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Character Sheets


Tentacle God
RP Moderator
Aug 12, 2010
Reputation score
This thread is for placing all our character sheets into one easy to find space. If you've already posted yours in the sign up thread, just transfer it over here.

Demon character for Incubus' Fantasy game:

Name: Vexa (goes by Vex)

Initial stat rolls: 2, 2, 3, 4, 1, 2
Boyish and Cool (Effectively +1 Ath, -1 Affection)
Blond Hair
Green Eyes
Dark Fae ancestry (hero to the goblins)
Special Accessory: Black Leather Gloves

Athletics 5
Affection 1
Skill 3
Cunning 2
Luck 1
Willpower 2

Iron Wall Maid power (use Athletics to defend up to two others)

Background: Changling ancestry. Captured by goblin tribe when young, grew up as slave. Showed signs of goblin ancestry, given chance to prove herself to tribe. Defeats beast and acquires Fellhammer. Uses it to smash goblin chief's face and become new goblin chief. Tribe absorbed by Demon King when he rocks into town and takes over.


Elaina Whitefield, Maid

Elaina, Age 19

Athletics 4
Affection 1
Skill 2
Cunning 2
Luck 1
Will 3

Maid Type:

Favor: 5
Spirit: 30
Stress: 0

Maid Colors:
Uniform - Cream
Eyes - Cream
Hair - Navy

Special Qualities:

Maid Roots: Distant Relative

Stress Explosion: Alcohol/Drugs

Maid Weapon: Metal Claws

Maid Power (Atheletics) Ultimate Retort - may blow someone off completely with the use of a clever comeback (GM's Discretion). May make this impossible to defend against by taking 2 Stress.

Physical Complex: Scars (On her back.)

Background: Elaina is the only daughter of Lord Tyrol Whitefield, Lord Protector of the Eastern Marches. Her homeland is a border state that with another empire whom is currently in a constant state of war with her own. As such, battles are frequently fought there and everyone, even noble daughters like Elaina are taught to fight. Still, it was against her father's wishes and without his knowledge that Elaina joined the army in secret for a march to attack an invading army and push them out of her homeland. When their plan failed, Elaina was captured. The enemy General, a man named Bagot, recognized Elaina as the lord's daughter and had her publicly whipped in an effort to bolster his men's morale while hurting that of the natives. Fortunately, a relief force led by her Father had followed after her and quickly rescued her before Bagot could devise even more heinous methods to degrade her. Angry at Elaina's foolishness and stunned by her wish to go into battle again, the Lord sent Elaina away to live with her sickly, distant cousin. There she would be weened off of her adventursome ways by serving as her cousin's maid. She would not be allowed to use her family's name, and is listed as Elaina Smyth on officially drawn up documents. All effort to conceal her whereabouts has been made to prevent her ever falling into the hands of General Bagot or any other enemy ever again.

Description: Elaina's hair is cropped short, enough that she is sometimes mistaken for a boy at a distance. She is athetlically framed and has a distancing, aloof smile. She really is quite easygoing, and fun to get along with. It takes a lot to get her angry.

Changelog: Starting Favor 2.
+ 3 Favor for Meal Preparation.

Mae, Angel of Death posing as a Maid!


Atheltics 2
Affection 2
Skill 2
Cunning 4
Luck 2
Will 1

Maid Type:
Double Sexy

White Uniform with Gold (Blonde) hair and Navy (Deep Blue) eyes.

Special Qualities:

Neat Freak

Maid Roots: Returning a Favor

Stress Explosion: Player Choice - Another player gets to choose what my SE is.

Maid Weapon (if applicable): Scythe

Maid Power: Coercion - With a successful Cunning vs Athletics roll I can damage/remove an article of clothing.

Background: Mae is an Angel of Death! No, no, don't worry, we're not that bad these days. Actually quite tame. Gone are the days of smiting and plagues and other nasty stuff. The Big Guy has mellowed out. Mostly we just hover around waiting for souls to be freed from their mortal coil, and then we deliver them to their final destinations. But even angels can use some help every once in a while, what with pesky devils floating about pulling their pranks. Mae was caught off guard one day by a malevolent spirit and somehow, one of the masters of the house prevented Mae from a bad fate. Feeling obligated to the mortal, Mae decided that she would adopt a human guise and serve the master for the duration of his or her lifetime - which is not very long for an angel anyway. Since Mae, like nearly all angels, likes things proper and neat and just so, she thought the best way to serve the master would be as a maid. And so she packed up her scythe and appeared the next day on the mansion's doorstep ready to work.

Yukimura Gomon, Master

Yukimura Gomon
Age 26
Qualtities: Bishonen (attractive to both genders) and Sadist
Power Source: Political Power and Assets
Stress Explosion: Food Binge
Favored Maid Type: Pure

Eyes: Indigo
Hair: Sky Blue

Athletics 1
Affection 1
Skill 2
Cunning 2
Luck 2
Will 2

Background: Master Gomon is the son of a wealthy political family in the mercantile nation of Attam. He has led a life of privilege and knows little of the world beyond the walls of his estate, besides what he can read in books. For those who did not grow up in his household, he can seem very aloof and unnerving. He is known to be a very attractive, if effeminate man, and is fond of teasing the maid staff. Some whisper that he does more than tease maids... but no maid who leaves his service has willingly spoken about this. Gomon is of age to be married now for political reasons, and his family are keeping him safe at their chateaux retreat until a suitable bride of good breeding can be found as a match for him. In the mean time, he is free to live a life of relative luxury in his palatial estate. But he does get bored... and he has his own thoughts on what qualifies as entertainment. *evil chuckle*

Fade, Butler

Fade, The Veteran Shadow Clan Butler, apparent age: early 30s

Athletics 4
Affection 2
Skill 5
Cunning 5
Luck 2
Will 7

Butler Powers:
Super Evasion - May take 1d6 Stress to avoid any attack.
Meat Shield

Butler Qualities:
Shadow Clan - Member of a secret organization that has existed for centuries
Attractive - One or more of the maids finds you attractive, if a little unapproachable because of your position.

Butler Weapons:
Hand to Hand (Striking)
Beam Attack

Butler Uniform: Light Grey
Eyes: Silver
Hair: Black
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Re: Character Sheets

Shiina Kazuki, age 20

Athletics 3
Affection 2
Skill 1
Cunning 3
Luck 2
Will 1

Maid Type:
Sexy Lolita

Favor: 6
Spirit: 10
Stress: 7

Maid Colors:
Uniform - Orange
Eyes - Purple
Hair - Golden

Special Qualities:
Hairstyle (Curly)
Injury (eye)

Maid Roots: Loyalty

Stress Explosion: Cold Shoulder

Maid Weapon: Western Sword (rapier)

Maid Power (Cunning): Instant Restraint

Complex: Looks Younger

Background: A daughter in a long line of guards and soldiers, Shiina's young looks did not allow her to enter the frontlines of war properly. Thus she was trained as guard, quickly picking up the skills to fight efficiently with her favoured weapon, a slim-bladed sword called a rapier. Once a training accident with real weapons took Shiina's left eye from her, the girl's future seemed unsure as her combat ability was hindered by the injury. But a representive of the Yukimura family saw some potential in the young girl, knowing her family's connection with the Yukimuras. As a favor to her family, the representive took Shiina in to act as a guard to Gomon Yukimura. Gomon's estate was in an area far away from any real wars, but there was still political issues and the related dangers to deal with, and the representive though Shiina could possibly be a suitably deceptive guardian to Gomon. Seeing this as a possibilty to still keep her career going, the girl hides her missing eye behind an eyepatch and departs for the estate to begin her new duty as a maid guard. This was a matter of honor, and she would not fail at her mission.

