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Re: Characters

mostly finished, just gotta put down the partial backstory i been thinking of. all the stats should be done now though :)
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Re: Characters

Name: Rhyst
Class: Dragon Shaman(Red)
Level: 2
Experience: 1125
Race: Elf
Alignment: CN
Deity: /
Size: Medium
Age: 117
Gender: Male
Height: 5'11"
Weight: 122lb
Eyes: Green
Hair: Red(dyed to match totem dragon :p )
Skin: Slightly tanned

Str 16
Dex 18
Con 15
Int 13
Wis 14
Cha 12

Hit points: 20
Current: 17
Corruption Points: 10/14
Nonlethal dmg: 0
Speed: 30ft
AC: 20
Touch AC: 14
Flat-footed AC: 14
Initiative: +4

Fort: +3(base), +2(con) = +5
Ref: +1(base), +4(dex) = +5
Will: +3(base), +2(wis) = +5

Base attack bonus: +1
Spell resistance: 0
Grapple: +4


Attack: +0
Attack Bonus: +4
Damage: d8+3
Critical: 19-20 x2
Range: Melee
Type: Slashing
Notes: None
Ammunition: N/A

Mace, Heavy
Attack: +0
Attack Bonus: +4
Damage: d8+3
Critical: x2
Range: Melee
Type: Bludgeoning
Notes: None
Ammunition: N/A

Attack: 0
Attack Bonus: +5
Damage: d4
Critical: x2
Range: 50ft
Type: Bludgeoning
Notes: None
Ammunition: Sling Bullet(37)

Skills: (Max rank 5, 2.5 for cc. (15/15) skill points spent)
Class Skills: Bluff, Climb, Craft, Appraise, Intimidate, Jump, Knowledge(Nature), Search
Appraise (int) 4 ranks 4 + 1 + 3 = +8
Balance (dex) 0 + 4 + -4 = 0
Bluff (cha) 5 ranks 5 + 1 + 0 = +6
Climb (str) 0 + 3 + -4 = -1
Concentration (con) 0 + 2 + 0 = +2
Craft (Armorsmithing) (int) 5 ranks 5 + 1 + 0 = +6
Craft ( _______________) (int) ---------------
Craft ( _______________) (int) ---------------
Decipher Script (int) ---------------
Diplomacy (cha) 0 + 1 + 2 = +3
Disable Device (int) ---------------
Disguise (cha) 0 + 1 + 0 = +1(+3 when trying to act in-character)
Escape Artist (dex) 0 + 4 + -4 = 0
Forgery (int) 0 + 1 + 0 = +1
Gather Information (cha) 0 + 1 + 0 = +1
Handle Animal (cha) --------------
Heal (wis) 0 + 2 + 0 = +2
Hide (dex) 0 + 4 + -4 = 0
Intimidate (cha) 0 + 1 + 2 = +3
Jump (str) 1 ranks 1 + 3 + -4 = 0
Knowledge (____________) (int) --------------
Knowledge ( ___________) (int) --------------
Knowledge ( ___________) (int) --------------
Knowledge ( ___________) (int) --------------
Knowledge ( ___________) (int) --------------
Listen (wis) 0 + 2 + 2 = +4
Move Silently (dex) 0 + 4 + -4 = 0
Open Lock (dex) --------------
Perform (______________) (cha) --------------
Perform (______________) (cha) --------------
Perform (______________) (cha) --------------
Profession ( ___________) (wis) --------------
Profession ( ___________) (wis) --------------
Ride (dex) 0 + 4 + 0 = +4
Search (int) 0 + 1 + 2 = +3
Sense Motive (wis) 0 + 2 + 0 = +2
Sleight of Hand (dex) --------------
Spellcraft (int) 0 + 1 + 0 = +1
Spot (wis) 0 + 2 + 2 = +4
Survival (wis) 0 + 2 + 0 = +2
Swim (str) 0 + 3 + -8 = -5
Tumble (dex) ---------------
Use Magic Device (cha) -------------
Use Rope (dex) 0 + 4 + 0 = +4

Skill synergy:
If you have 5 or more ranks in Bluff, you get a +2 bonus on Diplomacy, Intimidate, and Sleight of Hand checks, as well as on Disguise checks made when you know you’re being observed and you try to act in character.

