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Mamono Assault Force

Coon Tamer
RP Moderator
Jan 1, 2009
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This will be the thread that contains all of your character sheets.

And this is what you shall fill in, to describe your character, or monster, so that I might include them into the game.
Name: (Nothing complex about this, except for one thing, some monster girls "do" have names, while other, less intelligent monsters don't. So, it's recommended you pick an intelligent monster.)

Race: You can pick from a human, half-breed human(Cat-girl/boy, as long as they resemble humans enough for the monsters to hunt them), or a monster girl(For an enjoyable experience, it's recommended you pick an intelligent race, capable of speech, and planning.

Gender: (You will put female here if you choose to be a monster, as there are no male monsters on the island for plot reasons.)


Physical Description: Self explanatory.

Backstory: A simple summary of your character's life before the beginning of this roleplay.

Fetishes: This doesn't really effect anything asides from how the monsters look to make you cum. It also helps me to provide better fapping material!

(Although some monsters have instinctual fetishes, since they're still part human, they may have others as well. Such as bondage, masochism, and the like.)
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Re: Characters

Name: Heigho Pikme

Race: Human

Gender: Male

Age: 25

Physical Description: Heigho stands at about 6'2", his height depending on which set of boots he's wearing. He has a tattoo on his back of a lion, and wears a black metal ring on his right ring finger. He wears a white shirt and brown overalls, as well as brown work gloves. His hair is raven black, reaching just past his neck, and his eyes are as green as an amethyst. He also wears a black metal collar with a chain attached to the front, the chain stopping after three links.

Backstory: Heigho was originally a slave, destined for that fate when he was born to a slave mother. He lived that life until he was sixteen, when he was purchased from his master by a kind blacksmith, and was taught the trade of his new owner. He kept his collar that once bound him, to remember the life he lived and to one day free his mother. He intends to become the greatest blacksmith in the world.

Fetishes: Heigho doesn't really have any one particular fetish. He can get off on almost anything, given the right incentive. ;)
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Re: Characters

Name: Grave Cynder

Race: Human (altough some may believe he's not full human)

Gender: Male

Age: 20

Physical Description: Grave is average in terms of height and has a slim body. He has short blonde hair, which is somewhat spiky and always seems to be in a state of organized chaos. His eyes are blue like a clear sky. Due to a natural mutation (reason unknown), Cynder's pupils tend to take a oval, nearly linear in strong light, shape. This doesn't affect his vision, but it does affect his appearance - and since most of the time he wears a grim and a bit arrogant grimace, some people tend to think he's part demon. Grave wears black clothes only - he seems to have a sort of an obsession. A shirt, trousers and a jacket, all worn down due to constant travels. His boots are in a slightly better condition, but most of the time they're covered with a layer of dust that Grave rarely wipes off - that's why they appear to be in a worse condition.

Backstory: Grave is an orphan - he suspects that his eyes were the reason why he was abandoned somewhere in a forest. Found by an old scholar who lived in a small village (it was supposed to be a new town, but there was a shortage of settlers) in a remote part of country, Cynder was taught how to read, write and introduced into the ways of logic. However, the scholar's limited knowledge couldn't satisfy the young boy, who was disliked by the rest of community. Grave's eccentric behaviour and unusual appearance didn't do wonders for his social life, and after the scribe's death five years ago, things only got worse. After another year, Cynder had enough of this hatred and left the village. During his travels, he learned the basics of fending for himself and managed to learn a couple of new things. However, most people didn't trust him - and he didn't trust humans either. After experiencing a lot of pain because of people that disliked him, Grave grew cold and began to look down upon people, swearing that he'd be better than they are. He understands that mainly as rebelling against anything he considers stupid, regardless of the opinions of others.

