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Chapter 5 Home is where the Heart is (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

OOC Next round combat will begin

It was then that he lunged at her clumsily. Thankfully Rikke was never slow on her feet, and quickly sidestepped the man. "Naughty Naughty" The man's voice seemed to crack as he spoke becoming an inhuman grumble. He opened his mouth and let loose a long slithering tongue coated in that foam. "Hozo wants... the pretty pretty." He turned to her slowly advancing his hand servicing his cock once more. Rikke stepped back her hand brushing a bottle that spun dangerously its warning lable reading Caution Acid.
Rikkes eyes widened as her words, seemed to completely fall on deaf ears as Hozou seemed to even chuckle to himself, as he'd not even look at the girls eyes anymore, instead his eyes seemed solidly focused on the heroines wonderous cups! Now all the more shown off with the subtly wrinkled white shirt undone at the top, the strained white material making the visage to the lust-maddened man utterly mesmerizing! All the while the sight itself continued to chill and send goosebumps through Rikkes body! Her mind trying to piece together what was happening, as for now she'd just attempt to keep her distance--- only for the man to suddenly growl out and lunge forward arms first towards her cups?!

"Ee-aaah!" Yet the sheer clumsyness of it, lead to the beautys insticts kicking in allowing a speedy dodge to the side! One that bought Rikke some time, yet no longer than a few moments as the now hunching man, his cock revealing and pulsing seemed to turn to her and allow his now seemingly prolonged slithering tongue out?! The voice all too clearly accentuating that the mans consciousness had all, but slipped away!?! T-The.... the.... The idiot!!! Rikke felt a horrid goosebump rush through her body, as she'd step back again--- In the desperate bid to sate his urges, Hozou clearly drank something he shouldn't have.. in turn leaving the rogue only one true option!

'C-crap...' Rikke winced, only to moments later shake her head and exhale... she had to do it! She had to knock the thing Hozour turned himself into out! O-Otherwise---the beauty gulped hard, as that cock still continued to leak the blackened pre-cum and those wild eyes returned right to her! Each muscles of Hozous body seemingly tensing up as it sensed a hunt... all the while Rikkes own body sensed a hefty battle she'd need to win without a sword! And even if noticed the 'Acid' any alchemy could cause heavy damage--- she had to win this as cleanly as she could!
Simple D20 contests
Rikke 6 on defense Honzu 20 on his attack

Muscles tense Rikke awaited an opening like she always had before. While not the most physically dominate of fighters she often made do with grace and agility rather force or savagery. For the most part, it had served her well. Seeing the now hulking form of the man before her she expected another lunge. Surely it would make an opening for her to exploit, after all, he was a clumsy ungainly monster. What she didn't expect was the massive tongue to snake out suddenly and wrap tightly around her right breast! What was worse still it seemed to be sticky and before long the mutant organ began to pull her closer to Honzu!
Rikke gulped subtly, as she'd take one final step back and prepare for the incoming attack! The moment Hozou would attempt his clumsy lunge at her, he should be open enough for a kick to intercept it! The beauty exhaled lightly and sharpened her eyes, though all the while the sensation of 'drink' she shared with Hozou still tingled throughout her body, igniting pleasant warm sparks throughout her senses... All the while that nothing short of mutated cock, continued to pulse and subtly leak its dark pre--- m-much to the rogues further embarassment a fair bit of its length glinting from the wonderous treatment the beauty had all, but given it!

Yet it was this split focus between the hulking form... and the hulking cock, that left Rikke all but ignoring the long tongue of enemy, before her! As Rikke only heard a strange whipping sound as warning... of a perfectly executed 'attack'! "N-eeeh?" suddenly indeed something long had all, but short forth from Hozou right pats the beautys defenses, as the busty orange haired rogue barely had the time to blink as she'd look upon Hozous tongue 'lash' right against her shirt from such a distance?! As right with the beauty looking down the swished downwards along her white shirt, instantly making some of the buttons pop revealing her red-bra-clad cups fully?! A sight frames by the open shirt perfectly! 'I-It's tongue?!!' Rikke barely had a moment to realize the nature of the assault, before she felt that very same appendage quickly slide upwards along her skin?!

As indeed the tongue seemed to take the generous cleavage, as invitation?! Its slick body suddenly rushing right between her cups from below and around the base of the wonderous mound, tightening mere moments later with a squeeze strong enough force the bra to become undone?! "Kah!" Rikke cried out cutely and sharply, her face flushed with a blush at the harsh lewd treatment "W-why... you!" it was then the girl reached with one hand onto the tongue to try and remove it-- only find its excess stickyness?!-- Worse yet, how it seemed to use its tongue to now slowly begin 'reeling' her in?! 'C-crap!!' as with her legs shuffling against the ground rapidly the beauty was pulled closer and closer to the giant mutant, trapped by its tongue?!!

