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Character Sheets


Turtle Poker
May 18, 2010
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Please post your characters in this format.




Please make your bio match your class.
Re: Clover Grove - Signups and Rules

Get your own subfourum of ULMF

In all seriousness, post reserved until I get my char.

EDIT: Charsheet

Name: Kita 'Toxic' Otaku
Class: Civilian
Str: 23
Int: 22
Agl: 30
Mil: 1

HP: 38
Spe: 34
Org: 148
Dod: d20+41
Grap: d20+38
Res: 20
Mhit: d20+41

Appearance: Your frendly Neiborhood loligoth. She has a tendency of dressing in greens and blacks, birthing her nickname. Her favorite attire is a black dress-like skirt with several green acent peices, black-and-green striped hip high stockings, with matching gloves that almost go to her shoulder, with another pair of leather biker gloves over those. Pride of her collection is her knee-high boots, black with green straps, with the toecaps decorated with a biohazard symbol on one side and a green skull and crossbones on the other.

Bio: Kita keeps alone and acts quite agressive, trying to enjoy herself at the arcades, slasher films, and MMO's, all the while having to 'harm' guys too stupid not to leave her alone. She's also a fan of strange news and stories, and usually spends her non-gaming time surfing the web and listening to music.

Exp: 40/1000
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Re: Character Sheets


Name: Suzanna (Suzy) Biggs
Class: Support
------Str: 25
------Int: 25
------Agl: 25
------Mil: 3

------HP: 38
------Spe: 38
------Org: 126
------Dod: d20+38
------Grap: d20+38
------Res: 19
------Mhit: d20+38
Bio: Suzy has always spent her life among men, fitting in rather well with those not of her own gender. Regardless of the fact that she was extremely short throughout her childhood, and even into adult life, standing at a mere 5'5", she hardly has a body that flaunts her femininity. She keeps her hair cut short, rarely allowing it to grow past her chin, though what is there is bright orange.

As she grew into adulthood, her interest in weapons and combat grew, yet she retained her passion for long range and stealth, often wearing a bandanna to tie her revealing hair up in. Before the apocalypse, she was a trained sniper for her unit, providing cover from a building or other concealed location on exercises. Unlike other snipers, Suzy always preferred working alone, though not complaining when her superiors insisted on giving her a spotter. When it came down to the nitty-gritty, she turned out to be a strong arm in a fight, slipping and sliding through attacks in melee, usually fighting with her combat knife in occasions when she wasn't doing unarmed sparring with her team mates.

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Re: Character Sheets

Name: Alexandria 'Alex' Whitbury
Class: Civilian
Str: 20
Int: 20
Agl: 35
Mil: 1

HP: 37
Spe: 30
Org: 130
Dod: 45
Grap: 37
Res: 18
Mhit: 45

Alex is your all round average girl; standing at exactly 5 foot tall and 140 pounds she's not exactly that easy to distinguish from the rest of the faceless nobodies. What makes her slightly more distinguishable from your average joe is her hair, which comes to just below her waist and is often tied up into a braid and her piercing green eyes that seem to illuminate brightly even when there's no light source shining on them. She also normally wears combination of a baggy zip up hoodie and a black tee-shirt under it along with a pleated mini skirt cut to thigh length. Her ensemble is more often than not ended with a pair of knee high laced-up black boots with inch and half thick soles as well as a metal cap adorning the toes of the boots.

While her thin frame leaves her weaker than most people her age she is remarkably fast, which has helped her in the past to get to queues and such for new games before anybody else gets there.

Alex had been a quiet girl, often gone unnoticed not only by her peers but by her tutors as well while she was in school. She prefered it like this of course because it meant she could do what she liked without having people interrupt her, and so long as she scraped by with average marks her parents didn't give her any hassle.

Even after leaving school that didn't change. She took on a relatively boring job for minimum pay just so that she had money to spend. Which was perfect for her because it meant she could spend the rest of the time in playing video games and browsing the internet.

