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Chapter 5 Home is where the Heart is (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Re: Chapter 4 An Uncertain Future(Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"We got a Brute dead ahead." Rikke looked around incase there were other targets nearby "Let's clear a path through the breath and get inside." the offer or command was pretty clear - incinerate the brute or any brutes that got in the way and enter the compound!

"Um.. let's not use explosives. We don't want our entrance to colllapse... or make it any bigger."
Re: Chapter 4 An Uncertain Future(Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"Roger!" Feeling the tank below her groan in protest it lurched forward gaining some speed. The brute sadly had already entered the nest but Rikke and the tank would soon follow. Feeling the machine tilt as her vision adjusted Rikke could see ten brute heads with red Xs over them painted on the barrel of the gun. It seemed the previous operators had kept score. Still as the tank settled back down into a more level position Rikke could see the situation in the nest quite clear. A Vital burned in the main roadway apparently one of the first casualties of the attack. The two armored suits Knight and Cowgirl fought near the hanger each tangling with a brute of their own. Several more where heading that way intent to keep the two armored suits busy. The screachers made attack runs against the remaining gun turrets which seemed to drive them off. Small arms fire could be seen near the barracks and command center as demon soldiers armed with modern weapons attacked both buildings. Above them all however Rikke saw a familiar sight Ella... there was no mistaking her shadowy form and she was commanding the attack.
Re: Chapter 4 An Uncertain Future(Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Ella? Was this her Ella or a reborn one? Not to mention of all the sisters for this attack to be spearheaded by her... Rikkes eyes widened slightly, before she sharpened them. There were 2 ways to win this, forcing a retreat through losses or defeating the enemy in command.

She'll need to free up their allies first if this battle was to be turned "Alright! Let's help out the battle golems, aim for the incoming brutes!" the heroine smiled wickedly "Let's announce our arrival!" since the shot absolutely crushed the previous brute... perhaps a well aimed shot could down several of the damnable beasts "On my command...." Rikke stuck her tongue lightly as she waited for just the right moment to shoot aligning her targets to be pierced and... "Fire!"

Nuke the oncoming brutes
Re: Chapter 4 An Uncertain Future(Ubberific) GMed by ranger

OOC had to make changes to the tank as I went full dumb and forgot how DU works
Rikke (Ubberific)
Rikke: Hp: 62/62, Pp: 45/45, Ep: 10/45, Status = Fine, hungry

Candace: Avenger M.B.T.
HP: Front 78/100, Left 80/80, Right 51/80, Rear 80/80
Armor: 50, 40, 40, 40: Du 5
10 C.E.C (A empowered and intensified lazer spell with no aoe damage 2d8+4 x 10)
42 A.A.A.M. (intensified missile storm 8 targets only 2d6 +2 x 4)

Rikke fires trying to catch two brutes in one shot!
56 vs 25 Hit! 60 Damage! (min damage but at lest it ignores armor)
42 vs 25 Hit 110 damage! (much better)

Brute 1 160/220 attacks Candace front 22 damage!
Brute 2 100/220 attacks Candace right 29 damage

Lining up her targets Rikke fired! Once more the air shook around her and heated up. Watching the Red Gold beam lash out she was disappointed that she only grazed her first target but she did manage to hit the other one dead on. Watching Rikke saw the energy burn threw the dark plate the beast wore leaving a smoking oozing mess. Turning the two creatures charged them swinging massive hammers and impacting the tank which shook violently. "I think you got their attention!"
Re: Chapter 4 An Uncertain Future(Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"Direct hit!" the rogue cheered out... only to note that unlike the last beasts these two were very much intact and well! "Eh! Crap! Girls we might have a problem..." the creatures roared out and charged forward each bearing humongous hammers to boot!

"Ready another shot!" the heroine called out just as the hammers rattled the tank a fair bit! Thankfully the can was exceptionally sturdy for now "Back us up and ready the weapons, wait for my mark!"

Back up to try and line em up again, if that doesn't want to happen end the injured brute
Re: Chapter 4 An Uncertain Future(Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke (Ubberific)
Rikke: Hp: 62/62, Pp: 45/45, Ep: 10/45, Status = Fine, hungry

Candace: Avenger M.B.T.
HP: Front 45/100, Left 80/80, Right 51/80, Rear 80/80
Armor: 50, 40, 40, 40: Du 5
9 C.E.C (A empowered and intensified lazer spell with no aoe damage 2d8+4 x 10)
42 A.A.A.M. (intensified missile storm 8 targets only 2d6 +2 x 4)

Rikke attacks!
49 vs 25, 25 HIT! 110, 80 damage!

