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Chapter 5 Home is where the Heart is (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke searched over the room trying to find something to wear out of Rune's cloths but to no avail. It seemed the Kitsune's wardrobe was very modest having next to nothing that Rikke would even consider daring. Still her belongings and cloths where high quality at lest. The question of what to wear was set aside for the moment anyway as the rogue found a near perfect spot to stash her prize. A neat little cuby hole tucked away in the rafters that could only be seen from the bed. After stashing her prize Rikke was still left with the issue of the cloths and only had Willow to bounce ideas off which only left a dull ache in Rikke chest. After all Jess could do just about anything with cloths. "Well Willow best not keep our host waiting what do you think about this blue dress?"

After choosing her outfit Rikke made her way to the feast hall where she was joined by Rhea who took her by the crook of the arm. "Nice choice it suits you." Rhea winked before proceeding into the hall many of the higher ranked officers greeted Rikke and Rhea with cheers and salutes before continuing with there meal. Rhea herself wore her armor but it had been polished and cleaned with great care and it could almost be used as a mirror. She had her hair done back to keep it out of her eyes and she vaguely smelled of roses. Rhea lead Rikke to the seat at her right while Rune joined her on the left with Master Yin sitting next to her. Rikke could make out Mitty even scrounging scraps from the tables making his rounds. Spotting Rikke he barked happily and wagged his tail before heading over to another dropped bone.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Well this was a rather different sight than the girl expected. Where was all the rabble, laughter, flying mugs and inner fighting... seemed the wargs were far more discipled and organised group than your random bunch of mercs. However the food was about what you'd expect from a band named "The Black Wargs" large chunks of roasted meat were a-plenty and for a girl who's been living off dried fruit and some fish delicacies for the past days this was kinda a culture shock.

Rikke eyed the substantial piece of meat on her plate... this was probably a bad time to inform the chef she eats mostly lean meat. Subtly cutting off all the burnt fat from the sides the girl didn't exactly have a choice but to eat whatever this thing infront of her was. Much to her surprise it may have not looked pretty but the taste was divine! "Mm~ Wow~... my compliments to chef!" the rogue smiled at Rhea, as her mug got filled with some liquid... likely alcohol.
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Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke noticed it was Rhea that had filled her glass with some sort of drink taking a sip Rikke noted it was mead not beer. This of course was followed by a busy looking cook placing heaping mound of potatoes and carrots mixed with onions and mushrooms. He ignored Rikke's protest if any and moved on dishing out food for the Wargs. After about 10 minutes the mead began to hit the wargs with full effect and the laughing and boisterous stories Rikke had first expected began to grow in number and volume. Thankfully the wargs didn't start any fights and the dinner continued on.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

The rogue moved closer to listen in on some of the wargs boisterous stories, she always was darn curious. The stories ranged from how one of the wargs single-handily shot down dozens of wasps from the earlier assault, to what the scouts seen today lurking in the ruins and even quite a decent number of jokes about new recruits and their misadventures in the camp, heck the rogue even heard quite a few of the wargs gossip about her, but alas it Rikke couldn't quite make them out. Though not to ignore the Kitsune that actually invited her she shortly leaned back to her seat and looked to Rhea. "So~ Rhea how did you happen to lead this bunch?" Rikke smiled warmly, the mead giving the girl a healthy looking blush.
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Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rhea's ears were a little droopy and Rikke noticed that Rhea's glass was easily twice as big as hers. "That my dear is a long story. See when I was but a young kitsune close to Rune's age I had a nasty encounter with a corrupt wolf in the forest. Well needless to say at that time I was from the mighty warrior Iam now and the wolf easily overcame me. Two things happened due to that encounter. One I got my new looks from the effects of the wolf including this handy dandy scar and two I met my first mate Colin. He rescued me from the wolf and looked after me as I recovered. It was magic those first few months despite what had happened to me her taught me everything I needed to know about war tactics and skills in the bed." Rhea winked at Rikke. "Still our time was short lived he was killed in a border skirmish with the Bardian empire some time ago. But her left me the wargs my family and if it wasn't for him I would have never met Seul and had Rune." Rhea smiled her eyes a little blood shot. "Oh Rikke dear your glass is empty here let me fill her up." Rhea grabbed her pitcher of mead and poured Rikke another full glass before making a toast to the wargs.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"Cheers!" Rikke raised her mug along with the rest and downed a decent amount. Honestly it was hard not to get caught up in the festivities, as the laughter, stories, sweet mead and the smells of exceptional food filled the air. "Ah-ha. And whats exactly the story between you and Saul? I presume Rune is your and his."
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Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"It was simply really we met in battle I had a wee to much to drink the day off an I beat the snot out of him and took him as my own. Of course when I wasn't drunk I had a very confused and slightly embarrassing conversation with a very nude and bound mage. Still our little fun together led to my beautiful daughter Rune." Rhea smiled again "So tell me Rikke where did you find your mate humm?"
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke laughted merrily at the story, well there's a love story for you. "So tell me Rikke where did you find your mate humm?" the rogue lowered her cheerful gaze and smiled solemnly "Ours is almost the opposite of your story..." Rikke took another sip of the mead "I ran into her, while exploring a abbandoned mansion near the town of Driban, Redban... "-an" something, I think. I remember finding her in a old bedroom, bored out of her mind and OH~ I really did not handle that encounter well" the rogue giggled lightly "In no time that mischievious succubus had me upstairs and on her cock, riding her like no tommorow" the rogue hiccuped lightly, seemed the alcohol had loosened her tongue a little bit too much "And we were just the perfect fit together, Rhea..." Rikke closed her eyes for a moment and licked her lips "After that first time with her, I didn't want anyone else anymore." the girl looked to Rhea "At first we were just two girls having way too much fun... but over time we've become so much more" Rikke smiled dreamily for a brief moment "One thing led to another and here we are travelling t-together..." the rogues smile rapidly started to diminish "How could I let them take her?.. if only I had jumped HIM instead of that orc!" Rikke slammed her mug and gritted her teeth "My friend's in this pigs hands and here I am just having fun..." well Rhea sure picked the right topic to kill the mood.
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Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rhea put a hand on Rikke's shoulder a comforting gesture." I think we've both had to much to drink come on Rikke Ill take you to your room so you can sleep it off." Rhea lifted Rikke with strength that surpassed what her body would suggest and half carried half stumbled Rikke to her room. Leading the rogue to the bed Rhea leaned in set Rikke her down on the soft matress leaving her and the rogue in a compromising position. "Now sleep tight the next Ill wake you I promise well be hunting the bastard down." Rhea slowly began to back away opening admiring Rikke before standing up to leave.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"What? No I'm okay really?" Still Rhea insisted and pretty much carried Rikke back "S-sorry... All this stress and I haven't eaten properly in days. Maybe that mead did sneak one up on me." the rogue smiled innocently at the Kitsune. The room was nearby, so it didn't take long for both of them to stumble inside and down onto the bed. Rikke quickly wrapped her hands around Rhea for a softer landing onto the bed, she wasn't going to complain about being carried, but with Rhea holding her close to make sure she placed the rogue gently both girls ended up in an involuntary sensual position on the bed.

