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Character Creation, Background and other important details.


RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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OK so let's kick this off with a bang shall we?

This is where character sheets pending approval shall be posted, and where pertinent starter info can be found. Approved Characters will have their own thread which Bartnum and I will handle. There will also be an OOC Comments thread for any and all questions. This shall be to avoid senseless clutter. So without any further delay, let's talk about character creation first.

Name: Pretty sure this is self explanatory.

Age: (can be almost anything depending on species)

Species: (Can make up your own, or use an existing one. Existing
species can be brought in from films, video games, comics, anything. However, try to keep with one that would be classified as a "good guys side".)

Powers/Abilities (if any): (Again, this can be pretty much anything. For example, if your species is large and possesses great physical strength, mention that. Maybe they have some kind of Psychic ability? It could be as simple as a series of notes about the species and what it's capable of.)

Ship: (Basic info on your character's ship, if it has one. The name, armaments, rough size etc are all examples. We don't demand a great deal of information, and again there aren't too many limits, but ideally as much as possible is best. Try to keep it within reason, no Death Stars or the like please. If you do not have a ship, it will be taken that your character is hitching a ride generally with another, or takes whatever ride they can get.)

If your character hails from the Milky Way Galaxy, they will almost certainly have heard of the Gou'ald at some point, as well as the Tokra. They may also have heard of the Asgard, Wraith, Velokians and possibly the Alverans.

If your character hails from the Pegasus Galaxy, they almost certainly will have heard of the Wraith and Alverans. All other races are somewhat iffy, but it isn't impossible.

If your character hails from the Triangulum Galaxy, then they will definitely know of the Draque and Enoly, along with the Bentari. Other races are a possibility, although not a guaruntee.

In addition, it is pretty likely that unless your character happened to be in a galaxy not mentioned above, they probably at least KNOW of the Draque, Enoly and Bentari by name, given we were in a war with them some time ago. Also, most likely everyone has heard of the Ori for the same reasons above.

That pretty much covers basic character creation. If you think of something that would be nice to have for a basic sheet 'requirement', feel free to speak up in the OOC thread. Now, this said, let us get to the quick recap of the last few years, and information that may be common knowledge depending on your species, and where you hail from.

The game picks up three years after the "Ori War".

The Ori War was a long and bloody war, pitting countless worlds of our galaxy and the Pegasus galaxy against the ascended Ori and their followers. The ascended Ori believed themselves, given their incorporeal energy forms and extraordinary powers, to be gods, and established an entire religion off of this. They somehow managed to trick their followers into believing every lie they spouted, and they had a massive army willing to die for them. Their followers were told inhabitants of our galaxy and the Pegasus galaxy were 'non believers who would seek to destroy you', and they started a gigantic crusade. In reality, they simply were taking revenge against the Ancients, who are actually the same race as the Ori, but followed a different path.

While the Ori believed that they should be worshipped as gods, since they were so much more advanced than any other race, the Ancients believed it was not their place to call themselves gods, even though they had the technology to create life from virtually nothing. This led to a deep rift between factions of the race, known then as the Alterans. Eventually, one faction broke off from the other and left their home galaxy, eventually coming to ours. This faction later would refer to themselves as "The Ancients."

The Ancients came to a galaxy that had the very basic beginnings of life, and began setting about exploring it. They still maintained contact with their kin back home despite this, though the Ori responded to this by attempting to destroy them with a plague. By the time this happened, the very beginnings of humanoid life had popped up across our galaxy. It took millions of years, but ultimately the Ancients managed to halt the disease. However, they couldn't save the fledgling life in our galaxy, and so they used their great technology to reseed life. Later, they would do this in the Pegasus galaxy, giving life to a galaxy that at the time, seemed to have none.

For hundreds of millions of years, the Ancients thrived, doing what they loved, which was exploring. Along the way they had a few wars with hostile races, but they always came out on top. Then, abruptly, something happened, and the race vanished without a trace. However, it appears other races, scattered across two galaxies, and at least one other known alternate dimension, are direct descendants of them, leading to the belief some of them survived in some form or another.

Life prospered in the milky way and Pegasus, completely unaware of the threat the Ori could pose, while the Ori remained unaware of our existence. That changed after a chance encounter with the planet of the Ori, triggered by an accidental activation of long range communication stones. When the Ori realized who we were, they were furious. They (correctly) assumed the Ancients had hidden this life from them, and were infuriated at the notion so many non believers existed. So, they amassed their forces, and began a push into our galaxy.

It took six long years, but eventually the Ascended Ori were defeated by a weapon known as the Sangraal. However one other being managed to ascend, and she took over the reins the others had left vacant upon their 'deaths'. Adria, as she had been called, rallied her troops for a final assault, this time sending a mass of warships in an attempt to destroy the backbone of the milky way resistance, Earth.

Meanwhile a strike force headed by Siphon himself went to the Ori galaxy, preparing to use a second Sangraal device. Before they could deploy it though, Adria used her abilities to have them ambushed, and the weapon was destroyed, Siphon presumably killed. As Adria prepared to literally consume the soul energies of her new captives, a semi-reanimated Siphon entered. Then, what transpired stunned everyone, and is still talked about to this day. As the Doci, the most powerful follower of the Ori tried to blast him, Siphon sent him flying with a mere gaze. Then, in front of everyone, including the stunned Doci, Siphon shed his physical form and ascended before their very eyes. His first act in this new form was to directly engage a startled Adria in 'mortal combat.' After several minutes of clashing, the two of them vanished, and were presumed to both have perished in the battle.

In the meantime, the Doci, who had been a devout follower of the Ori for countless centuries himself, remained on his knees stunned. When he spoke, it was with a sincerity that surprised many. He spoke of how the Ori had told them ascension was not possible for anyone who didn't follow the path, and of many things he now realized had been lies. What he saw, all other followers saw across their galaxy, and ultimately to our own galaxy, bringing the Ori War machine to a screaming halt. Apologizing for their blindness, and asking for forgivness, the Doci placed his fate in the hands of the few in front of him. It was the end of the war, but the new beginning for a race that for the first time in eons, now could see clearly, and were on their own.

Since then, the Ori followers have taken the new name of "the valkans." This name apparently stems from the name of the planet itself, before it had been named to Celestis. They have mostly withdrawn to themselves to find who they are, and their purpose, but they still recieve visits and help from the Alverans, a sign of good will. It is the hope one day the Valkans will become a powerful ally, signaling their complete rebirth.

Four Months after this, word came in from an allied world that a man fitting Siphon's description had just suddenly appeared. He had not a thing on him, not even clothing, he just appeared. When they took him to their village near the Stargate, initially he had no memory of who he was, and subsequently no memory of his former friends and allies. It would be another four months before he recovered his memories, and ultimately rejoined his friends and allies once more. However, Siphon still does not recall why or even how he returned to our plane of existence, nor does he actually recall the battle in which he was killed and then ascended to defeat Adria. He only knows of what was told to him, and it is likely these memories were permanently erased from his mind for a reason, though what that reason is, only the Ascended Ancients know. Of course, they aren't sharing that information, so it isn't even worth pursuing.

Since then, until eight months ago, things had been quiet. Then, word passed in of a rogue Gou'ald who wanted to create an ultimate host, one who was power hungry and had amassed a large number of followers. It soon was determined she was using abandoned Ancient Technology to conduct genetic experiments, but she seemed to be uncatchable.

Then six months ago, Nirrti boldly attacked a meeting between the Vorians and the Velokians at an undisclosed neutral location. How the Gou'ald managed to find them it is not known, but many were taken prisoner, and many were slaughtered. Only a handful survived from each side, but they all had the same story. An attack from orbit by a Gou'ald, and they all saw Nirrti herself. Vanessa, a very close ally and friend, was amongst those taken by Nirrti, and she has not been seen or heard from since. Nirrti has apparently stopped her raids for test subjects, leading to the speculation that she may be close to getting what she wants. At the present time, rumor has it Nirrti may have been spotted, and you have been called to Peltas Five to undergo a briefing of what is to happen.

At the same time, Siphon has been called aside by the leader of the Alverans to discuss a mission that needs to be addressed as well.
Re: Character Creation, Background and other important details.

Ooooh Camulus. I remember him from the show. He was hot. For a Go'uld.


Name: Shoni "Sho" Meheven

Age: If we're going by the current timeline, Sho's nearing 30.

Species: Homo Superior (aka, Sho's a mutant.)

