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Character Sheet Archive


Dec 6, 2009
Reputation score
Name: Ookami or "Kami-chan" for short
Gender: Female
Race: Female Elf
Physical Attributes:
Mental Attributes
Social Attributes
Magical Attributes:
Physical Skills:21
Skill 1: Combat 6
Skill 2: Survival 6 (Hunting)
Skill 3: Stealth 6
Skill 4: Perception 3
Social Skills:16
Skill 1:Animal Ken 6(Wild Animals)
Skill 2: Persuasion 4
Skill 3: Expression 3 (Dance)
Skill 4: Intimidation 3
Technical Skills:11
Skill 1: Medicine 5 (First Aid)
Skill 2: Sabotage 6(Traps)
Skill 3: Research 6 (Crystal Gazing)
Resource 1:Magical Artifact 3 (Polearem- "Fenrir's Fang")
Resource 1:
Resource 1:

Obligation: Debt (In servitude to Loki, Norse God of Mischief.)

Inherent Powers:
Power 1 Supernatural Senses
Power 2 Quickness
Power 3 Reviving the Flesh
Patience of The Mountain
Hide from Notice (Corruption)
Inherent Power Points: 9pp
Beneficial Corruption:
Recharge Method: Sex
Fey Power Points: 8fp

Corruption Levels:
Vestigial Horn Lv.2
Vestigial Tail Lv.2

This is a list of stuff your character has accumulated and filled the 'Batcave' with, not what they are carrying.

Biographical Data:
Bonuses: I hand these out.

Physical Description:
Please append with any corruption effects you gain.

Master Passions

Other Bonuses
Last edited:
Character Sheet Archive

This is where the character sheets go. Feel free to discuss them in the OCC Chat .

Character Sheet Template:

  • Physical Attributes:
  • Strength:
  • Agility:
    Mental Attributes
  • Intuition:
  • Logic:
    Social Attributes
  • Charisma:
  • Willpower:
    Magical Attributes:
  • Edge:
  • Potency:

  • Physical Skills:
  • Skill 1: (Specializations)
  • Skill 2: (Specializations)
  • Skill 3: (Specializations)
    Social Skills
  • Skill 1: (Specializations)
  • Skill 2: (Specializations)
  • Skill 3: (Specializations)
    Technical Skills
  • Skill 1: (Specializations)
  • Skill 2: (Specializations)
  • Skill 3: (Specializations)

  • Resources:
  • Resource 1:
  • Resource 1:
  • Resource 1:


Inherent Powers:
  1. Power 1
  2. Power 2
  3. Power 3

Inherent Power Points:
Beneficial Corruption:
Recharge Method:
CorruptedPower Points:

Corruption Levels:
  • Demonic Corruption:
  • Effect Gained, Power Learned
  • Effect Gained, Power Learned
  • Effect Gained, Power Learned
    Necromantic Corruption:
  • Effect Gained, Power Learned
  • Effect Gained, Power Learned
  • Effect Gained, Power Learned
    Fey Corruption:
  • Effect Gained, Power Learned
  • Effect Gained, Power Learned
  • Effect Gained, Power Learned
    Angelic Corruption:
  • Effect Gained, Power Learned
  • Effect Gained, Power Learned
  • Effect Gained, Power Learned

This is a list of stuff your character has accumulated and filled the 'Batcave' with, not what they are carrying.

Biographical Data:
Bonuses: I hand these out.

Physical Description:
Please append with any corruption effects you gain.

  • Honours:
  • Despises:
  • Master Passions

Other Bonuses
Just in case I come up with something else.
Last edited:
Re: Character Sheet Archive

Character Sheet:
Name: Sen Valiere
Gender: Female
Race: Elf

  • Physical Attributes:
  • Strength: 1
  • Agility: 3
    Mental Attributes
  • Intuition: 2
  • Logic: 5
    Social Attributes
  • Charisma: 4
  • Willpower: 2
    Magical Attributes:
  • Edge: 3
  • Potency: 1

  • Physical Skills:11
  • Combat: 4
  • Athletics: 3
  • Perception: 4
  • Survival: 3
  • Stealth: 2 (Innocuity) [Background]
    Social Skills16
  • Bureaucracy: 3 (Logistics)
  • Expression: 2
  • Persuasion: 5 (Fast Talk)
  • Tactics: 6 (Siege)
    Technical Skills21
  • Alchemy: 6 (impractical, impromptu engineering)
  • Medicine: 6 (Psychiatric)
  • Operations: 6 (Siege Weapons)
  • Sabotage: 6 (Structural Weaknesses)

Arch-nemesis(Aslan): Let's just say a certain wizard isn't to thrilled that his experiment blew a hole in his wall and ran off with his phylactery.

Inherent Powers:
  1. Advanced Celerity +4 To initiative when active
    Quickness, Nimble Feet, Alacrity, Quicken Sight

Inherent Power Points: 9
Beneficial Corruption: Covered in Slime [Basic Chasing the Storm (Howling Winds)]
Necrotic Power Points: 16
Recharge Method: Clocked

Corruption Levels:
  • Demonic Corruption:
  • Effect Gained, Power Learned
  • Effect Gained, Power Learned
  • Effect Gained, Power Learned
    Necromantic Corruption:
  • Effect Gained, Power Learned
  • Effect Gained, Power Learned
  • Effect Gained, Power Learned
    Fey Corruption:
  • Effect Gained, Power Learned
  • Effect Gained, Power Learned
  • Effect Gained, Power Learned
    Angelic Corruption:
  • Effect Gained, Power Learned
  • Effect Gained, Power Learned
  • Effect Gained, Power Learned

Corruptions [total]
Covered in Slime (Character Creation)
Floral Hair Effect Lvl1 (Elf)
Floral Hair Effect Lvl2 (Background)

Zere iz nuzzing 'ere.

  • Magical Artifact (1): [Aslan's Trousers / Magical Pocket Pants]Shiny, magical, fancy pants. These vividly bright yellow pants were stolen from the wizard Aslan. They also seem to have a large number of pockets.
    [The magical pants look really sexy on you. They are also automated, unbuttoning and falling off or sliding back up on command. They have dozens of pockets, but these are not magical in nature, besides being part of the awesome magical pants.]
  • Magical Artifact (2): [Sen's Left Eye] Aslan originally created this using a preserved eyeball and a number of divination and transfiguration magics in order to replace Sen's left eye after he accidentally forgot to heal it. While only intended as a replacement to keep Sen functioning, he did manage to instill a few useful traits into it. It also happens to have a glowing blue iris.
    [It grants Sen a limited form of Aura Sense, allowing Sen to see the corruption of the IDIs wherever they have been. This wasn't noticed until Sen started walking in places where IDI have been was able to notice the aura of those corrupted by The Black Moon.]
  • Magical Artifact (3): [Aslan's Phylactary / The Centipede of Corruption] The item Sen picked up as she ran turned out to be the wizards Phylactary. The man had specially enchanted his soul's repository with a great deal of power in order to make sure that, if he was ever killed, the artifact would be able to revive him without any outside help. The artifact resembles a large, rust-red centipede which, when worn, stretches from the base of Sen's skull to resting its head on the back of her right hand, its legs gripping her arm to keep it from falling off.
    [Sen has no idea what it is capable of, but she knows it is empathic linked to her while she wears it. Every time she thinks about the IDIs it feels hungry and she just knows it. It also makes a happy chittering noise whenever it smells bacon, but never eats any when offered.
    Sen has effectively used it as a weapon, following the same rules as a mace. The Centipede doesn't mind having it's head smashed against things, and was apparently built for it.]

    {The centipede has an empty pool of 4 power points, but I'm not telling you how to refill them and make use of it's powers. You'll just have to guess.}

  • Chain Mail Bikini - Provides no effective protection, but it looks so hawt!
  • Wooden Shield - Thick planks of wood held together by steel or leather straps, everybody and their grandma has a few of these lying around as they are easy to make and dirt cheap to buy. It's also great when something tries to grab you, as you can let them have the shield instead, at the cost of not having the shield anymore.
  • Bull Whip | 1(N) | 1 | L | 1 in 6 chance to cause Agony

Biographical Data:
Sen was born in the small coastal town of Risham, and, for the most part, she lived a relatively peaceful life. Her father spent his days out on the fishing boats, using his lighter, elven frame to clamber about the rigging more easily that his human co-workers. While it wasn't a glamorous job, it put food on the table and was fairly stable. Likewise, Sen's mother would often time spend her spare time sewing and would later sell what she had made on market days. As such, Sen spent the first several years of her life in relative comfort. Not the indulgences of a noble, but not really wanting for anything either. Unfortunately, this didn't last forever.

On the eve of Sen's 13th birthday, a wizard entered the town. He spent a few hours wandering about and attracting fearful glances from the locals. Given the rumors about the man, that he had been driven insane by his powers and was prone to bouts of unstable madness, they had reason to be afraid of him. Sen, however, didn't even know he was there until she and a few of her friends walked past him on their way home from wandering in the fields outside of town. Glancing past Sen's human friends, the wizard paused when he set eyes on Sen before exclaiming, Of course! What a great idea! I've always wondered if you could get an elf to produce honey if you fiddle with them enough! They are close enough to flowers, anyway. He said before binding Sen with a spell. As her friends ran screaming, Sen could only watch hopelessly as the man walked over, lifted her into the air with magic, and then started casting a spell over both of them. Immediately, she had felt as if she were being torn apart before, only seconds later, being put back together on a cold, stone floor. Glancing about, She noticed that she was no longer in the village of her birth, but, instead, in a terrifying stone chamber. A reclined chair was prominent in the center of the room, but lining shelves around the walls were various glowing tools as well as jars full of body parts. Even worse, she could hear the sounds of strange and wretched beasts echoing from several metal doors set into the wall at one end of the room. Trying to struggle and get free, Sen could only flounder helplessly in the man's binding spell as he picked her back up and floated her to the chair. Once there, she was strapped in and her own private hell for the next six years would start.

Things varied as the years went on, but, for the most part, the first year was the worst. For most of that year, all she saw was the chamber she arrived in, and a small, windowless room where she was kept when the man wasn't experimenting on her. This was made even worse as she wasn't kept in the room alone. Chained to one wall of the room was a large, wolf-man who would constantly strain at his bonds to reach the young girl and sate his constant lust. Only by pushing herself into the very corner of the room at all times was Sen able to keep away from him. Of course, it wasn't pleasant outside the room, either. The wizard would alternate between using his tools to push strange energies into her, or using other tools to remove 'samples' of her body. He would generally remember to heal her afterward, but sometimes he would forget until the next session. Because of this, at one point, Sen even lost one of her eyes, and by the time the wizard remember to heal her, it was too late for his less than ideal healing magics to save the body part. As such, he eventually just ended up taking an eye from one of the storage jars, used some magic to fiddle with it, and stuck it into her empty socket, without even bothering to check if it matched.

