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Chapter One: 2012


Is completely fucking irrelevant. And he's a bitch
RP Moderator
Nov 21, 2008
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Chaos. Such a simple word, but holding so much meaning. Here, the world has devolved into chaos. Extremely aggressive animals run rampant, forests and farmland seem to be taking over what land civilization once stole from it. It seems to most humans, Mother Nature is in overdrive. But even Humans are feeling the effects of this overdrive. Meta-humans, as Scientists are calling them, are slowly becoming more and more prominent. Most of humanity fears them, shuns them, or even hunts them. This is where our story begins..........

((Start postan, peeps.))
Re: Chapter One: 2012

Bedford, England

Midday saw Astra making her way through the crowded streets of Bedford, a look of complete indifference on her face. The city was unusually busy for a working Friday. Turning onto the street she was looking for, Astra could make out roughly where the shop was ahead of her. Working in a bookshop full time wasn't quite what she'd had in mind upon moving to England, but for the moment it paid the bills.

Eventually reaching the Waterstones where she worked, Astra turned inside and saw the crowds gathered around the new bestseller. This was going to be a busy day.
Re: Chapter One: 2012


As Astra approached the bookstore, a man dressed in a black suit and wearing what appeared to be a communication earpiece turned and began slowly making his way through the crowd towards the woman, his eyes covered by black sunglasses as he edged closer, eventually nearing her and stopping directly in front of her. "Ms. Evenstad, I presume?" he asks, his right hand slowly reaching into his coat to grasp at something while he awaited her response.
Re: Chapter One: 2012


Astra takes a step back from the man.

"That's right. Can I help you?"
Re: Chapter One: 2012


The man smiled as he stepped forward to keep the same distance "I think you can." he says, drawing out a small white oval, holding it out in his right hand as it begins to gently glow a faint purple "I see. Come with me, miss." he says, then begins to step forward, replacing the device within his coat and reaching out to grasp at Astra's left arm with his own, whispering to her as he draws closer "Don't try anything, or this whole bookstore will be after you." he whispers, his smile cracking into a smirk
Re: Chapter One: 2012

Montego Bay, Jamaica

"All right, it's almoos' time foh me ta be headin' out nah, but don' woory yahselves none, Scrahtch is gonna be takin' it ovah. He's got some new stuff, he says, so yoo're in good hahnds. Dis be da Big Dawg, signin' out, mon."

That's another hard day's work done, right there. Jamal bid his co-workers adieu then headed out of the station. The sun was still high in the sky. Oh man, it's another beautiful day in paradise, he thought to himself. Still plenty of time to grab a snack from home then hit the beach. As he gleefully anticipated his day's activities, he started walking towards his bike.
Re: Chapter One: 2012

Montego Bay

As Jamal approached his bike, a white man dressed in what appeared to be a hawaiin shirt and khaki pants stepped out from behind a nearby building, his right middle finger up on his nose as he adjusts his sunglasses "Are you Jamal Wallace?" he asks, reaching into his shirt as he asks, the man's face slowly turning to a smile
Re: Chapter One: 2012


Astra continues to back away from the man.

"Why would- What's going on? Who are you?"
Re: Chapter One: 2012

Tampa, Florida, US

Victor wandered back to the bar he'd grown so accustomed to these last few days. The draft wasn't for another few months and he didn't have much to do between here and there, so he'd been lazing about and drinking. Today he had little else planned but more of the same.
Re: Chapter One: 2012

Montego Bay

Jamal couldn't see what the man was reaching for in his shirt, so he immediately was put on guard. As he stood there contemplating how to react, the man opened his mouth to ask again; Jamal interrupted him with a huge grin.

"Yah mon, I'm Jamal Wallace. Now, who be ya, and whahtchya be doin' ootside mah station?"

Jamal's smile never left his face as he waited for the man's response.
Re: Chapter One: 2012


An older man wearing a black trenchcoat, his right hand in his coat pocket as the other was used to push his way through the crowds of people as he stepped off the train in the London Underground. Quickly making his way up the steps and finally up onto the surface of London itself he walked on what appeared to the casual observer an aimless path. The man's eyes were out of focus and he was muttering under his breath, though if anyone was listening in it would just sound like incomprehensible babbling.

After several minutes walking the man stopped outside a coffee shop, and with much hesitation he walked into there and up to the counter where he purchased a coffee before sitting down to rest his legs.
Re: Chapter One: 2012

Poznań, Poland

Anna Ptak was rather annoyed. She had a lot of things to do, especially after that mysterious... Illness she went through. She was a student, and a good one. Unfortunately, being a good student required a lot of effort. And recently, she spent several days unconscious. On top of that, her body had changed in ways no one could understand. Anna sighed as she looked out of the window of the hospital room she occupied. At least they've let her get out of bed and dress herself. She was alone in the room, too - which turned out to be a very good thing. The strange changes on her skin were the least of her problems, she knew it. She had also changed on the inside, and that produced an unusual side effect. The girl mused over this for a while. How would people react if they knew? The doctors were pretty much freaking out. And could the hospital food get any worse? It was edible, but just barely. And Anna needed much more food than the nurses were willing to provide - she could feel it.
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Re: Chapter One: 2012


The man smiles as he walks past Astra, his hand brushing her arm "You are in danger, Ms. Evenstad. Follow me, please." he says, then begins to walk out of the bookstore "Your job will be handled while you are gone. Quickly, come!" he speaks with a certain urgency as a black sedan pulls up outside the shop and the man opens the door for Astra.

