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Chapter 5 Home is where the Heart is (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Re: An Easy Score (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke attacks: 47 vs 35 hit! 26 dmg (-5 armor)
Vance attacks 46 vs 49 miss!
gain 3 xp for being a near flawless ninja

Rikke put her hope in a desperate charge doing her best to close the gap between her and the riflemen. Vance however was a veteran and held his ground dropping his sword to get a better shot. Doing his best to draw bead on Rikke as she rushed him Vance pulled his trigger. The guns muzzle flash blinding Rikke and nearly deafening her as the noise of the contained explosion washed over her. She could feel the heat and felt a small almost cutting sensation pass over her right cheak as the bullet made its way past her doing no real harm. However her relife was short lived as she collided with the big demon sending them both tumbling to the ground. A sensation of warmth washed over her hands and body as rolled off her attacker. Blink a few times it appeared their fight was over looking down at herself Rikke almost gagged at the sight of how much blood she was covered with and how much coated her short sword that was still stuck in the body of Vance.

Hp: 44/44 Ep: 36/36 Pp: 36/36 Conditions: Fine
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Re: An Easy Score (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

'All this blood!' Rikke in an almost panicked manner felt herself for any possible injuries '... not mine! Oh thank you.. not mine' Her feet trembling and feeling overall woozy Rikke got up, the dang shot almost deafened her.

Leaning against a nearby wall Rikke stopped a moment to rest, her heart seemingly punching it's way out of her as her heartbeat raced to crazy heights. Still it seemed she couldn't quite stand yet as her legs gave away, causing her to slide down the wall leaving a trail of demon blood across it.

Before doing anything else she needed to catch her breath 'That last shot... was so close.' Rikke gently rubbed her cheek as she could feel a very very thin and shallow cut run across it, leaving no real mark but bearing the telltale sign just how close it was. Her legs still frozen in shock and fear.

Some time later Rikke finally calmed herself... the demon blood had started to dry and it was not a look she'd like to keep. Stumbling once again into the empty sleeping quarter, she carefully bypassed the dead demon in the doorway and proceeded to clean herself up, with the very same sheet she used earlier. Avoiding the "other" stains on the sheet ofcourse.

Her close encounter with what she considered probable death or worse, she just needed to lie down. Thankfully the beds, no matter how uncomfortable provided a viable spot for her to relax.

If possible Rikke rests here for a bit
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Re: An Easy Score (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke just laid on the bed doing her best to recover her umph. She was almost in a daze from her encounter with Vance. Being that close to death had put Rikke in shock and for a brief moment and all she could do is just lay down as she tried to cope with the recent events. Her mind denied her a calm rest however and the fact that she had killed someone still refused to leave her. Not only did she kill but it wasn't just one person either. Possibly three people lay dead at her hands. Even though they where demons bent on the rape and murder of anything they could get their hands on did it really have to come to that. The surprised look on Sesul's face came to her mind. His eye wide with shock his black pupils dilated looking straight into her's before he fell. Even as Rikke tried to clear her vision of Sesul Barlix's eyes soon took their place and might have been the most haunting. Starring at her in open wanton lust even as they slowly glazed over with death. Rikke shuddered and was thankful that her collision with Vance had prevented any more eyes haunting her. Rikke wanted to cry but for some reason the tears would not come. Still as troubled as her thoughts had become she did manage to fall into a brief fitful sleep.

Rikke..... wake up Rikke..... its time to get up Rikke... Come on this is no time to sleep Rikke. You got things to do girl.

Rikke woke with a start as the fading echo of a gun shot reached her ears as well as the sound moving feet and yelling. Oh gods she had fallen asleep and the demons where responding to the gun shots. Wait Brody was outside but before she could jump to her feet an uneasy feeling came over her to run and hide.

Hp: 44/44 Ep: 36/36 Pp: 36/36 Conditions: Fine
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Re: An Easy Score (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke quickly snapped awake 'Gunshots!'. Barely giving herself enough time to fully shake off her weariness from her little slumber, the girl quickly darted out of bed, hugging the nearby wall.