Other effects of the man's treatment would also start manefesting themselves as well. Over the course of several sessions with the man talking about 'enhancing what is already there', Sen started finding vines mized in with her hair. For several days, when Sen would notice this, her first reaction would be to try and pull the vines out of her hair. However, after feeling the painful tugs on her scalp several times, she finally accepted that the vines were actually a part of her. Something the man had done, obviously, but apparently not what he had intended. For several days afterwords, the man increased his ranting and his carving up of her body. Although, he did remember to heal her on time during this period. Eventually, though, he had come to the conclusion that he was working in the wrong direction. Following that conclusion, over the course of the next month and a half, the man started focusing more on pushing odd energies into Sen's body. At first, Sen simply found herself sweating more, even when it wasn't hot, but eventually, she found the no matter what she did, she couldn't keep herself dry. Creepily, the man would often taste the fluid covering her body. Eventually, he announced, The taste is right. Wrong consistency, but it doesn't matter and this is getting boring anyway. With that, he simply put her back into her room. For the next year following that, all Sen ever dealt with was the constant of the wolf-man chained to the wall, the repeated appearance of found onto an enchanted tile on the floor, and the occasional visit of the wizard as he gather samples of the fluid on her body for other experiments.

A change finally came in a mixture of relief and worry somewhere around her 15th birthday. It was, at that point, that she accidentally knocked a small stone the wolf-man had broken out of the wall between the door and the frame as the wizard closed it behind him. The wizard, apparently accustomed to the door simply magically closing and locking itself behind him, didn't pay attention as the rock kept the door open just enough so that it didn't lock. Taking advantage of this opportunity, Sen snuck out a few hours later, once she was sure that the man was done with his experiments for the day, and began trying to find her way out of the tower. In order to keep the wizard from noticing, she would also sneak back into her room early each morning before the wizard woke up. Still, she did use the next several days to search the entire ground floor and most of the dungeon for an exit. Unfortunately, she was left with the fact that the wizard apparently only teleported in and out of the building as there were no doors and even the windows were only arrow slits. On the verge of giving up, Sen finally did find one thing to at least keep her mind off of the relative isolation and fear which accompanied her stay here: the wizard's library. It was also through the studies of these books that she hoped to find a way to escape, although a good portion of the books she found wouldn't be entirely of use while she was still trapped here, and siege weapons were only useful to break into a place and not out of it.

As such, Sen would spend the last four years of her stay sneaking up to the library during the night before returning to her cell during the day to occasionally be experimented on. Eventually, though, Sen came across a jackpot (In her mind at least): a book on architecture. While she didn't exactly focus on how to build buildings, Sen did use the book the figure out where they were the weakest. Then, one night, while the wizard was sleeping, Sen went and fetched several barrels of magical ingredients that she was fairly sure were explosive and placed them at a point in the building's wall that she believed to be fairly weak. Lighting a fuse, she then ran back to a nearby room to take shelter while she waited for the hopefully large explosion to blow a hole in the out wall. While inside, however, she noticed a rather useful item on display that she decided might want when she left. A pair of pants, magical pants, sure, but she mainly wanted them because she was completely naked otherwise. As she put them on, however, a massive explosion rocked the building. Apparently, she had miscalculated as to just how powerful the explosions produced by the magical ingredients would be. Deciding that it would be best to leave now before the wizard could figure out what was going on, Sen simply grabbed one last item that had been knocked off a higher shelf before running back out of the building and into the woods.

Now free, but utterly lost, Sen has decided to simply try and wander the countryside doing odd (Mostly combat related) jobs until she can finally figure out where her home is.

Bonuses: I hand these out.

Physical Description:
Sen is of average height and figure for an elf. As is normal for her race, she has oddly colored hair. In her case, she has hair that is orange at the base before fading into a light pink near the ends. Her right eye iris purple while her left, an artifact, has a glowing blue iris

Due to various experiments preformed on her, she has vines growing as tendrils of green amidst her hair as well as a constant layer of honey-flavored, fluid which covers her body.

Unless something reminds her of her time spent trapped in Aslan's dungeon, Sen is rather fearless as she has already faced horrible things and survived. Most of the time, she tries to maintain an attitude of cheerfulness, although an observant person might noticed a forced edge to it.

  • Master Passions

Other Bonuses
Re: Character Sheet Archive

Alice Lanetharias
Character Sheet
Name: Alice Lanetharias
Gender: Female
Race: Pureblood Human

* Physical Attributes:
* Strength: 1
* Agility: 2
Mental Attributes
* Intuition: 4
* Logic: 4
Social Attributes
* Charisma: 1
* Willpower: 5
Magical Attributes:
* Edge: 3
* Potency: 2

* Physical Skills:
* Combat 2
* Athletics 2
* Larceny 4
* Perception 10 (6+4) (Investigation)
* Stealth 5
Social Skills
* Bureaucracy 2 (1+1)
* Empathy 4
* Expression 4 (writing)
* Persuasion 2 (1+1)
* Tactics 1
Technical Skills
* Artisan 5 (Metalwork)
* Alchemy 6 (Enchantment) (Concoctions) (Gears)
* Medicine 4 (First Aid)
* Operations 2 (Gadgets)
* Research 6 (Libraries)
* Sabotage 2 (Explosives)

* Resources:
* Servants 1: Aide/maid. Keeps dates, runs errands on top of your average maiding. From a family of vassals loyal to House Lanetharias.
* Artifact 2: Aeratum Lycantis
* Bestest Friend 3: Colin

Pissed off an (un)death cult -The Ventrue Mirage, Nazrin - on a case in a liberated city, Underbrush. It had a milder form of sewer-zombies-caused-by-magical-crap-dumped-in-the-sewers; with help from some celestial mages' power, she enchanted a bunch of iron stakes to act as wards. She also devised a formula to scrub/dispel the contamination, but the treatment will take many years.

Additionally, the jewel used in the Aeratum Lycantis was an artifact they were after. Sucks to be them, but I got it first, and now they're all pissy about it.

Inherent Powers:

1. Advanced Auspex - +4 perception
- Supernatural Senses, Aura Perception, Spirit's Touch
2. Basic Fortitude - +2 physical resistance
- Revive the Flesh, Patience of the Mountains

Inherent Power Points: 12
Beneficial Corruption: N/A
Recharge Method:
Corrupted Power Points:

Gadgetry - Grappling Hook
An unadorned steel armguard. A rectangular box is mounted on the "top" of the armguard, with a similarly wide section encircling at the "back" of the guard, at the elbow. Under the palm, a handle juts out like a "7".

Inside the box is a bunch of complicated machinery that works to fire a small grappling hook attached to a thin, but strong and magically enhanced chain, which is housedcoiled in the wide part by the elbow. The grappling hook has three sharpened prongs; the chain is about 5m long.

The lever controls the hook and reel-in; pushing it forward like a lever pays line out, whereas pulling it towards you will reel it in. Harder push/pulls result in faster reeling; a twist down to the lever will fire it at high speed, and the opposite will do the opposite. This allows the user to control the chain's length, and it is robust enough to be used as a sort of ball-and-chain. Being struck by grappling hook when it's shot is also painful. Also there's magic to keep it from yanking your arm out when you use it I guess.

Combat + Agility or Operation + Intuition to use in combat; does 0 Lethal damage (net hits = pain)

Artifact - Aeratum Lycantis
A heavy looking bronze armguard. Intricately crafted and detailed, detailing waves, historical images, and a few historical quotes and inspirational texts. The metal is reinforced with magic for exceptional strength. On Alice's command, the excess metal used in the armband's designs shift and reshapes into a foot-long, katar-like blade, leaving the armband a functional but unadorned piece of armor. The command is mental and a free action; the blade's formation is essentially instant, and potentially deadly. Additionally, it doesn't come off unless wants it to (or she loses the arm, I guess); it bonds securely to the arm, and with a mental command the metal flows and lets it free.

Created by and personally bound to Alice, who combined her own skill at magic and makin' shit with an ancient powerful-sorceress-in-a-jewel - A brilliant purple amethyst - to make it. Alice entertains herself with the notion that she's made a "weaponized, living metal googirl".

Works as a dagger, that inflicts a Euphoric-type poison effect ("Victim dazed and anesthetized, addictive").

As Alice's pet project - whenever I gain Potence, I may instead opt to spend the point on the Aeratum instead.

Dagger - 1 dmg | 1 str req | S | 1 in 6 chance to deal an extra point of aggravated damage

Wooden Shield - +1 defense. Thick planks of wood held together by steel or leather straps, everybody and their grandma has a few of these lying around as they are easy to make and dirt cheap to buy. It's also great when something tries to grab you, as you can let them have the shield instead, at the cost of not having the shield anymore.

Functional Clothing - These are the clothes everyone wears when they need to do work. You don't want to ruin your frilly dress picking potatoes, and you don't need to sneak up on dragon poo to clean it up (though you may want to hide from it, anyway.

Still Suit - Soak +2. Heavy robes that are amazingly cool on the inside. This armor reduces the affects of hot environments significantly.)

5 Stabilizers

Wagon - Alice and co. travel around in it. On top of your usual supplies, it's got a bookshelf full of encyclopedias, and a small workbench, including a small anvil, and tools.

Biographical Data
Background: Academic-for-hire? Sheltered prodigy/noble? I dunno...
Alice is descended from a minor noble house of old Mirafar. Though still very young - only 27 years of age - she has already a number of significant achievements under her belt, including significant restoration efforts in the land's other cities and recovering several artifacts and pieces of lore. Most of them were either returned to the commissioner, or shipped back to her family to be used to their discretion.

For all her accomplishments, Alice is actually quite a poor combatant. Her abilities lie in various other fields, and she is a highly adept sleuth, scholar, medic, and artificer. Her career so far has been spent mostly either exploring ruins or cleaning up in liberated areas, always with a group or as an aid. Occasionally she serves in more mundane tasks - as a medic at the rear of a battlefield, brewing needed potions or equipment, or in a library.

By all accounts, she was and still is a sheltered girl. House Lanetharias retreated to a surface city after the fall of Mirafar, far away from the Moon and the front lines.

She is the quintessential academic, beginning to attend the city's academy at an early age, and having begun study before that. She even would sneak into the library after hours, either to study or for fun. Though she learned well the many disciplines from the academy, she grew a distaste for the stuffy, bureaucratic processes and haughty attitudes it bred.

House Lanetharias
A fairly minor house, raised to noblehood after founder Saxholm Lanathis, a common soldier, shielded a noble in a dire battle where several retainers betrayed him, some six generations before the fall. Saxholm flexed his new status to provide education, training, and comfort to his progeny.

Thus, House Lanatharias has a reputation for highly respecting ability and knowledge, over breeding. Saxholm stressed being honorable, scrupulous and caring, and much of the House's efforts are spent trying to better the populace or those under it's care (servants, house soldiers). The other Houses tend to disregard them for various reasons - peasant background, naive goals, or because they do not play in politics.

