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Chapter 5 Home is where the Heart is (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

The paperwork seemed mostly about expense and notes on the exotic animals. Rikke noted that several of the papers mentioned giant insects from the amazon as well as crocodiles and a large water animal called a hippo. Another paper talked about the feeding expenses for something called an elephant and detailed notes on how they tried to cross breed it with something called a mammoth. The notes included very detailed anatomical charts. 'OOH that boy sure has a big dick. What do you say Rikke have you ever tried it with an animal?' now was not the time for such thoughts but she had to admit it was insanely and freakishly large. Putting her mind back on task it seemed the only predators where the crocodiles insects and lions.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

'Humm... so I wonder... if it catches us. Would it try to fuck us? How--' 'When did I allow you to talk freely? Hummm?' honestly this was NO time for such thoughts... what the heck was she thinking in the first place!

Shaking off the thoughts to the best of her abilities Rikke would lead he little expedition onward, through the tall grass. Perhaps their path would open up beyond it "Everyone stay close once we enter. Janet watch the back, Jessica and me will take care of the front. Kat you keep your nose and ears peeled, everyone else stay with the group at all cost."
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke gathered up the girls and headed out into the grass. It was disconcerting at first as the grass was far taller than any of the girls but soon Kat spoke up. "You know this reminds me of home before I escaped. I spent a few weeks lost in the grass sea before finding my way out and into Crolia." All the girls looked at Kat a look of horror on their faces. Kat put her hands over her mouth but the damage was done. There was a rustle of grass seemingly all around the girls their senses putting them all on edge.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"Stay frosty girls. Just keep going forward, we'll be out of here in no time" her eyes were of little use, but the girls hearing was at it's very peak. If something came at them she'll hopefully pick it up on time...
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

A growl echoed around them as the girls kept moving forward. The tall grass made it hard to move through and the most speed they could make was a walk. Kat was shivering lightly as she walked the growls getting to her more than ever but she was also sniffing and breathing heavy. "Kat come on don't think about it now is not the time fort that." Looking back Rikke could see the cat girl head a healthy blush on her face and notice Erika had one as well though hers was not nearly as pronounced. "But his smell is so strong I can't help it." Something was going on with the two girls.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

'I wonder what the king of the beasts musk smells like...' 'Now is not the time!' Rikke turned to the two girls, knowing the corrupt creature habbits chances are they had very potent pheromones. Why Kat was affected was fairly clear, but Erika too?

"Sylphie! Help Erika and Kat out! Cover their noses, but let them breath. 'kay dear?" Rikke turned to her slime girl. If she cut off the smells the two girls should be able to focus. Worst comes to wear Sylphie could drag them out of here, before they do something stupid...
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Perception -8 due to limited visibility.
Rikke and crew (for the sake of ease I will use the highest amongst the group and just roll alot) Highest roll is 45 vs 56 fail!

Sylph did as asked much to the two girls dismay but what damage was done Kat's face was flushed still no doubt the pheromones had triggered something in her. Erika however seemed to recover fairly quickly. Growls where getting louder and Kat struggled a little more her face twitching her tail flicking in the air. Things seemed to quiet down quiet a bit when a large growl filled the air. Grass parted in a flash and Sylph yelped in pain as a large blur pounced threw the grass. Rikke caught a glimpse of tentacles and a large feline body before it was gone. This cause absolute panic to break out and all the girls rand blindly forward leaving utter chaos in their wake. Thankfully Alice, Cassandra, Jessica, and Janet maintained their composure and fell back to Rikke forming a slight circle. "It got Kat!"
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"Sylphie!" Rikke instantly reacted to her goo girl getting hurt, still more importantly Kat was nabbed! "After it!" for all the girls knew there was only one enemy in the bushes and with it's victim caught it was likely less a threat.

Still perhaps the girls could follow the grass where it was spread otherwise Kat was in BIG trouble...
After it!
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

The girls paused a moment "What about the others?" Alice was right Erika Naomi and Sylph had run off. It was Rikke's call though it had to be made fast.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"Trust them, they're more than capable of taking of themselves! Come on! Kat was caught!" it was choice between helping an ally who was caught and just being overprotective of the other girls. She wasn't sure about Erika, but bothh Sylphie and Nayomi were strong fighters they should be fine.

