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Chapter 5 Home is where the Heart is (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

At the mention of a succubus Cheryl froze a moment. "Oh my!" The pause was only brief but soon enough she kept going with her massage. "Mistress.. there are rumors of a succubus on campus. I heard it mention by one of the other maids. They say she is parading around like one of the students. Of course Im not sure how much of that is true. Rumors abound of the Mistresses." She continued along her elfin figures finding every taunt muscle in her back. At Rikke's invention she moved to the cloths and examined them finding beauty among the items....."Oh my...... She looked at the scabbard before pulling the blade free. and looking it over. "Its very pretty..... carefully she placed it back in its place and set it down. Looking over at her Rikke could see a slight blush on her face. "Well the massage course was as far as I took in that training at the school. After all I do not want to be that type of maid.
A succubus on campus? Rikkes ears almost perked up at the words, as she'd glance aside in thought... A succubus? Could it be.. the woman in white? Though that mussing the rogue kept to herself, as she'd return to her usual casual approach "Succubus? How did you manage to catch those sort of rumours?" the girl smiled as the question certainly was genuine, while at the same time potentially providing some additional lead! If these rumours were true, no doubt the Succubus was involved with the Jericho ploy one way or another!

Still whatever the answer was, the conversation would likely continue unchanged from its course, leading to the question of just how in-touch with her sensual side was Cheryl herself! Though the answer rang as dutiful as ever, spurring a giggle from Rikke, who'd beam the girl a bright smile "I meant off-duty, silly!" she'd clarify, all the while quickly relaxing under Cheryls quite expert touch... as her body seemed to ring subtle pain, before spurring an utter wave of melty relief through her senses "Mmm~ Though I can tell you, whoever gets you will absolutely luck out--- Oh! How DO maids get picked anyway? Are you asigned? Put up ads..?" the later was more than unlikely, yet it did show how little the beauty knew of a maids life!

Though whatever the case may be with their small-talk and conversation unless something else came up, soon enough the massage would absolutely catch up to the rogue as her relaxed body would demand but a single thing - Sleep!
"Well despite how it seems I do have my own classes to attend RIkke. I met up with the girls doing the chores and what not. As for the rumors they say she stalks the maids at their dorms. Supposedly she has yellow eyes." She kept working on Rikke ignoring the question about her personal relationships. Though if Rikke could see Cheryl's face it was as red as a tomato. "Anyway as for recruitment some come here willingly to learn, others are sent and the school sometimes... buys young girls. Though thats probably the wrong term for it.
Rikke snickered at the cheeky remark from her maids own actual activities "I know, I know~ Just didn't think gossip was the maid way." she'd stick her tongue tongue clearly furthering the tease, yet listened to the answer earnestly... Yellow eyes? Wait... Had the rogues memory been any better, she could've sworn she recalled someone with odd eyes! Yes! KAITLYN! There was something about her eyes, yet at the same time the girls frail and weak body hardly echoed the lusciousness of a succubus in any way! "I-I see... and she stalks maids you say? I take it someone 'fell pray' for some surprise midnight fun?" the rogue likely furthered Cheryls blush, as she'd approach the topic with comedy! Even if above anyone else, Rikke was hardly one to poke at someone having 'surprise midnight fun'... Not after the second round she had fallen for!

"Oh... So the University itself er... pays premiums to the girls so they'd represent them?" at the very least the rogue knew the clear difference between slavery and being a maid! Jessica had atleast shared with her that much, if not more! "But in the end you end up going off to unknown houses?.. Why DID you choose to be a maid, Cheryl?" the topic shifted to be a far more personal one, as while the beauty understood some measure why and how such 'buyout' of maids existed... To some degree it was their willful sale of their freedom.
"Well not exactly. I myself was sent by the house I'am a part of. They send all the young girls to the maid training program here. Once I graduate Ill head back home. Most of the girls end up freelance, but the ones the school acquire are more on loan unless their contract is bought out." Cheryl stopped a bit and let Rikke rest a moment, while she prepared some scented oil. "No doubt Ill be in charge of care for one the young misses when I return home. It will be good to see my family and friends. Its been a long four years.
Rikke curiously looked up, as if trying to see Cheryl yet knew her position hardly allowed it... or well she had to remain on her front to allow Cheryl to work her magic properly! "What IS the name of your house by the way?" still as the answered echoed out the only correct response would absolutely be "They're lucky to have you." she'd giggle and smile brightly "I mean it..." as indeed considering the rogues shenanigans, just about any other less lively or welcoming maid would've no doubt tied the beauty down if not flat-out reported her by now!

