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Chasing Godhood (Blueslime)

Re: Chasing Godhood (Blueslime)

For all her new powers, the proto-goddess acted in the ways that mortality had accustomed her to. Details like using her voice to speak, her hands to caress, and her fingers to arouse herself were now superfluous, but still to her mind essential. How horrid it would be, she thought, for her to neglect these aspects of mortal interaction? She resolved to never lose touch with these basic feelings and methods even as she explored the horizons of her daemonic ascension.

As he held her by the neck firmly but not violently only a mere few inches from his face, Nala took the opportunity to marvel at Matthias' human form. This was not the first time seeing him like this, but his masculine beauty still made her heart skip a beat, just as it had always done since they first met and made love. He appeared as a dark skinned human of ancient Anudorian blood, and she enjoyed the way it looked as well as felt when her purple flesh mashed and slid over his dark ebony body. His muscles were that of a god, as was every physical asset that he possessed. Now at least, she felt she had a more appropriate body to match and receive him - this thought alone provided a lewd giddiness that send tingles across her flesh and hardened her exposed, deep purple nipples. Then he roughly pulled her back into a kiss, and his other hand trailed down her spine to end with a sudden smack of her backside. She felt her flesh ripple and sting, only to be quickly and firmly soothed by his strong grip. She gasped, the rough handing of her flesh augmented by some sort of mystical manipulation that she perceived more clearly now than ever before. She moaned lewdly into his mouth, and more eagerly did she cry still when his other hand moved from her neck to her breast, to knead and thumb across soft orbs and work her into a damp, animalistic frenzy.

As her blood pumped faster so too did the pulse of magic in the air - the raw energy of her untamed spirit waiting to form the surroundings to her whim. She rested her head against his neck and purred as emerald energies swirled around her feet in a languid maelstrom of restless energy. From this pooling reserve, she brought up a pair of tendrils formed of spiritual quintessence. They wrapped around the massive erection Matthias was sporting and through this connection, Nala made an effort to pleasure Matthais' cock as her hand simultaneously slipped down to grasp him with her soft hands, jerking him off slowly at first, then building momentum.

He returned the favor, slipping two large digits between her thighs and working her body expertly, making her sigh and moan frequently, even as her hand kept working the greater daemon an her magic worked across the surface of his sensitive flesh, coursing along the shaft and stimulating the muscles inside as well. She sensed that she was still being too direct, too mortal in her efforts, and now began to perceive that the magic of his touch was on a far more microscopic scale than she had ever before considered.

With little effort, she ceased her clumsy magical swirls and let the visible energy subside. Instead she used her hands but now she noted how the magic that had been used to create her physical form could be changed further still. She made her hands themselves more effective, each microscopic point of surface area a place of precise manipulation. It was just as she had done this that Matthias ended his teasing and placed her on her knees in front of him.

Her body shuddered from the pleasure coursing through it. Matthias was grinning down at her with a knowing and expectant look on his face. Nala returned the grin with one of her own, and once again grasped his thick rod, but this time with both hands. Where her flesh touched his, she let the caress be magnified a hundredfold as her daemonic skin - raw magic unto itself - manipulated him.

Her eyes locked onto the tip of his swelling manhood as her hands now slowly pumped up and down his shaft. She licked her lips hungrily, taking in the sight of his tip, and judging how to best encase it between her lips. Sliding her hands all the way to his base, Nala tilted her head sideways, opened her mouth wide, and let her tongue slip down to drizzle strands of saliva onto the Godslayer's helmet. Just as she had imbued her hands, so too did Nala make her tongue, her spit and her lips able to stimulate and exploit Matthias' skin with multiplied intensity and focus. Her tongue swirled around the cockhead for only a moment, but in that moment she spread and soaked his tip in her warming, tingling spit. Then she bobbed her head down and rotated her lips so that she had hungrily closed her mouth completely around the first three inches of him. She then paused to swirl her tongue around him more several times, and then lay it flat along the underside of his cock and push herself forward. Her eyes flickered up to look at Matthias' visage as she inched forward, her tongue and hands now working in tandem to stimulate his cock like never before.

Nala ignored any need to breath or gag, as her daemonic existence required no such reflexes. Instead she was free to completely take Matthias' cock, inch by inch, bobbing her head and tightening her lips to provide the most intense suction and contact possible. Her hands pumped faster and more intensely, and then she'd gone so far that there was room for only one hand at his base. With one hand now freed, she cupped his balls and began to fondle them, wishing to coax the heavy sac into releasing its contents, even though she knew Matthias could resist.

She made a moaning sound to reverberate against his cock, even as she pressed forward further and let her lips press against her slick and wet fingers. She then withdrew from his cock slowly, until her lips were merely kissing his tip, before wildly throwing herself forward again and reaching all the way to his base, his cock easily penetrating down her throat, where she controlled her muscles to contract and reflexively manipulate him on the same level as her lips and hands and tongue.

She proceeded to deep throat Matthias with long, slurping bobs of her head, making sure that his whole shaft was coated in her saliva. When she withdrew to only shallow sucking, she would return her hands to his cock and twist them around while jerking on him, so that he was never without some sort of incoming stimulation down his entire length.

She kept this up eagerly and joyfully, loving the taste of the daemon and loving even more the knowledge that she was quite possibly giving Matthias one of the best blowjobs he'd received in quite a long time. Or so she hoped anyway.

When she stopped would be up to him, but if he came or signaled that he desired a change in position, she would stop in her sucking and let his shaft escape her lips with a slick pop and a few final greedy licks of her tongue.

"Better than my usual effort, don't you think?~" she asked teasingly, before pulling herself up against him and twisting in his arms so that her back was against his chest and his stiffened cock was nestled against the cleft of her ass and the small of her spine.

"Now, mister Godslayer sir... I've been a very naughty daemon... you should probably punish me.~" She giggled and pressed her round ass against his crotch insistently.
Re: Chasing Godhood (Blueslime)

Nala: LEWD, also pregnant if she allows it

(Part 1)

Her first sexual experience would be informative, to say the least. No longer were the physical sensations she experienced limited by the fallible and fickle method of pure touch, no longer would the speed of thought be sufficient for signals to travel from nerve ending to brain. No longer would the limitations of fragile neuro-chemistry inhibit any feeling. She could make the result of any motion bow to her whims, make any touch she applied inflict indescribable pleasure or unbearable pain... And no longer were the two mutually exclusive, at least on a physical level. Her daemonhood allowed her to see the most minuscule of details, the way that cells interacted on a most fundamental level... And more than see, she could understand it. The principles gained from the section of chaos magic devoted to inflicting pain were useful here, the difference between the two signals microscopic in scale and easily determined at a whim. More useful than any previous teaching was watching Matthias inflict it on her, making every nerve sing so potently that their noise almost distracted her now detached mind... But for now only almost.

All of the physical senses were still intact, all even stronger than ever, that much she was reassured of as soon as she dropped to her knees to begin her ministrations. Sight, hearing, taste, smell, and touch were all there, all as exciting as they'd ever been, but now she could simply perceive more, and in ways that even her rudimentary magical senses could never have allowed her to imagine. She could trace the signals traveling up Matthias body as her fingers slid across his hardened flesh, see the spread of those pleasurable sensations as they reached up his body to settle into the animal parts of his brain, billowing out like fireworks in his skull invisibly to the eye but plainly visible now that she had achieved a deeper understanding of reality. Every stroke left magnified sensation flowing up his spine, energy pouring from her skin to his and causing the brilliant cascade in countless patterns that were nonetheless predictable.

There was a detachment from the physical in her new state, a decoupling now that she understood that a body wasn't truly a necessity, much less one still possessed of the limiting restrictions of biology, but it was a minor effort to put that detachment aside for the moment... Especially so now that she set herself to an all too familiar pleasantry. The daemon's manhood thrummed in her hands, pulsing beats of a living, mortal heart sending blood through it in a circuit alike and different to the much faster signals zipping back and forth across Matthias' nerves, and the more she concentrated on the purely physical the easier it was to ignore the portions of the metaphysical that she didn't need right now.

Nala had experienced Matthias before, had felt the dark skinned muscular frame atop her in any number of ways. She knew him intimately by sight and sound and smell and touch, and it was all too familiar as she first let her tongue lap across his tip. None of the greater daemon’s salty pre was yet on offer, but it surely soon would be as Nala tilted her head to finally take him between her lips. Unlike Esmerala and her ilk, he never bothered to alter the taste of his fluids, leaving it the thick masculine flavor that allowed her to sample its potency in intimate detail. There were no aphrodisiacs to worry about besides the natural ones arising from the flavor of a male partner and the knowledge that she was providing them ecstasy beyond what most others could ever hope to offer.

She felt him swell as her lips slipped across the first few inches of his shaft, magic magnifying the pleasure of her touch and causing the dark daemon's rod to throb as if preparing to unleash then and there, but only the first taste of his pre came forth at the moment. Her upward gaze revealed a pleasured leer, the sort she might see on the face of any man as she worked her oral magics upon them, and as she inched her lips forward Nala could watch it twist in on itself in all of the familiar ways while the bursts of lightning coiling up across his nervous system flared. For the next minute Nala could revel in watching her talents play out in detail she had never before imagined, all while giving her rotating bobs that drew ever more of her daemonic paramour's shaft into her eager mouth. There was no need to gag, no need to concern herself with breath, and once her lips met his base Matthias let out a contented grunt. Now was when she could really begin in earnest, and so she did, sucking with boundless enthusiasm and all of her talents magnified to their fullest potential. Pure pleasure poured into his nervous system with her every motion; every pull of her fingers or lips, every flick of her tongue, every squeeze of her throat.

When she shifted her hand to his sack, adding it to the sources of stimulation, Nala felt the bulging orbs within working on overdrive. She was offering ecstasy that would drive mortal men mad, that would bring nearly any other partner to their limit in a matter of heartbeats, but as good as she was Matthias seemed content to revel in it a while. Both of his balls swelled as they strained to produce the lifemaking cells and mix them into the mixture of pungent fluids to make semen, millions upon millions of sperm all ready to vie for the chance to combine their genes with her own, even if the orifice they might soon be released into wasn't exactly viable for that. He might be a daemon of unimaginable power, but in this moment he wore a living mortal shell, and that body was based upon his original human one. Shrouded in magic though they might be, Matthias' genetic material was human for most purposes, just as her own was based upon that of a night elf. Her own deific origins were already at work on her own body, the power of Janis ensuring fertility for all around her... Including Nala herself. The eggs in her ovaries were ripe, and unless she willed it not to a few moments into her blowjob a soft twinge would be her own tactile signal that one was being released into her tubes, where it would undoubtedly travel to a place more easily accessible to any waiting sperm. There it would wait, unless she prevented it's release in the first place, and though it was a taboo among her kind to permit such matings, human and night elves were perfectly capable of conceiving children together. Even a man of ancient Anudorian stock like Matthias had once been would have been perfectly capable of creating viable offspring with her before, and now the magic inherent in her new existence only making the range of acceptable mates wider. Perhaps such a notion was even appealing, with the magical nature of a proto-goddess and a god potentially about to be mixed as well....

There was little danger of that immediately, however, as Nala proceeded to deep throat the so called godslayer's manhood with practiced, easy motions for several minutes. Every swift bob allowed her to stimulate the whole of his shaft and causing it to throb with excitement from the monumental amount of pleasure she proved able to grant. Her prideful hope seemed quite plausible at the time, as Matthias let out a string of encouraging grunts and sighs throughout the process, making no effort whatsoever to change her efforts as she went from technique to technique. He let her change things up regularly, keeping the delivery of stimulation fresh, but seemed to have no desire to let her stop until she took the liquid reward she could feel brewing in his balls.

Such would come to pass some time later, when she was bobbing shallowly, her tongue flicking against the most sensitive region just below his tip while she jerked him off with both hands. It would be subtle at first, a slightly more enthusiastic twitching to his rod, the rising of his sack, a slightly deeper tone to his grunting… But Nala could perceive the reactions going on within, the preparations for his body to unleash the load that her efforts had earned her. “Nng… Just like that...” Matthias commanded, still fully in control of himself even as Nala was about to bring him to his release, but when she released his rod with a final pop and gave it only a few teasing licks he let out a growl of frustration.

The elf’s teasing remark earned her a frown, but when she stood and pressed herself against him Matthias seemed to relax. Dark hands settled onto her hips, encouraging her motions and wetting her lower back with her saliva and his pre, but they weren’t to remain there long. “Better, but still needs work. Yes… Punished. You’ve earned that,” Matthias replied to her falsely demure antics, and one hand left her hip to reach out into empty air. The very ground erupted ahead of them, earth rising but then covering over with moss, forming a natural bed of sorts in the span of a few seconds. For a few moments he surveyed his creation, larger than a king's bed and just as soft on top, but then...

"No... There," he grunted, and vines erupted around the sides. With casual strength Matthias pushed her ahead, and Nala fell forward onto the bed only to be embraced by the surrounding tendrils. Soft green tubers slid across soft purple, not binding or grasping but simply caressing across her bare flesh, and much like the ones she had summoned in one of her final acts before her ascension to daemonhood they spread a soft oil that left her gleaming in the pale light of the moon that served as their only illumination. The oil had similar properties, enhancing every sensation in a purely natural manner that felt almost numbed compared to the magical stimulation she had briefly enjoyed. “Better. Still… Getting fucked is what you want. That wouldn’t be a punishment, it would be a reward.