Rikke had to think of something... and soon! As her whole body tensed up-- only to then to note a spark of the acid bottle she ignored prior! Even a little bit of would no doubt spur the tongue to withdraw and give her a chance to attack! She'd just need to reach it and use it, before she was too close!!
RIkke 19
Honzu 15

Thankfully while the nasty mutant had the strength it was not too far above Rikke's own and while thick sticky tongue still held her, it had halted in progress from her efforts. Reaching out Rikke felt the bottle just at the tip of her fingers so desperately close. Honzu made a strange gurgling noise as more foam left his mouth to spill on the floor. Much to her disgust, it seemed to be the same substance that covered the vile tongue. The man took a menacing step towards Rikke intent to close the distance. Thankfully the lapse of pull was enough for her to nab the Jar with her hand. Looking right at him eye to... eye stalk she popped the cork with her thumb. "Sorry, no tongue on the first date." With that, she splashed the beast and got an immediate yowl of pain. The slithering sticky tongue shot back to its owner taking most of Rikke's shirt and her delicate red bra. She was free of the clutches for now and had an opening all to clear.
Rikke felt her feet subtly slip against the floor as the beastial Hozou seemed to slowly reel his tongue in, along with the girl inch by inch--- Yet with the rogue keeping her footing, the drag was slow-- yet still there! "Nhhh...." she'd wince strongly, her heart rushing and mind utterly thinking through every potential way to escape-- only for the sparkle of the Acid bottle from before to catch the girls eye? As indeed just turning to the source of the seeming hint was enough to hatch a whole plan!!! It was time to teach Hozou how sticking his tongue on the first date was indeed a bad bad idea!

Shifting sideways, Rikke slowly neared the bottle one hand stuck to the tongue while the other reaching out-- all the while her shirt seemed shifting more and more, her bra, following the tongue as the snap behind her strained 'Almost... got.... it....' the girls fingertips brushed at the top of the small vial, before a final push later---'Got it!' as wasting little time Rikke quickly turned to the mutant with a cheeky smile "Sorry, Professor, but no tongue~" she'd compliment her luck with a line, before the cork flew out and the acid landed!

A sharp scream echoed out, one all the more chilling due to Hozous twisted voice! Yet even if it did have the effect of the tongue uncoiling from her body, it still stuck to her clothes?! As unexpected Rikke felt herself nothing short of spun around in place?! "Wuaah~!" only for when next the beauty found her footing, she'd be standing in little more than the bright red small skirt and black thigh-highs! The sight of herself stripped so much spurring a subtle blush on the rogues face as she looked down--- yet only for a moment! As now was her chance to follow-up!

Rikke took a light breath, as she'd tense her whole body, beautys eyes only subtly wandering to the cock that now flung around its black precum all around, if only from the jerks and swings of Hozou holding his mouth! Yet the distracted state meant, that finally it was her time to attack! As with that thought in mind, the rogue rushed forward and using one of the chairs and then desk as stepping stone jumped up looking to land a massive kick right into Hozous jaw!
Rikke's eyes sharpened as she plotted out her move. In a flash, she had already launched of the chair onto a desk scattering the chemicals, which crashed to the floor. A Nauseating smoke began to waft up from the combined items, but RIkke paid it little attention for now. Steadying her footing a moment RIkke looked at the beastial Honzu before rearing back her leg to strike the monster of a man. The mutated professor one of his disgusting eye stalking gazing up at Rikke. The bloodshot orb seemed to quiver a moment as Rikke's foot came across the man's jaw, landing solidly. The faintest crack could be heard as the man twisted in the air and crashed into another table spilling its contents to the ground as well. Rikke grinned satisfied with the result when much to her horror the man began to stand again.
Even if the chair had a fair risk of sliding, the sheer grace and dexterity the rogue had all, but honed made sure even the risky step were as sure as can be! Rushing forward the beauty used the closest chair as a stepping stone, then onto the table and with that elevated ground she'd kick off and spin right into a spin-kick! One that seemed to utterly blindside or shock Hozou as it slammed square into the things jaw, seemingly distorting it for a moment, before the impact sent even the massive creature stumbling if not flying back!