Grave is grim, sarcastic and doesn't seem to care about a thing, especially when it comes to feelings. However, pushing his buttons can turn him into a quite emotional person - pushing the wrong one usually triggers open hostility, while pushing the right one may even convince Cynder to trust the person that's pushing - even though he usually tries to keep people at a distance. His behaviour can change quickly, just like his mood. Sometimes he might get talkative (especially if he notices a chance to toss a sarcastic remark or complain about something), but usually he's a silent type. Grave's a bit vicious, though, and considers annoying others to be quite amusing. Sometimes, he may even seek out conflicts, out of sheer spite. Lazy and a bit carefree, dislikes a lot of things - nearly everything can annoy him. In fact, most of the time he's in a bad mood. He is capable of being honestly nice (and in fact, deep down he is nice), but that's a very rare sight. Usually he's just honest - to the point of being brutal. He doesn't care much about the ideas of good and evil accepted by most people - Cynder has his own "code of honor", and it usually supersedes other moral laws (this may apply to any kind of law, actually). This prevents him from becoming evil, making him a neutral type. He may be easily annoyed by petty things, but sometimes he will remain calmer and more laid-back in certain situations than others, due to the fact that he accepts diversity, cares less about a lot of things than other people and is quite flexible, as long as no one breaks his rules. Most of the time, Grave will just stay back and enjoy the show - he dislikes getting involved in anything, unless participating means greater amusement. Can quickly focus and analyze details, but since he focuses very hard on a single thing, he may miss many other things. Likes to walk from one point to another while thinking. Will insult others without hesitation.

Fetishes: Nothing in particular, but Grave doesn't enjoy the idea of being assaulted by something that's not very human (i.e. slime). He seems to be fond of reptiles and cats, though. Shy.
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Re: Characters

Name: Agita

Race: Harpy

Gender: Female

Age: 19

Physical Description: Blondish hair, short and snarled, reddish feathers, black bird claws, dark skin, yellow eyes. Usually clothed in belts for ease of movement.

Backstory: As one of the inate creatures of the island, Agita has lived there most of her short life, exploring by air and looking around at various locations. She's mated before, but istead enjoys her time exploring, secretly wishing for creatures to come at her for reasons other then to talk...

Fetishes: Bondage, submissive, lack of control, whipping
Re: Characters

Name: Alexia (known local name only)

Race: Imp/Former Draconic

Gender: Female

Age: Young Adult (somewhere between 51 and 100 >.>)

Physical Description:
Current: Here
Former: (cause I'm lazy haha...). Stands slightly taller than the average human.

Backstory: Alexia, or so she was eventually known as, was from a long heritage of powerful and majestic firedragons. Although for some strange reason she only possesses the latter quality.

Shortly after being kicked out of her nest by her mother, an actual dragon, who threatened to 'burn her to a crisp no matter how long that takes', at the ripe age of 30, Alexia found/crashed her way onto the monster girl island. Roosting at the top of a small mountain, Alexia attempted to go back to the tried and true method of intimidating the locals into giving her things. She did eventually manage to extort some valuables out of the local humans but it wasn't very much. Eventually she realized there was a much better way to get valuables. By 'helping' the other monster girls do things, like heating a forge or carrying heavy things or kidnapping males, they were often willing to give up some kind of shiny bauble for her collection.

This continued on for a several years, Alexia caring very little for the squriming men she carried off for the others and enjoying spending much of her time either eating or sitting on her slowly growing treasure pile (and making sure the stupid pointy objects were mounted on the wall so she would stop sitting on them). She never fancied the humans herself, claiming loudly on a few occasions, "Who would want to fuck these weaklings anyway?" despite the sheer irony of the fact that her father was a human.

Her greed, however, would eventually become her downfall. After one day finding some abandoned ruins, ("Treasure time!" she says gleefully), she descended through the catacombs, taking all the gold she could find. Then, despite a few mimics warning her to stay away from a room, she barged right in, breaking down down the door. Inside, she saw there was a large pearl-like object on a pedestal. Eagerly she ran up to it and then stopped, stood there for a few moments swaying, then fell over, blacking out.

