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H-Section Moderator
H-Section Moderator
Nov 28, 2008
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So this here is where you can post your Character Sheet. There will be a reference thread to get whatever information you might need to complete the sheets. Alignment is not really important. Play your character as you will.

Occupation: (eg. Soldier, Knight, Necromancer, Sorcerer, Blacksmith, Healer etc.)
Physical Description:
Can be a picture or a write up.
History: Can be heavily detailed, or a quick summary. Mostly a reference for yourself.
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Re: Character Sheets

Name: Samira (Sam for short) Moonsun
Race:Half Drow/half sun elf (full elf)
Occupation: thief/rogue
Weapons: and 6 throwing daggers
Armour:full studded leather armor (maroon) with a cloak (black)
Physical Description: long white hair, eyes are blue and has a long scar running down her left cheek. is a bit shorter than most elfs but isn't noticeable. Breasts are C cup and her ears are the same length as any other elves. Her skin is a very ligth purple but is still dark enough for people to mistake her as a drow. Around Samira neck sshe wears a necklace with two medallions on it one for the Sun and one for her Ancestors
Samira was born in a distant Sirow village. Her mother never told her of her father only that he was different than the other elves in her village. One day when she sneaked out she came by a cave. When she entered the cave a dark face elf smiled at her. "hello my darling." said the drow as he gave her a hug. The drow then gave her the Flamberge she carries today. Everyday she would sneak away and learn how to fight with the sword and soon she was a very capable fighter. Then one day she started to rummage through the drow's pack but before she found anything a large dagger sliced across her cheek. When the drow saw what he had done he grabbed his pack and left never seeing his daugther again. That day Samira decide to be like her father and leave the village. Samira adventured through the known elven villages looking for other dark face elfs but there was none. When she asked older elves about it they wouldn't talk to her about it. Soon Samira came upon human settlements but was turned away when she didn't have coin for anything. Samira was growing cold and hungry when a skimpy human came uponm her adn took her in. The humans name was Pip and he taught her how to survive on the streets of any human city through pickpocketing or just plan old snatch and grab. Soon Samira became very comfortable with how easy it was to steal with elven senses and began advertise for other jobs like lockpicking, messager, and adventuring. Being hired to deliver a message to the castle Samira did so but was then caught by a few guards who reconized her as a wanted theif. Samira was then jailed in the castle until the lord heared of the coming seige and hired any able hands crimanl or not to help defend. Samira now sits in a corner of the mess hall waiting for the call to arms.
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Re: Character Sheets

Name: Kemili
Gender: Female
Race: Half-Drow
Age: 24
Occupation: Slaver
Weapons: Whip, Dagger, Candles of Befuddled Sensations (said candles will confuse the aflicted by the vapors they emit, setting pain to pleasure and vice versa), various forms of powders charmed with enchantments (meant for inhaling), a large assortment of throwing knives seemingly hidden everywhere in her armor, Slaver's Bindings
Armour: Light, form-fitting leather and strap gear
Physical Description: A tall, dark-skinned figure with long white hair and large ears, violet eyes, and is usually equiped with a tight form of strapping and leather armor, enough to flaunt, but also enough to protect herself where it counts. Strapped along her waist is a satchel and the rest of her equipment, from various powders to restraits for the victims she winds up catching. Not that she has yet, but still.
History: Unknown
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Re: Character Sheets

Name: Roy Kelly.
Gender: Male.
Race: Human.
Age: 24.
Occupation: Captain.
Weapons: Broadsword and round shield. There is a small dagger in a sheath on the back of his belt, an easy-to-conceal last resort weapon.
Armour: Fine steel mail across his torso, plate vambraces and greaves. A thick cloak is wrapped around his shoulders, designed to ensnare enemy weapons while doubling as a makeshift blanket while travelling.
Physical Description: Blood red hair in a thick mess dropping across his ears, down to his shoulders, grey eyes, and muscular arms are his defining features. He stands at about 6'1". For some reason his ears are tapered into slight points, but few ever see that underneath his hair. His face is gentle, but rough, and he usually keeps his beard and sideburns in a coarse stubble, but keeping his upper lip clean of hair.
History: Roy was born and raised in the middle-class district, and always trained with his father, who was a sergeant, learning to use his sword well, and joining the army when he could. He fought in few battles before his leadership skills were made obvious to his Lord, and he quickly rose through the ranks. By 22, he was a 1st Lieutenant, always leading troops whenever they were needed, and he married an old friend of his, Suzanna Biggs, she now being one of the Rangers, a skilled shot with her longbow. At 24, Roy was promoted to Captain, in charge of many troops, and being one of the youngest of his rank in the entire City. With the largely Orc-ish army approaching the castle, he stands atop the wall, waiting for the orders.
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Re: Character Sheets

Name: Venna

Gender: Female

Race: Human

Age: 23

Occupation: Smith (specializes in crafting armor and weapons)

Weapons: Smith's Hammer

Armour: Smith's Leather Working Apron (The thick leather apron smith's use to protect themselves from sparks and the like)

Special Item: Venna owns a small enchanted stone that, when left in a glass of water for an hour, instills the water with curative magics designed to heal the damage done to her lungs and voice by the harsh air of the smithy.