Changelog for Shiina

4 favor+2 favor+6 favor+2 favor =14 favor
7 stress

Rosarita Di Lanza, age 22

Athletics 3
Affection 3
Skill 2
Cunning 2
Luck 1
Will 3

Maid Type: Pure & Heroine

Favor: 6
Spirit: 30
Stress: 0

Maid Colors:
Uniform - Transparent
Eyes - Gold & Red
Hair - White

Special Qualities: Criminal Tendencies - Pyromaniac & Easygoing

Maid Roots: Self-punishment

Stress Explosion: Run Away

Maid Weapon: Incendiaries and Explosives (Bomb/Grenade)

Maid Power: Hard Work

Trauma: Assaulted

Physical Complexes: Differing Physiology (different-colored eyes) and Tall

Background and stuff: Once your average girl, albeit taller than most around her, Rosarita's life was changed after a particularly bad stroke of luck. Returning to home one night after a party with a couple of friends, the always easygoing girl was assaulted by a burly man. The assaulter almost got to have his way with Rosarita, who was generally one to not fight. She did resist the initial attempts, but a punch to the face made her stop briefly and caused the differing colorations beween her eyes. As the man tore at her clothes, the victimised girl remembered her rigged lighter. Quickly getting it out and snapping it at the wannabe rapist, she managed to set the man's hair on fire, making him back off in a sudden hurry. Seeing the would-be rapist flail and run about with the flame burning at his skull made the slightly injured girl gain a brand new perspective towards fire, and she stood up, witnessing the flame at work instead of running away like most girls would. Even as the situation was about to get under control, Rosa stepped up and lit the man's ragged coat aflame next, just to see how it burned and the reactions the one-time assaulter would have from such actions. It looked like she had found a new hobby for herself.

With that fateful night behind her, Rosarita threw herself at this interesting new hobby, eagerly setting things alight wherever she thought they could be controlled. She still managed to burn down a few abandoned shacks with her eagerness, never getting caught but left feeling bad that she had committed such acts to satisfy her almost perverted delight of fire and burning. As of late, she has stepped up the intensity of her actions and started putting together all sorts of home-made incendiary bombs like molotovs, along with a few minor explosives. After a particularly eager round of setting stuff on fire with her bombs, the girl began to look at herself with a more concerned look. This needed to stop, f not permanently then at least for a while. Looking for a way out from her flame spree, she found another, more physical job to replace her lazy current job at the office. With the task of being a maid in this one manor as her intention, Rosarita eventually found herself at a new job, hoping to curb some of her pyromania with the physical labor. Still, all the necessary stuff to maintain her fire bomb stores were there in her luggage. Too bad she could not find the space for her custom-made flamethrower...

Looksies and things: Standing in at a good 6'3, Rosarita is tall, too tall in her own mind. She has a hint of Italian in her features, as her family is descended from a mafia family that once held a spot in the ranks of organized crime but have since then twindled away to common people. Overall, her frame is nicely rounded out, a bit sexier than your average person. Rosa wears her whitened hair in a huge thick braid, which reaches down to the middle of her back. The hair on her forehead is long and helps to shield her eyes from being seen, as the fire-happy girl is not too proud of her red eye that looks like it bleeds on the inside. To further this cause, she wears a pair of huge, mirrored round glasses at almost every turn. There is nothing wrong with her eyes, just the dislike of showing such a feature to other people and the protection they give if some of that delightful fire flies at her. It is rare that she takes the glasses off, even at points where one usually would. Behind the glasses, a pair of sleepy-looking, constantly half-lidded eyes peer around, much more aware than their appearance might suggest. As if to further highlight her nice figure, someone saw it fit to make Rosarita wear a practically transparent uniform and show off the good things to everyone who wants to see them, the black lingerie underneath accentuating the girl's figure. The final touch on her is a somewhat larger than usual cross pendant made from silver, hanging from a long chain and on her chest. Personality-wise, Rosa doesn't worry too much and takes it easy most of the time, doing things how they fit in her pace at the moment. Even in her pervy uniform, she manages to hold out her calm, though fire still manages to grab her interest fast.

Changelog for Rosarita

6 stress gained from pool cleaning. Damn you tag teams.
Lost 4 stress due to lighting a nice fire. Take that pervert gardener.
Gained 2 favor for pushing a butler into a hot spring.

Kirie Mikado, mage guuuuurl for Incu's gaem

Athletics 2 (2+0)
Affection 3 (2+1)
Skill 3 (3+0)
Cunning 1 (2-1)
Luck 2 (3-1)
Will 4 (3+1)

Favor: 11
Stress 0/40

Maid types: Heroine (+1 will -1 luck) Pure (+1 affection -1 cunning)

Hair: Black
Eyes: Beige

Special Qualities: Albino and Nekomimi

Stress Explosion: Rampage

Maid Power: Tenacity

Maid Weapon: A long stick (Wooden Sword/Staff)

Extra Special Thing: Demon and all that

Background derpery: A pale demon catgirl that somehow learned magic, ended up in the Demon Lord's service by a random happening.
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Re: Character Sheets

Name: Ayeka Hirokisha

Athletics: 2
Affection: 2
Skill: 2
Cunning: 2
Luck: 3
Will: 2

Maid Types:
Boyish + 1 Ath, - 1 Skill
Cool +1 Skill, - 1 Affection

Uniform: Silver
Eyes: Orange
Hair: Pink

Special Quality Choices

Trauma (Saw Parent(s) Die): You've witnessed the death of one or both parents.
Absurd (Fairy): You are one of the Fae folk. (Feel free to choose your own type.)

Maid Roots: Business - you became a maid for the money, and that's about it.

Stress Explosion: Prayer - you escape through constant prayer, praying for protection.

Maid Weapon: Internal Weapon - Tentacles.

Maid Power Escape, you can completely flee without taking any Stress.

Complex: Inexperienced with Love

Favor: 17
Spirit: 13/20

Growing up in the enchanted lands of Faery and born to noble parents, Ayeka had never had much in the way of responsibility. That was all set to change on the day of her eighteenth birthday, and change it did, but not in the expected way. One her 18th birthday, her homeland was invaded by a party of demons. Her parents and all of her friends had been murdered in front of her, but because she had just reached adulthood and thus hadn't yet fully developed her powers, Ayeka herself had instead been taken to the demons stronghold. There, she had been ravished daily, slowly but surely being corrupted into a demon herself. Her body swiftly changed, tentacles sprouting form her body and her eyes changing from their previous sky blue to a dark orange, but her mind remained intact. Despite the horrible lewd acts inflicted on her body, trough prayer to the spirits of her parents, Ayeka eventually managed to work up the will to escape her captors.

