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Chapter One: 2012

Re: Chapter One: 2012


This time it was Grantham's turn to laugh. "You want someone to help you neutralise these powers but you're willing to let me keep mine?" Grantham asked in a mock tone of surprise. "I'm sorry, but something there doesn't seem to add up. I may be old but I'm no fool." A moments pause before he continues to talk, this time turned away from the man. "It seems our plans are quite different from each other, so I'm going to have to decline whatever offer you're planning to make me." It would be clear to the man that Grantham's mind wont easily be changed.
Re: Chapter One: 2012


Victor sighs at the man. "I'm all for answering questions, but threatening me right off the bat isn't the best way to make friends, you know?" He pulls out his cellphone to check the time and drops it. "Shit." He ducks under the table to get it and promptly vanishes.
Re: Chapter One: 2012


Anna shrugged. At least she wasn't the only one who went through changes recently. She didn't like Jake's words at all, though. "Can't say I believe any doomsday prophecies. And while I admit that mutations can cause a lot of damage, don't you think that it could be the other way around? That people are changing because the world broke? And what are you going to do about all those people anyway?"
Re: Chapter One: 2012


As Neal looked inside the door at Kiri, he nodded and reached his left hand into his coat, looking past Kiri at her flat "An old friend. He asked that he stay anonymous, so I complied. May I come in? There are a few things he asked me to tell you in detail." he says, seemingly sifting inside the coat for something.


The man sighed, as he looked directly at Grantham's right hand. As the man in the suit looked, Grantham's right shirt sleeve began to catch fire, the driver nodding as the car came to a stop near one of the London canals. "I can light the rest of you on fire if you do not agree to cooperate. Or should I just burn your face off?" the man in the suit stated, his eyes seemingly glowing purple as the flames slowly spread up his shirt sleeve "It is your choice, Professor. Either help us, and then go about your own business afterward, or I destroy you right here."


As Victor disappeared, the man in the suit bolted out of his seat to look under the table "Dammit. Looks like we have a jumper." he said, his right hand on his ear as he spoke. The other two men entered the bar and began looking about, and after giving up, exited the bar with disdain on their faces as they all entered a black sedan and drove off.


`Jake sighed as he reached up, thinking of taking off his mask, but deciding against it. "We intend to help them control their powers, as they have taught me." he says, looking over at Anna "We might be able to teach you how to control yours, if you have any."
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Re: Chapter One: 2012

Saya looks at the device and sighs, then turns to the gas pumps and inserts a key into a slot and turns it, locking down the pumps except for the ones that were already paid for. She turns to the man again with a wry smile, "My break is only ten minutes long, what do you know, and what do you want to know?"
Re: Chapter One: 2012

Anna thought about Jake's response for a moment. "Control does sound good... A mutant unable to control his power could cause all sorts of damage. Especially with one like mine." The girl raised her hand. She could feel the gas flowing from within her, seeping through the pores of her skin. She snapped her fingers, creating a spark the rough skin on her fingertips. A burst of flame formed around her hand before dying - Anna quickly cut off the fuel supply. It was best not to waste too much. "What can you do?"
Re: Chapter One: 2012


As soon as his sleeve caught aflame Grantham blocked out the rest of what the man had said as a new wave of anger washed over him. Pulling his hand free of his pocket Grantham lunges it at the man with the intent of grabbing him by the throat. On the hand is a metallic gauntlet, grey-black in colour. In the center of the gauntlet is an orifice, and in that orifice is a glistening red ruby though for a moment it flashed bright as if a light was shone behind it.

"You dare threaten me?!" Grantham roars, flecks of spit spray out. He sits there for a moment, glaring into the man's eyes with his hand still around his throat before letting go and sitting back. "You bastards. Looks like I don't have a choice." Grantham flexes his gloved hand once before sliding it back into his pocket. "But don't expect me to 'play nice' with whoever else you are recruiting."
Re: Chapter One: 2012


The man smiles as he sets his left hand on the counter, his wedding ring clacking on the counter "I was hoping you could tell me. My group is a group of people devoted to finding others with special powers. The device I just used helps me confirm or deny that you have powers. All I need to know is what they do. I can tell you a number of theories on why you got them. But there is no concrete proof as of yet." the man says, sighing as he scratches his head with his right hand "You probably think I'm crazy or something."


