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Character creation


Nov 10, 2008
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To create a character for Own the Night you simply need to create a mortal human from the Dark Ages who is on the cusp of being embraced by one of the kindred. I like to think of the game as a free-form cooperative story between the players (you) and the storyteller (myself) chronicling the brief period of your life leading up to your death and embrace, followed by your nightly descent into the world of darkness. What follows are the basics that you need to fill out for your character as well as some optional choices to help us write our story together. Additional information and links on these choices are found in both the game and setting information threads.

The basics
Name: Pretty straight forward.

Age: The character's age at embrace. (18 or over as per forum rules)

Appearance: Pretty straight forward.

Back-story: The most important part of character creation. The more you include in this section the easier it becomes for me to think up ideas and write an enjoyable story.

Optional choices
Nature and Demeanor: Who your character really is on the inside and how they present themselves to others.

Clan: If you wish to play as a certain clan let me know, or if you are willing to let me choose and would prefer not getting a certain clan let me know as well.

Road: Your characters viewpoints on morality and the means by which you control the beast within. The default choice is the Road of Humanity (Via Humanitas).

Attributes: Your character's innate capabilities. Place the following in order of importance (physical, social, mental) or if you wish more detail you can break them down and order them (physical: strength, dexterity, and stamina), (social: charisma, manipulation, and appearance), (mental: perception, intelligence, and wits).

Abilities: Your character's learned capabilities. Rather than break them down simply let me know if your character is particularly skilled in a certain talent, skill, or knowledge.

Merits and/or Flaws: Special advantages or liabilities that can add depth to your character. You can have no more than 5 points worth of merits in total and you need to take at least one flaw if you choose a merit, though the cost need not be equal. I may choose to disallow a merit or flaw if it seems inappropriate for the chronicle.

Other: Anything else you can think of to further define your character. A quote, a picture, or even a piece of music you feel fits your character.
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Re: Character sheets

Name: Vezina
Age: 19.
Description: Vezina had a peasant's upbringing, but has since been taught the way of kings by her Sire, and now wears a simple traveling dress and cloak. She is slightly on the tall side at 5'7", with dark hair hanging loose between her shoulder blades and piercing grey green eyes. She has a strong bearing, proud and self-righteous, but at times showing a feral look indicative of her wild upbringing in the woods of Eastern Europe.
Back-story: The lone daughter of a fur trapper in the Carpathian Basin. She grew up skinning animals for her father to sell as clothes to the villages along with the game meat. Her father was also a member of the local herd for a Tzimisce overlord named Gyulu.

With the arrival of King Stephen I of Hungary and the expansion of his lands at that time in history, Gyulu's holdings were being uprooted. As Gyulu was a radical in opposition to other Tzimisce, he believed that it was their influence that had led the human king to invade his territory. In fact, it was also the work of the Ventrue of the Black Cross, but it made little difference in the end. He resolved to uproot himself and as much of his herd has he could and flee to a land where his fellow Tzimisce couldn't be bothered to follow - England.

Knowing he would need his own brood of neonates who could exist on the soil of England, yet still desiring the loyalty of service his herd readily provided him, he decided to take - among others - Vezina and her father with him to the new country. Being mere human chattle, they had no say in their master's desire. Together with a small caravan, they made their way as gypsies across Europe, moving mostly by night and finding safe places to rest during the day, killing or capturing mortals as they went to feed Gyulu.

At a certain point in time, the movement of their band of followers was noticed by a local populace. There was a skirmish at dusk, half the caravan was killed and burned. Vezina and her father protected the master's body from vengeful peasants, her father taking a horrible wound in the process. Vezina was spared only because the brutish, hypocritical peasants wanted to scourge and torture her before burning her as a witch. Fortunately, her dark master awoke before they could make good on their intentions. The peasants were quickly destroyed, compelled by the power of Gyulu's dark majesty to tear one another apart. Vezina observed in wonder and awe at her master's power.

Vezina buried her father, but continued on with the surviving caravan, now being asked to guard Gyulu's body every day. Crossing the channel was difficult. It was a time of upheaval and the land was strange. The band of gypsies set up in a limestone cave which they would continue to dig through in secret for the years to come. When Gyulu had reached this place and determined that it was to become his new home, he chose to sire three new fledgling Tzimisce on the soil of England. Though she was not aware of it, Vezina had been chosen long ago by Gyulu as a potential childe and bride, and her loyalty and willingness to die for her master had been proven. After a final test of her will and obedience, Vezina was given the gift of the Embrace, the third and final childe.