Brute 1 50/220 attacks 18 damage front
Brute 2 20/220 attacks 17 damage front

"Its on the way!" Once more the air heated up and shook with the force of the explosion! Thankfully the brutes just followed along lining up for another shot. Still they kept coming. Once looked on the verge of death while the other was in a similar state. Bringing their hammers down once more Candace shook the tank squealing from the impacts. Red lights flashed as an alarm sounded. "Damn it if we had support this wouldn't be an issue!" Indeed it wasn't looking good for Rikke and crew until she noticed a green light blinking in her vision. Looking at it triggered a message "Candace adjust position three degrees and full reverse."
Re: Chapter 4 An Uncertain Future(Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Each impact began to echo far too cruelly and harshly for the groups liking "Damn it! They're still kicking, but we got them." if the alarm was still keen to keep and Rikke somehow saw it, it would receive a swift kick to unbeep itself "One more shots and we got them!" whatever the message meant or whoever it was aimed at, would effectively fall on deaf ears as Rikke continued doing things her own way!

The brutes were injured and stupid... "Full reverse and turn left! I got the angle!" it was a matter of lining up the shots with the deathcan and firing another shot at the two ending both of the wannabe blacksmiths hammer spree!
Re: Chapter 4 An Uncertain Future(Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke (Ubberific)
Rikke: Hp: 62/62, Pp: 45/45, Ep: 10/45, Status = Fine, hungry

Candace: Avenger M.B.T.
HP: Front 45/100, Left 80/80, Right 51/80, Rear 80/80
Armor: 50, 40, 40, 40: Du 5
8 C.E.C (A empowered and intensified lazer spell with no aoe damage 2d8+4 x 10)
42 A.A.A.M. (intensified missile storm 8 targets only 2d6 +2 x 4)

Without meaning too Rikke indeed did comply with the request. As Candace turned she saw yet another brute joining the other two. Three how could she handle three. Just as Rikke was forming another course of action another red gold beam of light lashed out and hit the new brute. Still it didn't kill but drew it off. Firing her own shot Rikke nailed her two targets sending both the ground as smoldering heaps. Looking Rikke saw the old warmachine near Jessica's dome had turned its turret its barrel smoking. The dog tags of the fallen wargs dangled from the barrel glinting in the sunlight as the tank made its last stand. Over coms she heard the voice again. "Candace please support I have no loader. Confirm Sophia needs support out of ammo." The tank Rilke had first seen the one that Chu had been trying to fix was a sitting duck. No ammo to fire indeed no one to load it if she even had it.
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Re: Chapter 4 An Uncertain Future(Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"Um... confirm!" Rikke could only guess who actually manned the ruined antique near Jessica, but it sure saved the groups behinds! "Girls! Fire on the bastard running at Chu!" without the risk of being battered shooting the huge target was all too easy!
Re: Chapter 4 An Uncertain Future(Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke (Ubberific)
Rikke: Hp: 62/62, Pp: 45/45, Ep: 10/45, Status = Fine, hungry

Candace: Avenger M.B.T.
HP: Front 45/100, Left 80/80, Right 51/80, Rear 80/80
Armor: 50, 40, 40, 40: Du 5
7 C.E.C (A empowered and intensified lazer spell with no aoe damage 2d8+4 x 10)
42 A.A.A.M. (intensified missile storm 8 targets only 2d6 +2 x 4)

45 vs 25 hit 60 damage
Bruite -20/220

This time it was Diana who sounded unsure. "Chu?... Confirm target locked and on the way!" Once more Rikke felt the effects of the C.E.C. round and watched in delight as it hit the brute and sent it to the ground never to rise. "Target eliminated... thank you." Scanning for more targets Rikke saw the two armored suits take out their targets with both advancing on the left over creature. Above she could see Ella who didn't look to happy, gesture to her and to the Knight and Cowgirl. Shreakers descended from the sky ignoring their runs on the turrets intent on impacting on the two armor suits.
Re: Chapter 4 An Uncertain Future(Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"We have Creepo flyers rushing our girls! Lots of them..." Rikke called out the situation only for one of the girls to likely offer using a different weapons "Misiles? Sure let's do it!" the heroine grinned widely and looked over swarm of the targets "Let's clip some wings! Fire at will!"

