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Character Database

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Re: Character Database


Name: Ashley Magnus
Age: 27
Height: 5'9"
Weight: Est 157 Pounds.
Place of Birth: Calgary, Canada (Sanctuary)
Species: Human.

Known Biological Facts: Ashley is a blonde haired ass kicking woman. Highly trained in the use of martial arts and weapon use, she's not the type of lady you want to piss off or attack. A strong willed woman in her own right, she does however seem to be highly attracted to Christopher Andrews, a fact not lost on her mother, who has actually encouraged the relationship, going as far as to pair the two of them on missions so they can better get to know each other.

Powers: Ashley, while she is human, is very skilled in the use of any kind of weapon, as well as hand to hand martial combat. She's not to be taken lightly despite being a human.

Light Background History: Ashley is the daughter of two source blood creations, Helen Magnus and John Druitt. She never gained any abilities of her own, and due to her having been frozen as an embryo for so long, she technically is well over a hundred years old, just not physically since 'birth'. She's been a part of the Sanctuary Network since she was old enough to use a weapon, constantly training and looking to make herself better in life, and more prepared for the dangers that often lie in this line of work.

Miscilaneous Facts: Ashley has a rather cavalier attitude towards death, mostly from her confidence in her own abilities. The few times she's actually needed back-up, Chris has been there to help out, so she has naturally developed an attitude of being untouchable.
Re: Character Database


Name: John Druitt
Age 157
Height: 6'0"
Weight: Est 185 Pounds.
Place of Birth: London, England.
Species: Abnormal.

Known Biological Facts: John is a bit of a mystery man. He appears to have a very wicked sense of humor, sometimes bordering on perverse or satanic. He is bald, however his confidence in himself never diminished as one might expect from someone of his stature. The right side of his upper mouth is marred by a single scar that appears to have been inflicted by a knife, perhaps self inflicted? A relatively tall, slender man, he is far stronger and tougher than he appears to be.

Powers: John has the ability to teleport at will, almost identical to Chris's ability. John also appears to be a very skilled swordsman and has detailed medical knowledge, especially regarding anatomy. He also appears to be unable to die due to aging.

Light Background History: John is actually Jack the Ripper, something years ago having caused him to go insane and commit those murders. A year ago he was tortured by Nikola Tesla after refusing to help him revive the vampire race. This electro-shock torture seems to have changed John somehow, returning him to a sane person again, though Helen Magnus fears one day he will revert to his old habits. Most people are unaware of his former life unless specifically told, or have read his file since his reappearance last year.

Miscilaneous Facts: John does not mince words in combat, he simply fights with a passion unmatched by anyone.
Re: Character Database


Name: Helen Magnus
Age: 158
Height: 5'10"
Weight: Est 155 Pounds.
Place of Birth: London, England.
Species: Abnormal.

Known Biological Facts: Helen Magnus is the Daughter of the great Gregory Magnus, and both of their names are extremely well known amongst the abnormal communities. Even those who are not a part of the Sanctuary Network know of her name and reputation as a friend to abnormal life. Helen is somewhat immortal due to her gift from the source blood. She has jet black, shoulder length black hair, and is an avid adventurer. She's not your sit behind the desk type of leader, she is more than willing to hit the front lines herself, and in fact does so at every chance.

Powers: No true powers, however Helen can not die due to aging.

Light Background History: Helen Magnus became head of the global Sanctuary Network just a few years ago. She is well known for her ability to speak thirty or so different abnormal languages, as well as a dozen or so human languages. She credits her long life to her being able to master so many. Quick of mind, she is also someone you want on your side in a fight, and not for an enemy. She's been a part of the Sanctuary Network since she was a teenager, and has a very strong idea of what abnormals want, or are afraid of.

Miscilaneous Facts: None.
Re: Character Database

My Character

Name: Christopher Andrews.
Age: 27
Height: 6 feet 4 inches.
Weight: 240 Pounds.
Place of Birth: United States.
Species: Abnormal (was once human but was changed due to exposure to the source blood).

Known Biological Facts: Chris was once human before he intentionally injected a massive amount of the source blood into his own body, causing him to become an extremely powerful super-abnormal. It is believed that he is more than a match for any one single member of the original five given his knowledge of abnormals, and his tactical mind. Paired with an ability to teleport himself anywhere at anytime he chooses, he is widely considered to be one of the foremost threats to any hostile abnormal or entity that wishes harm upon humans or his allies at the sanctuary.

Powers: It is widely known that Chris is capable of teleporting. However his mind does appear to be significantly sharper than most other abnormals, and he displays a remarkable ability to learn and understand even the most complex of things in a very short period of time. He considers this to be both a blessing, and a curse.

The rest of this subjects file for abilities is sealed by order of the Global Sanctuary Network Leaders.

Light Background History: Chris was once a human who sought to understand the world of abnormals after a chance encounter at the age of twelve with a Yeti. He later would discover this Yeti was in fact the "Big Guy" at the Calgary Sanctuary, though not for many years. Eventually he managed to trace the source of all abnormal life to a specific strain of blood, and sought to acquire it and learn from it. Four years ago he managed to track down a sample of this blood, which was revealed after a massive earthquake rocked South America. However in reaching his goal, he drew the anger of a shadow network known as
the Cabal. Hunted until he was cornered, Chris willingly injected the blood into himself, knowing it would cause him to change, and that it was his only chance of surviving. The details of what happened after this have been sealed from all records, but rumor still persists that he single handedly took out over fifty armed Cabal soldiers, leaving not a single survivor before vanishing. Eventually he came to the Sanctuary after learning of it's existence, and after several months, became close friends with Dr. Helen Magnus. He has now become a mainstay at the Calgary Sanctuary, working for the greater good, realizing his life long
dream of making a difference where it matters.
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