Hails from: Earth/Terra/Gaia, United States of America

Powers/Abilities (if any): Sho's primary power is wind manipulation. She can create anything from a gentle breeze to hurricane force gales with a thought, though having atmosphere to work with usually helps her create bigger and badder wind storms. She can use this manipulation for anything from creating a warm breeze to dry her hair to flight to creating a 'wind wall' that keeps out most non-energy based attacks (particularly projectiles). As she's gotten older, Sho's powers have evolved some. She's getting more and more attuned to the atmosphere, so she can sometimes tell when there are shifts in it (like, say, a ship coming in from space). It's not a perfect science for her and, without a great deal of concentration, she wouldn't be able to tell if someone were, say, cloaked and moving around a room, but on a large scale, she's hard to sneak up on *laughs* She's also getting better with weather manipulation. She can't exactly create weather (ala Storm) but along with her atmospheric awareness, she can change weather patterns, bringing in or clearing out storms, for example, by moving the clouds. Naturally, this power doesn't work indoors unless someone's got a little black raincloud following them around. And though she can't exactly create weather, she can manipulate the air around her enough to dry things out or use "wind chill" so that she can, for example, create snow. Generally this only works with existing moisture, but if she does work at it, she can do so 'from scratch,' so to speak. One final trick up Sho's sleeve is her ability to 'steal breath' from someone. She literally pulls the air out of a person's lungs. Short-term, this will cause them to pass out from lack of oxygen. If she continues to do it, she'll suffocate someone to death. This power is, of course, dependent upon the target needing air to breathe and/or having lungs (or the equivalent thereof.)

Appearance: Sho stands 5'7" with black hair that is cut short, feathering at her shoulders and the nape of her neck and she has blue eyes. She's a lot lighter than she looks, in part due to her mutation, which makes her bones less dense, some even hollow, which makes it easier for her to fly. This makes her a little more fragile and, as such, she does her best to avoid getting slammed into things or taking solid hits. She tends to dress in "Earth casual" though with the different places that they've been visiting, she's picked up a rather eclectic wardrobe. One thing she almost always has, though, is a black trenchcoat.

Ship: Sho mostly hitches a ride with whomever is going where they need to go. She doesn't have a ship of her own.

Additional info: Sho is severely claustrophobic. While she's fine on ships and shuttles (though those are pushing it) being underground, in any sort of cramped, enclosed area, or just being trapped in general will cause her to panic. She also has a habit of causing a "flutter" with the wind when she's startled by something. For the most part, though, she has a fairly friendly and laid-back attitude. Whenever she finds herself in the middle of things (which tends to be often), though, she can have more of a take-charge attitude that helps to motivate those around her.

Name: Ian Montrose

Age: Current timeline has Ian nearing 30.

Species: Homo Superior

Hails from: Australia, Earth.

Powers/Abilities (if any): Ian has the power of mind over matter, able to move and manipulate objects with just a thought - Telekinesis. There isn't exactly an upward limit to what he can move, but obviously, the bigger the object, the more concentration it's going to require, and some things just wouldn't be possible (like, say, moving an entire building, at once.) Roughly man-sized or smaller, though, doesn't take much effort. Intricate work, though, like threading a needle, takes concentration, too. Ian (generally) also has to be able to see what he's manipulating, or at least be aware of it's existence. He could turn on a desk lamp through the closed door of his own quarters but he wouldn't be able to throw a switch across a darkened room that he'd never been in before.

Appearance: Ian stands 6'3" and weighing in at 250 lbs (I suck at weight gauging. If this makes him a stick, make him heavier.) He has brown eyes and dusty blonde hair that's a bit on the longish side, tending to get in his eyes and face a lot, though he doesn't seem to mind. If he's in 'Earth clothes" he's usually in cargo pants and a t-shirt of some sort, but he will adopt the uniform of whichever ship he's serving on at the time as well.

Ship: Ian's a hitchhiker, which suits him fine. Usually means he can choose the more interesting voyages to go on.

Additional info: Ian is Australian, something that most people don't realize until he opens his mouth, which isn't very often. He's rather quiet and laid-back, almost to the point of being lackadaisical. One would think that with his power, he actually might be lazy, but that isn't the case. Though he has his power, Ian doesn't use it as much as one might think. Instead, he prefers a more hands-on approach and spends some of his free time working out, not wanting to let his power make him complacent and flabby. In fact, if he can complete a task without using his powers, he often takes that route. He doesn't go out of his way to be social, but he is sociable, willing to talk to anyone that puts effort into getting to know him. He's also willing to lend folks a hand with, well, anything really. All they have to do is ask.
Re: Character Creation, Background and other important details.

Name: Syilvia (pronounced Sylvia) Lambert

Age: 19

Species: Half-Velbaysian, half-Elicoorian

Powers/Abilities (if any): Being half-Velbaysian, Syilvia has the ability to increase her physical abilities in very brief bursts of time. However, after performing this incredible physical feat she'd have to rest. Unlike a lot of her fellow Velbaysians, Syilvia isn't very acrobatic or agile. However, she makes up for this by being very tough and resilient. She's also a very handy with a gun and is an excellent leader.

As half-Elicoorian, she's somewhat gifted in symbology, or runology as Elicoorians call it (magic), and is able to see symbologic currents. Though Elicoorians typically use symbology in either offensive or healing capabilities, Syilvia does not. She uses symbology to enhance her combat skills, such as creating a shield for herself, or even enhancing the destructive force behind her shot. However, Syilvia can heal the small cut and scrape.

Ship: Syilvia commands a 75m gunship named the Saerif. It has four floors divided into purpose. The Saerif is equipped with state of the art quantum torpedoes, phase cannons, plasma batteries, and other weaponry. Other than that, it has two pieces of unique weaponry fitted onto it. One is a pulse blade, named the Cleaver by the Saerif's crew, which shoots out a thin wave of energy strong enough to cut a ship into two. However, the charge and recovery for using the weapon is tremendous. The other weapon is Disabling Gel, requested by Syilvia herself. The gel can replace the ordinance used by the ship's weapons. When hitting an enemy ship, the gel encompasses the ship and imobilizes the ship and prohibits the firing of weapons for a period of time depending on the amount of gel. The time given by the gel can be used to negotiate, annihilate, or run away. The Saerif has a crew size of 40 men and women loyal to Syilvia.

Appearance: Syilvia has an average physique and tanned skin. Her hair is a light cream color, and her eyes are green. Her clothes often alternate from and .

Additional notes: Syilvia is goes out of her way to try to know her crew members; she often is seen mingling with as many people as she can so she can better serve her crew as a leader and a friend. She's generally very friendly, bright, and easygoing. However, during combat Syilvia becomes very decisive, efficient, and battle-ready. She's said more than once that, if given the chance to spare an enemy and leave unscathed, she would do it.

She'll need her own entry point in the RP. She knows of the other races and has come into contact with a few of them before. She also knows of the Ori war, but never participated in it.

Name: Syri (pronounced Suri)

Age: 21

Species: Velbaysian

Powers/Abilities: Like Syilvia, Syri can increase his physical abilities for a brief moment of time. However, it requires a resting period afterward.

He's more acrobatic than Syilvia, and he can handle himself in a fight.

Ship: He serves as the Information and Relations Officer onboard Syivia's ship, the Saerif.

Other notes: In a fight he wields a folding weapon that takes two forms depending. When it's folded, it functions as a low-power laser pistol. With a flick of his wrist, Syri can unfold the weapon and it'll turn into a short laser shotgun. The shotgun requires a longer cooling off after a few shots, while the pistol can handle more shots and the cool-off isn't as lengthy.

When Syilvia goes planetside and to any cities, Syri accompanies her in order to give her some useful insight and advice. He also handles the handling of any information and intelligence, as well as speaking to people.

Name: Lindy Bart

Age: 20

Species: Elicoorian

Powers/Abilities: Pronounced a genius at the age of 13, Lindy became a doctor at a very early age. And a very good doctor at that. If her extensive knowledge of symbology doesn't help heal and rejuvenate her patients, her knowledge of medicine will. She also has degrees in psychology and mental health, allowing her to monitor the mental health of the Saerif's crew as well.

She knows a few things about fighting, but she prefers to save lives instead of take them.

Ship: She serves as the head doctor for the Saerif's med-bay.
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Re: Character Creation, Background and other important details.

Sho, Ian and Syilvia are all approved an will be up in the database shortly.

I already know in Coppers case, but Suri I need one other thing from you on that character, and it's a semi-minor detail. I just need to know if your character is an existing ally (given her age she probably would have come in either as a very young hotshot at the end of the Ori War, or just recently during the 'peace' time.), or if she's going to need her own entry point.

If she needs her own entry point, you and I probably should talk via or IM soon to hash out a plan to bring her in.

I need for everyone else bringing in a character to make this same adjustment to their sheets. I can only go just so far in guessing on what your character may or may not know of, and if they may or may not be an existing ally, or a potential new one in the waiting.
Re: Character Creation, Background and other important details.

Still waiting on Courage_Wolf, Sinfulwolf, Unknownsquid and ... Shrike to see if they are still in. I will send PM's later on, target start date at the latest is Saturday.
Re: Character Creation, Background and other important details.

Pop on AIM sometime, had a couple ideas I wanted to run by you at some point. Should be on from about three hours after this moment, for about two days XD
Re: Character Creation, Background and other important details.

Name: Jortis Gerantal

Age: 62 (Young adult by Tau standards)

Abilities: Jortis is an exceptional mechanic and pilot, his race being very technologically oriented, it was only natural for him to advance as he did. If it was broken, he could fix it. If it flew, he could pilot it, and he's gotten by on these two skills alone for a long time. Any new piece of technology he finds is fascinating and likely to keep him occupied as he takes it apart and looks it over with a critical eye.

