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Chapter 3 - Choose Your Poison

Re: Chapter 3 - Choose Your Poison

"Hunh," Claire muttered before folding up the map and pushing it down beneath her stained t-shirt and into her bra. As she straightened her jacket she flicked her eyes over to Fletch.

Re: Chapter 3 - Choose Your Poison

Izzy's eyes trail over to the two men, relaxing a little given that Raven seems to have calmed down as well. Her attention goes back to Ronny, hearing the snap of the pencil.

"Sorry. Here. These are slightly more durable." She digs around in her bag and comes up with a clicker pencil for him. Exchanging the pencil for the article, he can see her skimming over it, but she's probably reading about only half of it. Enough to get details before she tucks it away.

"Well, you've got nothing to really be sorry over. But, thanks for telling me." She fidgets a little while she waits, something obviously on her mind, but for the most part, she's quiet and not bothering him. Heading off anything he might ask, she gestures to the notebook. "Thinking deep thoughts?"
Re: Chapter 3 - Choose Your Poison

Fletch grumbles at Claire and pockets the plans before answering. "Oh, nothing. Is that about... that guy that did stuff?" Well, there's keeping things vague, and then there's keeping things VAGUE.
Re: Chapter 3 - Choose Your Poison

"Yes," Claire responded simply, and smirked, giving Fletch a light tap on the cheek.

"Though tonight may not be the time to discuss it any further,"
Re: Chapter 3 - Choose Your Poison

Alana takes the cups and offers one to Eve before taking the other one to Alize. The Primogen accepts it with a smile as she takes a sip and hands a piece of paper to Alana.

"Please take that to Alexander, Alana. The blood is a little strong but it's very good, Eve my dear. So how have things been going for you since your embrace, anything I can help you out with perhaps?"

A few more kindred have arrived by the time Claire has pocketed the slip of paper. Notably a tall business-like man they remember as one of the other primogen and a shorter red haired woman who is dressed a bit more fasionably though still business-like. Claire gets the feeling that she has seen the man before and it dawns on her that he's the crown prosecutor. They also notice that occasionally some of the kindred will leave in small groups and head towards smaller offices, probably to discuss things out of immediate earshot.

"It's worth a shot, at least I won't have to find a way to sharpen it next time."

Ronny says as he accepts the pencil gingerly from Izzy, almost like he's afraid to break it just by grabbing it.

"Maybe it's not but I still think I should have been more careful, I could have led something much more problematic your way. Would you do me a favor though and don't tell anyone where to find me or our friend. I would owe you."

He goes back to writing with the new pencil while they sit there waiting. He's not exactly hiding whatever he's jotting down but he's not exactly showing it to anyone either, so if Izzy were to try she might be able to see some of it.

"I don't know if they're deep or not but I can always hope that I'm doing a good job. I figured it wouldn't hurt if I tried to figure out some of the other kindred you see. Most of them are pretty tough reads though, so I've started keeping track of my thoughts."
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Re: Chapter 3 - Choose Your Poison

Eve takes a sip, contemplating the blood flowing over her tongue. She swallows and smiled politely. "Things are going fine." she assured the primogen. "There have been a few bumps along the way, but I don't think I've bungled anything too badly. It's difficult to remember things don't work quite the same as before, and how important status and harmony are." She took another sip, suddenly afraid that she'd said too much.
Re: Chapter 3 - Choose Your Poison

The taste of the blood is indeed quite strong and Eve can feel a sensation of power from it. She also feels very strongly about Alize though she's not sure why. ((Eve is now one step bound to Alize, though your character doesn't realize it. She'll now feel strongly about Alize in some way.))

Alana quietly slips out of the room leaving Eve alone with their Primogen to discuss things. Alize keeps smiling as she relaxes on the divan and takes another sip of her blood before responding.

"Delicious isn't it. My sire gave it to me long ago when I was released onto my own. Anyways I'm so glad to hear that you're adjusting. Of course the occasional bump will occur but that's why you have me and the rest of your clan to ease an troubles you may have. I do hope you'll see me as a friend just as you do Alexander, we do have our petty arguments now and then but that's to be expected among our kind. Not unlike your own coterie I'm sure, though the differences are likely to be a bit more pronounced when mixing the clans like that."
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Re: Chapter 3 - Choose Your Poison

"Yeah, seriously. Try and find a pencil sharpener in this day and age." Izzy grins a little, surrendering the pencil to Ronny. "Ah, so you know what happened," she remarks, keeping her voice quiet. "Well, there's a reason she wasn't found right away." She seems a little disturbed talking about the incident, but shakes her head a little, composing herself back to her usual relaxed demeanor. "And don't worry, I won't say anything." She pauses. "Not unless it's absolutely necessary." From the look she gives him, 'absolutely necessary' translates to 'last resort' or 'emergency situation.' "Is he the one you were looking for a not-rat for?"