However her life was about to turn upside down. During the initial events of the creature appearing and attacking all in its way her parents were killed. Luckily Alex had managed to keep herself hidden mostly thanks to her thin frame as she squeezed inside some vents and hid there until everything went quiet. After the failed attack by the military Alex decided that it would be best if she made a move, hoping that she'd be able to outrun whatever or whoever came after her.
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Re: Character Sheets

Ehhh...potentially interested, so reserving a spot for a character sheet when I get around to it.
Re: Character Sheets

Name: Tabatha Strossen
Class: Scientist
Str: 10
Int: 35
Agl: 30
Mil: 1

HP: 25
Spe: 40 (? what is this stat?)
Org: 124
Dod: 48
Grap: 25
Res: 19
Mhit: 48

An advanced research field specialist in the field of genetic abnormalities, Tab has had a great deal of experience in 'hostile' environments, often traveling to remote locations to obtain a variety of samples for use in her research. Her findings have been used to advance several fields, from organ transplantation to alternate gene therapy. She also secretly believes the government is using her samples to advance biological weapons fields.

When called to assist with the documentation and sampling of the 'new species' discovered, her first concern was that these were the result of the government mis-using her findings and having created these things accidentally, but she quickly dismissed her conspiracy theory, realizing that if that were true, they would already have samples of these 'monsters' as people were now calling them, and immediately returned to her previous longstanding opinion, that the government wants samples so that they CAN use these things for advancement of biological military research. Although, she does maintain that it could simply be another branch of the government wanting the samples... or that the original samples could've been lost when the 'monsters' broke loose...

Tab is an internet junkie and loves a good conspiracy theory, but she's level headed enough to immediately disregard any of these insane ideas that don't seem to make sense. During her long trips away from her home, often forced to trek around with nothing for entertainment but a solar powered computer and a satellite internet connection, and she's discovered there's often not a lot to do while waiting on traps and snares, or her local guides, to track down enough samples for her research. So long days of surfing the net have slowly turned her into the slightly quirky woman she is today.
Re: Character Sheets

Well this looks like a lot of fun.

Daniel Currette
Name: Daniel Currette
Class: Scientist
Str: 13
Int: 35
Agl: 27
Mil: 1

HP: 26
Spe: 40
Org: 115
Dod: 44
Grap: 26
Res: 18
Mhit: 44

Bio: Though she'd always been a bit of a tom-boy Daniel simply wasn't strong or tough enough for the activities she'd liked to have done. She tried all sorts of things, sports, martial arts, even hunting, but nothing helped. Instead she put her mind towards weapons research. Though only an intern at the time of the incident Daniel's enthusiasm for the project made up for her lack of experience. At least, until everything went to hell.

Personality: Even in her adult hood Daniel is very energetic and enthusiastic about trying new things. Incredibly curious she usually has to rely on her mind to keep her out of the problems her poor physical skills cause.
Re: Character Sheets

saving spot for character. bios how I loathe thee :p

EDIT: Char sheet

Name: Alexandra Nicholson "Alex"
Class: Infantry
Str: 35
Int: 15
Agl: 20
Mil: 3

HP: 45
Spe: 28
Org: 124
Dod: 28
Grap: 45
Res: 18
Mhit: 28


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Re: Character Sheets

I'll try and give this a go.

Warning: The bio section is a little long. That's just the way I am.
Name: Beatrice "Bea" Stinger

Class: Civilian (Wannabe Swordsman)
Str: 22
Int: 21
Agl: 32
Mil: 1

HP: 38 [ 22+(32/2) ]
Spe: 32 [ 21+(22/2) ]
Org: 129 [ 2(22+32+(21/2)) ]
Dod: 43 [ 32+(21/2) ]
Grap: 38 [ (32/2)+22 ]
Res: 19 [ (22+32+21)/4 ]
Mhit: 43 [ 32+(21/2) ]

At first glance Bea is nothing more than an average looking girl. Average height, average proportions, brown hair, brown eyes... It was hard to pick her out of a crowd, and when she was with her friends she was just another face laughing at whatever caught her eye while the whole lot of them slowly made their way from street to street. She loved her family, she held a decent job, she went out on the occasional date. Her life was boring.

But if someone started to follow her they might find something odd. Whenever Bea was alone she seemed to glide wherever she moved. When faced with the crowded streets of Clover Grove she somehow managed to cut through the slightest gaps without any kind of effort. After most of the day was done she could always be found running to the gym near her home, and once she started what fat she had on her body appeared to melt to reveal toned muscles that stretched with move she made.