Rikke blinked a few times innocently looking right into Rhea, with the kitsune answering much the same. Well this was quite the situation. Still both girls quickly caught their bearings as Rikke quickly unwrapped her hands and looked away bashfully. Rhea cleared her throat slightly distracted by the moment just now "Now sleep tight the next Ill wake you I promise well be hunting the bastard down" " 'kay" Rikke smiled warmly at the Kitsune. "...and Rhea... thank you. For everything." with that final goodbye the rogue was left to rest. Though how could she possibly sleep, somewhere Jessica was trapped and put through who knows what kind of treatment, but then again Jess was a strong girl "Jessica..." Rikke looked out the window and into the star, a single bright light catching her eye. The very star Jessica showed the girl during one of their night time walks... but what was it's name. Even with the rabble downstairs and her anxiety Rikke soon fell into her dreamland, though unlike her past nights this time her dreams were not hauntings of the past, but memories of her and Jessica just being together.
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Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"Rikke!... Rikke!... RIKKE!" Rikke woke with a start to Rhea decked out for battle. "Come on we found him and this time he won't escape. Up and at em Rikke we have pigs to slaughter." Rhea extended a hand to Rikke and pulled her to her feet. Rikke head still ached from the alcohol but it was no where near as sever as some she had after her Jess had one of their wild nights. "Drink this it should clear your head of any effects." Rikke took the offered bottle and went to sniff it before Rhea put a hand over it. "Its best to just down it in one go trust me on that." Whether or not Rikke down the hangover cure was up to her but given the rush Rhea appeared to be in she doubted the kitsune would even know if she didn't. Nearby on a stand sat a plate with some toasted bread covering scrambled eggs and bacon as well as a glass filled with an orange liquid. "I had some breakfast brought up I hope you like it. Its by no means fancy and I won't blame you if you skip it."

If Rikke drinks the hangover cure it turns out to be pickle juice and a minor healing potion.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke sleepily looked at Rhea, oh~ she was having the most wonderful dream, though the moment the kitsune mentioned the scout success Rikkes eyes quickly widened "Let's go then!" why waste any more time!

The girl grabbed the offered hand and was quickly pulled out of bed... OUCH where the heck did the headache come from, darn mead sure sneaked one up on her "Drink this it should clear your head of any effects." Rhea smiled knowingly as she offered the rogue a drink "What is it?..." Rikke eyed the greenish liquid, taking a quick sniff... which she immediately regreted "Its best to just down it in one go trust me on that." Well Rhea knows best and this hangover had to go! Rikke quickly gulped the drink down... SOUR! OH GOD THE SOUR-NESS! "BLEH~!!" the girl shuddered for a few moments, well that sure killed any hangover drowsiness she had and surprisingly it even stopped her headache.