Following his crass statement, Matthias simply climbed on top of Nala anyway, some of the tendrils around her manipulating her with gentle urging that would become more forceful only if she opted not to obey them. With her torso pressed gently against the makeshift bed conjured below her, full breasts pancaking nicely against the soft surface, her hips would be driven to rise slightly and Matthias would ultimately rest his long, thick rod in the crevice between the cheeks of her ass. Easily supporting himself with one hand, Matthias planted the other near the center of Nala's back to keep her facedown and began to shift back and forth, rubbing his saliva slick shaft against her soft cheeks. Despite his own recent near-orgasm, the greater daemon would prove fairly patient, teasingly thrusting against Nala's slightly upraised backside for several long moments. It would be easy to imagine what he might feel like, most of all because she had felt it before while in her mortal state, but she would have to wait a while for that satisfaction.

Eventually, however, it seemed that even his patience would come to an end, and perhaps aided along by some verbal prodding Nala would feel him shift, nestling his member deeper between her soft cheeks. Shifting onto his knees, he would grasp one of Nala's legs around the knee and tilt her around, moving her onto her side and leaving her limb pinned against his shoulder. That soon left his rod shifting between her legs, aimed at her moist petals, and as he teased her entrance Matthias would calmly say; "You are being punished. Beg for forgiveness."

And that would be her ticket to final satisfaction, though not without some effort on her part. Matthias would poke and prod, teasing her with penetration but denying her the satisfaction, all while she pleaded for the sweet mercy of feeling him inside her. Even the light rubbing against her outer lips and occasional testing jabs at her hole produced more powerful stimulation than she had ever felt, allowing Nala to realize that her heightened state of being and its heightened state of perception allowed her to experience more than she ever could have while alive. The maximum capacity for her nerves, and of her ability to appreciate their signals, had increased exponentially, and when her verbal prompting had finally satisfied him she would get a glimpse of just how much more. Despite that he contained the essence and thus the skills of countless demons, masters of sex surpassing even Esmerala, when he finally thrust forward it was without articulate technique. One moment Nala was speaking, uttering some further pleading effort to get him to end the teasing, and the next her lungs emptied in a moan as her lips lost all ability to form words. Pure ecstasy unlike any she'd ever even imagined washed over her as Matthias entered her, the pure blissful explosion of stimulation so intense that it caused a rippling wave that drew her mind and soul under her partner's sway almost as fully as it did her body. The simple act of penetration had often served enough to bring Nala to orgasm when Matthias was the one doing it, and now was no different, but this time the emanating bursts of impassioned pleasure flowed from her body into her mind, expanding like a cascade of supernovas, and from her mind into her very soul.
Re: Chasing Godhood (Blueslime)

(Part 2)

When her being realigned and she could comprehend once more, Matthias simply rested inside of her, his testes resting against her thigh and the fattened tip of his member firmly kissing her cervix. "Better... But still needs work," he remarked again, this time a smug note entering his voice, and before she could reply he slowly withdrew until only his tip remained inside of her. Even the withdrawal produced fresh waves of ecstasy, but along with it came an agony stemming from her fresh emptiness. It wouldn't be long before satisfaction came this time, however, as Matthias slid back into her with the same technique and produced a second blinding explosion of raw sensation that left spots appearing behind her eyes. When she came to next, however, she managed to make it two thrusts before orgasm hammered her right back into a state of blissful near-madness, followed by three... Then five... Then they came faster and firmer and it was back to two, then four, then seven... A little faster, six strokes before she coated him in her liquid ecstasy and cried out to the heavens once more, her folds now soaked as they clung desperately to his dark shaft. Her stamina would gradually increase as she acclimated to the surges of impossibly powerful pleasure, but Matthias would patiently continue to patiently rail into her for minutes that felt like hours while her own comparatively clumsy efforts to pleasure him coursed down the cock giving her levels of pleasure she'd never before been able to appreciate when mortal but seemed to elicit little to no reaction.

A vine slid up to her face and pressed a phallic tip against her lips, seeking entrance and stimulation, and when she accepted the thing it offered something around which to center her concentration and regain a bit of self control. Suddenly it was a fully twenty steady thrusts before she was cumming again, and then thirty, leaving her lasting almost a full minute between orgasms. The tentacle itself twisted in her mouth, responding to the embrace of her lips and attention of her tongue as a real cock might but with far greater flexibility, and the oily substance oozing from it left a lightness and warmth spreading through her the more she swallowed. The aphrodisiacs were far from necessary at that point, of course, and after she'd managed to last a full two minutes between cumming on the iron-hard slab of throbbing meat Matthias was using to expertly fuck her brains out Nala would feel him pull out.

A raging hungry emptiness was left in its place, but much as her body might be totally overwhelmed with the various poison running through it her mind would be able to maintain some semblance of control through her heightened state. She was left able to think, able to concentrate on her efforts to bring her partner to the same heights of ecstasy she'd been left mired in. As many times as she'd hit her peak by that point, she shouldn't have even been able to move from simple exhaustion, but when Nala would find her limbs restored to a wobbly semblance of full strength with a simple thought and most minor effort of magic. Matthias, in the meantime, would lie on his back beside where she'd been left, his own muscular frame glistening with oil.

"Come. Ride me."

His simple command given, Nala felt the conjured tendrils pull away as she was left a moment in which to obey and take the opportunity to prove herself. Whatever competitive urge his earlier remark had inspired, her turn to be on top would prove less in her control than it might have been normally with another partner. Matthias drew her atop him with deft motions of undeniable strength, leaving her facing him as she straddled him upright, his tip aimed at her petals. One hand planted on the soft roundness of her ass and the other holding her opposite hip, Nala was pulled down at a precise rate, and the ecstasy of being full flooded back into her... But this time it was different. The opportunity to rest and acclimate, steadying herself for their second round, was enough to ready herself for the impossibly powerful sensation provided by the dark skinned greater daemon's member simply being inside of her, and after a few seconds' pause he gave her rear an encouraging smack and it was Nala's turn to move.

Matthias kept her upright but otherwise allowed her to choose both the pace and the exact manner of their mating at that point. She could bounce freely up and down, allowing Matthias to enjoy the sight of her breasts jiggling while he returned her motions with upward thrusts and produced a slight ripple across her shapely backside each time their bodies met. She could grind atop him, prompting him to reach up and grasp one of her breasts while her inner muscles stroked him even as his shaft seemed to hit every one of her sweet spots at once with perfect accuracy. Any technique she chose would result in a return to the impassioned mating, but now it would be closer to a coupling between equals as she began to elicit the same responses she'd seen in the more powerful daemon that she herself had been made to emit. Nothing was as dramatic from her male counterpart as the howling moans she'd been forced to let out or go mad during their first round, but light grunts and shifts in his facial expression were more than she'd been getting since they had gone from foreplay to sex. Perhaps at that point any sign of his pleasure would be enough to spur her on, encouraging her to continue her efforts despite that the next half hour or so would see her hitting peak after peak after peak once more.

By the time the next shift came, Nala's count of orgasms had surpassed thirty in just over forty five minutes of sex, and Matthias was only just beginning to show signs like those he'd been making when she had almost brought him to orgasm with her mouth. The night elven proto-goddess would find herself pulled downwards and dragged into a kiss, a strong hand on her back firmly pulling her into the embrace before Matthias began to buck at a steady clip into her. The exhaustion that would normally have gripped her by that point back when she was a mortal creature was barely present and easily pushed aside with another minor effort of sorcery, allowing Nala to respond to Matthias unnaturally deft tongue like she would if she were fresh. His lingual muscle moved more like that of a succubus than one belonging to the brutish warrior type he projected as it danced with her own in the space between their mouths. The embrace between their mouths offering its own bursts of pleasure that amplified the sensations arising as she was made to rock back and forth with his steady upward bucking motions.

The steady pace of their thrusts made way for wild, rutting bucks that left Nala's body shuddering and his balls slapping against her ass. She was left rising to yet another peak in mere moments, and this time as her orgasm ripped through her the elf's shuddering frame simply wouldn't stop quaking in the throes of glorious release as another peak immediately followed the last. She was trapped in that chain for nearly ten minutes and over a dozen more orgasms, Matthias breaking the kiss midway through and shifting so as to clamp his lips onto her breast instead, letting Nala once more vocally announce her pleasure as he sent her careening through peak after peak while his tongue lapped at her sensitive nub. Eventually she would be rolled over, her legs pinned against her shoulders as he continued pounding deep into her quivering sex, and their lips would meet again as he pushed her through several more orgasms from his rapid, furious pumping. Vaguely she felt him begin to throb inside of her, his shaft pulsating and balls drawing upwards in preparation to turn the drops of dew he had left against her cervix into a veritable flood.

Before he could cum, however, he slowed to stop, letting Nala cool down from the streak of rapid fire orgasms briefly. He broke the kiss a moment later and pulled out, leaving his throbbing shaft pressed against her petals momentarily before he pulled away entirely and assumed a kneeling position.

"On your knees, face down. Keep your ass up. It's my turn."

It seemed that he was intent on cumming inside of her, but Nala had little choice at that point but to bow to his wishes even if she would have preferred otherwise. There was no denying that she had earned what she was to receive by this point, however, and once she was in the proscribed position he would line up only to wait. Matthias spent a moment teasing her entrance, his palms smoothing over the smooth roundness of her ass and upper thighs and preventing her from sliding back to impale herself. The moment came and went quickly, however, and when it ended she was once more filled and after giving her inner gateway a firm kiss he simply began to pump at a steady clip. It wasn't like the wild mating she'd endured before, however, and though Matthias hadn't reduced the power poured into her nerves their coupling now felt more like the traditional steady build than the climax-laden marathon she'd experienced up until that point.

For several minutes he thrust away at her from behind, teasing her towards an orgasm but never quite getting her there, alternating his pace regularly. Judging by the heavy panting and regular grunts, and the way his thick tool throbbed inside of her, it seemed like Nala wasn't the only one being teased near their release, and after another few minutes he slid back until buried halfway into her and simply stopped.

"Earn it. Make me cum."

One final command given, Nala would be finally free to take the load she'd been driving his testes to brew for the last hour or so, and all she had to do was buck her hips back and forth until he exploded into her depths. If she started slowly, however, Matthias would rear back a hand and smack her across one of her rounded cheeks. "Come on... I told you to earn it. Fuck me like you mean it." His encouraging demands would come repeatedly until Nala was rapidly moving back and forth, pumping herself onto Matthias' shaft.

Even as close as he seemed, it would take several moments for Nala to finally milk Matthias' seed from him, during which he remained largely stationary and hard as a rock. Finally, the pulsing throb of his thick staff became more urgent, and his hips began to move in time with her own while his pleasured grunts grew heavier. She felt his balls rising, their virile contents preparing to surge into her deepest depths, and the single hand gripping her hip would grip just a little tighter. "Nnn... Nnnn... Nnnnngggg!!!"

And finally Matthias joined her in ecstasy, her own magics bringing him to the heights of pleasure that his had raised her to time and time again. His member inside of her pulsated, drew back, and then the first rush of thick, sperm rich baby batter was fired directly into her waiting depths, serving as a natural orgasm trigger for one last release on her part. Matthias would bury himself to the hilt and offer short, quick thrusting motions that stirred his wildly throbbing member inside of her as he filled her up, filling every recess of her innermost chamber with his fresh seed until it began to ooze out around the tight seal of his shaft.

Deep inside, the legions of sperm being poured into her quickly surrounded the ovum her daemonically empowered body had been driven to produce, the power of Janis she had assumed urging her body to assume the height of fertility and the natural compatibility between the basis for both of their bodies allowing them to unite even without the aid of their magical natures. That power ensured that what might normally have taken hours would take mere moments, Matthias' virile swimmers weakening the surface of her own cell quickly before one of them ultimately pierced into her egg and commenced fertilizing it. She felt the union of their unique genes, ancient human and corrupted elven combining, both enhanced by their immense daemonic power, but even as the demigod was sired inside of her Nala knew that she could refuse to allow the fertilized egg to take inside of her if she so wished...
Re: Chasing Godhood (Blueslime)

Nala's enhanced perceptions of reality and the layers of meta reality behind it had opened up new doors of pleasure for her that had been unimaginable before obtaining her daemonhood. Matthias was showing her a new world of bliss - terrifying yet brilliant in its countenance - and she dearly wanted to show him her deepest, most sincere gratitude. Deep in the core of her being, the old and the new combined, Nala felt humbled by this experience. It was to her awe-inspiring and holy, a second and equally as powerful spiritual awakening. This act, this sacred act, was to be the basis of her new existence, for however long it was meant to last.

For her sake, and for the sake of the memory of Janis and all who had or would depend upon her, she hoped that she would last long enough to find the wisdom and serenity that gods were meant to find.

She began as she usually did, by sensually tasting the flesh of Matthias' glorious manhood, feeling it on her tongue and the press of her pouty wet lips against his rigid sex. It was so much more than physical now, although she did not spare any of that pleasure. She simply added to it in ways that were beyond the physical. Spiritually she sucked him off as well. Tendrils of her power connected with his mind - where he let her do so - and directly teased the mental parts that activated sparks of lovely pleasure in his mind. Her spirit, in a coy subserviant manner, pressed itself vulnerably against his overwhelming, heavily restrained power, heightening the experience with her fearless, maybe even naive desire to expose herself to such a mighty being in this way. Her spirit tickled and taunted his in time with the coiling of her extended tongue corscrewing and slickly tightening around his shaft as she bobbed her head deeper and deeper until at last she had plunged to his base, his meaty cock snugly taking up shelter in her warm, slick throat. There was no gagging. No cutting off essential airways. Her body was simply an ideal receptacle for his dick because she willed it to be, yet at the same time she maintained her outer appearance of the flirtatious, sex-addicted night elf witch that she had always been.

And her mortal frame twinged and signaled to her greater perception the arrival of a lone egg, taking up its place in the lining of her womb. She knew she could have stopped it with a wish, but as she looked up to Matthias, sensing his human frame swelling and working its way to a steady climactic build up, she allowed the potential life to be for now. Did Matthias sense this? Did he know what decision the proto-goddess had just consciously made?