They are thus very short on resources in comparison to other noble families, with little in fluid wealth, allies or land. When deployed, they often rely on equipment lent to them by their employer. However, they have excellent ties with and command great loyalty with the few families of vassals and associates they have.

They generally took minor, unimportant positions - maintaining public works such as gardens, sewers or the guard, supply lines or logistics in the military, and rarely accepting positions above Sergeant on the field of battle.

Alice takes no particular pride in her status as an inheritor of Mirafar - she respects that they were able to build an empire, she is skeptical of the darker bent those powers took. She is in the effort to restore the kingdom and end the war, though she also wants to pull her family into a better position to benefit the people. ...Plus, she wants access to the royal libraries in Mirafar's castle.

Though they have holdings in several businesses in Baestria, much of House Lanatharias' income comes from wages and stipends - they own no land besides the house they now reside in. The purses Alice earns in her services, as well as the various artifacts she recovers, make up a significant bulk of their wealth. Important crap she acquires is usually sent home for use or safekeeping in her family's vault once she finishes her work in an area. (...basically this is why she has no wealth or a wagonload of artifacts, story-wise.)

Alice travels with three others:
- Colin, a skilled Nazrin fighter, detailed below. They are very loyal to each other, and he serves her as a bodyguard and general ass-beater.

- Hannibel Lanartre, "Han", a tall and imposing elf, 34 years of age. Unbelievably long blue hair, worn in a braid down to her knees. Often insists on wearing her fancy maid uniform, even while riding between towns. Despite this quirk, she's very capable. Not only with maidly duties - cooking, cleaning, etc - but as an aide - managing supplies, dates, and other such duties - hell, she even drives their wagon. Has been Alice's personal nursemaid since she was young.
Has a severe weakness for booze and sweets. Bold and wickedly mischievous under her professionalism, usually displayed in the odd prank now and again. Since Alice and Hannibel have known each other for so long, they're very close.

- Nete Sheperd ("neat"), a young (17), nervous harpy boy from her hometown - very androgynous, with beautiful golden hair, feathers, and eyes. Enamored with the stories of her exploits, he approached her father at their home and begged him to let him serve her.
After a short time learning with the maids at the family's home, he was sent and met her in a small port, about three years before the start of the game.
...The harsh road and dangerous work Alice does hasn't been kind to him, though, and he's lost both his left eye and arm, and almost his life, trying to protect her when bandits attacked the wagon. They've been replaced with enchanted prosthetics by Alice, but they're quite noticeable - the featherless wooden arm, especially - and it's served to only make him even more nervous and self-conscious.
Probably is crushing hard on her, what with the hasn't-quit-after-he-got-his-arm-chopped-off. He's a pretty smart kid, aspires to "be like her", and likes to read her books during breaks.
...The harsh road and dangerous work Alice does hasn't been kind to him, though, and he's lost both his left eye and arm, and almost his life, trying to protect her when bandits attacked the wagon. His condition was temporary - the limb and eye restored at their destination, where a healer was demanded as part of pay - but it was still a wracking experience, that's left him quite unsure of himself and his worth to Alice.

Bonuses: +1 Bureaucracy, persuasion; specialization Expression (writing); +1 to meido

Physical Description:
Please append with any corruption effects you gain.

Of average height, she possesses black hair cut short, ending at the top of the neck. Her skin is very pale, her build very slight, and her various assets very modest. She has green, almond-shaped eyes and sharp features, but is otherwise unremarkable.

Almost constantly dressed in her still suit, which takes the form of an oversized purple coat - practically always rumpled with how much she wears it. She wears a pair of plain glasses as well.

(I keep thinking of a SZS character envisioning Alice. Uh, the one with the glasses, with a coat a lot like the one with the blanket)

She is a reserved woman, uncomfortable in social situations. She appears serious and detached, and when dealing with people tends to be brisk and pragmatic. Underneath, though, she is very much a "good guy"; idealistic, kind, and accepting, with a slight mischievous streak.

* Honours: Innovation; Ability; Integrity/honesty
* Despises: Injustice; Destruction of culture; Destruction of knowledge; Inefficient/pointless bureaucracy (red tape); "superiority"; humorlessness (?)
* Master Passions - None. Yet.

Other bonuses
Infinite marshmallows forever. didn't wanna leave this empty

Development/exp record
5/31/10 - spent like a billion exp, advanced so hard it circled over back to initial status

Hurf. Bestest friend to be upped in a bit; artifacts in PM.

Bestest Friend: Daz Lanax
Character sheet
Name: Daz Lanax (Real name Colin Gostrand)
Gender: Male
Race: Nazrin

* Physical Attributes:
* Strength: 3 (2+1)
* Agility: 5
Mental Attributes
* Intuition: 4
* Logic: 2
Social Attributes
* Charisma: 2
* Willpower: 2
Magical Attributes:
* Edge: 4
* Potency: 1
Twos everywhere

* Physical Skills:
* Athletics 6
* Combat 6 (longswords (Falchion))
* Larceny 4
* Perception 5
* Stealth 3 (Hiding)
* Survival 4 (Gathering)
Social Skills
* Animal Ken 3
* Empathy 2
* Intimidation 4
* Persuasion 2
* Tactics 5
Technical Skills
* Artisan 4 (Carpentry)
* Medicine 2 (First Aid)
* Sabotage 6 (Traps) (Structural Weaknesses)

* Resources:


Former gang, Ruby's Ghosts. Due to a massive bungled burglary of the governor's palace on his part, they were put under intense pressure from the city's guard, which ended in the leader, Ruby, badly wounded, and several in the gang either dead - including one of her brothers - or in prison. A well-liked noble was killed as well, so nigh everyone in the city has it out for him, and doubtless nobles and authorities outside the city as well. Luckily he has a new identity, forged into the heredity line of one of her family's vassal lines, and even then some small diplomatic immunity by being an Exalted's companion, but...

Inherent Powers:

1. Advanced Celerity - +4 initiative
- Quickness, Nimble Feet, Alacrity
2. Basic Obfuscation -
- Hide from Notice
3. Basic Potence - +1 strength
- Clinging

Inherent Power Points: 11
Beneficial Corruption: N/A
Recharge Method:
Corrupted Power Points:

Dagger | 1 dmg | 1 str req | S | 1 in 6 chance to deal an extra point of aggravated damage

Longsword (Falchion) | 3 dmg | 2 str req | M | 1 in 6 chance to deal an extra point of damage

Wooden Shield - +1 defense. Thick planks of wood held together by steel or leather straps, everybody and their grandma has a few of these lying around as they are easy to make and dirt cheap to buy. It's also great when something tries to grab you, as you can let them have the shield instead, at the cost of not having the shield anymore.

Functional Clothes - These are the clothes everyone wears when they need to do work. You don't want to ruin your frilly dress picking potatoes, and you don't need to sneak up on dragon poo to clean it up (though you may want to hide from it, anyway.)

Studded Leather - Soak +2. Leather padding covered in metal button. If you take aggravated damage, you reduce the aggravated damage (but not the lethal damage) by 1.

Steel Shield - A solid sheet of metal that provides excellent protection from attacks. It's also a heavy blunt object, allowing you to deal lethal damage with you natural attack, and have a 1 in 6 chance to stun if you specialize in 'Shield Bash'.

Biographical Data
Background: Street Rat
An orphan who survived the razing of his village at the age of 7 by IDI by being knocked out and hidden by fallen debris. He was the sole survivor, and lived in the ruins of the village for about three days before the army showed up, too late to stop it.

He then followed the army in their civilian train. For about a year they were on campaign, and in that time he learned remarkably from the army's soldiers, drillmen, and specialists - mostly from the scouts, though one sapper was particularly talkative. When they disbanded he was sent to the orphanage in the nearest city, but he fled it almost as soon as he arrived and fell in with a gang - Ruby's Ghosts.

Though not particularly impressive as a cutpurse or pickpocket, he was a very good lookout, extremely fast, and could to hold his own against the guards before he was even out of puberty. He was quickly made one of Ruby's lieutenants; his speed of foot was closely followed by his speed of mind.

Unfortunately, in an attempt to steal a giant gem from the governor's vault, he was seen. The escape was extremely close - the palace had a great deal of guards, after all - and during the escape he accidentally killed the beloved Lady Patina Fanokatre. The guard came down really hard on Ruby's Ghosts, almost catching Ruby and slaying one of her brothers.

Colin of course fled the city, and following that became a sellsword, hiring out as a bodyguard and mercenary, where he put his ability to fight and lead to good use.

He was hired into the reclamation effort of Underbrush. He got caught in the riots in the slums and was almost killed, when Alice, surveying the place to see if she could make any improvements, happened on the scene and saved him. When she treated him with respect - unlike most he'd met in his life, especially "pureblood" humans - he quickly grew to admire her, and they became fast friends.

Upon Alice's suggestion, he's tried to put his past behind him. She suggested he help with the carpenter's working to rebuild the city, saying he was well-suited to balancing on beams high in the air. He's taken well to it, and does it in the downtime between Alice's "excursions", where he accompanies her as a bodyguard. It comforts him to think he can now create instead of kill or take like he used to.
Bonuses: +1 Larceny, Survival; specialization survival (gathering)

Physical Description:
Please append with any corruption effects you gain.

Colin has a wiry body, slightly taller than average, made of lean, flexible muscle. What skin of his that is exposed on his hands, feet, and face has a slight tan, with everything else covered in a bristly grey fur; his eyes are a plain brown, and his hair, rough-cut short, darkens to black on top of his head. His large, round ears rest on his head; his right has a chunk missing, from when someone caught hold of an earring there; the other side sports two empty holes.

Usually dressed in a simple linen tunic and breeches, with a leather cap and boots.

Actually quite mild-mannered, for a former mercenary/street thug/refugee-in-a-warcamp - probably mellowed out due to Alice's influence on him. Still speaks rough and acts rough, but has less a predilection towards cutting people up, and tries to control his temper. He is a social person, liking to drink, flirt and sing with the others, but is very evasive when the subject comes to himself - his identity's fake, after all. Additionally, still very distrustful of "The Man", and tends to avoid them and shut up in their presence.