Tampa, Florida

The doors to the bar swung open, and three men wearing grey suits entered, all three wearing different styles of sunglasses, scanning the bar and noticing Victor, whispering to themselves so he could not hear them as they split and moved towards the man from three different approaches, the middle man getting to Victor first "Mr. Holman, I presume?" he asks, his right hand reaching into his coat and drawing out a small white device that began to glow a faint purple "We need you to come with us." he says, replacing the device and adjusting his sunglasses "We have a few questions for you."

Montego Bay

The man draws a small white device out of his shirt, as it begins to glow a faint purple "You need to come with me. We have questions, and you can answer them." he says, then begins to step forward as he replaces the device in his shirt


As the old man sat in the coffee shop, a man dressed in a white suit stepped in and stepped towards his table, his right hand up on his ear, touching a communication device "Roger." is all that the older man can hear before he steps up to the table "Professor Whitbury? We have a few questions that need answering, and we think you can answer them." the man says as he pulls a small white oval device from his pants pocket and looks at it as it begins to emit a faint purple glow "And don't try to run. The whole area is monitored. You won't make it more than five feet from this shop." the man says as he sits down across from the old man.


The door to the hospital room swung open as a man in what appeared to be a white polo shirt and black dress pants, with matching dress shoes and black sunglasses, and walked towards Anna. In his right hand he clenched a strange white oval device, which, as he approached, began to glow a faint purple "Ms. Ptak, I presume?" he asked, speaking very fluent polish as he approached her "I have a few questions I hope you can answer." he says as he pulls a chair over and sits down. "If you do not wish to talk, I can return at a later date." he says, placing the device into his pants pocket as he crosses his arms over his chest.
Re: Chapter One: 2012

Gencin, Alabama

Kalien would be flipping through a magazine at a counter of the diliphiadated counter of the walmart she worked in. The place was a messed, stains of brown and reddish brown pockmarked the floors of this place. She was also one of the only four employees of her town's walmart, the other three employees old elderly sarcastic people that had a mean streak in them. They also liked to comment on each and every little thing, nitpicking and nagging... Kalien's grip tightened on the magazine as she bit her lower lip, angry as she grumbled "Gotta stop thinking about stupid stuff like that. Those grannies are dinosaurs and don't know shit about todays world." As she smiled brilliantly to herself, satisfied at her own reasoning as she flipped a page in the magazine, looking at the pictures because she had trouble reading the small ink scarred words on the paper.
Re: Chapter One: 2012


Anna's eyebrows went up as she turned around to take a look at the man behind her. She never saw that guy before, she was sure of that. Somehow, he knew her name - and had some strange glowing thing with him as well. He was wearing casual clothes and had a very good accent - he could easily pass as one of her relatives. The girl had a feeling that this was no ordinary Joe, though. Something was going on. Anna wasn't a conspiracy nut, but recently her life changed quite a lot. Perhaps now she had a chance to learn why. She crossed her arms over her chest as well. "Eh. It's not like I have anything better to do right now... Altough I'd like to ask a question as well. Who are you?" She didn't hope to learn much, but it was common sense to ask at least that. Also, his answer - if he decided to give any - could give some hints about his identity.
Re: Chapter One: 2012


Astra begins to follow the man, though seemingly more out of curiosity than urgency. She also keeps her distance from the car.

"What? Why am I in danger?"
Re: Chapter One: 2012


The man steps away from the car door "Because there are others who know how special you are. Now please, there isn't much time. We have to get you to London." he says, ushering her towards the vehicle "All will be made clear there."


"Very well. My name is Anthony, and I work for a group of people devoted to figuring out just what is happening to the world. We believe people like you might hold the key. Might I ask when the, ahem, changes began to occur?" he asks, his arms dropping and his hands resting on his knees


As Kalien flipped through her magazine, a man dressed in what appeared to be a freshly cleaned white suit approached the counter "Ms. Tronaught? I do believe there are some questions that you might be able to answer." the man says, a slight southern drawl in his voice as he spoke and held a small white oval device out in his right hand, smiling as it began to glow a faint purple, then replaced it in one of the suits pockets.
Re: Chapter One: 2012


As Kalien flipped through her magazine, a man dressed in what appeared to be a freshly cleaned white suit approached the counter "Ms. Tronaught? I do believe there are some questions that you might be able to answer." the man says, a slight southern drawl in his voice as he spoke and held a small white oval device out in his right hand, smiling as it began to glow a faint purple, then replaced it in one of the suits pockets.


Kalien looked up at the man, being addressed by her last name to which she had been called a troat by her dear elementary school friends. "Yeah, what you want?" She grouched back at him, not even bothering to attempt to try and win the good employee award at her walmart. Besides, like her walmart manager even cared. Kalien snorted as she saw the stone in her mind as she said "Fancy gimmick you have there. Are you going to buy anything? If not, then don't bother with me.." As she got back into reading her magazine.
Re: Chapter One: 2012


Astra finally gives in and move to get into the car.

"Alright, I'll go with you. But I want answers. What do you mean I'm 'special'?"
Re: Chapter One: 2012


"Sheesh..." Anna shrugged, then scratched the back of her head before wincing. The skin on her fingertips got hard and rough, but her head remained delicate, along with a few other parts of her body. "Well... I spent at least two days out cold, but I think it all began on... December 22nd. At first, I just felt kinda weak and uneasy. After a few minutes I felt really sick, then I've started tripping rather hard aaaand..." The girl paused for a second. "And that's all I recall. Everything simply went black. I woke up recently, already looking like this." For some reason, Anna didn't seem to be displeased by the changes. Sure, they required some getting used to, but they could be helpful... If people learned to keep their distance. Unfortunately, the world was full of idiots. Surely there would be a moron who would be aggressive towards her for no good reason. "If you want to know details about how the whole process looked like, I guess you'd have to ask the doctors."