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Checking Interest Ero Legend of Zelda RP

Re: Checking Interest Ero Legend of Zelda RP

It bothers me somewhat that you're limiting character descriptions just because you can spend points you earn to edit it later.
Re: Checking Interest Ero Legend of Zelda RP

Taken, So far, looks good...

One thing though... As I said Most races would have the "Default Hair/eye colour" seeing as how they can change it later...

I'll let this one go, seing as how she seems to have a split personality that suits the altered norm in hair colour... Suits the Alteration in her personality...

Remi the Kokiri is Approved!


I figure that since Kokiri were mostly gingers, with the exception of Saria (Green) and Fado (Bleached Straw) there were possibilities for others if they were special. (Saria was an awesome girl and Fado was a fucking creepy bitch!)
Re: Checking Interest Ero Legend of Zelda RP

Interest also shown. Will work on character during free time and when I have pc handy. On iPhone now.
Re: Checking Interest Ero Legend of Zelda RP

Well Gargantua... I guess that can be blamed on my shameless reasoning skills...

More freedoms in Character Despription, would lead to less Rupee spent on Body Mods

But I'm not some kinda Ogre Nazi... If you come up with a decent reason to any slight variations from the normal I'll probably let it pass...

Yes, Taken... The Natural Hair Colours of a Kokiri span from the coppery red heads to the golden blondes to soft greens But there eyecolour is always a clear blue...

Will be good to have you aboard Tentanari!

Tassadar... It all looks good... But If you could... Switch "Purity" out for "Corruption", Purity would be the "Karmic Inverse" of coruption...

And I guess I didn't explain it well with what I put there... But a Character that doesn't take the Negative to it will have:

Purity 0

Those who take the Negative for the Stat Point should have it like this:

Corruption 5

Or at least

Purity -5

Sorry if this wasn't clear...
Re: Checking Interest Ero Legend of Zelda RP

So, stat customization is:

8 customization points

+5 Lust = +1 customization point
+1 Fertility = +1 customization point
-5 Purity/Corruption = +1 customization point (so if your base stat is purity, you get more corrupt, and if your base stat is corruption, you get more pure?)
+5 Sensitivity = +1 customization point

Speed = not modifiable
+? Attack = -2 customization point
-.25 Defense = -2 customization point (capped at -0.5 from your race's starting value)
+1 Heart = -3 customization point (capped at 4)

Is that it?

I'm also somewhat worried about combat. In the LoZ games, it depends on you whether or not you get hit, but in this, it's gonna be all about the dice rolls, no?
Re: Checking Interest Ero Legend of Zelda RP

Well... You seem to have nabbed the gist of it...


If your customising your own stats, instead of going with the ones I've already listed, then there is no real difinitive selection... Seeing as How 0 Purity would be the exact same as 0 Corruption...

50 Purity = -50 Corruption

-100 Purity = 100 Corruption

At a score of 0 (Zero) it is in a state of balance and could be called either or... Usually I'll leave it what it previously was... And change it to the Positive side...

Changing it to Corruption as Purity lowers

Changing it to Purity as Corruption lowers

But still... Any of this stat taken for a Custom Stat Character will put you into the Corrupt Section...

Which COULD be substituted with a -Purity It really is just a flavor text... Just showing which Karmic side your teetering towards...

And Speed IS one of the stats that is customisable... At 1 Point per Speed Point... (GAH! Seems I forgot to put that down... I shall modify that ASAP... How'd I just skip that one?)

And Defense doesn't take 2SP only attack does (For obvious reasons of massive damage)

Defense may be upgraded by a margin of -.25 (Meaning you take a Quarter heart less damage each upgrade)

They are upgraded through the usuall rate of 1=1 1sp is equall to -.25 defense upgrade

Now combat... Will be an experimental combination of Dice Rolling and free form...

Your actions really depend on what you wanna do in it, but will most likely fall under the catagory of the Zelda themed Attacks

Vertical swing, Horizontal swing, Thrust, evade, block... Etc

Adding the sword techniques to the list for variety...

But if your worried about the H-Scenes... Then don't worry... I got well over 100 different enemies (Including Bosses Some of which REQUIRE teamwork to defeat)... And some of them don't have a H-Action (Just yet...) Bosses are espescially hard in this area... Usually Huge things lead to Mega Penetration... And after the thirtieth something boss that might get kinda old ^-^

So I'm pondering on the bosses H-acts and trying to mix them up a bit...

Minor H-Acts will be able to be stopped by different ways...

The fastest way, would be to have a team-mate kill the monster... X.X

But this does damage equall to the persons attack stat by there defense modifier...

