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Character Sheets


Is completely fucking irrelevant. And he's a bitch
RP Moderator
Nov 21, 2008
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Okay, so since I cannot keep track of characters with as many as there are by myself, I need ya'll to post your characters back up here, but exempt the powers from said sheets. Not much fun in knowing everyone's powers, now is there?

Character name:
Country of Origin:
Current country/state/city of residence:
Character description:

^ That's the template, if you need to make a new character. PM me the powers of said character as well as a description of the power.
Re: Character Sheets

Done and done. What kind of post should the first one be, by the way? Just...anything? Or did you have something specific?

Character Name: Jamal Wallace
Age: 24
Country of Origin: Jamaica
Current Residence: Montego Bay, Jamaica

Character Description: Jamal is a large man, 6'5" at the top of his head, and 280 pounds of skin, muscle, fat, and hair, in that order. Dreadlocks in his hair and beard make him appear intimidating, though he'd much rather laugh than fight.

Biography/History: Jamal was born in Montego Bay, grew up in the same house his whole life, graduated from the local High School, then graduated from the local Community College with a Bachelor's in Communication. Once he graduated at 22, he found a job with his degree, working as a DJ for a local radio station. He's held that job for little over two years now. Despite his size, Jamal is a surfing-enthusiast; because of his size, however, he is definitely not a professional.
Re: Character Sheets

Character name: Anna Ptak
Gender: Female
Country of Origin: Poland
Current country/state/city of residence: Poland/Wielkopolska/Poznań

Character description: Anna has short blonde hair and blue eyes. She's a bit short (170 cm) and fairly slim. She used to have bright skin, but due to recent "events", she now looks as if she just returned from a long vacation at a sunny place. She's usually rather pessimistic, with a sarcastic, philosophical approach to nearly anything she faces. Altough usually grim, she does have quite a temper and doesn't react well when provoked. Not very social, but a good person at heart.

Biography/history: Anna is - or at least used to be - a regular, even if a bit eccentric, girl from Poland. She was the only child of a firefighter and a businesswoman - her mother worked in a major transport company. Anna studied Math on University of Technology before the world changed. At first, she didn't seem to be affected, but on December 22nd she felt rather sick and lost consciousness while at home. She was taken to the hospital, where her body went through certain mutations. Anna woke up after two days and discovered that she gained some unusual traits. While experimenting with them, she learned what kind of power she now had - and the results pleased her greatly. Others, not so much.
Re: Character Sheets

Name: John Sumner

Age: 34


John stands 6 foot 5, and is bald. He generally dresses in a black trenchcoat, though he has been spotted several times with a tank top and jeans. John seems to be a pleasant enough person if you meet him, and you wouldn't know by looking at him what shadows lurk within him, or that he was anything but human. Friendly enough, though he's definitely not someone you want to anger, as he can have a very violent temper at times.


John was a master surgeon for a few years, before giving it up about three months prior to the world changing. After the changing of many people, John has suddenly vanished off the face of the Earth ...

Country of Origin:

United States. Specifically, Montana.

Current Residence: N/A (Believed to be Deceased.)
Re: Character Sheets

Character name: Astra Evenstad
Age: 22
Country of Origin: Norway
Current country/state/city of residence: Bedfordshire, England
Character description: Tall and slender, pale skin. Icy blue eyes and straight, darkish brown hair that reaches her waist.

Biography/history: Born to a miner in Svalbard as the youngest of 3 siblings, Astra’s birth was during a fierce storm, in one of the harshest winters on record. Her mother died during the birth, and she always felt that her family held a grudge against her because of this. In reality they loved her in spite of it, and it was due to her own nature and feelings that she began to grow apart from them. Astra loved the winters, and never seemed to be affected by the cold. She would stay in the snow long after he older brother and sister had succumbed and retreated inside. She never wrapped up excessively, and would often play with snow with her bare hands. She never so much as shivered, seeming almost numb. She never seemed to fit in with the rest of her family, a tradition that continued through her school years. She had poor social skills and found difficulty making friends, and tended to spend her time alone. The other children called her the ‘winter girl’. Some of them said she was cursed, and blamed her for killing her mother. Rumours about her were circulating constantly. She didn’t care. After leaving school at 18, she moved across the North Sea to Britain in hopes of leaving her ‘curses’ behind her and starting anew. Four years later, she has only partially succeeded.
Re: Character Sheets

Name: Victor Holman

Country of Origin: United States/ Colorado/ Denver

Current residence: Tampa, FL.
Character description:5'5", brown hair cut short, no facial hair. Tends towards jeans and a brown T-shirt, with a leather coat in colder weather.

