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Chapter 5 Home is where the Heart is (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke beamed a earnest smile at Jessica, her eyes locked with the reflections own briefly. It was clear the mirror did not transmit sound, afterall it was deafening silent in her palm. Instead the rogue would mouth her words to Jessica 'Hey Jess.' with huge smile on her face, only after hearing Yenna mention the further deal would she gather herself and face the fallen one "Terms? What terms?" though even as she deal with the dealing she'd keep the mirror facing her, even if it was at an angle.
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"They can be discussed at your meeting with the sisters. Thats what you wanted right? The reason for dragging me out from the embrace of my sweet Ella." In fact Rikke just now caught that Yenna seemed very upset about something her voice had a twinge of anger to it.
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"Don't look at me. A simple trustworthy grunt could've delivered it too, you know." Rikke smiled to the fallen angel, before looking back to the mirror once more "Well you didn't bring an army with you, so I guess that puts the girls a step above the Master." with a motion for Jessica to wait, Rikke would turn to the angel "Alright, I can come along to this meeting."
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Yenna sighed. "No I said I would be back and here I am. Now lets go leave your friends behind and we will have our meeting with the sisters." Yenna started to trun before looking over her shoulder. Come on. I don't want to be here all day." Unless further issues presented themselves Rikke would find the walk very quite and before long they reached the tower once more. "Wait here. Heading up she spoke with the guards who saluted her before heading in. Turning back around Yenna headed out and leaned against a wall. "The sisters represenative will be here shortly." Fortinatly Rikke didn't have to wait long as a golden haired woman int a very tight red dress came out of the outpost. Instantly Rikke remembered who she was. Amber the succubus who's dress she had in her backpack and the one who enchanted the mirror. "Hi sweety its been a long time hasn't it. Now as much fun as this ... excursion has been its time we talked."
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke looked to the angel sharply, a sly smirk clear on her face "Let me just tell my party about this." Janet and Sam were fairly nearby so Rikke didn't have too far too walk "I'm going to meet the higher-ups. I'll need you two follow incase things go sour. Okay? Don't attack unless I'm fighting.''

With that command said Rikke would follow Yenna at a fair distance, just incase the crazy angel had one of her moments or did something odd. Soo enough though they'd reach the tower of all places "In here?" the tower did not seem a place fit for one of the true commanders, but as Yenna uttered that a representative would soon be down. Seemed someone of higher rank was here. Someone Rikke had seen before.

The rogue kept a certain air of caution about her as she looked to the blonde, but remained polite "Well it's certainly interesting to meet one of the Sisters face to face. I'm listening."
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Amber waved her hand and a small table with two chairs appeared. The chair on her side looked to be a very well formed and sturdy peice of dark oak with a padded seat made of leather died a dark purple. Rikke's chair was less ornate and very plain. "Have a seat." Sitting down in the chair Amber smiled and sank down a little enjoying the feel of the leather before righting her self and sitting like a proper lady. "Yenna dear please fetch the 50pi dark red that I brought along as well as two glasses." This brought a frown from Yenna but the fallen angel did as she was told and left. Waiting for Rikke to sit before she spoke Amber smiled at her. "Well here we are the hero of Pesli manner. The sisters never did thank you for the freedom you gave us. So let start our meeting off with that. However as much as we apperciate that we know why you are here. Jessica..... shes special Rikke. I have no doubt you know this already. Gifted with a magic aptitude unlike most of my sisters I can see what they cannot." Amber waited a moment for this to sink in to Rikke. "Now that we have her back we won't be letting her go and while we care for a dear sister she seems to only focus on you. It pains us to know that she is distressed but we can't let her go. You see... she is our blood and when she was returned to us it broke the masters hold. We may have been free in mind but our spirit and bodies where his. Do you understand?" A moment later Yenna returned and poured Rikke and Amber a glass of wine. Taking her glass Yenna drank deeply letting Rikke ask any questions she had.
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Yenna didn't seem like someone who would follow anyone, yet the likely succubus before her held such authority over the fallen angel? Was she under an oath or serving out of fear? Either way Rikke would listen closely as Amber presented her case.