'Friends and family' the words echoed out in Rikkes mind, as Cheryl uttered them spurring a subtle yearning in the beautys heart... perhaps it would be nice, yet the beauty still all reluctantly remembered the utter weight of responisibilities her titles of old weighted down upon her as... The freedom of journeying onwards with little care or name to always meet had been a liberating experience, yet one that seemed to come at the cost of relative isolation from the old. Both good and bad....

Still as Rikke drifted to the thoughts, she'd no doubt nothing short of purr at the sensual treat of the massage as her tense body was finally given atleast some measure of relief and relaxation... Even if a certain part of her, still burned with a subtle mischievious... and perverse spark!
Cheryl was about to reply when a slight knock on the door echoed out. Rikke couldn't see it but the elf girl frowned a bit her face somewhat flush itself. "A moment Mistress." Cheryl rose her emptiness seeming to fill the room given RIkke's own thoughts. From her reclined position she heard a very brief exchange with Cheryl raising her voice slightly before a very loud apology echoed out. A moment later Rikke was greeted by one of Jericho's maids from the day before and Cheryl who back behind her head bowed. "The Lord requests your presence today Lady Rikke. It would be wise to accept his gracious offer." She waited only a moment for Rikke's response before she commanded Cheryl to get his ready in this. A moment later a absolutely stunning gown was wheeled into the room. It wasn't overly frilly or poofy as she had seen some. Rikke couldn't remember which one this was but her look was very..... aggressive, not to mention the way she had cowed Cheryl with just a few words.
"Mhm~ No rush." RIkke spoke up quite casually, her smile echoing her carefree state of mind at the moment... Yet at the same time, who would drop by her room at this time? She'd not truly think much of it, before hearing subtle hints of the exchange and the sheer fervor with which Cheryls apology echoed out?! The volume of her maids voice spurring the beautys ears to perk up, as she'd return to the present from her absent-minded thoughts, before with puckered lips turning towards the door--- Just as the shadow hinted at her maids return "Hey~ So wh---" the rogues voice froze in her mouth, as the shadow revealed its owner not to be her maid... but a maid of a certain someone else! A maid she recognised from way before!

Rikkes eyes quickly shot wide as she'd yank the tower she was lieing on and quickly pulled it up to cover herself! "O-oh.. Hey--- I mean h-hello?" the beauty spoke in absolutely completely blindsided by the reveal, as indeed there infront of her was one the two 'hounding' maids that followed 'Lord' Jericho himself! From way back in the opening ceremony! Yet her arrival would quickly be followed by an equally shocking 'offer' one that seemed to leave little option to be refuted - a direct invitation from Jericho! Rikke certainly needed a moment or a dozen for the request of her presence to really sink in, yet even before she could figure out how to respond another maid, if not Cheryl herself arrived with a mannequin adorning an absolutely luxurious dress!

Still faced with the dress and the maids almost scornful, if not aggressive gaze Rikke had to quickly gather her presence of mind! "O-Ofcourse!" yet presence of mind or not, she couldn't quite give any sort of different answer! "And the dress?" she'd ask, yet it hardly needed elaborating as clearly this was what she was to wear to this meeting?! Her heart reeling in the sheer twist of events, Rikke hardly had time to fully towel off as with likely Cheryl working with efficiency and coldness she hardly seen the maid work, it wouldn't be long until the rogue adorned the dress in full!

Yet it was then a few key elements of its design absolutely stood out and perhaps further put question, why would the esteemed Lord order one of the students wear quite something... like this? It fit Rikke almost too snuggly and perfectly, the fine dark silks forbidding the rogues bra, while just barely allowing her panties to tarnish its perfectly sculted nature! Fine and delicate the black silks seemed to almost accentuate exactly what sort of supreme body the rogue generally flaunted, but never really showed off in such a manner! From her devious D's being tightly hugged around, almost individually accentuating their round, superior perky nature to how the silks had several designed transparent trails hinting at the super body beneath, all the way to the elegant dress bearing an almost too generous cut-out to show off one of the beautys long legs, leaving the other all the more easily undressed beneath the fine fabric covering it!