History: Victor grew up in denver, and at a young age displayed an amazing talent for sports. He was on any team that would have him, from baseball to wrestling, and even earned his way through college on a sports scholarship. He generally was appointed team captain, and rarely lost a game. He was in his last semester of college, and waiting for the NFL draft, when the event hit. He is not fond of his newfound powers, but uses them as he sees necessary.
Re: Character Sheets

Character name: Grantham Whitbury
Age: 57
Country of Origin: England
Current country/state/city of residence: England
Character description: Grantham stands at a little over five foot and an average build. His hair, whilst thinning at the top, is black with flecks of grey. Grantham has pale blue eyes, where heavy bags have formed underneath from years of very little sleep.

While Grantham is often a quiet and patient man when he is angered he appears to be a completely different person. His voice rises to a constant shout and anything in and around is general area becomes the target of his violent outbursts; from inanimate objects to even people and animals.

Biography/history: Grantham used to be a relatively successful scientist during his youth and much of his mid life, though during a particularly important experiment an assistant incurred Grantham’s wrath, and despite his attempts to hold it back he flew into a fit of rage, damaging much of the experiment and injuring most of his staff and superiors. It was only thanks to his standing in the scientific community that he wasn’t sent to jail, and instead was sent to a rehabilitation center to work on his anger management problem.

During his stay at rehab Grantham had the opportunity to study his ‘inmates’ as well as those who visited them and their keepers. Over the years he had noticed that the families that visited acted distant to his inmates, whether intentionally or not, and even the families of the ones that were in there indefinitely eventually stopped visiting. Even the professionals kept themselves distanced from their charges, both personally and professionally, treating them more as a science experiment than real humans.

Eventually Grantham began to grow disdainful towards humans and eventually that distain turned to hatred towards humanity. Though wanting to get out of rehab he had to hide his true feelings, and after seven years of rehabilitation he was finally allowed to be released. Grantham immediately went back to his home and begun working on a plan to end all humanity.
Re: Character Sheets

[B]Character name:[/B] Kalien Tronaught
[B]Age:[/B] 25
[B]Country of Origin:[/B] Umerica
[B]Current country/state/city of residence:[/B]  Gencin (Made up on purpose.), Alabama. USA.

[B]Character description:[/B] Looks like a Loli
[B]Hair Colour (Base):[/B] Bluish Black		[B]Hair Colour (Current. Dyed):[/B] Dark Blue
[B]Eye Colour:[/B] Hazel				[B]Skin Colour:[/B] Causian (Pale White)
[B]Height:[/B] 5'00 (Sensitive about this)		[B]Weight:[/B] 92 Pounds.
[B]Bustsize:[/B] B cup.				[B]Figure:[/B] Petite, Lithe not curvy.
Kalien was born as a small townsgirl inside Gencin, a backwater place in Alabama where racism was still heavily prevelent as well as barely much useage of technology. She dropped out of highschool at the age 22, having failed a couple of times during previous years and currently works in a dilphiadated Walmart inside her town. There is absolutely nothing much of interest at all in her town and it's always humid, hot, wet and scorching in there. Even during winter. She personally hates blacks and is a white surpresimist herself as all blacks in Gencin are in their own little part, not allowed on to the white side of town lest they are refused services or are charged triple the price. The only blacks that are usually seen in the white side of town are servants of the only rich person in town. A recluse oil billionaire living in his mansion on the only hill in Gencin. The servants are treated much like slaves and cattle through, just for working for the recluse, they have to wear at all times, winter clothing meant for heavy snowstorms in cold and artic regions.
Re: Character Sheets

Character name: Miwa Saya (Last name/First Name)
Age: 22
Country of Origin: Japan
Current country/state/city of residence: USA, Seattle, WA
Character description: Long hair which goes down to about her waist, recently dyed green in a spur of the moment bad decision making. Slim build and favors her right hand. Clearly appears of Asian descent, but is sometimes mistaken for something other than what she really is. Slightly pale looking for not getting out enough.

Recently finished getting a local college degree from a relatively lesser known place due to money reasons. Lives by herself currently in a low rent building, managing to make ends meet by working the nightshift at a gas station, spending more of her time either watching TV, taking a walk, or trying to find a better job.
Re: Character Sheets

Character name: Kiriane Shacklock (Screen name “Somniloquence”, common alias “Somni Loquence”)
Age: 22
Country of Origin: UK, England
Current country/state/city of residence: UK, Norfolk, Stalham,

Character description: Very dark dulled brown hair, let long down to small of back. Hazel eyes. Slim and slightly scrawny build, being light weight and standing at 5’6 (168cm).

