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Chapter 5 Home is where the Heart is (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Re: An Easy Score (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke Stealth vs ??? Perception: 47 vs 34 Rikke success! (epic cock block no midnight ambushes for ???)

Rikke settled into her makeshift bed in the ruins of the peasant housing. The bed while more comfortable than the bare ground still left much to be desired but it would have to do. Taking a sip from her canteen/water skin. Rikke felt the slight grumble in her stomach and chose to eat some of the fruits from the nearby hedge easily sating her hunger. Fed and as comfortable as she was going to get Rikke settled in for the night her torch finally winking out. With the artificial light extinguished and her eyes slowly adjusting to the night Rikke was treated to a vast array of stars vivid in the inky blackness but that was far from the only spectacle presented to her this evening. The nearby hedge was alive with fire bugs flaring their lights in elaborate mid air dances no doubt trying to impress their female counterparts. As sleep finally claimed her eyes Rikke was comforted by the knowledge that this manor was far from a lifeless ruin.

Rikke was crying little hands balled up tight over her eyes. Her mother had cut her hair in a cute little bob and promised they would go to the creek to swim sense she had been a good little girl, but her mother was no where to be seen and Rikke couldn't find her anywhere so she sat and cried. It wasn't long before her tears drew the attention of a stately looking woman with long shimmering raven black hair. She had warm blue eyes and was dressed in a simple but elegant white dress. “Oh dear child why do you cry so?” Looking at the pale woman a sense of calm came over her. “I.. I... I lost my mommy” was all Rikke could get out between sobs. “Oh dear my sweet little thing take my hand well find your mommy but first let us find you someone to play with while I look okay?” Her voice was soft and gentle much like a warm summer breeze and Rikke couldn't help but agree. The woman led Rikke over a small rise where four other little girls seemed to be playing and two other woman stood watching them laughing. Dressed in similar white dresses as the Raven haired woman they greeted her approach with cheerful waves. One of the young girls dressed in blue ran up to the raven haired woman and shyly grabbed her leg hiding herself somewhat from Rikke. “Mommy who is that? The young girl asked. The young girl dressed in blue could have been a mirror image of the raven haired lady if she where older and eyed Rikke from behind the safety of her mothers dress. “Oh Sarah you shouldn't be so shy around people.” Placing a hand on the young girls rump and giving a gentle constant push gradually placed Sarah in front of Rikke. “Sarah this is Rikke she got separated from her mother. Now introduce yourself properly”. Giving a little look up at her mother for encouragement Sarah stepped forward and gave a little curtsy. “Hello Rikke I’m Lady Sarah Pesli. Pleased to make your aquan aquan...” Stumbling on the last word the young girl looked up at her mother. “Acquaintance dear. Your getting better and better you have it down in soon. Now Sarah love take Rikke to meet your friends and ask Mellisa and Leann to meet me up here.” “Okay” and before she knew it Sarah was running full tilt down the hill pulling Rikke with her. Down at the bottom of the hill the little girl named Sarah run over to the older woman and spoke briefly before waving and heading to the three girls playing in the grass pulling Rikke along with her. The two older women looked on in amusement as Sarah pulled Rikke along. One of the women had long butt length blonde hair. Her skin was sun kissed from many days exposed working outside and while more weathered still was very attractive. The other woman had fairly long reddish hair styled in a tight bun at the base of her head and her skin was still pale as the moon and nearly blemish free. Both had vivid green eyes and warm smiles.