There was definitely something weird with this girl, and if her stalker gathered the courage to follow her home they would learn why. When she was truly alone she would simply move the furniture, making sure the TV could quite clearly be seen before walking to her closet and taking out what looked to be nothing more than a thick stick. After browsing through whatever was currently showing she would eventually find something or pop in one of her own movies before standing completely still with that stick by her side. Eventually the character on the screen would inevitably pull out some kind of sword, and Bea would immediately imitate everything she saw. Stance and footwork, swing and thrust, the girl would throw herself into what she saw and did her best to become the character on screen.

Bea never really cared what was on. It could have been something as classic as Zatoichi or Highlander or even something as simple as Kamen Rider, as long as it had swordplay she'd copy it. It was just her thing. Ever since she was daddy's little princess she was always fascinated by how the prince would slay the dragon and save the damsel. She always wondered why the princess was always locked away, and soon enough she demanded that daddy let her save him every once in a while. Once she had her first plastic sword and started waving it around the house she was hooked. She wanted to be a swordsman when she grew up.

At first this made the little girl a nightmare. Baby Bea would run around waving her sword all over the place and breaking anything that could. As she got older her clumsy swings started to gain some control, and as she started socializing at school she let her "training" slip more and more until she dropped the entire thing by the time she hit junior high. At this point the girl was starting to get a bit mopey and depressed once she was a junior she didn't know what she was doing with her life anymore. Her boyfriend at the time dumped her, all her friends were doing their own thing, and her grades had been slipping more than she liked. She took to jogging to try and bring her mood back up, but during a rather late run someone tackled her to the ground. Her attacker immediately tried to pin her there while trying to rip off her clothes, and she panicked and struck back with everything she had. She was quickly losing the battle, but during her struggle she managed to break an arm free and managed to find something with her hand. It turned out to be a rather thin discarded pipe, but once she had a grip on it she swung it hard and wide. The impact caught the assailant in his ribs, and as he recoiled from the pain another strike caught the side of his head. He went down hard, and once he lay still she ran home to cry in her mother's arms. The police were called, and after a thorough search they found the injured man trying to limp his way home.

She may never have realized it herself, but when Bea was attacked and nearly raped she had used what little skill she had to completely disable that bastard. Life went on, but whenever she remembered that day she recalled how her hand just felt right once she managed to calm herself down. While going through some old things she found her "Princess Blade <3" and remembered how much fun she used to have. A couple practice swings brought a long needed smile to her face, and from that point on whenever she was feeling down she'd just pull her sword out and swing it around a couple of times. Her life started to pull itself together, and the more she practiced the more she found balance. She still made room for the rest of her life, talking with friends, talking with boys, studying and the like, but if she ever had free time she'd take out her sword and practice a bit before she had other things to do.

Nowadays she's actually starting to show some true skill, but that's where it ends. Until she stops treating it as a mere pastime she'll always be stuck at the level of budding potential. Truth be told she's fine the way she is. Her life was happy. There is absolutely no reason to learn how to actually fight.
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Re: Character Sheets

Character sheet posted, feel free to berate me for anything I've done wrong.
Re: Character Sheets

Name: Ven Susha

Class: Civilian
Str: 20
Int: 20
Agl: 35
Mil: 1

HP: 37.5
Spe: 30
Org: 130
Dod: 45
Grap: 37.5
Res: 19.25
Mhit: 45


Bio: Well, quite frankly, Ven isn't much. She dropped out of high-school and has been working at a fast food restaurant. Just about the only thing even vaguely interesting is the fact that she has managed to develop her own style of martial arts in her spare time at work. It isn't a very good style, per say, but it doe involve using mops as weapons, so it's all good. Unfortunately, mops tend to be much less effective at scaring off monsters than they are at convincing the boss that firing you for not doing your job is an unhealthy decision. Well, it freaked the hell out of the robbers who once tried to hold up the restaurant as well, but that isn't the point. The point is, Ven has a mop and knows how to use it in a manner that makes the police constantly get called in to restrain her.
Despite my inability to take myself seriously right now, please allow my character to start with a mop as a weapon.
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Re: Character Sheets

Name: Melissa Aberdan
Class: Support
Str: 26
Int: 26
Agl: 22
Mil: 3

HP: 37 (26+11)
Spe: 39 (26+13)
Org: 122 (2*[26+22+13]
Dod: 35 (22+13)
Grap: 37 (11+26)
Res: 19 ([26+26+22]/4)
Mhit: 35 (22+13)

Bio: Growing up athletic, Melissa loved competing with everyone, even the boys. This trend continued throughout her life, compelling her to always be the best she could. Seeing a chance to prove herself further, she enlisted in the military, taking on every challenge she could find. Eventually she found a calling in explosives and demolitions, once again pressing herself to excel.