Ship: Jortis currently flies an Interceptor class scout ship with a single set of railgun batteries mounted on the front to either side of the small cockpit. Although lacking in offensive capabilities, the ship is extremely fast and capable of Jumping on its own for limited periods of time. The only thing that really sets the small 1 man ship apart from its cousins is a custom fitted cloaking device that shields the vulnerable ship from detection.

Appearance: Jortis has leathery grey-blue skin and is humanoid in appearance, meaning he has two arms, two legs, one head, etc. His face is wide and flat, with no nose to speak of as his olfactory senses are actually located in his mouth. He blood is a dark purple color, containing traces of Cobalt rather then Iron. He's generally not seen outside of his dark armor, the thick metal plates light to him after so many years of wear, and although friendly, he's slow to trust.
Re: Character Creation, Background and other important details.

Jortis is in.

Officially waiting for Shrike, Squid and Sinful, though I have spoken with them and they should have characters in soon. Target Start is still holding for Saturday, pending anything sudden that forces me to delay.
Re: Character Creation, Background and other important details.

Name: Ariana Arkanian

Age: Hundreds or thousands of years old, though almost entirely spent in coldsleep. Physically, late twenties

Species/description: Human, genetically engineered (Though she doesn't know it). Tall with pale skin, she tends to wear functional clothing, covered by a brown leather duster.

Powers/Abilities: Ariana is a powerful psychic, though she's never had any training. As a result, her powers are simple and uncomplicated, though quite potent. Her main use and weapon from this are shimmering blue blades of energy, focused from her mind as an extension of her willpower. She can create almost any blade she can think of, but usually settles on a double-bladed sword about as tall as she is. As a strange side-effect of having something created of pure mental energy, her weapons have no mass, and as such, no thickness. This makes them effectively infinitely sharp, and she has not found a substance that can resist being shredded, though some types of shielding seems to have an effect, and creatures that regenerate can usually fix themselves as fast as she can cut them, as the wounds do not open when her blade creates them. Any weapons she creates last as long as she can focus on them, generally however long combat lasts. She uses the same technique to create barriers, armour, and the like if she feels she has to, though the applications tend to be simpler.
She has a limited array of mental powers as well, telepathy, a small amount of telekinesis and a moderate amount of precognition, which is what allows her to dodge and deflect most attacks, she knows where they are going to be before they have even started.

Ship: A modified Falcon, A ship built for grace and power. About the size of a heavy fighter, the ship maneuvers like one much lighter, and the small cargo bay has been converted into a more proper living area for longer trips, as well as having a coldsleep chamber installed. The ship houses a simple AI to handle navigation, sensors, and pretty well any function the ship needs while the pilot is otherwise indisposed, and the weapons and shields are comparable to others of it's size and time period, consisting of a pulse turret to cover the back half, and a small spread of pulse and laser hardpoints to provide direct fire. The ship is also mounted with a torpedo launcher for slower and heavier targets, tactical mines, and countermeasures. Most of the weapons are heavily dated and will likely require upgrades in order to be useful, but the shield has stood the test of time well, and the rest of the ship has fared better, maneuverability being the timeless asset it is.
Re: Character Creation, Background and other important details.

Ellisia Alvante

Ellisia Alvante
Age: 32
Species: Human / Etherian Citizen
Rank and Duties: Knight Commander - Second Sphere (Second in Command, Ships Representative off deck.)
Appearance: Light blond, 5'9 neck length hair. Blue eyes. Tall and athletic. Often has a serious or stern look on her face, but can be pleasant when relaxed. Wears the white and blue military uniform of the Etherian Guard, and the silver pin of her order, depicting a sleek skyward tower and a pair of wings wrapped around.

Bio: Ellisia is an agent or “knight” of the enigmatic civilisation Etheria. Born elsewhere, but adopted into their society at a young age, she is ardent and loyal in her service to the Etherian people and their millennia hidden idyllic city. Through hard training and determination she attained a respected position in the Etherian order of “Spirit Knights” at an early age. (Can be compared to a Jedi or Mass Effect ‘Spectre’ in terms of role and duties)

In recent years atypical events and developments have pushed Etheria into taking a more active role in external affairs, with Ellisia being present during much of it. She is familiar with Siphon, having met and worked together during her stay on Earth about 13 years ago. She also distinguished herself in action during the Maia-Ve Crisis 11 years ago, an event isolated to Etheria, but prompting a shift in complacent attitudes. Including her service during the more recent Ori war, Ellisia has overall attained commendable respect amongst her comrades, only barred from 1st Sphere status by a lack of having fully developed the potential of her abilities. She currently holds the rank of Knight Commander, which entrusts her with authority to lead up to two squads, or “lances”, of other Knights at her level or lower. Lances are made up of either a "Combat Lance" of five knights, or an "Operative Lance" of three knights.

Powers/Abilities/Skills: As one of Etheria’s elite, Ellisia shares a set of skills common to all Etherian Knights. The knowledge of how these seemingly supernatural powers work or are attained is something known only to the Etherians.

AT Field: All Etherian Knights train in developing a formidable defence ability known as an AT Field, or “Absolute Territory Field” (with nothing to do with the Japanese fetish of the same name... >_> ). The field extends a tight body wrapping barrier around the user which will repel any object or emission perceived as threatening, ranging from physical strikes, to bullets and energy based attacks. It cannot protect from ambient heat, vacuum, toxic atmospheres, or the effects of gravity on the user itself. Its use will also expel or kill any living organism larger than a microbe. If broken by a force that overwhelms the field, it will take a small time to recover and can potentially stun the user.

Ellisia’s own AT Field skills are quite well developed, being capable of deflecting at least a few shots from most personal weapons fire, and recovers its integrity quickly. She is able to extend it minutely to aid in adding extra impact to unarmed attacks, and by channelling it down the blades of her personal weapons in melee, allowing for incredible sharpness and durability, and making her block near unbreakable in conventional combat.
Enhanced Speed, Strength, Reflexes and Awareness: General feats of athleticism that stand out from the normal. Ellisia is competent in all, but is markedly adept at making quick short bursts of inhuman strength. Whilst out of direct action these abilities are diminished in order to preserve energy.
Extended Endurance and Fast Healing: Whilst inflicted wounds remain as hampering as for anyone else, Ellisia is able to “postpone” a degree of the effects of damage and strain on her body. Light wounds and pain can be ignored, and mortal wounds can be endured long enough to finish the fight. Coupled with the ability to heal herself, makes her very adept at surviving violent situations. Extending this technique to general endurance allows her to operate and fight at her peak for extended periods, seemingly never short for breath or showing fatigue until after the issue has been resolved. The use of this power does still add additional strain on her energy reserves however, and care must be taken not to overuse it lest Ellisia needlessly cripple herself to win one fight.
Sub-Storage: A personal sub-dimensional space used by knights as a storage space. Objects placed within can be re-summoned at will. The space can hold a technically infinite amount of space and weight, but is limited by only being capable of holding certain objects (generally of Etherian origin), and that the more items stored such, the longer it takes for the user the focus their mind on locating an item to retrieve. Ellisia typically uses it to store her weapons, armour, emergency supplies, and a locator device.

In recent years atypical events and developments have pushe

Ship: "The Al-Sora" - Solace Class starship.

"The Al-Sora" - Solace Class starship.

Solace Class

● AT Field
● Regenerative Hull
● Subspace Interiors and Crew Space
● Aeser Beam Arrays
● Central Aeser Lance
● Abnormal Energy Signature
● Small Hanger Bay
● Retrofitted Conventional Comms Systems

The Solace Class is the first ever vessel of purely Etherian design that can be objectively considered as a warship. First envisioned and constructed in response to the threats posed by both the Ori and Maia-Ve incidents, a small number of Solace Class vessels now complement the Etherian defense force. Measuring at roughly 300 meters long, and featuring a 200 meter wide curved crescent shaped wing at the front of the craft. The rest of the craft tapers back in a long narrow tail. The entire surface of the ship is smooth and almost aquatically shaped with no sharp bumps or extrusions, and formed out of a sleek silvery material. It’s hull would register on scanners as possessing a stone like mineral composition, but featuring far higher densities and very different characteristics, with an anomalous metallic outer shell.

Protected by a reinforced AT field and a one piece construction solid morphic hull, the Solace has considerable durability and given time can recover from almost any level of damage inflicted upon it. The AT field is capable of taking a degree of punishment far higher than average for a ship of its size, and recovers quickly when breached. The AT field is always operating at full strength, and is either active or broken, with its limit being determined by the ships overall energy level. The drawback is that whilst able to take hits from foes that would be considered out of it’s league, this will drain the energy at a dangerous rate. The abnormal and non localised nature of most of its vital systems makes it incredibly difficult to entirely disable or cripple with precision (or lucky) fire. Bellow the thick hull, the ships internals and crew area is sustained within a subspace bubble, that prevents outside forces, such as weapon impacts and the inertia generated by fast manoeuvres from effecting those within. This requires a certain degree of energy to maintain, and can only hold a limited mass, but is incredibly useful for shielding the crew from extreme environments and by allowing the ship to make high G manoeuvres that would normally be lethal to the crew of any other craft. The subspace compartment can howver be breached by anything that causes sufficient damage to the adjacent hull.