* Honours: Alice; Gold; "Fighting Men"
* Despises: Going hungry; being poor; The Guard; Nobles; Jails; IDI
* Master Passions

Other bonuses

Development/exp record

Spoilers everywhere

I've got three cities my backstories - Alice's hometown, Colin's, and a liberated city with zombies in the sewers. Their corresponding names are Baestria, Firgath, and Underbrush.
Last edited:
Re: Character Sheet Archive

Triacca Silvers
Character Sheet:
Name: Triacca Silvers
Gender: Female
Race: Half-Ogre (Ogre Mother, Pureblood Human Father)

  • Physical Attributes:
  • Strength: 5
  • Agility: 4
    Mental Attributes
  • Intuition: 2
  • Logic: 1
    Social Attributes
  • Charisma: 2
  • Willpower: 3
    Magical Attributes:
  • Edge: 4
  • Potency: 1

  • Physical Skills:
  • Combat: 6 (Shields, Longswords, vs. Strikers)
  • Athletics: 6 (Running)
  • Perception: 6
  • Survival: 5
    Social Skills
  • Animal Ken: 2
  • Bureaucracy: 2
  • Intimidation: 5
  • Persuasion: 3
  • Tactics: 6 (Maneuvers)
    Technical Skills
  • Alchemy: 2 (Chemistry)
  • Medicine: 6 (First Aid)
  • Artisan: 2 (Metalwork)
  • Research: 3 (Interrogation)

  • Resources:
  • Wealth: 3
    Triacca's father left her a modest inheritance after his death, and for the last three years she has been the founder and leader of the Crimson Bulwark band of mercenaries. Although the group has fallen under hard times as of late, she has made it a point to keep the best equipment they had come across for herself: A suit of Scale Mail, a high-quality Longsword, and both a Tower Shield and Crystal Shield which were recently liberated from a group of thieves. Unfortunately, her actual cash funds are meager at the moment.
  • Mercenaries: 2
    The Crimson Bulwark employed over a dozen highly trained mercs at its height, able to boast a 95%+ success rate in its missions. However, Triacca's refusal to skimp on hiring prices or equipment quality, plus the abundance of cheap and disposable mercenary competition means that employment opportunities are few and far between. She has needed to downsize to two mercs, each able to use either a bow or a pike. Both are are well-trained and loyal, but they will need to be paid so she had better acquire some money soon.
  • Artifact: 1
    A special ring nicknamed Swordbreaker, passed down from her late father. He seldom took it off while on the battlefield, and it was clear why − while wearing it on a finger, any object he held in that hand would glow faintly and become much more difficult to break or puncture.

    While in Triacca's care, the ring has saved her life on several occasions. Huge two-handed weapons which normally might cleave or pierce a shield are instead stopped dead, and acid or intense fire have little visible effect on the shield's surface while under the ring's effect.

In the Baron's army, use of stimulant herbs and chemicals was common among the soldiers. Their effects ranged from simply warding off fatigue to improving concentration and awareness, all the way up to drastically improving one's strength and stamina. Triacca foolishly decided to prove she could handle the most intense of these herb concoctions: Heartsfire.

The effects of the herbs were drastic. She felt stronger than ever before, imbued with a sense of invulnerability and perfection. The immediate negative side-effects which had caused other soldiers to wither and faint did not seem to affect her at all. And so for the last 9 years, she has religiously taken a dose of Heartsfire every 6-18 hours to maintain its potent effects.

While Heartsfire does provide great bonuses to Strength, Agility, Willpower and nigh-immunity to disease when first introduced to the body, prolonged exposure will significantly reduce those effects. After 9 years of almost continuous use, the only positive stat bonus it provides to Triacca is a slight bonus to Willpower.

Heartsfire, as is common for medicines of this type, is quite addictive. If Triacca were to fail to receive a dose for more than 18 hours, she would soon go into withdrawal. All her non-magical attributes and most of her physical and social skills would drop by one, with more negative effects possibly appearing as time passes. This state would persist either until she received a dose or up to two weeks (possibly much longer, due to her long-term dependence on the concoction).

Thankfully for Triacca, Heartsfire is not particularly expensive or difficult to produce. Its intense effects prevent most people from using it, so there is not much demand despite its addictiveness. She is capable of producing it herself using commonly-available herbs, although experienced "dealers" can provide more potent doses.

Heartsfire also has a little-known side effect which does not diminish over time − it is a very effective contraceptive for women. While under the herb's effects her monthly cycle stops entirely, making normal pregnancy almost impossible. However, while in withdrawal, her fertility would likely go into overdrive and the chances of pregnancy from sex would become significantly higher than a normal woman's.

Inherent Powers:
  1. Basic Celerity − +2 initiative (active)
    Nimble Feet
  2. Basic Fortitude − +2 Physical Resist (passive)
    Revive the Flesh
  3. Advanced Potence − +2 Strength (passive)
    Vigor, Clinging, Devastation

Inherent Power Points: 9pp
Beneficial Corruption: None
Recharge Method: N/A
Corrupted Power Points: N/A

Corruption Levels:
  • Demonic Corruption:
  • Vestigial Horns − Half-Ogre inherent
  • Reddish skin tone − Half-Ogre inherent
    Necromantic Corruption:
  • None
    Fey Corruption:
  • None
    Angelic Corruption:
  • None

She usually travels with a small cart which carries all the mundane goods for her mercenary band. It is typically pulled by a small boar, though Triacca can simply pull it herself if no beast of burden is available.

Biographical Data:
Background (Long):
Early Life:
Triacca was an only child raised by her single father, a colonel in the army of a powerful baron. He was a stern but fair man who loved his daughter dearly, and although he was not rich, provided the best for his daughter. He rarely spoke of Triacca's mother, saying only that "She was the most beautiful woman in the world, and the only person who has ever best me while sparring."

As a child, Triacca resembled a lanky little girl wearing a Halloween costume. Her horns were very large in proportion to her head, her pointed teeth obstructed her speech, and her skin tone gave her the appearance of a permanent sunburn. The other children teased her terribly, calling her "vampire demon" thanks to her fang-like teeth and other features. She found refuge in the sports that the boys would play all day, quickly becoming a bit of a tomboy herself.

When she reached puberty, the ugly duckling transformed. Her ogre features diminished − she could speak clearly despite her teeth, her skin tone lightened slightly, and her horns (which stopped growing at the age of 3) could now be hidden with the proper hairstyles. Triacca's scrawny frame also filled out tremendously. She stood nearly half a foot taller than anyone else in her class, was strong enough to beat up anyone who insulted her, and suddenly started receiving quite a lot of attention from the boys due to her womanly assets. The girls still shunned her out of jealously, but the boys who gathered up the courage to speak to her discovered a passionate and adventurous young lady.

On her 18th birthday, Triacca joined the Baron's army in hopes to follow in her father's footsteps. It was here that she discovered her true strength, both in the physical and abstract sense. With the proper training and her discovery of Heartsfire she became a fearsome warrior on the battlefield, able to spearhead an assault as an invincible wall of steel or single-handedly decimate whole groups of the enemy. Female foot soldiers were unheard of in the Baron's army, but Triacca could outperform a half-dozen of the best male troops.

As a colonel, Triacca's father ensured that his daughter was never assigned to the truly perilous missions. She was very effective in combat, but he knew that she was still putting her life at risk every time she stepped onto the battlefield. He ensured that she was given quiet escort missions and easy clean-up patrols on a regular basis. This, despite his best intentions, would ultimately be a decision he would regret.

Triacca's Capture

When Triacca was 26, her father was given a diplomatic assignment to meet with the leader of one of the orc tribes. The Baron's army had been expanding westward, and one of the larger tribes wanted to discuss terms for a non-aggression pact. Since the meeting location was far from any orc territory, the colonel decided to bring Triacca (along with a large contingent of soldiers, as a precaution) to this "safe" mission.

The meeting was a trap. Shortly after talks began, the orc bodyguards produced small, clumped plants, threw them to the ground and crushed them beneath their boots. Plumes of unknown green dust enveloped the area, quickly acting as a paralyzing agent to the human soldiers while leaving the orcs unaffected. Triacca was helpless, every muscle forcibly relaxed but her mind and senses fully conscious.

The orcs immediately killed some of the paralyzed soldiers while taking others prisoner, seemingly at random. Both Triacca and her father the colonel were among the captives. They were dragged to a hidden trail in the hills and and learned that this was not neutral territory at all − the meeting location was just minutes away from a hidden orc settlement. As the wooden gates swung open and Triacca glanced around, she came to a grim realization − there were no orcish women or children here. This was a military fort cut off from civilization, and she was possibly the first female that these orcs had come across in months or years. She knew what fate they had in store for her.

Triacca was separated from the group and brought to a small building, dingy and barely lit. Two orcs clumsily removed her armor, finally tearing away at her clothes and undergarments and leaving her completely naked. She was roughly bent over a repurposed stretching rack as shackles were placed on her wrists and ankles. The shackles were then pulled, her arms and torso horizontal as her legs were forced into a mock standing position. The orcs around her grinned, and the helpless woman boiled with pure rage.

The Ordeal

The twelve hours that followed fell into a humiliating pattern. A single orc would enter the room. He would take a small plant similar to the ones crushed at the meeting site and squeeze it, filling her lungs with more of the paralytic dust. He would then unfasten his armor, press his manhood to her pink folds, and rape her. Their thrusts were always rough and unrelenting, but at the very least the orcs were not striking her or sadistically causing physical pain.

Each violation was mercifully brief, rarely lasting more than a few minutes. These orcs seemed uninterested in using her mouth or rear hole for their debauchery, always climaxing within her and filling her womanhood with their seed. Triacca knew that the Heartsfire she had consumed at dawn would protect her for today against their apparent intentions, but its effects would wear off eventually. She silently prayed to the gods that she would not become a breeding whore for these monsters.

The hours passed and she was violated again and again. The rage that had filled Triacca's heart against her captors slowly decayed into despair. But as yet another orc entered the room and released a dose of the paralyzing green dust, she realized something − she could still move her little finger, and was now able to blink her eyes. Her body was building a resistance to the gas! All hope was not lost!

Triacca endured another hour of the ordeal as she tested the limits of her strength. Soon she could move her hands, then tilt her head, and finally her limbs came under her control once again. She needed to be careful not to move in a way that would cause her captives to notice her recovery. And although she could probably break the thin ropes that bound her shackles, she was still unarmed, unarmored and in the middle of an orc fort − she would need some sort of distraction in order to escape alive.

As if on cue, the fort's gate creaked open and a lone orc voice began shouting something. Within seconds the camp was abuzz with activity, the metallic sounds of armor and weapons being readied filling her ears. The orcs was preparing for war. But against what? Triacca hoped that the Baron had sent a battalion of soldiers to investigate the meeting site when her father did not return, and that this newfound activity was in response to this. She smiled, finally seeing a light to the end of this dark tunnel.


But just as quickly, her elation was snuffed out. From outside the building she heard a crude orcish phrase she recognized from her training − Kill the prisoners!, it meant. Her heart raced as she realized that not only was her life in jeopardy, but the lives of her comrades and father as well. If she was going to escape, now was the time.

She heard the door behind her swing open and the clanking of footsteps of an orc in heavy armor. With a burst of adrenaline, her ogre blood and Heartsfire pumping in her veins, she pulled with all her might and snapped the ropes binding her shackles to the table. The orc, upon seeing this incredible demonstration of strength from the "paralyzed" captive, stood dumbfounded with his sword drawn.