The whole show ending with the beauty landing firmly on her feet with both a bounce of her wild hair, as well as her wonderous bust! "Humph... Phew~" Rikke sighed with relief confidently fixing her hair and smiling slyly! Seemed the problem of the mutant rapey professor was all but---- unsolved?! As indeed no sooner that the beauty got into a victory pose, that she saw the horror stir to life and stand up?! B-But she was sure she hit its j-jaw!! A goosebump rushed through the beauty, as clearly she needed another plan! P-Perhaps she could just swing something nearby as a weapon right against the creature!
Rikke 20
Honzu 10

No sooner had the professor began to stir once more, then Rikke got an idea. From her current position, she could just make it work. Falling forward as if to start a cartwheel Rikke grabbed the high back of one of the chairs. Her back arched beautifully as her cups danced wildly from the motion and shifting center of mass. Meanwhile, Hozu had gained his feet and turned to Rikke and let loose a monstrous gurgled roar. In one fluid artful motion, Rikke completed her cartwheel bringing up the chair from behind with a deadeye throw right down the cullet of the twisted monster. Chair and all seemed to almost fill the beasts maw, knocking him back into the table with a resounding crack! For a moment Rikke stood waiting for him to stir but it seemed she was the victor. The crumbled Honzu slowly began to shift back his horrible form returning to normal. Meanwhile, the room had begun to fill with more noxious fumes making Rikke cough and gag.
With a resounding 'THWACK!!' Hozou seemed to stumble back and finally keel over! Though the beauty held the chair for a few moments longer, just looking at the thing almost dreading it getting up even after that--- Yet to no true risk or worry, this time he was out! "Phew..." the busty beauty exhaled with some confidence-- only then to note just how humid and noxious the air had gotten?! Even spurring the girls eyes to water and a cough to escape her, as she'd quickly duck beneath the cloud motioning her hand infront of her face as if trying to clear herself for some fresh air!

As it seemed any notion of victory thrill would have to wait! With the rogue almost on her knees, seemed she had a new crisis to resolve! At this rate the fumes will suffocate them both!! 'Door!' the girl quickly turned to where she remembered the door, before turning to Hozou and quickly crawling over to look over his person and try to find the key! As be it with the key or not, she'd next need to move to the door and get it open!.. Only then pausing to consider exactly how she was going to resolve THIS mess she had gotten herself into now!
The door was easy enough a simple lock on its knob was all that hindered her efforts. Cracking it open just a bit did allow some of the air to finally start to filter in. As the cool air rushed past her exciting her perky nips that another more serious problem revealed itself. She was out of uniform. Crawling back to Hozou she could see it was a total loss. Not only did his alternate form swallow the whole thing, there was little chance to get it back.. and even if she could would she want too.....
The lock was a plain sliding affair, as it took the orange haired rogue little to not time to have the door open and allow a gust of fresh air to finally give her something to breathe!--- Breathe and highlight a certain missing element on her 'My clothes!' Rikke quickly looked back, yet it was likely the haze above only obscure the sight rather than clear it, forcing the beauty to quickly get on all fours and crawl across the class keen looking around--- only to remember exactly where she last saw the piece of white clothing and her bra!

'Oh... no...' as indeed she saw the clothing, albeit briefly... right in Hozous mouth before her literally swallowed the pieces stuck to his tongue! T-THE JACKASS! The beauty was just about keen to give the man a kick, but hoped his bowels would make him pay far more dearly than any of her kicks ever would! Still with her stripped, cups and face still lightly smeared by the known semi-transparent 'ooze' and the whole class a mess... She had to figure out a plan what to do next! Yet the original plan remained, as while it was a grandiose gamble the beauty had to bet the corrupted elements of the school would bail her out any trouble she may be in!

Gulping hard, Rikke braced herself and lied down right next to the unconscious professor. A single eye kept open to look at the doorway! Just incase she'd need to dash and hide! Her gamble was as simple as can be... whoever would come hopefully informed one of the other 'special meeting' members to fix Hozous mess! Keeping the rogue clean of any suspicions, be it of working against the dark elements.... or having some truly questionable 'after-class' lessons with one of the staff!
Roll for luck 19