The Solace’ simple but powerful armament is comprised of several aeser arrays of varying output, including one primary array mounted on the front of the craft for when maximum penetration is required. Aeser weaponry fires highly precise beam like projections of bright energy that are capable of independently changing course and homing in on targets. The aeser arrays can be used to fire either few high powered beams, or to split their energy into a wide spread of numerous weaker beams. They can be used effectively for everything from capital ship fighting, to anti-missile defence, to planetary bombardment. One notable limitation of the weapon is a limited tracking range, beyond which the weapon cannot be redirected.

For propulsion the ship uses a graviton drive system for conventional propulsion, and subspace compression to achieve FTL travel. The overall speed granted by this drive is strictly average, but does demonstrate impressive fine control and agility for a ship of it's mass. Capable of planetary atmospheric entry, exit and flight on all but the highest gravity environments. As an additional manoeuvre it's gravity based drive system can be set to emit a force in all directions around the vessel, capable of repulsing or attracting any nearby lighter objects or craft, but leaving the Al-Sora itself mostly stationary.

The linchpin to all these systems, and perhaps the vessels greatest weakness, is its energy supply and power management. All of the protective systems, propulsion, and weaponry, draw their power from the same reservoir. Whilst substantial, it is not generated at a rate capable of powering all these systems at optimal efficiency at the same time. Each system must be prioritised over the others in any given situation. Operating at full power consumption, the ship will inevitably begin to drain its reserves. Sustaining several punishing hits to the AT field, or unleashing heavy aeser fire in particular will drain the energy reserves rapidly. If energy is allowed to run too low, the ship risks not having enough to make an escape. In certain cases it may actually be more energy efficient to allow enemy fire past the AT field and let the armour take the pain, to be healed later.

The other notable aspect of Etherian craft is that all are powered by an abnormal energy source, rather than conventional electrical power, and can cannot draw power from conventional sources or (non Etherian) friendly ships. This has the side effect of making them difficult to detect on standard sensor sweeps designed to search for such. Regarding visual detection, radar, ladar or gravidar sensor systems they are just as apparent as any other. When firing their weapons or using physical drives, the energy signature changes to one more easily detectable. The ships own general sensor and detection package can be considered as substandard regarding versatility or detection method, and particularly weak at far ranges, but does boast highly accurate detection at shorter ranges that ignores any conventional stealth systems.

The Solace Class also possesses a small hanger or cargo bay, with room enough to house a small complement of a few dozen Sylph Fighters and/or Golems, or two Ascalon Class fighting craft. It's hanger is currently mostly unoccupied, carrying a single Golem and one dozen Sylphs. There is no dedicated pilot crew to man the Sylphs.

Notable Crew
Name: Ellisia Alvante
Age: 32 (Appears about 31)
Species: Human / Etherian Citizen
Rank and Duties: Knight Commander - Second Sphere (Second in Command, Ships Representative off deck.)
(As above)

Name: Marik Osavra
Age: 46 (Appears about 22)
Species: Etherian
Rank and Duties: Knight / Combatant - Second Sphere
Appearance: Silver hair, 6'1, slender but well toned and athletic build.
Bio: Marik is a young but able knight within the order, demonstrating a drive to excel and an altruistic nature. As a knight his primary skill sets revolve around stealth, mobility and reconnaissance. Adept in all forms of personal combat, with a talent for identifying an opponents weak points and using it to his teams advantage. He often carries a long range Aeser weapon into combat missions, and is a proven marksman and avid trick shot. His weaknesses include a tendency to lone wolf, and being somewhat distractable by ruses or extreme circumstances. His AT field and ability to endure damage is weaker than the average knight of his level, but he tries to make up for this through careful positioning and combat mobility. One of his key specialisations is in boosting his perception, capable of reaching buzzard like vision, owl like hearing, and wolf like sense of smell. When actively focusing on his senses, he is almost impossible to sneak up on. An additional knight technique he possesses includes a rudimentary ability in Ionic Induction, having just begun his training in this field. Giving him the ability to induce and direct minor electrical currents either arcing through the air or any conductive material. The total energy he can induce is relatively low and typically non lethal, with arcs limited to a range of about three feet, but they can be effectively used to stun certain foes or short out electrical systems.
Powers/Abilities/Skills: Agility Specialist, Sniper, Perception Boost, Ionic Induction (Novice)

Name: Thanus Hauthuum
Age: 382 (Appears about 45)
Species: Etherian
Rank and Duties: Knight / Combatant - Second Sphere
Appearance: Black/Dark short hair, 6'5, large solid build. Calm and methodical movements.
Bio: A long serving member of The Order, Thanus has been within the knights for over a century. Having served as a body guard for almost all of Etheria's notable figures at one point or another in his career. He has however seen very little outside of Etheria, rarely choosing to volunteer or being selected for exterior missions and duties. He is a calm individual content to keep his business to himself, and his duties close to home. The advent of the Maia-Ve and Ori incidents broke the lifelong peace and security he had known, and fostered a new concern in defending his homeland from beyond the walls, as well as within.

His skill set and abilities as a knight focus on defensive strategies and his work as a body guard, as well as formidable strength and a honed sixth sense. In particular his AT Field is far more resilient and enduring than normal. Able to shrug off and deflect incoming attacks that would threaten armoured vehicles and break most other knights defences. He is able to extend this ability to those directly adjacent to him, taking the attack himself instead. As a more offensive tactic, he can also 'burst' his AT field outwards in a 360 degree radius, extending up to 4 meters. Doing so will violently push outwards in a shock-wave like effect. Doing so will completely disable his defence abilities for roughly 10 to 20 seconds before his AT field can re-stabilise, and cannot be used to selectively avoid harm to friendlies or the environment. In combat he tends to forgo weapons, instead simply using the impact of his ATF skills to enhance his bullet proof fists considerably. He also has limited training in the Etherian technique of Gravitic Manipulation. Capable of redirecting and slightly amplifying gravity within a small field, at very short distance extending about one foot from his body. He is most capable of using these fields just in front of his palms. This allows him a deceptively impressive "strength", able to move and effect objects far heavier than normal muscle work could hope to. He can also use this ability to increase or decrease his effective weight, allowing for unexpected shows of agility, or becoming an immovable object in a grapple.
Powers/Abilities/Skills: AT Field Specialist, AT Extend, AT Burst, Gravitic Manipulation (Minor)

Name: Ayla Iasha-voh
Age: 347 (Appears about 37)
Species: Etherian
Rank and Duties: Pilot / Tactical Support / Dive Therapist - First Sphere (Ranking Officer)
Appearance: 5'6. Knee length long brown hair, slender gentle build. Wears a plain one-piece white body suit whilst aboard the ship, and a simple long white cloak for business off deck.
Bio: A First Sphere rank in the Order but not classified as a knight. Ayla works in an invaluable support role known as a "guide" or "voice", providing tactical information and guidance to a Knight team via a telepathic link from afar. Her abilities allow her to see and process what each member of the team sees, and relay it back to their team mates in an empathic medium. Acting as a second mind behind their eyes, she is able to point out details that even the individual viewers themselves might have missed or overlooked. A team linked as such is able to communicate telepathically in a manner faster and more accurate than mere verbal communication. In the rare case that it might be called upon, Ayla can also directly possess a willing target and take full control. She has no power over those unwilling to allow her access to their minds.

Currently numerous guides are finding roles in command of Etheria's newly christened star ships, due to their skills being highly suited to piloting the craft and captaining a crew. Ayla serves as the ranking officer and captain on the Al-Sora, as well as the singular pilot. Controlling the ship in a telepathic manner, floating in a zero-G spherical pilots chamber. Whilst synced with the Al-Sora as it's pilot, she feels the ship and it's senses as an extension of her own body. Should the need arise any member of the ships crew could potentially pilot it, with both Ellisia and Sinnve having a small degree of experience in such, but Ayla requires no additional aid in managing the ships general systems. Attempting to divide her attention between her guide and pilot roles simultaneously will hamper her ability to do both to proper efficiency.

A third role unlikely to be required in the course of the game, is her side profession as a "Dive Therapist". An ability allowing her to enter a willing patients inner subconscious mind to learn of and resolve issues that trouble them, and help the patient become more attuned with both themselves and others.
Powers/Abilities/Skills: Remote possession and guidance, experienced therapist, excellent singer.

Name: Sinnve Iasha-voh
Age: 21 (Appears about 14)
Species: Etherian
Rank and Duties: Golem Pilot - Third Sphere
Appearance: 5'1, neck length brown hair, of average build. Wears a black pilots combat skin when off deck or on active duty, and light casual clothes most other times.
Bio: Sinnve is the (significantly) younger sister of Ayla, and a self professed Ace Golem Pilot. Highly confident and daring, Sinnve is always looking for a challenge or something exciting. Raised by her sister she grew up around the Etherian guardian military academy, and developed an infatuation with the towering "Golem" units that the pilots soared through the skies in. Advanced vaguely humanoid constructs, standing between 12 and 30 feet, capable of operating either autonomously or as a personal armour suit of sorts. Sinnve signed up with the Golem brigade and began enthusiastically learning about about the machines long before she was ever allowed to go near one. When she was finally adopted into the ranks of the golem knights proper, she displayed a level of skill and understanding of the units that had her hailed as a natural and as a born pilot. She was one of the youngest combatants in Etheria to have faced the Ori in battle, and performed exemplary. After only a few years piloting experience she performs in training exercises and mock trials equivalent to a second sphere rank, and is only waiting for the scheduled ranking trials to come round before she can get a shot at promotion.