The whole visage seemingly completed, by Cheryl quickly fixing up the rogues wild hair slightly to still drive home the certain 'wildness' or 'untamed' natural beauty the girl had... Yet Rikke could only hope that either the maid or Cheryl kept the advanced cosmetics away, before she was presented infront of the maid. Still lightly dizzy from the whirlwind of her being prepared!
Sadly Rikke was not spared the touch of makeup, though Cheryl did her best to kept it minimal to accent her gorgeous features. All the while the other maid watched and soon as Cheryl stepped back to examine her work she was brushed aside by the other who inspected Rikke closely. She seemed to snort before pulling a small box from a pocket and popped it open to reveal some simple earrings. "The master was right as usual these will suit you perfectly. Luckly they clipped on, while a strange feeling she was at least spared having her ears pierced. Rikke wobbled a bit in the strange strappy heels she had to wear with the dress but soon enough the other maid seemed satisfied and soon enough beckoned for her to head out. Sadly Chery was left behind by a firm command and so RIkke had to make this journey alone.

It lead eventually to a small carriage parked out front. It was made of ebony that shimmered in the mage lights at the entrance. Two beautiful white horses sat hat its head. A young man she had never seen before was at the head of the carriage. A moment later Rikke was seated in plush red leather seat while the maid from before stepped in after giving some instruction. With a jolt they where soon off and with out so much as a look her direction she spoke. "I do not see what the master likes about you. Your barely a proper lady and more akin to a wild tramp fit for a street corner." One of her eyes regarded her cooly. "Still it is at my master command that you be brought for dinner. So you will be on your best behavior understood?" The rest of the trip was conducted in silence for the most part unless Rikke had question about the dinner itself. Soon enough however they came to a spacious manor house not far from the school. Pulling up the grand columned structure she was greeted by the other maid who touched up her makeup a bit before escorting Rikke not to the grand dinning hall but to a personal section of the manor and too a balcony with Jericho himself standing to meet her. Dismissing his maid he offered the seat across from his and evening helping her into potion before sitting down again. The table itself only had two glasses on it currently and a bucket full of ice and a chilled drink of some kind. "Ah my dear Rikke. Ive been very busy since our last meeting, finding out all I can about you." He looked at her and almost like a hunter finding his prey. "Sadly there wasn't much I could learn." He smiled and it felt genuine. He poured both of them a drink spilling some a little on his cuff and laughted a little. "Been awhile since Ive poured my own beverages." He slid Rikke's over and leaned back to sip his. "So tell me Rikke where are you from?"
Earrings?! Rikke winced as the sparkling jewelry was revealed, yet thankfully it seemed it was a new design that effectively just squeezed at her ears, rather than pierced? It was a mercy, yet a rather annoying one... As almost instantly the urge to pull them off flared within the beautys heart... Though with everyone nothing short of swirling around her, she'd just need to bear it! All the way up to until she'd feel herself taken by the hand or pushed at her shoulders, allowed just a final worried gaze back at Cheryl!

Still it wouldn't be long until Rikke arrived outside and to the carriage, one she partly expected to meet Jericho in... yet this plan seemed to involve her being taken off the grounds?! As indeed with an echoing 'Hyaaah!' to the horses and the rattle of the wheels seemed she was ferried right off to wherever Jericho waited?! Yet perhaps it was the subtle pain of the ear-rings or the breather of the walk that allowed the rogue to effectively finally catch up to the events! She was all prettied up and off to meet the very same man she was secretly so keen not just to undermine, but ruin entirely! A trip right into the proverbial monsters lair!

Yet a trip that reminded her exactly why she felt so ill-at-ease with the woman, beyond the obvious coldness and smugness radiating off her! Rikkes tongue almost twisted with all manners of potential venomous responses she could give the woman, from mocking teases to direct confrontations! Everything about her put the beauty completely off.... Yet this was indeed a chance to see exactly where the enigmatic Jericho lived! Not to mention a unique chance to see her enemy proper and unclose! Even if the circumstances were far from ideal, the chance just may prove fortuitious and one she'd best not squander! "Crystal." Rikke uttered with a bit of her venom showing, yet with a tight squeeze of the chair and a hateful look at the woman later, she'd cast the gaze aside. This time... only this time... she'd keep her claws and fangs at bay from the woman. This time!

