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Christine ( \oO.Oo/ )

Re: Christine ( \oO.Oo/ )

That sounds like potentially the most akward thing I've ever heard........ Honestly... That's out there. Ferina said, starting to laugh softly, the corners of her lips tugging into a smile she was trying very hard to fight down, and failing.

Well they say suffering builds character. Suffer On. she continued, laughing brightly and scooping up Christine for a hug before putting her on her abdomen and standing. Well, I need a break, anything else you want to see here? I imagine you don't want to be egged again... We put your odd jacket thing back in it's box...
Re: Christine ( \oO.Oo/ )

Christine chuckles a bit herself as she's picked up and given a ride on top of the drider. "Seraphina already gave me a tour of this level. Anything interesting below, besides the caves? Oh! Tam mentioned something about a spellbook before we were captured." the kitsune replies, sitting up with her tails caressing the sides of the spiderbutt.
Re: Christine ( \oO.Oo/ )

2017-09-09 09:53:16 <The> Ferina tilted her head at the question. "Spellbook? Umm... I mean... I have several, if you mean the Otter then it's probably the Vale Book. As for what's further down below not really. More residences for the huntresses, breeding chambers for our permanent slave brood mothers." Ferina replied, scuttling along and thinking as she moved. "Our lives aren't complicated, we fight, we fuck, we breed, we survive."
2017-09-09 09:57:26 <Keats> "Ah, I'll just have to ask her about it when she's finished recovering." Christine replies, finding the ride surprisingly smooth. "Do you do anything other than fucking for fun?"
2017-09-09 10:08:04 <The> "Not entirely sure. We give small fluffy mammals with supernatural powers rides? I mean, it's a jungle on an island. And we're nearly constantly under attack or doing the attacking. That's become it's own kind of fun really." Ferina answered, shrugging and turning, reaching back to scritch Christine's neck. "Besides, you had fun, I heard you."
2017-09-09 10:12:35 <Keats> Christine laughs softly, wiggling her ears. "I suppose I did. And I did notice that the jungle is a hard place to live even without the fighting. We certainly would have ended up in a worse shape if not for you."
2017-09-09 10:16:39 <The> Ferina nodded and smiled. "You're not wrong. Honestly you caught this at a good time, we've been on the offensive for once and it's a nice change. Bought us some peace and quiet. This place, once one side conquers the other, will stabilize and we can do something other then claw at the jungle and the merfolk for once."
2017-09-09 10:21:48 <Keats> "Lucky us. How do you attack the merfolk, then? I would assume they find it easy to retreat into the depths." the kitsune replies with a smile. "I didn't notice any boats at the beach when I went there."
2017-09-09 10:24:37 <The> "Diving bells" Ferina said simply, turning to grin. "We're very good with our silk you know, we drop into the water and set ambushes. while the huntresses bait out attacks from the shore. What the huntresses cannot slay or injure, those waiting below take. Each offensive they launch becomes more expensive, and each time our numbers swell for obvious reasons. So far this tactic which is fairly new has worked tremendously well Because they cannot
2017-09-09 10:24:37 <The> see inside the diving bells. Some hold a priestess, others hold a trap" Ferina explained, grinning widely.
2017-09-09 10:30:02 <Keats> "Diving bells. I suppose your silk is fairly waterproof, then, and you would use wood for support. But you can't stay in one for long unless...do you use spells for air?" Christine ponders out loud. "A pump could work as well, but a pipe creates a weak point the merfolk could target."
2017-09-09 10:31:52 <The> "Spells." Ferina said, giggling. "They don't fall for pipelines anymore. Shame..." She added, starting to laugh. "They're ferocious underwater and cautious on land. But it's getting trickier, need a new way to get at them"
2017-09-09 10:34:09 <Keats> "Do they attack boats or do they focus their attacks on land? Enchanting a rock to explode probably wouldn't be too hard..."
2017-09-09 10:46:50 <The> "Both and we don't take boats out, that's suicidal" Ferina said, shaking her head. "They can leap about 10 feet out of the water and are much faster there. Exploding rocks worked for a time but they have their own magics"
2017-09-09 11:02:40 <Keats> "And catapults would probably be hard to make in this jungle, not to mention aiming and maintaining them. Hmm. Coming up with something better than the bells is going to be tricky."
2017-09-09 11:04:55 <The> "I mean... we tried poisoning the ocean... Didn't work. Too much water. Honestly it would be nice if we could freeze them all to death." Ferina said as she walked about, heading down another level and passing several very large dome like structures on the sides of the trees that had trap door like openings on the tops. As they passed she saw one of the fuzzy spiders go in, and about 200 spiders come out though 199 of them were much smaller and
2017-09-09 11:04:55 <The> weak moaning could be heard from inside for a short moment. "Permanent brood chambers." Ferina said offhandedly.
2017-09-09 11:08:09 <Keats> "What about attracting something that would eat them? Umm... killer whales, maybe?" Christine eyes the brood chambers a little nervously, recalling how close she had apparently been to getting trapped in one.
2017-09-09 11:10:05 <The> "O hun don't worry, I wouldn't have let them. I keep all those. I'd have known immediately" Ferina said, laughing as Christine eyed the pods. "And they're the apex predators down there, believe me. The only things that give them a hard time are giant squids and they're not exactly common nor can they be lured in to shallow waters. Don't worry, we'll find a way" She said, waving a hand while she scuttled up to inspect a pod that looked fairly
2017-09-09 11:10:05 <The> new, testing the silk.
2017-09-09 11:20:53 <Keats> Christine nods slowly. It made sense, if there was an easy way of getting rid of the merfolk, the driders would have done it already. Aloud she says "You have to wonder why the merfolk stay in the shallow waters, though. It isn't as if they have any need to."
2017-09-09 11:36:55 <The> "That's because there's a group of creatures in the Deep that NONE of us want to bother. They're trapped between us and them and personally? I find that hilarious" Ferina said, laughing properly now as the made the way down to the ground and simply kept on moving, the Priestess brushing away the plants with a simple wave.
2017-09-09 11:44:21 <Keats> "That almost makes me feel bad for them. Trapped between enemies." Christine says with a smile, keeping an eye out for... well, anything unusual, really, now that they were on the ground.
2017-09-09 11:47:15 <The> "The only other force of note here is the All Squirrel, and She is everywhere... all the time... With her little fluffy rodent servants but we don't other her and she doesn't kill all of us." Ferina added, shrugging. "And unlike us she keeps everyone she catches in her tangled web of lies and power"
2017-09-09 11:51:39 <Keats> "What about the other islands? Any other...peoples on them?" Christine asks, making a mental note to not get involved in theology.