me more about them, for those who perform such ill deeds- attract Luna's interest, in more ways than one."

Mentally slapping herself for her folly, Luna attempted to brush off her mistake with another fake smile, beginning to formulate an explanation for her sudden shift in personality if needed.
Re: Chapter 1 - Introductions Are a Plus

Going over and grabbing a chair as well he sits down where he can see both of them before answering. "Might as well look them over while I'm at it," he thinks to himself. (If you want you can give me an idea of how you're feeling, but you could always portray the wrong thing. It's not perfect.)

"Yeah I get the feeling from the way that Jack and Adam were talking, there'll be more." He says to Eve.

Looking at Luna kind of strangely because of how she answered, "I don't really kniow a whole lot about what they are, but apparently the Sabbat are sort of the bad guy vamp..er kindred, I mean. The guy's who brought us here the Camarilla, are the good guys. Or at least that's the way it was explained to me."
Re: Chapter 1 - Introductions Are a Plus

Eve nodded and sat back down, "That's how I understand it too. There are three of them, The one that grabbed me..." she groped for the word, "Embraced me, but there was a third one other than the girl. I couldn't see it very well... looked like a shadow." She shivered. Yes, that sounds perfect. she thought to herself, Now Mr. Alexander won't get into trouble. "And apparently there's different clans too. Like Brujah and Toreador. Jack is a Brujah, and Mr. Alexander is a Toreador."
Re: Chapter 1 - Introductions Are a Plus

Remaining standing, unlike the other two, for purposes of her own, Luna began to muse over what she had just been told, devising new questions to keep them occupied until the "Prince" or another newly embraced came.

"Different clans...Brujah and Toreador... Luna wonders which clan bit her..."
Re: Chapter 1 - Introductions Are a Plus

"I didn't even know there were different clans, much less which one got me. So what are we waiting for other than more new kindred do either of you know?" Ronny asks of the others.
Re: Chapter 1 - Introductions Are a Plus

"From what the man outside told Luna, Luna was to wait here until everyone arrived so we could go see "The Prince"..."

Of course, asides from knowing the person who they were going to see, the red-eyed girl also had a faint idea of what the topic to be discussed was, however for the purposes of keeping the details of her conversion secret, Luna opted to leave it at that. No need for the others to know just yet anyway...