Thankfully the rest of the trip she'd not even have to interact with her, as soon enough nothing short of extravagant opulence revealed itself before the rogue! Yet opulence she had seen from a distance several times by now, as be it living here or only staying... Jericho was just a dozen minute ride away?!.. All this time?! And soon enough he stood there just a short walk away! As indeed with the elegant door opening to the different section, soon enough the rogues heels echoed out throughout a spacious elegant hall with Jericho at a balcony, where he seemed to watch her arrive?

Rikkes eyes soon enough met Jerichos, her body subtly tensing knowing exactly what the man had a hand in... and some worry of exactly why he chose her to arrive here! Was he on to her?... Yet where were the guards? Was this all a show... or had the man some other reason to invite her? Thoughts that grew all the more stronger as the maids that acted as both guards and almost muscle to keep the beauty in check took their leave! Leaving just her and the enemy she worked to destroy from the shadows! Even if the rogue took air to speak, his mute gestures kept her silent as well all the way until she'd finally be seated and he spoke first! Words that certainly spurred the rogues heart to skip a beat at the potential threat of their potential veiled threat or reveal!

"A-about me?" Rikke spoke up, gulping subtly, but kept a bright bluffed smile... Yet his follow-up did calm her down a little "Oh.. unfortunately, I can't say there's too much to learn to begin with." she'd use humility to hide the anxiety of trying to remember all the details Erika taught her! As unexpected it seemed she'd need to follow through on all the lies they made up! "Why... I'm from the Peslie family, we've a small manor in the Arbor Valley." the beauty spoke up with some measure of tenseness, one that could easily be seen as her nervousness at being near someone of such financial might... rather than nervousness of a rogue facing off an enemy that may have clear suspicions of what she had been doing!
"Well that much is clear from student records. I meant something more personal. What are your likes, your hobbies. I myself have always been fascinated by machines. Of course such things probably would bore you." He leaned back and sipped his own wine while the first course of dinner came out. It seemed to be a hearty tomato based soup with little green herbs mixed in. "I see that you didn't choose any electives. Did none catch your eye?" He looked at her his grey eyes focusing on her face. They had a quizzical spark in them. Rikke would answer in her own way. Soon enough though the second course which looked to be a light salad arrived after their soup. "Oh I am very fond of this salad. I had a local garden put in that grows only native produce. I try to use as much native vegetables and herbs that I can. It really gives you a sense of the local taste." He smiled watching Rikke intently. "Have you even met the centaur around here? Most find them brutish and unwelcoming or at least that what the locals seemed to think. Though truth be told I have had several run in's with them as well. I am not sure why they are so unfriendly. My sister has told me not to worry too much about it but alas, I find my curiosity to great, Im hoping to send a new delegation to them, once I find a new mercenary company. The previous one was apparently up to no good and was taken out by a random hero." He smiled wistfully. "To think such people still exist in this world. Its just like the old tales I heard when I was young, about daring adventures and heros."
Rikke looked to the wine offered to her, as the thoughts of it potentially being poison or otherwise ladden instantly crossed her mind--- B-but that would only be the case if he suspected something and not joining in the drink could be seen as not only rude and disrespectful, but also suspicious! The rogues head spun at all the overthinking thoughts, only for a sip from the man to break through the buzz of her mind... Wait, he just... drank it? Rikkes eyes subtly widened as indeed there was no mistaking it! And with the man having poured from a freshly opened bottle right infront of her, her vine would be the exact same!

"Eh?" it was perhaps thanks to some of her classes in this very establishment, that the rogue even knew what an 'elective' was! "O-Oh... Well, unfortunately none of them truly matched my own interests." seeing the vine be pure, Rikke began to turn out of her shook and shift to bluff! After all, this was a chance to learn a tad more of her unknown enemy! As indeed she'd take the glass and taste the vine, no doubt finding it to be among the greats that she had ever tasted! A treat certainly almost too grand for an invitation of a simple student! "Mmm~" she'd let out an almost involuntary praising echo at the taste, before catching herself and returning to the subject Jericho raised "We're a simpler family, so most of these more passive sports are just not really for me." the beauty spoke truthfully, as there did not seem to be a need to lie on the subject.

"Fond of the local tastes, Ser Jericho?" Rikke spoke up, her nervousness having shifted aside from the initial shock, quickly giving way to her more confident and cheeky side "You seem to know so much about me, but I barely know much of you, besides the few deeds and your support of a few projects." the words veiling the truthful load they carried! "Where are you yourself from? What do you truly do?" the rogue uttered her own questions for the man, before sipping a bit more of the vine.