As Jake looked at the flames spark, he reached his right hand up to his mask, pulling it down to reveal his charred and blackened face, then opening his mouth, the inside of which was charred, his tongue a withered black mass and his teeth a dark black as he slowly breathed out, flames slowly exiting his mouth and curling like smoke, before he stopped and closed his mouth, then replaced the mask on his face "I can create flames just like you. Except the way they behave depends on the way in which I breath them." he says, reaching his right hand down to pull up his long right sleeve, revealing burns on them as well "It got a little out of hand, as you can see. Luckily, I found I can absorb flames through my mouth as well to keep them from getting out of hand."


The man sighed as he closed his eyes, nodding to the driver to continue "I didn't expect you to. Your psych report was very clear that you are a man who follows his own plans. Once we are done, you can be on your way." he says, looking out the window of the car. "Just tell me. Your power. What does it do, exactly?"
Re: Chapter One: 2012

Anna shivered when she saw how Jake looked. The sight was horrible, to say the least. He definitely looked much better with his mask on. The girl's skin seemed to resist the heat so far, but she never really let her fire loose. Perhaps it'd be best to refrain from using it carelessly. "I... I think I can make fire move in any way I choose, aside of making them... I don't know how I do it, I just think about it... And it happens." She glanced to the side for a moment before looking at the man again. Altough she was getting rather hungry, Jake made her lose her appetite a little. "I don't know if I can stop them without cutting off the fuel, or control flames coming from other sources. Maybe it'd work if I mixed my own fire in."
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Re: Chapter One: 2012


Grantham smiles as the man asks about his power. "What, the report about me didn't tell you?" He asks, obviously enjoying the fact that the man wasn't as all knowing as Grantham thought him to be. "If it wasn't written down I guess it means you'll just have to find out later on."
Re: Chapter One: 2012

Saya carefully takes a few bites out of her candy and then looks at the man with a shrug, "I would say that you are crazy." She sets her food down, "Crazy for not taking some precautions before asking. Yeah. I had a pretty good idea who you were before you came, rumors of you guys have been all over the BBS." She hovers her hand over the lockdown switch, looking at the man, "Now tell me, what is it exactly that you want me to do?"
Re: Chapter One: 2012


Victor appeared in an alley a few blocks away. I'm not going to be a goddamn lab rat, he thought. He started moving at a brisk pace towards his apartment, trying to keep near alleys and side streets and to move as inconspicuously as possible. Every car in the street, every helicopter or airplane in passing drew a nervous glance from him. He knew he'd have to see what the internet knew about the mystery man and whoever he represented.
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Re: Chapter One: 2012

Montego Bay

Jamal immediately put his hands in the air as the man drew a weapon. A metal weapon, Jamal noticed, and started to focus on it as he stepped a little closer.

"All right, mon. Ya got me. But, honestly, I don' know whatchya be wantin' my powah fohr. It's really nottin' special. A word of advice, though, frien'. I'd suggest dat ya be droppin' dat weapon."

Jamal's eyes never left the baton, as he continued to focus on it, trying to keep the strain from reflecting in his voice. It shouldn't take but a minute or two....

((PM sent.))
Re: Chapter One: 2012


Astra stares at the man in bewilderment.

"Okay. Assuming for the sake of discussion that I know what you're talking about, you're serious, and you're right: Why me? And what does it have to do with you?"
Re: Chapter One: 2012


As Neal looked inside the door at Kiri, he nodded and reached his left hand into his coat, looking past Kiri at her flat "An old friend. He asked that he stay anonymous, so I complied. May I come in? There are a few things he asked me to tell you in detail." he says, seemingly sifting inside the coat for something.

'Aw heck, not an anon...' Kiri thought to herself, noting the slightly suspicious way the man kept his hand in his pocket. She kind of disliked the idea of letting this guy in. She wouldn't normally be too fussed, but this guy was definitely out of the ordinary. Still, she wasn't actually afraid of him, but did want to know what this was about. The difference between him standing at the door or being inside didn't mean that much really, and besides, talking through the door like this was letting out what little warmth the flat had built up. "Uh sure, I'll listen then. Come in." She replies, a little hesitantly, but nonetheless allowing him through the door properly and walking back to the main room. She decides to open the curtains for the first time in a while, and then sits down by the laptop again, clicking a few things before closing the lid. The flat was fairly unremarkable. In good condition and reasonably furnished, but overall fairly sparse of belongings. She didn't offer, but an armchair across the table seemed a fine place for Neal to sit if he choose to.
Re: Chapter One: 2012


"Oh, I intend to bother with you, Miss. You see, You have something special that we need. Answers. Please, come with me. I'll explain everything." the man says plainly as he holds out his right hand for her "Trust me. It beats sitting here waiting for nothing to happen."