The demons were clearly on the move 'No..no..no... they heard the gunshot!' Rikke spat some curses to the demon that just recently almost blew her head off. Was her stealthy approach really blown?

'Still, just now...' Someone fired a weapon, there was doubt about that. It didn't come from the tower, but more from just outside of it 'Groggy!' Perhaps it was old man Brody cleaning up her mess, right now!

Rikke almost rushed out to help the man watching her flank, when suddenly all her muscles froze up. 'Wha-what is this omnious feeling?'

Halting her rescue for now, Rikke dashed towards nearby shadows and eyed the doorway. Perhaps she could see what was the cause of her unease.
Re: An Easy Score (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke Perception: 28 vs 39 fail!
Rikke Stealth: 36 vs 42 fail!
Stalker attack/grapple: auto success! Rikke is in a submission hold

Rikke did her best not to be seen and creeped ever so silently to the door to sneak a peak. Perhaps something tipped the creature off or maybe it was simple Rikke's luck running at a low point either way she was unprepared for what happened next. A sudden shift in moment almost of light bending caught her eye just as a wicked claw materialized out of no where grabbed her in a tight constricting embrace. As Rikke was knocked to the floor her attacker fully materialized which only sent a shock of panic through her. The beast that had her was a lanky thing its arms and legs far to long in perpotion to its body. It was humanoid and completely naked with little black eyes and nasty shark like teeth. In little to no time the creature thanks to its surprise managed to secure Rikke in a submission hold which reminder her of that one time in..... but her thoughts broke as the beast spoke.

"My oh my what as Seve caught. A little morsel for Seve to eat? No no no no Mistress would be mad at Seve." A long black ichor coated tongue licked Rikke's face. "Oh yum Vance did taste good Seve always wondered how big demon would taste. Seve may not be allowed to eat morsel but Seve will have his fun." With that Rikke could feel something bulging against her pants.

Hp: 44/44 Ep: 36/36 Pp: 36/36 Conditions: Fine submission hold
Hp: Max Ep: Max Pp: Max Conditions: Fine, Submission hold on Rikke
Re: An Easy Score (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke barely even noticed what grabbed her, but before she knew it whatever it was had her exactly how it wanted her. Instinctively Rikke attempted to fight back the creature, but to no avail she was deep in the creatures submission hold. The girl knew this position all too well, whenever a disgusting pig of a man wanted to "play" with his new toy or stalker has had enough sightseeing, they always go for her like this, but this creature was different it's hold not so easily broken and frame seemed to be severely mutated. Perhaps more subtle movements would throw it off.

Through her temporal struggle she managed to catch a glipse of whatever caught her. The sight sending panic through the girl 'Oh no.. no.. it's going to eat... it's going to eat me' her silent struggle was quickly stopped as the creature spoke "My oh my what as Seve caught. A little morsel for Seve to eat? No no no no Mistress would be mad at Seve." The slippery and animalistic voice, coupled with the creatures creepy licking only empowered Rikkes inner panic 'It's going to eat me! It's going to eat me! No no please no'

"Oh yum Vance did taste good Seve always wondered how big demon would taste. Seve may not be allowed to eat morsel but Seve will have his fun." Rikke hardly heard what the creature spat out of it's mouth, as dread froze her up "It's going to! It's goin to!" when suddenly a wave of shock ran across Rikkes body as a oddly familiar bulge rubbed across her skin-tight pants, no doubt about it... "It's...going to... RAPE ME?!"

Rikke attempts to escape the submission hold, as subtle and unseen as possible
Re: An Easy Score (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke attempts to escape: 46 vs 38 Success!
Seve trys to rip off Rikkes armor: 38 vs 46 fail!