Fire rockets at the flyers! All 8!
1 on each target!
Re: Chapter 4 An Uncertain Future(Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke (Ubberific)
Rikke: Hp: 62/62, Pp: 45/45, Ep: 10/45, Status = Fine, hungry

Candace: Avenger M.B.T.
HP: Front 45/100, Left 80/80, Right 51/80, Rear 80/80
Armor: 50, 40, 40, 40: Du 5
7 C.E.C (A empowered and intensified lazer spell with no aoe damage 2d8+4 x 10)
34 A.A.A.M. (intensified missile storm 8 targets only 2d6 +2 x 4)

11 shreakers attack (skyrays)
Rikke launches Missiles
Auto hit due to high combat base
Min damage kills
3 left!

Rikke saw her vision light up with target markers before she heard a serries of thomps behind her. With her altered View Rikke could see the smoke trails leave the tank and streak to the flying creatures before exploding sending bits of gore everywhere. "YEAH!" Hearing Dia cheer made Rikke smile but it went away when three more target indicators poped up with a message reloading. There was nothing she could do as the three creatures impacted against the one of armored units. Watching on stunned Rikke saw it stumble back bits of it falling off before it crashed to the gorund unable to tell which one had been hit. Seemingly satisfied Ella began to fly away leaving what ever forces where engaged to die. Soon enough the last standing armored Unit defeated the brute and the turrest cleared the sky.
Re: Chapter 4 An Uncertain Future(Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"Woo~hoo~!" Rikke cheered out alongside her crew as the flyers were absolutely lost in the numerous series of explosions "Ha! That was amazing!" for as fancy as the beam cannon was... seeing the numerous rockets swoop in and start a complete ineferno on the beasts was nothing short of empowering!

Unfortunately... suddenly 3 cubes appeared before the rogue, there were still enemies left! "Crap! 3 more!" unfortunately for the time being the machine was spent "Damnit..." Rikke looked to the two golems, heck they took out 8 of the damn things 3 of the flyers shouldn't pose a problem for--

Just as that thougth proceed be it blindside, carelessness or something else entirely the flyers suicde rushed one of the golems sending toppling down to the ground! "Shit! Full speed ahead, let's go check if she's alright. Eyes wide for enemies!"

Be it foiled or having achieved her objective, Ella would swiftly take her leave. Rikkes eyes would linger on the girl for a while longer, before turning to treating the wounded. Whatever the case was one thing was certain, the ancient machine most certainly turned the tide of battle... though would it be enough.
Re: Chapter 4 An Uncertain Future(Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Candace lurched forward again until a loud screeching grinding noise echoed threw out the tank and all the screens and monitors went dead. Flinging off her head gear Rikke opened the hatch. Clambering out Rikke rushed to the downed armor the smoke and smell of battle filling her senses. Looking up Rikke saw the other kneel down the writing near its cockpit reading Knight. She was soon joined by Janet who ran to the downed unit. Reaching it Janet moved her hands to operate hidden latches while Rikke could only watch. "No no no not like Lancer come on Mary be okay be okay." Small arms fire could be heard from the admin building and barracks. Over her shoulder Rikke could see Yenna and Dia bring out a now awake Kanna from the strickened tank. Both looked at the admin building with a grim resolve before grabbing up their side arms. Meanwhile the cockpit opened up with a hiss and escaping smoke. Inside lay Mary unconscious but otherwise seemingly unharmed.
Re: Chapter 4 An Uncertain Future(Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"Looks all clear!" Rikke would call out giving another look for any squares, honestly in this time everything seemed to be more less done for them... the heroine would leave the machine first and rush to the downed golem, only to soon be joined by none other than Janet!

Still both of them had little time to even exchange glances as they rushed to aid their wounded ally... though with Rikkes limited knowledge Janet had to do most of the work.

With the hatch open Rikke quickly dashed in to check on Mary, fortunately the girl seemed perfectly fine. The rogue smiled lightly, before looking to Janet "Can you protect her until we clear whats left of the enemy inside?" the heroine glaned over the girl "You have any weapon on you?"
Re: Chapter 4 An Uncertain Future(Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"Yeah....." Looking to Mary Janet seemed to calm down a moment before reaching into the cockpit and hauling out a fastened rifle. Heading back to her crew Rikke could see the back end of the tank smoking. Yenna seemed to sigh "The old girl gave it her all. Guess years abandoned in the jungle will do that." Peaking her head around the tank which proved excellent cover she frowned. "The guys in the barracks should be able to hold their own. Im more worried about the admin building its where the hospital is. Doctors and Nurses often do not make the best combatants. Also Kanna needs to get there soon. She's holding together but her internal bleeding is starting up again." Rikke Ill carry Kanna you take my side arm and make sure we get in okay.