She became involved in this mission due to personally volunteering/requesting to participate. Partly for the potential of getting to see some action, and otherwise simply to follow after her big sister, whom she sticks to like glue any time she's not tinkering with her Golem. She is very close to her sister, who she looks up to greatly and refers to on issues regularly. Her weaknesses include a degree of emotional dependency on her sister, her head strong nature, and a tendency to perceive given orders more as guidelines.
Powers/Abilities/Skills: Natural Golem Pilot, Trained Sylph Pilot,
Sinnve's Personal Golem Unit: As a general purpose combat Golem, Sinnve's personal unit stands at 18 feet/5.4 meters tall, weighs a staggering 274 metric tons, is flight and space travel capable, armed with standard Etherian weaponry, and an upgraded energy reservoir for use in operations away from Etheria. Constructed from the same material as the Al-Sora, it's body is largely composed from what would for the most part only register as solid sections of super dense stone, with no discernible separate armour plating or internals. Otherwise without closer inspection it appears like any other advanced battle armour or robotic walker, with a smooth and rounded but powerfully built design. It's armaments consist of fixed angle aeser weapons on it's arms, and standard homing aeser arrays that fire from it's back and "wing", as well as a high powered energy blade that can be extended from either arm at up to 5 meters, capable of cutting stone and steel with ease. It's defences work on the same AT Field methods as all other Etherian units, including the AT Burst and AT Extend techniques. It also can be equipped with an over sized hand held aeser beam weapon, but the energy drain this weapon incurs to use makes it unsuitable for most engagements. Just like the Al-Sora, the Golem's critical cornerstone is in it's energy reserves. Likewise, it's graviton drive system and inertia damping subspace pilot compartment permits it to perform dizzying manoeuvres that would produce extreme G-Forces instantly lethal to the pilots of any conventional craft. Whilst nimble in zero-G, the Golem's ability to fly whilst under the gravity of a planet is significantly reduced. The units incredible weight requiring a large portion of it's energy reserves to lift, and limiting it's flight time and agility.

Name: Vern Aiita
Age: 331 (Appears about 34)
Species: Etherian
Rank and Duties: AS Tech - Chief Engineer
Appearance: 5'9. Sandy blonde/brown short hair, medium build. Wears basic blue Etherian military non combat uniform.
Bio: Vern Aiita is the man responsible for looking after the ships well being and correct functionality. He was one of those on the original team to design the Solace Class and their living core. He has a better understanding of the ships technical inner workings than anyone else aboard. Due to the vessels ability to largely regulate itself, his duties are fairly relaxed, but should anything ever go wrong, he is an essential crew member. His skills extend to the maintenance of other Etherian tech, such as Sinnve's personal Golem, the Sylph fighters, and some of the equipment carried by the Knights. More recently he has taken an interest into conventional non Etherian tech, and as such also provides Ayla with some additional "armchair expert" knowledge on such matters. His lack of any real combat training or abilities place him squarely as ship bound and a non combatant.
Powers/Abilities/Skills: Technician, Anima Technician, Subspace Technician,

(22/05/12 : Significant crew members updated + Ship Named )

Etherian outer uniform cloak. :

Visual of the Solace Class, with additional technospec jargon. :

Size comparison of the Solace Class and the USS Enterprise supercarrier. Measured to be in scale. :
(The Enterprise is one of the largest present day aircraft carriers in service today, at roughly 360 meters in length.)

Sinnve's Golem "Ophlankia", (Human silhouette pictured is a six foot male.)
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Re: Character Creation, Background and other important details.

Starting this tomorrow morning when I get up.
Re: Character Creation, Background and other important details.


// Additional Crew //

Name: Olrenn Serrs (♂)
Age: 290 (Appears about 28)
Species: Etherian
Rank and Duties: Chief Officer/Captain's Aide - Ayla's Aide
Appearance: 6'0. Short/medium wavy black hair, medium build. Wears Etherian military officer's non combat uniform.
Bio: Olrenn's role aboard the ship is primarily as a pilots aide to Ayla during periods of intense action, such as more complex combats involving multiple elements that must be accounted for. Ayla has the option to entrust various aspects of the ships functionality to Olrenn's station, such as navigation or communications. Sensory data can be passed to Olrenn for analysis and advisement during a hectic battle. The Chief Officer's station is capable of fully piloting the ship minus a few special and restricted functions and commands, but interfaces to the ship with a slightly inferior accuracy and response time than the main pilots chamber is capable of. Olrenn's other roles aboard the ship include managing and accounting for the crew and physical resources on board. During times the Captain is unavailable or in case of emergency, the Chief Officer becomes the acting Captain and assumes command of general ship affairs and operations. There are a few areas in which however, that Ellisa would still outrank Olrenn.

Olrenn generally displays a fairly professional and reserved attitude, taking things he gets involved in quite seriously. He is observant and with keen attention to detail, and takes it upon himself to make sure that the Al-Sora and it's crew maintain high standards. Whilst he gets along amiably enough with most of the crew, even if never much more than on a professional level, Olrenn does clash a little with Sinnve. Finding her complacent, and dismissive of his rank and authority, and believing her to be too young and head strong to be volunteering for a combat role.
Powers/Abilities/Skills: Good understanding of ship systems, Navigational/Tactical/Comms Training,

Name: Mirelle Notha (♀)
Age: 312 (Appears about 34)
Species: Etherian
Rank and Duties: Healer / Dawn Maiden - Chief Medical Officer
Appearance: 5'5. Cream blonde medium length lightly curled hair. Wears simple white medical robes.
Bio: Mirelle is the person responsible for keeping the crew of the Al-Sora in good health. Whilst the ships medbay is largely autonomous, and can actually care for patients without any assistance from medical staff, a medical officer is essential for optimal interpretation of diagnosis, and better decision making regarding which treatments need to be performed, as well as the ever important simple bedside care and assistance that an automated system cannot provide. Additionally Mirelle is qualified to perform the procedures for installing, removing and repairing symbiote anima auguments, such as the language anima that all the crew carry to allow them to speak with other cultures on their mission, or the bonding anima that allows Sinnve to properly interface with her golem. Back home in Etheria she also carries the non military title of a "Messenger of Dawn" which involves her in certain ceremonies, nurturing duties, and anything related to new life.
Powers/Abilities/Skills: Medical knowledge, Healer, Symbiotic Anima Surgery, Mid-Wife,

Name: Tenn Vish (♂)
Age: 129 (Appears about 22)
Species: Etherian
Rank and Duties: General Technician - Vern Aiita's Assistant
Appearance: 6'1. Dark brown hair worn in a mid back length ponytail, slim/medium build, slightly athletic. Wears basic blue Etherian military non combat uniform.
Bio: .
Powers/Abilities/Skills: Jr Technician, Martial Artist,

Name: Jain Hethiya (♂)
Age: 172 (Appears about 23)
Species: Etherian
Rank and Duties: Ship's Head Steward
Appearance: 5'9. Short black hair, slim build. Wears basic pale blue Etherian military domestic uniform.
Bio: .
Powers/Abilities/Skills: Basic understanding of ship systems, Cook,

Name: Erivan Iyaseliya (♂)
Age: 462 (Appears about 74)
Species: Etherian
Rank and Duties: Ship's Steward
Appearance: 5'8. Short grey and thinning receding hair. Shows the signs of age. Wears basic pale blue Etherian military domestic uniform.
Bio: Part of the ships stewarding team, Erivan stands out amongst the crew as quite clearly being the eldest aboard. And one of the eldest active members within the Etherian guardian core, in fact. At his venerable age, he is only 11 earth years away from forced retirement of domestic service within the core. Having already retired from a combat oriented role in the militia long ago. At that point he took fully to his fond hobby of painting and exploring the visual arts. Over the last two decades however he has watched the Etherian military reawaken to face new kinds of threats never seen during the comparably calm years of his service, and whilst he is too old and worn to fight or make tactical decisions any more, he is still perfectly fit and healthy enough to cook the soldiers a meal, or prepare their quarters after a mission. Additionally, he sees this last short term of service as an opportunity to expose his artistic muse to something new, and perhaps rekindle some life into his paintings, which he feels have grown old and predictable along with him.
Powers/Abilities/Skills: Cook, Ex Guardian Militia Member, Painter/Visual Artist,

Name: Yolona Iyathuum (♀)
Age: 31 (Appears about 20)
Species: Etherian
Rank and Duties: Ship's Steward
Appearance: 5'8. Upper back length, wavy reddish ginger hair. Wears basic pale blue Etherian military domestic uniform.
Bio: .
Powers/Abilities/Skills: Cook, Amateur Anima Synthesis Crafting (hobby),

Name: Jeral Hau-Isel (♂)
Age: 287 (Appears about 28)
Species: Etherian
Rank and Duties: Armourer and Military Stock Keeper
Appearance: 6'2. Short dark brown hair. Wears basic blue Etherian military non combat uniform.
Bio: .
Powers/Abilities/Skills: Competent Anima Synthesis Crafting, Weapons Technician, Subspace Technician, Simple Anima Technician,

This is just an extra post for the additional background crew members I mentioned for the Al-Sora, since apparently the previous post was near the maximum character limit and didn't have room.