While she's chatting with him, she does shift her angle a little to get a better peek at what he's got written down. She's only glancing at the notes, though, not really reading them, so it's not likely she'll pick up a lot of what he's got down, just bits and pieces.
Re: Chapter 3 - Choose Your Poison

((Managed to finish it in the car about an hour before we run out of cell service, yay!))

"Huh," River said, standing over Cody's shoulder and reading the email. "Guess I should go then. Not tonight, is it?"

"No, heaven forbid they interfere with the Prince's Elysium. Speaking of, you should probably make an appearance to that, you know. Do send my regards, yes?" He said in his mocking tone, the same one he used everytime Elysium was mentioned.

"Yeah yeah, keep on laughing. But then again, you do talk to him far more often during the week, so I guess it balances out." River shot back, chuckling as she head to the window.

"Well, work with him for twenty years and prove that showing up to elysium isn't worth his or your time, and you may get to stay home as well." Cody teased, tossing her the earpeice, which she deftly caught and put on before climbimg out the window.

"Uh-huh, like he'd think I was useful sitting around the house regardless. I'll just have to live with being watched for the next twenty-some years." She joked, reaching the roof and checking the path she was going to take to elysium.

"No way around it." He continued. "More Miskovsky tonight?"

"Nah, something with a bit more of a beat. How about that song Incubus did for that plane movie? Stealth, right?" She asked.

"Yeah, that's the one. They made two or three for it, I'm guessing you want 'Make a Move", I'll throw it on." He said, a few seconds later, the music came on. River started bobbing her head and tapping her foot. "Yep, very nice." She said, then started on her way to elysium.


River took the rooftops most of the way to Elysium, dropping down a building or two away and walking up to Jack. "Hey there Jack, how's the night treating ya?" She asked, pulling out her pistol, a new stake to replace the one she had lost last week, two talon-shaped flip blades, and a switchblade from verious pockets and folds in her outfit and passing them over.

Once Jack was done making conversation (and checking for any other weapons), she'd move on inside and find a seat off to the side, stretching out as per usual.
Re: Chapter 3 - Choose Your Poison

"Yeah Lucky told me about it, though I did have to piece most of it together on my own. And yeah he was who the not-a-rat was for."

The notes are in bullet style though they seem pretty simple. Basically it looks likes a list of the names of various kindred and what are probably Ronny's impreesion of what they are like. Some of them even have clans and favors owed to them by other kindred. Most of the names she recognizes like Jack and Vincent, though there are quite a few she doesn't know as well.

"So anything else happen during the week? I haven't heard much except for something about Fletch having troubles with some anarchs. Heard a couple of the Primogen arguing about what should be done about it."

((Ah you snuck in while I was posting. Have fun and don't get eaten by any bears, I hear it's bad for your health.))
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Re: Chapter 3 - Choose Your Poison

Eve sets the drink down. "I'm sorry. It's just a bit strong for me." It isn't bad, and Eve thinks it is fucking delicious. But it was almost like drinking blood with alcohol in it, and she doesn't like the buzz very much. She grins at the mention of her coterie. "We might clash, but usually we get along fairly well and I'm more than willing to stick up for them." She laughs a little. "I get attached to people far too easily to just let them go their separate way. Especially considering the conditions of our Embrace." Then she frowns. "I like being friends with them, especially Fletch. I hope he doesn't get orders from him clan to stay away from me after we kill The Bitch together." Then she smiles a little again. "I hope I don't get orders to stay away from him. He's a good friend. I'd hate to have to get fried because I disobeyed a clan rule."

And this is why she hates that buzzed feeling. She talks too much.
Re: Chapter 3 - Choose Your Poison

"Well, well. My old boss... of a sorts... is here. And probably still my boss, of a sorts. Ain't unlife a fucking cunt," Claire snorted as her eyes caught the Crown Prosecutor.

Finally she looked over at Fletch again.

"God damnit man. This place sucks. I wonder if we can end it with everyone staring at us again,"
Re: Chapter 3 - Choose Your Poison

Alize listens to Eve talk an almost devilish smile playing across her lips, as Eve finishes though she bursts into laughter.