To Vezina and her fellow brood members - Scorylo and Tarbus - were given the gifts of the night. Gyulu was of the Old Clan of the Tzimisce, and so in place of the so-called 'defilement' of Vicissitude, he taught the mastery of mortals to his childer. Vezina showed an aptitude for the blood disciplines, as well as for the history of her clan and the wold at large. She was incredibly intelligent, something that had appealed to her sire and allowed him to look past the baseness of her mortal birth. She learned to read and write, and to act as a noble might. She was raised to be a queen of the night, with domain in her own right.

Aptitude: Mental, Physical, Social
Preferred Clan: Tzimisce

Nature: Celebrant (Vezina dreams of fulfilling the birthright that was her Embrace. She wants the vision that Gyulu promised her - her own domain to call her own, her own herd of mortals to serve and feed her, raw power over all that trespass into her realm, and the pride and honor that come along with her bloodline. Even if she is an outcast from the current political tendencies of her clan, they are still of the same blood, and Gyulu has taught her that the blood is sacred above all else, and allegiance to the elders is second only to that. Hence, her personal crusade against the Tremere. Her will is bolstered by defending Tzimisce honor and establishing/defending/growing her domain.)
Demeanor: Gallant (The gusto and pride with which Vezina seeks to achieve her goals leads others to think of her as a busy-bodied crusader)

Languages: Romanian-Transylvanian/Hungarian, English, Latin, Greek

Dominate: 2
Auspex: 2
Animalism: 2

Bloodpool: 15/15 (After diablerie... began as a 9th generation with 14/14)
Willpower 8/8

Mentor (1) Gyulu
Status (1)
Unbroken Lineage (1pt Merit) Vezina can recite her lineage perfectly back to Caine. This marks her as a legitimate member of the traditions.
Vengeful (2pt Flaw) Vezina finds the thought of the Usurpers' (Clan Tremere) continued existence to be a stain upon the honor of her bloodline. She's rather insistent upon killing any and all Tremere.
New Arrival (1pt Flaw) London and its culture is a new city to Vezina. Her foreign accent is thick, her presence an oddity, and her knowledge of city politics is lacking in the beginning. Factions may try to recruit or manipulate her.
Infamous Sire (1pt Flaw) Gyulu is an outcast from Clan Tzimisce and he and his childer do not have any clan support.
Bound (2pt Flaw) Vezina, in the tradition of Old Clan Tzimsice, is blood bound to her sire, Gyulu.

Health: Uninjured

9th generation Tsimizce (Caine - Enoch - Mekhet - Tabak - Ionache - Gallod - Ziais - Gyulu - Vezina)
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Numero Dos

Name: Marie

Age: 18

Appearance: Roughly 5'2", with long blonde shaggy hair, lower back length, sometimes kept in a very long massive pony-tail. Blue eyes and a soft face.

Back-story: Marie was the youngest child of an unfortunate farming family in a village outside of Mons. Marie's mother died during a harsh winter following her birth, and even though she only had one brother, there was an overabundance of labor on the farm. The land simply would not produce more no matter how hard the tried.

As such, when Marie grew older, she was lent to another family who had had the majority of their children fail to make it to adult hood. The family owned a small inn, and needed help maintain it. Marie's pretty face proved to be a valuable asset tending the bar, in addition to her expected duties keeping the place presentable. Though her hosts kept themselves distant, Marie mostly remain cheerful, another trait all who passed by noticed.

Marie was also something of a risk-taker, though. She had to amuse herself somehow, and she was sheltered enough that serious consequences never really happened. Such things included talking walks after dark. Even if she was cleaning up late, she did not need to meander as much as she did. The village was small enough there was virtually no crime, but as some would say, it was only a matter of time...

Nature: Praise-Seeker

Demeanor: Comrade

Clan: Caitiff (Gangrel)

Road: Humanity

Attributes: Social (Appearance, Charisma, Manipulation), Mental (wits, intelligence, perception), Physical (Dexterity, Stamina, Strength)

Abilities: Focus on social based skills of a non-manipulative nature.

