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Chapter One: 2012

Re: Chapter One: 2012

The men began to close around Victor, Tasers in hand as they approached. One raised his and fired it at Victor, intending to incapacitate him.

Victor sees the man raising his arm and drops to the ground. "Stop! Stop!, I'll talk! Jesus!" He smiles as the taser hits the man behind him, But just as quickly wipes the grin off his face. "Let's just talk about this for a minute."
Re: Chapter One: 2012

Mont St Michel

As Léontine listened, she would find that she couldn't hear what she was actually listening for, and as she stood and began walking, the woman in the robes stood and gasped. "I knew I would find you, Léontine. Nothing can hide that aura from me." she says loud enough for the red-haired woman to hear. Would Léontine turn around, she would see the woman's face clearly as she lowered her hood, the strange black lines on her face shifting and moving as if possessed.

The only reply the redhead had to offer was a dismissive flurry of rapid French, deliberately confusing to an ear not used to it. "Congratulations, you found me. Now get out of here like the rest of your kind. Thrill-seeking voyeurs, the lot of you."

The double doors to the church swing open, and closed. Léontine is halfway down the street before the nagging silence clicks with her. A glance back, and she curses, quickly ducking into a small alley. Her home wasn't far.. but nothing on this island was far away. Suddenly, that looked like a disadvantage. Thoughts spin and whirl as she considers. Immune? Not possible, surely? Yet those runes on her face.. Brushing such concerns away, the Frenchwoman puts her head down and lengthens her stride, without looking back. She knew they'd be following.
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Re: Chapter One: 2012


The man sighs, his left hand reaching up and running through his hair as he stands perfectly calm, waiting for the police to arrive. When they do, he reaches into his coat with his right hand and draws out what looks like a wallet. When he flips it open, he shows it to the officers that were aiming guns at him. "FBI. Stand down, officers." he states calmly as he shows Kalien the badge, a slight smirk spreading over his face as he does so. What Kalien would see would be a perfectly legitimate FBI badge and ID. "Now, I'd appreciate it if you came with me, miss. You wouldn't want me to call for the rest of my team, would you?"


Kalien just watched the man as she waited on the police to arrive. As they did so she snorted and said "Remove this man from the premises please officiers..." Through her eyes narrowed as she saw an FBI Badge and ID as she snorted and said "I still do not want to go with you. You don't have a warrent for me. I don't even know what kind of crimes I have committed to warrent an FBI agent to even come to this place.." As she grumbled, rebelious and sullen as she stayed behind the counter as she said "Buy something or talk to my manager to let me 'take a break' from my job without losing it and I'll follow otherwise, I'm going to be claiming for my rights and with these fine police officiers of the county around as eyewitnesses, if you and your team try and force me for no other reason then your words then I'm going to be suing the federal government for a load of money!" As she harrumphed.
Re: Chapter One: 2012

Cliff-side Road, Outside of Kagoshima, Japan

Kat had parked her bike by the side of the road as she looked out over Kagoshima city, slightly obscured by a white haze. She knew some of the haze was typical for a city of that size, but some of it she knew was from the volcanic island in the middle of the bay, Sakurajima, which had spewed a particularly large cloud of dust into the air recently and seemed to become more active with each passing day. Even several hours from the city, there was still a faint scent of sulfur.

Kat let out a long yawn and looked at the small mouse perched on the guardrail on the lip of the cliff. "I'm glad to be out of the city." She idly commented to Roger. "It's so warm here, and with the volcano erupting, it's making the city even more unbearable. Still, at least there's open road here." She turned to look across the road to her bike. Taking a drink from her water bottle, Kat leaned against the guardrail, thinking about nothing in particular as Roger nibbled on a carrot next to her.
Re: Chapter One: 2012


Anna didn't pull her hand back. "Uh... Thanks. I'll do my best to help." The girl sighed. "I hope I'll be able to leave this place soon... Staying here is kinda boring." She was a bit uncertain about her choice, but she was sure that those guys wouldn't give up on her easily. "So anyway... How many people did you manage to find so far? Is it hard to gather them?"
Re: Chapter One: 2012

Saya looks out the window, drumming her fingers against the counter as she waits for the last car to pull away. After seeing it pull away, she flips the OPEN sign to the off position, then ejects the security tape as well as an audio recorder tape she had hidden nearby, heading into the employee area and sticking both into her locker, just in case.

From what she knew of the men, they seemed to be peaceful and their intent seemed genuine, but she hadn't really heard about anybody after they went with the men. And if she was going to be murdered, she certainly wouldn't have it happen to her without some evidence left behind.

Picking up her jacket and her shoulder bag, she took a last look around, then went to the door and locked up, heading towards the sedan and opening the door and sliding in, looking around, "Well, now what?"