Perhaps he did. And they would come to that point soon, she knew. But for now, she continued with her perfect ministrations, crooning and enjoying the taste of foreplay with her dark daemonic lover and savior. It went on for a long time, which she didn't mind, because she took it as an excellent time for experimentation and learning. She loved that he was so powerful and in control of himself, but at the same time still experiencing all the pleasure that she gave him and reacting in ways that only encouraged her. When she sensed him nearing his release - one that he would grant, never forced - she was spurred on to tease him. She did so to elicit a reaction from him. That immeasurably powerful force, capable of crushing her like a gnat, and yet she dared to tease him to see what he would do.

She was not disappointed, for she spread herself out onto the bed of moss he created, moaning and shifting her physical form into a welcoming, inviting position for him. She deliberately rubbed against the oil-coated vines, letting their toxins affect her, giving in to the addled lust that he intended for her. There was little use in not playing his game, and she was determined to enjoy it. She wiggled at the feel of his rod sliding in the crevice of her purple ass, and giggled merrily as he accused her of seeing the potential pounding it threatened her with as a reward, not as a punishment.

"Mmhmm~" She cooed, agreeing with his assessment. Her fae elven eyes glowed green and gave off wisps of energy as she craned her neck around to gaze at him playfully.

Then came the teasing and the begging. There would be little hiding the fact that Nala was as aroused by the banter between them as she was by the prodding at her sopping wet entrance.

"I'm sorry, Matthias, honey~ Really I am. I'm such a naughty girl. I should have sucked you off properly instead of being a bitch and teasing you. Please can you fuck me? Pretty please?~"

This got her nowhere. So she ramped it up.

"Aww c'mon. I'm sorry. Really! Nngh... You know this oil is driving me mad. Uhgh... and the thought of your fat cock filling me up is making me crazy too. No more teasing please? Ohhh~ I need to feel you! I'm sorry, I'll be a good sex goddess now, I promise!~~"

Her voice became more whining and pleading, her spirit energy pawing at his like a needy puppy wanting a long held off treat. Her body with useless effort trying to push itself onto his teasing cock. Her cries becoming more desperate and true as the oil infected her mortal shell, and she began to tremor.

"I'm begging for forgiveness. I'm just a silly slut who needs your cock! I'll be good. I'll do whatever you want, just please fuck me and cum inside me! I'm yours completely. Use my body however you want, just let me feel you inside of me. Use my cunny as -- AHHHHHHGHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!"

Matthias' sudden penetration was unlike what her mortal form had experienced before. Naturally he had been able to send her to immediate orgasm with it on previous occassions, but now he was touching her in her mind and soul the same way she had tried to touch him, only with the ratio of power reversed, it was child's play for his efforts to overwhelm her. Her begging had gotten her wish and more, and bliss waxed over the entirety of her being. Her sudden cries were swallowed up in silence, her eyes crossing shamefully and her tongue tensed and lolling outward beyond the threshold of her lips.

Her body then went limp as the prolonged ecstasy spike passed, and she started to recover. He withdrew, then slammed into her again, producing another immediate climax. She mewled lewdly again. He smugly spoke above her, and she flushed with embarassment at how pathetic she must seem to him, and yet, she was learning. She was becoming better at being his ideal fuck toy - and the idea of that both turned her on and made her determined to improve. Like a child learning to walk, the proto goddess was coming to grips with what it took to withstand the god slayer's cock unleashing into her with true power. And steadily, she improved. Mathias had found her new limit, and was now stretching her further. Everytime she succumbed to another mind shattering orgasm, she grit her teeth and tried to push back, to encourage him again to slam into her.

It was like a form of combat endurance training - like those weight-lifting neanderthal warriors who build up their resistance by letting sparring partners hit them with a powerful, undefended strike. Nala opened herself up to Matthias again and again, enjoying the pleasure, but trying to master it. She desperately wanted to be better... to be the best. Or at least, to be a daemon that could be truly worthy to share Matthias' bed.

She improved, and suckled on a phallic vine as he took her body. Then he invited her to be on top, to ride him. She found that a thought and some light magic were all that it took to restore herself to physical functionality, and with renewed determination and a face etched in delight, the eager elf shell climbed atop her Andurian human mate, smelling his sent and letting her swelled breasts glide along his pectorals as she gazed upon him with an affection rarely seen by anyone. To say that she adored Matthias in this moment was a vast understatement. In the memory of lust incarnate, there could be few instances of comparison, for she dearly felt a complusive need to give her all to him.

She settled herself upon his cock and sank blissfully down upon him. His strong hands grasped her and once more she was under his control, being lifted and pulled down again, her body heaving and jiggling on full display for Matthias as his cock led her over the course of the next forty-five minutes to no less than thirty orgasms. Matthias himself had yet to cum, but Nala was deliriously happy, her body, mind and spirit swimming in a sea of pleasure. Most pleasing to her was the ability to restore her vitality, pushing away exhaustion easily so that each new experience was like beginning their session over again from the start. He pulled her down to him and they kissed as he continued to rut her. She passionately kissed the daemon back, letting her hair spill over him, creating a canopy for their lips and tongues to join together in sacred privacy from any prying eyes. She allowed mortal tears of joy to well up in her eyes, such was her enjoyment at this point. To be physically, cognitively, spiritually and emotionally fulfilled through sex was to her the greatest gift that could ever be bestowed to her.

As he flipped her over, lifting her legs so that her ankles were above her head as his weight slammed into her pussy again and again, she cried out in ecstasy.

"Thank you! Thank you! Thaaaaaank youuuuuuuuu!~~" she wailed as another delicious series of orgasms overtook her.

He released her from his series of kisses and withdrew from her, still not having cum. It seemed, however, that he was ready for his own release, and commanded Nala to assume his favorite position - that of her on her hands and knees, with her ass obediently raised to be rutted like a dog. Nala acquiesced to his desire and did as told, splaying herself out for him on the moss bed, using her middle and forefingers to spread her labia wide to invite him inside her once more.

"I want to earn your cum, Matthias. I want to... and I want whatever comes along because of it." She said over her shoulder. She was confident that in saying this, Matthias would know what she was talking about. The egg that was inside her womb, waiting. What were the chances? This one, tiny egg out of millions of millions. And from a womb that had been barren, that had belonged to a dead woman, that had belonged to a woman who had once desired no children. Yet here Nala was, looking over her shoulder softly but determinedly at arguably the most powerful of all daaemons.

He teased her entrance for only a moment, then slid inside of her. She pumped back and forth, slowly at first, out of respect for the uniqueness of the situation and trepidation for what was about to occur. Then his hand smacked her ass, and she pushed that fear to the side. She was his lover. It was her job to fuck him with all of her ability. And so she rolled her hips, bucked herself back into him, and focused all of her efforts, every fiber of her daemonic limits, into milking and draining his balls of every last drop that he could give. She wanted all of his seed to find a home in her waiting womb.

Janis' power inside of her sent her body to the height of fertility, and perhaps out of deep respect for her savior and teacher, or perhaps simply a moment of madness that differed from her regular brand of insanity, Nala allowed the seed from Matthias' shattering orgasm to take inside of her, and quicken with her egg. She was to be a mother to Matthias' child.

She screamed as she came one last time, a primal utterance that left her spiritually shaken to her core, and then she lay down her head upon the moss and became a quiet, and serene creature.


When she next moved, it was to roll over and place a hand upon her belly.

"You realize what we've just done, don't you?" she asked Matthias. "I think this news might just be the thing to at last drive my mother completely insane... if the whole Janis tree thing didn't already do that."

She joked, but it was without true mirth. She was still feeling solemn, thinking about the child within her.

"Are you pleased? With me? With what we've done? With what I might do? Do you think you were right to save me before?"
Re: Chasing Godhood (Blueslime)

Nala: Blurplebabby get

"Not my problem," Matthias grunted in what likely passed for mirthfully given his normally cool demeanor. "If she has a problem, she'll just have to live with it. Both of us have transcended the concept of race now. It no longer matters."

While his flippant response might suggest otherwise, it seemed that Matthias recognized the seriousness with which Nala spoke, as when he spoke next it was in a fully calm but fairly flat tone; "So many questions... You no longer require emotional validation from me. Or from anyone. You aren't a god yet, but you have the potential to be such... And you have the ability to learn from the failings of those who came before you. Venus wasted her time on the same sort of senseless debauchery that Glissa still gets away with and disregarded the notion that she owed any responsibility to the souls that she claimed. Janis was a fool who elected to get between me and my vengeance because she disagreed with how I went about it, throwing aside her responsibility in favor of those she knew personally. Learn from their errors.

"Even ignoring the notion that you should not cross me - you may have some advantage over the old gods on that front - realize that the balance between what you want and what you ought to do is where you need to find yourself... And quickly. Sivicine will begin to lose souls to you and likely knows already that you defiled the tomb of her former mentor; she will not take this likely. The demons at Celesis will solidify it as New Abaddon if you do nothing about it; you are the only one with the power and desire to keep a group of demons who are as dangerous as those I and others have been fighting for centuries from gaining a foothold here. If you fail, it will just mean that you weren't worth the time that I invested in pulling you to this path. If you don't..."

The daemon's silhuoette began to fade before Nala's eyes, his form shimmering and beginning to fade as he broke out into a grin. The now-pregnant elf would have a moment in which to converse further with Matthias, perhaps even receive a response if she were quick enough, before he was gone. She felt the greater daemon's departure as distinctly as she saw it, the lack of his immense but contained power leaving an emptiness in the air that her own essence seeped into over the course of seconds. Nala could feel the life expanding around her, surging forth as surely as the life now starting to develop inside of her, but she could just as easily feel the danger of her own life-building aura through it. The microorganisms that fed upon the larger forms of life that she was more familiar with were spurred on just as strongly, and to remain in one place for too long without learning to better control that outpouring of energy was to risk their ascension to consume the greater ecosystem from the bottom.
Re: Chasing Godhood (Blueslime)

"Oh race was never my problem... I'm not serious about my mother's opinion of me. That ship sailed a long time ago. In fact, I wouldn't be surprised if she truly hated me. But you're right. We have bigger concerns - but still..."

Nala didn't seem to have quite convinced herself. Were all her moments of self-reflection from this point onward going to involve complex metaphysics? What was wrong with the mortal view she once had? A life was a life, and she and this other... being... had created it together. Did they not owe something to this new life? Was it callous to discard it?

Interfering thoughts that would not normally occur to her started to zip around in her expanded consciousness. Life was precious? Yes. No. Both. Neither. All at once. To be discarded in a second, to be discarded in 100 years. Both measurements were equally nothing in the expanse of infinity.

Bah! These were annoying considerations. Pity she and Matthias had just ended their sex session... Nala felt like sex would soon be the only thing that kept her even remotely mortal. Well, she'd better have a lot of it then.

"We all have the ability to learn from those who came before us. And from our own failings as well. Hint-double-hint there... you hot piece of ass."

She poked Matthias in his chest where his heart ought to have been in his mortal form, even as he began to fade.

"I'll try to make things right by Sivicine. And I'm definitely going to be there when New Abbadon collapses. That's for certain. Watch me or don't watch me, but I'll do my best to prove I wasn't a waste of your time. Until we next meet, don't fuck anyone that I wouldn't!"

She blew him a kiss and then sat back and felt the world growing around her. So... Sivicine wasn't going to be happy. Fair enough. She'd had authority figures angry with her before. She'd need to try to convince that Huntress that she would try to honor Janis' legacy by putting the divine spark to good use. It was the best she could offer. Getting into a fight with the other goddess wouldn't solve things, and surely the demons were not appreciated by a former elf in any form.

Realizing that her continued presence here in this environment without shielding her power could result in an imbalance, Nala shifted her form into something a bit more goddess like - a taller version of herself a hint of plant-like attributes, and a flowing gossamer robe - and then fled to another area of the jungle.

She chose to arrive close to where her favorite human was. Violet would likely be concerned at how things went. It was time to put her mind at ease. Hopefully. Who knew how she'd handle Nala as she was now. Wasn't it odd, being concerned by one mortal, given her current nature. But there it was... maybe she should ask everyone for emotional validation just to be sure she was going to be a good goddess? She laughed lightly at the nonsensical thought, and this laugh, being aloud, would draw Violet's attention towards her.

"Hello, my sweet. Did you miss me?" Nala cooed, in her typical unconcerned and playful voice.
Re: Chasing Godhood (Blueslime)

Nala: Carrying a Demigod

Nala's consciousness had little trouble in preceding her physical form to her favorite human's current location, which happened to be none other than Kyederon. The former assassin was in the same meeting chamber in which Nala had first negotiated with Esmerala before the demon's initial betrayal, pacing back and forth in front of the doorway with her head bowed and her hands clasped behind her back. She was also not alone.

Esmerala sat on the meeting table with her legs crossed, leaning back as she put her weight onto her hands. Her posture set up her chest for the collective viewing pleasure of the room, but none of the room's male occupants seemed to be buying the bait at the moment. Her two attendant demon knights were standing by the doorway, arms folded behind their backs and their faces hidden behind the visors of their black steel helms. The demoness was the only one in the room smiling, but even at a glance it seemed like a forced expression rather than one stemming from any genuine mirth.

Demetrius was sitting where he always did, to the left of where Nala normally would, and his eyes were directed straight at a point on the table while his hands were folded into a triangle in front of him, allowing his chin to rest on his thumbs. The human man's lips were a thin, straight line, and his eyes flicked occasionally to Violet before settling back down to the polished surface of the wooden table.

