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Character Sheets go here.


Jungle Girl
Apr 14, 2012
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Character sheets, or links to character sheets go in this thread please. :)
Feel free to include a link to an image for your character as well, if you want to. You'll probably want to at least include a brief description
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Re: Character Sheets go here.

Description: http://www.ulmf.org/bbs/album.php?albumid=1051&pictureid=15646 TOA usually wears a brown vest with pockets, open with a black bra inside, and brown shorts. The difficulty of getting a taur into pants is worth the lingerie, she figures. Her handgun holster is kept inside the vest. She also has saddlebags if she's expecting to be carrying much stuff.

Background: TOA was born to a family of enforcers. Known for their rough manner and harsh lessons, every member was expected to prove themselves on their own merits without financial backing once of age to handle themselves. This was no different for TOA despite her tauric form. HAving grown up in a family where honesty was enforced harshly, one either became very honest or very good at hiding ones intentions. Time would tell which TOA would become. Regardless, TOA usually takes on small jobs to help those who have been conned out by either getting vengeance, or recovering what was owed. Sometimes both. As canines rarely see much wrong with taurs, TOA is actually a bit proud of her body, even with it's handicaps, and wishes to keep it as natural as possible. Also due to her very low economic status, and dangerous lifestyle, she desperately wishes to avoid even the slightest chance of siring or baring young. She couldn't afford child support costs.

Description: http://www.ulmf.org/bbs/album.php?albumid=1051&pictureid=15647 Sara usually likes to have head coverings most of the time as she can't wear too many fashion accessories easily. She usually goes about in her Body socket in public for ease of use, though prefers to go in her natural form in her home or when in an suitable environment.

Background: Sara is pretty normal as far as snakes go, given as a species, Laterals are the norm. Sara has never been one to let a lack of hands stop her. She couldn't always afford a bodysocket or was worth enough to be loaned to get one. So she trained her body hard and often to be strong and fast so she can compensate for a lack of robotic appendages. Even once she received her bodysocket, she makes sure to spend a lot of time keeping herself fit and trim. Sara adores the physical body, but not everyone goes for Laterals, so she slowly grew a ritual out of using a vast array of sexual toys for her own pleasure. While she'd certainly desire the real thing, her toys are special to her as some things she can use without help or need of arms. Sara does mercenary work as needed, using her strength and speed and low profile to her advantage to deliver toxic bites and tail beatings.
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Re: Character Sheets go here.

Re: Character Sheets go here.