Gradually, her body began to heal, and eventually her extra appendages retreated into her body, though she found that she could call them up if she had to defend herself. Eventually, she'd overheard a woman talk about losing her job as a maid, and even though she had no experience of any kind with any sort of work, she figured that it was as good an idea as any in order to put food on the table. So, she arrived at her masters household, dressed in rags she'd scraped together over the few weeks since she'd freed herself from the demons, and presented herself to the butler to express interest in an open position. The man had turned her away thoughtlessly, but as she'd argued with the man, not a hint of desperation in her voice despite her clearly dire circumstances, the master had come upon her. Intrigued by her fey nature as evidenced by her pixy-like wings, he'd agreed to hire her on as a maid. The contract was swiftly drawn up, and she'd agreed to it without hesitation, agreeing to serve as a maid as best she could, and in exchange getting room and board, as well as a decent amount of money for herself. So long as she did her job, of course.
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Re: Character Sheets

Zehasael, PC maid.
Name: Zehasael (sometimes Zeha-chan)
Maid Types: Heroine/Heroine

Athletics: 2
Affection: 2
Skill: 2
Cunning: 1
Luck: 0
Will: 5

Stress/Spirit: 14/50
Stress Explosion: Alcohol/Drugs

Favour: 9

Maid Colours:
Clothes: Green
Eyes: Sky
Hair: Red

Special Qualities:
Membership* (Shadow Clan)

Maid Roots: Bridal Training

Maid Weapon: Psychic Powers

Maid Power: Absolute Maid

Complex (if used):
Different Physiology (tail)


Zehasael began her life as a minor demon under a minor demon lord, her days filled with mediocre and menial tasks. She was amoungst the most insignificant demons that actually had will of their own, and she hated it. She resented her demonic lord and her petty useless existence and as many demons do in such a situation, began to plot her rise in power.

Her plans came to fruition. She managed to trap the demon above her and had him helpless before her, weakened and unable to fight back. It was now that she gloated, about her own pitiful existence, how this was for not trusting her with more important tasks and the price he paid for treating her so poorly. Now he would pay the ultimate price, and she would assume his place, one step up on the ladder. Just as she went to deliver the final blow and ascend properly, she was summoned into the mortal world.

She found herself called to a secret society of occultists, The Brotherhood of The Dispensation, who thought themselves except and above the laws of society and god. She, a minor demon, had been called to serve their leader as a bride, pet and servant. Her reaction to this could only be described as furious, although she was eventually subdued. They tried many things to get her co-operative, but after months of delicate negotiation, they at last found the only thing that worked. Their final resort, sending her back to hell. Equipped with the knowledge that by now, her former lord would have recovered and likely eagerly awaited the chance to repay her treachery she came to the conclusion that anything was better than the fate that awaited her.

Even so, she resented this order for calling upon her when they did and did her best to walk a delicate tightrope between being as big an inconvenience to them through 'accidents' and feigned incompetence as she could manage without being banished back to hell. Eventually, in frustration, she was sent off to serve as a maid for a new master, in the hopes she would refine herself into something more suited to their needs.

Both her ties to this organisation and her heritage not known to her new household, she finds this to be an improvement on her situation and is content to play along. Keeping the master happy would ensure she was not returned to the Brotherhood, at least for now. Warned that failure here would result in her banishment, she didn't have much in the way of options; her best plan was to try to arrange things so that she would not be returned to the Brotherhood.
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Re: Character Sheets

Inoue Kasumi
Name: Inoue Kasumi
Age: 25
Maid Types: Sexy/Pure

Athletics: 2
Affection: 5
Skill: 3
Cunning: 1
Luck: 2
Will: 1

Stress/Spirit: 2/10
Stress Explosion: Shopping

Favor: 1

Maid Colours:
Clothes: Grey
Eye: Sky Blue
Hair: Metalic (silver)

Special Qualities:
Tragic Love: Former Prostitute
Dark Past: Amnesiac

Maid Roots:
Self Punishment

Maid Power:
Cooked with Love

Maid Weapons:

Naive Virgin

(Recorded interview for Inoue Kasumi)
"Thank you for giving me a chance. Uhm, yes, I really do want to become a maid."
"Wh-why? Well, I... I lost my memory."
"No... all I know is my name. I do sometimes get flashes of memory, but they're gone as soon as I try to focus on them. I just know that, whatever I did before, I... I want to stay forgotten. Working as a maid, I thought was a good way to do that."
"No no! I'll do whatever the master asks of me, I promise. I'm a pretty good cook. Maybe I was a chef before?"
"Oh sorry. Uhm, yes, whatever he asks."
"Really?! Thank you! I'll be here tomorrow morning. Thank you, thank you!"
(End interview recording)


Revealed Past: (This will be updated as stuff becomes revealed)
Kasumi is a magical girl. Calling upon the holy power of... rabbits, she's able to transform to fight evil for the sake of love and justice!

03/06/11: Favor +10
26/06/11: Favor +1
22/07/11: Stress +2 (Damn you failed seduction! *shakes fist at the sky*)
23/07/11: Favor -20 to invoke the magical girl transformation!
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Re: Character Sheets

Peaches, AKA Momoka Ishikawa
Age 20

Attributes Final [Mods // Base]
Athletics: 3 [0/0 // 3]
Affection: 2 [0/0 // 2]
Skill: 3 [0/0 // 3]
Cunning: 1 [0/0 // 1]
Luck: 0 [-1/-1 // 1]
Will: 5 [+1/+1 //3]
Uniform Color: Brown
Hair Color: Purple
Eye Color: Purple
Maid Types: Double Heroine

Special Qualities:
Glasses: You wear glasses and can’t use contact lenses. The frame design can be whatever you want.
Runaway Ninja: You've run away from your ninja village.

Favored Attribute: Will
Maid Power: Absolute Maid - You are the very epitome of a maid, and you take no penalties when not in full uniform.
Maid Roots: Admirer of Maids - You have long admired maids, and through much hard work you’ve finally become one yourself.
Maid Weapon: Hammer - You wield a hammer, whether a small throwing hammer, a big warhammer, or one of the squeaky toy variety.
Stress Explosion: Sleep - When life gets too much for you, you go to sleep to ignozzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
Trauma: Mistreated by Parents
PComplex: Body Odor - This is not necessarily a bad odor, but there’s some kind of scent to your body. SMELLS LIKE DEATH
MComplex: Uncultured - You know that grades and school history don’t mean everything, but you still worry that they aren’t up to snuff.

[Maid notes]
The eldest child of the Ishikawa family of the Ishikawa clan of ninja and thieves, and successor to the clan... except, she ran away.

The Ishikawa family is a clan of ninja that specialize in (non-violent) thievery and espionage. However, Momoko was born with the stink of death surrounding her, and although its (usually) relatively faint, it hasn't gone away or lessened with any amount of washing in the twenty years she's had to "grow out of it". The Ishikawa clan believes it is a terrible omen - that Momoko, as eldest child and therefore successor to the leadership of the clan - will endanger them all, by breaking the ancient family ways and flipping out and killing people. Even if she doesn't flip out and kill people, she would never be able to use the family's ninjutsu arts of sneaky fuckery, what with radiating the alarming smell of death and all.

Her eyes have been scorched by so many abrasive, burning, and powerful soaps, cleansers, and "magic" folk-cures that her parents have used to try and wash away the smell that her vision is blurry without glasses. Additionally, the extensive ninja training has left her alienated and unfamiliar with the average person's education.

With her inability to use the clan's ninjutsu and yet being the next in line for Head of the clan, the Ishikawa family has been extremely tense. Momoko was forced through extensive hours of extra training in hopes of somehow overcoming her stench with superior training, and although everyone acted polite and respectful to the clan heir as they should, they would often talk about her in hushed tones, whenever they thought she couldn't hear them, and the smell of death ensured the other children of the clan avoided her.

While her bodily strength, agility, and ninjutsu techniques were all exceptional for her age - especially with the extra training - Momoko displayed little talent for the aspects requiring cunning - she simply preferred to brute force her way through rather than attempt to hide or trick her way in "like a coward", as she put it. Her trainers were amazed at how far her straightforward approach took her, owing in no small part to her ability to tough through setbacks and injury. They were equally amazed at how things consistently would work against her - things always caught on her clothes or tripped her, and broken things would leave splinters and shards where she'd step next. Her favorite weapon was a hammer, used often by the Ishikawas to knock out nails, drive wedges to widen holes in wood walls, etc.