Kalevi sat where Nala usually did, her legs folded up into the chair rather than left to rest upon the floor. Her elbows rested on the arms of the chair, but her hands came together to complete the closed appearance of her demeanor, and her face was set into an all too familiar disapproving frown. Obryd was sitting next to her, where Violet would normally be seated, but his chair was pushed back so that he could lean forward, his elbows resting on his knees. There was an obvious restlessness about the temple guard, as if he had gotten up to join Violet in pacing and only just recently returned to his seat. He cast regular glances towards Kalevi whether or not she was actually speaking.

There seemed to be some sort of argument going on when Nala directed her attention to the group, and she would be able to conceal her presence well enough to take in part of it before appearing beside Violet.

"You still don't seem to grasp the gravity of what Nala attempted to do," Kalevi said with an air of icy tiredness to her words. "The powers she tried to work with were... Cataclysmic. A mortal mind was not meant to fathom so much. It is why we never attempted to make use of it, only to guard it... But now, for better or worse it is gone. And so is she."

"You don't know that for certain," Violet countered, looking up to glare briefly at Kalevi.

"That she destroyed herself in an attempt to violate the essence of a goddess for whatever fool ends she'd have put it to? No, no I do not. Not for certain," Kalevi replied dismissively, and seemed ready to say more before Violet spun toward her and angrily cut her off.

"Your daughter may be dead, and you still fetishize some... Some fucking worthless tomb!? Is a gravestone really worth more to you than your own flesh and blood even AFTER it crumbles to dust!?"

"This isn't helping," Demetrius mumbled quietly, but the rest of the room ignored him.

"My daughter most certainly IS dead, and were you not her lover I would merrily work out my grief for her loss upon you for your constant insolence and irrational attachment to the hope that her soul wasn't obliterated in the explosion that destroyed Ch'Hiesol." Kalevi's voice was calm, icy cold, and possessed a certain hollowness to it that suggested that she was deliberately keeping her emotions from her tone. This didn't seem to calm Violet in the slightest.

"Oh, YES. I can TELL that you're SO grief stricken with her passing... The daughter who committed the SIN of having the will and the werewithal to get around your POINTLESS little rules, that you EXILED because she recognized how-"

"Finish that sentence.... Please." Though her interruption was in contradiction to what she said, the low, almost sibilant intonation of her voice made it abundantly clear what would happen if Violet actually chose to do so. Despite the implied threats, however, Kalevi's voice had cracked distinctly at several points, her efforts to contain her own emotions - ones fairly similar to Violet's it seemed - were starting to fail. Violet bristled visibly but paused, possibly to gather herself for a more scathing rebuttle, but before she could deliver Kalevi had her own bit of venom to deliver; "I am not so patient as to suffer repeated insult from such a FAILURE, regardless of whom may have once cared for her."

Violet looked taken aback, and Kalevi offered herself a momentary smile that it seemed she couldn't hold for as long as she liked.

"Still not helping," Demetrius mumbled quietly, and again he was ignored.

Violet bristled again, her shock passing to make way for fresh rage fueled by her tumultuous anguish. The assassins' unlocked metaphysical might began to surge in turn, the beginnings of the golden aura she often conjured to empower herself beginning to flicker around her. An emerald shrouded began to light up around Kalevi in turn, her eyes flaring with viridian light.

"I'm with the human here," Esmerala declared boredly, shifting around to drape herself out onto the table, essentially bending over it without planting her feet so that she faced Kalevi. "We aren't here to decide whether or not Nala still exists... There are far too many factors in that for any of us to know with any certainty, but what we CAN use our time for is planning what WE are going to do about the fact that New Abaddon is still a fairly pressing issue." She raised her voice at points as Violet and Kalevi had, but hers was a mirthful rise rather than an angry one. Her roll to face Kalevi had left the demoness practically face to face with her, and while there had been nothing overtly threatening at all in her behavior there was a brief flicker of light from her crimson eyes as she'd begun to speak.

Kalevi and Violet calmed, and at that point Esmerala perked up slightly. "Well... Speak of the devil," she murmured, adopting a fairly genuine smile as she looked over her shoulder at Violet.

Nala's appearance shook the room, except for the demons who had apparently been first to sense her. Obryd jumped, Demetrius dropped his hands and leaned forward in shock, and Kalevi's eyes widened even as their emerald glow faded. Violet spun on the spot to face Nala, and after a moment a youthful grin spread across her features. She swept her gaze up and down for a moment, and then dryly delivered; "Nice rack."

Though her expression was gleeful to match her glib remark, a bit of uncertainty began to creep over her expression, her eyes still darting cautiously up and down Nala's frame. There was no leaping into her arms, no passionate embrace... Or at least, not yet. Esmerala waved without adjusting her position, even giving her rear a playful wiggle. Kalevi leaned back into her chair and let out her breath in one long, deep sigh as she closed her eyes. Obryd, after a moment, adopted a nervous grin and straightened himself out. Demetrius, in turn, simply leaned back and repeated Kalevi's gesture of relief.
Re: Chasing Godhood (Blueslime)

Thought preceding motion. Instinct seducing thought. Will commanding instinct - it was through will that Nala mastered the motion of her spirit. The familiarity of her lover's mind served as a beacon amid the wash of life that she sensed around her. The boundaries had been pushed back. Limitations, surely there must be, but as of yet Nala did not press upon them to locate Violet in the middle of Kyederon, and as she sensed her, so did she emerge in the presence of the human and those gathered with her.

Perched upon the edge of the meeting table sat Esmerala, garbed in a coquettish smile unwarranted and unappreciated by the company. Upon a finely carved chair of wood to the left of the table's center, Demetrius placed himself in a manner that bespoke of his penchant for contemplation - or at least the appearance of such. Brooding silence became him, as it did to all who desired to be accounted among the wise. But in both the demon and the man there was a disquiet that was equal to the disturbed pacing of the former assassin.

Kalevi, arch druidess of a broken grove, had tucked herself into Nala's traditional seat, and she was curled in a closed and defensive manner. It seemed that this was what had become of these strong people, whose drives and motivations had in some way shape or form been caught up in the night elf witch's destiny. What a pitiful lot they seemed. And yet, did the nature of Nala's pity not reflect on herself? Her choices had led them to this table.

The newly created daemon shifted the focus of her consciousness to take in the form of Obryd. The temple guard seemed as agitated as Violet, but Nala acknowledged that it was for Kalevi's wellbeing that Obryd continued to fret. The new life that her mother would soon embark upon was his responsibility. The rock of Ch'Hiesol had been wiped from existence, and now he must feel that his duty was to replace that hallowed ground as the stability in Kalevi's brave new world.

With her material presence shrouded by a delay in the warping of her essence into the physical dimension, Nala's consciousness bore witness to the fraying emotions of Violet and Kalevi as both women nettled at each other's already crumbling foundations. Violet's efforts on behalf of the woman Nala had once been - and perhaps in a way still was, barring the philosophies of Matthias and the angels - were touching. Annoyingly, the rational detachment of Nala's new existence informed her of all the technical reasons for this display of amplified emotional response by her lover. To wit: there were obvious signs of sleep deprivation, the biological stress response had elevated Violet's hormone release and hyper stimulated her need to expend energy in the form of the expression of anger at Kalevi which in turn was an obvious deflecting mechanism to avoid the cognitive dissonance to which the druidess was making every effort to currently exploit, and was simultaneously a predictable and sequential stage of experiencing loss, for which Violet was clearly experiencing anger and denial. There were more tidbits of objective factual data that the daemon was aware of, but these were summarily dismissed from her thoughts. The old Nala, who while intelligent had been a creature of passion for better and worse, found the pure knowledge of these facts to be distasteful. So instead she re-engaged herself and followed the argument as it was.

Kalevi and Violet were angry and exhausted in both body and spirit. They had both taken a stand and apparently lost, and now were unable to come to terms with it, blaming the other instead. It would be time to put an end to this unproductiveness, and Esmerala turned out to be the one to do it first. Well, she would be. Ever the practical one, this Esmerala.

The witch daemon warped the rest of her presence in, and took on her familiar form, only more exalted perhaps than she had once been, if only just. She wanted to appear immediately familiar and yet not without a touch of the otherworldly. As this was the objective truth, the effect was not difficult to accomplish.

Her skin was smooth, clean and a shade darker than lavender, with hair that was longer than her usual length cascading brilliantly down her back, the color and scent of dark purple orchids bespeckled with a dusting of captured starlight. Green eyes, the shade and reflection of glorious emeralds, looked out upon the surprised faces and a beatific smile greeted them. Draped across her otherwise perfect form, was a sheer green dress similar to her traditional garb, which while opaque, still clung to her form in a fashion that defied normal physics.

"Softly now and be at peace. I give you no cause to expect the infernal, though devil I could be, if the mood took or I was given cause," she grinned toothily at Esmerala, then stepped beside Violet and placed a hand upon her shoulder, letting her lover feel the weight of her physical form, to assure her that she was no illusion or ghost.

Violet exceeded Nala's expectations with her immediate emotional recovery - a fact which cheered her residual mortal feelings quite a lot, as they were a snub to the cold calculus of the detached daemonic ennui, to which she now resolved to resist tooth and claw for as long into eternity as she could manage.

"I'm glad you appreciate it, Violet," Nala said with an upturned corner of her mouth. "Now then, this is where you are relieved of your previous and current concerns and we kiss."

Nala said this factually, then cupped the back of Violet's skull gently in the palm of her hand and drew her close to make her prediction come true. Once done, and sadly all too briefly, but not without meaning behind it, the kiss was parted and Nala looked Violet in the eye.

"I have died, and yet still I am. I am changed, irrevocably, and yet that which you know remains. My spirit was not obliterated - though it came perilously close."

She lowered her hand and broke contact with Violet, turning her gaze about the room. This was mostly for the benefit of the mortals, for her awareness was not dependent on the eyes she had formed for her shell.

"I have returned to you, those who are closest and dearest to me, to complete the work that we had started before I..." she paused, considered, then continued, "Before I became something beyond what I was."

She approached the table, placing a hand on it and in doing so, caused plant growth to spread out from the point of contact, with ivy and flowers snaking across the surface and blooming wildly.

"There will be a restoration; active, willful, and if need be, aggressive in its nature. A trade has been made, a price asked and paid for."

Nala raised herself up and addressed her mother.

"No one here has failed. Ch'Hiesol was never going to be eternal. Neither are you, and neither am I. All that remains is the energy, gathered or dispersed, and the crucial question: Does that energy stay still, or does it stay in motion? Without the WILL to guide it, Kalevi, it cannot be in motion. That is why Ch'Hiesol could not remain. This is the truth that the Godslayer revealed: that change is natural and good. That the world is chaos, and the discovery of order within that chaos, and that this is a good thing. The only true death, is stasis, and the lack of Will.

"I am not Janis. I shall not be Janis. But I shall take her place, and I shall look after all those who worship love and nature and the little death at which those intersect. I will empower them. I will protect them. And those who would worship my path shall make a temple out of an anywhere, for bliss is my command, not the shackles of duty. My power will grow, and as it does, the world shall be empowered, for that is my desire."

Nala then smirked and gave Violet a sidelong glance.

"And don't worry, my lover, I intend to make the world a far sexier place while I'm at it.~"
Re: Chasing Godhood (Blueslime)

Nala: Preggers


Nala's initial appearance prompted a variety of reactions, all of which she read in ways beyond the knowledge of any of those present. She could read the neurochemical signals occurring within their brains before those complex transmissions were even fully interpreted, perceiving through flesh and bone alike but also perceiving lightly through time itself, reaching into the infinite possibilities and taking from them the ones that seemed most likely by a process that was some incomprehensible mixture of instinct, intuition and intellect all mired together. The stream of possibilities narrowed as the biology of the mortals around her completed their functions, a limitation that her own flesh was subject to as well while she was in her elven form, albeit to a far less significant degree. The result was that Nala knew exactly how they each of them would react, in oddly intimate detail, before they had even finished a thought.

Violet, despite her hesitance, swelled with relief and affection. The yearning to jump into an embrace was tempered by nervousness, an unsureness of just who - or what - she was really speaking to. Nala might have read all of that from expressions and body language alone, of course, but now she could discern more of what lay underneath. Hope. Fear. Lust. An easing of passionate anguishes she had held briefly but that had fully dominated her mind. A familiar excitement at the mere sight of Nala, born of both lust and genuine affection, arose in her and sent hormones roiling and neurons flaring wildly... But still she did not rush to the embrace. Not yet.

Kalevi was even more tumultuous upon seeing her reborn daughter, for her emotions had long been at odds. Relief at the sight of Nala - her only progeny until the child that she had recently conceived with Obryd was to be born - fought with anguish over the things that Nala's rebirth had cost her. Parental affection and intrinsic distaste for the choices that Nala had made ground against one another, as they had for many years now, but beneath them was something more. There had been shifts within her, changes... Releases of long held but unnecessary emotional habits. An instinctive physical excitement, not altogether different from what rose within Violet whenever she saw Nala and born of the release that Nala had provided for her mother back in Janis' resting place. As the woman processed the sight before her, the cascade of emotions turned, a cold dread rising alongside an unfamiliar, desperate hope; Nala had destroyed her old life, but had she become the best possible opportunity for a new one?

Obryd's reactions were, in many ways, simpler than those of Violet or Kalevi. His concerns were - as they had always been - more for the welfare of others than for anything else. The constructs he had created both within and without had always been to serve that central interest, and while that had sometimes prevented him from examining those doctrines too deeply they had also allowed his ingrained sense of purpose to flourish. It had bent, but not broken with the destruction Ch'Hiesol, and though the old order under which he had lived Nala felt that he was on the cusp of the ability to craft a new one... An order over which Nala could rule, as was now her right. In him was acceptance - an immediate easing of tensions more complete than that which took place in anyone else - hope - that things might return to a lasting peace - and perhaps most unusually, arousal. Nala could sense that he remembered their last experience together; the heat of her body against him, the taste of her, the feel of her folds clenching around him, the practiced technique of her lips and tongue that had provided for him the greatest pleasure he had ever experienced... He tried to push it from his mind, but those memories were all too fresh, and even as he made efforts to push them away they planted themselves deeply into his thoughts.