Alexia would eventually wake up later outside the catacombs, feeling rather weird. She found she still had most of her treasure with her, with the absence of the pearl, but she decided she didn't care enough and took the goods with her back to her cave. Where she talked to a few other monster girls and then decided to rest. Her rest was unsettling as she began to have very lucid and lustful dreams, of her assaulting both men and women in the human settlements. Waking up in a cold sweat, Alexia shook her head and assumed it was just the remenets of whatever magic had hit her and that she should just relax for now and take it easy ("I'm just working too hard..." she thinks quietly)

Unbeknownst to her, for now, she has recieved a strong infusion of succubi influence from the artifact, which she never found again (it was missing the next time she thought to check). Being of draconic heritage, she has been able to resist the urges thus far, but with each day it has been growing harder to just jump the next person she sees and to copulate with them until either her urges are satisified or the person collapses or maybe even both!

Despite all this though Alexia has recently been able to start up a business of trade (For some reason, dragonblood is really popular), as well as every once in awhile offering her services to those that ask, and of course fighting off the occasional so called "dragon slayers".


Recently, Alexia came into aquaintance with a woman named Jezebel, who promised her great power in exchange for a bit of her soul. She gladly accepted and became quite powerful. However, this was short lived as she was sent on her first mission: To take out one of Jezbel's rivals, a bird of sorts. Through a series of illusions, the bird managed to best Alexia and turn her into an imp.

Fetishes: To be completed

(since this is my own entry and not an entry in the encylopedia, I'll do it true style and add the three things at the beginning -w-)

Habitat: Mountainous Regions
Disposition: Agressive, Strong Willed
Diet: Mostly Carnivorous
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Re: Characters

Name: Nerem

Race: Catboy(Human with catlike features)

Gender: Male

Age: 19

Physical Description: He looks like a regular human, but with cat ears and a tail. He has a slender frame, with not a lot of fat on him, although he has average muscles. He has light brownish hair as can be seen at the cat ears and tail, along with the normal places where one would expect hair on a human. He has green eyes, and is about average in size, being less then remarkable on the outside. One thing he rarely used, and actively tries to halt are his nails, which could grow sharp enough to be used as claws, but would take a lot of time to grow that way, mostly interrupted by him routinely biting his nails to keep them from becoming too sharp.

Backstory: As a lazy person, he never worked, and always just ate what someone else would conveniently give him as charity. He used to spend his days lazing around, or trying to get on someone's good side so they could provide him with food, or shelter the following night. He would also attempt, and usually fail at courting females, if he felt like it at the time, but he would rarely stay with them for long as they almost always got tired of him not working or doing anything useful. The times he did manage to get someone angry at him made him learn how to best run away, and his catlike nature made him naturally good at stealthily moving, and sneaking, although not always to the same effect.
He ended up going to the island when he fell asleep on a boat, and nobody bothered to check where he laid before sailing off, and he kept laying where he was after waking up.

Fetishes: Getting group raped(by a group of fems), he is submissive, likes having the female do most of the work(to a lesser degree)
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Re: Characters

Name: Desmas Porftuv

Race: Human

Gender: Male

Age: 18

Physical Description: Thin brown hair that falls just below his dark eyes, also brown in color. He seemingly always has a bit of dirt or soot staining his face (almost like an English street urchin/chimney sweep, story included) A small amount of freckles appear on the rounded out parts of his thin face. A little shorter than normal for his height, but especially thin. Wears baggy, ragged clothes in plain colors, usually an off white or light brown. His shoes have small holes in them, but they still provide comfort for his feet, and he wouldn't get rid of them.

Backstory: Desmas grew up with his mom, not really knowing his father, assuming he died of disease or disappeared. Having little money and being very young, Desmas felt they didn't have much to live on and wanted to turn towards stealing food as a kid, but his mother tried to steer him away from it. In time, she grew sick and he had to provide any food for her. Without her guidance and with "right" on his side to help his mom, he resorted to stealing for the first time, taking a loaf of bread from a small family. Even with his mom needing it, it had plagued his conscience. A little while after, he was caught for the first time, caught while returning what bread he and his sick mom didn't eat. The father of the family he stole it from was a blacksmith and said he wouldn't involve any outside punishment if the boy could take his licks like a man. After having told the blacksmith of his situation, and deciding to take his offer, Desmas expected a more lenient punishment, but instead was beaten by the blacksmith to inches of his life. He even took the opportunity to to burn a hot iron into Desmas' cheek as he was passed out.