"Or one of you girls go after them and calm them down. They're strong girls, but if they panic they may not realise that!" explanations cost time, time Rikke didn't have "Rest of you come on!" whether the girls followed or not the rogue dashed forward, every moment the trail was running colder. Rikke would keep an eye out of higher ground. Getting up and taking a look around would be a much better option than blindly running through the grass.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Cassandra followed after the other girls leaving Janet and Alice to follow her threw the hole the beast left. It was difficult going the creature was fairly large and left quite the path to follow. Breaking out of the long grass Rikke and her team found themselves near another sunken enclosure. A bronze plate stated something about flightless birds. It was a sandy affair with a small stream running from an unknown source and it looked like a shelter or cave of some sort was down there.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"Alright girls, eyes sharp... this thing know how to sneak and it's BIG..." Rikke turned to her friends and drew her blade. Taking a deep breath she'd lead the girls forward being as quiet as possible.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"Where do we go Rikke?" It was Jessica and her voice sounded confident obviously much had changed while she had been gone. Indeed there where options they could explore the enclosure or make their way around the tall grass it was up to Rikke.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"Definedly not the grass" she turned to Jessica and shined a small smile "This looks like a proper dwelling place for that thing." not to mention it was the best lead they had. The grass trail did lead them here afterall "To this enclosure my dear girls..."

"Come on, hopefully Kat is still okay..." if it had such a potent musk likely it was looking to breed, so Kat should be fine to an extent. 'If we're lucky we might catch them in the act...*small giggle*'
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Getting down to the enclosure took a little effort but they managed to find an over grown stair case that led down. As they got closer the heard moans and growls it looked like Rikke's intuition was right on. The remains of Kat's pack lay shredded on the ground as well as what was left of her cloths. As they got even closer they heard Kat scream out which was matched with a loud growl. The sound of heavy foot falls caused all the girls to duck down as the shadow of the large cat passed near and then was gone.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

'Aw~ we missed it...' Rikke eyes twitched with annoyance at herself... did she really just think that! Still the girl peeked out to look for any danger and would proceed onwards where the moans came from. Hopefully besides getting raped she was fine.

Though as she proceeded onward a horrible realisation came to her mind... there was another victim the cat wanted. ERIKA! "Hurry girls! Make some noise fast! It probably went after Erika!" their trio stood a signifcantly better chance against the creature, it should come protect it's home first before looking for a mate.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

As Rikke broke cover she came across the cum soaked Kat her belly inflated her tongue lolling out of her mouth eyes glazed over. Hearing the commands Rikke's trio of adventures made as much noise as possible causing all sorts of Rukus though there was little shelter to hide from prying eyes if they kept that up.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

They wouldn't be making a ruckus if they wanted to be unnoticed "Louder!" Rikke quickly ran up to Kat to inspect the damage done... judging by her expression she was really well bred 'Hmph... that thing has the endurance of a overexcited virgin. Pff...' Rikke just smirked, she was happy atleast her friend was okay. Even if a little ouf of it. She'd use the rags to help her clean up and push her somewhere aside so she doesn't get caught in battle.

Move Kat aside
Prepare for battle
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

They didn't have to wait long as the beast soon made its appearance looking down at the hero's. It looked almost majestic if it weren't for the tentacles flailing around its twisted form. The beast glared at the intruders and roared. Rikke could bearly see its once tawny fur which had been replaced hardened skin which shifted colors in the light. It was really big probably one of the few big cats Rikke had ever seen.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Well looks like they had it's attention now "Naughty kitty..." the rogue turned to her girls making sure they were ready for battle "Girls... get this things attention." Rikke flipped her silver blade and scanned the creature for any weaknesses and vital points.

With a small distraction Rikke would suddenly rush forward tearing the creature asunder, unless it noticed her attack, it would be dead on the floor in no time.

Sudden strikes! [26(31-5) stealth]
Lightning strikes!