Airi, her maid, was the sole person who didn't avoid her, and Momoko had always envied her position. A simple existence of cleaning, cooking, and following orders sounded much more enjoyable than the life of dangerous spying and stealing she had slated for her.

After a particularly brutal day of training (which was still declared "unsatisfactory" by the trainers), Momoko just up and ran off, fed up with it all. Taking up the moniker "Peaches", she's gone off and found a job as a maid.

Momoko's history with people saying one thing to her and meaning or thinking another have left a bad taste in her mouth. She prefers to speak shortly and honestly, rather than muddy everything up like how this entire bio has been. She's quite tough, and will often go directly for something when she sets out to accomplish it. Also because of her treatment she is somewhat withdrawn, preferring to keep her opinions to herself.

Both Momoko's hair and eyes are a bright and lustrous purple. Her large eyes are usually half-lidded behind her silver-rimmed glasses, and her shiny hair is kept in two braids that reach nearly to her petite bottom. She stands approximately 5' 6", and as a more positive effect of the vicious cleaning that damaged her eyes, her skin's complexion is exceptionally clear, with a pale and milky look to it. She has long, well-built legs and abs from her ninja training, and modest C-cup breasts.

Her maid outfit consists of a sensible brown dress accented with black lace and frills over a black blouse. On her head is her maid's headdress, made of brown lace with a white border. Sheer black stockings cover her legs, held up with a garterbelt, while sensible brown leather shoes cover her feet. Underneath it all, she wears a simple white cotton bra and panties, more for comfort than anything.

She also has an extremely long smoking pipe, straight until the bowl at the end and made of silver and very dark ebony. She often holds it in her mouth in spite of the length. It's a symbol of the Ishikawa family, though few know this, given that few know they exist in the first place.


Also a narcoleptic. It seems not to bother her often, but episodes occur often when she is stressed. The situation persists for an extremely long time, and the likelihood of sleepwalking increases dramatically. Oddly, even when she wakes up she remains terribly tired.

Incidentally, Airi had no sense of smell.

[Mansion notes]

Favor: 9
Spirit: 50

[Maid action log to desired degree of recording]
3,4,5,3,1,6,4,3,3,4,5,6,4,5,2,6,6,4,3,1,3,1,5,6,5,2,3,1,4,3,2,4,6,4,5,5,1,6,6,5,1,2,1,2,1,1,4,1,3,6, [used by Blue]
6, [Power]
3,1, [Trauma]
5,5, [PComplex]
3,5, [MComplex]



Where the shit did these Naruto levels of angsty background come from, Jesus Christ.

+5 Favor. 4 starting, 9 total.

Mistress Harriet Jones...
A milky arm is the first you see of her, as she pulls herself out of the car with the butler's help. Next comes her face - sharply featured, a small beauty mark decorates her right cheekbone. Her lips spread in a grin, and her green eyes were alight. Evidently, she'd enjoyed her little trip down the straightaway.

Silvery hair topped her head, bright in the sunlight and much like Domonic's and Rin's - however, unlike the maid and butler, her hair was remarkably long - tied at her scalp by two black ribbons into two hanging tails, they reached all the way down to her knees.

She was clothed relatively simply, wearing a simple, pale blue dress made of breezy cotton, with a plunging v-neck, that extended down to around her mid-thigh. It clung loosely to her, showing off a trim figure. Looped over her arm was a leather purse, and a black leather belt was cinched around her waist. Despite the day's heat and her light dress, an odd, black cloth wrap covered up her shoulders. A pale green jade ring adorned her left hand, while an oddly dull-black one encircled her right. Most eye-catching, however, was the brooch that was pinned to the cloth draped around her shoulders - it looked old, but the design of wings it was worked into was still easy to see, and the silver it was made of was rainbow-tinted with patina. Even more extraordinary was the massive ruby set in it's center - it was nearly the size of an entire eye, whites and all!

~*(lazy as fuck)*~

...and Her butler, Domonic Jones
Dominic Jones, Age 23

a handsome, clean-shaven young man by the name of Domonic, dressed in a sharp black suit. His pale, silvery hair is worn neatly slicked back, the longest ends of his hair just touching the base of his neck. It, along with his vivid vermillion eyes and light skin, make it look as if he suffers from albinism - though he assures you, he doesn't. His smiles are warm, geniune, and frequent - from the instant you met him, you've had the impression that he's a very caring person, and he's not proved you wrong yet.

Favor: ?
Spirit: ?
Stress: 0

Suit Color: Black
Hair Color: Silver
Eye Color: Vermillion
Butler Types: --/--

Special Qualities:
Attractive - One or more of the maids finds you attractive, if a little unapproachable because of your position.


Butler Power:

Butler Roots: --

Butler Weapon:

- DMC Tauntan

Atril Beyare / "Overseer"; "Bloodsucking Slavedriver" / Age ?

Favor: 4
Spirit: 0/20

Athletics: 1
Affection: 2
Skill: 3
Cunning: 0
Luck: 1
Will: 2
Uniform Color: [Purple]
Hair Color: Navy
Eye Color: Metallic
Maid Types: Double Pure
(Pure, maidenly, clean, fragile)

Special Qualities:
You are a vampire, with long fangs. Be sure to act . . . vampiric.

You’ve lost your memories from when you were very young. (The GM should come up with something to reveal during the game).

Magic (Devil Summoner)
You know the spells necessary to summon demons. Your tools of the trade are magic circles, a black cloak, and ancient books.

Favored Attribute: Skill
Maid Power:
4-D Dress
You can produce anything in the mansion from within your maid uniform.

Lie Detector
By taking 1 Stress you can make other players or the master admit if they’ve lied.

Maid Weapon: Vase/pot/bottle
When trouble happens, you grab something suitable from around the mansion and wave it around or throw it.

Stress Explosion: Gambling
You use every penny you have for gambling.

[Maid notes]
Atril is a tall woman, with long, thick, very dark blue hair - almost black! - that reaches down to just past her waist. A tail hangs from each side of her face, framing it with her hair - they are secured right under her chin, tied together with a purple ribbon. Her eyes are often wide open and fixed in a stare, to help her see in the dim light of the dungeon - however, in bright light, she is forced to squint terribly, just short of shutting her eyes completely. Her irises are large and the color of polished steel, practically to the point of being reflective - somewhat unsettling, even before the huge stare they are usually fixed in. She has a button nose and her skin is very pale.

She holds a pencil behind one of her ears, and has bandoleers and belts covered with pouches and holsters to hold a myriad of tools, rulers and etc for the dungeon. A little book hooked onto her front holds her records and notes, while around the small of her back she has a flat piece of wood with an unadorned, spring-loaded clamp on one end (it's a clipboard). Otherwise, she clothes herself in a light, purple, loose-fitting tunic and shorts - though she carries around a heavy leather apron and and gloves in her utility belt, and she has heavy leather work boots covering her feet - with what kind of socks she has under them changing daily. She ALSO carries around a huge, heavy cloak, however, which she uses whenever she must go outside.

Doesn't remember past a certain point in her existence, and is still quite forgetful - she notes down things in her book all the time, to help her remember important things and what plans she had to do. Definitely not exploitable or anything. What flashbacks she has involve a lot of stale air, blackness, and tiny flashes of fervent excitement involving glowing red ooze that burned with just by being near it.

