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Chibi's Original Fic: Stockholm


Big Sis
Nov 10, 2008
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This is eventually a slashfic, fair warning, eventually. But nothing graphic, i assure you, so if it doesn't bother you, you may like the massive amounts of funny.
Here's the prologue, written from first person perspective so It's a new thing for me. Scifi, written like the main character is speaking to an audio log. Short, but it was a complete thought for me >.>;;

Humanity has long since bred into a single race. We are a people of brown skin, hair, and eyes. Though there are times when you get throwbacks. People who don’t fit the modern genetic profile of society. People like me, and yes, people like you.

My name is Krys Trin. Yes, I know what it sounds like; you can stop laughing now… I mean it. Stop laughing or I’m turning this thing off. I am average height for these days, a good six feet. I deviate from the norm everywhere else though. With red hair, blue eyes, and skin paler than anything that has been seen in a century… it would be quite appropriate to call me a freak.

I know you don’t think I’m a freak. Yes, I know. Get off of me and let me get on with it, you’re the one that wanted me to do this.

My parents died when I was a kid. It was an accident. The same accident that took both of my arms.

We were on our way to the battlestation “Starbomb,” yes, I know it’s funny. Stop that infernal snickering. Our navigation system went down because of a virus or something. The technicians who examined the ship afterward said they never found anything pointing to foul play. My father, God rest his soul, tried to keep us on track, but he flew us straight into a meteor field. In the resulting barrage they were both killed and my arms were crushed by falling bits and pieces of our ship.

I was found, dead in the water, so to speak, with a busted faster than light drive; three hours later by a routine sweep.

I was fifteen.

Over the next fifteen years, after my replacement surgery, I went back to school. I threw myself into my studies to become a doctor and I graduated at twenty-five.

Yes, I know I’m smart. That’s why I graduated early. Please, keep heaping on the praise though; I’ll reward you when I’m done with this blasted thing.

When I could, I moved from the “Starbomb” to a colony station named, “Stockholm.” I stayed there as head surgeon for five years until something happened that changed my life forever.

Dramatic enough? What do you mean by that? It’s true. Just because the truth is mildly dramatic you think I should tone it down? Seriously? Alright, fine.

Something happened that changed my life for the better in every way shape and form.

There. Happy? Yes, I know sarcasm doesn’t become me. It was fine as it was, now stop fussing at me and let me go on with the story.