The second way is struggle check of it... You get one chance at this...

Your roll is higher, you escape... There roll is higher... They continue to rape... Easy enough?

The final way to escape is... Time... Wait... What?

Yes... The monsters are only driven to attack in this way due to an overabundance of Corrpution in the land... A corrupted Monster is a Lustful Monster... And after that Lust is sated, the monster will attack normally... As if a regular varient of itself...

As for success and Fail rate... I shall keep this... As a trade secret...

(Insert Horrible Magician Joke Here)

The only thing I will say is... Be descriptive when in battle... Try to mix things up a bit...

A post containing: "Run up to them, and Jump Attack them!"

Wont incite the same reaction as:

"Dashing straight at them, blade sending steely sparks arcing across the ground... The Hero leaps into the air and brings the heavy blade down onto the monster!"

Both had the same action... Just one was a bit funner to read...

Keep watch over your inventory... Know your tools and how to use them effectively...

(I can't tell you how many times while reading Kathy's CYOA a spot would come up and I'd literally utter "HOOKSHOT MOAR!" in hushed whispers...)

Tools arent there just to LOOK pretty... That NPC being a grab ass? Put in Arrow in his...

If I can get some decent work done on it in the next few day's I'll ask Nunu for the Sub boards and possibly get this rolling...

Heres hoping!
Re: Checking Interest Ero Legend of Zelda RP

OK, this is something I should have asked earlier, both being a fan of LoZ:OoT and after asking about them.

How are is Kokiri player's Guardian Fairy going to be handled? Are they an NPC that happens to follow the Kokiri around and occasionally spout advice about whatever it is that Guard-Fairies are supposed to know about?

Or are they an attached character that I can forget about. Kinda like a familiar.
Re: Checking Interest Ero Legend of Zelda RP

I had actually given a little thought to that fairly recently...

And the Answer is...


The G-Fairy always had great wealth of knowledge in regards to the local wildlife and enemies... Giving just the right hint to try to steer you on the right dierction without screaming out exactly how to kill it...

Yet... I've played through the game many times with a broken controller... The Z button was almost always one of the first to go... (Usually its the analog first.. For me at least!)

So you can play it as a static light source, releasable at will, (Sleeps in your Hat I guess... Never understood WHERE Navi/Tatl goe when you "Put them away")

Sure the game was harder without the Z-Targeting system to assisst... But it made it all the more worth while having to aim everything manually...

And so... I give the Fairy Command...

Where the Fairy will begin to pester the monster, floating around it, like it does the Kokiri... The Kokiri can either Obtain a brief amount of info the Fairy knows or the Fairy is Knocked away...

As a G-Fairy is technically a VINPC... It has Perm-Auto-Life... The strike will KO but it will awaken after battle...

Whether you use them or not is up to you, making them like a Familiar... But they ARE an NPC
Re: Checking Interest Ero Legend of Zelda RP

I am not entirely knowledgable on Zelda, could I have a brief description on some of the less known races? IE: Kokiri, Sheikah, Twili and Royal.
Re: Checking Interest Ero Legend of Zelda RP

Kokiri are the people of the forest created and guarded by the Great Deku Tree... They usually live in there own small village deep in the Lost Woods

They have a perpetual Childlike appearance due to the Deku Tree's Magic...

Usually clad in green tunics with varying colors ranging from red heads to light green to blondes... Every Kokiri is born with blue eyes...

Every Kokiri is gifted with Guardian Fairy granted by the Deku Tree...

Sheikah are known as the "Shadows of the Hylians" and usually at least one or two are stationed as the Nursemaid/Nanny to the Royal Princess...

(Such as the case of Impa and Zelda of OoT*)

Sheikah, though keeping there existence hidden throughout history, have played a hand at helping in just about every major event in the land of Hylia...

As worshippers of the Three Golden Goddesses, they also revere the Triforce left behind by them and seek to protect this from any who would use it for ill reasons...

Generally spend there days training for events in which there Stealthy skills will be needed...

(If you have played Super Smash Bro's Melee or maybe even Brawl... Princess Zelda can become Sheik, Her Sheikah personna she uses as a disguise in OoT*)

Physically similar to the Hylian's, but actually TRAINED for combat...

(Other than this... There really isn't much more info ON this race... They are supposed to be hidden...)

Twili are people from the realm of Twilight,

Twili within the light have a different body than those in the Dark... Where they take there true form...

The form of day... Would be short, (Around two and a half foot tall) black with white blotches, snagled fangs and glowing bright orange Hair...

(Look up "Midna" pics for reference in any search engine..)