-Dranks bluhd, speaks like Transylvanian Dracula (BLEH, I VANT TO SAHCK YOUR BLAHD!)
-Dwarfy. Also speaks Scottishy. Fears the sun and open sky, loves the fuck out of alkyhaul (Bloody Marys, but with real blood).
-Sleeps in a coffin, recoils from garlic, crosses, can't cross running water, must be invited in
-She fucking loves socks. *It doesn't help that the laundry minions lose so many of them. *Sssoooooccckkss

As the Overseer, I'm in charge of keeping things running smoothly. Boss doesn't much care how, as long as things keep working. Everything from food stores and supplies to maintenance work falls under my to do list. It's a tough and at times a dull job, but I've got the most subordinates under my command of anyone.

Most important attribute: Skill

Important pieces of uniform

Pencil behind the ear: -2
Blouse/Top/Shirt: -1
Utility Belt: -1
Pants/Skirt: -1
Socks/Stockings: -1

Minions: Workers (30/30)

Daily Actions:

-Expand the Dungeon (glory)
-Maintenance Work (normal)
-Complete Paperwork (efficiency)
-Recruit new workers (replenishment)

Roll rs!

Replace th and f with z!
Replace w with u! Maybe v.
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Re: Character Sheets

Name: Ariane

Athletics 2
Affection 3
Skill 1
Cunning 3
Luck 1
Will 2

Maid Type:

Maid Colors:
Uniform - Brown
Eyes - White
Hair - Cream

Special Qualities:
Shapeshifter (Spider)

Maid Roots: Infiltrator!

Stress Explosion: Crying

Maid Weapon: Book

Maid Power (Cunning): Trap

Physical Complex: Big (nice) Ass.

Favor: 6
Spirit: 20
Stress: 0

Bio:Third heir to the throne of the realm of the Spiders, her mother (who is part of a dark institution of monsters and demons) had summon her to spy the master of the house and in case that he attempt something against them kill him, she has dedicate her live to serve her mother and being the Queen even when she had to pass over her others brothers and sisters. She is really not a bad person and prefer to seduce or gain the complete trust of the young man instead of the extremist solution.

Description: A really sexy Aracne with the great ability of shapeshange, her ghost like appearance dont bother her as her mother had a pale grey color who shine beautifully with the moonlight. At difference of her mother, sisters and brothers, she dont had a deadly venom in her fangs, even when she is low resistance to them and her weak venom is more an aphrodisiac or painful stunner, she also dont had the magic of her mother or big sister or the Summon ability of her brute brother. The lack of these skills make her search for others and so, she found that her web could turn more resistant or sharp when its mixed with carbon objects like hair or skin and even paper, after master it she usually use it on books to use them as like weapons or shields, with her big desire to help her mother she dont stop of learn others things that could reduce the stress of her mother, massage and soft music were her goal in her childhood last years. Her treat with the subjects and slaves soon turned in the best spider for the infiltrate plan to put Gormon in the hands of the Queen and the dark organization where her mother is a famous member.

Favor: 6
Spirit: 20
Stress: 6
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Re: Character Sheets

Name: Jessara
Age: 18
Type: Heroine/Lolita

Athelitics: 2
Affection: 3
Skill: 3
Cunning: 3 (Main Stat: Fake Crying)
Luck: 1
Will: 3

Spirit: 30
Favour: 6

Uniform: Green
Hair: Navy Blue
Eyes: Indigo

Overactive Imagination

Origin: Slave

Stress Explosion: Teasing

Weapon: Frying Pan

Physical Complex: Short

A young girl who was sold into slavery as an infant, she doesn't remember why or who sold her at first but has lived a life of traveling from owner to owner, finally settling in with a new master she does what she can to please them and works as hard as she can, an experienced maid for one of her age.
Re: Character Sheets

Ellena Griffon

Name: Ellena Griffon (Ellen or Elly for short)
Age: 17
Maid Types: Boyish, Lolita

Athletics: 3
Affection: 2
Skill: 2
Cunning: 1
Luck: 3
Will: 3

Stress/Spirit: 0/30
Stress Explosion: Prayer

Favour: 4

Maid Colours:
Clothes: Vermilion
Eyes: Yellow
Hair: Silver

Special Qualities:
Tragic Love* (Separations)
Tattoo (Small set of initials set inside a faint pink heart on back of wrist)

Maid Roots:
Self Punishment

Maid Weapon:
A finely crafted silver decorated 56 inch flintlock miquelet musket, passed down to her by her late grandfather on his deathbed.

Maid Power:
Iron Wall (You can use your athletics attribute to defend up to two other characters.)

Allergies (Cats)

Background: Ellen has so far lived a simple and rather mundane life. Though fairly plucky and spontaneous, she has few ambitions and never had any real plans for a future, mostly helping around the home with chores in between idling around. Physically she is short and petite (a bit too petite for her own liking), but also fairly athletic and full of youthful energy. A few friends and villagers have praised her on her surprising and exceptional handling of her grandfathers musket, even joking that perhaps a mercenary lifestyle would suit. Her mother of course is terrified of such an idea and outlaws such things absolutely. Why the old man would give her such a thing has always been beyond most people. Some might blame her tendency to launch into things without properly thinking them through, as the the reason her series of short lived teenage romances never lasted. It would also be the same reason she bears the initials of one of her previous sweet hearts as a tattoo on the underside of her wrist. Initially a reminder of her undying love, it now only serves as a highly irritating and embarrassing reminder of fool choices and love lost.

When one day she saw an advertised opening for wanted maids, she immediately sprung upon the idea. Not only would it provide a new direction for her aimless undisciplined life, she quite liked the look of the costume shown in the picture. In particular the frilled white cuffs that were worn on the wrist.

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Re: Character Sheets

Violet Emily Spectra

Name: Violet Emily Spectra
Age: 19
Maid Type: Boyish/Sexy

Affection: 2
Skill: 1
Cunning: 4
Luck: 3
Will: 1
Spirit: 10
Favor: 4

Maid Colors:
Uniform: Navy
Eyes: Silver
Hair: Purple

Special Qualities:
-Dark-Past: Runaway

Roots: Returning a Favor

Stress Explosion: Spoiled Child

Weapon: Chainsaw

Power: Fake Tears

Trauma: False Arrest

Physical Complex: Looks Younger

Mental Complex: Loves to Sleep

Violet is the princess of her jungle tribe and the daughter of the queen, Aurora Spectra. At age five, Violet decided to run away from home to explore the world. After many years, she was mistaken as a wanted criminal and sentenced to life in an all-girls prison for life with no bail, where she was exposed to several emotionally scarring lesbian rapes and gangbangs. However, thanks to the help of thekind-hearted mistress, she was proven innocent and released from prison. To return the favor, Violet offered to work for the mistress.
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Re: Character Sheets

Kiyomi- Minatsumi Estate
Full Name:Kiyomi Rinohwa Arisunaka Mille'Tiberoan (Kiyomi Arisunaka for short)
Age: 19
Height: 5'6"
Weight: 125 lb.
Colors: Uniform- Metallic, Hair: Green, Eyes: Green
Qualities: Secret job- Assassin, Princess, and Necromantic Magical Girl.
Power: Power of Friendship
Roots: Returning a Favor
Weapon: Kung Fu Weapon - Tonfa
Explosion: Prayer
Trauma: Witnessed Parents Death
Physical Complex: Muscular
Athletics: 2
Affection: 4
Skill: 2
Cunning: 0
Luck: 0
Will: 4
Spirit: 40
Favor: 8

Bio: December 8 12XX
Kiyomi... I was named after her birthday using the characters for holy and beauty... But not all Christmas Eves are merry...