Kalien would snort as she said "If you want me to go with you. Buy something from the store and I'll give you a minute of my time for each item you buy from the store. Otherwise, I really do not care to go with a stranger who for all I know might rape me. A stranger such as yourself looks like a rapist to me..." As she gave him an evil eye glare, her distrust of him deepening when he asked her to trust him.
Re: Chapter One: 2012


As Jake looked over Anna, he smiled as he listened "Generating flames is one thing. But actual pyrokinesis? This could be interesting. I'm sure Anthony will be pleased." he says, reaching his right hand out to grasp at Anna's left hand "Others like you are being gathered. We need you to help us gather them. We want to protect them, and help them develop into the saviors we need. But until then. We'll take care of you." Jake says, tapping his left ear twice with his index finger, then muttering a few words behind his mask and nodding. "If you need anything, just ask. Anthony has stepped out, and I'll be here until the doctors release you."


The man next to Grantham merely chuckles "We know you have something strong enough to survive an ambush." he says, then raises his right hand to his ear "Yes. It's Tom. We got him. We'll be there soon." he says, then releases his earpiece and places his glasses back on his face "Hopefully, the lab has everything you'll need to do what we need done." he says, looking out the window as the buildings pass by.


The man crosses his arms as he looks over Saya, his movements slow and deliberate. "We need you to help us. Tracking down people with your powers is total hell. We think your power might be able to help the others." he says, looking her straight in the eye "If they don't get our help, there's a good chance they'll be killed when their powers manifest."


As Victor closed on his apartment, he would notice a few black sedans parked along the road and seemingly random intervals, all identical to the others. On occasion, he might just catch a glimpse of a man in a suit disappearing into the alleyways.

Montego Bay

As the man in the Hawaiian shirt took a step forward towards Jamal, he let out a groan of pain as he released the baton, his right hand red from the heat. "I see. So you've developed that far. Hoped to resolve this without having to do this, but......" he stops mid sentence, suddenly dropping to a low crouch, his legs seemingly compressing as he did so, then he suddenly shot forward at Jamal at an alarming speed, his right arm extended in an attempt to knock Jamal in the chest.


As the car drove, the man in the glasses sighed as he rubbed his temples. "Have you never felt that you were somehow different from other people? That you could do things most couldn't?" he asks, removing his glasses as his eyes glow a dim red "That you were born to do great things?"


As Neal steps inside, he closes the door behind him, his right hand exiting his pocket empty as he walks into the living room, sitting gently into the armchair and leaning forward, his elbows on his knees as he looks over at Kiri "I am sad to say that I was lying. No one hired me to find you. I was ordered to find you and see how far along you were." he says calmly, his right hand reaching up to adjust his glasses. "You may not know it yet. But you're something special. You have a gift. Some say it's a curse. Others call it a miracle. More still call it a gift from god. But you have a power unlike anything any human could ask for." he says, his voice strangely calm as he looks at Kiri. "Have you ever felt like you had something that made you different, or special?" he asks, his words giving off the sense that he wasn't here to do anything but talk.


The man smiled as he leaned towards the counter and rested his right hand on said counter "Or, how's about I call my friends in here?" We can do this the hard way or the easy way." he says, looking over his sunglasses as he tilts his head down.
Re: Chapter One: 2012


A single man dressed in a black trench coat stepped into a local bar about three miles from the airport. He spoke very few words, only asking for directions to somewhere quite out of the way, then left after thanking the man behind the bar. He then proceeded down the streets, walking casually.
Re: Chapter One: 2012


"So what is it you want me to build exactly?" Grantham asks, while he doesn't sound curious he at least shows willingness to find out what it is they want him to make.
Re: Chapter One: 2012

"No, not really. Everyone else thought I was different, though."

Astra notices the man's eyes glowing.

"What's up with your eyes? Why are they glowing?"