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Chapter 5 Home is where the Heart is (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"Take over? What exactly is your connection to them, Joldra?" somehow Rikke suspected the personal whore bit was hardly the issue here, but she had yet to find out what was. Still while those two finish up, the traps set she might as well continue this little conversation.

The tingle was hardly lost on the rogue as she not even fully consciously slipped her hand between her leather bound things. Ever so subtly running her fingers up and down her treasure, her touch very light.
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

' Other than out time together in the masters service nothing. I am or was a powerful demoness in my own right Rikke and I could still take power if I wanted it but Im far to weak right now. I would need time. In truth Im more worried about the sisters turning on me when the master is gone. ' Rikke's dexterous fingers worked their magic sending pleasurable waves threw her body. Janet's moans grew louder and was soon joined by Sam. Looking out of the corner of her eye Rikke could see both girls in the 69 position eating each other out.
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"I see... just wanted to check that you're still keeping to your word. Remember? Our oath to help each other defeat the Master at all cost." Rikke paused briefly and smiled sincerity "Truth be told, while I haven't really encountered the sisters forces directly. From what I've seen, both sides are horrible... Either side seizing power is going to be a problem, I'm trying to side with the sisters hoping that if they reign. It won't be as bad as the master."

The rogue smiled to herself "You know, the lesser evil and all that." perhaps Joldra was hardly the person to share her concerns and thoughts with. But it was such a pleasant and silent night...
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

' A foolish argument evil is evil. ' It seemed Joldra had adopted a laid back tone as if she was relaxing as well. ' Its all depending on who ends up at the top of their coven. If it where Jess then she could probably guide the sisters to a coexistant path with the natives. Any of the other ones well.. who knows. I could care little myself once I have my freedom it will likely be the last you hear from me. It will be great won't it your old nemisis gone and the evil force trying to claim you gone. ..... To be free for once in your life.' Once more Rikke's astute and intimate knowledge gave her insite into Joldra as the succubus's voice wavered at her last words. A sudden passionet cry from Janet however drew her attention as her own treasure suddenly soaked itself even more feeding off the latent connection.
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"I just hope we'll find the means to make it so..." Rikke sighed lightly before hearing Joldras final comment, so entranced in the conversation the rogue didn't pay too much heed to just how much the empathetic link had grown in strength "Joldra... I've been free for most of my life. Especially when your influence disappeared. This is just, one final piece of unfinished business I need to end."

Just with those words Rikke legs suddenly crossed each other as her heart skipped a beat, Janets cry seemed to highly resonate across the rogue, leaving ignoring it anymore not an option.

Blushing brightly, Rikke quickly got up and dashed to the water! Gods how embarrassing! Still hopefully for all the two girls will know, she'd just have a bath before going to bed and cleaning her armor out of maintenance!
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Thankfully the girls where still at it if Rikke's tingling was any sort of gauge. ' Ohh thats a strange ablity to manifest. I wonder who might be responisble for this one? You don't seem to have the spirtul weight to do it however. Janet might... Its to bad that I can only really sense you. Though if Im right Janet would make a very alluring succubus the ablity to make others feel her pleasure.. humm she could be quite the temptress. ' Joldra's voice took on an inquistive tone but thankfully the cool water seemed to still Rikke's nerves and weaking the connection. ' Ouch..... RIkke next time warn me if your gonna bathe in holy water! ' Feelings of annoance and even pain drifted across their link.
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"What?" Rikke blinked and looked down to the water "Holy water? I thought it was just a simple spring." though this connection did seem a tad.... worrisome. Perhaps even a tad scary. The rogue WILL need to talk to Janet about this, this strange bond didn't seem to exist back when she was with the Nymph. So then what made it appear... and did only Rikke react to it, with Janet not even knowing of its existence?

"Don't~ even think it." thankfully the waters calmed both Rikke and the strange effect, leaving out most of the distractions aside "Still, back on the topic with the Sisters. Tommorow they give a show of good faith. If everything goes alright, I'll have the sisters forces reinforce me and we'll begin to turn this stupid war. Not to mention make progress on breaking your chains."

"BUT if things go sour with them. Joldra, I may need your help." Rikke would continue cleaning her armor and herself as she planned for the worst "Does the amulet relay my position to you? In case you need to find me or it?"
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

' I have a very limited view around you. If Ivet been there before such as the staires I can find you easily if not it would take some time. ' A sudden jolt of fear and surprise maniffested across the link before it fell silent. No mater what Rikke tried Joldra wouldn't answer her and after a few attempts resumed cleaning her armor. Looking over at Janet and Sam it seemed the two girls had finished up and where cuddling after their ogasmic bliss. They where both still awake however and the purple sheen seemed to have faded from Janets eyes.
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"Joldra?" Rikke leaned forward a bit with some concern. The sudden cut-off had to have meant someone either found or was close to finding her speaking with the rogue. With a deep sigh the heroine relaxed in the water and turned to see the two perv resting.