Campaign: Ascalion
Experience points: 1125

Armor/protective item: Chain Shirt
Type: Light
AC Bonus: 4
Max Dex: 4
Check Penalty: -2
Spell failure: 20%
Speed: 30ft
Weight: 25lb
Special Properties: None

Shield/protective item: Heavy Steel Shield
AC Bonus: 2
Weight: 15lb
Check Penalty: -2
Spell failure: 15%
Special Properties: None

Protective item:
AC Bonus:
Special Properties:

Protective item:
AC Bonus:
Special Properties:

Other possessions:
-Small steel mirror
-Grappling hook
-Rope(Hempen) 50ft x2
-Chalk(1 piece) x10
-Flint and Steel
-Blanket, winter
-Trail Rations (14 days)
-Soap(1lb) x2
-Artisan's Tools
Pouch, belt

Weight carried:


Skill Focus: Appraise

Ability Boosts:

Active Aura(Current Aura Bonus +1):
Senses: Unnamed Bonus to Listen, Spot, and Initiative equal to aura bonus.

Auras Known:
Power: Unnamed Bonus to melee damage equal to aura bonus.
Resistance: Resist Fire 5x aura bonus.
Senses: Unnamed Bonus to Listen, Spot, and Initiative equal to aura bonus.

Racial Abilities:
* +2 Dexterity, -2 Constitution.
* Medium: As Medium creatures, elves have no special bonuses or penalties due to their size.
* Elf base land speed is 30 feet.
* Immunity to magic sleep effects, and a +2 racial saving throw bonus against enchantment spells or effects.
* Low-Light Vision: An elf can see twice as far as a human in starlight, moonlight, torchlight, and similar conditions of poor illumination. She retains the ability to distinguish color and detail under these conditions.
* Weapon Proficiency: Elves receive the Martial Weapon Proficiency feats for the longsword, rapier, longbow (including composite longbow), and shortbow (including composite shortbow) as bonus feats.
* +2 racial bonus on Listen, Search, and Spot checks. An elf who merely passes within 5 feet of a secret or concealed door is entitled to a Search check to notice it as if she were actively looking for it.
* Automatic Languages: Common and Elven. Bonus Languages: Draconic, Gnoll, Gnome, Goblin, Orc, and Sylvan.
* Favored Class: Wizard. A multiclass elf’s wizard class does not count when determining whether she takes an experience point penalty for multiclassing.

Class Abilities:
Proficiencies: All simple weapons, light and medium armor, and all shields except Tower.
o Draconic Aura(Su):
+ Projecting an aura is a swift action, and you can only project one at a time. It remains in effect until you use a free action to dismiss it or project another in its place. You can have one active continually; thus, an aura can be in effect at the start of an encounter even before you take your first turn.
+ Your aura affects all allies, including yourself, within 30' and LoS. Your aura is dismissed if you are unconscious or slain, but otherwise remains in effect even if you cannot act.
+ Energy Shield: Any creature striking you or an ally with a natural attack or nonreach melee weapon is dealt 2 fire damage per aura bonus.(Nix'd until further notice)
+ Power: Unnamed Bonus to melee damage equal to aura bonus.
+ Presence: Unnamed Bonus on Bluff, Diplomacy, and Intimidate checks equal to aura bonus.
+ Resistance: Resist Fire 5x Aura Bonus.
+ Senses: Unnamed Bonus to Listen, Spot, and Initiative equal to aura bonus.
+ Toughness: DR 1/Magic per aura bonus.(req lvl 5+)
+ Vigor: Fast Heal 1 per aura bonus, only affects characters at or below 1/2 their normal full HP.(req lvl 5+)
o Red Totem Dragon:
+ Must be NE, CE, or CN or become Ex-Dragon Shaman, gain Bluff, Appraise, and Jump as class skills, allows access to Cone of Fire breath later.
o Skill Focus:
+ At 2nd, 8th, and 16th levels, gain Skill Focus to one of your Red Dragon class skills. If you already have all three Skill Foci, you may gain Skill Focus in any other Dragon Shaman class skill.