Rikke lay a moment the fog of the spilled chemicals slowly dissipating. As she watched the door with her eye she spotted movement. A familiar voice called out "Oh gods!" It was her friend Morgan likely coming by to test some more concoctions. Quickly with a wave of her hand the fog began to fade as it was purfied by magic. Rikke closed her eyes as her friend moved over to her. "What happened?" She sounded confused and looking over at the proffesor she seemed even more so.... "What the hell?" Turning back to Rikke she rested her head in her lap and looked or over a hand radiating magic. "Oh good no posioning she must have passed out from fear." Rikke felt a slight slap on her cheek as Morgan tried to wake her from her false sleep.
Rikke waited--- only for a familiar voice to echo out? Wait... That was... The rogue seemed to instantly sit up "M-Morgan?!" entirely dropping her facade then and there "What are... you doing here?" she'd lower her voice looking to the girl, a single hand covering her bust "Get out of here, before they find you!" the girl quickly warned her friend, as getting her tangled in this was the least of Rikkes intentions! Afterall who knows how the darker underbelly of the university would react to someone finding out even a hint of their activities!
"What are you talking about? You poor dear still dizzy from the accident. No worries we'll get this all cleared up." With a wave of her hand, Rikke felt a blanket form around her as Morgan got her to her feet. "Now no worries I'll get you back to the dorm to recover and get help for the professor. Come on then. "Morgan tried to lead her to the door when another faculty member came running in. "Oh, gods he did it again that man is gonna get fired if he keeps having lab accidents like this." This teach moved over to the now normal looking professor and began to treat him "Oh gods he's really hurt this time. We need to take him to the infirmary.
Rikke blinked, yet... perhaps this was for the better? Even moreso as some staff seemed to arrive--- and appeared genuinely worried about the accident? Moreso what with how this appeared to be a repeat event? By pure luck and chance, perhaps the rogue could indeed dismiss her escape as little more than a lab accident dear Houzen wouldn't even recall all that well! "Y-Yeah... let's go!" she'd smile to Moran and followed her lead! Seemed a bit of bluffing will indeed be required... yet one that just might be much easier than what her original plan demanded!
Morgan rushed Rikke right to her room and laid her on her bed. "Hold tight dear and rest the fumes should expire soon." Morgan stepped out of sight a moment rining a silver bell that Rikke knew called one of the maids. This gave her a moment to look over her friend's room. Unsurprisingly it was well kept and neat with the only seeming set of misorder being a pile oh books haphazardly stacked on her desk. The room smelled faintly like lilac. Morgan's bed was soft being made of feathers which seemed to let Rikke sink deep into its embrace. Moments later Morgan returned with a faintly alcoholic smelling drink. "Here drink this it should help clear out any of the ill effects. I have your maid being summoned to assist you, all she knows that you need a change of clothes. I didn't want to worry her too much." Morgan sat next to Rikke the drink in one hand, her face flushed.
"A-Aye!" Rikke played along the role of the chemical affected innocent student, mostly if only to reach some more stable ground in the whole ordeal! Still as she was lied down in Morgans bed... oddly enough this was her first visit here! And looking around it certainly had a fair few hints of Morgans more inner self, rather than her usual stoic and sharp mask! Haphazardly stacked books, both hinting at the sheer number of tomes the girl read, while the stacking manner certainly hinted that the girl moreso placed effort to appear as sharply dressed as she always had, rather than it being trained or engrained into everything she did.

While the rest of the room, likely had her usual colors of black, red and white... though just as much as the girl looked over the room, she absolutely also had to appreciate just how cozy~ the bed was! Moreso with her exposed upper body, Rikke felt the full wonderful embrace of the silky sheets! A detail that certainly spurred a bit more calm over the girl.... as her mind mostly rushed over how the whole scenario went! Lab experiment gone wrong.... that would have to be good enough cover for Houzen not to suspect anything more!.. Though once he'll wake--- well there was little reason to worry about it now!

"m?" Rikke blinked as suddenly Morgan seemed to bring her something to drink? "Ah.. thanks, M." the girl beamed a smile and drank the liquid, before exhaling or wincing depending on the drinks taste! "T-Talk about an afterclass lesson, eh?" she'd beam Morgan a smile, before noting the girls a bit more tense position.
Morgan smiled and sat next to Rikke on the bed. Taking the glass she finished it with a single swig. "I wish you would have let me know. Professor Houzen can be careless especially with pretty girls around." She looked over Rikke carefully. "Good, it seems your recovering well. Can you tell me what happened?" Making herself comfortable she looked to Rikke expectantly only to be distracted by a polite knock on the door. This revealed Cheryl with a pile of clothes rushing into the room as soon as the door was open. Swarmed by her maid Rikke couldn't get a word out edgewise as in no time she was prim and proper as any girl in the school. Morgan, of course, watched slightly amused at the whole exchange and even more so when Rikke began to undo all the hard work Cheryl had put in. Turning away for a bit Morgan left the two to it and returned a moment later with a nasty green jar of gloop. "Here ya go Rikke this is what you asked for. Not sure how much longer it's gonna keep so you better use it soon. As for what happened with the professor if you want to talk about it you know where I am." Her eyes seemed a bit sad as she led her to the door.