"You know my name, yet I haven't caught yours yet." Rikke would start, keeping a comfortable smile. The chair was far from being luxurious, especially compared to Ambers own. But the meeting outside seemed like a far better idea, than going inside the outpost. Though Rikke had a fairly sharp and painful remark in mind, there was no need for bad blood or cause of conflict, this time she'd keep herself polite throughout... atleast for now.

"So then Jessicas presence helps you resist the Masters influence?" the rogue looked for a clarification "Well we both know I came here for her and I'm not about to turn back." before hostility could take root she'd continue "If you only NEED her to keep the Masters influence at bay. If he was defeated, then Jessica would be free to do as she pleased?"
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

This made Amber blush. "Oh dear I know so much about you from Jessica I forget we only had our one passing moment." Clearing her throat Amber spoke again. "My name is Amber Deloran pleased to finnally meet you. Now that we got introductions out of the way we can move back to buisness. We may need Jessica to keep the master at bay but we truely want her to stay with us once more. She was always the brightest of us Rikke. She reminds us of... before." Amber cleared her throat holding back some emontion. " So you won't leave with out her and we can't stand to lose her. It seems we have a whole other issue. To which we need a solution. One is that you join our coven.. in other words become one of our sisters. We would treat you well and you and Jess would be free to do as you would as we would be connected as you and Jess are right now but stronger. Your friends or whatever you call them would be safe as we are only intrested in you and Jess." Amber paused a moment taking another drink. "But Im sure you have your own counter purposal?"
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"You want to keep her here even if it means she suffers throughout?" Rikke gave Amber a sharp look "I'm not taking her away completely. Jess, has never even once spoke ill of any of you. We'd come visit, maybe she could drop by for longer times. You'd get to see her and she'd be happy." the rogue crossed her hands "I am not becoming a demon, Amber. Atleast not due to your egoistic urges."
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"Humph don't knock it yet Rikke. Think about it... immortality and ever lasting beauty. The chance to see everything and everwhere. No sickness or old age. A family that is equally as durable so you will never be alone. There are plenty of reasons that are benifits." Amber adjusted her a little in her chair. "Would you like something to eat? I brought some food along incase these negotiations last longer than I had hopped." If Rikke agreed Amber would clap her hands for another woman to come out of the building. This one wore a very scantily clad two peice dress. Things of note where her collar and her eyes. She was modestly endowed with Rikke guessing she was a B cup and her hair was a soft brown. Her eyes though where a red color hinting at some taint. "Susan please bring us some light snakes maybe cheese and fruit?" The woman bowed and headed back in. "So your suggesting that we simply free her once the master is gone and trust in your goodwill to let her visit whenever she wants?" Amber had a skeptical look on her face.
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"Oh well I..." it wasn't exactly a no allowing Amber to proceed with the dinery. Honestly, the wine and fairly nice looking food... it all reminded her of a certain time, not too long ago when she was caught. At the very least Amber wasn't offering a bath... The collar made it all too clear who the girl was or atleast what role she had among the sisters - a slave. Rikkes eyes lightly sharpened at the sight, but looking back to Ember she quickly regained her casual look.

"Well, I have reason to suspect you've been keeping an eye on me. You should know by now, whether I keep to my word or not." the heroine smiled confidently "I don't seek power or unlimited riches, Amber. It's not what I value."
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"I know that silly cause we have been watching you. You value the open road the adventure the thrill of a heist or a cleverly laid trap or plan. What Im offering you is the chance to do that for as long as you want even if that means an eternity. Power is just a bonus and riches well that depends on what you steal." Amber winked at Rikke before leaning forward and resting her elbows on the table her chin on her joined fists. "Dear you haven't touched your wine its a good year. As for your word well you are a clever resourceful girl and no doubt you would find a loop hole so you can't blame me for being cautsious. Besides its not like you would have to stay as I said before you and Jess would have free reign to come and go as you will. Though don't be surprised if we get lonely and summon you on occasion. That of course wouldn't be done with out your permision." Amber had a glint in her eye that Rikke reconized as attraction.
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke leaned forward in return as their discussion continued "If we'll be free to leave whenever. What difference does it make, if I'm a demon or not?" the rogue smiled all too confidently "You just said you'd be fine with me and Jessica leaving whenever we like."