Rikke's new playmates had very similar traits as their mothers but in miniature. The first girl she was introduced to was Emma. Emma had deep green almost emerald eyes with butt length platinum blonde colored hair. She was wearing a brown dress and had ring of small white flowers placed on her head. She was friendly and energetic. The other two girls had red hair styled in offset pony tails one girls was on the left and the other girls was on the right. They both had hazel eyes and spattering of freckles under they eyes and on their noses. Introduced as Gloria and Loria they had a mischievous look to their eyes but their smile was genuine and friendly. Dressed in forest green they seemed to be more heavily built than either Sarah or Emma. Both of them had varied wildflowers formed into a ring and placed on their head like Emma. Emma was the first to speak after Rikke introduced herself. “Hi Rikke I’m sorry we didn't have enough wildflowers to make you a headband but look at the one we made Sarah isn't pretty maybe we could find some more latter and make you one.” Emma pulled purplish flowers formed into ring from behind her back and placed in on Sarah's head who in turn did a little pirouette to display her new head gear. “Its lovely Emma Ill cherish it always.” With that aside the girls played well for many hours until the sun began to set. Saying her goodbyes to Emma, Gloria, and Loria Sarah began to lead Rikke back up the hill when three screams disrupted the tranquil air. Spinning around to see what happened Rikke spotted a giant Onyx skinned man with horns and flaming red eye holding Emma, Gloria, and Loria in one massive arm. All three where screaming and crying while the Demon laughed at their plight. Next to the Massive demon a smaller one stood Leather onyx wings stretched out behind her. Onyx horns broke her inhumanly pale skin, A long red tongue licked luscious black lips as similir onyx colored razor sharp nails tweaked the blackened nipple on one of her massive breasts. Attached together by a silvery chain they both jiggled and moved together as she played with one . A long spade tipped onyx colored tail soon wrapped its self around the succubus leg and entered her silvery priced sex drawn out a seductive moan. Bending over at the waist the succubus opened her red eyes and looked directly at Rikke beckoning her with one finger. A little squeal of fright alerted her to Sarah desperately clutching at her leg. “Don't let them get me Rikke they hurt my mommy and daddy”

Rikke woke with a little jolt the morning dew shaken off her weather treated blanket. Her Sudden movement disturbing a mouse that had found its way into the pouch she had recovered in the barrack. Spare bullets lay scattered about her hovel as well as something glittery in the early morning half-light. Blinking the sleep away from her eyes Rikke eye the scene before her. All was still little birds chirped from the nearby bushes her alarm trap dripped from morning dew. It was a new day alright and despite some soreness from yesterday Rikke was soon full of her typical energy.

Hp: 44/44 Ep: 36/36 Pp: 36/36 Conditions:
Re: An Easy Score (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

A dream…’ Rikke wearily rubbed her eyes and yawned ‘It was just a dream… a wierd one to boot too’. Throwing her “blanket” aside she wasted no time getting up. The gentle morning breeze sneaking into her hovel seemingly just to caress her exposed body. ‘C-cold!’ Rikke grabbed her arms and quickly made way for her gear. ‘…how early is it anyway’. Rikke vigorously squeezed into her tight leather armor, the formed dew chilled her whole outfit, giving it exactly the get-up-and-go spark she needed. Excluding a cold shower, this was the next best thing to wake her up.

The lifeless manor grounds of yesterday seemed to be much more alive that morning. As the utter silence was broken by quite a few little birds chirping away and the occasional bug buzzing by. Was it the early morning that gave way such a change, perhaps yesterday she only came here at a wrong time. Nevertheless, fresh morning air, a good night of sleep and a brighter atmosphere than ever before – Rikke was in best of spirits.

The centerpiece of the adventure stood before her, as unwelcoming and gloomy as ever. No longer such a stranger Rikke knew the names of the previous lord and lady of the house, their loyal servants, the joy that once took roost here… also the sad and tragic fall of the manor, final moments of some of it’s denizens. ‘Magic gone wrong…’ Rikke gulped ever so slightly, looking back at the barracks a shiver broke out through her body… what if the manor was just another tomb.