"Anything to wash it down, Rhea?" if it was both helpful and healthy doesn't mean the girl wouldn't make all kinds of faces for some time. Rhea snickered as she pointed over to a recently brought up dish "I had some breakfast brought up I hope you like it. Its by no means fancy and I won't blame you if you skip it." Well some say breakfast is the most important part of the day... "I'll just grab some to get rid of the taste and let's go!" Rikke quickly grabbed the toast and the drink almost forcing everything down and downed the orange liquid. Oh~ it's one of Runes teas, just the thing to get rid of the salty and sour aftermatch of her previous drink.

Though she did leave the bacon alone, a sin in some peoples eyes, but Rikke wasn't keen on meat for breakfast. "Gimme a sec while I get my gear in check" the rogue smiled at Rhea as quickly started undressing "So where was the rat hidding?"
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rhea turned away out of respect and began to speak. "He was hiding in the old guilds office they must of had a secrete escape route or something that lead out of the city. Hes been using it for months thankfully we got lucky and intercepted a batch of whores and wine. When one of them found out where they where sending her she was releaved and even wanted to join us in our hunt. Sadly I had to decline she might have been a plant so we are holding them until the mission is over." Rhea looked over her shoulder to gage Rikke's Readyness and quickly ate the left over bacon with out so much a may I have that and waited for Rikke to finish dressing.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"That's one brave girl. You catch her name?" Rikke finished up buckling up her armor and fixed her hair "Ready. So whats the plan?"
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"Uhh Jen, Jan, June or something like that either way she wouldn't have been much help to us given how soft she is. Now the plan is to take a small party in to the guild house. Ive been their before long ago so it shouldn't be a problum. I have guards stationed outside the tunnels exit just incase any one slips by us. Now the old guilds hall is near the center of the city and my scouts have been hearing many strange things over that way the past few nights and some very strange sightings so don't be surprised if we get jumped by a goblins or lust zombies." Rhea patted her swords and grinned. "I can only take a small force with us so we will probably be outnumbered pretty badly are you up for it?"
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

'We may run into -some- goblins and lust zombies... oh Rhea~ you have no idea' Rikke snickered in her thoughts, recalling her great escape from the goblin horde. The rogue slowly approached the Kitsune "Attacking an enemy outpost in the middle of infested ruins, while being ridiculously outnumbered... where do I sign up?" the girl winked cheerfully at Rhea. And with that final note both girls left to meet up with whoever was going to join them in their opperation.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"Okay Rikke this way." Rhea lead Rikke to the feast hall where 24 grizzled veterans of the wargs stood waiting. "Okay Wargs! listen up you all know I only ask for volunteers for the most dangerous and life threatening missions and you all know that they pay the best." The Wargs cheered and howled at the news. "So I want to make sure all you dog faces get your coin my purse has been feeling heavy so make sure you stay in once peace alright. No make your final preparations and no beer it thins the blood." There were of course some awws to the last statement but to a man each one went about their own way of making peace. Surprisingly some prayed while others wrote. A few stood off by themselves deep in thought but all were completely silent well except for one. Willow in all the excitement had followed Rikke down and was barking up a storm. "Oh Rikke looks like someone wants to go with but hes a little young to be a war hound just yet." Rhea inclined her head at the puppy panting happily at Rikke's side.
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Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke smiled warmly at her pup and leaned down to him "Willow~ we need someone to stay here and make sure we have a place to come to back." Willow barked loudly while wiggling his cute little tail madly "Can you do that for us Willow? Could you protect the remaining wargs for me?" the puppy started running around cicrlces infront of the girl, melting the girls heart "Aw~ Good boy! Kisses for mommy?" Willow quickly ran up and standing on two actively licked the girls face. Rikke picked up the pup and snuggled him gently "Where shall I put our little guardian here?" the rogue wasn't particulary happy to leave the puppy alone again, but this was definedly a task the pup would have to sit out.

"I'll take care of him." One of the wargs approached the girl "Watched over this rascal before I can do it again" the man smiled warmly at the pup, as Willow with Rikkes permission jumped over to the mans hands "Careful, he can be a handful." Rikke smiled at the warg "You don't have to tell me that." the man chuckled lightly and walked away.

"So when do we move out?" Rikke was more than ready to go, though the wargs seemed to have certain personal preparations to do first.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

In short order the Wargs made their own preparations and drew their blades. "Okay boys you know the drill!" The first group of 8 wargs walked up to Rhea and keeled down each touching her leg. The next group of 16 stood arms out stretched barely touching Rheas waist and shoulders making a sheild wall of sorts around their leader leaving Rikke to stretch over the soldiers to gently rest her hand on Rheas head. "Okay Wargs here we go!." Once again the air around Rikke shimmered and distorted before righting its self leaving Rikke and the assault group in a different room than when they had started. From feast hall to storage room with an all to nasty smell. The Wargs acted quickly with out order securing the exits before awaiting Rhea's orders to act.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke blinked a few times, that magic again. Though where were they this time... ofcourse! Perhaps Rhea can teleport almost anywhere! So why not right into or near the enemy compound? 'Amazing...' with such magic the Kitsune could easily be a world class assasin.

The Wargs immeadiately took off to their positions, likely the magic woozyness that affects the rogue everytime was lost on them. Rikke quickly shook it off and looked to Rhea for orders. It was her show for now.