Biography/history: A 2 year NEET (Not in Employment Education or Training) with increasingly severe Hikikomori tendencies. Before the 21st, Kiriane spent the vast majority of her time in front of a computer, and hooked to the Internet. People referred to her more often as Somni than her birth name. Despite early years tests revealing some notable intelligence and potential, Kiriane drifted through school and college without focus, easily achieving the minimum required to pass, but never anything more. After that, she bounced between multiple low end minimum wage and often undignified jobs for a year or two, moving out of the family home and going into renting a flat at one point, before falling into a reclusive period of NEETship and repressed depression. She had a constant curiosity about the world, yet seemed almost bored by it at the same time. She does not fear or at all dislike the company of others, but has trouble engaging with people and expressing herself. Whilst often with purely friendly intentions, her mannerisms can make her come across as cold and more distant that intended. At times she’s found it easier, and thus resigned, to simply live up to that cold image, rather than try to rectify it.

Kiriane also suffers from a fairly severe sleep disorder, consisting of a mix of insomnia and hypersomnia. Meaning that she has difficulty falling asleep, but also once asleep has a distinct difficulty waking up, and can end up unintentionally sleeping for extended periods of time. Due to these poor and unpredictable sleep cycles, she is frequently plagued by headaches during her wakeful hours. A prescribed course of sleep aid medication and a good alarm clock helps her with this, but is far from a perfect solution. Whilst not usually one to fuss too much over appearance, she does have a particular fear of ever developing eye bags due to her disorder, and so invests in and religiously makes use of skin care products for her face.


  • Competent recorder player, and skilled with the clarinet and EWI. Also an amateur singing enthusiast, though she'd never admit it nor ever sing within earshot of anybody.
  • Highly intelligent, if perhaps lacking motivation to apply it. Was given a test designed to reveal gifted youths after suspicions arose in early school years of possibly being under challenged. Not fully taking the test seriously at the time, the results while good, we're less than expected and so she stayed in normal schooling.
  • Fast and surprisingly able bodied for her lifestyle and appearance, but notably lacking in stamina.
  • Highly computer savy, and more at home on the internet and in her imagination than reality.
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Re: Character Sheets

  • Character name: Léontine LaRoche
    D.O.B: 31/12/87
  • Country of Origin: France
  • Current City of Residence: Mont St Michel, France
  • CityPic:
  • CharPic:

Character description:

Any fashion guru would tell you, never mix red and green. Conflicting signals, danger and security, stop and go, anger and calm - the contradiction screams like a sore thumb. But Léontine LaRoche lived in contradictions.

Messy red hair, sharp green eyes to match fine-boned cheeks, and a slim, athletic build with height to match, standing taller than most of her male peers at two inches short of six feet, make up this angry young Frenchwoman. Preference given to dark clothes, tight-fitting, almost uniforms, close-fitting coats to keep out the winds of her home. Although one might expect a tan from living in sunny France, Léontine's skin is pale, as if making a point to those around her

A swift, flowing accent that takes a little from her Southern French mother, more from her Parisian father, is more often that not deliberately incomprehensible. She retains the faintest trace of an accent even in English, out of sheer wilfulness more than anything else. In conversation, a terse, barely veiled impatience to get every necessary social dealing over with, serves to cover the real difficulty the Frenchwoman possesses in dealing with people.


Léontine's father, Thierry LaRoche, was never home. He brought in an income sufficient to keep her and her mother in luxury, send her to private school, and pay for medical treatment whenever it was necessary. You don't miss what you've never known, so their arrangement was fine. Thierry was a man who'd arrive at the family home for a week-end here or there, usually bearing gifts from far-off places, but no more.

In January 2001, he didn't come home. Instead, the 14-year old Léontine saw him in the paper, villified and held up as a foreign spy. He'd betrayed France, the statement said, sold secrets to their enemies, and paid the price. According to the press, Thierry LaRoche was the worst traitor their country had seen since the days of Vichy. More, he'd been killed by the men he'd been dealing with, on a deal gone wrong.

At first, the surprisingly level-headed Léontine refused to believe it. Then she was inconsolable, surprisingly so for a girl who'd lost a father she'd never known. Then, a week after the article, some men came to visit the family home (now on the market). Léontine's mother, Catherine LaRoche, had taken the news rather worse, and hadn't left her room, so Léontine met the men and served them coffee.

Over coffee and biscuits in nerveless fingers, the truth came out. Thierry LaRoche had been black operations. Blacker than black. He'd been killed valiantly in the defence of his country, on a mission no one could ever know about. The public villification had in fact been his idea. "The girls will understand" he'd said. In French, but you get the picture.