Mustering up her determination and courage Rikke, decided to finally enter the old Manor. Not through the front door mind you, experience and stories taught her that would almost always end badly. The best course of action would be to enter through the servants entrance. “Sword – check, rope – check, torches – check. Alright! Here we go Rikke.” with that the final act of her adventure took off…
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Re: An Easy Score (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke adjusted her gear making sure everything was in place for her entry in the manor. Frowning slightly at the mess the little mouse had Rikke quickly picked up the pouch see had acquired from the barracks. The industrious little rodent had gnawed through the bottom of the pouch ruining it for good. Holding the bag away from her in disgust Rikke saw silvery chain hanging out of the bottom of the pouch. Investigating the pouch turned up three silver chains one with purple crystals in the shape of flowers and the other two with yellow crystals also shaped like flowers. A brief feeling deja-vu assailed Rikke before quickly pocketing the chain tiaras with a “Lucky”.

The trip to the ruined kitchen was uneventful the damp grass merely soaking her boots being the only discomfort. Standing before the ruin Rikke tried her best to figure out what had caused it to collapse. Noting many scorched blocks and chaired beams fire looked to be the main cause but why hadn't the rest of the manor gone up in flames with it? Not wanting to delay herself over a question she may never be able to answer Rikke squeezed her way threw the ruins until she came to an open area. Her first guess that this used to be a kitchen was spot on. Discarded pots and pans lay about the room some dented as if used as a weapon. No bodies where present but a nearby work station had the remains of a black uniform clearly design for a woman’s figure lay ripped to shreds. Strange unidentifiable stains on the floor and walls. Everything had a thick coating of dust and despite the discarded cookware the only other things of note where two doors on opposite sides of the rooms leading in the same direction. While pondering which door to check first Rikke could feel her pocket holding the chains heat up. What could be causing that?

Hp: 44/44 Ep: 36/36 Pp: 36/36 Conditions:
Re: An Easy Score (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Usually whenever she’d find herself in a kitchen, Rikke would check for any possible snacks, maybe some kitchen ware… but in this place she was going to have to give a pass on the snack searching, unless one finds snacks that are so molded and rotten that they just might grow some legs and skitter away, appetizing. The image of her fighting off a rabid sandwich, squeezing out a lighthearted giggle.

Rikke was no doubt relieved at the lack of blood or carnage, though there were some odd stains scattered about the kitchen, but hey it was a kitchen, there’s plenty possible culprits for the stains.

What the…” Rikke looked towards her pocket as the jewelry from earlier started emitting noticeable amounts of heat. Something was off here, Rikke quickly emptied her pocket on the nearest flat surface and checked the chains “Okay, jewelry usually doesn’t act like that.
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Re: An Easy Score (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke quickly emptied her pockets to see what was going on. As the jewelry left the confines of her pocket it erupted in a bright light temporary blinding Rikke from the sudden shift from dark to light. Blinking a few times as her eyes adjusted to the new light Rikke was soon able to see clearly again. The three chain tiaras each glowed with a bright light. The two yellow crystal ones gave off a more golden light while the purple one gave a softy more silvery moonlight glow. Hazarding a quick touch after a moment of unease Rikke found that each where cool and didn't burn. Puzzled why they had reacted so violently in her pocket gave her a pause. Maybe when all three where together they fed of each other. That might be why they had been in such a thick bag. All three tiaras lay on the workstation where they had been tossed casting bizarre shadows from their location. Each was far brighter than any torch Rikke had used. Still they where bright enough to draw attention as well. Humm whats a girl to do.

Hp: 44/44 Ep: 36/36 Pp: 36/36 Conditions:
Re: An Easy Score (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Carrying great big beacons of light was bound to catch a few eyes. Magic does have a nasty tendency to leaving remnants whenever it goes haywire… then there was that shadowy presence from back when she arrived.

It didn’t take a mage to put together that these tiaras were obviously infused with a heavy duty dose of magic. Usually avoidant of anything magic related this didn’t seem like it was malignant or dark in nature. If nothing else it would prove a useful tool for blinding foes or scattering dark magic (well at least Rikke hoped it would) . But that bothersome great big light emission was a no, no for someone reliant on stealthy approaches. Toches while still granting significant light were not nearly this bright and were easily discarded or removed.