Thankfully once arrangements where made they managed to make it across the open ground with little worry. All around them lay soldiers both demon and friendly. The attack had been massive and costly though for the beleaguered defenders each loss was felt more deeply. The demons had numbers on their side and the defenders where a rag tag band at best. Reaching the admin building Rikke saw the girl with two toned hair laying slumped against the wall a gun nearby. It was strange Rikke didn't even know her name yet she stood out to her. She wasn't alone either nearby lay Michael as well. Both where surrounded by shell casings and looked like they had put up one hell of a fight. Nearby Rikke saw Samanthat the girl was crawling down the hall leaving a blood trail one gun in her hand the other holding her side. "Back off you bastards! Shots rang out in their direction but they all missed horribly the woman's aim off due to her injuries.
Re: Chapter 4 An Uncertain Future(Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"Well she really packed a punch..." Rikke smiled kindly "Guess I underestimated our friend here a bit." she'd place a hand on the machine, before hearing the nearby shots once more "Still this isn't over yet."

Rikke would look to the weapon and smile "Keep it as a last resort, I'd not know how to use it anyway." the heroine placed a hand on her swords pommel and gave a firm nod "I have my weapon right here. I'll clear a path, you just focus on moving her safely alright?"

"Dia, maybe you could cover our back? My blades reach won't be much use if some bastard sneaks up from behind." with the positions arranged all three went off to admin building. Passing by Rikke felt her companions eyes grow heavy and weary, to the rogue these were all soldier and allies, but to the girls quite a number of them were more than likely friends.

The same sort of dark would wrap around the rogue as well as she saw her one-night lovers. Nor she, nor Michael seemed to be moving "Damnit!" Rikke quickly ran closer and inspected the two checking for a pulse, only for random shots to ring out in her direction?!

The heroine ducked lightly, but with the desperate aim none got even close to her "Sam! It's Rikke from our trip to the jewelry store! Cease fire!" be it Sam running out of ammo or getting her presence of mind in order. THe heroine quickly approached her friend and placed a hand where she held her wound "Hang in there..."
Re: Chapter 4 An Uncertain Future(Ubberific) GMed by ranger

The click click click of an empty gun echoed out to Rikke as it seemed her words didn't reach Sam. Rushing up to the girl she saw a very nasty wound and was amazed that Sam was still moving. "Sam.. Sam... its okay Im here." Leaning down Rikke took Sam by the hand the human contact seeming bringing the girl back a bit. "Rikke.. thank the gods..... We-we saw the Vital go down... and.. and...." A wracking cough shook Sam as flecks of blood splattered Rikke. This wasn't good. Thankfully Dia ran up next to them and nearly gagged before taking out the first aid kit. "Holy shit..........." Taking a syringe out and a strange powder Dia injected Sam with something before grabbing a bag of powder and dumping on the wound. This caused Sam to jerk violently and pass out but thankfully she was still breathing. Looking to the powers Rikke saw it firm up into a gel that stopped the bleeding. "We need a medic now!" Yenna was next Ill open this door well hold here Rikke go find a medic any medic I don't care if its a veterinarian we need someone now.
Re: Chapter 4 An Uncertain Future(Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Be it subconciously or consciouly the rogue couldn't face the wound head on as she held Samanthas hand "Hey, hey... don't talk. Dia! Sam needs help asap!" thankfully the girl still had the medic kit... though just how many useful supplies it still held was unknown.

Seeing the odd medicine go to work, the heroine gave a firm nod "Just point me in the right direction." the rogue would glance to the two resting by the wall "Dia, I think I saw them breathing still as well.... do what you can. Alright?" honestly they needed a miracle not a medic, but finding one would not doubt be useful.

Given directions Rikke quickly drew her blade and rushed to find someone with medical knowledge or in need of aid.
Re: Chapter 4 An Uncertain Future(Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"Just follow the blue line it will take you to medical." Dia pointed to the floor and moved over to the two at the end of the hallway. Rushing along the blue line Rikke saw what had gotten Sam. A demon knight lay slumped against the wall a bloody pointed mallet in its limp hands. Its armor had plenty of dings and dents where the modern weapon Sam had used failed to penetrate, but to Rikke's trained eye she found that Sam had found a weak point in the armor. Following the line Rikke rounded a corner to see one of the wargs fly from a hallway and impact hard a number of burning holes in his armor. "Heh Human's so weak but at lest they make fun toys." Fumbling the wounded man reached for his side and pulled out a grenade. "Oh no you don't another loud shot echoed out punching threw the armor again causing the man to go limp his grenade rolling to Rikke unarmed. It was a simple enough weapon and despite its sleek appearance Rikke could tell the actual use of such things hadn't changed at all. Of course dealing with whatever it was around the corner would delay her.