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Character Sheets


H-Section Moderator
H-Section Moderator
Nov 28, 2008
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So this here is where you can post your Character Sheet. There will be a reference thread to get whatever information you might need to complete the sheets.

The old sheets will be up for old players to reference should they wish to bring back old characters. A lore page will be going up to reference for Race, Politics, Factions and the like.

(eg. Soldier, Knight, Necromancer, Sorcerer, Blacksmith, Healer etc.)
Physical Description:
Can be a picture or a write up.
History: Can be heavily detailed, or a quick summary. Mostly a reference for yourself.
Re: Character Sheets

Whee! \o/

Name: Ako'orzyne Auvryghym
Gender: Male (Surprise!)
Race: Drow
Age: 358
Occupation: Survivalist, Scout

Weapons: Longbow, heavy draw, looked to be made of a still living branch, nondescript foliage still green and apparently still growing along it. At least two dozen throwing knives, sheathed in concealed places all over his body. Short Sword at his hip.
Armour: Light Leather, dyes with a haphazard mixture of deep green and black. Matte Black metal bracers.

Physical Description: Slender but well-muscled, long, loping stride that somehow remains silent. Coal-black skin, red eyes, stubble of white hair, he keeps it shaved every few days or so. Wears a perpetual self-satisfied smirk, partly due to the scar on his left cheek the goes upwards to just behind the eye, which curls that side of the lip slightly.

History: You want to know about his past? Try to convince him to tell you of it. He's obviously a loner, and judging from the occasional squint when he walks into the sunlight from somewhere darker, he's most probably a recent addition to the surface from one of their underground cities.
Re: Character Sheets

The original version of Rohn. For the time being, I'm going to say she's going to carry over to the current version. Edits may be made once more info becomes available.

Name: Rohn
Gender: Female
Race: Human
Age: 23
Occupation: Hired guard/mercenary
Weapons: Preferred weapon is her short sword. She also keeps a good number of daggers on her person (minimum of 4) at any given time, some concealed, some not. She owns a crossbow but doesn't carry it around with her all the time and she has familiarity with a standard bow but prefers the cross.
Armour: A rather well-made suit of leather that appears crafted specifically for her use only. Though well cared for, one can see that she's gotten into a skirmish or two with it on.

Physical Description: Rohn stands 5'7" with brown hair, often done up in several rows of braids that hug her scalp and trail down to just below her shoulders. She has dark eyes and even when she's relaxing, she always seems to have her attention everywhere but what's right in front of her. She's fairly trim from her use of the sword and time on the road, but not overly muscular. She favors muted colors in her casual dress, usually earth tones. She also has a faded scar across her right cheekbone (mostly visible when she's more tan) and another that runs across her midsection, but few people have ever seen the latter.

Rohn grew up the older of two siblings, mostly being in charge of her younger sister while her parents worked. Her father was a tanner and knew how to craft leather and as Rohn got older, or more specifically, as her sister got older and needed her less, she expressed interest in his work. While she learned how to tend to skins and work them into useful things, she would often find she had a hard time focusing on her task at had. She began to take a greater interest in the earlier steps of her father's work: the animals. Through a lot of trial and error on her part, she got very good at hunting; not perfect, but she brought home a fairly good amount of kills. Still, she felt restless and not wholly satisfied with the work she was doing, so she sought her parent's blessing to strike out on her own, which they allowed, with mixed feelings. Before she left, her father gifted her the armor she wears and it's her most prized possession. Since leaving, she's mostly done mercenary-style work, taking a job here or there as it suits her.

Her current job was guarding the caravan of a dwarven trader who happened to be heading to the keep on business. They arrived shortly before the siege began and now, since her employer is, understandably, unwilling to leave, Rohn finds herself rather stuck. Thankfully, there's enough going on that she's not getting a 'caged in' feeling and she sometimes has to be discouraged from taking pot-shots at the enemy soldiers from the walls (unless it's during an actual exchange). Though still technically in the dwarf's service, she is finding it more rewarding to help the guards right now and does so whenever they call for aid.