If together you shine, then separated you should return to normal.” Though separating them while keeping them close enough if she quickly needed them would need creative problem solving. Looking over her, the few suitable spot would be her coin pouch, her pocket… and the last one well maybe she could just wear it like it was supposed to be.
Though perhaps she’d think of more ways to transport the magic items.

Either way it was best to keep moving…
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Re: An Easy Score (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Shifting her weight from foot to foot lightly biting her right index finger. Left or right left or right. She was having trouble making up her mind, both doors looked identical giving no outward indication as to where each led.

Placing each Tiara in separate pouches and pockets visibly dimmed the ambient light till she was left with the purple flower tiara its soft silvery light filling the room. It wasn't as harsh as the other two its silvery light making the former dark purple crystals take on a more light purple hue. "What to do with you?" Feeling the best place for this one was to wear it. Placing it on her head hesitantly Rikke found while not a perfect fit it still rested comfortably on her head. Breathing a sigh of relief that her head didn't burst into flames the moment it touched her head. Focusing on the sneaky task ahead Rikke found the tiara's light visibly dimmed. "Humm?" Removing the tiara bathed the room in bright silvery light again.

Hp: 44/44 Ep: 36/36 Pp: 36/36 Conditions:
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Re: An Easy Score (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Oh~ fancy…” it seems the 3 magic items didn’t have to be in a very close proximity to each other to light up. “Please don’t combust, please don’t combust….” Rikke silently whispered to herself as the tiara once more, ever so gently, was placed on her head, once more greatly reducing its emitted light.

Failing to control her excitement Rikke actually, let loose a small clap. Well it was just so perfect! Not only was the light bright enough to see what's around her, it provided a small enough effect not be quite so obvious AND freeing her torch carrying arm. “This tiara is so adorable!” a small giggle escaped her, if only she had a mirror...well atleast one that wasn't shattered to no end, a curtsey and wink would've been sure to follow. She now had a cute and girly way to see in the manor.

As the excitement subsided Rikke remembered where she actually was – a abandoned old manor, which likely got ransacked and destroyed by magical beings. Taking a deep breath Rikke decided to proceed through the door on the right.
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Re: An Easy Score (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Stylish new headgear in hand Rikke proceeded through the right door and after about 10 feet was confronted with a destroyed linen closet its contents dumped on the floor. To her left however was a long hall way with several very small rooms attached to it. Each room with exception of the last had two beds and two dressers and a single nightstand holding a candle or two. The last room was the biggest of the four and contained a desk and a single large bed. Various documents lay on the desk looking to more expense and grocery lists nothing of to much importance. A roster of the servants with the only noticeable thing being they all where female. Two more shredded black uniforms lay near the large bed with the strange stains from the kitchen here as well and in larger quantities. Every room with the exception of the last one had been thoroughly ransacked but thankfully no bodies where present here.

If you want to come up with names for the servants go ahead

Hp: 44/44 Ep: 36/36 Pp: 36/36 Conditions:
Re: An Easy Score (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Is this the girl living space… or were the Peslies really consistent about their servant gender.” Rikke thought to herself as she looked over the roster. Most of the rooms had already been ransacked, the last room however held some promise. Perhaps she could find something of value here.

Looking over the room the shredded uniforms near the bed and the stains caught her attention. “These again… The same stains as the kitchen” looking over the scene Rikke concluded these were telltale signs of the invaders being here “…what happened to you girls.” she uttered to herself in a hushed manner, picking up the more intact of the two uniforms, and quickly glancing over it. Making out whatever she could from it, she placed the uniform back down and surveyed the room once more.