Yet she'd hardly ignore his previous comments "Centaurs... Thankfully, I've little exposure to such ruffians." though as the man spoke he'd quickly reveal a hint of potentially the very same act that placed Rikke on this road to dethrone the rich man! Albeit he spoke as a victim, Rikke knew that all of the caravan was meant for him... 'Unobedient mercenaries' was his story, while what the rogue saw herself was a slave and exotic creature caravan bound for him and him alone! Was this a sugary lie? One aimed to keep him away from the ills he supported and nurtured, or a hint of genuine ignorance? "Still exist? I'd rather not imagine a world where those of brave hearts stop seeking freedom and the sights of the worlds. Where the wicked are free to suppress those weaker without recourse... If these merc took this 'bad route', I'd say a heroine kicking their butts is only just and worth celebrating."
He smiled at her warmly. "So you are found of heroic tales? Ill have to show you the library after our meal. Ive collected many such tales in my time." There where interrupted however by a the main dish being brought to the table. It appeared to be a large fish of some kind, its skin having been brazed on a grill and seasoned. The dish was served to each of their plates while the others where cleared away. "Ah a local catch a Salmon or some such I hear. As for me Im not exactly a local. My family and I come from the west. We moved out here when my sister became ill and was being treated at the old sanatorium. Sadly it was burned down in an accident."

After the fish another meal came out a small bowl of frozen.... something. It was very cold and smelled faintly of milk. It was green and had small dark chips in it. Jericho took a spoon and had a small bite. "Ohh thats better. Getting better every time." If Rikke dared a bite she would taste cream and mint as well as dark chocolate. She would then notice Jericho looking at her expectantly. "Is it good? What do you think of the flavor? Ive been trying to make a machine to keep things cold so I can ship ice, and other things longer distances."
A library?... While Rikke hardly scoffed at adventure books, nay they proved to be one of the highlights of her youth and a story from someone adventure was always a fascinating listen, the beauty wasn't quite as keen to just sit down and read them. Yet it would be a detail Rikke would keen muted, as indeed she'd hardly truly have time to speak up as suddenly the doors opened and fine plates with dome silver covers arrived--- moments later unveiling a dish that made the rogues senses jump on end, her eyes widen and almost her mouth to water! Almost sparkling with its perfect sauce and crust, was a fine fish it's presentation only accentuated by a few herbs, garnish and the very plate it was served! Here the rogue thought the university provided rather high tier meals... this though was a whole different league!

As indeed in a move that no doubt would get her nails hit by a ruler or frowned upon at the very least, Rikke wasted little time to taste and dig into the meal her enemy seemed to carefully to have prepared for her! All the while the man could share his answer about her inquiry, yet even more than the rogue herself he kept it vague--- and moreso, while at first the fine meal almost let the details slip, the beautys ears did indeed perk as the mention of an ill sister came up! This story she knew very well! Yet---

Rikke had to pause as it finally clicked, exactly why Jericho was so difficult to read! Even if her gut reaction always kept him as an enemy, the beautys mind had begun to raise some points against it... Though this story perhaps revealed the secret behind the unreadable mask! The man was always telling half-truths! Half-truths that proved just enough to allow him to keep the air of a honest man, half-truths that allowed him to keep mute far darker aspects of his tales! Was this it... the truth behind the man that stood infront of--- her?!

It would be those very same thoughts that were suddenly interrupted by the delivery of something utterly gorgeous and nothing short of inspiring an almost childish sweet awe! Placed in several balls, topped with what seemed to be some thick melted chocolate and placed inside a fine styled glass seemingly made just for the magnificent dessert! With the delicious distraction, Rikke almost felt her body on her own grasp the elongated spoon and taste what indeed proved to be something unique once again "Mmmm~!" the honest cry escaping the beauty, even if it was something served by an enemy! "What is this?" she'd absolutely have some more, making sure to lick the spoon finely--- incidentally providing a view that certainly could give a darker mind ideas.

