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Re: Characters

Name: Nanami Hideaki
Race: Human
Gender: Female
Age: 20
Physical Description:
A mousy shy looking girl with long flowing white hair. She has a very slim build and isn't terribly tall, especially for her age. She is utterly unimposing, and little about her is standout or bold. She always wears a quiet mute expression, and it seems like she's studying the world around her. She dresses moderately more for function or form.

Nanami Hideaki had always been a quiet shy girl. A problem made worse by a childhood illness which plagued her. She was anemic, and frail, and this kept her indoors, her parents fearing for her safety if she were outside. This led to her withdrawing, she didn't have the opportunity to make many friends growing up. Her father, a doctor, was busy working most days. Her mother tended to Nanami's every need, educating her. Nanami grew up with a great love of books, the only real company she found was nestled up with a good book to read. This became her release, her escape from her sickly frail body was in books. It turned out that it wasn't just tales of fiction she loved, but knowledge of all kind. She loved to read great tomes on all subjects, from history, to medicine. While no brilliant prodigal genius such endeavors made her excel in academic subjects and gave her a broad basis of knowledge, much to the pleasure of her parents who thought she might make a talented physician someday, something suitable to her condition.

But, Nanami hated the idea of sitting quietly in her home and following in the footsteps of her father. She hated medicine, she hated her illness, she wanted to see the world! She wanted to not just learn about the world from the confines of her home and her books but to see it with herself. She wanted to learn things that never found their way recorded to the page, she wanted to see things that nobody ever had.

It was her sixteenth year when her dream found a glimmer of hope. It was like a fog had receded. She could walk about without feeling fatigued, stand in the warm summer breathe without feeling dizzy or ill. She wasn't cured, no great miracle, but she was determined. Day by day she could do a little more, take more steps without feeling like fainting, go for long from the confines of the door. Her parents were worried, but she could not be held back. Her impossible dream would be made real.

In the years to come, in spite of her poor constitution, Nanami has finally determined that it was time to leave her home behind and set out on her impossible journey. She's still not the most physically capable, prone to bouts of anemia and coughing fits, but she intends to make up for that weakness with grit and a mountain of knowledge and desire. She's sharply analytical and more prone to investigate and learn than throw a punch.

Fetishes: Yuri, thought straight is fine, lighter stuff, bondage can be fun, tentacles, monsters of all types, domination, seduction, non-consensual stuff, not so much down with pregnancy stuff moreso the birthing part of it and things like extreme guro, scat, hardcore ryona, etc.


Hopefully this sparks some interest, super flexible, I thought it'd be fun to have a character more interested in studying monsters and exploring the world as opposed fighting.
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Re: Characters

Name: Marusaki Iichi

Race: Human

Gender: Female

Age: 21

Physical Description:

Due to her somewhat oblivious nature she’s often is provocatively dressed, often dressing in light skimpy clothing if she can get away with it, and occasionally forgoing underwear all together when she finds it a hassle.

Backstory:Murasaki was born in a rich family, were she got excellent education as well anything she wanted. Being the only child in the Iichi family, made her mother and father dote over their daughter, and raise her into a kind polite girl. Due to her protective upbringing, Murasaki is quick to trust, and give people the benefit of the doubt. Even though she is far above average intelligence, Murasaki’s teachers notice that she was rather slow-witted. Although Murasaki might seem like a model daughter, it is far from the truth, as she has some rather unsavory hobbies. First off she draws erotic art under a fake name, usually of things only meant for the most perverted men and women.Besides that she also is insanely curious, combining that with her perverted mind she often would watch other people do it with each other, both out of perversion and reference for her art. Even though she is curious and perverted, she never went further than watching other do it from a distance.

One day, she overheard a couple of soldier from The Order talk about an island filled with monsters shaped like women, curious she asked them for more information. After an extraordinary long time she finally found out a bit more about the island, and how it was filled with evil monster girls. Though strangely enough, there seemed to be a whole lot of information lacking about them, besides how supposedly evil they are. After a while her curiosity became the better of her, as she just had to see those monster girls for herself, and spread the information with the populous. If they were evil like the church said, she would was determined to uncover their weaknesses, and inform the church. But if they were good, she had to spread the word around, as she hated people being misinformed for whatever reason. Thus she went on an adventure, hiring men who she thought were dedicated to their wives, but wouldn’t attack monsters on sight like those from The Order would. She would travel with them to Monster Girl Island, where she was determined to uncover the truth for the populace, and study the girls.