Still, her real objective in the room were any drawers, dressers, boxes. “If I was a expensive jewel, where would I be hiding...” maybe if she had more light… “Oh wait… idea~.” Rikke removed her new tiara as it suddenly bather the whole room in it’s brilliant light, if there was some treasure in her she’d see it. Otherwise she was done here.
Re: An Easy Score (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke perception vs ??? Stealth: 40vs40 Success! Gain 50 denari

Rikke studied the ragged uniform in great detail noting it seemed to be made of cotton. Other than being ripped apart the only other interesting thing was it was a little firm where the uniform had been resting on one of the stains. Tossing the rag aside Rikke continued on her search for something worth well something. Searching the drawers, closets, boxes, and even under the bed turned up nothing. Hopeing that a little extra light might turn up something Rikke removed her glowing headgear. Light reached its full brightness as soon as it left her head but even the extra glow revealed nothing. "No wonder this room was left untouched there’s nothing in here". Rikke huffed loudly crossing her arms around her chest and gave a little stomp of frustration. While her search turned up nothing her stomp cracked a weakened floor board causing a night stand to become unbalanced tossing its contents on the floor. The crisp clang of coin reached Rikkes ears as she bent down to inspect the cascade of items. Picking through the items revealed a hollowed out book with a coin pouch. The book ironically was called how to clean messy persistent stains. Rikke's face broke into a cute smile which was quickly followed by a Lucky. Moving out of the room and back to the kitchen Rikke opened the left door. A short but wide hallway greeted her its floors covered with broken china and silverware scattered about. A small stairway led down and another door lay ahead.

Sorry for the long wait had a very busy day. Alright! on our second page for the thread.

Hp: 44/44 Ep: 36/36 Pp: 36/36 Conditions:
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Re: An Easy Score (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"Somewhere, somehow a chef is crying...." Rikke looked over the shambles of fine dinnerware covering the hall, in a almost sorry manner. Some of these dishes were obviously exceptionally expensive in their time.

Soon upon entering the hallway Rikke came upon some stairs leading down. “And where would you take me…” Rikke leaned over the railings to downstairs. “Hum… If back there is the kitchen, then this is…” her eyes fire up with greedy intentions, as a enthusiastic grin spreads across her face “The Vine cellar!

Now Rikke isn’t quite the drink loving girl, but some aged wine from these long abandoned ruins, that just HAS to have quite the hefty price for a collector or some fat cat. With all the possible denarii gleaming in her eyes, Rikke jumped over the railing she was leaning and went downstairs to investigate.
Re: An Easy Score (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke hopped over the railing and gracefully landed on her feet which was no small accomplishment considering the mess scattered all over. Making her way down the rest of the debris covered stairs she quickly came to a thick door with a note tacked to it. "Please close the door while working in or leaving the storage cellar" the note was still easily read even after all this time and caused Rikke to wonder why they needed to keep the door closed all the time. Nudging the heavy door open a quick blast of cool stale air rushed out bringing with it the smell of the cellar. Quickly squeezing in Rikke soon found her self in a cellar that looked to stretch the entire length of the kitchen. A large block of ice... that moved around! A sharp gasp caused the vaguely humanoid ice block to look in her direction before it began another slow ponderous route around the cellar. Rows of wooden shelving lined with intricate glowing writing covered each wall. Each shelf was packed with food stuffs. Some of the shelves had collapsed their contents long lost to rot but most seemed to be in perfectly good order if a little sparse. In the distance Rikke could make out her goal at the very back of the cellar. A large wall mounted wine display still holding some wine rest apparently undisturbed by the icy giant.

Hp: 44/44 Ep: 36/36 Pp: 36/36 Conditions:
Re: An Easy Score (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Please don’t come, please don’t come… PLEASE DON’T COME…’ Covering her mouth with both arms, Rikke eyed the thing with fear-stricken eyes, before it lumbered away. Relieved her legs nigh gave way as she almost collapsed on the spot “The first actual living thing I come across and it’s somekinda giant ice creature of death” she mumbled to herself in a "why me" kind of way.