Rikke started to panic which gave her a added boost to her efforts from adrenalin. She didn't want to be raped and only Jess was allowed to touch her that way. Rikke writhed and struggled against her captor denying Seve his all to apparent attempts to use his claws to shred Rikke's armor off. "Stop wiggling morsel Seve only wants to breed you!" That was the moment it all came together her absolute revulsion of the creature gave that Rikke that extra umph to throw her captor forward freeing her to scramble to her feet. "Seve see's how it will be." A wicked grin grossed his toothy maw. "Seve won't mind if morsel can feel him breed her or not." With that five razor sharp claws as black as night extended from his hands with an audible *shunk!

Hp: 44/44 Ep: 36/36 Pp: 36/36 Conditions: Fine
Hp: Max Ep: Max Pp: Max Conditions: Fine
Re: An Easy Score (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Free from her captor Rikke quickly scrambled to her feet, unveiling her dagger along the way. Finally she could catch her breath, though calming down was out of the question as the creature audibly revealed it's long claws.

Thankfully, Rikke still had the presence of mind to firmly find her footing. Seems like the creature was not in much of a rush or in some animalistic heat, as it regained it's proper footing before threatening the girl. But it's intent was still rather obvious Seve won't mind if morsel can feel him breed her or not., which ran shivers across the heroines body. Though she couldn't help herself, but glance at the creatures lower body... The manors corruption had profane effects on her it seems.

Still she was not about to let her mind wander now. The creature menacingly circled her, as she made sure to keep her blade pointed right at it, taking up her signature counter-attack stance once more

Rikke quick draws;
Rikke uses activates Defensive stance [+10 dodge; Free attack on miss]
Re: An Easy Score (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Cue Epic combat music! ..... or not.

Seve Uses sudden strike (-10 dodge -5 to stealth): 29 vs 43 fail!
Seve's Attack: 33 vs 59 Miss!
Rikke counters: 45 vs 35 Hit! 26 dmg (30-4)

Seve and Rikke stood facing off against one another. Seve the stalker demon simple grinned his toothy smile unnerving. Thankfully Rikke caught the blur of movement as Seve feinted a strike to cover his real attack. Not falling for the bait Rikke was able to score an impressive hit on the demon which screeched in response.

Hp: 44/44 Ep: 36/36 Pp: 36/36 Conditions: Fine
Hp: Wounded Ep: Max Pp: Max Conditions: Fine
Re: An Easy Score (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

The two eyed each other, the creatures grin perpetually on it's face. Obviously Rikke wasn't his first victim, just how many heroes and heroines has this thing beaten... Still Rikke wasn't too eager to join the defeated list.

The girl eyed the creature carefully, when suddenly! Movement! 'Here it comes...' though something was off, she noticed the attack didn't actually shift the creatures weight enough for any real impact 'A faint!' the real attack would come next THIS was what she'd have to dodge.

With the faint unsuccesfull the real attack come soon after as the creature lunged forward, it's long claws piercing the deceit veil around it. Usually such a attack would cause massive damage, though Rikke was well prepared for the creatures straightforward assault. Gracefully sidesteping Rikke buried her dagger into the creatures thick body, it's own weight giving the dagger enough energy to cut through the armored outer armor, coupling with Rikkes own strenth - soon a fine trail of the foul creatures blood soon smeared across the room.

Obviously aggrevated the creature screeched and turned to face his opponent once more. Rikke continued her concentrated glare at the creature her bloodied dagger infront of her, ready to continue her dance.

Rikke keeps defensive stance active
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Re: An Easy Score (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Seve uses sudden strike (-10 dodge -5 stealth): 42 vs 41 success!
Seve attacks Rikke: auto hit 60 dmg! (10,10,+14*2 -4 armor) Rikkes armor is shredded Rikke falls unconscious.
:( so close if you had gone on the offensive he probably would have died.

Rikke readied herself once more for the beasts onslaught. Waiting for the creature to make its move Rikke figured it would go for another feint. Just as she thought the creature began to make its false movement to draw her defenses away with a false attack however as she moved for her counter a sudden jerking motion followed by a searing pain raced down her back which was soon followed by darkness closing in around her.