Melissa loves a challenge, and will sometimes take chances for no other reason than to prove she is capable of beating it. She is generally good humored and confident, though when confronted by her superiors in the military she becomes tight lipped and professional. Even with her confident and risk taking attitude, she sometimes suffers from bouts of practicality, picking the less than optimal solution in particularly hairy situations.
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Re: Character Sheets

Name: Emily
Class: Civilian
Str: 20
Int: 25
Agl: 30
Mil: 1

HP: 35
Spe: 35
Org: 122.5
Dod: 42.5
Grap: 35
Res: 19
Mhit: 42.5


Age: 19
Emily is a lazy "normal person" that has had no contacts with pretty much anyone. The only people she talks to is the people at the place she works, which is at a grocery store, but she never got along with anyone there and didn't form any bonds with them. She cut off all contact with her parents when she first moved out at the age of 18 and hasn't made any real friends ever since them. She never really managed to fit in with any group of people or even anyone at all. Now she lives in a small apartment, and spends pretty much all her free time inside it.

May add more later although I doubt it.

P.S. aren't you glad I finally did this?
Re: Character Sheets

(Decided to give it a go, awesome story and concept, just couldn't pass it up)

Name: Pamela
Class: Civilian
Str: 20
Int: 25
Agl: 30
Mil: 1

HP: 35
Spe: 35
Org: 122.5
Dod: 42.5
Grap: 35
Res: 19
Mhit: 42.5


Pamela is a student at Clover Grove's most prestigious academy, when not in class she spent most of her time in her dorm watching television or on the internet. While average in her classes Pamela has gathered an encyclopedic knowledge of horror movies. When most students evacuated the campus early on Pamela knew that the initial paniced rush always led to a horrible end. Staying in her dorm for a couple days she waited until the chaos outside reached post-zombie horde levels and decided to venture out but not to escape, that always resulted in a downer ending. If she wanted to make it through this alive she would have to be the plucky investigator and uncover the truth to this mystery.
Re: Character Sheets

I'll edit this later if you want, this is the first idea I came up with. Also, let me know if any of my maths are off. Additionally, long bio is LOOONG.

Name: Samantha "Sam" Harrison
Age: 23
Class: Infantry
Str: 35
Int: 15
Agl: 25
Mil: 3

HP: 48
Spe: 33
Org: 136
Dod: 33
Grap: 48
Res: 19
Mhit: 33

Sam wears her black hair short, just below her ears; she usually tucks it into her helmet. Her eyes are a dark hazel, she stands a little over 5'8". Though she typically tries to flatten them down, her C-cup breasts are easily noticeable through her uniform. Sam is toned and lithe, and all business; at least, on duty. Off duty she's "just one of the boys", though slightly more reserved than that moniker normally allows for. She just doesn't like the taste of alcohol enough to party like a "true" man. She is tough and proud, and always striving to step out of her mother's shadow.

Samantha Harrison is the daughter of General Anita Harrison and forest ranger Charles Harrison. As the daughter of a Captain (at the time), Samantha and her family were constantly moving; in fact, it wasn't until her brother, Zach, was born 5 years later and her mother achieved the rank of General 4 years after that that her life finally calmed and her parents settled in the town of Clover Grove. At least, her father settled; her mother was still away for long stretches of time, as the military always found something else that required her attention. Samantha grew up idolizing her mother, wanting to follow in her footsteps - much to her father's consternation - and learned to handle a firearm as soon as she could convince her father to teach her (he finally gave in when she turned 13). At school, she was barely better than average, but if they'd had grades for marksmanship, she'd have been top of the class.

As soon as she graduated, she enrolled in the army, just as her mother had. Despite her mother's insistence she try for something like comms officer or intelligence - a less combat-oriented role - Samantha enlisted in the infantry, just as her mother had. She rose through the ranks at a decent pace, though not fast enough for Samantha. She'd always tell herself that her promotions were based on her own merits, not those of her mother's, but there were always doubts; these were amplified whenever she'd overhear whispers speaking of her being unqualified for her rank. She wouldn't let her doubts get the best of her, though, and would simply redouble her efforts at whatever task she had been assigned. It had scarcely been a week since she'd been promoted to Sergeant, however, when her routine was interrupted by the events of Jonia 1st.
Re: Character Sheets

((I don't mind rape for this character, as long as it's not a guy trying to rape him.))