Physical Description: Venna is a tall, black haired woman typically seen in grimy, filth covered tan shirts and pants that she wears when forging. However, although she rarely leaves the forge for long, Venna also has a small number of cleaner sets of clothing, not permanently stained by the coal, smoke, and ashes in the smithy. Although not always obvious, Venna is heavily muscled and can generally beat even a seasoned warrior in a wrestling match due to her constant, demanding work in the forge. Generally, however, due to her short hair, and the clothes she wears when working the forge, many commonly mistake her for a man as her working apron and clothing obscure her figure and the smoke from the forge fires roughens her voice.

This does, of course, have the minor side affect of making her look like and almost completely different person when she's cleaned herself up, and, although she would never be called beautiful, some might consider her to be slightly attractive.

History: Recently having finished her apprenticeship to a smith in the port town of Velswad, Venna left the town to seek out a place where she could pry her trade without competing against her master or his family. Eventually, she wound in the castle, the forge-master there having decided she was skilled enough to at least make weapons and armor for the soldiers, although not skilled enough to make that which went to the officers.

Longer version:
Back during her childhood, Venna had been an orphan for a time, left without a family as her mother, a 'working girl' who warmed the beds of sailors so to speak, passed away from a disease she caught from a client. She never knew her father either, he could have been any of a number of clients that her mother had around the time Venna was conceived, and it's not as though her mother bothered remembering all the different men and women she slept with. With her mother no longer paying for a place to stay, Venna had, for a time, slept on the streets, barely keeping out of the hands of the particular gang that liked to kidnap young girls to work in their 'inns' as 'maids'.

Fortunately, after only a few months on the streets, the wife of a local smith saw her and brought her home, presuming she was a lost child, before finding out she was an orphan. At that point, the woman convinced her husband to take the Venna in and help raise her along side the smith's own children. In the belief that she needed to earn her keep, a belief founded on the fact that her now deceased mother had forced Venna to help her on the job by doing the initial contact with johns to attract clients for her mother, Venna spent a great deal of her time trying to help around the forge. Doing so helped her begin to how to smith and, after acquiring no small number of burns from being to close to sparking metal or the forge fires themselves, the smith's wife convinced him to teach Venna as well along with the training he was giving his own children.

Eventually, Venna gained enough proficiency that the now elderly smith declared she would be fit to run a smithy. However, since the smith's smithy would go to his children, he gave her a hammer and working apron of her own before recommending to her several place that she might find good work at. Therefore, saying a few heartfelt goodbyes, Venna set off and, after checking several other places, Venna arrived at the castle where it was decided her armor and weapon smithing skills were sufficient for her to work there.
Re: Character Sheets