Demetrius was likely the simplest of all, though perhaps only so because Grabbik wasn't there at the moment. The man was exhausted, physically and mentally, and the sight of Nala now seemed no different to him than what it might have been normally; he was relieved, more relaxed, and let some of his assorted frustrations go as the mire of apathy and amorous boredom that he hid beneath a thoughtful exterior settled in.

Esmerala gave Nala a devilish smirk, and though her thoughts were the most chaotic and difficult to read or determine they were still intimately legible to the elf-turned-daemon. That she looked Nala up and down with open hunger likely came as no surprise; Nala had gone from a hearty delicacy to a divine feast, and besides that the demoness was simply always horny. Unlike even Violet, the demoness had seemingly held faith that Nala would survive her transformative experience, and while her machinations had expanded beyond even the notion that she might fail the sweep of relief - hidden entirely from her playful expression - was palpable despite her faith. A woman used to working hard in ways unseen to get what she wanted, Esmerala had seen a dream realized, and now she let the satisfaction of that settle into her thoughts and suffused herself in lurid amusement at the oncoming events.

"Mmmmm.... Dramatic~" Esmerala quipped as Nala settled a hand onto Violet's shoulder, "and you tease me so! Making me imagine what you might be like now if you decided to be a little... Devilish."

Violet's relief burst into glee at Nala's concluding statement, blithe though it might be, and despite the crowd watching them she threw herself into the offered kiss with desperate passion. Nala felt all of the familiar sensations when she and her lover embraced, felt her close in and press her body closer, felt her warm breath as she gave a moment's teasing hesitation before allowing their lips to meet, felt her heat and softness and the bevy of emotions conveyed through so simple an act. It took no daemonic power for Nala to read her now. There was no shame, no fear in her embrace; their kiss started open mouthed, and her tongue slipped forth to engage with Nala's before that seal was fully formed. She tilted her head, and her arms wrapped around the night elf, slipping to touch her in ways familiar; one slipped around her back to grope Nala's rear, the other slipped under her dress brazenly to close upon the elf's breast. Her hands moved with surety, with grace, and with open arousal. In the few brief moments that they embraced, Violet's leg rose to press against Nala's hip, and even beyond what she would normally discern from her lover Nala could sense so many things.

She could feel her lover's turmoil of emotions being focused into a relief in the form of her growing lust, channels that Nala herself had helped to create. She worked to arouse in turn, kneading the meat of Nala's perfectly formed rump through her physics defying dress and working her fingers across the smooth surface of her breast and hardening nub of its peak. Nala felt the intrinsic reactions of her lover's body, the amorous feelings rising; If Nala hadn't intended to pull away after a brief embrace she would have stripped them both and fucked her right in front of the impromptu council. At the same time she felt the tiny life growing inside of her loyal assassin, now with a twin of similar lineage growing within Nala's own belly; both half night elf and half human, though one was mortal and the other divine.

When she parted, it was slowly and with great hesitance, her tongue drawing Nala's into one final brief dance even as their mouths pulled apart, followed shortly by the rest of them. Even then, she was smiling in pure joy, knowing as she did now that while she might not be exactly the same, Nala was still Nala. "I knew you'd be back..."

The others in the room looked on as she might have expected; Obryd with false stoicism, Demetrius with shamed arousal, Esmerala licking her smiling lips like she wanted what Violet was having... All save Kalevi, whose expression would have been unreadable if Nala couldn't read her thoughts. As the once-witch approached the table after parting with her favored lover, Nala felt her mother's conflicted uncertainty, but when she stepped forward and planted a hand upon it to unleash her newfound power that conflict seemed to come to resolution. All could feel the immense metaphysical force that Nala now wielded, all could marvel at the growth conjured from long dead wood done with no more apparent effort than it took for her to caress it with her fingers. All marveled in their own way; Violet giving an excited giggle, Obryd's expression growing pensive, Demetrius staring dumbfounded, Esmerala looking on like she was seeing a particularly well done piece of artwork, and Kalevi staring in muted awe while acceptance unlike any Nala might have expected within her mother dawned in her heart.

When the woman was at last addressed directly, Kalevi looked up and met her gaze evenly... With respect in her eyes. She said nothing, at least at first, allowing Nala to instead turn and offer Violet that quick quip, earning another soft giggle of life-drunk delight from the amazonian assassin.

"Wouldn't want it any other way," she murmured in response, and then slipped a bit closer to almost but not quite embrace Nala from the side. The purely mortal display of familiarity was an oddity, out of place to the daemonic sensibilities vying to influence her actions, but offered an anchor to Nala's efforts to maintain a more mortal manner of thinking at the same time. "Maybe we can get the boys together for a bit of fun after this... It'd be almost nostalgic, I could use some stress relief."

"I have long thought that your way was the wrong one," Kalevi said stoically, taking several moments to ponder how she would say what she intended. As before, Nala could practically read her mind without even trying to, but she could simply allow her mother to deliver her weighty words if she so willed. "You know this. You have known this. But now... Yes. Now is not the time to cling to old emotions. What is done is done, the old ways are over. Perhaps... Perhaps we were stagnant, against the principles of the being whose grave we guarded. Regardless, that time has passed.

"Change is the natural order. It always has been. And now, we must change. I must change." Her legs slipped down, and she stood, pushing back the chair on which she had sat. She came around the table to stand before Nala, and even without preternatural senses she could feel the tensions running through the woman. Color appeared in her cheeks even as her expression hardened and flattened, and she swallowed lightly as she came to a stop and hesitated another moment.

"You are not Janis, this I accept.... But it was to Janis to whom I have devoted my life. To her teachings, to her preservation of living things, and though you are not her it will be you who takes up her mantle. If this is the turn that fate is to take, then I will accept it. I must." She took in a deep breath, the color staining her cheeks growing a little brighter, but finally she said; "I will not cast aside all I have done, all I have wished to do because of propriety. Perhaps it truly was misplaced... But it matters not now. You may not be Janis, but you are the one who will continue what she was, in whatever form you choose. If you would have me... I would spread your message for you, as I once did for Janis. Even if it means... That I must come to understand it."

Nala felt Esmerala burst into a grin as fresh images of depravity washed through the demon's head, and there was no hiding the fact that Kalevi understood what she was offering. Demetrius blushed brightly at that, and Nala practically felt the fantasy that immediately began playing through his head. Obryd was perhaps slowest on the uptake, and he gaped openly at Kalevi when he figured out the connotation of what she'd just offered. Ultimately, however, it was up to Nala how she wished to take her mother's offer; whether to accept or refuse, and how she might deliver her response, were hers to determine and hers alone.
Re: Chasing Godhood (Blueslime)

Violet's relief and affection pleased Nala. The simplicity and elegance of the assassin's surface emotions was touching, and her remaining mortal sensibilities demanded an equal swelling of her own desire. If anyone deserved to be showered with blessings, it would be this human.

On the other hand, her perception of her mother's mind laid bare before her was an unexpectedly complex experience. Nala's actions had cost Kalevi so much, and yet the love she still had for the proto-goddess was real, and humbling to behold from the rebellious daughter's perspective. But what lay beneath that was something Nala had not considered - the release of a long repressed attitude, possibly having been awakened by the would be witch goddess at that moment of conception between Kalevi and Obryd, where Nala had joined them in a fantasy. One which she had known was Obryd's desires... but she'd never known until now, that Kalevi too had found true pleasure in that performance.

Quckly she scanned the men that stood or sat beside her mother. Obryd's response was not hard to predict. Those he wanted to protect were safe, and so he was calmed. It had been his dedication to Kalevi and his people that had driven him, not the orthodoxy of Janis. Nala intended to reward that drive, and give Obryd the ability to defend Kalevi and her people under a new directive. His arousal was a natural tribute that she expected, but accepted also with respect. She was going to be this man's goddess, and his worship of her was now sacred.

Demetrius showed a siimilar release of tension, though they came from a more self-centered, self-preservation standpoint. Nala understood and accepted this as well, as she continued to move her perceptions to others in the room.

"It's not a tease, Esmerala. Consider it a promise." The proto-goddess threw a crisp smile the demon lord's way. She was going to fuck that one hard, and then probably slow. And then hard again. If Esmerala wanted to claim victory in convincing Nala to take hold of Janis' power then so be it. But, there was work to do about Abaddon, and frankly once the initial fun was over, it would be with Esmerala that suggestions for alliances and covert operations would need to be discussed. They were all still in incredible danger. If Esmerala and other demons could be drawn away from the Demon King and into Nala's fold, then it would lead to the peace that Obryd was hoping for - and that Nala was hoping for as well.


Her attention was then fully upon Violet for a while, enjoying the kiss and additional groping. Violet's smell and touch were still so familiar to her, and she disliked the idea of ever forgetting them. Violet's lust and desire were endearing, and the urge to reciprocate and simply fuck her in front of everyone was strong, but in the end, decorum won out - for now.

"I promise you, soon my Violet~" she whispered in Violet's ear, before giving her one more passionate kiss, and pressing of her body up against the assassin's own, before stepping back slowly. She had to smirk at the words, said so confidently, that Violet offered her. Nala would need to get used to mortals posturing with half-truths.

Finally, it was time to address Kalevi, and she began in a way that she hoped would send a clarifying message. Kalevi needed to know that Janis' power was with her, and that Nala would make good on her assurance to not abandon natural life and growth. After showing her display of rapid flower growth, she said her own part and then waited while Kalevi approached and delivered her speech - complete with the admission that she would change to adopt Nala's message, provided that Nala wished to teach her.

"I will continue to represent the growth and natural, raw creation of life that Janis represented. My followers will be druids and witches and priestesses who encourage creation and proliferation. They will also recognize when it is time for things to die and fade and make way for the new. Life and death, growth and entropy - all a part of the natural cycle. Kalevi, you must teach everyone what you know of these things. Do so in my name, but do so also because these things are right and just."

Nala left Violet's side with a soft squeeze on the assassin's shoulder and another small peck of the lips, and her fingers sliding under Violet's neck and chin before she moved to stand before Kalevi, face to face, and placed an hand on her mother's shoulder.

"I also represent sex, lust, desire, the raw physicality, the vertiginous sensuality, and the raw spirituality and energy that is found at the moment of release - just beyond mortal perception unless one has learned the techniques to access and control it. Any priest or priestess of mine will know this. One who would follow in my path, must surrender themselves to desire, let it become a part of them, and cast away doubt and shame."

Nala gently picked up her mother's hand and held it in her right palm, while her left hand hovered above it, and with a thorn that grew out of her forefinger, she pricked her mother's hand to draw a small drop of blood.

"To be my priestess is to be my lover, Kalevi. And we shall be lovers."

Nala let the droplet of blood pool on the tip of her finger as the thorn retracted, then she altered the physics of gravity around the droplet, and began to alter the cells of her mother's blood, rewinding the clock on them, until the droplet was now equivalent to the blood of her mother when she was a young woman of Nala's mortal age. Nala plucked the blood sphere from the air as though it were a berry, and pressed it against her mother's forehead, where her 'third eye' chakra would be. The blood seeped into her skin, and began to have a ripple effect, both externally and internally changing her mother, so that she would now appear and feel as youthful as she had so many years ago.

But Nala had done more than that. She had also blessed Kalevi with an extreme level of sexual sensitivity and a heightened sex drive. She would still be the same personality, but now she would be faced with certain biological realities that might shift her behavior, Nala figured. Nala would balance this out by teaching Kalevi the technique of orgasmic casting... sexual distraction would become a boon, not a bane to Kalevi's abilities soon enough.

"I favor you with youth and rejuvination, and all the hormones that accompany the young~ yet you will retain your wisdom and learning. Your natural lifespan may be extended, but this is not immortality. It is to help you transition into a new life - a new priesthood. Consider yourself reborn, Kalevi."

Nala took another step forward now, and placed her hands on Kalevi's slightly younger looking body - for the night elf had still been quite beautiful and radiant - and pressed her own form up against the other woman's. Her hands began to roam Kalevi in a fashion similar to what Violet had been doing to her moments before, and this paired with Kalevi's heightened sensitivity would no doubt result in her mortal mother gasping with the sudden onset of pleasure.

"My edict is pleasure, Kalevi. Do you feel it?" Her fingers slid across the other elf's skin, tracing along the woman's thighs and breasts.

"Seek pleasure, give pleasure, share pleasure. Explore the boundaries of ecstasy, and reveal what you have found to others. Make a shrine unto sensation out of your body, and discover then that there is an energy to be found there. A magic to be accessed. You can feel it too, Kalevi. You can use it to control, but you can also use it to protect. It can be used to kill. It can be used to heal. As my priestess, you will master the art of sex, and you will master the mystic art within sex as well, and you will use it as you would use any other tool... to preserve and protect the natural order."

Nala brushed Kalevi's hair away from her eyes and pressed her mouth softly to Kalevi's gasping lips as her hand slipped down the elf's dress and rubbed across the soft fabric of her underwear, over the dampness of her crevice.

"Tonight, we will take one another. As lovers. You as my beloved supplicant and student. I will teach you so many things, Kalevi. So many pleasures. We will need others to attend to us. I see no reason not to use those near us now. So that we might teach them as well. All who are here, if they are willing, may choose to follow my teaching and receive my blessing."

She looked at the others in the room, even as she drew Kalevi close, letting her gasping, shaking form to rest against her. Her eyes looked at Obryd and Demetrius, seeing if these two wished to join. She then leveled her gaze at Esmerala.

"My passion is not just for mortals. Demonic lust is welcome in my fold, to be encouraged and slaked willingly. There is a path that demons may not have thought possible, a path of peace without slavery. Join with me and we shall explore it together."