Triacca seized the opportunity, charging the orc and grabbing both his throat and the wrist of his sword hand. She spun him around and slammed his head into the corner of the rack she had been bound to, causing him grievous injury as he went limp. The commotion had caught the attention of two half-dressed soldiers who had violated her only a few minutes prior. Triacca grabbed the fallen orc's sword and quickly dispatched the unarmored foes.

As she approached the door, she heard the faint sound of human men screaming. The prisoners! Still naked and wielding only the sword from earlier, she crept outside and attempted to stay out of sight. The screams were coming from a small building only a few feet away, and so she sprinted across and kicked in the door.

What she saw next sickened her. Dozens of her compatriots lay limp on the ground, some of them obviously dead for hours. An orc stood in the room, sword drawn and using it to casually slit the throat of any still-living soldier. Her father was slumped up against the wall, horribly mangled. His limbs had been twisted unnaturally and his face was almost unrecognizable. Triacca felt a mix of sorrow for the men and seething hatred for the orcs.

She moved with incredible speed toward the executioner orc, killing him instantly with her sword. But although he was dead, the rage in the woman's heart was not abated. She struck the orc again and again, each blow stronger than the last, her teeth clenched as she uncontrollably butchered the creature. In her mind, the abuse she had suffered for so many hours was being avenged here and now.

Suddenly, Triacca felt a terrible pain across her back. She spun around to see a short orc holding a sword, the blade covered in blood − her blood. It had taken the cowardly orc this long to muster up the courage to slash her once across the back, and now stood trembling as she stood before him with pure hate in her eyes. The orc didn't even attempt to avoid her attack as she decapitated him with a single strike.

Triacca heard a faint groan from her father. He was still alive! She threw down her weapons and rushed to his side, calling out to him and frantically thinking of any way to help him. His breath ragged and raspy, he spoke two words, "...save...them...", as he used the last of his strength to hand her one of the plant growths that had paralyzed them all.

She understood what he meant. If these plants were used against the Baron's armies, they would be decimated. She needed to warn them and provide a sample so that hopefully a defense against the gas could be made. As she began to stand, her father spoke once again, very faint this time. "Your mother... Mirafar...", and then went silent. Triacca watched with tears in her eyes as her father's head went limp and he breathed his last.

She had no time to grieve, however. Still naked and holding only one of the paralyzing plants, Triacca rushed out of the building with a speed she had never known before. She reached the perimeter of the fort and climbed almost effortlessly over it. There were shouts from behind as other orcs spotted her, but it did not matter. She was gone.


Triacca's hopes of a rescue battalion sent by the Baron had been correct. She managed to reach them before the orcs, warning them of the hidden nearby fort and the cowardly gas weapons they employed. The battalion returned home to assess this new information, quickly devising a chemical to counteract the paralyzing agent. The full force of the Baron's army was brought to bear and the orc clan was wiped out entirely.

Triacca was given some time off to recover from her abuse. After many days, she eventually came to the conclusion that the rapes were the only thing that kept her alive and allowed her to escape. As horrible as the ordeal had been, she was the only one in her group who had not been gruesomely killed. If she had died, the fort would not have been discovered, the army would have been decimated from the gas attacks, perhaps the entire Barony could have fallen! Surely that was worth the price of being raped dozens of times? Triacca convinced herself it was true.

With the death of her father, Triacca was now alone. She had no immediate family and no close friends outside the army. All she had left was her father's last words saying her mother was in Mirafar, and so she resolved to discover her unknown heritage no matter the cost.

But Mirafar was a land on the other side of the known world. Traveling there would either take many months or be exorbitantly expensive. She would have to make some money in the meantime, and her life in the military meant combat was her only trade skill. And so the Crimson Bulwark mercenary band was born. Triacca became a hired sword in her own merc outfit, recruiting skilled warriors and picking up jobs while slowly traveling to Mirafar.

Resources could be a problem − most mercs weren't too eager to travel so far away from their homelands, and the ones that were needed to be paid well. The Crimson Bulwark's rate of success was excellent, but the aristocrats who would be willing to pay the fee which Triacca insisted on were notoriously prejudice against ogres. Sleeping with a chancellor to get an audience with a baroness, only to be thrown out as soon as she saw Triacca's face, had happened on more than one occasion.

Finally, three years later, Triacca had reached Mirafar. The story of the Crimson Bulwark was one of Feast or Famine, with spectacular riches and endless dry spells. She was down to two mercs and a dwindling supply of Heartsfire, so hopefully this land could provide some glory − along with the secrets of her past.
Veteran Soldier
Bonuses: Free specialization in one weapon type and against one type of foe.

Physical Description:
Triacca Silvers is 29 years old. She has surprisingly delicate facial features, with a small nose and high cheekbones. Her hair is jet black, and when styled hides a pair of very small horns on the crown of her skull. Her top and bottom canine teeth are razor-sharp. Her skin has a slightly reddish tone, which combined with her other features betrays her Ogre parentage.

Triacca towers over most people, standing 6'5" with a broad frame. Despite her immense strength and fitness, she does not have a very toned appearance − no bulging muscles on her arms and legs. Her build is somewhat voluptuous overall. Proportionally she is a C-cup, but due to her physical size she is equivalent to a "normal" woman's D-cup (if not larger).

She has a very large single scar across her back, running from her left shoulder down to her right hip. It is the result of a sword slash she suffered while escaping from the orcish fort three years ago.

Triacca has been a professional soldier her entire adult life, and her personality matches the role. She is confident and considerate, and when "on-duty" she is no-nonsense and very disciplined. When "off-duty" she has a reputation as a party girl, although this has diminished slightly in recent years.

She has an intense hatred of Orcs. She will not strictly attack them on sight, but if one gives her any reason to kill them she will not hesitate to do so.

The ordeal she suffered at the orc fort has shaped Triacca's perspective on sex. For her, love and sex are divorced from one another, and sex is not associated with emotional attachment or intimacy. While she enjoys the physical act of sex, for her it is simply something to do in order to "blow off some steam" or celebrate a victory. She has no qualms with using sex as a tool in negotiations or as an alternate form of payment.

  • Honours: Strength, honesty, bravery, understanding, stability.
  • Despises: Uncertainty, helplessness, cowardice, cruelty.
  • Master Passions: Rage (when interacting with Orcs only)

Other Bonuses
Just in case I come up with something else.
Re: Character Sheet Archive

"Sir" Bellisera Arvus
Character Sheet:
Name: "Sir" Bellisera Arvus
Gender: Female
Race: Pure-Blood

  • Physical Attributes:
  • Strength: 4
  • Agility: 3
    Mental Attributes
  • Intuition: 2
  • Logic: 1
    Social Attributes
  • Charisma: 2
  • Willpower: 5
    Magical Attributes:
  • Edge: 3
  • Potency: 2

  • Physical Skills:
  • Combat: 6 (Lance)
  • Athletics: 6
  • Perception: 4
  • Survival: 2
    Social Skills
  • Animal Ken: 4 (Boar)
  • Bureaucracy: 6
  • Expression: 3 (Oratory)
  • Intimidation: 4
  • Persuasion: 2
  • Tactics: 6 (Manoeuvres)
    Technical Skills
  • Artisan: 4 (Metal Working)
  • Medicine: 6 (First Aid)
  • Research: 1 (Interrogation)

  • Resources:
  • Wealth: 3
    The Arvus family is rich, if not terribly well-liked, and Bellisera has been given a sizable amount in her attempt to reclaim their ancestral homeland.
  • Mount: 2
    A loyal War-Boar called Avitus.
  • Servants: 1
    Only one person is currently sworn to serve Bellisera , her daughter, a young, tomb-tainted squiress named Igraine. Igaraine is a quiet and shy individual. She takes after her father much more than her mother, tomb-tainted, lanky and bony with pale, smooth skin and soft white hair cut in the same manner as her mother's. Her thin frame seems like a less than ideal build for a warrior and most knights would have not even considered taking her on as a squiress, but Bellisera can see that what she lacks in brute strength, she makes up in determination. Her skill with a lance is terrible, but Igraine's strength lies in her lightning-quick swordsmanship. While Igraine will never become a knight in the traditional sense, but her natural speed will make her a great duelist one day.
    There not a whole lot of opportunity for conversation between the two, Bellisera still sees Igraine as a product of a miserable time and Igraine remains desperate for her mother's approval and more than a little scared of her stern and unforgiving nature. Bellisera barks orders, Igraine obeys and it is only very rarely that they ever let their guard down to one another.
    Igraine has been in training for longer than most squires and she still has a long way to go, but Bellisera is certain that she has power within her lanky frame and it is up to her to unleash it.

The Van Haren family have long been at odds with the Arvus Family and when Bellisera broke the arranged marriage to Sion Van Haren, the feud intensified. Now with Sion the head of the Van Haren household, he will stop at nothing until he has captured and reclaimed Bellisera .

Inherent Powers:
  1. Advanced fortitude: + 4 Physical Resistance
    Revive the Flesh, Patience of Mountains, Indomitability
  2. Basic Presence: +1 on socialisation tests
    Dread Gaze
  3. Basic Potence: +1 Strength

Inherent Power Points: 12pp
Beneficial Corruption: None
Recharge Method: N/A
Corrupted Power Points: N/A

Corruption Levels:
  • Demonic Corruption:
  • None
    Necromantic Corruption:
  • Physical Manifestation: Endowment: Voluptuous+
    Fey Corruption:
  • None
    Angelic Corruption:
  • None

Barding for Avitus
General Supplies (armour polish, boar feed e.c.t. carried by Igraine).

Fancy Clothes - Knight’s Garments
Heavy Armour - Sexy Plate
Kite Shield

Biographical Data:
Background (Long):
Early Years:

Bellisera was born to the Arvus family, nobility known for their ability to fight the minions of the Black Moon. The family tree can be traced as far back as Mirafar, though the records of that time have long been lost leaving the origins of the Arvus family still shrouded in mystery. While her mother was frail and prone to illness, Bellisera was strong and fit, a perfect candidate for the training most children of the Arvus household go through to prepare themselves for knighthood. She grew to be strong and confident, if a little cocksure. She had strength and willpower and as such she was recognised by her cousin Urric, said to be one of the best knights House Arvus had ever produced and he took her under his wing.

Her childhood was spent mostly as a squiress to her cousin. She tended his war-boar, polished his armour and followed him wherever he went. In return he taught her how to fight with sword and lance, how to train to be strong and healthy and how to keep equipment in good order. In those years she often accompanied him to battlefields and skirmishes with other houses so from an early age she could get used to killing and slaughter by seeing it from afar. Her squirehood eventually ended when Urric was lost in a pointless skirmish with their old enemies the Van Harens. It was a small feud, only a matter of who claimed ownership of a stream that ran between two farms and Urric had been overconfident. When his Boar reared, he fell. The enemies forces advanced and overtook him. The mostly non-pureblooded Arvus troops were pushed back and Urric was given up for dead.

