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Chloe's Ranch (Ranger Princess)

Mamono Assault Force

Coon Tamer
RP Moderator
Jan 1, 2009
Reputation score
Chloe's Ranch

Chloe's Mamono
Wererabbit: Grade D
Mamono Level: 225
Life: D 66
Power: C 117
Intelligence: D 62
Defense: C 120
Skill: C 123
Speed: A 205
Loyalty: A
Tech: D
Special Trait: Loyalty increases and decreases at double the normal rate.

 	Pow 12

 	Pow 25

Chloe's Available Training Exercises
Basic Training
Domino: The monster tries to slam into domino slabs to knock them all down. Raises Power
Shoot: The monster tries to throw rocks at moving targets. Raises Skill
Study: The monster is taught by our own Inari instructor on magic and the ways of the world. Raises Intelligence.
Dodge: The monster tries to dodge our own elite squad of Rush Fairies. Raises Speed.
Run: The monster is put on a track with a cockatrice to chase her for as long as she can. Raises Life.
Endure: The monster stands in a powerful stream to try and endure for as long as she can. Raises Defense.

Chloe's Schedule
Mamono Training with: None
Sunday: Rest
Monday: Free
Tuesday: Free
Wednesday: Free
Thursday: Free
Friday: Free
Saturday: Rest

Venice says: "Exchange the Free slots with training exercises to build your mamono's stats, or leave them all Free to spend quality time with your mamono. And remember, there's a limit on how many mamono you can be training during a week, you must remain devoted to specific mamono!"

Available Expeditions
You must have three mamono in your Ranch before an expedition becomes available.

Chloe's Money: 4900G
Chloe's Rancher Rank: E
Time Passed: 1 Week
Last edited:
Re: Chloe's Ranch (Ranger Princess)

Drunk, upset, and unable to see too well in the dark, Chloe ran through the forest. In mid-step, her foot suddenly caught something, and she found herself face planting into the thankfully soft earth of the forest. Not by any accident, Chloe would soon learn that she was tripped by an uprooted tree branch via the magics of Ruji, her oni clan's chieftain.

Standing over the fallen oni on the ground, Ruji held burning flames in her hands to give light to the dark around them as she looked down at the fleeing oni. "Chloe, why are you making such a ruckus? You have your dignity to uphold as the Ao Oni of our clan. I ask again, why are you fleeing through the forest like a lunatic?" she inquires.
Re: Chloe's Ranch (Ranger Princess)

Azure cheeks covered in tears and tinged with red from the copious amounts of sake that helped inspire her actions, Chloe stumbled through the dark forest, veering back and forth unsteadily. Just when she was thinking she might be in the clear, suddenly she felt the sharp thud of her foot catching on a tree branch. "Whoa!!" the blue oni exclaimed. She flailed her arms and legs desperately for a hold on something, but it was no use.

Next thing Chloe knew, she was skidding on the soft earth of the forest. It took her a couple seconds to figure out what happened, head spinning from both the fall and the alcohol. When she finally rolled over to see Ruji, the clan chieftain of all people hovering over her, Chloe cringed. She sat up and pulled her knees to her chest, slumping her shoulders in defeat. The blue oni sputtered drunkenly in response.

"E-berybody thinks I'm sum kinda freak or sumthin! D-dey.... they all HATE ME!!"

Chloe looked down in shame, avoiding Ruji's gaze as the tears rushed down her cheeks, crying her big purple eyes out.
Re: Chloe's Ranch (Ranger Princess)

"No they don't, Chloe. Your disposition is uncommon but not rare. It's simply that you stand out..." Ruji said with a sigh. "It's understandable that you are becoming frustrated..." she said, before tilting her head at Chloe, "If you want, I could assist you in taking care of that frustration, so that you can let your sexuality feel at ease." she offered.
Re: Chloe's Ranch (Ranger Princess)

Chloe sniffled, wiping at the tears on her cheeks and rubbing her eyes. She was skeptical about the other onis. Easy for you to say big straight head honcho... the blue oni thought to herself, taking a swig of sake so big that some of the clear liquid dripped down her chin. After puckering a little from the alchohol and shaking her head, Chloe looked up at Ruji with an innocently hopeful expression. "Y-you could? Bu-how?"
Re: Chloe's Ranch (Ranger Princess)

"Are you aware of Ranching?" she inquired. "If you become a trainer, you can surround yourself with female partners, and make a living from it as well. I wouldn't trust you with something requiring so much responsibility, but I think... For you, there is an exception to be made." she stated squarely.
Re: Chloe's Ranch (Ranger Princess)

Chloe's violet eyes widened, cheeks blushing fuchsia over her blue skin. "Surround myself... with... girls? Hey now Chiefta..." The oni rocked backwards and stumbled to her feet, wobbling drunkenly before reoriented herself. "Whoa...I'm reshpomble....reshpomshible... I can handle it! I'm the Ao Oni...I'm the most reshpomshiblest of the whole clan except you Chiefta!"

The blue oni saluted with her flask, splattering saki in the process then stumbled toward Ruji to wrap her up in a big hug. "Oh Chiefta, you're da best oni ever! And I'ma gonna be da best rancher der ever was. I'll bring glory to da tribe, and you'll be sho proud of me!"
Re: Chloe's Ranch (Ranger Princess)

Ruji let out a groan as Chloe hugged her, before extinguishing one of her flames to reach around and pat the crying oni on the back. "Yes, yes, of course you can... Yes, yes you are... Yes I am... Of course you will..." she agreed with everything Chloe was promising, before taking Chloe's flask for a moment, and taking a sip herself while giving a calculating look to her. "I've already sent word to Venice, as I knew this would eventually happen. You should be given your license once you arrive, upon one condition," she informed Chloe, before raising a single finger.