Nala proceeded to kiss and feel up Kalevi, while inviting others to step closer to her. As the mortals in the room did this, she gave them blessings similar to those she had given her mother. Rejuvinating them and increasing their desires. For some, like Violet, this wasn't necessary, but even with her, she would ensure that a pleasant mix of hormones were released to encourage the mood.

When Obryd drew near, Nala offered Kalevi's body to him, and instructed him on where and how to touch her. Kalevi, in the meanwhile, was not given explicit instruction, but was exposed to Nala's body, which was soon disrobed and available to her former mother to touch or not touch, depending on her own resolve and reactions as to how to take this sudden blessing by her daughter.

Nala was also conscious of Violet's need for attention, and once Kalevi had done enough to cross the boundary of normal mother-daughter relationships and had committed herself to Nala's sexually-driven path, then the proto-goddess would shift her attention to Violet, and seek to give the assassin as much pleasure as the poor mortal girl could handle without making her unconscious. As a daemon, Nala had to be careful about holding herself back, just as Matthias had done with her.

It was Nala's intention that eventually, she would drive her mortal lovers into unconsciousness and be left to have a pleasant conversation with Esmerala, which would be more frank with the others recovering in blissful sleep.
Nala: Preggers


Kalevi's uncertainty came to a head as Nala finally parted from Violet to fully confront her; it was written across her outward expression as much as it was upon her very soul, the reflexive hesitance to an even more dramatic shift not only in her lifestyle, but in her mannerisms a thing that any mortal creature would naturally fear. While change might be the true natural state of all life, creatures often grew more averse to change as they aged. Kelevi was certainly no exception, and yet here she was... Putting herself in a position to give up the rigid order under which she had lived for nearly three centuries now, a position that required that she abandon many of her long held mannerisms and beliefs in the process.

She took Nala's message about the ultimate cycle of life - to live and ultimately to die - without comment, for it was something that she had already believed in. Kalevi had long ago accepted her won mortality and that of those she cared about. Even if accepting the end of her stewardship over the tomb of Janis at Ch'Hiesol had been difficult, now it seemed that she had largely accepted that too.

The second portion of her doctrine was absorbed, perhaps surprising, with no apparent hesitance on her mother's part. The notion that she would have to join Nala in what she had long discounted as mindless debauchery was taken with a nod, a tightening around the corners of her eyes, and little more. Nala could detect the emotional turmoil that tried to rise at that point, but watched as well as her mother quashed it down with forceful discipline.

Kalevi let her hand rise at Nala's guidance, allowed her finger to be pricked by that conjured thorn without hinting visibly at any reaction, and mentally quashed even the momentary spark of curiosity that naturally arose. She watched the drop of blood eventually hover in front of her as Nala worked her magic upon it with an impassive expression, allowing the proto-goddess to concentrate wholly upon her task. The magics she worked then were far beyond anything that Nala could have accomplished in life; the undoing of the work of time was impossible. Even the bending of it - the slowing of it to one's own perceptions - was an incredibly difficult task, but to rejuvenate decades of life was a power that had long been dreamed of but never before accomplished... By those who would seek to take advantage of it.

Now an immortal herself, Nala had no need of such rejuvenation for herself; she could sculpt the shell for her essence however she wished now. That did not mean, however, that it was impossible; secrets left from the fragments of Janis mind and a newly instilled fundamental understanding of all the way of things aided Nala in her workings, and so her mother's blood drop was soon regenerated to a point further back in her life. When it was finished, she pressed it into Kalevi's head and let it do its work, allowing a transformation to take place to the amazement of all present.

The work of time was unmade, as if it had never been, at least in a purely physical sense for the vessel she had set to reshape. The stresses of mortal life, the wear upon the muscle and bone, cartilage and organ, blood and neuron; all were repaired in a sweeping wave that started at the top but went all across her mother's body. Some of the changes were immediate; wrinkles, lines and blemishes vanished from her skin, which lost the slight fading and became as vibrant as Nala's. Other effects took a few moments as they altered the very structure of her body; skin tightened and bones sagged with age and stress shifted. Kalevi was left nearly as a mirror of Nala before her ascension to immortality, with a flawless hourglass figure and full curves to accompany it. Her breasts were still a bit bigger, her hips a bit wider, but other than that and some differences in the shape of her face she could have now passed for Nala's long lost twin.

"W-wha?! Kalevi... What has happened to you?"

"What... No! No, that's... Not possible!"

Esmerala gave a playful whistle of appreciation, and in response Violet gave the demoness a look suggesting she'd just barely beaten the assassin to making such a gesture.

"I'm... Fine," Kalevi's first words in her reborn state were spoken in a soft whisper, as if she wasn't quite sure what her voice might be like now, and it had indeed lightened slightly in timbre. Her transformation might not have been quite as dramatic as that of her daughter, but Kalevi's rebirth had no doubt been a shocking experience for her, and watching it had clearly shocked most of the people present in the chamber. Even Esmerala was taken aback by the sudden shift in Kalevi's appearance, though she was the least shocked of the group given Nala's next move - to step forward and embrace her mother in a fairly carnal manner.

Kalevi took a moment to return Nala's embrace, the barest of hesitance signalling the remaining barriers of her previous state of mind, but already both she and Nala had done much to bring her away from her prudishness. She returned Nala's embrace in short order with only a bit of hesitance - Nala could once more see the neurons firing, the competing urges and ideas going off in her mother's head as she fought to decide her destiny despite all her life that had led up to this point - and ultimately leaned into the kiss, returned the caress of breast and thigh. She didn't return the light brushing against her sex quite as quickly, but that was due in no small part to the shock of pleasure she experienced courtesy of her heightened sensitivity. Kalevi squirmed under her daughter-turned-deity's lightest touch, giving soft moans and gasps, but this display at least served to remind them that others were in the room.

Kalevi.... Kalevi! This... This is wrong! This is too far!"

It was Obryd who spoke, albeit in very uncertain tones. Violet looked at him in surprise, Esmerala with the sort of curious amusement that one might use to observe some sort of small creature stumbling about with inept cuteness, and Demetrius with a look of dumbfounded anger as if Obryd had just announced the the festival of gift giving ought to be canceled so that they could do more paperwork. Kalevi, however, turned to look at him over her shoulder.

"Really, Obryd? Wrong?" She said lightly, as if amused by his outburst. "So, would it be so wrong..." Her hands drifted further onto Nala, and the elven proto-goddess found her dress being pulled apart, exposing her bounteous chest. Kalevi half turned, making to bring Nala with her as part of the motion so that he could see them both in side profile, and with a few artful tugs she undid her own dress and let it simply drift down, leaving her clad only in a pair of side tied panties, while Nala could let her whole outfit slip down to join it or leave it hanging such that only her breasts were exposed, glancing as they were against Kalevi's remarkably similar ones. "If we brought you between us..." She pressed, letting the hardened peaks of her breasts slide against Nala's in a plainly artful display. Obryd, by that point, was gaping in an apparent daze, which Demetrius had fallen back into as well, even more quickly.

"Or maybe... We caught you like this," she added, and then pressed Nala into another kiss, one that she engaged in far more enthusiastically than the first. All eyes were on them, at that point, but Kalevi broke the kiss after a few moments in order to confront the guardian of their fallen home directly. "This is how things are now, Obryd... We must change, as the world changes. Even if what we once were even a day ago would disapprove. The heavens demand it!" Obryd evidently had no response for that, and so simply gaped at her for a moment before closing his mouth and simply nodding, his dour expression crumbling to one of concern.

With their one dissenter silenced, it was time for Nala to deliver her gifts to the rest of those present. Violet, of course, accepted without question, though it hardly did anything. Having been already warped by magics that Nala had guided in her less experienced mortal state, and unlike those of elven heritage the human woman would gain in her lifespan from that magical influence, the fit assassin showed no outwards signs of change. Nala had only to correct a few minor things that her less experienced efforts had wrought, ensuring that the ills caused by rapid corruption - delirium, loss of the mind, and the risk of cancerous growths of concentrated magic - were fully undone never to rise again. Esmerala, already an immortal demon of some age, would accept if Nala invited it but require no alterations. Ageless and perpetually healthy, Nala would find the demon's form remarkably resistant to any sort of tampering even given the power difference that now existed between them. Obryd, already cowed, would submit as Kalevi had, and having been the oldest of the mortals in the room would show the greatest change; suddenly he was made a young warrior again, with the full energy and drive of a man in his pride, and looked upon Nala and Kalevi with a new tinge to his gaze. Demetrius alone was hesitant; the man was of Badarian upbringing, and even being a trained sorcerer was raised to distrust what he did not immediately understand. The power that Nala had unveiled was clearly beyond his understanding, and that made him uncomfortable... But, ultimately, the man was under her thumb despite any efforts to make it look otherwise, and so submitted and became... Younger. Still balding, albeit less so, and with much darker hair atop his head... And somehow just as much on the rest of him.

With her magical work done, it was time for a different sort of invitation. Obryd needed very little invitation to come forth and embrace Kalevi, both now in younger bodies. He followed her commands and took his own initiative, but once she was passed to him completely it was Kalevi who took the lead. She led him back to the chairs, on the other side of the table, and knelt before him. Her mouth moved upon him with as much enthusiasm as Nala's might have in her own younger, less experienced days, but with a practiced look to it that left Obryd grunting with pleasure. Demetrius approached, gazing dumbly at her with youthful lusts newly emblazoned in turn, sporting a mutant rod crafted by Nala's earlier control. Before, Kalevi might have rebuked him, her notion of race mixing one of general disapproval, but despite Obryd's look of consternation when she turned she embraced him with her lips as well. The pair were under her full control in less than a minute, allowing her to switch her lips from one to the other with ease, and she worshipped both shafts with boundless enthusiasm.

Eventually, she would make to mount Obryd, moving Demetrius with subtle guidance to continue pleasing him with her mouth while she rode him. Obryd, in turn, grasped her by the hips and began to move with savagery that Nala had never before seen from him, leaving Kalevi moaning like a bitch in heat. Once, and then again he came inside of her, but then as he rested Kalevi moved to mount Demetrius in turn, who had spilled his seed once into her mouth but hadn't even seemed to possess any sort of refractory period. Her mother lowered herself shamelessly upon long, thick human cock, sinking upon it with an earnest moan and beginning to bounce rapidly. She would take his seed within herself as well, demanding as such in voice and in act, something she would surely never have done before even if Obryd's child already growing within her would naturally prevent her from conceiving a half elven child with him... Though Nala's presence would make that protection less certain given how recent the conception had taken place, should she neglect to contain the aura that she now emanated.

Esmerala and her attending knights were not idle, of course. They slipped from their clothes - the knights had not been armored - and only briefly remained among themselves. Esmerala took a moment to drift by Nala, embracing both she and Violet in turn in a playful manner while the male and female demon knights prepared themselves, their unnatural beauty entwining in a well practiced manner. As Obryd began to look surly, however, Esmerala and the female knight drifted upon him, and the giggling pair soon had his full attention. They lathered him with attention of lips and tongue, artful control of his body leaving him tied in knots, his essence supped upon even as the need to cum rose only to be denied again and again. They worked in perfect concert, Esmerala and her servant, leaving Obryd practically paralyzed with ecstasy until finally they gave him release... And once every last drop of his physical and genetic essence had been devoured they started again, leaving him groaning in agonized pleasure. The male knight, briefly entertaining himself by watching Nala and Violet, eventually made to join Kalevi and Demetrius, moving behind the newly en-youthened priestess and taking her other hole, sliding in behind her and entering her with ease and her apparent welcome.

Violet, however, had eyes only for Nala at that point. She embraced her returned lover-turned-goddess with reckless passion, as if every moment might be their last. She stripped down, and ensured that Nala was the same, and made to start their embrace with a kiss and series of caresses much like Nala had just shared with Kalevi. The assassin could easily be putty in her hands, reduced to a mindless slave to pleasure by Nala's slightest touch, but even with Nala's newly improved skills the human tried to give as good as she got. She seemed to wish to taste every portion of Nala, nipping at her breasts and collar and buttocks, trailing licks and kisses down her back and stomach and inner thighs, even giving Nala a sample of her ever-deft tongue work. Now no competition, Violet was nonetheless as responsive a lover as ever, proving an excellent experimental partner on whom she could practice finding the limits of mortal endurance... And how she could briefly surpass them without knocking her subject unconscious outright.

Eventually, however, the limits of stamina were reached by the mortals in the chamber. Kalevi laid atop Obryd, both totally exhausted, Demetrius sat in the chair he'd spent much of the day in, left in a drowsy, dumbfounded stupor that soon became sleep. Violet's limits were reached and exceeded, leaving her passed out but still embraced against Nala as much as she could.

And so, she was left in the company of demons. Far from the simple lusts of goblins like Grabbik, Esmerala and her ilk turned upon Nala with appraising care once the mortals were dealt with. There was no hostility in them, and only a minor trace of healthy fear, but with a subtle turn of her head Esmerala sent the two warriors that served her to the back of the room, to rest among the mortals while she strode towards the proto-goddess on whom she had seemingly gambled her continued existence against her king. Then she slid forward with a sultry gait, ultimately pressing lightly against Nala, placing her hands upon the elf's hips and smiling as she gazed into Nala's eyes. "So.... I hope you don't mind me saying that, while I didn't think you were really gone... I am glad the odds played out how I thought they might for you!"
To hear the gasps of the mortals in response to her first public miracle was - Nala had to admit - quite gratifying. She knew that as a proto-goddess, she should not preen in front of those who would be her worshipers, but the desire to was still there, in her fledgling god-soul. What she had done, she would argue if ever the opportunity arose, was a miracle of matter, not of time. It stood to reason that if nature could create strong sinew and beautiful visage from the physical combination of a white tadpole and spongy spheroid, then a goddess should be able to reverse engineer a few multi-billion cells into a more pleasant configuration. And so she had. Though the mundanity, she understood, lay in such details. Better to let Obryd and Demetrius ogle Kalevi's blessed rejuvenation in the awe that only incomprehension could deliver.