"Usually I prefer something far more refreshing and sweet, but~ It's delicious!" Rikke told the man honestly, before looking to Jericho properly "Forgive me strange question, Ser Jericho... But all these meals and delicacies, as well as the unexpected summon. What spurred you to summon and treat me so?" as the question was long overdue, yet now seemed like the best time to ask! What with the dinner being over!
He smiled and enjoyed his much more slowly. "Its called ice cream. I had the joy of experiencing it on one of my business trips. I find this flavor to be my favorite." He smiled and swirled his spoon in the creamy mixture as RIkke asked her other more direct question. "Well to be honest Rikke, ever sense we met at the school.. Ive found myself thinking of your beauty and grace. I suppose you think me the villain for trying to wine and dine you, but I simply want to spend some time with you... maybe even win your heart. You remind me so much of my older sisters maid. I must admit I had a crush on her." He leaned back thinking wistfully. "In truth her memory is why I saved the academy from financial collapse. My sister was against it however, but alas she seems to have let the topic go." He smiled and rose from his seat offering his hand to Rikke. "Come with me I want to show you my work."

If Rikke took his hand the man would lead her down from the balcony to a separate section of the manor. "Now I must apologize its a bit messy in here." Opening the door Rikke saw all sorts of contraptions midway in assembly, their various cogs and wires laid bear and splayed out on tables. One caught her eye was the same machine that she had a run into earlier though this one seemed far more primitive. Thankfully it seemed to be powered down and in disuse. "This is my lab. Here I work on various gadgets and gizmo's. For the most part its just a mess but a few have been viable enough to merit a profit. One more that caught her eye was a carriage with what looked like a large oven tucked in the back. It was currently roped off and the front looked like it had it a large tree from the twigs and leaves tuck in its bent front. Rounding a corner of the lab Rikke saw what apparently Jericho wanted to show her. Standing in center of the room was a large golum like device. "This is my latest project. Ive designed it to work in quarries. Its a bit over sized right now but thats to let me easily work on it. The final product will probably be about the size of a large orc." The iron contraption looked almost skeletal to Rikke's eyes. None of the inner workers where covered even though she could see where they would attach. One arm held a pic axe appendage the other a grasping claw hand. "Im still working on balancing issues. I might have to add a second set of legs to keep it from toppling over. So what do you think? This machine could save hundreds of lives in quarries across the country." Rikke could see an almost eager childish smile on his face.
That was the reason? Beauty and Grace... somehow the rogue suspected the former was the major contributor, yet more importantly because she looked like his youthful crush--- It was then Rikkes eyes widened and body tensed! The maid, the very same girl she had seen in ghostly form and who looked so much akin to her! It wasn't the ghost mimic'ing her, rather was that the very same maid Jericho had mentioned?! Meaning the meeting Rikke dreaded would be among enemies, was nothing more than Jerichos attempt to woo or just be with the girl that caught his eye?! "You flatter me too much, Ser." Rikke instantly shifted her tone, as with there being little threat here it was time to exploit this chance to it's fullest!

As indeed Rikke did take the mans hand, before following him onwards "You mention your sister a fair bit, how is she now?" was this 'sister' the very same girl abandoned in the labs of the ruins? Even if the man proved to be relatively untrustworthy, his words always carried just a little bit of truth... That could prove enough for the time being! Yet whatever opportunistic details the beauty caught of this unknown sister, soon enough the 'Jericho' logo stilled her breath, just as much as her movements! An insignia she recognised, on a device that echoed one she had almost too much exposure with! Yet this lasted for just a moment, as the man seemed to continue stepping forward, spurring Rikke to catch up! The lighting hopefully allowing her blush to remain hidden...

Yet that machine was quickly replaced by another, far larger one and one Rikke couldn't even begin to guess the purpose off... up to the finale massive golem?! "Y-You made all these?" the rogue spoke up, as she'd glance around, up to the man elaborating on his 'newest' or 'main' attraction! "A miner machine?" the girl blinked in surprise as she looked it over, as with its massive size this thing could no doubt function for breaking rocks... Yet just as much its imposing size almost hinted at far different uses! "It's impressive! Though... just a little scary." she'd share her thoughts to see how he reacted "I've... read of creatures of similar bulk and all of them used such might for combat." Rikke looked to gauge his momentary reaction, before adding "It's a pleasure to know that you've no such purposes in mind!"