Most of their bios and further details aren't written or fleshed out yet. Will be doing that over time and whenever the whim takes me.
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Re: Character Creation, Background and other important details.

Name: Sarnael (Name he decided on for common use. Actual name kind of hard to pronounce.)

Age: So old he's forgotten.

Species: Karsin, Nix'ari sub-species.

Powers/Abilities: Most Karsin have strength and resilience on par with a Bentari, even though they have a fully human appearance. The Nix'ari are to the Karsin what Augments are to normal humans. In addition to his somewhat extreme physical strength (Rumors persist of Sarnael hurling a Death Glider with one hand...) and impressive survivability, Sarnael also has *extreme* longevity as well as heightened hearing, sense of smell, and eyesight. Also seems to have the ability to create some sort of inter-dimensional rifts, although this may be due to some manner of technical gizmo on his ever-present, always worn armor. (Design of Sarnael's armor is on the left, sans the Klingon Empire Insignia on the belt buckle, of course: )


Reportedly, this ship is named "Threadweaver", although no explanation was give to any particular meaning. Armaments include six array-style beam emitters (four top, two bottom), four sets of pulse-style dual cannons (one pair on each front point, vertically paired), and three warhead launch tubes (two fore, one aft, each may fire up to five warheads in a single salvo). Defenses seem to be based around some manner of space-time phasic flux. Karsin energy weapons have an unusual appearance, that of a black "core" with a deep crimson 'unstable' energy sheath. Scans of their beam shots register high levels of anti-proton particals. Their warheads have a prismatic energy sheath around them, and seem to be out-of-phase with normal space-time, much akin to Ancient Drones.

Other notes: The race has access to a network of "tunnels" similar to the Stargate network, albeit with the ability to 'store' things 'in-transit'. Sarnael was at least involved in its development and construction, if not the primary architect of it. The rifts mentioned in the Abilities section is simply him accessing it remotely. All Karsin ships, including those mentioned below, have similar systems in place, and as such, use the network in place of an FTL system.

As Sarnael can be a bit of a recluse (My excuse for any lack of activity for a while...) he has only met in person with one person, since his 'return': Thor, the Asgard Supreme Commander. Karsin/Ancient First Contact was shortly before the Ancient/Ori split.
Re: Character Creation, Background and other important details.

Name: Zaleia Meheaven (Zale for short)

Age: late 20's (probably 28)

Species: Homo Superior (stealing que from copper since she is a mutant)

Hails from: Earth, U.S.A.

Powers/Abilities:Zale's primary ability is controling electricity. She able to draw electricity from sources around her even the skies above given potential storms. Discharging the gathered energy is her main form of offense ranging from bursts of blinding light to bolts of damaging lightning. She can travel in a form of energy by breaking herself down into electrical energy and making short to mid range jumps from point to point or by entering power grids and traveling the lines to far away locations as energy. Zale's internal battery of sorts has the capacity to store large amounts of energy for use whenever she needs it. Currently her upper limit is unknown though when she starts holding high amounts within herself her skin shines a light blue with small zigzags of lightning arcing across it. As of late she has been getting introduced to new unearthly forms of power and energy and her mutant powers have started evolving in what she believes to be the capacity to absorb and control a few of these newer energy sources.

Appearence: Zaleia stands 5'5" with a lean figure and short cut red hair. She dress in a more utility minded fashion lately with cargo pants and usually a hoody with front pockets on most of the time. She also keeps a small piece of copper wire twined into her hair that if asked she says its a good luck charm. As of late she tends to carry a messenger bag with some electrical tools she carries for certain moments she deemsthem neccesary.
Re: Character Creation, Background and other important details.

Recap of Events that have gone on, as well as changes:

Anubis and Nirrti have been killed, they won't bother anyone ever again.

Atlantis, Aya and Vanessa have all been found/rescued.

The Klarnell have been MENTIONED briefly, but not seen (change from previous run). All that is known is an alien race beat the Ancient's, and what little Aya remembers or chose to share is this info, and that they came from some kind of doorways. Beyond that, nothing is known about them yet, and they are believed to be either dead, or unaware of the existence of the Milky Way Galaxy.)

Mirvik, a rouge hybrid wraith has had his plans to poison and kill humans across both the Milky Way and Pegasus Galaxies crushed, but he himself is still at large. Additionally, his plan to create a Hybrid Atlantean and Wraith child was stopped.

What is left of the Ori, now known as the Valtarans, are allied with us.

The Asgard were blitz attacked a few months prior to the start of this new timeline, and wiped out. Who attacked them is completely unknown.

The Rebel Wraith still exist, but they have been badly weakened by Mirvik, and the constant fighting with the normal allied wraith.

Most everything else will work itself out later.

Previous Events:

Vanessa was recovered from Nirrti's clutches 3 years ago, but that wasn't the end of it. Nirrti had great plans in store, and ultimately they expanded to include Atlantis, and it's sole surviving occupant, Aya Morioka. When Siphon/Talvesh and the Alverans found Atlantis, it was resting at the bottom of the ocean on a planet in the Pegasus Galaxy, with the threat of Rebel Wraith looming. Siphon and his crew went to the city, where they encountered the mysterious Aya Morioka, who claimed to be Siphon's long lost, and forgotten wife. As time went on, this wild story proved to be true, along with the shocking realization that not only had they been married millions of years before Atlantis had even been built, but that they had children!

Aya told them all she could remember of an alien race known as the Klarnell, who had appeared through mysterious doorways through time. She told of the defeat the Ancients suffered, and the belief that the Klarnell would never find Earth. With no indication they ever had found Earth, or the Milky Way, the story was left to die out.

Nirrti briefly possessed Aya, but ultimately it was discovered she had cloned herself, taking another woman, Cassie as her host. Cassie it turned out was also Lantean, and Aya's mother, though she doesn't remember this, or much of her past, likely because of something Nirrti had done to her. With her appearances having changed as well, neither Siphon or Aya recognizes her as such, at least until Siphon discovers the truth. Aya meanwhile is unaware, and Siphon plans to keep it that way for a while. In rescuing Cassie though, and ending Nirrti once and for all, they discovered an even bigger threat. Cassie warned them that Nirrti had been working with Anubis, a long dead, or thought to be dead Gou'ald. Eventually they found out that Anubis had ascended, and been partially forced back into this plane of existence, and was now a serious problem having found Atlantean tech spread across the galaxy. The final battle took place at a planet known as Dakara, the end result being the death of Anubis thanks to another ascended being's help, but not before Dakara was destroyed.

Two years later, and shortly after the defeat of Anubis, word began circulating of a hybrid wraith known as Mirvik. This shady hybrid was off purposely infecting human worlds with a virus designed to kill humans, while at the same time leaving some survivors in areas frequented by rebel wraith. This virus left an imprint on it's surviving victims, and any wraith who fed upon them died a horrible death. Most of his plans were eventually stopped, but Mirvik himself managed to escape, and has been a perpetual issue for over a year now. During this time, the Asgard were wiped out by an unknown foe, leaving many questions in it's wake. Who did this? How? Why? What happens now? The question seemed destined for the back burner, as Mirvik once again had popped up. No one knew where he was exactly, but he was really getting on everyones nerves.

Until today. Intel suggests a base of operations for Mirvik, and it's time to end him once and for all. Will you answer the call?

Character Creation Guidelines:

First, use the thread specified for this please! It can be found here: http://www.ulmf.org/bbs/showthread.php?t=20840

Now then, on to business:

Name: Pretty sure this is self explanatory.

Age: (can be almost anything depending on species)

Species: (Can make up your own, or use an existing one. Existing
species can be brought in from films, video games, comics, anything. However, try to keep with one that would be classified as a "good guys side".)

Powers/Abilities (if any): (Again, this can be pretty much anything. For example, if your species is large and possesses great physical strength, mention that. Maybe they have some kind of Psychic ability? It could be as simple as a series of notes about the species and what it's capable of.)

Ship: (Basic info on your character's ship, if it has one. The name, armaments, rough size etc are all examples. I don't demand a great deal of information, and again there aren't too many limits, but ideally as much info as possible is best. Try to keep it within reason, no Death Stars or the like please. If you do not have a ship, it will be taken that your character is hitching a ride generally with another, or takes whatever ride they can get.)

If your character hails from the Milky Way Galaxy, they will almost certainly have heard of the Gou'ald at some point, as well as the Tokra and Alverans. They may also have heard of the Asgard, Wraith, Velokians and possibly the Ancients. They may or may not know about the Ori as well, and that war (any questions PM me and I'll give you a brief run down of events).