The official reports say that they were slashed by an unknown instrument... And wrote it off as a terrible accident... A little known countries royal family, killed mysteriously while on vacation But I knew... And I remembered... After being tossed around the orphanage for a while the sect got a hold of me... Tought me how to hunt... How to kill... How to seek revenge... And using the magics the sect had taught me, I did so... But on that dark rainy night... It wasn't a thirst for vengeance that guided my hand... I had long scince forsoke any feelings of vendetta I once harbored... I performed my duty... Finding mass slaughter not to my tastes...

I knew the repercussions to my actions, comrade attacking comrade, only to have the loser fall under my spell and assault another former comrade... It was chaotic... It was gruesome... It just... Wasn't me though... I left that gore strewn scene with tears washing away the blood from my face... And stepped into the black rain...

Years have gone by scince I last thought about that night... And countless more assassinations... But now I'm stationed here, waiting for my next orders, at the mansion of a previous intermediary... Posing like a common servant girl...

But you know what?

I don't hate it...

Xi- Nishihoshi Estate
Serial #: ξ-14-253 Or "Xi" for short
Age: 4.2 cycles
Height: 5'7"
Weight: 386 lb.
Colors: Uniform- black, Hair:Yellow, Eyes: Grey
Qualities: Brown skin, Android, Accessory: Collar
Power: Immune to pain
Roots: Debt
Weapon: Chainsaw
Explosion: Violence
Trauma: Parents Dissapeared
Physical Complex: Looks Older
Mental Complex: Forgetful
Tragedy: Scandal

Athletics: 2
Affection: 3
Skill: 2
Cunning: 2
Luck: 0
Will: 4
Spirit: 40
Favor: 6

Bio: WIP
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Re: Character Sheets

Akita Miyazaki
Age: 18
Maid type: Sexy/Pure
Maid Uniform: Black
Hair: Green
Eyes: Brown
Qualities: Easygoing, Vampire, Spikes, Shadow clan
Roots: Admirer of maids
Weapon: Rope/chain
Explosion: Runaway from mansion
Trauma: Family breakup
Complex: Does not like sun

Akita was not always a vampire. She got turned into one at a young age. On a normal day she spent at the the playground. No one expected a vampire in this part of the world, so Akita got bit. This caused her parents to fight. Her parents split up and sent Akita to a nearby monastery. This was no normal monastery though, it belonged to the shadow clan. They agreed to help Akita's vampiric urges if she joined them. Akita lived here many years, until her training was done. The clan decided they could discharge her, but told her they would call her if the need ever came. With nothing left to do Akita had to think of something. She decided she would become a maid because she always admired them. So Akita started work in a nearby mansion.
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Re: Character Sheets

Name: Kara Grace Slopshlow
Age: 17
Maid Type: Heroine - Lolita
Maid Uniform: China Dress Red
Hair: White <---- White
Eyes: Blue
Qualities: Demon summoning Dumpling hair having china dress wearing maid.
Roots:Maid Admirer
Weapon: Polearm ( )
Trauma: Horrible accident, In a car crash at the age of 2, parents killed and left orphaned.
Complexes: Short
Violent Inner Self (as a result of demonic possession)
Stress: Stealing
super secret power of luck : Escape
Athletics: 2
Affection: 3
Skill: 2
Cunning: 3
Luck: 3
Will: 3
Favor: 6
Spirit: 30

After her family died in a car crash Kara spent two uneventful years at an orphanage in near Brighton Beach, England, she was then adopted by the Slopshlow family. The Slopshlows were a wealthy and reclusive Couple from Hungary who had no children to speak of (they had all died in the great falconing explosion of 1974) and had begun touring orphanages looking for a prospective child years previously, however they could never settle on one due to the fact that all the orphans seemed to be lower class scum. Unfortunately for Kara, she wasn't lower class scum and the Slopshlows decided to adopt her. For the first 10 years of her life with the Slopshlows she never actually encountered her foster parents, she was raised by their servents and a tutor they had hired to look after her education. On Kara's 13'th birthday that all changed, at the point in the birthday party when most people would get a cake, Kara instead received a single cupcake devoid of candles, and at the urging of her tutor she ate it with a helping of odd tasting milk. The next thing she knew she was strapped to a table surrounded by tallow candles which cast an strange blue light, in a room she had never seen before. Through a haze of some strange incense she could vaguely make out two cloaked figures, one of whom was chanting in a tongue she did not understand, the one who was chanting lowered his hood and reveled the face of Mr. Slopshlow (she recognized him from the large portrait he had hung of himself in the dining room) his eye's were glowing a deep red and as she looked into them a blinding pain filled her and she again lost consciousness. Kara Lived the next three years of her life in a nightmarish haze were she could not control her body, but rode like a passenger inside of it while the Slopshlows and what ever creature they had shoved into her body used her to create a small horde of half human whelps. Shortly after what would have been her 16'th birthday Kara was choking her ethereal self, as she often did in an attempt to end her torment, when suddenly the world went black, when light re-entered existence Kara found herself naked on the shore of some lake, her hair which had previously been blonde was stark white and beside her was a strange pole-arm, a book labeled, "Demons and You, by The Arch-Mage Raulph" a small assortment of candles and chalks and a red dress. Not knowing what to do with herself she put on the dress, red some of the book and tried to think of what to do. She decided the best thing to do would be to find a household that needed a maid (She had wanted to be a maid since she had been taken in by the Slopshlows, the servants were the only people who had cared for her) and lay low until she could figure things out.
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Re: Character Sheets

Kim Masters, Age 22

Athletics 5
Affection 3
Skill 0
Cunning 3
Luck 3
Will 2

Maid Type:

Maid Colors:
Uniform - Silver
Eyes - Purple
Hair - Orange

Special Qualities:

Injury (Blind)
Necromancy Magic
Secret Job (Doujin Artist)
Injury Bandages

Maid Roots: Pragmatism

Explosion: Gambling

Maid Weapon: Frying Pan

Maid Power: Trespass

Complex: Loneliness

Background: The heir to a wealthy merchant, Kim lived all her life in the lap of luxury until she fell in love with a common peasant. Furious, her father threw her out, and she lived with her love until he died from a Fate placed upon him when he was born. Homeless and penniless, Kim used her father's name to get a job with the master, hoping to find a home and a new start.
Re: Character Sheets

Sabine Suneva, Maid for Ashbourne Estate (currently an NPC)

Sabine: appears 20, but was only completed construction a year ago.

Athletics: 2
Affection: 4
Skill: 3
Cunning: 1
Luck: 3
Will: 0

Maid Types:

Favour: 8
Spirit: 0
Stress: 0

Uniform: Gold
Eyes: Silver
Hair: Grey

Special Qualities:
Android (Or rather, a fantasy version thereof)
Trauma - Family Breakup

Maid Roots: 'Who Knows?'

Stress Explosion: Prayer

Maid Weapon: Shuriken/Kunai

Maid Power: 'World for Two'
-By taking 1d6 Stress, you can create a 'world for you and one other person, where for five minutes no one else can intrude.