Name: Lady Sharyn Blackcliff, Knight of Bearskard
Gender: Female
Race: Human
Age: 23
Occupation: Knight
Weapons: A two-handed "Dragon Slayer", a sword with a dragon motif. Short, featureless dagger as backup.
Armour: A scale breastplate attached to a longsleeved leather tunic with bear fur trimmings. Leather leggings reinforced with metal scales at the front as well. Leather boots and gauntlets with fur trimmings. Sharyn wears a "scale veil", a steel skull cap with scalemail attached that obscures the face of the wearer except for a small window around the eyes.
Physical Description: Sharyn's face looks almost stern, with prominent high cheekbones and deep blue eyes. Her dark red hair is kept at jaw's length, and several silver rings are braided into it. Her stern look is somewhat offset by a set of full lips. Unlike some of the older knights that have grown fat over years of peace, Sharyn has a fit physique.
History: Lady Sharyn was born in Bearskard, a northern county that often has quarrels with Gnoll tribes. Her father was a knight himself and died when Sharyn was very young. This has led young Lady Blackcliff to romanticise knighthood instead being confronted with the harsh reality of it.
Even as a child Sharyn would rather play outside in Bearskard's rocky landscape than stay inside and listen to the droning of teachers that just wanted to transform her into a proper lady that wears pretty dresses and knows how to entertain guests. On the age of twelve she started to beat up any kid that'd look at her the wrong way - or try to anyways. More than once the young Lady ended up with her face in the mud, but that just made Shary want to get up and try again.
Through sheer stubbornness Sharyn entered the military despite her gender and powered her way up the ranks. Eventually she was knighted by the Count of Bearskard - complete with the customary hard slap in the face to keep her oath in mind - and sent south to aid [castle] in its defense.
Sharyn is stubborn, rough and intolerant in the face of another person's imperfection. She has the mindset that she has earned every damn thing she desires and is going to stop at nothing to get it. Outside of battle Sharyn feels uncomfortable and on edge, eager to pick a fight at the drop of a hat. She turns a blind eye to her own shortcomings though and may find herself in over her head because of it.
Details, Details: The Dragon Slayer is a backsword, meaning it only has one edge. While the blade itself is straight, the grip is slightly curved downward like with many sabers. The handguard has the form of a dragon's skull, with two thick horns jutting forth. A row of saw teeth run along the lower back of the sword. They're meant to saw through a dragon's bone once it's slain. The scabbard for Sharyn's sword, which she carries on her back, is embroidered in white with her family's crest - a standing bear above a river - and hunting scenes.
The same motifs can be found on the leather parts of her armor.
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Re: Character Sheets

Name: Enigma
Gender: Female
Age: Who's to say? Appear to be in her early years however. (Somewhere around 100-110)
Occupation: Mage/Necromancer
Weapons: Her arcane powers and her staff on hand
Armour: Enchanted traveller's outfit with roughly the same effectiveness as a chain shirt or light armor in general. Take away the enchantment however, and they return to being just normal clothes.
Physical Description: From an average passerby's glance, Enigma appears to be a fairly normal elf, possessing the slim dainty frame and pointed ears that all elves possessed. That is, until one paid more attention to her facial features. Her hair purple and white with pink streaks and a pair of impossible heterochromic eyes (one eye being purple, while the other was red) due to an appearance modification spell gone wrong, this outcast sun elf is quite the strange sight to behold... thus why she generally makes use of a blackened traveller's cloak to obscure her appearance. Given that she is easily recognizable otherwise.
History: A Sirow outcasted from her tribe for experimentation with the "dark arts" of necromancy after she had attained a certain mastery of the magic her kind possessed. Albeit, an unrepentant exile who insists she meddles with "dark magic" out of simple curiosity to this very day. Caring little for religion, laws, customs, and ordinances Enigma does as she pleases and according to her whims. All to satisfy her rampant curiosity, her thirst for knowledge of almost any kind, and the fulfillment of her far off dream to obtain an "absolute understanding" of everything...
Re: Character Sheets

Name: Kara Nightshade
Gender: Female

Race: Half Human, Half Sun Elf

Age: Appears around 30ish, but is more like 110.

Occupation: Necromancer/Warrior

Weapons: Caster Staff that appears to have been made around bone, and a dagger for up close and personal.

Armour: Her armor appears to be some kind of exoticly made clothing that doesn't reveal much, but definitely leaves the mind wondering what kind of body is beneath that clothing.

Physical Description:

History: To come later, brainfart.
Re: Character Sheets

Name: Deagan Clovis

Gender: Male

Race: Human

Age: 21

Occupation: Mercenary / Healer

Weapons: A long, balanced double-bladed claymore, with unrecognizable markings on the blade, which seem to indicate what kingdom it was made in.

Armour: Silver Scale armor covering the torso, arms, legs, and feet.

Physical Description: Deagan is quite youthful in appearance, with short, trimmed brown hair, the bangs pushed up to reveal the whole of a handsome face, and a scar along the forehead. His eyes are just as brown as his hair. And, his quite brawny in size, possessing wide shoulders, powerful looking arms, and an athletic body.

History: Deagan seemed to previously be a knight of a kingdom, based on his equipment, but doesn't speak much about his past regarding that. Not much is known about Deagan asides from his personality, which suggests he is a daft, headstrong, overconfident, yet caring, sympathetic, and selfless man. However, there is slight evidence that he was tutored by a Paladin sometime in his life, as he was sometimes seen during the few days after attacks, tending to some of the wounded with mostly elementary grade healing magic.
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Re: Character Sheets

Name: Rohn
Gender: Female
Race: Human
Age: 23
Occupation: Hired guard/mercenary
Weapons: Preferred weapon is her short sword. She also keeps a good number of daggers on her person (minimum of 4) at any given time, some concealed, some not. She owns a crossbow but doesn't carry it around with her all the time and she has familiarity with a standard bow but prefers the cross.
Armour: A rather well-made suit of leather that appears crafted specifically for her use only. Though well cared for, one can see that she's gotten into a skirmish or two with it on.