Merits: Eat Food (+1), Adopted Into Grace (+1)

Flaws: Deep Sleeper (-1), Infamous Sire (-1)
Re: Character creation

Name: Ariadne

Age: 25

Appearance: Ariadne is a Greek with a light olive complexion, long dark brown hair, and ever-curious brown eyes. She is thin and has a soft demeanor, but also has the hands of a skilled nurse. She can usually be found wearing finery befitting a member of the Byzantine court, but wears more comfortable practical clothing when not at court.

Back-story: As a member of the distinguished Melissenos family and a well educated young woman, Ariadne was chosen to be a mentor and friend for her cousin, Princess Anna Comnena of the Byzantine Empire. When she was just 15, Ariadne moved from Athens to Constantinople to live with her cousin. The pair became close friends with Ariadne sharing her knowledge with the young princess on everything from medicine to literature and royal etiquette. One of her greatest accomplishments was to help Princess Anna construct and run one of Constantinople's finest hospitals.

While Ariadne tried to instill Anna with a kind and generous heart, the princess was still driven by a burning desire to acquire what she viewed as her rightful position on the throne of the Empire. She was the eldest child in her family, after all. Ten years after Ariadne moved to Constantinople, a plot by Anna and her mother to depose her younger brother was uncovered. Distraught and afraid for her cousin, Ariadne claimed that she was the mastermind behind the plot, taking the blame from her cousin's shoulders and onto her own.

Ariadne is imprisoned and awaiting her probable execution for treason against the Byzantine Empire. She's content with her decision, but hope still lingers in the back of her mind that her friend might be able to come up with some kind of rescue...

Nature: Care-giver/Aspirant

Demeanor: Confidant

Clan: Salubri

Road: Humanity

Attributes: Social (charisma, appearance, manip.), Mental (intelligence, wits, perception), Physical (dexterity, stamina, strength).

Abilities: Medicine, Academics
Re: Character creation

Huldah's sheet as it stands. the blanks will get filled eventually, once my current position settles some.

The basics
Name: Huldah Smith

Age: 20

Appearance: A tall and thickset woman, Huldah is muscular, though with some curves remaining where they should be. She keeps her brown hair in a loose ponytail, and has startlingly green eyes. Some have called her dull-witted, but in truth she simply takes the time to consider all the options and consequences before speaking or acting, leading her to a plodding demeanor.

Back-story: Huldah grew up the daughter of a blacksmith. As an only child, she grew up in the forge with her father, helping and learning the trade as the years passed. Life in her small hamlet was dull, her spare time spent exploring the nearby countryside, or helping the neighbors with harvest and such. One of the town boys took a shining to her, and earned a shiner of his own and a broken nose to boot when he wouldn‘t take No for an answer.

Optional choices
Nature and Demeanor:

Clan: Ghoul

Road: Humanity

Attributes: physical (strength, stamina, dexterity), social, mental

Abilities: blacksmithing, probably 3 dots at max. Brawl perhaps, past that the things a farmhand may have, that should cover it.

Merits and/or Flaws:


And the Picture (Thanks to Sin for helping me find one!):
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Re: Character creation

Name: Ceiteag Gunn (Ceit for short)

Age at Embrace: 24

Appearance: Long brown hair, often worn loose with two braids framing the face. Fair skinned, blue eyes. Nose looks as if its been broken a few times. There is a thick scar running down her left bicep. Tall, and wiry form with rather visible musculature.

Backstory: On the northern shores of Scotland, where Christianity has not spread to all the villages and hamlets, Ceit lived in a small village with her family. Through her veins runs the blood of the Picts, and the Norse Vikings.

Hers was not an entirely peaceful life. Often her village was attacked by raiders from the sea who have refused to accept that the golden age of the Vikings had past, and by land from outlaws and bandits who thought to get easy pickings so far from civilization. As such, Ceit was brought up as a warrior, being the only child of her parents to defend their meager land. While her father taught her the sword, the shield, the spear, and the axe, her mother taught her the bow, that she may hunt and feed those who depended upon her.

So Ceit lived, separated from the wider world, untouched by the white Christ, and steeped in the blood of her enemies. Yet all the while her wanderlust grew, and she felt in her heart that a time would come when she must leave the home she was born in.

Clan: Lhiannan

Abilities: Ceit is highly skilled with the sword, the axe, and the bow. She is quite competent with other melee weapons as well. She can also speak Gaelic, Pictish, English, and Norwegian. She can only read and write in Gaelic however.

Image of Ceit with woad (her kilt is usually at the knees though)

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