In short, the suited men bought Léontine's silence with barely veiled threats, and a great deal of money. They left her to think their "offer" over. They wanted her to go into the equivalent of Witness Protection, change her name, live a lie for the sake of the country's reputation. They left Léontine with a suitcase of cash - 50,000 Euros, as a "show of good faith".

That night, Catherine shot herself. The day after, the 14-year old Léontine took the offer - on her terms. She wanted an isolated place to live - a house on Mont St Michel would do nicely. In fact, the Church itself would be perfect.

On top of that, she wanted a continued payment, a steady 100,000 Euro income every year, no taxes, and to be left alone entirely. Oh, and the small matter of a ten million Euro lump sum. The French government, or rather, a small, not democratically elected section of the French government, looked at her proposal for all of ten minutes and said yes, and Léontine LaRoche disappeared.

For the next ten years, what she did was anyone's guess. She is believed to have left the island briefly to compete in a naginatajutsu competition in Paris, which she won, then walked away without giving a name or details, so was never awarded a prize.

Aside from the obscure medieval-era weapons training, Léontine spent a great deal of her isolated time in study. From a 14-year old with no qualifications whatsoever, came a young woman with a deep, if theoretical knowledge of medicine (but not law, she thought it irrelevant), history, mathematics, philosophy, literature, and languages. Psychology was the one field that flummoxed her. She just couldn't get her head around people.

Thus in 2012, Mademoiselle LaRoche enrolled in the university of Paris for a Psychology course. She made it through a single semester, which barely started the basics, before the world turned upside down. December 22nd, she left Paris in distress, quickly retreating to her island home to seclude herself, even more than usual, as things began to change within the world.

  • Particularly fond of music. Carries an advanced iPod prototype which (it is rumoured) she designed herself, based on bioelectrics and solar power, along with a high-powered set of sound insulating earphones, at all times.
  • Despises guns, owing to their involvement in the violent deaths of both her parents.
  • Carries a slim black box with a few medals in it - specifically, those her father was owed but never received because of the cover-up.
  • Fluent in German, Spanish, English, Chinese, Arabic, a limited amount of Hebrew and is currently learning Italian. However, she refuses to speak anything but French, as she's a bitch.
  • Very well-read at the cost of social skills. Possesses a theoretical knowledge of medicine, biology, philosophy, and a more practical knowledge of mathematics, physics, and engineering. Hates works of fiction with a passion.
  • Refuses to fly in a plane unless it's privately owned, holds a pilot's license for plane and helicoper, but not a driving license. Exists "out of the system", carries nothing in terms of money or ID but a Black AmEx card.
  • Has very little respect for the law or other people in general. She does, however, spend time praying in the Church on Mont St Michel, so is perhaps religious, at least by appearance.

Re: Character Sheets

Character name: Kathleen/Katerina McIntyre
Age: 21
Country of Origin: Canada
Current country/state/city of residence: No fixed address. Currently in Kagoshima, Japan

Character description:
Kathleen, or Kat, is an average looking woman with brown hair and hazel eyes, and standing an average 5'5". After a night of drinking with her friends, Kat had a tattoo of the Decepticon logo placed on the back of her left hand. When not driving, she typically wears baggy sweatpants and t-shirts with shorts when it's hot and hoodies when cold. When driving, she wears a yellow leather bodysuit. Kat's bike helmet has various decals of Transformers and japanese mecha, including a gold 'V' decal on the forehead.

Kat's bike is a yellow, customized Kawasaki 1400GTR (not pictured) and is Kat's one true home.


Kathleen's father was a famous Canadian actor, while her mother was a well-known, if not famous, singer. Both of her parents died in a 2008 plane crash, leaving Kathleen with a very large inheritance. Already in love with the open road, and enchanted with Japanese culture, Kathleen finished her motorcycle mechanic course she was taking, bought a bike, and moved to Japan.

After spending a year or two on the road, Kathleen plans on becoming a mechanical engineer with dreams of making human shaped mecha and transforming cars.

With the help of a friend, Kathleen invested the majority of her inheritance and recieves a monthly allowance automatically deposited in her personal bank account. However, if she needs to, Kathleen can dip into her multi-million dollar account.

For some reason, she has a pet mouse she picked up somewhere while in Japan. She's named it Roger.

Mundane Capabilities:
  • With time and the right tools, Kathleen can repair and modify nearly any motorcycle. She can also attempt repairs on non-motorcycle engines, but doesn't have the same level of expertise.
  • Kat is fluently trilingual in English, French and Japanese.
  • With her financial power, Kat can buy just about anything she wants, though she refrains from doing so unless absolutely necessary.