Physical Description: Rohn stands 5'7" with brown hair, often done up in several rows of braids that hug her scalp and trail down to just below her shoulders. She has dark eyes and even when she's relaxing, she always seems to have her attention everywhere but what's right in front of her. She's fairly trim from her use of the sword and time on the road, but not overly muscular. She favors muted colors in her casual dress, usually earth tones. She also has a faded scar across her right cheekbone (mostly visible when she's more tan) and another that runs across her midsection, but few people have ever seen the latter.

History: Rohn grew up the older of two siblings, mostly being in charge of her younger sister while her parents worked. Her father was a tanner and knew how to craft leather and as Rohn got older, or more specifically, as her sister got older and needed her less, she expressed interest in his work. While she learned how to tend to skins and work them into useful things, she would often find she had a hard time focusing on her task at had. She began to take a greater interest in the earlier steps of her father's work: the animals. Through a lot of trial and error on her part, she got very good at hunting; not perfect, but she brought home a fairly good amount of kills. Still, she felt restless and not wholly satisfied with the work she was doing, so she sought her parent's blessing to strike out on her own, which they allowed, with mixed feelings. Before she left, her father gifted her the armor she wears and it's her most prized possession. Since leaving, she's mostly done mercenary-style work, taking a job here or there as it suits her.

Her current job was guarding the caravan of a dwarven trader who happened to be heading to the keep on business. They arrived shortly before the seige began and now, since her employer is, understandably, unwilling to leave, Rohn finds herself rather stuck. Thankfully, there's enough going on that she's not getting a 'caged in' feeling and she sometimes has to be discouraged from taking pot-shots at the enemy soldiers from the walls (unless it's during an actual exchange). Though still technically in the dwarf's service, she is finding it more rewarding to help the guards right now and does so whenever they call for aid.
Re: Character Sheets

Name: Ako'orzyne Auvryghym
Gender: Male (Surprise!)
Race: Drow
Age: 358
Occupation: Survivalist, Scout

Weapons: Longbow, heavy draw, looked to be made of a still living branch, nondescript foliage still green and apparently still growing along it. At least two dozen throwing knives, sheathed in concealed places all over his body.
Armour: Light Leather, dyes with a haphazard mixture of deep green and black. Matte Black metal bracers.

Physical Description: Slender but well-muscled, long, loping stride that somehow remains silent. Coal-black skin, red eyes, short white hair. Wears a perpetual self-satisfied smirk, partly due to the scar on his left cheek that curls that side of the lip slightly on that side.

History: You want to know about his past? Try to convince him to tell you of it. He's obviously a loner, and judging from the occasional squint when he walks into the sunlight from somewhere darker, he's most probably a recent addition to the surface from one of their underground cities. Other than that, his past is as much a closed book as you've seen...
Re: Character Sheets

Hrmph, I will see if I can help with the post rate. Lemme know if anything's too weird or inadequate.

Name: Liza Telerian.
Gender: Female.
Race: Human.
Age: 33.
Occupation: Cook, baker by preference. Some magical talent, but only minimal training.
Weapons: Carving knife. Got dragged out to learn which way to point a crossbow when the siege began in earnest, but hasn't been issued one.
Armour: Apron, medium-weight clothes. Doesn't wear armour as such.
Physical Description:

Liza, when young, exhibited many of the signs of magical talent - odd glows, objects shifting for no apparent reason, even a strange eye colour - but with both parents poor and fully employed as bakers, not to mention supporting a family of six, she received little formal training in its use. The local priest helped her control her talent to the point where she wasn't going to be a danger, but as a result she can deliberately conjure little more than candle-flames and flashes of light. The priest also managed to convince Liza of the importance of calm, and thus she rarely even raises her voice, keeping an almost serene attitude.

Being poor, a girl, and the third child of six, Liza received only the education mandated by the government, and followed her parents into the baking trade. There she turned out to be quite skilled, perhaps in part due to her talent allowing her to "feel" the readiness of her baking.

Lacking sufficient reading skill to make use of recipes (she can read them, but only with the aid of a finger, and writing them is out of the question), she has remained only an assistant to more trained folk, and gradually drifted from kitchen to kitchen until she reached Fort Barthone, shortly before the siege began...
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