Misc Abilities:
Clockwork Hybrid (Trade-off, Special): By syncing up with the fluids left inside him by an animated statue, the hero gains the ability to take corruption and non-lethal damage in return for temporary haste as if by the haste spell. The rate of damage and the caster level of the haste spell are both equal to the character's level. The character also gains a trace work of glowing veins across their skin lining up as if from a second circulatory system. The player may choose what color the veins glow.

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Re: Characters

You can also find the class in Players Handbook II, among other places :) fun stuff, never played it myself, however.
Re: Characters

The class looks ok, but I will have to nix the 'Energy Shield' aura. Given that most of your enemies are going to engage you in melee (and grappling for certain actions) the automatic damage would be rather powerful, especially as creatures that are the correct challenge rating for 1 person parties have very few hit points at low levels would basic kill them if they hit you. Also, the fast healing and dr auras are going to need to be restricted to at least 5 level as many creatures only deal 1-2 damage currently.

On another note, one of the altered rules I am using allows monsters to sunder worn armor if they have the player grappled. Although this won't completely destroy the armor, it will leave it with less protection in some areas and cause a reduction in the armor's ac if it is damaged enough. However, I will allow a character to use craft checks to try and repair the armor if they have tools and extra materials to work with.
Re: Characters

"makes a mental note to multiclass into monk"

Aw crap, that was my outside voice, wasn't it?

*grins sheepishly*
Re: Characters

Well, if you go monk, there is less armor to try and break through, so you have to consider that.
Re: Characters

So... The energy shield aura is completely off limits, or just until a higher level where it won't be as useful?(Since the aura only gets a bonus every 5th level, 2 damage to anything CR3-4 is well... *shrugs* But I can definitely see you not wanting me to have it lvl 1. :p ) And the lvl 5 for the other 2 sounds fair.

And as far as monks go... *bops Shrike for metagaming* This is why I never tell my players what to expect when I GM. >_>
Re: Characters

The armor thing was just because that is a change in the rules that might effect character creation.

Also, when you take into account cr's don't forget that those are for parties of 4 characters, as single characters you will be facing cr 1/4-1 for several levels and to face a cr 4 critter you would need to be about level 7. Basically, certain abilities like the damage shield would be powerful for quite some time and might even 1 hit kill some enemies. I might consider letting you use it later when the shield doesn't hit a large chunk of the enemies health every time they attack, I may consider it.
Re: Characters

Now now, I wasn't actually going to do it, I was just joking around. If I was going to go for it, I would make a halfling monk and pick up skill focus (escape artist), for a handy dandy +7 to escape a grapple, before skill ranks and dex :) wouldn't even need to attack, just take the AoO everytime thwy tried to grapple, then use escape artist every time they made it :)

Instead, I'm soloing a low level caster, one of the easiest ways to die in DnD. Speaking of which, are we actually doing player death, or are we just going to pass out and wake up as damaged goods? :)
Re: Characters

That depends on if you are doing something really stupid or not. Also, as for making a character designed to escape grapples: not all monsters will try to grapple you, just most, and many will have ways to grapple that allow them to avoid taking an AoO.
Re: Characters

Mind if I make a character? Also is this 3.5? Aaaaand one final question.. Anyone know a site for DnD rule books cause I only got players handsbook, Spell Compendium and a few others...
Re: Characters

Mind if I make a character? Also is this 3.5? Aaaaand one final question.. Anyone know a site for DnD rule books cause I only got players handsbook, Spell Compendium and a few others...

Currently, I'd like to keep it to just the three I have until I am more confidant in what I am doing. Possibly, a week or so after the first three get started, I will open it up for 2-3 more people. However, book-wise, newbie has posted several megauploads of 3.5 books in the everything section of the forum under the thread title 'dnd books'.
Re: Characters

Miachan is reporting in. =o

Re: Characters

Wow... Comparing your stats to mine and Shrike's, you may want to ask for a re-roll, Mia. Unless your aim is being rape bait of course. ^^;
Re: Characters

Judging from how her character is unarmed, being rape bait is probably the goal.
Re: Characters

Hey, I can throw in a Dagger! I'll do that. =p

Lvl 1s don't have much stuff anyway. =p
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