About to call it quits on the basement, her prize caught Rikke's eye… it was just so nearby! Maybe she could do a quick in and out. “Now, now. Rikke. Girl. Tip number 6 don’t be greedy.” Slowly nodding to herself she was about to leave, but 'Just this once' a small mischievious smile crossed her face, as the allure of easy riches overpowered her. To be fair, the creature did seem slow and this place had more than enough shadows and cover. How hard could it be to sneak past the lumbering guardian
A moment of thought and her plan was set: use the slight gap she used to enter in the door for a light source, the removed tiara would create a brilliant ray of light providing light for reference but not break the shadows. And monitor the creature guard routes, to slip past more easily. It was time for some grade-a sneaking action!

If the creature doesn't return for awhile she'd just get tired of waiting and procced. Rikke is hardly patient.
Re: An Easy Score (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke stealth vs Ice Elemental: 44vs25 success!

Rikke watched the icy guardian move about the room noting that his course never deviated his stride never faulted. Gazing at the floor Rikke soon noticed the smooth ware from the guardians constant patrol. Spotting an opening Rikke dashed stealthy across the room to the wine rack. Her prize insight quickly grabbed several of the nearest bottles before coming across a small door that was locked. Undoubtedly the good stuff was inside. See could attempt to pick the lock but any difficultly would mean the icy guardian would be close at hand or she could settle for what she has and leave.

Hp: 44/44 Ep: 36/36 Pp: 36/36 Conditions:
Re: An Easy Score (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

'I spy with my little eye...' Rikke flashes an confident smile at her new target. Tempting fate was indeed a fun past-time, but one Rikke execises rather rarely. Her success at sneaking by earlier might've stroked her ego a bit too much.

Dashing shadow to shadow Rikke reached the door, delaying her lockpicking till the guardian slowly lumbers by... 'And~ GO!'
Re: An Easy Score (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke Stealth vs Ice Perception: 36 vs 32 success! Barely
Rikke Picklock automatic success!
Rikke Stealth vs Ice Perception: 38 vs 31 success!

Rikke waited in the shadows for the Icy guardian to make another pass before dashing to the locked door. Getting to work quickly she soon had the door unlocked and propped open. A meager sight greeted her only two bottles lay behind the door. Not staying put for long Rikke grabbed up the two bottles and quickly dashed to each shadow behind the Icy guardian till she was back at the heavy door. Giving the icy guardian a dashing smile and a cute curtsey Rikke made her way back up the stairs.

Adjusting the straps of her bag to accommodate the new weight Rikke decided to move on. The next door before her looked very ornate and styled it brass handle still gleamed under a thin coating of dust. Turning the handle she found her self in large dinning hall with double doors in the middle of the far wall. Numerous well stuffed oak chairs lay scattered across the room most broken beyond repair. The long table its self was broken in the middle its long formally white table cloth bunched in the middle. The table lay in an large shallow V at the center a nearly intact maid uniform and skirt lay in a large stain that surrounded center of the destruction. Claw marks made by human nails etched the polished surface of the table at all manner of angle.

Hp: 44/44 Ep: 36/36 Pp: 36/36 Conditions:
Re: An Easy Score (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

The hall may no longer be much to look at now, but back in its prime this would be one of the jewels of the manor. The sides decorated in fine artwork, the fine oak chair lined up in perfectly around the table…

Sliding one finger across the ruined table Rikke continued to fantasize – The table would covered in only the best china, the cooks would layer the table in delicacies from all over the world as a handful of servants would buzz around fulfilling every whim the masters would ask… speaking of which.