Still with all these devices, knowing what each one does could prove invaluable in the future! Even if it meant--- Rikke rushed closer and suddenly leaned against Jerichos hand "What other wonders do you have here?" she'd ask her body 'incidentally' leaned against his hand, an excited smile adorning her face... both working in tandem to make sure her request would not be denied!
As they walked Jericho grew a littles silent his lips pursed as Rikke asked about his sister. After a moment he spoke. "I think she is okay. Every once in a while she has terrible mood swings, but for the most part she keeps to herself. I let her manage the finances from my projects. She seems to like the work well enough, and it lets me work on my experiments." It was then that Rikke came across the mining machine. "I admit that if someone where to misuse this then it would be a disaster." A serious look crossed his face. "Unlike the milking assistant for cows this machine could indeed be dangerous. I'll probably have to keep in company hands only. But that is for later.. at the moment it cannot even stand on its own for 10 minutes without falling over." He smiled and lead her to other machine's his face flushing slightly at Rikke's new interest and contact. Sadly none of the other machines seemed to be in enough of a working state to do much. The closest was the horseless carriage but it had proven to be far more dangerous and Jericho's sister had forbade anymore work on it. The next near complete machine was a set of work animal's including a ox and a horse. Sadly it seemed that Jericho couldn't get them to follow simple commands yet so he had them deactivated for now.

Moving to a final part of the lab that had no complete machines Rikke found a several strange devices that glowed with a purple light and had several cogs spinning. "These are the hearts of most of my machines. The magic cores you can get from the twisted and evil creatures that hunt the wilds make for great power sources. With out these all of my machines wold be almost worthless scrap. Well until I can make my steam engine smaller." He smiled and offered his hand to come closer. "Here take a look they are not dangerous on their own. I wouldn't ingest them though, that much raw magic can have bad effects on people." Indeed if Rikke got closer she could see one in mid assemble the dark heart glowing faintly as it sat in the brass casing. "I have my s...." Just then a commanding voice echoed out from behind them. "Brother! Who is this..... slut at your side? Is it one of those academy whores" Rikke felt her necklace heat up and the wave of pleasure shoot threw her, making her tremble a little. The woman smiled a evil smirk. Jericho looked very cross however. "Enough of that! That was very rude." The woman seemed to pale at this tone. "Look you shaken poor Rikke." Jericho drew her close. "We will talk about this later my dear sister. Disrupting my social time and insulting my guest. Come Rikke it seems our night had ended poorly."

With that Jericho lead her away. Sadly Rikke didn't get much of a chance to see his sister but her commanding voice and figure seemed familiar somehow though she couldn't quite place it due to the fog in her head which had slowly began to dissipate. "I'm very sorry Rikke that our time was cut short. Sadly it seems my sister is in one of her moods. Perhaps we can met again some time?" The man had a hopeful look in his eyes as he helped her mount the carriage.
Even if the rogues mind was set, she knew this man had to have been a half-truth telling manipulator... A liar and a dark man to his core!... Yet as he spoke, what was it with his almost childish glee as he explained each device? The optimistic spark in his eye as foretold how each could benefit its user in the most benelovent and kind ways? Why was it that her mind was so set on dismantling and finally piercing through this veil he had, that it almost felt that there was no true veil there to begin with? The missing piece she had for certain determined finished this puzzle, just... didn't fit?

Still Rikke play did earn some rather vital information from the man, as he introduced the concept of what powered some of these devices "Evil creature cores?" she'd blink as she observed the purple glowing crystal "That.. sounds dangerous?" the beauty looked to the man with a mix of curiousity and worry, her previous suspicions and manipulative thoughts utterly dashed aside by the sheer earnestness of the inventors explanations, just as much as his enthusiasm! Yet just as the duo leaned closer to one of the hearts and were about to explore--- a voice pierced through the subtle hum of machines and crystals! And with its voice suddenly the rogue felt a singular word echo through her senses, as a sensual wave rushed through her body "Khhmm!" the beauty felt nothing short of lightning struck, as heat rushed through her body quickly followed by lust! 'T-This again?!' was the only warning that echoed in her mind!

In that moment, Rikke hardly had the focus or strength to turn to the... oddly familiar, voice yet she heard the exchange all too clearly! All the way to the sudden yet careful and gentle yank she felt, as she was lead away not even fully given a chance to meet the womans, who revealed to be his sister eyes. Still it was that guided lead away that allowed the beauty to refocus her senses and presence of mind, as indeed it seemed she was lead off "O-Oh... no it's quite alright." Rikke answered still blushing subtly, looking up to Jericho "That... was actually quite nice." the girl confessed, only for the offer to repeat to echo out "Oh... well... ofcourse! Just give me a little more heads-up next time." she'd beam him a smile and give the man a surprisingly earnest nod, as even if she hardly imagined it upon arrival the whole stay was actually pleasant?