Ever since then, Des has felt less conscientious about stealing, but still lived in fear of his "occupation" and only swearing to take what little he needs to survive. Ever horribly reminded of his scar, and growing up scurrying about on dirt paths, he would end up with blackened stains on his face. He had decided to use this to hide his shame, the area of the scar was small, but it was deep, and Desmas would purposefully take the soot or ash from fires or dirt from the street and smear it on his own face. He would rather remind everyone around him that he is poor and trash then remind them he is weak and a thief. He decided his reputation in the town was already ruined, and although his somewhat wicked ways were all he was good at, he knows he did it with only the best of intentions. He stowed away on a ship, hoping he could hit a new town where people would be more accepting and he'd have a better chance at learning a true craft or trade, instead of relying on sticky fingers to survive.

Fetishes: Obviously not a fan of burning, but holding some self-loathe about his 'profession,' he does carry some interest in being 'punished' (lightly please.. poor kid)
Re: Characters

Name: Kalicia

Race: Half-breed Catgirl

Gender: Female

Age: 22

Physical Description: (couldnt find my original pic so this was the next best.)

Backstory: A bit of a wild one by nature she liked to spend most of her time exploring the woods and any forestlands she came across. Her epnchant for exploration though got her on the wrong end of a slaving party and began her life of servitude. Being the kind of person she was she was eventually sold to a group of in need of her prowess in the woodlands which was where she made her escape. On the run from former masters she still wears an iron collar as mark of her previous servitude.

Fetishes: Rather wild and willful be forced into submission secretly gets herin the mood more then she cares for.
Re: Characters

Name: Jillian. I might come up with a decent last name later.

Race: Centaur.

Gender: Female.

Age: Oh... we'll say 20-ish. Y'know, primitive timekeeping and all that.

Physical Description: What? You mean you don't know what a centaur looks like? Okay, fine. Brownish red hair, reddish tinge to her brown fur, six feet from top of head to floor, so she's short enough to make carrying a human rider clumsy. D-cup breasts. Front-to-back, she's about four feet - she can reach her own tail easily enough. Has horseshoes, wears a brown or dull green tunic that dangles to about the bottom of her belly in front, covering the V that her fur makes below her belly button. Sometimes wears a carry harness to hold stuff, or a blanket for warmth or a canvaslike affair to keep dry in the rain, but like other centaurs generally prefers being barebacked. She's not a Titanide - she only has a vagina at the rear, though it is close to human-scale.

Backstory: Um... ordinary. For a centaur. Grew up in "the" (a?) centaur village, handy with spear and bow, though she'll readily admit any lizard is better at weaponswork - instead challenging them to race around the island a couple times. Tends, like most centaurs, to see things as black and white, to be stubborn, and can get almost snooty. If she doesn't start yelling about whatever she's arguing about - 'cuz then she merely gets loud, instead.

Fetishes: Not really experienced with sex. Basically has only gotten laid when she got drunk - once with her best friend (and then they avoided each other for a month), a couple times visiting other villages (though not necessarily with members of those villages... one time she wandered outside for some air and a local Alraune indulged her). Gets uptight about the idea when she's sober. Breastplay is a real turn-on. Secretly prefers a partner who can be in front of her and still reach her vaj - tentacled/serpentine things and slimes, really - so she has something to do with her arms besides play with herself. Which extends into an "embrace" fetish - the more contact she can share with her partner, the better; not bondage, she likes her freedom of movement, but if she were human she'd never do that "sit up and ride" pose you see in porn videos - she'd glom onto her partner, hugging them tight, and slide up and down rather than humping.
Re: Characters

Name: Sarac

Race: Human

Gender: Male

Age: 32

Physical Description: A man of average height with dark blonde hair and grey eyes. Overall seemingly average looking save for the sword he always keeps at his side, and an ugly scar just to the right of his right eye.

Backstory: Almost noone knows anything about Sarac as he is a man of few words. What is known is his distrustful nature, and that the man who gave him that scar is no longer living.