Fetishes: Just no Scat and Guro, anything else is fine
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Re: Characters

Name: Charlotte Foleo

Race: Human

Gender: Male

Age: 19

Physical Description:

Charlotte was born into nobility, and raised to be the successor of the Foleo family business. The Foleo family specializes in making other nobles disappear from the public eye. Most commoners believe the Foleo family outright murder other nobles to advance their own agenda, but they actually are masters of disguising and giving new identities to nobles. Since it was tradition for the eldest child to take up the family business, Charlotte being the eldest child had to study daily, giving up most of his free time to learn the family business. It didn’t take long for Charlotte to excel at his studies, and it was clear early on in his studies, that he was specifically good at making men look like women. Although Charlotte tried his best to keep his fascination for women’s attire secret, it didn’t take long for his mother to find out he was trying out outfits on himself. However, instead of chastising Charlotte, his mother ended up being overjoyed how adorable he looked, and helped him out instead, which made him slightly worried with how excited she was. Charlotte was right to be worried, because unlike those who graduated before him, his task was very different from the others. Charlotte had to make himself disappear, and make people believe he was the eldest daughter of the Foleo family, instead of making a high profile noble disappear. Of course Charlotte knew this was a ploy from his mother to make sure he had no other choice but to dress up as a girl, but even so he completed his transformation in a month, and was now officially known as Charlotte to the public.

After Charlotte graduated, he even had less free time as his mother swarmed him with work. Most of Charlotte’s days were spend doing paper work, and creating connections with other nobles. Between the large amount of work, and training to become more elegant, he had very little time to spend time with people around his own age. Life was rather dull for Charlotte, until he was in charge of making a hero named Bellezza Felutia look like a girl, most likely to have mamono take him more serious. At first the two didn’t like each other one bit, Charlotte found Belle’s attitude to be boorish, and clearly wasn’t to stoked about this. While Belle found Charlotte to be snobbish as Charlotte was thought to act authoritative and with an air of superiority while at work. However, one day, when Belle came in for his check up and training, he was completely covered in wounds. When Charlotte saw this, instead of getting furious with Belle as he thought Charlotte would be, Charlotte began to nurse his wounds showing genuine concern, and instead of berating him for ruining his looks, Charlotte kept lecturing him how he should be more careful and not get seriously wounded while training. After this incident, Belle would visit a lot more frequent, and Charlotte acted more like his true self instead of his work persona. To Belle’s surprise, Charlotte was incredibly kind, gentle and sensitive. Belle quickly learned that Charlotte was very lonely, and spends most of his time at home working. Belle decided the best thing to do was to just drag Charlotte out of his home, and drag Charlotte with him to his favorite spots. At first Charlotte was rather hesitant and slightly annoyed by this, he wasn’t much of an outside person after all, but eventually he kept looking forward to being dragged everywhere by Belle, and just enjoyed spending time with him. After spending a lot of time with each other, Charlotte suddenly realized that they were now daily spending time together, and no longer felt annoyed about how physical he was, she even began to admire his do first ask later attitude. They nearly became inseparable as they often had sleepovers, sharing the same bed. They even bathe together, and nearly spend any free time they had with each other. When Belle was about to leave on his journey, they promised they would be best friend forever, and never forget each other. However, Charlotte started to have impure fantasies about Belle, and wanted to be more than just friends, but he never had the guts to say anything, and promised himself to tell Belle how he felt when he returned from his journey.

However a long time has passed since then, and nobody seems to know where Belle is at. Charlotte’s faith in Belle slowly is starting to diminish as he fears the worst for his friend. However, with so many duties to attend to he can’t exactly go and find him. After giving it sometime and much contemplation, Charlotte no longer could wait, and asked his mother if he could go to find his friend. No matter what her answer was, he was determined to go even without her blessing.

Charlotte appears outward to be very elitist and authoritative, though this is just to mask up his insecurities. He actually is very kind, gentle, and tries to be elegant. He adores cute things as he absolutely loves cute dresses and stuffed animals. Charlotte is actually very sensitive about his small feminine frame and overly sensitive body, as he gets clearly embarrassed when people point out these features.

Fetishes: Pretty much anything goes.
Re: Characters

Lets Try this again

Name: Sigrid Falkenwrath
Race: Amazon
Gender:Female (Obviously)
Age:Mid 20's
Physical Description: Sigrid

Basically, tanned skin, minor scarring from various fights, long red/orange hair, green eyes, typical amazon build all in all. But forgoes armor and regular attire to prove a point amongst her sisters.

Backstory:Sigrid was, for a while a content Amazon. Eager to hunt males with her sister and prove her strength within the tribe as well. But despite her ability, she could never find a husband due to the best prospects being claimed by other sisters. In a bid to out do them, has sworn to create a stable of powerful men. To get only the best from around the land to be her mate and companion. To do this, she has decided to part from her tribe for a time to build her group. She plans to not only bring powerful men home to mate with in grand fashion, but many strong female warriors from the human race to make the tribe even stronger! A long goal to be sure, but she's confident she can succeed. In an effort to aid in her mission, she's forgone armor and traditional attire. To prove she can be strong without it.

Fetishes: Heavy Exhibitionism, public sex, straight/yuri and pretty much everything in between save for the nasty stuff. Maybe light bondage