It would only be once the carriage began to move and the brief ride home, which allowed Rikke to try and calm her body just as much as set her thoughts in order... Jericho... But all those devices were his.. right? Yet the man did say that someone else entirely was overlooking the finances... Someone close to him? As indeed the singular thought absolutely radiated throughout Rikkes mind, the sole entity that truly drew all attention towards herself 'Jerichos... sister?'
The ride back was mostly filled with the clatter of hooves and the creak of the carriage. However they only played a back note to the thoughts Rikke had rushing threw her head as she began to finally piece together the events here. Some of the troubles were still grey and not quite connected to the whole at least not yet. Further musing however would have to wait as the carriage stopped just outside the gate with a very frantic looking Cheryl waiting for her. As Rikke exited the carriage her maid fussed over every tiny detail to make sure Rikke was perfect. However after the brief inspection they started walking back.

Maybe it was the look on Rikke's face but Cheryl kept a discreet distance away from Rikke all the way up to the room. Once inside she began to undress RIkke which finally brought her back to the moment at hand. Cheryl looked up and in a moment hugged RIkke. "I was so worried." She let go after a second and coughed returning to her task. "So... what happened? Did it go well? There was a slight waiver in Cheryl's voice.

Soon enough after explaining to Cheryl what had happened, Rikke soon found herself in bed and dreaming. Pleasent sea side air wafted over her as the waves crashed against the beach. Next to her a flaming red beauty sat her skin glinting in the sun from the drops of water. She smiled radiantly before leaning in to kiss her. Rikke woke up with a gentle shake from Cheryl "Come now Rikke we have to get ready. Your classes start soon!" Thankfully the first classes of the day passed with out to much issue and Rikke soon found herself in the cafeteria. Nearby a girl sat all alone eating, a girl Rikke really needed to talk to.
It would take some time for everything to truly indeed click in the rogues brain, as up till now she had all but branded the man a demon, sought any scrap she could... even grasped at straws to affirm her suspicious! Yet with Jerichos sisters voice still clear in her mind and everything the man had told her, all this time was she truly hounding the wrong sibling?-- "m? Oh..." when did she get back in her room?! Rikke blushed cutely at just how lost in her own thoughts she seemed to have been, yet now that she was back the lively smile was once again back on the girls face fully and all too vividly! "Well~ I think he was definedly not what I expected..." the beauty smiled to Cheryl and proceeded to tell her of what occured and what she saw, even mentioning why she the man had named that she was such a stand-out for him. Not for the potentially threatening or lewd implications the beauty had thought off... but instead of a childhood crush!

Still with the food, drinks and all that happened... No sooner that Rikke finished her story, that her yawn seemed to spur Cheryl to indeed note the time and rush the beauty off to some well deserved sleep! And for once, Rikke absolutely had no objection... Goodness knew she needed the rest! As indeed the night passed with an all too pleasant dream and overall, calm, yet a calm that would quickly becut off as the dreamy figure leaned in towards Rikke luscious lips and--- 'Miss Rikke!' for it to scream it in the girls face?! Something that quickly jerked the rogue awake in snoozy, still slumbering stupor "Mhaaa?" one that hardly had the luxury to slow the girl down from quickly getting all set to another day of Univerisity life!

Infact it was the stupor from yesterdays entire shift of her quest, that made the first classes go through without so much of a moment of the usual agony, as before the rogue knew it lunch had come and with it... She'd see a familiar face that she indeed really needed to talk! "Hey, Girlfriend! Scoot!" Rikke giggled slyly as she down near Morgan, her friend who she had... truly left alone for almost too long! Though no sooner that the girl could get sassed to hells and back for the alchemy mixture having gone bad by now and her overall disappearance... That a far more frail and weak figure entered the room, the silver necklace nothing short of mesmerizing the rogue as indeed there was another important person to speak with! "Infact, I need to talk someone who might be part of this big mystery project." she'd wink to Morgan and indeed with that went onwards.. to speak with Celeste!

"Hey~ Feels like it's been forever." Rikke beamed the girl a warming smile "Mind if I sit with you for a bit?" as indeed there were atleast a few things the girl wished to speak with the girl... Something she planned before until getting sidetracked!