Rikkes finger could no longer reach the tables surface, she reached the epicenter of whatever happened here. “Those stains again…” looking over the crashed site a wild idea crosses her mind ‘The look, the color, the effect on clothes…always near ripped womens clothing’ a light gulp escapes her as her face slightly blushes ‘But it’s all over the place, so all th—‘ Cutting off the thought herself Rikke quickly shaked her head “Rikke whatcha thinking about.” “N-nothing” “Pervy girl…” embarrassed she continued onward out the room.
Re: An Easy Score (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke attempted to clear her mind and move on. Passing through similar brass handled double doors both beautifully carved with gentle country scenes. Rikke found the main entry hall as well as her first body.

The main entry hall was dominated by a large staircase that could fit about four people abreast walking up or down at the same time. The first flight of the stairs led to a landing with some sort of stone statue hat was hard to make out from Rikke's position on the ground floor. At the landing the stairs split in two one set heading up to the right the other to the left where they joined the second floor. A narrow balcony connect the two sections of the second floor with a commanding view of the entire stairway and front entry hall. A life size painting of the Lord and Lady Pesli stood silent vigil over the abandoned manor. The Lord's side of the painting was horrible mauled leaving no visual traces with the exception of the commemorative plague at the bottom stating his name. Lady Pesli's side of the portrait was remarkably clean and preserved. Every exacting detail was evident making no mistake of who this could be which only sped up Rikke's heart. The woman in the painting was the Raven haired woman from her dream. Steadying herself once more Rikke continued her inspection out of survival instinct rather than greed that same uneasy feeling when she first arrived had just reasserted itself. Various other artworks and statues lined the entry hall which seemed to stretch father back and around the stairs. A discarded door lay of its hinges just behind the flight of stairs. A long Hallway and two other doors seemed to be on the opposite side of the room.

With the layout of the entry hall in mind Rikke unfortunately couldn't help but look at the body that she had found. The body was nothing more than charred bone. The blacken skeleton was in the middle of the entry hall as if he had just charged through the front doors. He was on his knees his arms splayed out from his body. His hand looked clutched like he was in great pain. His back was arched his face pointed at the ceiling moth agape as if screaming. Large pools of solid metal lay about him and the floor was burned black. Rikke gasped at the horrid sight and began to doubt any money was worth this.

Hp: 44/44 Ep: 36/36 Pp: 36/36 Conditions:
Re: An Easy Score (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke couldn’t help, but eye the charred remains in front of her. Was this a warning? Was this man looting the manor, just like she is now? OR perhaps he was here with ill will towards the spirits or the manor and was punished so… Nevertheless, though disheartened and shaken Rikke continued on. Knowing the manors past, she didn’t expect to explore it and not find a single body, though she’ll never get used to the sight of them, finding this poor unfortunate soul here was no surprise.

Strengthening her resolve she quickly glanced over the corpse, the obviously painful death gave way to an ever growing sinking feeling. Probably the most unnerving part of the site was the cause of death. Unlike the barracks and the clothing she found around the manor, this body was not cut up by claws, THIS was the work of a fire mage. “Encountering a mage of such power… would this happen to me too” dread and despair started clawing at her, but she refused to give the dark emotions way. Gripping her sheath that much harder she approached her second revelation.

Lady Presli, was it really you.” As if wanting to communicate with the painting Rikke peered into the painting. A few brief moments later, she turned her attention to the other side of the painting – Lord Presli. Whoever did all this really had it out for the males, but what happened to all the servant girls?

Looking back at the pristine looking side of Lady Presli a lighthearted thought crossed her mind “Perhaps you’re looking out for the girls, Milady?” Rikkes shy smile cracked the, now darkened, atmosphere. Sure it was just her random musing, but the idea of the highborn lady spirit watching over her, really did wonders for Rikkes resolve.

Be it foolishness, stubbornness, greed or perhaps just willpower and curiosity. Rikke wasn’t going to leave the manor just like that. By now she felt an odd connection to the place and abandoning it half-way was a big no-no. Scoffing at the alluring exit that called out to her, Rikke proceeded up the stairs, taking a the right side at the landing.