Fetishes: None

( I really couldn't come up with anything, and to be honest I don't expect him to live for very long. If given time in game I'll probably expand on him.)
Re: Characters

Name: Nikodemus (Niko for short)

Race: Human.

Gender: Male

Age: 25

Physical Description: Dark hair, tanned complexion, and icy gray-blue eyes. He stands about 6 feet 3 inches tall, and is about 180 pounds of lean muscle. He has many scars, including a scar along the bottom of his right cheek, running down his throat in an upside down L shape. He's never told anyone how he got it, and never intends to.

Backstory: A career mercenary, before joining the crew, Nikodemus served in numerous mercenary companies and fought in many different places, against many different things. As such, he seems quite jaded, and tends to crack jokes and remain calm and collected, even when he and his allies are in serious trouble.

Fetishes: Forced Blowjob/Tittyfuck, elves.
Re: Characters

Name: Neil

Race: Neko

Gender: Male

Age: 20

Physical Description:

Backstory: Neil was an outcast at birth, not really fitting in with the mainstream community, due to a recessive trait in his blood, from which he grew a cat tail and cat ears. His parents left him in a box at the side of the road one day and never came back. He lived his childhood as a thief, using his high agility to take what he needed when he needed it. It went well for a few years.

Then they came. A wealthy looking woman was walking through the streets, with a couple escorts it looked like. Without so much as a passing thought, his hand entered her pocket, pulling out a very expensive looking compass. It didn't appear he was noticed, and he walked away like nothing happened. He slept in his alley as usual, where no one came to bother him usually. When he woke up however, he was surrounded in wood, and tied up. He struggled as much as he could, but it wasn't getting him anywhere. He felt the ground under him move, or at least that was what he thought it was. It would be a couple hours before anyone came down to see him. It was the girl he robbed, only now she was dressed differently. No longer did she resemble a noblewoman, but someone much more casual. She admitted to stealing him, in retribution to him stealing from her. His face was red in embarrassment. Never before had he been caught, much less punished. She admired the young boy's skill and nimbleness, and told him that she could use him on her crew, if he desired. Upon inquiring a bit, he learned that she was the leader of an all female crew of pirates, and it was no small crew either. He still wasn't sure about the offer, until he was told the alternative: get thrown overboard and be at the mercy of the sharks. He accepted, naturally, and the girls were rather delighted, letting him keep the compass he had pilfered, as well as a few other things. Apparently they had been searching for an able male to join their crew for some time, but they were all either too unskilled, too horny, or otherwise not up to their expectations. But there he was, at eight years old, and a full fledged pirate.

Things went well for quite a few years, and Neil grew attached to the position of scout for the ship, his eyes quite keen, as well as able to see in the dark. The girls were a very cheerful bunch, and always willing to show Neil a few things, whether they taught him new skills or demonstrated some lewd practices on him.

Then one night there was a storm. A very bad one. They tried to ride it out, and for the most part made it, with the exception of one thing: A bolt of lightning hit the mast, sending the crow's nest, Neil in it, into the water, the heavy currents quickly taking him away. Luckily, the crow's nest made a decent boat, though with no way to row it he was at the ocean's mercy, with no supplies other than what he had up there with him at the time.

For about 36 hours, he would drift, no food at all, the only water he could drink provided by the sparse rain showers. Then his 'boat' washed ashore an island, one he had never seen before. He would get out to explore, his clothes soaked through, mind and body tired, and spirits low.

Personality: Neil tends to be an easy going guy, not much caring about the dangers around him if there's something he wants. Because of his... upbringing, he gets along with females quite well, and trusts them easily, unless they give him a reason that he shouldn't. Men on the other hand... He's a bit skeptical about, but isn't exactly mean to them upon first meeting them. Sexually, he's submissive, and quite sensitive. He prefers others to take the lead, and will often try something new or do what his partners ask of him to make them happy.