If your character hails from the Pegasus Galaxy, they almost certainly will have heard of the Wraith, Ancients (by name or lore in their own society) and Alverans. All other races are somewhat iffy, but it isn't impossible.

If your character hails from the Triangulum Galaxy, then they will definitely know of the Draque and Enoly, along with the Bentari. Other races are a possibility, although not a guaruntee.

In addition, it is pretty likely that unless your character happened to be in a galaxy not mentioned above, they probably at least KNOW of the Draque, Enoly and Bentari by name, given we were in a war with them some time ago. Also, most likely everyone has heard of the Ori for the same reasons above. They may also have heard of the Ancients by name, as well as Atlantis by name.

That pretty much covers basic character creation. If you think of something that would be nice to have for a basic sheet 'requirement', feel free to speak up in the OOC thread. Now, this said, let us get to the quick recap of the last few years, and information that may be common knowledge depending on your species, and where you hail from.

Link to former OOC thread: http://www.ulmf.org/bbs/showthread.php?t=20841&page=7
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Re: Character Creation, Background and other important details.

Name: Victor Ravion

Age: Appears to be in the mid-twenties to early thirties range

Species: Modified Human

Physical Appearance: Light complexion. Shorter, though unkempt, black hair; pale skin, and pale blue eyes. Average height with an athletic build. Tends to wear work-clothing, strangely reminiscent of Soltarus' "grease-monkey" mechanics.

Powers/Abilities: Normal range for an active, adult human. Only real abnormality seen so far has been his inventiveness and technical/mechanical skills, which appear developed enough to understand how to operate and repair technology after a few moments of looking at the item. Medical scans reveal a small cybernetic implant at the base of his skull towards rear, apparently some manner of short-ranged ULF beacon. Beacon appears to be connected to a large suit of armor Victor uses possessing numerous weapons systems and heavy defensive plating. Weapons include wrist-mounted pulse emitters, charged gauntlets, arm-mounted autocannons with alternate heavy cannon mode, and shoulder-mounted missile launchers. As the armor's control system is derived from the Ancient control chairs, he has developed a rather focused and disciplined mind, although he can still have moments of distraction.


Cybershadow, a custom small craft. No wing insignia. Although it's the third personal craft he's used, it's the most heavily armed. See Background section for details on that. In addition to its heavier weapons systems, the Cybershadow is equipped with up-rated shields for its size, as well as having had a stealth beam coating applied. The stealth beam coating acts as a form of passive stealth, scattering or absorbing most technological-based sensors. Known weapons systems include: Plasma Charge Cannon (prow-mounted heavy pulse cannon that requires charging), Null Ray (fore-mounted system-disabling beam), Thermo-rocket Launchers (fore-mounted warhead launcher), "Scrapmakers" (fore-mounted autocannons), and Pulsar Mortars (dorsal-mounted air-to-surface launchers).

Also, pseudo-crew:

Name: Ravage

Age: Indeterminate, likely pointless.

Species: Cybertronian.


The insignia on his shoulders are not present in this.

Powers/Abilities: Transforms between Cybertronian Archival Core and panther-like robot form. Has displayed ability to alter size of his panther form while transforming. Possesses similar stealth beam coating as the ship. Also possesses some communications interference and commandeering abilities.

Name: Quint

Age: Indeterminate.

Species: Unknown

Powers/Abilities: Unknown

NOTE: The being, or beings, that Victor refers to as Quint has not yet been seen, remaining at somewhere known to the little group as "Lauter". Five distinct voices have all been referred to by Victor as "Quint".

Victor first "contacted," via Ravage, the Alliance around the time of Anubis' return, having intercepted transmissions suggesting they were fighting Anubis, who Victor had his own trouble with. Eventually, he joined in fully, but is still kind of learning things.

((Full background details coming in next post.))
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Re: Character Creation, Background and other important details.

Background Info Post for Victor Ravion and company:

Background: Originally from a human colony world with access to limited space travel technology on the edges of the Milky Way galaxy, Victor Ravion was, at first, merely a highly skilled researcher and engineer. However, when a rather extreme religious group began gaining traction on his homeworld, he chose to escape in secret. This he managed, although his ship's somewhat crude and jury-rigged FTL drive failed somewhere in deep space... Causing him to crash-land on a rogue planet, although Victor originally mistook it for a Dyson Sphere. This planet, called Cybertron, proved to be home to a technologically advanced race of mechanical lifeforms... A race currently caught in the grip of a violent civil war.

Victor was quickly captured by one of the commanders of the more aggressive side of the war. Kept as a sort of guinea pig, Victor was experimented on, as his captor had discovered strange technology that seemed to have some manner of unusual energy coming from it... However, the mechanical lifeforms were incapable of activating the technology themselves. After a few such experiments, aimed at attempting to get the organic to interface with the technology, Victor wound up somehow disabling his captor, as well as winding up being rescued by the leader of the opposing faction, a being which turned out to be far less cruel and hostile towards Victor. This leader, aided by some of the better minds of his faction, aided Victor in stabilizing whatever had been done to him. Yet, time was running out for the war. The mechanical planet was shutting down, and with it the source of the energy that powered the inhabitants was shutting down as well. The leader managed to arrange for Victor to be sent away from the dying planet, and sent both the technology that caused Victor's trouble, and some of their own, with him in the hopes that he might find a way to restore the planet, and perhaps even find a way to bring peace to the warring race, once it revived.

In the end, Victor wound up on a remote, yet habitable, planet... And one that provided quick shelter for him and his recently obtained collection of artifacts, relics, and assorted mechanical drones. One of the mechanical race's "living colony ships", refered to as Titans, was present on the planet, although it was in a damaged, non-functional state. In addition, a new ship was constructed for him, which bore the name of Scatterspark.

This ship helped him in his initial surveys of locations that might bear remains of the race he was now, apparently, the successor of. During one of his early "recovery journeys", he found Quint.

Quint decided to join Victor. Upon return to the "fortress," as Victor jokingly called it, Quint began assisting Victor in a series of upgrades, both to the drones and the ship. During these upgrades, the pair's scout drones began picking up stray transmissions, indicating a major galatic-level conflict was underway. They debated about investigating, and Quint suggested some upgrades to improve the Scatterspark's capabilities, to be implemented prior to such an investigation. Unfortunately, the Scatterspark didn't last much longer.

While returning from another excursion that bore surprising fruit, Victor encountered the forces of a particular Goa'uld... Anubis. Although able to escape from the encounter with assistance from Quint, the Scatterspark had to be sacrificed along with the custom-made environmental suit Victor had been using. However, the main prize of the excursion was rescued along with Victor: a small, intact "conversion cog", salvaged from the destroyed form of one of the mechanical race.

During the examination of the cog, it was discovered that the cog was a replacement designed for one of the race, and that particular member was in a damage-induced stasis lock. The being's body was, in fact, one of the recovered data-storage units. After repair and reactivation, the being told Victor its name, joining his "crew": Ravage. In addition, another round of upgrades occurred in response to the encounter with Anubis. These upgrades were primarily tactical in nature, increasing armaments and defenses, and were aided by Victor having previously been able to stabilize and "raid" the personal subspace storage dimension of one of the gun-nuts and arms-dealers of the faction from the war that had captured him.

As part of the upgrade, Victor received a new ship, this one called the Cybershadow, as well as a replacement for his lost environmental suit. Based on combat suits occasionally used by Quint's kind, it bears heavy armoring, as well as defensive shielding... although that system has a history of being slightly temperamental. The control interface for the suit was derived from the technology Quint examined from the imprisoned experiments, some sort of control chair. Furthermore, Lauter itself was upgraded with numerous weapons emplacements.

Cybershadow Weapons Systems:

Plasma Charge Cannon - A forward mounted plasma-based weapon, it fires a sizable ball of high-energy plasma, comparable to most ship-to-ship warhead weapons in damage. However, the weapon requires a noticeable charge-up, and is direct-fire only, with no guidance.

Null Ray - Mounted above and behind the PCC, the Null Ray is a tight-band beam weapon which, while having a low impact output, has the useful effect of temporarily scrambling the electron pathways used by most technological systems, usually just enough to force the system to be reset before it will work properly again. Although a direct-fire weapon, it is notable for being constructed with pinpoint accuracy in mind. Aiming is still required, though.

X-12E Scrapmakers - Retractable-mounted weapons on the outside edges of the ship, these gatling-style weapons are the emplacement version of the X-12. Each fires small packets of unstable nucleon particles, which while doing little damage individually given the X-12's anti-personnel origins, can add up with the X-12's rate of fire. One X-12E is mounted on each side of the Cybershadow.

Thermo-rocket Launchers - Magazine-fed launchers, these high-energy warheads are comparable to most fighter-based missile weapons. They include limited guidance systems, and each magazine carries 10 warheads. Two are mounted, forward-aimed, on the underside of the Cybershadow.

A-4 Pulsar Mortars - Magazine-fed Air-to-Ground launchers, these weapons send proximity detonated "Pulsar Bombs" hurtling towards the ground. Each bomb has comparable explosive force to a standard fuel-air bomb. However, the intense light generated by the detonation usually renders survivors temporarily blinded. Each magazine carries four warheads, and two are mounted slightly aft from the thermo-rocket launchers.