Mental Complex: Clumsy

Background: Sabine is a living statue created by the famous sculptor, Canova Suneva, as a gift to the church (or if we're in a pantheon-based society, the temple of the most central god or goddess of the pantheon.) She is composed mainly of thin plates of reinforced, polished marble over a light frame of metal wire, with gold inlay at her joints, allowing her to move. Her build it quite comely, based off of paintings and lore of love goddesses from old. Sabine's chest can be removed to reveal the bulk of her bodywork: a contraption that can be wound (and that must be about once a week in order for Sabine to continue moving), as well as copper wires that attach a small, white box to her limbs and head. Upon the sealed box is a holy symbol, the insides of which compose her thoughts and 'soul'. Sabine's eyes are alabaster, inset with silver irises, while her hair is made from long strands of fine, grey silk a shade darker than her marble-white chassis. She does not eat or drink, though she can take in both and store the substances for later removal. She was made with attention to detail; fully functional and anatomically correct, which one might find strange, given her original status as a gift meant only to stand on display.

The fact of the matter is that Canova, Sabine's mother, had originally intended her creation as a subtle go-between to seduce a member of the clergy; Canova had been quite in love with the other woman, though their love was a clandestine thing. When the church discovered this treachery, Sabine was thrown out, her mother killed, and their home burned to the ground. Sabine managed to retrieve the tome that Canova had written regarding her creation, and has since then been maintaining herself, looking for some purpose in life.

((What are you talking about it, of course your maid was rolled up by GMs, including attributes, traits and all the rest.))

Qarinah Bahlat, Maid for Yukimura Estate

Qarinah: appears mid-twenties. Is, of course, ageless.

Athletics: 3
Affection: 1
Skill: 1
Cunning: 4
Luck: 2
Will: 3

Maid Types:

Favour: 2
Spirit: 30
Stress: 0

Uniform: Cream
Eyes: Grey
Hair: Blonde (Cream)

Special Qualities:
Succubus - She sports a long, lithe tail tipped in a small, heart-shaped spade. Two nubbin-small horns grow from her brow as well, artfully covered by her hair.
Vampire - Qarinah has two sets of sharp incisors, one slightly shorter, the other longer but retractable. Because of this, her skin is also quite pale.

Maid Roots: Infiltrator - Qarinah has been sent by the infernal powers that be to sniff around the mansion. There may or may not be something of great value located just below the surface...

Stress Explosion: Violence - When pushed beyond her limits, Qarinah does her best to smite anyone who gets in her way, regardless of their status or relation with her. Usually a good trouncing is enough to help her calm down, though she often drains her victims of blood and other fluids, if she is feeling particularly stressed.

Maid Weapon: Metal Bat - Though she is usually a quiet, cunning sort, Qarinah tends to grab whatever handy blunt objects are available when she gets mad. Blunt objects mean less blood spilt, which is a bonus for her.

Maid Power: 'Instant Restraint'
-If you win a roll of Cunning vs. Athletics, you can restrain someone from doing something indecent. Or from doing something decent, as the case may be.

Appearance: Qarinah is pale-skinned, with blonde hair cut tastefully short -- long enough to cover the strange horn-like shapes that grow from her brow, short enough to manage in these modern fantasy times. Her build is one of languid but well-composed and slim-lined sensuality; she is not overtly sexual like many of her siblings, viewing such trappings as ultimately without class, giving her kind a bad reputation. Qarinah attempts to garner a business-like look: the unattainable in perfection being neither feminine nor masculine, in her opinion. Her uniform does not really follow that ideal, as far as she is concerned.. but she will suffer through it and she will rock that look with an unflappable class, if only because she will not have anything less!

Background: Qarinah has a long and rich history that we really don't need to go into for the sake of a game of Maids. Her pedigree of infernal breeding is impeccable, her parents are royal terrors of the underworld. Her childhood was spent subjugating, destroying, and learning to fuck mindless her peers and neighbors. Her youth was spent in competition with her many-varied sisters, tracking down more and more famous mortals and tempting them, seducing them, and breaking them to her own will. She had begun to get quite good at this, and was in fact quite well into her career when she was outwitted at her own game for the first time, lured to a vampire who had been masquerading as a mortal. The events thereafter were messy, and Qarinah was left with a scar of the soul (if she could be said to have one to begin with!) that has also left her as a mindless, blood-sucking husk... Or so she would like to complain. She is still quite intelligent and quite in control of her powers, though her diet has become more demanding.

Qarinah, since that time, had been roaming the mortal plane for most of her nocturnal life, feeding on small-fry and getting by with every-day males when she was feeling the urge to go back to her roots. It was terribly embarrassing, and her fall (or rise, if you want to get technical) on the scale of devilry was intensely mocked by those of her siblings still alive. It wasn't for quite some time -- more than enough to leave Qarinah feeling particularly bitter about her little disease -- that she was welcomed back into the fold. Still mocked, but welcomed none the less.

It seemed that her secondary status as an undead creature might come in handy, after all was said and done... as far as she was told, she had specific work to do in the mortal realm, and it just so happened that her portfolio might do the trick. Qarinah was sent up with the blessing (or curses... it's so hard to keep straight!) of her parents.

This mission is not the crowning highlight of Qarinah's life, though it is the first work that she has had for quite some time. For that sense of purpose, she is content... for the moment, anyways...
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Re: Character Sheets

Cammy Hart, maid for Blargs new mansion

Camillia Hart / Cammy / 18

Favor: 8
Spirit: 30
Stress: 0

Athletics: 2
Affection: 4
Skill: 3
Cunning: 1
Luck: 2
Will: 3
Uniform Color: Green
Hair Color: Grey
Eye Color: Gold
Maid Types: Heroine/Pure

Special Qualities:
Secret Job - You’re not just a maid; you’re secretly holding another job.
--- Pro Creator - Hentai Doujin

Albino - You have no pigment. You’re not necessarily completely colorless, this could simply be a very pale complexion.

Favored Attribute: Affection
Maid Power: Maiden’s Tears - By taking 2D6 Stress, you can make a request that can’t be refused. (This must be role-played).

Maid Roots: Illegitimate Child - You are an illegitimate child. From a legal standpoint you’re no different from the master.

Maid Weapon: Scythe - You wield a big scythe worthy of the Grim Reaper.

Stress Explosion: Crying - You start crying. There’s no need for an Affection check for this.

Physical Trauma: Big Breasts - Your chest has grown bigger than you’d think reasonable, and you hate it for the unwanted attention they attract.

[Maid notes]
Cammy stands about 5'2" tall, with shoulder length wavy silver grey hair, and golden yellow sloping gentle eyes. She wears a pink ribbon in her hair along with her maids headdress. She is of a slim build, slender and slight through her whole body save her bust which is larger then normal. She is quite embarrassed by her breasts as they have been known to get lewd looks from the opposite sex and get in the way of her maidly duties. She is sweet, pure, timid and innocent; though she secretly has a job of creating erotic doujin manga. She took the job of a maid to get inspiration for a new series.

Background: Cammy is the illegitimate child of her father and a mistress.She is often looked down upon by other members of the masters family for this, while she is legally no different from them, she often gets picked on by the other members of the family house and they often try to hold her down. But her indomitable spirit has prevented her from taking it lying down. And as a result started becoming a doujin artist to make her own way in the world. She also has a deep admiration and respect for her masters.

[Maid action log to desired degree of recording]
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Re: Character Sheets

Rin Uzumaki, Maid
Name and Age
Rin Uzumaki

2 Athletics (3-1)
2 Affection
4 Skill
2 Cunning
2 Luck (2-1+1)
3 Will (2+1)

Maid Types
Heroine (Will +1, Luck -1)
Lolita (Luck +1, Athletics -1)

Special Qualities
Glasses - No contacts, no lasik, forced to wear glasses
Mentor - Pretege to Domonic, the Butler

Stress Explosion
Binge - Eating spree

Maid Weapon
Katana - You wield a katana, or possibly a kusarigama or some other traditional Japanese weapon.
Overgrown Tessen (Metal War Fans) x2

Maid Colors
Silver Hair
Silver Eyes
Orange Dress

Maid Roots

Maid Power
Lie Detector - By taking 1 Stress you can make other players or the master admit if they’ve lied.