"You must find one girl to be your partner. If you can form a bond with someone, then you can become a Rancher. For your own honor, don't fail in this task. And to help you along, here's some travel money that should last you a while." Ruji announced, before handing Chloe a pouch of gil. "Don't spend it all on saki, okay?" Ruji requested of Chloe with a patient tone.
Re: Chloe's Ranch (Ranger Princess)

Chloe let go of Ruji so the chieftain could explain her plan and sip the saki. Standing next to her, the blue oni nodded dutifully. "Just one? Easy peasy! I'll get that done likity split!"

When Ruji handed her the gil pouch, Chloe took it... and also her saki flask for good measure, smiling widely. "Don't worry Chiefta, I won't spend any of it on saki!" The blue oni paused, looking at her flask and shaking it a little, then back to Ruji, then back to the flask, then back to Ruji again. "...hehehe maybe a little bit of saki couldn't hurt." After they finished, Chloe looked around, the blush on her cheeks fading and replaced with confusion. "So...which way do I go Chiefta?"
Re: Chloe's Ranch (Ranger Princess)

"Follow me, I know the head of IMA well," Ruji instructed Chloe, before leading her through the forest. And they traveled for days, while Ruji would answer any questions that Chloe may have, before they arrived at a huge city in the middle of a large open plain.

"This is where she resides, as does IMA." Ruji announced. "I will ask her to consider you, while you should do your best to find a partner now." she instructed Chloe.
Re: Chloe's Ranch (Ranger Princess)

Chloe followed Ruji along through the forest. The blue oni chattered her chieftain's ear off for pretty much the whole way on every topic imaginable until they finally arrived at the vast city curiously surrounded by a great plain.

"Wow..." Chloe gasped in awe of all the big buildings. She certainly wasn't at her little tribe anymore. The blue oni thanked Ruji and gave her one last bear hug. "Bye Chiefta!" She said with a bright smile. Chloe decided to walk along the outskirts of the city to get an idea of what it was like before going inside. It was really big after all.
Re: Chloe's Ranch (Ranger Princess)

(You're a difficult person to contact, so I've picked out this bunny for now. If you don't like her, MESSAGE ME OR SOMETHING)

Walking around the town outskirts, it wasn't long before Chloe came across a ruckus that was almost a natural thing to be found in this part of the world. "Don't touch my daughter again!" howled an angry and mature woman's voice from down the path Chloe was walking. A cottage was ahead, where a plump woman was shaking a shovel while a younger woman clung to her apron, and was begging her to stop.

The apparent criminal of this situation was none other than a white bunny with fluids dripping from between her legs, who was running in such a panic that she ran into Chloe, and was knocked square on her back from slamming into the powerful oni. Chloe was unaffected as she would only have felt a small bump, despite how it looked like the bunny hit a brick wall. As the bunny looked up at her, Chloe got a better look at the creature.

"Ah... Ah... S-sorry..." the bunny sad to Chloe with a meek tone, scared out of her wits.
Re: Chloe's Ranch (Ranger Princess)

Chloe had been a bit lost in her thoughts as she walked along when she heard the nearby ruckus. The blue oni watched the woman shouting, shovel in hand in wonder. Chloe couldn't help but smile. She loved watching people freaking out, especially from a good prank!

Covering her mouth with her hand to suppress a giggle, Chloe didn't have time to react before suddenly a bunny slammed right into her . . . and fell down like she was a feather. The blue oni laughed and shook her head.

"Are you okay little bunny? You sure got that lady riled up! haha!"
Re: Chloe's Ranch (Ranger Princess)

The bunny girl seemed to shiver and cower from Chloe as she began to laugh. "A-ah... Ah... Um..." she seemed to stutter minor sounds of nervousness. "I... I-I didn't... D-d-didn't... M-m-m-mean t-to..." she stuttered horribly, slowly crawling away from under Chloe's shadow.
Re: Chloe's Ranch (Ranger Princess)

Chloe crouched down so she wasn't towering over the bunny, grinning at her widely. "It's okay I won't hurt you. Did ya see the look on that lady's face?! HA! That was great!" The blue oni laughed again, but then her voice suddenly got mischievous. "Wanna make her REALLY freak out?"
Re: Chloe's Ranch (Ranger Princess)

The bunny girl immediately shook her head. "N-no way! She wanted to k-k-kill me!" she exclaimed with fear.
Re: Chloe's Ranch (Ranger Princess)

Chloe frowned a little, but her face softened, arms stretched out welcomingly for the bunny to hop into. "Awww. Come here ya cute little thing. You're safe with me."
Re: Chloe's Ranch (Ranger Princess)

Though Chloe perhaps intended to appear welcoming, from the bunny's side, a huge and powerful blue oni was reaching out to her to trap her in an embrace that could break her in half. As such, the bunny's reaction was to let out a sudden squeal of fright as she began to crawl backwards in terror. "Noooooo! Don't eat me!" she begged.
Re: Chloe's Ranch (Ranger Princess)

Chloe smiled ruefully, shaking her head. "You think I wanna eat ya? Haha, a tiny little thing like you? You're not meaty enough to eat!"

The blue oni stood up straight and smirked. The only thing missing from her display was a cudgel. She usually left that sorta thing to the red onis...

"I just thought ya might want someone big and strong like me to protect ya. Guess I was wrong though, eh?"
Re: Chloe's Ranch (Ranger Princess)

The rabbit quickly shook her head, "N-no, I..." she began to deny what Chloe was asking, before the middle aged mother from before appeared, and began shouting again. "I didn't ask ya to bring visitors! Get out before I send a letter to Valencia!" the woman shouted angrily to Chloe and the bunny, who immediately squeaked when the woman came back out and began shouting before retreating and hiding behind Chloe, using the oni as a shield.