Far more gratifying than their reactions to the blessings of youth and beauty, was Kalevi's response to Obryd. It was like sweet nectar to Nala, to see the former priestess of Ch'hiesol take on Obryd's token display of decorum with such seductive zeal. She allowed her mother this moment, letting her guide the conversation and direct the titillating displays that would send everyone in the room swiftly over the edge and into the realm of sensual polyamorism. One by one the room was rejuvenated by her touch - all save for the demons - for whom Nala smiled knowingly and left hints that such gifts for her to bestow to them would come later, and in a different form. Kalevi's mental rebirth, her conversion into the worship of what Nala would come to embody, ensued and began the orgiastic display, with her mother taking Obryd into her mouth, and later inside of her flower, the two young lovers binding together in a way that would give answer to the many years' long ponderance - the great what if that had gnawed at their souls and embittered them to place more solace in the notions of duty - for without duty to bind them, the full folly of their sacrifice would have been laid bare to them. Nala had circumvented that. She had pulled down the trappings of their own faith, had revealed to them the plan that the Heavens had, and their new place in it. And as she had ever done, even as a mortal troublemaker, Nala was playing the part of matchmaker. Kalevi would bear Obryd children - Nala's little half sisters and half brothers. Her control over the product of her womb would gaurantee that her offspring were his alone, even though she would certainly be sharing the temple of her body with her future flock. Nala forsaw a fanatical kind of joy in Kalevi's future. The wonderful obsession that Nala had embarked upon was now given to Kalevi to explore. She would be good at it. Nala could tell. After all, they were quite alike, her mother and she. And Kalevi was a beauty, with a body that was meant to be fucked.

The goddess bit her lower lip in a grin.

Violet. Sweet, loyal, deadly Violet. The assassin rushed to her then and demanded attention, which she was given in full. Ah, how the Goddess of Lust and Nature did adore this woman, her favored and her Chosen. Nala had no intention of denying the Amazonian her free will in this reunion, nor was she too eager to turn her to a quivering, multi-orgasming mess; not without first taking a lovely amount of time to embrace her and kiss her and lie down with her amid the sprawl of moaning mortal and demonic bodies, stroking the future mother to her mortal child. Their nude forms pressed against and clung to one another, and Nala took delicate care to treat Violet as a passionate sculptor would treat their art. The proto-goddess would bring Violet's lust up steadily, aware of her thoughts and momentary desires and responding to them with pinpoint precision. For her own part, she reduced the barriers of her own resistance, allowing herself to hang just at the edge of her own orgasm and allow Violet's efforts to tip her over. In that way, she would cum naturally in response to the assassin's efforts, which for a human were substantial.

Nala's tongue and hands would be busy, and she would alternate between dominance and faux submission, satisfied to play with her human and simply enjoy this time together. She engineered it so that they would experience a number of mutual orgasms, before she whispered a sweet goodnight into her lover's ear and slipped her fingers inside Violet's slit, unleashing a pleasant, yet overwhelming stream of sexual energy that ended with Violet falling peacefully into an erotic sleep.

Looking around her, the others in the room had met similar levels of exhaustion, and the two demon knights were dismissed towards the back of the room by their commander, the beautiful and seductive Esmerala. The effects of the power dynamic between them could be felt. The cautious, appraising looks from the knights, and even the subtle trace of relief in the demon's eyes as she sashayed up to her and placed her hands upon the goddess' hips.

Nala smirked back at the demon lord and caressed her hand against the woman's cheek.

"That would make two of us," she replied.

"I won't say that it was a pleasant experience. Pain was involved. True pain." She eyed the demon meaningfully. "But nonetheless, I am here. So what then would you ask of me, Esmerala? You have had a not insignificant role to play in my ascendance. Speak your desire."

Nala intertwined her hand with the demon's and held her body close. She was content to speak to Esmerala now, and to hear her out. In her own mind, Nala was thinking that if her own designs were to come to fruition, she would need a demon lord to bring other demons into the fold of Nala's new faith and vision.

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Nala: Preggers


"Probably more than two," Esmerala replied, glancing aside towards the prone forms of Violet Kalevi and Obryd, and the still seated Demetrius, before directing her glowing gaze back to Nala. Still that grin colored the crimson aura emanating from her eyes, an expression of simple pleasure masking more complex emotions that Nala, even in her deific state, couldn't so easily read as those of her mortal allies.

"Pain always goes hand in hand with change... Tis the way of things," she replied thoughtfully, "so easy it is, to forget that true pain is the source of strength... The flames of the forge are what force steel to strengthen, no?"

"Speak my desire, you say..." Esmerala trailed off again, having paused briefly after her musing. "As if it were so easy... But, if I must put things simply, I want... To be free. Free of the endless cycle of violence and petty politicking and backstabbing and madness that has been the way of my people since our very earliest beginnings! It was what created me, yes. Gave me my drive, forced me to develop my skills and increase my power, but the older I get... The more tired of it I become. The more tired I become of watching it keep playing out. We've spent centuries trying to come to this place, after all... Under the promises of our old god's acolytes that we would be free of our hardships if we just took what YOU had. It would be such a shame to stick to the familiar when it is dead but we are here anyway, finally free to do as we like with more than dirt and worms and stolen magic to work with."

Sighing, she momentarily tightened the grip of her fingers upon Nala's. "Ahhh, but I ramble... Really, it's simple; I don't want to die, I don't want to go back to Hell, and I don't want to remake Hell here on Donevrion. You offered me an opportunity to do away with a rival who wanted to enact the last option, who has variably tormented and annoyed me for some time now. I helped you protect your home after some... Unpleasant manipulations, and now you have the power to deal with New Abaddon's king for me."

The demoness smiled playfully, but after a moment her expression shifted to a coquettish grin. She chewed her lip softly, and after a handful of seconds added; "Oh... And I would very much like to fuck you at some point..."
"Yes. Others were pleased." Nala's understatement drew her gaze to the peacefully sleeping Violet, covered in a sheen of sweat, her hair a pleasant disarray that testified to her ravishment. Nala enjoyed her in that state. It was a state of completion.

She listened to Esmerala's desires. They were plainly spoken and had an undeniable merit.

"Your people have suffered enough. They must be taught how to enjoy a lack of suffering. And change, as you say, will be painful." Nala spoke softly and as she did re-adorned herself in a shimmering, transluscent emerald-colored dress.

"Unfortunately the end you seek cannot be achieved with direct force. The kingdom that your rival has built must fall from its own instability. Word of an alternative future for your people must reach the demons of New Abaddon. It must reach them from the shadows, in whispers. Let the desire to change come from a personal choice. Those who seek cooperation with mortals, and a mutual lust that will produce great magic and a greater society, can flock to my temples. I will be the patron goddess for those demons who turn from the path of wickedness. I will grant you my protection, in return for your dedication to my domain. A domain that will not stifle your natural desires, and will entice mortals to seek symbiotic pleasures in your embrace."

The proto-goddess slid her fingers across the demon lord's palm and returned the grin.

"Then I shall forbid you from dying, and you shall stay under my protection, and help me build a garden of paradise for demons to play with mortals in. Just as I will need mortal priests and priestesses to convert their own kind to my cause, I will need demonic acolytes to do the same, teaching responsible handling of mortal lovers, extolling the benefits of empowering mortals to wield magics, and living side by side with them, sharing the same overarching goals."

The goddess' hand slipped around the demon's waist and cupped each of her butt cheeks, lifting them up as her body pressed against Esmerala's.

"In my faith, demons shall be the bringers of joy and ecstasy. Mortals and demons shall not look upon one another in fear, but rather in nervous anticipation, a rush of adrenaline and desire. Attraction, not repulsion, for a better union. Esmerala, you will be responsible for making a mortal's life worth living, and for this holy and blessed dedication, you shall be rewarded with energies, pleasures, and freedom from the torment of your past."

Nala squeezed the demon lord's ass, then kissed her lightly upon the lips. "That desire you feel for me now, it is the way I looked upon you when I was a mortal. Despite what happened, that joy I had in tasting you, in feeling your power... it was a good thing, Esmerala. It was the joy and completion that I would wish for all who experience life. It is how I know that my faith will work, if you are there to teach my philosophy to your kind -- or should I say my kind?"

The goddess stepped back and with a relatively simple manipulation of her physical form, shifted to look like a proper demon herself, with wings and a spade tail, and horns that curled backward. She would still resemble the basic features of her elven-self, but have the qualities that made her look like a proper kindred of Esmerala's people.

"I am to be goddess to demons, so my avatar shall look the part," she grinned. "And for you, Esmerala, as soon as you worship me as your very own sex goddess, I will fuck you at whichever point you wish.~"

Nala: Preggers


"Indeed... But I worry at how many will be able to withstand the pain we have planned for them," Esmerala mused, before flicking her eyes over Nala and smirking as the elven goddess re-clothed herself in her new preferred garb. Her spade-tipped tail began to flick behind her, making figure eights behind the nude demon lord as she squared up with Nala to discuss their future plans.

"See? You would have made an excellent demon!" She remarked brightly after Nala spelled out her intent to use subtlety and coercion over brute force in turning demons from the way of New Abaddon. "A better deal will ALWAYS work on my kind better than attempting to strong-arm us into service. Maybe that's why we're always looking for them for ourselves. But, sometimes you do need to get properly dirty... And while we might tempt some away - and we should before we make any more overt moves - so long as the present king lives, the demons of New Abaddon will hear his voice over ours. Especially when his voice offers the all-too-simple take whatever you want policy."

Her lips curled wryly. "You have no temples yet, my dear... Though when you gain some - which I think won't take long - I would be happy to head one! A nice cushy upper position in the hierarchy would be appreciated, as reward for all of my hard work. Second to your mother, of course... I wouldn't want to get in the way of nepotism!" There was no hint of malice in Esmerala's voice as she ceded the top spot to Kalevi, only mirth, and Nala's next bout of promises brought a light giggle burbling up from her throat.

"Already with the honey? Lovely. Mmmm.... Not having to worry about being murdered at any moment could go a long way to convincing a few of my former peers... If they could be convinced of it."

The next noise from Esmerala's throat was a soft moan, her lips pursing as she glanced aside, letting Nala observe the subtle interplay of muscles in her jaw and forehead as the groping of her soft, meaty backside inspired a pleasurable reaction from her.

"Our kind?" She suggested mirthfully, only for Nala's sudden transformation to leave her momentarily gaping in shock. She was quick to recover from the sight of Nala sporting traditionally demonic features, however, and grinned from ear to ear in the manner of a child with excess money let loose into a candy shop. "You WOULD make a good demon!" Esmerala exclaimed delightedly as she clapped her hands together. "Yes... Yessss I think we can work with this! Mmm... Worship, or at least my worship, will come soon enough... So, my sex goddess, how would you like to begin our little conversion process, hm? With stealth? Or a grand gesture?"
"I always thought I might make a good demon, but I never imagined the manner in which I could make true on that daydream."

The proto-goddess enjoyed taking in the naked figure of the demon lord, swishing her tail in figure eights. Was that excitation? Some mannerism put on for effect? The emotional reflexes of a demon were a new curiosity to be explored. Handy, perhaps, in her stated endeavor to claim the hearts and minds of the more enlightened of their numbers in New Abbadon.

"The take-what-you-want policy is a temptation, but I think it really boils down to tradition versus progressive thinking. At one point, every culture needs to leave behind hunting and gathering methods and lay down agrarian roots. In overly simplistic terms, farming a renewable resource, such as mortal lusts and energies, should have been sorted out ages ago by demonkind. That it hasn't been is only a testament to the Demon King's desire to stoke conflict and direct resources away from challenging his power. The more enlightened of his subjects should see the wisdom of my way of thinking. And frankly, there are some demons who I would just as much prefer to obliterate. Corruption, sadly, can be a road from which there is no return. Any creature who acts like that one fellow I had to kill in the village that first time I returned to you would have to go. This secret war of subversion will weed out who I want in my faith and who I do not. And that suits me just fine."

She tilted her head and gave Esmerala a playful, wry expression.

"A temple is more than some stones placed prettily in the earth. I have a temple, right here in this room. And with you willing to take on a priestess role for your own kind, I'd say that I now have two temples. The structure can come later, what I require more is the heart of my faith."

Nala pressed a hand on Esmerala's chest, feeling the beating of the demon's heart.

"As if nepotism hasn't put you where you are? No, my dear Esmerala, I would consider your task equal to that of what Kalevi shall do. You are to be my voice to demonkind. That is no small order. Yours is the duty of seeking out and teaching demons a better way. A way of cooperation and seduction and patronage. Demonkind must strive to adore mortals, to empower them and reap the benefits of their strengthened spirits. I'm certain you could have done well for yourself had you kept me as your devoted pupil at one point. Teaching me, watching me eagerly grow in strength, fucking me every night and taking just enough of my energy to sate you? I'd have thanked you for it, and have defended you with my life against those who would threaten you. You will have such mortals in your life, I am certain. You only need convince other demons that this is a far more rewarding way than brutality, savagery and strife."

Nala's transformation into a demon visage helped to solidify her intentions in Esmerala's mind, and the goddess was pleased that Esmerala didn't miss a beat. She smiled a toothy grin as the demon lord grew more motivated and plunged into a scheming mentality, which Nala found quite attractive.