Some time latter Rikke awoke bound and gagged on the floor completely naked her back still felt like it was on fire but that was the lest of her worries. Looking around she seemed to be in another level of the tower though this one was nearly completely dark and filled with a foul smell. Disturbing crunching sounds followed by a wet tearing noise echoed around her but she couldn't see exactly where they where coming from. Man o man was she in a pickle now.

Hp: 22/44 Ep: 36/36 Pp: 36/36 Conditions: Hurt, bound DC 48
Hp: Hurt Ep: Max Pp: Max Conditions: Fine
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Re: An Easy Score (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

'Oh~...my head. What happened' Rikke tried to get up but quickly noticed her current bound status. The girls eyes slightly widened as the realisation hit her 'I-I LOST?!' her back as a testament to that very fact stung hotly. Seemed the creatures faint was exceptionally done.

Rikke now lied naked, bound and gagged on some cold floor in a room she couldn't see a foot infront of her. 'Whats going to happen to me.' fear took deep root in Rikke, could this really be her end. 'No! I'm still alive! Come on girl' The heroine desperately pushed away thoughts of what could become of her, attempting to restore some semblance in her panic. 'Stay calm. Stay calm... if it wanted to kill you, you'd be dead... b-b-but what if it's keeping me for desert!' tears swelled up in the heroines eyes, she hasn't ever been this scared. The constant crunching and tearing sound echoing through the room did nothing to alliavate her dread 'I-i-it's eating someone and then it's goin to eat me. No no! No! Please no...' slight whimpers escaped the poor girl.

'Easy, easy. Come on don't give up! Don't give up! There's always a way out!' the gagged restraining her breathing did very little to help her breath and calm her heartrate. 'Calm down, calm down it'll notice you. Calm down and think come on!' more desperation thoughts than actual bravery led Rikke on. If only she could make out whats in the room better, perhaps when her eyes adjust or maybe some semblance of light. 'Somewhere, something please...'

Nevertheless, she knew that first things first if she doesn't wiggle herself out of these bonds she's doomed for sure.

Rikke attempts to free herself from the bonds
Re: An Easy Score (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke perception 50 vs 50 success!
Rikke grapple to escape: 38 vs 48 fail!
One round has passed

Rikke did her best to stay calm by focusing on trying to escape her current bonds. Though she struggled and twisted and turned she found her bindings to be very secure. Letting her abused body rest a bit Rikke instead looked about the room for something anything that might help her get free. The room was very large and covered and filled with junk. From rustiing armor, broken furniture, nasty moth eaten blankets, a rusty sword, and not to mention a good deal of bones. Rikke went over her options in her head all the while the sound of crunching and tearing echoed around her.

Hp: 22/44 Ep: 36/36 Pp: 36/36 Conditions: Hurt, bound DC 48
Hp: Hurt Ep: Max Pp: Max Conditions: Fine
Re: An Easy Score (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Just barely making out the items infront of her, Rikke had to make a decision and fast. For now her captor was busy sating his munchies, but he wouldn't take too long. 'Come on... something...wait! There! A sword!' the girls spirit soared, though even at this distance the sword was obviously hardly in good shape, it didn't matter, this was no time to be picky. She'll take what she gets.

Though actually making to the blade would be a challenge onto itself. Rikkes first thought was to try to crawl her way towards it and somehow cut herself loose. Surely the blade was sharp enough, however the effort and ,especially, the time it would take, not to mention the possibility of whatever lurked in the room spotting her escape efforts easier steered the girl away from rushing towards the prize. If only she was free, getting the blade would be a breeze, but those binding were so dang secure.

'If only I could...' Rikke squirmed her hands abit, her body aching all over as as the pain from her wound renewed fully, agitated by her squirming '...get out of these bounds!'