Name: Gerran Burris (Horror Fanatic and Zombie Nerd)

Gender: Male
Age: 21

Class: Civilian
Str: 21
Int: 24
Agl: 30
Mil: 1

HP: 36
Spe: 35
Org: 126
Dod: 42
Grap: 36
Res: 19
Mhit: 42

small backpack, 9mm Brock 1729, crowbar, painkillers, disinfectant, gauze bandages. 50 ammo in backpack, 21 in pocket, fully loaded pistol capacity of 21.

Appearance: Has dirty blond hair, cut short to about finger length in a ragged sort of way. He looks to be about average build, nothing special. He has a small cleft upon his chin, and has his face well shaved and clean. He's at the age of 21, yet a lot of other people have mistaken for him to be quiet younger, so he's more youthful looking than most his age.

Bio: He's a nerd, to put it simply. Yet for some reason he's survived while the rest of his family has perished. Upon the monster outbreak, Gerran did everything that he remembered from the Zombie Survival Guide. Despite the fact being based on fiction, it had become fact now. Gathering clothes that were comfortable, but still tight. His shorts while casual blue jeans, he had cut off all the belt loops and made sure there were no back pockets. He grabbed a tight white t, and cut his own hair short himself as since the attack had been rather sudden. Ironic, that the only badge he went for in Boy Scouts was his shotgun and rifle badges. Hopefully this would pay off, gathering his fathers 9.mm pistol and finding a crowbar in his dads work shed. He wasn't sure his family was dead or not, but he was almost certain. His mom kept insisting to go to the hospital after his father suffered a fatal bite to the throat tearing out his jugular making death for him most certain, and taking proper precautions like the survival guide said, (as well as common sense because hospitals are where people DIE) he told his family they shouldn't. After much verbal arguments and almost physical violence breaking out, he had to leave them to their suicidal course of action. His only regret was he forgot to tell them he loved them....

Despite all that's happened, he's still a nice guy and concerned about others well being despite his own being in danger. He doesn't mind being brutal if the situation calls for it however, as now it's become greatly violent since the occurrence. If a situation occurs where all choices lead to a negative impact, he'll try to reason to which one has the least negative influence despite if others believe it to be wrong. Having a black and white personality, he will make no exceptions when it comes to certain things. So far, from what he can guess, is that zombies and monsters and stuff don't infect people if they are bit, yet if infection was a problem he'd promptly kill whoever was bit, even if it was himself.
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Re: Character Sheets

Name: Lila M-3210
Class: Civilian
Str: 20
Int: 25
Agl: 30
Mil: 1

HP: 35
Spe: 35
Org: 126
Dod: 46
Grap: 35
Res: 19
Mhit: 46

Bio: Lila M-3210 was a robot from many years ago, built by a mad scientist. She was turned evil by the darkness that lurks around black holes spawning miles away from the moon, which her lab resided in. Marisa, the scientist had then decided to use her once best friend Lila, as an experiment for her monsters, turning her from machine, to human, with a more human shape. She had since escaped the lab, without any harm. She had to be taught how to be a human from scratch, while keeping her previous intelligence, she had to learn common sense, raised like a pet of sorts. Her biology was programmed to link her life force with the void of space itself, causing her to stay a similar age as the captured heroine she was cloned from. Though she did keep her original size of 3'11".

Appearance: Pretty much in my signature. Large chested, and skinny. Made to be similar to her host clone, and to be a near perfect human subject.

Behavior: Since a while would be an understatement, she has learned humanity for the most part. Out of habit though she will spout out ".wav" verbally, having only made a sound when she "spoke" it in robot form. Even though in robot form, she was programmed to be cheerful, she is actually quiet and shy, with pretty much more realistic views. She is quite intelligent due to the fact she can remember monsters and superhuman types at a glance. But she could be quite forgetful with all of this knowledge, and is quite prone to get things wrong without her knowing it.