Ravage Personality Note: Under most circumstances, Ravage's personality is best described as that of the consummate silent hunter, however on rare occasions a glitch can occur within his personality matrix that causes him to act in a much more impish, or perhaps overconfident, manner. This is usually accompanied by him hijacking text-only message system and leaving such messages for nearby people with it, usually in a manner reminescent of Soltarus' "social media" culture.

Ravage Weapons: His claws and fangs also contain Galvo-conductors, which produce a disruptive electrical field around them for added impact. Additionally, he has access to a subspace storage dimension that holds a pair of small Scatter Blasters that attach to his front shoulders when called upon.

Scatter Blaster - These weapons act as large shotgun-type weapons, and fire small explosives for "shot". On the full-sized versions, the blast from full spread detonation is comparable to Rockeye cluster bombs. However, the smaller version used by Ravage has a smaller payload, and each "pellet" is roughly comparable to a large firecracker.

Victor's Armor

Appearance: The fully sealed armor suit now used by Victor often reminds Soltarans, or those familiar with Soltarus culture, of something called "Terminator Armor". While it has hard-mounted two paired sets of weapons, it has hard-points that allow it to mount an additional two pairs of weapons, stored in a subspace storage dimension. When not in use, it resembles a large crate with some manner of upright "bed" on one end, stored either in a chamber within Lauter, or in a deployment bay on the Cybershadow.

Twinpath Blaster - One of these is mounted on a retractable housing on each wrist. The Twinpath Blaster is roughly pistol-sized and double-barreled, in appearance similar to a giant tuning fork. Each shot is comparable to a shot from a Jaffa Staff Weapon, although the Twinpath boasts slightly higher base rate of fire, further increased by the second barrel. When not needed, these weapons are often retracted inside the armor's forearms, covered by sliding armor panels.

Riot Cannon - Normally stored in subspace, the Riot Cannon is a dual-mode weapon. One of its modes is that of a gatling-style autocannon, partially braced by its attachment point to the armor's forearms, and partially by the stabilizer handles deployed for the armor's hands. When switching to its other mode, the handle and barrels retract, the weapon rotates to point the rear-facing heat-vent forward, and the stabilization mounting shifts to form the new cannon barrel. In the gatling-mode, it fires stun-pulses that numb the impact point for a few seconds, and leaves a mark not unlike a mosquito bite. These stun-pulses can, and often do, build to the point of rendering the victim unconscious. The cannon mode's shot is much larger, featuring a blast similar to a grenade, with a stunning effect similar to that of a single zat'ni'katel shot. However, an additional component to Riot Cannon exists, stored separately in the subspace storage dimension. With that component slotted in, the cannon's shots in both modes become lethal. In "lethal mode", each individual gatling shot is comparable in damage to a Jaffa Staff shot. The cannon mode's lethal shots retain the blast zone, but are more comparable in damage output to a tank cannon or light artillary fire. The armor's "storage pocket" contains two of these, one for each arm.

Cyclonic Missile Battery - Mounted on the armor's shoulders when called out, the missile battery can be loaded with one of two different types of missiles. The first type is thermo-rockets, identical in operation to the ones used by the Cybershadow although with a smaller payload, being comparable in damage to anti-material rockets. The second type is photon-swarm rockets, which are more of an anti-personnel type with fragmenting casings. While the launchers each store 6 missiles at a time, with sliding protective panels to cover the launch tubes. Victor often keeps multiple loads of each type of munition in the storage "pocket". The "pocket" contains two of these, one for each shoulder.

Nucleon Shock Gauntlet - Built into the armor's hands, the Nucleon Shock Gauntlets bear stabilizing modifications made by Quint. When activated, the gauntlets are wreathed in a disruption field powered by small nucleon emitters. The fields cause a small energy detonation upon impact. A further modification includes power turbines built into the outer surfaces of the armor's forearms. These turbines activate only when the Twinpath Blasters are retracted and the Riot Cannons are not in use. The turbines supercharge the disruption fields, and the resulting detonation creates public swimming pool-sized craters. The armor has an insanely powerful Nemesis Shield that can render it nigh-invulnerable, however that shield is hardwired to only activate for the split-second of actual detonation of the supercharged field. This tactic has earned the joking name of "Punch of Kill Everything" from the least serious Quint voice, and the others have, surprisingly, pretty much adopted it, or the acronym "P.O.K.E." as well.

Energon Prod - Similar in design to the staff weapons employed by the Jaffa and Ori, the Prod's head expands into a "man-catcher"-style configuration, and discharges energon into whatever it contacts. While it lacks any form of ranged capability, the energon discharge has proven to be both rather painful and highly disruptive of mental capacity for organics. Such disruption often causes delirious states, fugue, and hallucinations. Often employed by Victor when unarmored. If he switches to using the armor, the prod gets stored next to the "bed".

Resonance Blaster - Sonic weapon discovered in the raided arms store. It appears to operate by sending out focused pulses of audio waves. Although not tested yet under such conditions, it is presumed to lack effectiveness in a vacuum. Employed by Victor while unarmored. If he switches to using the armor, it is stored next to the "bed", opposite the energon prod. Normally the size of a compact SMG, it has been seen to expand to a more powerful rifle-sized mode. Victor refers this as "plugging in the amp".

Notes on Cybertron:

Cybertron is a massive technological planet, although one without a star of its own, located as best as Victor could determine via astrometrical estimates as being somewhere close-ish to Soltarus' system. A rogue planet, it used to generate a massive amount of power that gave life to its inhabitants, a mechanical race possess of the ability to change between two forms. The race was often called "Cybertronians", by those few who knew of them. Their reticence in allowing others to know of their existence stems from their unfortunate luck in their first contact with other lifeforms... After that disaster, the Cybertronians chose stealth and hiding over contact with others, and would only establish outposts in uninhabited systems. This path eventually minimized the damage to the galaxy when the race erupted into a massive civil war, divided between a faction desiring conquest, and one wishing to maintain their relatively peaceful existence. It was this "Great War" that led to Cybertron's core shutting down, and the Cybertronians' extinction... However, one of the commanders of the war-like faction had initiated a sequence of events that might lead to the reactivation of the planet's core, and the restoration of the race.

The peace-minded faction of the war had been centralized at the Cybertronian City-state of Iacon, and had launched their main archives into space when the shut-down loomed. The commander who had captured the organic calling itself "Victor Ravion" had arranged at some point for the main archive of his side, located at the city-state of Polyhex, to be similarly ejected. One of Victor's personal goals to find the archives.

As for the war itself, it was mostly fought in space. While the occasion skirmish did occur on the uninhabited planetoid outposts, most extra-planetary battles were fought ship-to-ship. All extra-planetary battles either ended in mutual annihilation of both sides, or in damages so severe that a retreat to Cybertron was necessitated.

The Cybertronians themselves bore a peculiar part to their anatomy: a Conversion Cog that enabled their form-changing. The Cog also stored an imprint of the Cybertronian's personality.

Notes on Nucleon and Energon:

Nucleon is an unstable energy source discovered by the Cybertronians. While highly unstable, it could provide surprising boosts to the Cybertronians. On the other hand, the Cybertronians soon learned of Energon, which was slightly better and far more stable for them. Both energies, however, are extremely disruptive to organic nervous systems. Late in the war, a means of converting other energy sources into Energon was developed, although it was unable to produce enough to save the race. Much of Victor's early technology was powered by fusion reactors equipped with these energon converters, however since Quint's arrival, the fusion reactors have been replaced with nucleon cores (stabilized by some alteration Quint was aware of), which have more efficient exchange with the energon converters.
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Re: Character Creation, Background and other important details.

Going to make this short and sweet for the time being. Editing may happen in the future but for now...
Previous Character info
Re: Character Creation, Background and other important details.

Updated character personnel record:

1. Name (Last, First, MI): Fisher, Evelyn Caylee
1a. Service Number: REDACTED
2. Branch: REDACTED
2a. Grade: REDACTED
6. Date of Birth: REDACTED
6a. Age: 21
7. Species: Human
7a. Race: Caucasian
9. Religion: REDACTED
10. Marital Status: REDACTED
10a. Number of Dependents: REDACTED
17. Physical Status -
17a. Height: 5'3"
17b. Weight: 112 lbs.
17c. Hair: Strawberry
17d. Eyes: Gray
17e. Glasses: Yes
20. Birthplace and Citizenship -
20a. Self: REDACTED
20b. Spouse: REDACTED
20c. Father: REDACTED
20d. Mother: REDACTED
21. Education -
21a. Primary: REDACTED
21b. Secondary: REDACTED
21c. Post-Secondary: REDACTED
25. Aptitude Tests -
26. Other Tests: REDACTED
30. Qualification in Arms: REDACTED; Pistol Expert
30b. M28 Service Pistol - REDACTED - EX - 398 - REDACTED
31. Languages: English, Japanese, REDACTED, Russian, REDACTED

More information will be declassified as it is revealed in-game.
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