Fetishes: Facesitting, Ass/pussy worship, titfucking, domination, lactation, immobilization, smothering, scalies(snake-kin especially), demons/devils, lipstick, excessive milk/cum/juices, vampirism, goo girls(or goo in general, like snail/slugs girls)

Equipment: Compass, Collapsible Telescope, Fingerless Gloves, Knife, Hand Crossbow, 20 Iron Crossbow Bolts, Clothes(same as pic, with a white t-shirt under the hoodie. No shoes)
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Re: Characters

Name: Nillien


Gender: Female

Age: 19

Physical Description: Nillien looks much like a normal Alraune except for her coloration. Both her hair and flower petals are white in color with her petals having several streaks of a soft blue flowing from their tips to their base.

Backstory: Unlike most Alraunes, Nillien has found herself having to move about frequently as many of the hives on the island have come to the belief that, because her coloration is so different, her nectar must be special as well. As such, Nillien has often found herself closer to human outposts that she is normally comfortable with. This has forced her to always give up any male she captures instead of keeping them. Even more upsetting is that she often has to keep her self open during the winter because the humans might attack her if she kept a male with her for food the entire winter.

Fetishes: Given that she actually feeds on semen, her preferences are mainly composed of one things: males with large loads.
Re: Characters

Name: Ziva


Gender: Female

Age: 18

Physical Description: Like most Hornets, Ziva's body is tall and curvaceous, the better to hunt men with. She has shoulder length black hair and yellow eyes to compliment her similarly colored clothes.

Backstory: Born to Hive Zi, Ziva is one of the younger huntresses, not even considered old enough to start hunting for men before the hive suffered a huge defeat to a nearby hive. Several hornets had found and been defeated by a strong human warrior, and that fact made the queen anxious to see him for herself. Taking the majority of the hive with her, the queen set out to capture the fiery male, but they were shocked to see that the honeybees had found and swarmed him already. Given to bouts of anger, the queen ordered the hornets to attack. Unfortunately, the honeybee swarm proved to be too much and almost all of Hive Zi was wiped out.

Ziva, however, was one of the few hornets who remained behind to guard the hive while the queen was away. When she and the other huntresses discovered what happened, they immediately set to work rebuilding. One of the older hornets was appointed to be the queen, and the other huntresses began searching for suitable consorts for her. A new generation of hornets would be needed to wipe out the enemy honeybees once and for all, and only the best warriors would do for the new queen.

Since she is young and inexperienced, Ziva is eager to prove herself to her new queen. To do this, she must find the strongest warrior in the land, test him in both combat and sex, and bring him back to the queen. A stronger consort will produce stronger young hornets, and they will need many new hornets to destroy the honeybees once and for all.

Fetishes: Since hornets are generally good fighters, the idea of a man that can defeat her and make her submit to him is arousing to Ziva. In addition, Ziva has always found it intriguing that so many types of monster-girls can live on human semen, and wonders what that is like.
Re: Characters

Name: Clara Collier.

Race: Human.

Gender: Female.

Age: 25.

Physical Description:


Pre-Boat events.

Clara was an adventurer, a warrior that travels the world.

Before joining the crew as a body guard she simply wandered around the lands, having different experiences and adventures. In her earlier days she had been in training to be a palace guard to the castle near her village, but gave up on that and decided to become an adventurer. Her family hadn't liked the idea all that much, but decided to let her go as long as she promised to be careful and to visit now and again. So off she went, joining guilds, getting drunk at bars, even getting laid a few times. All the while she helped slay monsters, luckily not getting captured and eaten in the process.

One day, while she was searching for jobs to take at a local tavern, she learned of a monster that had been bothering a local farmer. the man was offering a good bit of money to anyone willing to slay it. Clara happily took the job. She went to the farm, hid out in a barn in wait, and at night the beast arrived, actually beginning to eat the farmers crops. It was some sort of troll, one with ragged clothing and a fat, swaying belly. While it was busy stuffing its face Clara sneaked up behind it and stabbed it in the back, killing it and earning her money.

Little did she know that one kill would kill her hell, as the things friends caught wind of her, what she did, and began stalking her, trying to kill her. It was a small group of elite monsters, ones she sadly wouldn't stand a chance even with a few men to help her. She had to get away.