During the Nighttime... They take a Humanoid form, with greyish skin, Black Swirling through certain parts... and a flowing black cloak...

As a newer race there is not much Cannonically known about this race...

I have taken Liberties because of this... In such areas as Combat and Items and Playstyle...

Royal... Is an entirely new race... Usually in every Zelda game there is no more than one Royal Hylian Princess...

With the exception of the Prince in Zelda 2 there hasn't been mention of ANY other children of High Birth... Leading to beleive Hylian Leadership is earned Matriarchally... After the unnamed Prince declared every Princess would therefore after be named Zelda (The Prince was Grief stricken over being tricked by a mage, Resulting in Zelda falling into a Coma...)

Going with this... I wondered if there were times of Multiple Princesses of Royal Lineage...

Granted this story is Pre-OoT* the events of Zelda 2 havent happened yet**

The existence of multiple Princesses is still possible... Not multiple Princess Zeldas... But Princesses in generall...

Generally slightly taller in stature than normal Hylians, with Blonde Hair and clear blue eyes...
Re: Checking Interest Ero Legend of Zelda RP

Interest is shown but...
Character making is confusing me, can you condense it a bit more or when you have a final one make a post about so I am not so wtf?
Re: Checking Interest Ero Legend of Zelda RP

Wilco, compiling notes...

Have to work on Enemy stats more... I may have the "Base" but if I'm gonna do what I want with them... I gotta flesh them out more...

One of the biggest things is how much Lust will be accumulated through which monsters H-attacks... And with enemies numbers slowly swelling over 120... Soon to be 130 if it isn't already... I have alot more maths to do...
Re: Checking Interest Ero Legend of Zelda RP

are we limited to only one char each?
Re: Checking Interest Ero Legend of Zelda RP

hmm... Well after a while of thinking about how I was gonna end up doing this...

Initially I wanted it as a single large Multiplayer...

But due to peoples schedules/time zones/net connection/etc.

I think I'm gonna have to do smaller groupings and simgle player camapings maybe...

But as for your question, In a Multiperson Campaign, I wouldn't recommmend multiple people...

But if its gonna be a single... Then actually haveing up to FOUR characters would allow me to use the multiplayer bosses I've made... That I would otherwise have to either nerf or take out completely...

So... Multiplayer campaigns with 4-6 people each = 1 character...

Single player Campaign up to = Up to 4 characters...

On a different hand... I found my dice! Huzzah for truely random rolls instead of a digital number generator!

Late Night/Early Morning Edit: Remember those 17 combat based abilities I mentioned earlier? I finally finished the Alternate weapon style attacks... Raising that measly 17 to a respectable 44 different learnable abilities... Now THAT ought to add to battle mechanics...

Enemy damages have been put in, but are calced to Default defense of 1

And the penalties of a high Lust character has been done, along with the ranges for those penalties... Ranging from 0-120+ going from fine and uninterested in sex to absolutely out of her mind, will fuck anything and everything that moves...

Also the rate of lust accumulation for an interuppted H-act and the act of witnessing it has been found too...

Added Certain special enemies that are only defeatable through teamwork.

Added two more bosses. Golden Golem and Giant Aruroda Along with the Wolfos enemy... Finally decided on the "Hey, why not bestiality too!" After all... It's up to YOU guys to kill something if you don't like what it's doing... Team work.. ya know? ^-^"

But then again if someone has something they absolutly just can't stand, I can nerf it... For them at least...

(Same with the "Pregnancy" or "Egg" status that leads to a Birthing soon after... If this isn't to your tastes, take a trip to the castle town and pay the Doctor to get rid of it... )
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Re: Checking Interest Ero Legend of Zelda RP

Hylian Stats:
Lust 0
Fertility 18
Purity 0
Sensitivity 15
Speed 10
Attack 4
Defense 2
MP 6
Heart 3

(i will put the description later)
Re: Checking Interest Ero Legend of Zelda RP

HAY! It's Plm!

... And we have the first Hylian, finally!

Almost thought nobody was gonna take the "Normal" Race...
Re: Checking Interest Ero Legend of Zelda RP

Well, i change a little the stats, but yes, first hylian
Re: Checking Interest Ero Legend of Zelda RP

Updated Remi with some stat changes. I hope I understand it correctly.

I would like to play in a single character single player mode. I always thought that some great journeys had to be traveled alone, and heroically smashing monsters is more epic with only one pair of boots to do it with.
Re: Checking Interest Ero Legend of Zelda RP


To each his own then...

I'm just offering the Option to have multiple PC per single

But I do hope some people take up on the multiplayer though...
Re: Checking Interest Ero Legend of Zelda RP

im fine with both so, i choice multi