Bellisera became very quiet after that, immersing herself in the training schedule Urric had given her, spending every available minute of the day practicing her combat skills and shunning the cowardly “lesser” races who had left Urric to die. But with the death of her older sister to illness, it was decided that rather than becoming a knight, Bellisera ’s purpose was to serve as a pawn in noble house politics and she was trained to become refined and ladylike so that she could be married off to her sister’s old fiancée. That man was Sion Van Haren.

It had been the Van Haren’s suggestion, a political marriage that would act as a sort of truce between the two houses while they both sent troops to handle the greater threat of the Black Moon. At first Bellisera resented being used in this way, but eventually her sense of duty overcame any misgivings she had. She learned to act and talk like a real lady and completed her training competently, if not with any real enthusiasm.

In the Van Haren Household:

Eventually, she became old enough to marry. The affair itself was grand and lavish and it was here that she first caught a sight of her husband-to-be, Sion. He was a lanky, skin-and-bones tomb-tainted with gaunt face that had and almost haunted quality to it. As soon as he laid eyes on her, he began to stare at her lustfully. She disliked him instantly. The actual ceremony was brief and filled with tension as two old enemies stared each other down in the grand hall.

When the ceremony was over, she had become Bellisera Van Haren. Her mother gave her one small piece of advice, “Walk softly and carry a big sword.” And so began her years of hell. The Van Haren household was an old castle, sunken into a marsh but still intact. It was their pride that they had managed to build it in a location that it had been said was impossible to build such a large structure on. Bellisera saw nothing to be proud of though, it was dank, dark, damp and filled with Van Harens. Sion took her on a tour of the place, showing her her room, his quarters, the dungeons, the barracks, the kitchens and finally his alchemical labs which he was extremely proud of. He also took the opportunity to grope her in public whenever he saw fit and Bellisera had to keep on guard to slap away his hands wherever possible. But as night-time fell, she knew she couldn’t turn him away, for it was the duty of a wife and husband to consummate their marriage. And so he crept into her room, smelling of mould and moss it was the first time he called on her, but it would not be the last.

She was still allowed to continue her training regime. While Sion laboured in his lab, Bellisera sparred with the best the Van Harens had to offer. It was then that she realised how weak she actually was, the Van Harens best soldiers struck her down again and again. It was a game to them and they laughed as she fell and they laughed that she actually believed she could beat them. At mealtimes, Sion came down to sit with his wife, always getting the cooks to prepare specially made meals for her, but no matter what was made, it always tasted bitter in her mouth. During mealtimes he would try to grope her and she would keep constantly on guard then a night-time he would once again crawl into her bed.

As time passed, each day was pretty much the same as the last, but gradually she began to notice changes. All her sparring with the elite soldiers began to show results and soon she found herself being able to go toe to toe with the best of them. She noticed that even at this age she was experiencing a growth spurt, her bust and her hips growing significantly bigger over the course of a single year. It was something she wasn‘t too happy about as she could feel it noticeably impeding her fighting abilities. Lastly, Sion began to grow more and more bold and Bellisera began to find herself less able to resist him. He would call her over in the middle of sparring and grope her in front of the troops or he would pull her away to have sex in plain sight in some of the more deserted parts of the castle.

At the age of 20, Bellisera found out that she was pregnant and it was then that she realised that she did not want her child to grow up in such a place, so she decided to escape. She had always followed her mother’s advice and kept a sword close to her and so just before Sion was due to come that night, she slipped away quietly. She knew he kept a set of keys for the small side door in his lab and so she made her way to it, quickly and quietly, desperately hoping she wouldn’t meet her husband en route. When she finally got to his lab, she was in for a nasty shock. It was the first time she had entered it since she had first arrived and it was filled with sketches of her. The first few seemed normal enough, but as she delved deeper she almost exploded with rage. These were notes by Sion about how to make improvements to her using magical concoctions. It all made sense, the growth spurt, the specially prepared meals the reduced resistance to Sion’s advances. She almost went down to slaughter him right away, but she remembered her child and simply grabbed the keys, swearing to kill him later. The escape was easy enough after that, she took a boar and unlocked the side gate. Before the guards noticed, she was already off and speeding away from Van Haren lands towards her home, the Arvus Manor.


Even her own mother barely recognised her when she returned. At first they were angry at her, but upon hearing what Sion had been doing, their anger was directed at the Van Harens. A blood feud was declared, one that would not be ended until one of the two great houses were destroyed. Bellisera rested while her pregnancy came to term. But when her child was born she was restless and eager to fight and whenever she saw her daughter it filled her with memories of her time at the castle, memories she desperately wanted to forget. So she named her daughter Igraine and left her for her mother to raise while she sought the head of her husband. She became a knight of Arvus and fought whoever she was told to fight. Sometimes it was the Black Moon, sometimes it was the Van Haren. She visited her daughter as often as she could, but Igraine looked a lot more like her father than Bellisera and so she remained cold and distant to her. Eventually Bellisera became a famous knight, known for her skill and sometimes foolhardy bravery and as victory after victory was won against the Black Moon, House Arvus began to dream of reclaiming Mirafar.

At 12, Igraine did something that surprised her mother, she asked to become a squiress in her service. It was then that she realised that her daughter had been desperately trying to chase her mother, to become stronger so that she could know more about her. Bellisera had wanted to show more emotion than she had, but years of cold aloofness and foolish pride made her respond to her daughter with a simple nod.

It was much like her time spent with Urric so long ago, except now she was the master and Igraine the squire. Now, six years later the two have been stationed with General Duke’s army, ready to reclaim House Arvus’ ancestral homeland of Mirafar.

Survival: +2
Expression: (Oratory)
Physical Manifestation: Endowment: Voluptuous+

Physical Description:
At 38, Bellisera hasn’t lost any of her looks, Sion’s alchemy saw to that. She has short, messy brown hair and a beautiful, if grim, face.
She tries to hide her excessively large bust under her armour, but even so, the metal has had to be shaped and modified around her body giving it a very form-fitting look. She it not particularly tall, only standing at 5’8”.

Bellisera holds herself cold and aloof. She rarely jokes and dislikes small talk, preferring actions to words. She holds her honour and her pride above all else and is quick to anger when someone insults her. She also believes that duty is paramount and that without it a person's life is worthless. She has a passing dislike for all non-purebloods, but it is something she has mostly grown out of.

Honours: Chivalry, honour, prowess, law, justice, loyalty, etiquette.
Despises: Cowardice, disorder, unnecessary emotion, despair, frivolity, rudeness, Sion.
Master Passions: None.

Other Bonuses
Just in case I come up with something else.


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Re: Character Sheet Archive

Okie Dokie, not completly done and some of this is obviously wrong, but I decided to post this since I got the biography out of the way.

Character Sheet Siehydra:

Name: Siehydra
Age: 19
Gender: Female
Race: Harpy

Physical Attributes:

Strength: (3 + 1 from Potence) 4
Agility: 4

Mental Attributes

Intuition: 4
Logic: 1

Social Attributes

Charisma: 2
Willpower: 3

Magical Attributes:

Edge: 3
Potency: 1

Physical Skills: 21

Stealth (0+3) 3

Athletics 6

Combat 6: Pole Arms

Perception 6: Hearing

Survival (3+3) 6:

Social Skills: 16

Empathy 4 (Bonus skill)

Expression 6: Dancing

Intimidation 6

Persuasion 4

Technical Skills: 11

Sabotage 5: Structural weakness

Medicine 6: First Aid


Bestest Friend 3: Teeu

Magical Artifact 2: Scythe

Siehydra and Teeu took residence in an abandoned temple, that resembled a pyramid. This was a normal occurrence for them, since they were always on the move. Teeu would study any literature he could read in the temple and became fascinated with the bits and pieces of the religion he could study, and Siehydra would usually either dance or train by herself. This time though, they found something that made it more eventful. When checking to see if there was anything he could read, Teeu managed to stumble across a plain looking scythe in a room that he had just discovered that look liked some type of preparation room. He had no experience in pole-arms and preferred to use fist weapons, and Siehydra had been bugging him about getting a weapon for her, so he decided she could put it to far better use then he ever could, and gave it to her. To this day she still uses it, and calls it Crescent Moon.

The Scythe “Crescent Moon” was used by a religion that had resemblances to the Aztecs and the Egyptians, and it was the main tool for which they killed their sacrifices with. Mainly they offered sacrifices to a dog like creature that strongly resembled Anubis. Many of the followers of this religion were Tomb Tainted, and would simply use animals, and sometimes volunteers, or even trespassers for their sacrifices. They believed that if they offered no sacrifices, that death itself would stop visiting upon them, and no new life would be created. This was just one of their Gods that they appeased to and believed in a type of “balance” in the world. For example, without death their would be no life and no life without death. Even though some civilizations would jump at the chance of Immortality, this small religion understood what it truly meant to be immortal. After the Black Moon incident, the temple was abandoned. The cursed guards remained in the temple, and once the artifacts were taken, they would manage to awaken from their slumbers themselves.

Magical Artifact 1: Cloak

Feeling that after Teeu had given her something, Siehydra thought that she must find something for Teeu. She spent quite a long time searching through the temple, hindered by the darkness, searching for anything she could give Teeu. When she had found it, she forced Teeu to walk to a location, and gave him an old worn, and slightly torn blood-red cloak. Partly because he hasn’t wanted to hurt Siehydra’s feelings, and partly because he felt compelled to keep it, he has kept the cloak since, and oddly, even though it’s been about 9 years, it doesn’t look more worn or torn then when he first started using it.

The Cloak that Siehydra had found was used by the same person who would use Crescent Moon for sacrafices to appease their Death God. He wore it during the sacrifices, and the followers of the religion did have a name for it, but neither Siehydra or Teeu could “sense” it’s name like Siehydra managed to sense the Scythe’s name unknowingly. The cape was commonly referred to as Bloodrobe or The Robe of Blood. It was probably called this by the followers because the Crescent Moon would decapitate the sacrifices, and there would be a hole for the blood of the sacrifice to flow in.


Enemies: The ancient artifacts they have found have caused some cursed Tomb Tainted to pursue them. These were “guards” that were put in place at the temple to be summoned in case of tomb robbers. Since the temple was abandoned, the guards could not be summoned to stop the intruders from taking the artifacts. After they had taken the artifacts, the guards were able to summon themselves from their slumber. These Tomb Tainted look normal, for Tomb Tainted at least, and are drawn to the power of the scythe, and to a lesser extent the cloak, that the two had taken from the temple. They only have one purpose, and that is to take back the artifacts and return them to the temple. Siehydra and Teeu don’t even know they are being pursued by these cursed Tomb Tainted, because it had taken them years to awake from their slumbers without the aid of the people that put them in it in the first place.