When she was in a town one day and saw an open position on a crew of a boat she quickly took it, looking forward to a new experience and adventure. The monsters had no idea that she had gone sailing on a ship, she escaped their grasp and they were left with little to no leads to her location.

Fetishes: Submission, breast play, futa, missionary.
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Re: Characters

Name: Jenn Baily

Race: Human, mostly.

Gender: Female

Age: 18

Physical Description: Jenn is just under five feet tall, with a thin frame. Brown hair frames a face containing the only obvious non-human feature about her - her golden, slitted cat's eyes. But even without seeing her eyes seem to glow in the nigh..., something about her face, the slightly-too-pointed teeth, and the way she moves all whisper "cat" to anyone watching closely. Her breasts befit her small frame, and she usually lets less then shoulder length hair hair down, over the right side of her face.

Backstory: Jenn's father was an increasingly wealthy merchant with the ambition of moving up in the world. As such he was dismayed to find that his only child, through some trick of genetics, was obviously not entirely human. He knew that one of his great-grandparents had a tail, but neither of his parents had shown any signs. As it turned out, his wife had nearly the same situation, neither admitting it even to the other until after Jenn was born. Her father did his best to work around what he considered a liability and had been working hard to convince a minor noble down on his luck that a fairly substantial dowry was worth a little non-human blood and a wife with no title of her own.

Which was why Jenn had run away on her 18th birthday. Her father probably wouldn't have gone through with it without her consent, but the fact that he was even thinking about it showed her it was past time to be gone. She had spent time on the streets before, with her family never too happy to have her hanging around when important visitors or clients were about, but even so she found her limited supply of coin quickly dwindling. And so it was that she found herself employed aboard a ship - a way to leave the city and her family behind, and make a little money while she was at it. Cooking and cleaning were things she knew how to do properly, with her family only recently able to afford even a part-time maid, and while hardly her idea of a good time... well it was only for a little while.

While not actually a virgin, Jenn is the next thing to it, having had only a few sexual encounters - all completely unsatisfying. This is perhaps in part because of the opinion her father (and most of the people around him) had of people who weren't completely human, combined with the fact that each time she had been aroused she had felt something entirely too much like a purr growing in her throat.

Jenn has known many unusual people, through her father and her time wandering the city, and has learned some surprising things. Among these - though few know it - is a significant amount of ability at fighting with knives, though she only brought one with her when she left her home.

Fetishes: her breasts, bondage, receiving oral.
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Re: Characters

Name: Sara Altel
Race: Human
Gender : Female
Age: 25
Physical Description:
Backstory: Once an archivist for a brilliant mage sect, a group of diviners had foretold the sabotage of a certain vessel. With her extremely limited scope of magic, she had heard of the vast stores of magic that decorated the island. Still with much more to study and learn, Sara decided to choose such a ship to disembark on - knowing that she'd come to terms with her magical study. When she heard the island was overflowing with...sex, however, she became a bit nervous..but nonetheless is trying to move forward...for natural study of magical creatures in their habitats was a prerequisite for graduation.

Acting as study to the island, she doesn't much realize the dangers of the island except with run-ins with a few zombies - which resulted her narrowly escaping in about half a day..after tens of peaks ..blacking in and out of consciousness. Her meager magics can act as a very minor form of self defense, but those who breach her defenses can very easily overwhelm her not-so toned..but amply endowed feminine form.

She both seeks a means to study the island, acquire any lost magics possible...and perhaps make it out with some shred of her dignity..as well as material for a research exam at her magi school.

Fetishes : Flora ( mishap with the gardens back at home ) , wild magics, multiple partners, slimes, orgasm torture or denial, succubi
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Re: Characters

Name: Alexander Cormine (Though usually just goes by Alex)

Race: Human

Gender: Male

Age: 18

Physical Description:
Alex would be considered plain. He stands 5' 7", ear-length black hair thats always scruffy regardless of whether he's brushed it or not, pale blue eyes and a fair complexion. He's of a slim build, and often wears a plain black travel suit.