"Oh dear, I'm sorry. No you won't get into any sort of clan trouble for being around with your coterie. The coterie is the Camarilla on a much smaller scale, multiple clans working together towards a common goal. Exactly as my illustrious ancestor, Rafael De Corazon, suggested we should work. Now I simply must ask who is "the bitch" that you seem so intent on committing violence against?"
Re: Chapter 3 - Choose Your Poison

"I figured it was best not to get involved. Even calling in an anonymous emergency call likely wouldn't have been to anonymous and, well, it's a little difficult to be a witness when you can't go out during normal business hours." She's quiet a moment, thoughtful. "Ronny, you have any idea how long Lucky's been around?" After that, she'll think about his question. "Not particularly. The usual, at least for me. School. Hunt. Homework. Here." She chuckles. "Fletch had anarch trouble, huh? When was this?" She gives a small "Huh" at the response. "Maybe that's why Vincent was tearing across town that way like a bat outta hell." Her brows furrow a little bit. "I guess Claire and Eve ran into a bit of trouble, too. That bit out by the old fort? Claire's claiming it was a set up, but I honestly don't know what to believe about it." Her tone, which might actually seem like she's not taking her coterie-mate's side, doesn't match the expression that Ronny's getting, eyes and furrows that seem more concerned than she's letting on.
Re: Chapter 3 - Choose Your Poison

Fletch casts her a look. "Well, you don't have your shotgun with you," he grumbles. "This'll make it a bit more difficult. Me, I want to hear what they'll do with the Anarchs 'round my garage."
Re: Chapter 3 - Choose Your Poison

Eve's lips twitch in a smile, glad she hasn't offended the primogen with her diarrhea of the mouth. "Mist. The cretin that buried Fletch for fun and it was her and two others that that destroyed my life and put a dent in my bug. She's the only one left, as far as I know, and Fletch and I are going to make her regret it."
Re: Chapter 3 - Choose Your Poison

Alize nods as though she understands when Eve explains who she meant by "the bitch". Finishing her blood she sets the empty glass on the table and smiles as she stands.

"I'm so glad we've had this chance to chat Eve but we really should be getting out to our audience. Just remember to be careful, we don't want our clan punished for anything. If you get in trouble or need help in any way please remember that I am here for you. Now could you help me with my hair? One of the few problems with unchanging beauty is that it's eventually going to be out of style."

"Yeah I don't blame you for not getting involved, seems like it would more trouble than it's worth."

Ronny says in regards to the girl who died, he thinks for a second before answering her question about Lucky.

"Not a clue to be honest with you. I honestly don't think anyone knows about him outside of us and some of the anarchs. I'm not even really sure if he's a Nossie, he's a bit easier to look at if you know what I mean."

After responding that it was the same night to her question about Fletch's anarch troubles. He listens to her explain about Eve and Claire's troubles before responding.

"Damn I knew I should have given Eve my number when I had the chance last week. I guess there's no harm in not learning till now though, seeing as I haven't had any problems. Did Claire say who she thinks set them up or give any details? Maybe we should go and find a place to talk with everyone where we don't have to be so quiet?"
Re: Chapter 3 - Choose Your Poison

"Well, he does seem to be worried about Vincent, but then, most sane people likely should be," she says with a slight bit of a chuckle. Seems she's letting the subject of the dead girl drop for now. "Just wondering, I guess. Doesn't really make much of a difference to me, though if he's not, what would he be?"

At his suggestion of getting together and talking, she nods. "No theories yet. Just a note taunting them about it. But, looks like it'll have to wait until after business is done, but we can likely wrangle up the others and pool resources, maybe. That is, if we can get Claire to stick around. She bolts out of here faster than I leave class some nights." She chuckles.
Re: Chapter 3 - Choose Your Poison

"Doesn't take a shotgun to earn some stares Fletchy. Come on now, lets gather the coterie," Claire said, walking quickly over to Ronny and Izzy, sliding into a chair beside the woman and glancing past her to Ronny, and his notes.

"My my fancy pants... and shirt. What cha writing?" she asked casually, fingers drumming on her knees, flakes of dirt falling from her pants as she did so.
Re: Chapter 3 - Choose Your Poison

As soon as Eve helps her Primogen get the wig on straight, she and Alize make their way out to join the rest of the court fro the evening. Alize gives Eve on final reassurance that everything is fine and to be careful she heads towards one of the other back offices with the other Primogen.

Ronny shrugs his shoulders at Izzy's last question of what Lucky could be, before nodding his head about getting together to discuss things. As Claire comes up Ronny doesn't stop his writing or pay any more attention to her than he has been Izzy, though he does smile and say.

"Oh just trying to decide what would be the best way to frame you for violating the masquerade, thereby taking away any and all freedom you currently possess."