Standing at a height of five foot squat Rin is a rather cute looking thing. Her round cheeks and an almost perpetual smile go well with her glittering silver eyes, even if they're slightly hidden behind a pair of glasses, and her slightly darker silver hair is kept in a loose double-bob that frames and bounces around her face with every little motion she makes. At first glance a number of people have said she looks like a kid, but she doesn't mind that in the least. That just means they think she's cuuuute~! In fact she tries to play up that cute factor as much as she can. Her uniform is a mostly orange thing that is bright but not glaringly so, but it has a number of white ruffles that stick out at all the appropriate places, and with all those frills hanging out the dress itself tends to bounce around just as much as her hair.

But don't let her fool you. Underneath all that fluff is quite the developed woman. Short, yes, but if she were ever to step outside in nothing more than a bikini then every man nearby would be just as grateful watching her approach as they would be watching her leave. It's almost a shame that she enjoys being so cute. She could be such a sulty little thing if she truly wanted...

Rin Uzumaki... Nobody really knows where she came from or why she has such a name when she doesn't look the least bit Asian, but there she is. Nobody probably expected her to be such a happy person, either. A maid is supposed to be a stoic example of poise and grace, a perfect compliment to the grace of their Master as they offer themselves mind, body, and soul to their duties. But not Rin. She smiles constantly, she hums to herself wherever she goes, and her dress and hair are constantly bouncing as if she were some child simply wandering for the sake of wandering. But don't let that fool you. She performs her duties to the best of her abilities, even besting some professionals at such a young age. Her skills are top-notch, and that is most likely why she was chosen to join those whose duty it is to serve the Jones Family. And for Rin it seemed like a dream come true. She cheered when she learned of her good fortune, and there was no stopping her as she gathered all her things and prepared for her new life the very next day. But there was something that proved a bit puzzling. The night before she left she slept soundly, but she could also be heard talking in her sleep. Most of it was utter nonsense, but one thing did break through, "Justice will be served...! ZZZzzz..."

Favor: 10
Stress: 9/30

Starting Favor = 4
5 Stress gained here
6 Favor gained here
2 Stress removed here
6 Stress gained here
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Re: Character Sheets

maid for Blargs new mansion Instant Cleaning
Name: Micra or M1CR4
Maid colors - Vermillion/eyes,
Red outfit.

Maid Types
Cool [Skill +1 Affection -1] Lolita [Luck +1 Athletics -1]

Athletics: 0
Affection: 1
Skill: 4
Cunning: 2
Luck: 3
Will: 2

Special Qualities.
Android/Gynoid - You’re not human, but rather a human-looking robot. Parts of your body are very obviously artificial.

Vampire - You are a vampire, with long fangs. Be sure to act . . . vampiric.

Stress Explosion - Binge
You go crazy eating.

Maid Weapon - Rifle


Maid Roots - Debts
Your family wound up with massive debts, and you found yourself coming to work at the mansion as repayment.

Traumas and Complexes

Trauma - Former prostitute

Physical Complexes
Different Physiology -

Mental Complexes
Inexperienced in Love -
Upbringing -

MAID POWER : Instant Cleaning

Favor 2
Stress 20.
Quick Bio: A privately-made little pet project of one of the others in the family. One of Harriet's siblings is an creepy male occultist or something, and has used a giant heart-shaped ruby (an artifact that he had to dig up, not one he made himself) to animate a metal frame. It's actually crystallized blood, and it restores/powers itself via more blood.
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Re: Character Sheets

Sammy Perkins
Athletics: 3
Affection: 3
Skill: 1
Cunning: 2
Luck: 2
Will: 3

Maid Type:
Boyish [Athletics +1 Skill -1] x2
"Wild, energetic, vigorous, at first glance looks like a boy."

Favor: 6
Spirit: 30
Stress: 0

Maid Colors:
Uniform – Navy Blue
Eyes - Purple
Hair - Indigo

Special Qualities:
Absurd ★ You’re something that flies in the face of common sense.
--- Alien - You’re an alien who came to our world from somewhere in outer space. Your body can have some special properties if you wish.
Actually A Guy - You’re actually a guy (cross-dresser?). Or possibly a hermaphrodite. (futa)

Maid Roots:
Hereditary Maid - You were born into a family that has served the mansion for generations.

Stress Explosion: Alcohol/Drugs

Maid Weapon:
A tomahawk, battle axe, halberd, etc. (Halberd)

Maid Power:
Weapon From Nowhere - You can pull your weapon out seemingly from nowhere, and get in a surprise attack. If you make a surprise attack, you get to make an attack roll without the target getting to make an opposed roll.

Sammy's family first arrived on earth during the 1930's, their space craft crash landing during the beginning of the second world war. Much of their ship was wrecked though fortunately their radio had survived and so they sent out a distress message and waited to be rescued. Unfortunately the Nazi’s noticed their presence not long before their rescuers arrived, and hoping the technology of these aliens would help them win the war they decided to steal it. Thinking the new ship was a new design of the Allied Forces the Nazi's bombarded it, destroying the ship completely, the wreckage slamming into the previous ship which finished off that ship. Stranded on earth and with the Nazi's in pursuit Sammy's grandparents decided to flee the Nazi's, hoping to lose them.

They had been running across Europe for several months before the Nazi's had finally cornered them in some ancient ruins. With all hope lost the two aliens closed their eyes and wait for death to take them, the sound of gunfire echoing off the walls of the ruin. But the bullets were not meant for them. Opening their eyes they found the Nazi hit squad on the floor, a single bullet in each of their heads and standing over their bodies was a dashing young adventurer. With their lives saved by this man the two aliens pledged their loyalty to him and soon after they took up residence in his manor serving as maids. As the years went by the two aliens gave birth to two children who in turn trained as and became maids for the manor who in turn gave birth to Sammy who was trained as and became a maid for the manor.

Sammy is an Ilexu, an alien race that appear to be completely female however they have both sets of genitalia. Their skin, hair and eye colour spans the entire spectrum however they're normally a combination of the two individuals that created the child. The Ilexu can also breed with most if not all humanoid races as well as each other, with incestual couplings being fairly commonplace on their home planet without the defects associated with regular human incest. Sammy's family had thrown away their alien names after being taken into their masters house and took up human names.

Sammy herself is an energetic and curious young woman, and while she always takes her maid duties seriously she more often than not ends up causing trouble for herself and others involved due to her rambunctious behaviour.

Change Log
Re: Character Sheets

For Inky's game
Name: Aura Winters

Race: Huamn

Job: High Priestess

Hair Color: Cream
Eye Color: Brown

Favor: 4
Spirit: 20

Athletics 2 (Base 1)
Affection 2 (Base 2)
Skill 1 (Base 2)
Cunning 3 (Base 2)
Luck 1 (Base 1)
Will 2 (Base 3)

Sexy: +1 cunning, -1 Will
Boyish: +1 Athletics, -1 Skill

Symbol (Yin Yang)

Extra Special Thing:
Priestss: You can use magic grounded in some kind of religious ceremony. You must use various types of religious
symbols to do so.

Weapon: Rifle, black powder

Maid Power:
Punishment: When other maids make mistakes, you can gain the right to punish them, without them having a chance to make an opposed roll

Stress Explosion:
Teasing: You start persistently tormenting the other maids.