"Work with this? Yes, I figured you could. In any case, stealth - my dear priestess. Stealth and coversion to let our seed grow. You must already know the plethora of personalities within the demon king's court. You may even have ways of contacting these figures or having ways to arrange for them to be separate from the rest of the demonic forces. I can appear with you, when it is safe and prudent, to help convert other demons to our cause. And I shall be a goddess who openly represents demonic interests on this world - so long as they are complicit with my message."

The demonic Nala smirked and wrapped her own spade tail around Esmerala's waist and entertwined it with the demon's own tail. The goddess was enjoying being close to her eager demon lord, and curious as to what sort of demons she would suggest meeting with first. And of course, Nala still being Nala, she was considering what fun it would be to have sex with the demon lord too, and to sense what the upper limits of this woman actually were.
Nala: Preggers


Esmerala's tail rose to meet Nala's, the two deft appendages coiling together around the demon's finely sculpted backside. Her spade-shaped tip began to flick playfully against the similarly shaped end capping Nala's tail, a gesture that would have seemed more obviously affectionate in an entity that was less entirely unnatural. Even with the barrier of how impossible the boneless band of impossibly agile muscle was, however, the demon's delight at the simple physical contact was plain enough for Nala to detect through the mix of body language and how perceptible the other woman's - or indeed anyone's - emotions were. While harder to read than any of her mortal accomplices, Esmerala was familiar enough and being forward enough for Nala to glean hints from which she could start a basis for better understanding demonkind.

"My pupil.... Mmmmm... What a fantasy to indulge in~" She murmured slowly, momentarily tilting her head back and evidently doing just that. "Ahhh, to have been the one to teach you so many things! To try anything and everything with you, finding new heights of pleasure every time our business was complete... Eventually settling into our old favorites... It's too bad my dear liege would never have let me keep a catch like you to myself!"

The demoness quickly returned to the present moment, looking Nala in the eyes once more as her hands drifted from Nala's hips to replicate Nala's own light groping and knead of the elven demigod's buttocks. "Not this his opinion matters much now, so obviously this is better! Hm.... Hm hm hmmmm.... Well, I have ideas, certainly... Options we might explore... A few in positions of power who are more open minded than the power that reigns, a few who could be manipulated, a few who have sought the king's end quite directly in the past... Hmmmm..."

Esmerala tilted her head slightly as she pondered what she had just hinted at, but Nala could plainly feel her own instincts answered in kind by the demoness. Even as a demon, Esmerala's physicality was more direct and uncontrolled than Nala's now perfectly guided superhuman frame. Light shifts of her posture left the peaks of the demon's breasts gliding over Nala's through the thin barrier of her freshly conjured dress, sending light sparks of stimulation and excitement emanating from the sensitive nubs. Her kneading grew more intimate, more intense, and she lightly shifted her head just a little bit forward as if to place herself in optimal range for Nala to join her in a kiss. The all too familiar scents and feelings of a partner approaching fully aroused readiness were playing out before her, mixing in with the aura of the room in which the orgy celebrating Nala's return had just taken place.

"Mmmmm, we could just... Get down to business... Right now. What do you think, Nala dearest? I hope you aren't too tired, there is ever so much to do." Her hands began to slow in their pleasurable kneading, and the light gyrations of her entire frame became the lightest of motions to the point that they might have been imperceptible to a normal person... One that wasn't pressed so closely against her. Whether Nala wanted to indulge in her desire to see just how well the two of them stacked up in the bedroom now, or let them part to begin plotting the downfall of New Abaddon who was ultimately up to her, however. Esmerala lacked the desperate hopefulness that might lead to discouragement if she didn't get some right away, but she had made no efforts to hide her interest either.
"Quite. We'll find different avenues to indulge ourselves now. And besides, there will be plenty capable mortals to admire and flirt with in that manner." The goddess comisserated with the demon lord over lost opportunities and what-might-have-beens. They were pleasant thoughts, but Nala knew she must face certain realities. As a daemon, she was now obligated to take the lead in her sexual forays. This did not displease her, for it was her usual state of mind. She welcomed the new challenge, and let it stir her own desire.

"Open-minded and powerful - with an ear for opportunity to rise to further prominence. Those are whom I would like to approach. The easily manipulated are those likely to not be as significant. We must alert enough movers and shakers that a new power is rising, and to have them be willing to join our coalition and undermine your former liege's efforts. Ideally, we would like those whom we cannot control or would not want to be within our new order to sense his weakness and lash out at him. Take the brunt of his power and his wroth. It will likely be a long game, but a worthwhile one, which you and I shall see to the end."

Nala caresses and soothed the demon's needful body, even as she spoke seriously of her intentions. She could tell that Esmerala was positioning herself to be taken in a kissing embrace, and Nala was not opposed to the idea. The question of her own preparedness was a triviality, for she could will the biology of her form into such a state on command, and her biological mind would follow, and her spirit - the spirit of a Sex Daemon Goddess - was always ready.

"It takes a lot to get me tired now," she understated, pulling the demon's hips closer, so that they were firmly pressed against her own.

"We should get down to business," Nala concurred. "Perhaps someplace a little more private. This place is pleasant and full of arousing memories for us both, but I think a change of scenery will suit."

As she said this, Nala decided to reach out more deliberately with her mind. She wanted to be subtle enough so as to not spoil the surprise, but she worked her perception down the sensory paths of Esmerala's considerable intellect, and pulled from them memories associated with heightened arousal and lust. Conquests and challenges - and among them a powerful memory appeared. A time when the demon lord was only a succubus, although a talented and ambitious one. Yes, this would do.

"Sarra and Mikaeus, we will not be gone long. Your mistress is safe with me."

Returning her emerald gaze to the demon, she let her off hand rise up and drape over the woman's sight, so that when her palm had passed completely and she could once again see, she would be surrounded in the pocket dimension that Nala had created for them both. It was an impermanent replication of a lady's chambers of a Crolian castle. Telltale architecture and heraldic banners would place the scene as being from Esmerala's memory, and the luxurious bed with light blue sheets of velvet paired nicely with Nala's new dress and adornments, taken from the Crolian noblewoman that had shared this memory within Esmerala's mind. The dress was thin, revealing, with a plunging neckline, a bare back that invited the eye down to the posterior, and was complemented with long silk gloves and an ermiine fur boa around the neck, as an acknowledgement of the wintry weather "outside."

"I trust this environment is to your liking?" Nala said, sitting down upon the edge of the bed and then lounging onto her side, admiring Esmerala still. Nala was still sporting her tail and wings, which both spilled out of the back of her dress.

"Let us make a start to our plans, and if other notions should suddenly take us, let us not deny them either."

Nala: Preggers


"Of course~" Esmerala replied in a soft and playful manner, "ambition is not a rare quality in my kin, fortunately. And, as you might imagine, starting a few steps below the top is where we might find those most open to... Changing their perspective. So unlike the eldest. Turning the court against the king is a necessity if we wish him to go away without having to kill him ourselves, and a bit of paranoia may go a long way. Those near the height of power are always so afraid of losing it, after all!"

Nala's boast about her stamina drew a wry smile from the demoness, "business... Yes~"

Diving into the other woman's mind was a more difficult effort than it would have been for anyone else Nala had yet plied such an untested talent upon. Even her unpracticed, simple understanding of mind reading was sufficient given Nala's newfound immense power and intrinsic comprehension of how a mind worked. The mechanics were not so different when comparing a mortal and an immortal, and like Violet and Demetrius, Esmerala was open to her presence in the first place. What she found when she made to explore the demon's thoughts, however, was a maze of mirrors and twisting corridors. Conflicting emotions and desires, memories false masking real ones, and shocking stray ideas created to distract and divert only to be revealed as a meaningless smokescreen abounded in the woman's mind. Were it not for the immensity of her own mind, Nala could have found herself lost within it all too quickly. Exploring the nooks and crannies of the centuries old demoness could take days, months, perhaps even years, but Nala didn't need to look so long for what she sought.

In an old corner of the demon's thoughts was a pleasant memory, clearly from before she had learned to guard her thoughts quite so securely. Simpler paths led to it, a memory once often visited, and in it Nala found a juicy tale; a former lover in more than just the purely physical sense. A woman, a mortal... Full bodied, strong of will and form like no mortal Esmerala had met before, a noblewoman from a kingdom to the far North across the mountains. Sent to enthrall her on behalf of a summoner, Esmerala was not caught but outmatched, outdone in the bedroom and left as the one enthralled not by demonic magic but by aspects more intrinsic to the enthraller, and memories of those aspects that could not be shaken so easily. Physically and mentally, the woman had outdone her, but rather than simply banish her back to Hell the woman plied into her, indulging and denying. The noblewoman's handmaiden joined the festivities at her behest shamelessly, obediently, and most poignantly in Esmerala's mind without need for coercion. Even if Esmerala was lesser then than she was now, the connections were akin to those that Nala could sense towards herself in the demon's thoughts.

"Wait, wha-" The female knight's question was cut off as Nala whisked them away, one moment in the familiar planning hall and the next, in a careful recreation of that Crolian noblewoman's chambers. A high stone tower with a stained glass window, a roaring fire beneath an intricate mantlepiece, the grand painting dominating the wall over it depicting knights overcoming impossible odds and epic monsters, the four poster bed that could have fit a half dozen people comfortably...

Esmerala flicked her gaze around a moment in surprised wonder, but when Nala spoke it was to return to her with a much more earnest smile. "Oooh, you've been peeking have you? How risque~" She declared playfully before issuing a soft chuckle of open delight. "Oh I love it, Nala dearest! I've not imagined this place in years, much less seen it." She strode around, eyes darting from surroundings to Nala, nakedly admiring the night elf's body but also taking in the nostalgic sights. "Mmmm... That works for you... Your usual robes are maybe more suiting for you, but it definitely works... Mhm, mhm, as should we!"

With a clap she stalked around the bed, towards the table, and began to mutter. The area in which they existed was fully under Nala's control, practically an extension of her own metaphysical existence in every way, so she could alter the image if she so wished, but Esmerala tossed aside a few spare scrolls only to spread one out. "It's not often we keep lists you understand... Our hierarchy tends to be rather fluid. People tend to die when you least expect it, people below them get promoted... Even as stable as some of them have been, there might be new people in their positions, or they might have been promoted... They might be stronger than I remember. They might be weaker. But, these are some of the ones that I knew from a couple of weeks ago.

"Firstly, one of my, ahhh, old standbys when I need something done... Vegur. He's a problem solver, albeit one that's very unhappy about being stuck in what amounts to middle management. If there is a such thing as a work-a-day sort among the upper echelons, he's it. Cruelty isn't so much second nature as it is just sort of... Part of the job. Something that might be easier would interest him, and while I wouldn't call him nice, I wouldn't call him totally remorseless either. Likes to keep like minded types around him too, so he'll come with followers if he can be turned.

"Then there's Arklia, you'll like her. She's absolutely insane, but in a fun way. Got some faerie in her from what I understand, and maybe it's why she's so social and so nice to... Most people. Weird schemes are her thing, and people have mostly sort of started letting her be background noise... Which is impossibly stupid of them since she's the most persuasive woman I've ever met other than you and the queen. No one puts ideas in someone's head like she does, and that she's got a reputation for strange notions so anything outlandish will just be discarded off hand by anyone who would never listen to your new gospel anyway.

"There's also Pol, she's.... Well, she's pretty light as demons go. Been around a long time, kind of lazy to some, kind of lax to others... But of everyone I think she's both the least ambitious and the least likely to reject the notion of trying something new out of hand. She's bored, and she likes people. I don't know about mortals, but... Well, no one is going to turn without some warming up, right? And if you can convince her, she can convince a LOT of her peers.

"Besides them, there are a few lower rung types I think might work... Trazeil, one of the royal slavekeepers. She tries to keep the mortals in decent health and spirits, unlike most of her coworkers. The king used to keep her around because she kept people cooperative, so hopefully she's still about. Curtstag, recently demoted captain of the guard. She REALLY didn't like the idiot you killed, so she's probably a fan now. And she's ambitious. And she's not a sadist. And then there's Barabal... He's a bit more iffy, but still an option. He's a snake, a real social climber sort, but when I last saw him he was still woefully naive. He also happens to be the best sorcerer I've ever met. If the king was going to bind someone as powerful as you, he'd be involved in the workings of that binding, so getting him on our side in case the worst should happen is probably a good idea."

With her list at least temporarily finished, Esmerala turned back to Nala with a questioning smile, waiting to see what the night elven protogoddess thought of her initial options for starting the undermining of the demon king's regime.
"That is an impressive list. Each of them is an important possibility. Ideally, we will try to get them all on our side."

Nala ran through the personality profiles, considering the pros and cons of each. Vegur seemed like a capable agent, and possibly a good one to have onside to carry messages to and from from the inner workings of the Demon King's echelons. Arklia seemed like an X factore - a fun one, but perhaps too unpredictable. Could demon lords be convinced of the ideals of Nala's cause if they didn't take the messenger seriously? Perhaps better to wait on her and try Pol. Someone who likes others had the fundamental traits that Nala was keen on. The lower rungs were also a good consideration too.

"Your instinct was to mention Vegur first, in spite of his lower position. That is telling. Having him turned and on the inside before I approach someone like Arklia would be beneficial. Someone whose voice can work in tandem with Arklia's 'wild' ideas. Curtstag should also be approached early, while the 'iron is still hot' as it were. As a mortal I killed her rival, and now I'm suddenly a goddess who singles her out. It would be a decent icebreaker if nothing else."

She pursed her lips and shifted her legs slightly, letting her dress slide away and the slit open to reveal most of her leg.

"Barabal you mention last, because you fear I might be caught and you want me to have an escape option. But if this demon is truly such a snake, then my only leverage is the naivete you mention. What is the nature of his lack of understanding? Much as a capable sorcerer would benefit me, if he's not a right fit for my cause, then courting him might only poison the ideals of those who are on my side."