Rikke once more attempts to get out
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Re: An Easy Score (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke attempts to escape: 34 vs 48 fail!
Two rounds of passed

Rikke did her best to test her bonds trying to break free but to no avail. Apparently Seve had ample time to prepare the ropes holding Rikke and if she didn't find something to give her an edge her chances of escape looked grim indeed. All around her the sounds of Seve eating echoed making Rikke feel sick to her stomach.
Re: An Easy Score (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

'Grraahh! Damn it!' For a creature looking like it did, it sure knew how to restrain someone. Catching her breath from her struggle Rikke got the message, the bonds won't be coming off any time soon.

'Okay. Fine! But I'm not done yet...' The girl looked towards the rusted sword, it was her only hope. The creature didn't seem to have any proper ears perhaps it would be to focused on it's meal to hear her drag herself.

'That's right you just keep eating, freako' Rikke slowly started dragging her bound body towards the dropped sword. Sure it was a tiring and slow affair, but desperation and fear can be powerful motivators.

Rikke approaches the rusty sword; If this doesn't eat up a turn she attempts to cut herself loose with it
Re: An Easy Score (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke attempts to cut her bonds: 37 vs 40 fail!
Three rounds have passed

Rikke rolled and inched her her way across the debris filled room doing her best to get to the promised salvation of the rusted blade. Her body ached from her wounds and the numerous scuffs, scratches, and cuts she was receiving thanks to the ill maintained room. After what seemed an eternity Rikke made it the rusted blade and quickly mustering her natural dexterity soon had her self propped in position to start cutting the bonds on her hands. Though after a few moments and a few close calls she still wasn't able to get the ropes enough to set her free.

Hp: 22/44 Ep: 36/36 Pp: 36/36 Conditions: Hurt, bound DC 40
Hp: Hurt Ep: Max Pp: Max Conditions: Fine
Re: An Easy Score (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

'Come on...come on!' In her rush the blades slipped out of the girls grasp, thankfully not making alot of noise 'Dang it!' Rikke once more grasped the blade with her tied hands and continued working on the rope. The dark room lingered infront of her, the occasional blood trail and bone setting the mood.

The sounds of the creature feasting slowly, but surely were getting to her. 'Please, please...please...' Rikke tensed her hands putting extra pressure on the binding as the blade continued to wear it down. She was almost loose!

Rikke continues to try to free herself with the blade
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Re: An Easy Score (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke attempts to escape: 38 vs 35 success!
four rounds have passed

Rikke struggled against her bonds the nasty urge to panic rising every second she spent cutting her bonds. Finally they gave way and he hands where free. Moving to quickly free her legs she noticed the sounds of Seve's meal had stopped. Grabbing the rusty sword for protection Rikke noted its hefty weight (its a bastard sword) even in the dark she could tell this hefty hunk a metal was meant for brutal heavy handed combat and not the delicate dance she was trained to do.

Hp: 22/44 Ep: 36/36 Pp: 36/36 Conditions: Hurt
Hp: Hurt Ep: Max Pp: Max Conditions: Fine
Re: An Easy Score (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Finally the bonds gave way! Almost an enlightening feeling rushed over Rikke. She was actually free! There was hardly any time for celebration, the ever present feast has been slowing down significantly the creature was surely almost sated. Rikke quickly removed her remaining bonds and the gag.

Sword in hand Rikke was about ready to make her stand... though her current disadvantages were rather glaring - she was armorless, armed with a rusty sword she could barely lift and to top it all off, her opponent was a nigh-invisible, hiding in a darkened room!

Blinking a few times Rikke noticed something was missing. Just now something had disappeared... 'It finished it's meal...!' the ever present munching and tearing had gone silent. A cold shiver ran across Rikkes body, it would likely come investigate on it's prize now!

She could charge into the room, but that would without a doubt end badly, for now the girl would hide behind the junk hopefully she'll notice the creature before it does her.

Rikke sneaks behind the furniture and stay on guard for the creature; if the chance comes she'll strike
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