"Afterall you'll be able to keep an eye on us and ask Jess for a meet up just as if we both were part of your sisterhood." Rikke would pick up the glass of wine and swirl it in one hand more for showmanship than anything else "I may be good at spotting loopholes, but I honor my word and keep to it.''
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Amber smirked as Rikke made her play. "Well for one your mortal and eventually Rikke you will die. Maybe it would be old age or a sickness but in the end it will happen and Jess who is not mortal would be saddened. There is also the matter of our weakened coven. Without Jess and with Victoria gone it has been weakened significantly. We are stronger as a whole and well my sisters are very picky about who we let in to our circle." Amber leaned back again choosing to rest against the chair fully. "No doubt you think that its some grand powerplay and I would be lieing to say that it wasn't but you would gain from it as well." Amber eyed Rikke as if weighing her in her mind. "There must be something else bothering you anyone else I have made that offer to would have jumped at the chance."
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"I'm not planning to die for a long while, Amber. Besides without the Master who exactly do you wish to power-struggle with. You'll have dominance, by the time opposition comes I'm sure you'll be in a decent position." The rogue crossed her hands and in mirror fashion leaned against her own chairs back.

"There's no secret. Just the cost is far too great. I'm not sacrificing my soul and humanity, replacing it for corruption and darkness." Rikke looked to Amber sharply "I've had that offer made before, several times. I'm not looking to accept it now."
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"Oh don't be silly its not about a power struggle its about power itself. Our coven was weakened when Jess left and even more so when Victoria was killed." Amber looked at Rikke in a calculated manner. "Anyway I see we are getting no where on that topic but someday I think you may see it our way." Tapping a finger to her lips Amber sat in her chair and thought. "Well certianly I will have to report back to my sisters with your offer.. now is their anything else you wanted to ask?"
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"What offer?" Rikke leaned back against her chair and crossed her legs confidently "You just now, know how keen I am on getting Jessica back. The actual offer is this - In exchange for my help in beating the Master to his untimely-sulfur-ridden grave, I ask that you free Jessica. Then let her decide what she wants, maybe she'll want to stay with you and only occasionally drop by to visit me or maybe it'll be the case we've discussed at length. Either way, nor I, nor you will have any chain on her or her decisions." the rogue smirked at her final offer and sipped some of the wine in all too sure manner. Only for her eyes to shoot wide at the taste and break her bargaining character. The girl glanced to the glass and then to Amber giving her a mute nod of approval.

"As for question well..." Rikke looked around "Where to begin honestly. Maybe with what exactly is this place and how does it work. Yenna said its no tower, then what exactly is it? Where are the other sisters?"
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Amber watched Rikke sip her wine and smiled. "Yes its a very good year. Its a shame I had to poision it." Amber smirked and then laughed. "Oh honey you should see the look on your face. I would be a fool to do that to such a wonderful wine." Well what Rikke thought of that was her own. "Either way Rikke I cannot agree to that on my own. I will need to speak with my sisters about this. Keep the wine and shall we meet up here again?"
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke almost chocked at the mention of the words poison, thankfully she only just barely tasted it!... even more thankfully Amber had a poor sense of humour timing. Still that would most certainly kill any thirst the rogue had as she'd place the glass down and not touch anymore "Fair enough. Just er... isn't there a better floor for us to linger. Maybe something exotic or relaxing? You know, something better than stone beds or desolate ruins."

Seemed her question about the tower had fallen on deaf ears. Be it Amber not allowing a chance to tease Rikke about the wine to slip by or just choosen ignorance to it.
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

A moment later Susan returned with a tray of fresh cut fruit and some cheese. Amber took some and muched on it slightly seeming to ponder Rikke's question. "Well here would probably be safest for your companions. Going any lower would put you at risk of the master troops." Pausing while she ate a strawberry in the must sensual manner imaginable she turned to Yenna. "Yenna tell your troops to leave and head to the next outpost. That is if Rikke dosn't mind staying in the tower." Yenna glowered at Rikke but it seemed the choice was her's. Turning to Susan Amber smiled. "Dear would you be so kind as to finish off Rikke's wine I'm afraind I may have scared her off wih a joke." The girl bowed and headed over to take the glass downing it unless Rikke stoped her.