Be it Rikke deeming she's clean enough or the duo coming up to clean-up post-sex, the rogue couldn't resist but address the two "Hum~ I can't leave you two pervs even for a second." she'd giggle playfully and set her gear near her bed. Unfortunately her pants needed to be dried, so not really helping the case Rikke would have to use the found rag as a night-wrap/blanket.

Either way, it's been a long day. Especially for Rikke, it was time for some shuteye. Tommorow the sisters will show their true colors...
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke didn't have long to wait as the two girls eventually seperated and headed to clean up. As Rikke commented Janet blushed brightoly. "Not really sure whats come over me lately." Sam meanwhile blushing as well pinched Janet on the rump before heading into the water. "No more surprises okay. I.. I don't want to lose myself in this." The last part was said fairly quietly. Still Rikke finished her task and after a small chat with the girls if she wanted would head to bed. Pulling out the flag Rikke frowned it was the only cloth big enough to work as a blanket. What ever her decsion Rikke found sleep fast her body sinking into slumber rapidly.

*drip* *drip* *drip* Rikke streched her wings as she leaned up from her slumber. The world was still dark and she still rested on the dark placcid surface of the water. Deep below was a spark of golden light perhapse the angel from before though she seemed distant. Maybe she was still asleep herself. Looking about the area the young succubus walked sensually around trying to spot anything of note. Sighing it seemed she was alone for now.
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

It would not take long for the succubus to get bored at all. Rikke placed her finger on her lips and considered her options. She could do whatever she wanted right now, including forcing anyone... or anything to join her. A sly smile crossed her lips, but for the time being that lewd idea would have to wait.

Where exactly did her friend go? The girl looked down to the distant light and jumped up before flapping her wings once and diving down with a substantial amount of force. Where was this light coming from?
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Flying up Rikke dove down only to be repelled back thankfully she was none the worse for wear. Still it was frustrating though it seemed her action did indeed wake her sleeping friend from down below. Slowly the bright light flew up to her though it would take some time as the light moved caustiouly.
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke dashed down and...! "Oomph!" rebounding back the succubus would land on her tush and rub her face sadly "Ow~!" thankfully it didn't hurt, at least not as much as it should. Looking down curiously the girl ran her hang along the surface only to not she could not actually pass it? The smooth solid surface beared great resemblance to glass, completely smooth to the touch and see through.

Licking her lips the rogue quickly got on all fours and looked down to the light with great curiousity, her tail playfully swishing side to side. Someone was coming!... though with her limited attention spam, if it continued to move ever so slowly, clearly Rikke would have to find something else to entertain her.
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Gawd her friend was slow, why was she taking so long anyway. Looking down and waiting Rikke inspected the barrier. It felt like water but more sold. Its glassy surface indeed like a mirror her reflection though weak stared right back at her. Here she could gaze at her own magnificence and beauty. Enraptured with her own appearance for the moment at lest Rikke was surprised to see the angel nearby on her side of the water, the black streak in her hair still evident from their last meeting.
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke smiled earnestly to the girl beneath and waved lightheartedly to her "Don't worry, I won't try to pull you through this time." her smile still present she'd lie down on the field and look to the angel curiously "Didn't know it hurts you. Sorry." with a casual giggle the succubus did little to hide her eyes were locked on the strand "Cute style."

"Hey can you talk?" she'd look for an answer "Write? Read? Something?" honestly while she could do whatever she wished, it just seemed so... dull. She could try and create a fun orgy, but what fun would it be when those would just be empty thralls. She could beckon to someone with a present mind, but what fun would it be to BE the thrall...
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

The angel below tried to speak but only suceeded in making her mouth move. It seemed the barrier prevented sound passing threw it. One hand moved up and touched her part of the water and her glow infused it slightly. "H-Hello?"
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikkes eyes light up as she eagerly placed her hand against the angels palm on the barrier, mirroring the girl "Hey I can hear you! Can you hear me?" almost too eagerly the succubus approached the angel still remaining on all fours and looking down "Hey! My name's Rikke. Who are you?" her almost childish eagerness was all too evident in her voice, the rogues eyes shined a bright purple color, but there was absolutely no hostility present in them.
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"Hi Rikke I'm...... uhhh my.. I..." A look of doubt crossed the angel's face. "I think my name is Janet.... maybe." The familar warmth bording on burning but not quite was present as Rikke felt the barrier between them weaken their hands almost touching.
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"Janet?" The succubus tilted her head curiously looking at her. Janet as in her companion? "Hey, you do look like Janet! Just er..." the rogue wiggled her finger of her other arm hinting at the wings "More angelic." with a casual snicker Rikke kept her hand near the angels "So what are you doing here? I don't think you should be here, you know." Rikke knew this darkness all too well, but whoever came visit here were usually either beckoned or came without a true invitation.

Then what was this angels story and purpose here? "But you can stay. I don't mind." with a childish smile, the kept her attention locked to the angel.
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"Oh...." This seemed to cause Janet a little sadness. "But you keep calling me here. Why do that if you don't think I should be here?" Suddenly their hands met the barrier between them having melted into a pool of glowly liquid bright like sunlight. The angel Janet looked to the hand and locked her fingers around Rikke's own holding tight but not in a threating way. ' Janet... '