She has been in Clover Grove living on her own for a while after moving here. She went into hiding in her basement as she has heard about the occurances going around. She has stayed there until one day, she had her source of information cut off. She decides it is best to escape, as the city seems to be done for. She peeks out of her door shyly... then goes on the move slowly, wondering how this came to be, while her goal for now is to run away. Far away as possible.
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Re: Character Sheets

Name: Alana Dearing
Age: 19
Class: Civilian
Str: 20
Int: 25
Agl: 30
Mil: 1

HP: 35
Spe: 35
Org: 125
Dod: 42.5
Grap: 35
Res: 19
Mhit: 42.5
(Dont know if I should round up at all stats or not)

A 5.5 feet tall woman with nice curves. Her most noticeable parts, are her shimmering blue eyes, which are like 2 blue lagoons. Her hair falls like a golden waterfall down to her shoulders. Her nose is tiny and cute and assisting her in her innocent and abit childish look.
She tends not to wear much, if not any makeup. She is more some kind of natural beauty. Her look also opened her some doors in the past.
However, she never was some kind of party girl. She was more the shy one at school.

Alana comes from a smaller town, away from Clover Grove. She recently finished highschool with quite good grades, but her hometown didnt offered her much for her future.
She went then towards Clover Grove and left her parents and friends behind to study in the biggest City on the Westcoast. She sometimes visited the city, but never to work there, only to go shopping and have fun with her friends but the whole City seemed different now, that she lifes in it.
She rented herself a little apartment in the Clover and tried to life made there now her home.
Her apartment was quite small though. Only a single room with an little corridor, an bathroom and an kitchen nook. But it was her apartment and she decorated it to her likings.
To pay her living there, she started to do some occasional job, till she finally found an job as waitress in an known bar. The job was stressing. The male customers tried to flirt with her the whole time, she had to remember all the orders from each table and she was the whole time on her legs, walking from table to table... but they paid well.
Everything seemed to go well, till the sudden event happened...

(Did I forgot anything, or is that char sheet fine?)
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Re: Character Sheets

Name; 'Merlacie'.
Class; Infected tier 1.
Gender; Female/herm.
Age; "22"
Str; 30
Int; 10
Agl; 25
Mil; 0

HP; 42
Spe; 25
Org; 120
Dod; 30
Grap; 42
Res; 11
Mhit; 30
All stats rounded down with five points added as per-usual.

Standing at 5'6 feet tall, the infected female's skin is in shades of very dark greys, blues and purples mixing in with the typical green of infection, including deep, dark blue veins showing on the smooth, featureless yet strong surface of the skin. Hir face resembles that of a young woman, with high cheek-bones and darker skin around the eyes giving a faintly gaunt look, the barely off-white and sharp teeth sheathed by thin lips and white eyes that have barely perceptible green optics appearing haunted and soulless yet cunning and thoughtful, also framed by groomed hair of soft whites and blacks flowing to the female's shoulders. Hir figure is recognizable human, slim, curvy with muscle and bone slowly becoming denser with infection. There are signs of carapace growing from the spine and outer shoulders, three-inch long and two inch-wide spires growing from the back of the shoulders, adding to the vaguely hunch-back look with the armor-like padding thinning out a little to the small of hir back, extending into a knee-length tail. There is also organic plating present on hir full chest, outer legs and arms. The female's feet are always upon longer toes, the very shape changing to accommodate the constantly changing posture whilst the female's long fingers are tipped with the faintest of claws.

Merlacie wears a dull gray tank-op without arms that shows the midriff, a faded symbol with letters and numbers stamped on the left shoulder-neck strap. Shi wears equally depressing-dull gray three-quarter shorts, all the clothing being of simple but tough and semi-comfortable material.

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Re: Character Sheets

Name: Tina Bistet
Class: Civilian
Str: 20
Int: 21
Agl: 24
Mil: 1

HP: 32
Spe: 31
Org: 108
Dod: 34
Res: 16
Mhit: 34

Tina stands at 5'7" with a slender frame, her black hair cut short. Her eyes are also dark, a deep blue that seems to be black at first glance. She typically wears more professional clothing if she can: a button down shirt, slacks, and a hat(typically a newsboy cap). With her breasts just barely B cups Tina usually skips wearing a bra.

Tina lived about 150 miles away from Cover Grove when everything went down. Having been inquisitive since youth she graduated from a local community college with an Associates in Journalism 1/2 a year ago. She wanted to find some big mysterious story like all of the reporters in the movies. however, she only found cats being lost, the latest neighborhood gossip, and what strange snow patterns they'd been having.

When she heard about the disaster on the radio Tina's eyes lit up, this was exactly what she needed. She rushed out of her apartment, packing enough food and water to get there and bringing her camera(along with a back-up, just in case).