Back Story: The only child to a wealthy, upperclass family. His parents didn't want him growing up warped by the perversities of society and so decided to have Alex homeschooled by a very plain-looking tutor. Learning only what he needed to learn, Alex knows nothing of the outside world, from machines and vehicles to sex Alex is clueless in almost every aspect of life save for academics.

Though, one night Alex's parent's were mysteriously murdered and because of this he decides to travel the world and see what it has on offer. Being the clueless dolt that he is Alex decided to set sail out on the wide, blue sea to see what the world has to offer. Taking his place on a tourist boat his trip went pretty uneventful for a while until a freak storm hit and split the mast clean in two and badly damaging the boat.

Fetishes: Being a virgin and knowing nothing about sex Alex is unaware of any fetishes. Though subconsciously Alex likes to be dominated.
Re: Characters

Name: Sazukai "Suzy"

Race: Elf (Mainland)

Gender: Female

Age: 306

Physical Description: Suzy tries to keep her hair, which is a fiery orange in colour, cropped to no longer than shoulder length. She has very pale skin, even for an elf, and stands at 5'5", with B cup breasts. She is not the strongest of her species, though she has powerful legs allowing fast and extended sprinting, and she has an iron will, resilient to many mental attacks, though some might dismiss that as simply being stubborn beyond belief. Her eyes are grass-green and tend to have an intriguing twinkle in them, as if she is eager to find out what the next step will bring.

Backstory: Suzy is very young for an elf, and as such, has a very childlike curiosity in the world. She grew up under her father, Heidri, as her mother died before Suzy was 30. Unlike most elves, she dislikes ranged weapons, although she proved a damn good archer, she far preferred fighting up close and personal, her weapon of choice being polearms, usually spears. Unlike some of her less fortunate brethren, Suzy has never fell into Human traps designed to turn the noble elves into slaves for every whim of cruel human masters. In fact, she has managed to avoid nearly all human contact her entire life, and does not possess the normal elf-human hatred, regarding all intelligent life in equal light, bar her belief that elves are the superior race. Her first sexual experience was not with another elf, but with a wild stallion she found while wandering the fields near her forest home, at the age of 250. From that day forwards, she has always preferred sex with animals as she knows they cannot impregnate her, and animals such as horses have larger penis', something she enjoyed greatly, and she had always had a knack with animal empathy. She had heard that adventurers were venturing to a mysterious island, which for some reason had remained uncharted despite reportedly being of massive size. Her curiosity of this strange place led her to try and gain access to a human ship full of adventurers, settlers and the like, wearing robes over her elf-mail, and carrying her spear like a staff, with the hood drawn over her head to cover her ears, as she knew that the humans did not share her view of elf-human relations.

Fetishes: Spitroasting, zoophilia, domination.
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Re: Characters

Name: Orlandu Monk (True last name: Alteri )

Race: Human.

Gender: Male

Age: 19

Physical Description:
Wears sword on the small of his back with a small combat knife right on the front of his waist.

Backstory: Orlandu was born into a noble house well known for training knights of the highest caliber. From the age of five, Orlandu was forced to learn the way of the knight. Training day in and day out was the only thing he was every aloud to do til the age of thirteen. The eight years of training had fine tuned his swordsmanship. He was able to match many knights in skill and speed. His training eased as time went on but never did stop.

About the time Orland was sixteen his house, along with all inside save for himself, wore burned to the ground. He had only lucked out thanks due to Church blessing him and his new forged sword "Victorsong". The blessing was to protect him from evil. With his home in ruins and odds of the fire having been foul play, Orlandu took to the surname Monk just for safety.

Monk took to the world as a sell-sword often taking part in job protecting so one. He did well enough to take care of himself but would never make the money to bring his house back from the ashes of time. He heard of an island no man has ever returned from with a hundred thousand gold piece reward. That would bet would led him to the island by a ship. Three mouths and the prize was him. Only question was what had cause all those other men to disappear.

Fetishes: No real like or dislike of anything. Being a "noble born" knight leaves thinking of things like this below them.
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