Inherent Powers

Universal Disciplines

1. Celerity: +4 to initiative tests
Quickness, Nimble Feet, Quicken Sight

2. Potence: +1 to strength attribute.

Sorcery Disciplines

3. Trail of Tears: Gain a +2 bonus to argue against any proposal, fact, or course of action
Curse of Failure

Inherent Power Points: 9pp
Beneficial Corruption: Angelic (Bird)
Recharge Method: Ritual (Dance)
Angelic Power Points: 12ap

Corruption Levels:
Angelic Corruption:
Tier 1 Effect: Strange Eyes: Birdy (Siehydra's eyes are black, but have red pupils) (Only thing I could think of....)

Hawk Eyes (works during the day): Harpy Inherent
Feather covered forearms and thighs: Harpy Inherent
Legs are clawed and scaly like a bird's legs: Harpy Inherent


Siehdyra is smaller then Teeu standing at about 5 feet 5 inches.


Character Sheet Teeu:

Name: Teeu (pronounced T U )
Age: 24
Gender: Male
Race: Tomb Tainted

Physical Attributes:

Strength: 3
Agility: 2

Mental Attributes

Intuition: 1
Logic: 4

Social Attributes

Charisma: 3
Willpower: 4

Magical Attributes:

Edge: 3
Potency: 2

Technical Skills: 21

Medicine 6: Long Term

Alchemy 5: Fluids

Operations 4: Repair

Research 6: Archives

Research (0+6): Archives, Interrogation

Social Skills: 16

Intimidation 6:

Empathy 6:

Persuasion 4

Expression (0+2): Writing (Bonus skill)

Physical Skills: 11

Combat 4 Daggers

Larceny 4 Lock-picking

Survival 3


Enemies: The ancient artifacts they have found have caused some cursed Tomb Tainted to pursue them. These were “guards” that were put in place at the temple to be summoned in case of tomb robbers. Since the temple was abandoned, the guards could not be summoned to stop the intruders from taking the artifacts. After they had taken the artifacts, the guards were able to summon themselves from their slumber. These Tomb Tainted look normal, for Tomb Tainted at least, and are drawn to the power of the scythe, and to a lesser extent the cloak, that the two had taken from the temple. They only have one purpose, and that is to take back the artifacts and return them to the temple. Siehydra and Teeu don’t even know they are being pursued by these cursed Tomb Tainted, because it had taken them years to awake from their slumbers without the aid of the people that put them in it in the first place.

Inherent Powers:

1. Auspex: +4 to perception Tests
Sensory Dampener, Aura Perception, Telepathy
2. Dominate
3. Fortitude + 2 to physical resistance.
Patience of the Mountains

Inherent Power Points: 12 pp
Beneficial Corruption: None
Recharge Method: N/A
Corrupted Power Points: N/A

Corruption Levels
Necromantic Corruption:
Pale Complexion: Tomb-Tainted Inherent
Night Vision: Tomb-Tainted Inherent

Demonic Corruption:

Angelic Corruption:


Like all Tomb Tainted, Teeu has red eyes and very pale skin. He’s very tall for a Tomb Tainted, standing at about 6 foot 5 inches or about 1.9 meters. Before he met Siehydra, he would usually stay in dark places like most of his kind, and keep his skin exposed. Now, though, realizing he has to keep an eye on Siehydra, he usually goes out in the sun, but because of his sensitive skin he usually goes out with bandages all around his body, only revealing the top of his black hair through it and his red eyes. Of course he wears the cloak that Siehydra had given him over the bandages, and he wears an old pair of brown pants, kept up by a belt, and some worn shoes. If he knows he’ll stay in darkness for extended periods of time, he will take off his bandages.

Without his bandages on he looks like this





Chain Mail Bikini: Siehydra

Crescent Moon Scythe

Anyway, the Scythe, called Crescent Moon Escalation is gonna follow the same rules as the Great Axe weapon. It also has the Abyss of the Body power on all the time, twice. While the cult sacrificed people by beheading them, killing them instantly, if your actually just injure someone with the Scythe (which may kill them anyway), they contract the Z-Virus and will become a Zombie when they die. Which is gonna happen soon, as the Scythe also inflicts Moon Spiral Heart Attack, a disease that causes the subject's heart to burst from their body, animate and performing a spinning dance after several minutes.

Yes, your Scythe makes Zombies, and no ability to control the zombies is conferred. Be careful with that thing.

Bloodrobe Cloak

The Cloak of Blood, on the other hand, is much more benign. The cloak is literally made of blood, and Blood Bondage can be used on it, restoring it's torn pieces in the process. The cloak currently holds no invested power points, but when it does, pieces can be torn form it and consumed as a blood sample created from Blood Bondage, using up it's invested Dp. Without invested DP, the cloth just tastes like blood, and is not addictive.

Functional Clothes: Teeu

Two Daggers: Teeu

Biography For Siehydra before Teeu

Siehydra was born to a warrior clan. This clan was a small village that had managed to survive the onslaught of the Black Moon. It was filled with many different races, all could trace their ancestry back to original survivors of the Black Moon, whether it be people that had lived in Mirafar, or an army that managed to survive the overwhelming power of the Black Moon. The moment the children could walk, they were trained how to fight against the armies of the Black Moon. Before she reached the age of training though, the village was attacked by a great amount of Orcs. Despite being a warrior's village it was very small, and they were overwhelmed easily by the orcs superior numbers. Against all odds of being trampled and killed in the ensuing battle, Siehydra managed to crawl away from the onslaught. Teeu managed to find her later, and took care of her. Even though her village died, the will of her people were still reflected in Siehydra, and later she would feel a strong calling to fight for the kingdom of Mirafar.


Personality: Siehydra has a very childlike and naive personality. She usually believes the best in people, and can be very curious. She is very strong willed, and will usually do whatever she wants, unless instructed by Teeu that it is a bad idea. She hates to be in darkness for extended periods of time, and eventually Teeu decided to start traveling by day because of this. Teeu is the only one that can control her, and they share a father and daughter relationship together. Siehydra enjoys fighting, seeing it as a game, and even a test of skill.

Honours: Fun, Freedom, silliness, goofing off, fighting, dancing
Despises: Restrictions, darkness, responsibility, maturity, thievery/trickery, boring/inactivity

Biography for BOTTTHHHHH

Siehydra’s and Teeu’s Biography:

Early Life:

In tradition, Teeu was exiled from his village. Where he lived, some children were picked to be exiled from the comfortable tombs they lived in. The purpose of the exile was to prevent overpopulation in the small tomb-village that his people lived in, and to encourage them to leave and study the world. The exile would be lifted by the time the child turned the age of 20, although they could not live there anymore they could come back to talk of what they learned, and share their any type of documentation they may have. At the age of 3 the children were to chosen to be exiled from the village. From the age of 3 to 5 Teeu, and the others that were selected to be exiled, were taught how to survive outside the village. They were taught basic survival skills, archiving for research methods, and combat in daggers. The time came for him to leave and he took everything he learned, some provisions, and daggers given to him by the village. The children were made to leave in different directions, to make sure that they would not cross each other in their paths. Nothing eventful happened to Teeu on the way to his first stop. About a weeks journey from his small tomb village he found what appeared to be abandoned tombs. He could read the books there, and put to work all the skills that he had learned for his first challenge. After about three days there he was getting ready to leave. When he prepared to leave in the night to avoid the sun, he found a baby just outside the tomb crawling around. The child was obviously not one of his kind, and had feathers and scaly legs. Some investigation, and he could see that the child appeared to have crawled some distance. Looking down on the baby, he guilty about leaving a baby there to die. He decided that having one more mouth to feed wouldn’t that big of a deal, but if he had any idea what this child would like when she began to learn how to walk, he probably would have abandoned her right there. When he picked the child up in his arms, Teeu couldn’t help but wonder what had happened to her. His red eyes staring into her black ones, he suddenly saw flashes of blood. It only lasted a second, and the child itself seemed to have no reaction to it. Teeu just ended up passing it off as something else. The years passed and Siehydra and Teeu eventually developed into two very different people from each other.

Life on the Streets:

Teeu had decided to name the baby he had found Siehydra, the name of a woman from a tale he had read that was very calm, patient, and quiet, because as a baby Siehydra almost never cried or made noises. When Siehydra had began to learn how to walk, talk, and generally just being able to take care of herself better, he soon learned how this name did not fit her at all. Siehydra refused to be still, and constantly moved around, and much to his annoyance she refers to him as Teeway even today. He had given up on trying to make her research with him, and instead let her train her body to learn how to fight and dance. She had a very naïve, child like personality. They traveled together from place to place, Teeu researching anything he could, and Siehydra training her body for reasons she did not quite understand herself, and danced just for the joy of it, occasionally putting on street performances for money when she got older. Siehydra started bugging Teeu into traveling by day, instead of night and he eventually agreed, but started wearing bandages over his entire body because of his aversion to the sun. He kept a close eye on Siehydra, if she was left unattended then she could end up getting herself into some type of trouble, or even hurt from being overly curious. He didn’t realize it at first, but Siehydra kept a close eye on him as well. Often, if he was desperate, he would resort to stealing. If Siehydra ever caught him she would force him to return it to the owner, and tell him we can earn our own food. This just made him learn to be more cautious, especially around Siehydra’s watchful harpy eyes. A few times he probably saved her, and himself, from starving to death from stealing. The only time they seemed to leave each other’s side is when Teeu went to study, and Siehydra would either train her body, or attempt to get money from dancing in the streets. Sometimes when training herself, she could overdo it and end up hurting herself, or on some occasions she would be beat up by people on the streets. Not wanting to make Teeu mad or burden him, she had learned how to apply basic first aid to herself, and he would make sure that she healed correctly. They would stay in one city as long as Teeu felt he could do research then move to the next one.

As the years passed Teeu eventually realized that Siehydra did not seem to be maturing at all. He also soon discovered that the two could communicate with each other in a strange way. They seemed to be able to read each other’s minds. Although he soon realized that it was actually himself that allowed Siehydra to communicate with him and he to Siehydra. Eventually, thinking about this, his mind drifted back to when he had first met her. He still remembers the vision that he had when he first picked her up in his arms. Thinking about the strange power he had, he thinks that what he saw may have been some type of vision of Siehydra's past, and when he attempted to ask Siehydra, she claims to not remember anything. Then again she can barely remember the last thing she ate.

The Temple:

When Teeu was 15 and Siehydra was 10 they came across a forgotten temple that resembled a pyramid in Mexico. This temple had a religion in it that Teeu had never seen before. He could not translate the books, but he could read some of the symbols on the wall, and decided to stay there to attempt to translate books, and learn as much about the religion as he possibly could. He never managed to translate any part of the books, but the religion fascinated him so much he did not want to leave. It was the longest he ever stayed in one place, amounting to about 3 months, much to Siehydra‘s annoyance. He documented everything he could find about the religion, and hoped one day he could be known as the discoverer of some dead religion. In the temple he had found a plain looking Scythe. Not being familiar with pole arms he decided to see if Siehydra wanted it. She gladly accepted the scythe and named it Crescent Moon and even gave him a present in the next few days, after exhaustively looking for something that he might want to use in the old temple. It ended up being an old, worn, and torn cloak. He accepted it though, so he wouldn’t hurt her feelings, and because he felt like he was drawn to it in a way. Teeu did not bother naming the cloak like Siehydra had. After 9 years, the two items that they had found in the temple have not deteriorated in any way.

Unknowingly to them, they had awaken corrupted Temple Guards. The Guards were meant to be awaken by the people who had magically enchanted them to go into a slumber until they were needed. They are Tomb Tainted and their appearances have been twisted from the magics put on them to guard the temple. They were programmed to guard the temple, and having two items of power removed from the temple made them awaken themselves. Siehydra and Teeu are not aware that they are being pursued by these guards because without the aid of the ones that had put them in their slumber, it had taken them years to rouse from it after the two artifacts of their religion were stolen.

The Calling:

As the years passed Siehydra had developed into a warrior proficient in Scythes. At first Teeu had to fend for himself and Siehydra on all his travels, but as Siehydra grew older, she gained much more strength, and skill in her weapon of choice. Soon she was a far better fighter then Teeu, and much to Siehydra’s delight, he now allowed her to fight instead of fighting himself. He still carries his weapons just in case something happens to Siehydra, and is not afraid to use them again.

When there was call to reclaim Mirafar, Siehydra's attitude towards Teeu changed. For first time in her life she seemed serious, and instead of bugging him to allow them to go, she demanded that they go to reclaim Mirafar. Teeu, seeing this change in her, knew it was something important, maybe even linked to her past. When he said they would go right away she seemed to returned to normal immediately. They traveled to the city of Ayoun and signed up to for the battle of Mirafar. Teeu managed to do any research he could on the matter, and not for his sake, but to see if he could actually find out anything about Siehydra while they were still in Ayoun. The key to her past seems to be locked away somewhere in the kingdom of Mirafar, and it was obvious that even in her current state, being able to get into Mirafar was something that she took seriously.


Personality: Teeu's and Siehydra's personalities are opposites of each other. He's very mature, and serious. He likes to study in the dark, and Siehydra would never even pick up a book and hates the dark. Teeu enjoys testing his mind, while Siehydra enjoys testing her body. He avoids fighting as much as possible, and sees it as a last resort. Although he and Siehydra seem like they would never get along, Teeu is patient enough to allow her to have her fun, even if it annoys him.
Honours: Researching, darkness, responsibility, Patience, maturity
Despises: Silliness, light, goofing off, disorder


Seihydra has achieved first blood.
Seihydra has killed the first monster of the game.
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Re: Character Sheet Archive

Elyna Fairfields

Character Sheet:
Name: Elyna Fairfields
Gender: Female
Race: Elf

  • Physical Attributes:
  • Strength: 2
  • Agility: 4
    Mental Attributes
  • Intuition: 3
  • Logic: 5
    Social Attributes
  • Charisma: 3
  • Willpower: 1
    Magical Attributes:
  • Edge: 3
  • Potency: 1

  • Physical Skills: 21
  • Skill 1: Athletics 6 (Run)
  • Skill 2: Combat 6
  • Skill 3: Perception 6 (Sight)
  • Skill 4: Survival 3
    Social Skills: 11+7
  • Skill 1: Empathy 6
  • Skill 2: Animal Ken 5 (Riding)
  • Skill 3: Persuasion 6
  • Skill 4: Expression 1 (Feng Shui)
    Technical Skills: 16+1
  • Skill 1: Medicine 6 (First Aid)
  • Skill 2: Alchemy 6 (Fluids)
  • Skill 3: Research 4 (Archives)
  • Skill 4: Artisan 1 (Gardening)

  • Resources:
  • Resource: Rank 3 Artifact "Loving Gail"
    A sword of Angelic origin tainted by Fey magic. It has a power pool of 8 pp and can be activated to use the spells Howling Wind for 1pp, Lightning Strike for 1pp, and with an hour long ritual and 1 pp from the wielder can expend a full power pool to use Victory of the Typhon.

    This longsword has been passed down through the Tenyn line for longer than memory recalls, and it's true name has been forgotten. Supposedly it was awarded to one of their ancestors for an act of military heroism long since forgotten, and was originally passed between great heroes and adventurers for their deeds before the Tenyn family began zealously guarding it as a keepsake. It is said to be unbreakable by normal means and increase the speed of it's bearer. When placed close to the skin, you can feel a slight breeze even in the deadest of air.

    Since receiving it, Elyna has learned that she can activate it with the command word "Gust", causing it to strike with the Howling Winds power. She has also learned that the sword responds to masturbation, and recharges when she masturbates near it. She suspects that there may be additional command words for the sword, but has not discovered them yet.
  • Resource: Rank 2 Mount War-boar
  • Resource: Rank 1 Wealth

Obligation: Enemies
Lord Kolden, still very interested in the status that the sword would bring to his own ambitions, will certainly try to make some play at claiming it. He has already demonstrated his willingness to send various unsavory types of people in order to claim it from Tenyn, and even worse some of the soldiers in the assault itself march under his house's banner.

Inherent Powers:
  1. Advanced Celerity +4 To Initiative when active
    Quickness, Nimble Feet, Alacrity, Quicken Sight

Inherent Power Points: 9 pp
Beneficial Corruption: Fey (Plant)
Recharge Method: Clocked
CorruptedPower Points: 16

Corruption Levels:
Fey Corruption:
  1. Floral Hair Effect 1 - Elf Inherent
  2. Floral Hair Effect 2, Bitter Fruit

This is a list of stuff your character has accumulated and filled the 'Batcave' with, not what they are carrying.

Biographical Data:
Elyna Fairfields was born to a family of two traveling Elven merchants whose families had both plied their goods wherever there were buyers since the disaster at Mirafar had displaced them. From a young age, she learned to handle the long treks her parents led her on. As she grew older, she began to exhibit a supernatural understanding of medicinal herbs, to the extent that she could identify the healing properties of plants she had never seen before. Her parents exploited this knowledge and had her make poultices and medicine for people they encountered on the road, gouging whatever money the could from them in return.

Eventually, she started to harbor doubts about leaving sick people to their fates just because they could not afford to pay her family, and confronted her parents. The resulting argument ended in her stealing one of the large boars that pulled her families cart and running away. She spent some time afterward wandering from village to village offering her abilities to any who needed it and accepting whatever they offered her in thanks in order to survive. She had found niche for herself and lived comfortably this way for several years.

Word of her healing abilities and inability to let people suffer reached a local noble, Lord Tenyn. Tenyn's son had been poisoned into a coma, and assassins had made an attempt on Tenyn himself. At the same time, a burglar managed to break into his personal quarters but was caught by a guard and slain on the spot. Under normal circumstances, the attempts on his life would appear as an overly audacious attempt on his life by his rival, Lord Kolden. Kolden was a dreadfully ambitious man, who had risen from a minor noble with nothing to his name to a noted warrior and politician and was constantly looking for avenues to expand his own power and influence. Kolden was not, however, a stupid man, and the reward to make him risk his reputation in such a way was great.

The burglary was the missing piece in the puzzle of his motivations, for Tenyn had a great wealth secreted away. Long ago, an ancestor of his won a great battle and slew the enemy general on the field, claiming a mighty sword as his prize. Since that day, the Tenyn line has held the sword in secret as an heirloom, a reminder of their families past glory. How the secret of the sword escaped, Tenyn did not know. Perhaps a servant had learned of it's existence, or perhaps some record remained somewhere of the artifact coming into the Tenyns' possession. Knowing Kolden would not relent and fearing the death of his son, Tenyn developed a plan to make himself no longer a worthy target and preserve his line.

Elyna was contacted to come and heal Tenyn's son, for all the other healers had left the area or refused the task for fear of their own safety. Within a few hours, the boy was saved from his fate and Tenyn brought his family's sword from its secret chamber. In front of his servants, he offered the artifact to Elyna. While not understanding why he would offer it, she understood the value of the sword and accepted it. Wasting no time, Tenyn had his guards usher her out of the city and to her intended fate while he himself took his family into temporary hiding. Perhaps fortunately for Elyna, at that time the Mirafar assault was beginning and she rushed off to aid the many casualties that were sure to come.

Bonuses: Artisan +1 with Gardening specialization, Expression +1 with Feng Shui specialization

Physical Description:
Elyna is tall with bright, unnaturally yellow and white hair and green eyes. Shoots of green vines can be seen in her hair, though she tries to hide it as best she can. She has a thin, agile body fitting of her Elven lineage. She has B-Cup breasts. She wears thick, sturdy clothing stained by dirt and the plants she works with.

Elyna is a hardworking, kind woman who feels more at home grubbing in bushes picking plants than dealing with other people. She is very patient and compassionate, but other people sometimes are put off by her simple mannerisms and blunt conversation. She prefers whenever possible to deal with ordinary townspeople rather than the wealthy.
  • Honours: Patience, Altruism, Honesty, Work Ethic, Forests, Farmers
  • Despises: Aggression, Greed, Deception, Caves, Machines, Pomp
  • Master Passions

Other Bonuses
Just in case I come up with something else.
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Re: Character Sheet Archive

(so far)
Character: Gordon
Gender: Male
Race: Goblin

Biography: Outcast

Unlike most goblins, Gordon wasn’t fond of violence. This didn’t go over so well with the other goblins, for they saw a bad representation of their kind. They couldn’t allow this, so by some unknown means, they tortured and maimed Gordon. Over time, he was bled out and starved, slowly his soul was being corrupted with hate. He fell unconscious one night from lack of blood, believing it to be his last moments. But when he awoke, everything around him had been brutally slaughtered. His mouth was thick with blood, almost choking down on it as he tried to let out a startled gasp from the scene. Ever since then he has required the need to feed, despite the fact that he despises it. He was still the same odd goblin as he was before, yet whatever it was that had been unlocked within him, it couldn’t have been good. Oddly enough, this strange occurrence never happened again with him…. Yet.

Personality: Since the incident, he’s been a scavenger, taking whatever he can to just survive. Sometimes he feels a little bad if it had once belonged to someone else, but at the same time they shouldn’t have left it lying around. Usually if a person leaves something on the ground they don’t want it. It would be worse should it go to waste, so in the end he justifies his tendency. Whenever the need to feed arises, he tries to sate it with the most meager creatures possible to find, that of small rats and lizards if he can get them. If not, he will reluctantly do what he needs.

Weapons: Dagger
Current Clothing: Functional
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